Page 1: Why Sales People Fail In The Age Of Robots, This Skill 1

January 2019 Volume 7 Issue 181 Executive Search Consultants to the Financial Services Industry

Why Sales People Fail ot everyone is a natural salesperson. Salespeople come and go in

companies because they will either sink or swim.

If you love sales, are able to stay organized, believe in your product and are urgent to make that sale happen, then you’ll do well. The salespeople that are lacking these qualities tend to fail miserably.

Sales people fail for these reasons: Disorganization People in sales need to be organized. After all, they are balancing so many “balls in the air” at one time. The goal is to build up your product and meet with potential clients, all while fostering and facilitating good relationships within your company and with customers.

Sales jobs require appointment setting, strategic planning, client meetings and researching the competition that your product is up against. In other words, disorganization will cause you to fail.

Continued on page two – Sales People

1. Why Sales People Fail 2. In the Age of Robots, This Skill Will Make

or Break Your Job 3. 7 Steps Toward a Succession Plan 4. One Minute Ideas 5. 10 Ways to Have Your Best Year Ever! All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted. © 2019. No part can be reproduced in any

form without specific written consent from copyright holder(s). All rights reserved worldwide.

In The Age Of Robots, This Skill Will Make Or

Break Your Job n this ever changing world of technology, we often find ourselves

wondering what the future holds and how will this impact the workforce. The Future of Jobs Report stays one step ahead of this changing economy by diving head first into the heart of the workforce and finding out how jobs are changing. Specifically, they take a look at what skillsets are a dying breed and which ones are in high demand.

The Projected Top 10 Job Skills for Success in 2020:

1. Creativity 2. Complex problem solving 3. Critical thinking 4. People management 5. Coordinating with others 6. Emotional intelligence 7. Judgement and decision-making 8. Service orientation 9. Negotiation 10. Cognitive flexibility

Creativity Can Make or Break You

An interesting insight, if you compare these skills with the top skills of 2015, is that a surprising skill has climbed its way to the top: creativity. In a world where people find themselves asking if robots will replace them in the workforce, this is not so surprising.

Continued on page two – Age of Robots



Are You Successful In Sales?

Page 2: Why Sales People Fail In The Age Of Robots, This Skill 2

Continued from page one – Sales People

There are too many facets to what salespeople do and if you lack being organized, then your business will struggle or not make it over time.

Lack of Urgency

Salespeople that lack urgency will surely fail. If you are not passionate, trying to make the sale at every opportunity, then someone more urgent will come along behind you and make it happen instead. The more urgent the salesperson the more sales they tend to make.

No faith in product

If someone doesn’t believe in their product, then they won’t be able to sell much of it to today’s savvy customers. People will see right through your weak, unsupported and boring sales presentation. You can’t fool people with bad sales techniques.

Customers want to know they are being sold something of value. When salespeople don’t believe in their product, it shows.

Lacking drive

A salesperson knows that to make money they have to work hard. If you have a poor or lazy work ethic, then you’ll most likely not succeed in sales. Sales jobs are fantastic, rewarding and can produce lots of income.

However, if you are not willing to put the time in because of you are lacking in drive, then you won’t be the salesperson who sees the fruits of their labor.

Salespeople are able to convince people to buy their product. In order to do this, they must believe in the product, stay organized, work hard and show an urgency that exemplifies a caring attitude for their customers. If you want to avoid failing in sales, then adhere to the tips above and you’ll do well. ~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.

Continued from page one – Age of Robots

The world of robotics has made enormous advances, but the one thing that can’t seem to be replicated is creativity.

If you don’t have a creative bone in you, don’t worry. Creativity in the workforce isn’t about becoming the next Van Gogh; it’s about creative thinking to come up with new solutions to problems and taking risks if it means getting results. Creativity is different than being an artist; everyone is creative but not everyone is an artist.

Why Creative Thinking Sets You Apart

Creative thinking goes beyond using a set of rules to come up with a solution. It means thinking through a problem, going through each solution in your mind, and being able to narrow down the best solution. Creative thinkers also know the value of failure. When you take a risk and fail, you tuck that away in your mind for future brainstorming.

It is emerging as a vital skill as we enter an age where adaptability is important. When employees are faced with unforeseen circumstances, it is how they respond to that situation that will set them apart. It is about how they are able to go outside of the rules and beyond the description of their role to come up with desired results.

Creative thinking is the driving force behind business success. If you want to set yourself apart and stay on the cutting edge of the workforce, then you need to practice your creative thinking skills. Until robotics goes beyond algorithms, it is human brain power that will continue to be at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today! ~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only

plan, but also believe." ~ Anatole France

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7 Steps to Take Toward a Succession Plan rganizations often miss the importance of a strategic succession plan. Frequently, you find this true for a family owned businesses and

organizations that are close like a family. Emotions come into play and end up pushing out a plan for the future. Tough discussions must happen rather than approaching a succession plan with the path of least resistance concept.

Companies that are family run or operate by those with extremely close relationships tend to have underlying personal agendas and frustrations that easily arise between the team.

In business, things just have to get uncomfortable sometimes. If you continue to steer clear of necessary conversations, then your business and relationships will ultimately suffer. Having a firm succession plan in place is essential for your company and it’s possible if you follow these seven steps.

7 Steps for an Effective Succession Plan 1. Specific ownership goals – You must clearly define and write down the

long-term goals of the company. What is the plan for future ownership? Be sure to sit down and discuss these at length as a team and encourage transparency during the conversation.

2. Set competency goals – As a group, talk about what is required competency wise in order to get the job done. Figure out which person among you has the greatest ability to do what it takes in order to ensure your succession plan makes sense and not hinging on people’s feelings.

3. Assess management strengths – Utilize assessments to figure out the competencies of each manager. Study what you see as far as their strongest skills and emotional intelligence in order to decipher the best strategy. There are some great tools available to help you with this task.

4. Review assessments – After each manager has taken the assessments, be sure to debrief and review them. What opportunities are they best suited for in the company? How could you help them progress in their career? These are a few of the questions that should be considered.

5. Legal advice – Seek out wise counsel when it comes to legal advice. Transferring ownership has tax implications and legal situations that must be done correctly. Do not cut corners with this step.

6. Performance management – As a company, your management team should be well trained. They need to be held accountable for specific goals and outcomes, so be sure to set a system in place.

7. Name the successors – In a succession plan, you must be very clear and have a discussion with the named successor and help them visualize this potential career path. Be clear, specific, and direct in order to hold onto your top talent for the future.

Good decisions and a carefully planned roll out will help a company thrive during the transition. ~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.

Top New Year’s Resolutions New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

Did yours make the Top 10 list?

1. Spend more time with family & friends

2. Exercise regularly – get in shape

3. Lose weight (one of the most popular)

4. Quit Smoking

5. Enjoy life more – become a happier & healthier you

6. Quit Drinking

7. Get out of debt – get a handle on finances

8. Learn something new – career change, new language, how to’s

9. Help others – volunteerism

10. Get organized – reduce the clutter in your life Source:

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Page 4: Why Sales People Fail In The Age Of Robots, This Skill 4

10 Ways To Have Your Best Year Ever! e often think of New Year’s as the time to start fresh and make those famous resolutions. But anytime is the right time to take control of our lives, to choose how we will live. Real success in life is about balance, about choosing

priorities, and then following a plan to focus on the things that are most important to us. The following suggestions can help.

1. Take time to decide what you really want this year. What would make it a great year, a fantastic year for you? Dream and scheme, and then dream bigger! And write it down, just for the fun of it.

2. Mark one day each month, just for you. Use ink, not pencil, and schedule an appointment with yourself for one full day each month. Have fun and renew yourself, just for the joy of it.

3. Take more vacation than you had planned. Look at the calendar and write in a couple extra weeks off! Do things you enjoy, but mostly relax. Go camping, rent a cabin at the beach, and visit old friends.

4. Commit to a project you’ve dreamed of but haven’t done. This is not a “should” or a “have to”, this is one of those, “I’ve always wanted to but never did” projects. Learn to ski, write a book, run for mayor. This is your year!

5. Buy four books you’ve always wanted to read, and schedule time for them. Put it in your calendar as “continuing education” or “research”, and enjoy!

6. Start a special savings account to prepare for something huge!

7. Renew relationships with family and friends. Every week, send a note or make a call, and re-connect with the people who have helped you along the way.

8. Every day, tell someone you appreciate them, that you are grateful for their help. Practice the attitude of gratitude!

9. Raise your sites and increase your goals. Whatever you hope to accomplish in the next year, double it, then commit to making it happen! Push yourself for greatness and settle for nothing less.

10. Be kind to yourself and those around you. Be gentle, practice patience, expect the best and settle for nothing less. ~ Dr Philip E. Humbert originally submitted this piece. Reprinted with permission.

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