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Page 1: Why Vote UKIP

Why vote UKIP?

Here are some simple factors?

Free Movement in EU is causing Radicalism and Extremism across Europe on voting?

In the UK people have been subject to illegal Medical Assessments for their Benefits. This especially includes people with Mental Health and Disabilities. If we see the above diagram and just take 10% of those 3 million people that

have been to Medical Assessments that’s 300,00 people. People in history always have a complaint and when they are not heard or fobbed off they go to the next best thing. I have seen this in Corporations where the Customer

Services is very bad they always start on something that isn’t wrong but they need to complain because the original complaint was not listened to. So those 300,000 people have taken to the News and Social Media. That’s

affecting 30 million people. Even in areas where there is no migration and immigration UKIP have got in. Governments and Councils and Political Parties

are just not listening and not sorting what’s been presented.


Page 2: Why Vote UKIP

It is a nasty but logical attack because all those 3 million people were on the sick and hopefully on the sick for a reason. They won’t be able to get a job

because they are sick, because there is discrimination which by the way UKIP spread and you have just voted for them. Can’t get a job and because of miss

information in the National Papers and Media we will blame migrants and immigration for me not getting a job when there are none and so I vote UKIP.

The greatest miss information is from current Government itself. It is a fallacy that we are ran by the EU but currently most people in Government are just not doing their jobs correctly there not being efficient in their roles. There

just not listening.

If you have 20 problems and can sort 19 then you leave the hardest one to last. Not sit on the whole 20 problems and look at them all day and make

excuses why we can’t sort the 19 problems out.

UKIP undermine ‘The Equality Act’ verbally and cause ‘Public Disorder’. We could be travelling back all the way in to the 1980s immediately with UKIP.

Again making Negative the ‘Equality Act’ leads to serious fraud and crime and serious security holes.

Whether you are in the EU or not you need to be diplomatic with all World Countries. UKIP are blatantly not Diplomatic and tarnish the very good

reputation of the UK. Playing the racist and fascist card nice boy isn’t going to wash. We are going back to problems in the European Union pre World War 2. I can’t believe more people haven’t voted against the UKIP. Down South it

was 35% turnout and up North about 45% turnout. There is a lot of manoeuvre. If you want a say there are plenty of parties to vote for then you

should have voted.

Someone should have said this on TV even if everything went right in the World so that the supposed immigration problem could be sorted. It certainly can’t be sorted with the current system. It would take approximately 10 to 15

years solid just deporting people out the country on mass to get to the figures and environment UKIP are talking about.

Let’s get real over the matter please and stop acting stupid.


Page 3: Why Vote UKIP

What Free Movement should be seen as in the EU!

Free Movement is only a Part or Sector of the Geographical Charter.

Free Movement at present destabilises Global Countries.

50% of all migrants die on route to the EU or never make it.





Civil War


Free Movement










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