
Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Badly Drawn

Stickman’s guide to “Why should I become

an occupational hygienist?”

Helen Pearson, LFOH

Young Hygienist Award

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

What is occupational hygiene?

Who should consider it as a career?What skills would I need?

What does an occupational hygienist actually do?

Where could occupational hygiene take me?

How can I become an occupational hygienist?Why should I consider occupational hygiene as a career?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

What is occupational hygiene?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson


hygiene is a multi-skilled discipline combining science

and engineering to identify, assess, and then eliminate or control health hazards in the


Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Its aim is

‘worker health protection’ by working to ensure that employees are not made ill by health

hazards present in their workplace.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Every year

1,000s of UK workers suffer occupational ill-heath leading to absence from work, early retirement and, in

some cases, premature death.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson


hygienists work to prevent this by helping organisations protect

their employees.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Who should consider occupational hygiene as a career?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

If your interest is in.....

ChemistryHuman Health


Health and Safety

Another science based subject

... you should consider a career in occupational hygiene.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

What skills would I need?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

An occupational hygienist needs...good observational skills

good communication skills

good problem solving skills

to be methodical

to be able to engage with managers and workers

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

What does an occupational hygienist actually do?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

The job of an occupational hygienist is...

part detective work

part worker health awareness training

noisy machinery

part technical measurement

part worker observation

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Where could occupational hygiene take me?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Many sectors need occupational hygienists including...

Heavy manufacturing


Onshore/offshore energy & petrochemicals

Food and drink manufacturing

Public and education sector

Construction & civil engineering

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Occupational hygiene is a growth area in many countries and you could end up working anywhere in the world...

Source: Daniel R. Strebe (15 August 2011)

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

How can I become an occupational hygienist?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Whether you are self financing, employer supported, or a combination of the two, there are several routes to becoming an occupational hygienist.

BOHS International Modules


Inhouse apprenticeship

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Where can I find out more about development paths?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

If you are in the UK, the British Occupational Hygiene Society, the chartered society for worker health protection, is best placed to advise you further.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Outside the UK there

are other many other organisations who can advise you on becoming an occupational


Source: OHTA

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Why should I seriously consider occupational hygiene as a career choice?

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson




& the health and safety sector


beginning to realise that worker health protection is a really big deal....

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

... so you

would be joining the profession at a really exciting time when the spotlight is being turned on

worker health protection.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

At a time when graduate jobs are scarce in many fields there is currently a shortage of occupational hygienists in the UK and in many other countries.

Law Interviews

Occupational Hygiene


Source: Anas Ramadan - (CC BY 3.0)

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

More importantly, the work of an occupational hygienist is interesting, varied and rewarding.

Being albeit a badly drawn representation of an occupational hygienist, Stickman usually has a smile on his face as he knows that every day he is helping to reduce the number of workers who will suffer from occupational disease.

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Become an occupational hygienist and join a small army of professionals working to improve working conditions for all workers.For more information visit

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson


thanks to for sponsoring

the BOHS Young Hygienist Award


Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

Copyright © 2016 Helen Pearson

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