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   Why Winners Win:The Mental Game of Health What is attitude? > It is our thought life exposed. Attitude is like perfume/cologne: Sweet or Sour Do you know when someone says“That person has a good attitude?” Positive/Delightful/You want them around/everything they touch turns to gold. Do you know when someone says “ That person has a bad attitude? “ Negative/Nasty/you don’t want to be around them/Everything is a drama. Where does that come from? Today, I am going to encourage and show you that U R Control of 2 things and only 2 things 1. Your Thoughts 2. Your Attitude Example: Glass ½ empty, ½ full, or full If you think right you work right. Biggest loser: The biggest loser lost 174 lbs/79 kg….but he felt like a loser because he didn’t win the whole competition. So 6 months later he gained 116lbs/53 kg back (Dr. Amen Newsletter 7/2012) They didn’t teach him how to think. Do picture of headc/s (always open) Your thoughts = Seeds Soil: faith/belief/expectation Weeds: Then outside door can close Plant>Tiiime>Harvest Corn seed >Corn (+) Hemlock > Hemlock (-)

God gave us free choice, We are not victims. Every decision has a future attached to it. Every seed you allow to take root will bear fruit. Good seeds have good future attached to it. Bad seeds have a bad future attached to it. I choose to plant jealous seed> Envy I choose to plant happy seed> Joy I choose to plant “I can do it“ seed> Winner Chances of success: “I won’t “ 0% “I can’t “ 10% “I don’t know how?” 20% “I wish I could” 30% “ I want to “40% “I think I might” 50% “I might” 60% “I think I can” 70% “I can” 80% “I am “ 90% “I did” 100% A women lost 100 kg. She was beautiful, happy, self confident. “How did you do it?”>” I tried diet, diet, diet> key is no diet> Key is I saw myself at a certain weight first”…she said to herself “I AM ___________ ‘’ You have to plant that seed before you will see the tree. So What are you planting? “I know I am going to have breast cancer/DM/Heart attack” 80% of chronic disease is preventable/ Lifestyle changes/DM 2, Alzheimer, HTN, High cholesterol, cancers. This is what I am planting everyday: “I am strong, toned and full of energy. I am safe for success. I am healthy” Do you see what you can be or do you see what you can’t be? TREE PICTURE forgive/unforgive List of affirmations: Joel Osteen says “If you can change your words, you can change your world”

1. I am making a positive difference in people’s lives. 2. I am clear about my goal but I am flexible about how I achieve it. 3. I either win or learn.

4. I only have control of 2 things: My attitude and My activity 5. I don’t break I bounce. 6. Success does not happen by accident. 7. I am positive 8. I can do this. 9. Winners never quit and quitters never win. 10. I am a winner. 11. I become what I think about. 12. My prosperity is good for all people. 13. “When I have finally decided that a result is worth getting. I go ahead on it

and make trial after trial until it comes” Thomas Edison 14. Whatever I passionately pursue I will possess. 15. My playing small serves noone. 16. Everyday and in everyway I am becoming better and better. 17. I love me. I really do.

The Miracle of a thought -Acorn becomes an Oak tree -Sperm/Egg > Human being -Broken Bone>Heals There is a Devine Force/Devine Hand/God That controls all this. If I Offend you or Not Interested in this part you can Turn Off The only difference between you/me + acorn is we can say no. Are you saying no? (unsupportive/not conducive to your best) Are you saying Yes? (friendly/supportive/love filled) God is light/The Dark side is dark. “ The Decision “ by Dr. Amen and Dr. Isabel Having a health goal should be something we all have and want to achieve. Unfortunately we can’t rely on hope or a magic pill to make us fit and healthy. We can’t blame someone else for our bad health decisions. We all make choices in life and we need to take responsibility for it. How do we make choices. 1st have a goal 2nd write it down ….allows for execution steps to begin , one step at a time. Having a goal makes you stronger, healthier and happier. 3rd Reward yourself : not with food. Message, new outfit, walking shoes, hike,movie. If you don’t make it …it is ok…you get back up. Progress occurs with mistakes. John Maxwell “Failing Forward” If you aren’t failing then you aren’t moving, you are stagnant, not growing. Child learning to walk…it falls…do tell it to stay down? “You either win or learn” Robert Kiyosaki.

“You don’t have to believe every stupid thought you think” Dr Amen BlockingGive yourself permission to close the door /to block on toxic people in your life. Be allergic to negative self talk Be allergic to negative people. Know your ENEMY which is your negative thoughts. Be very careful of the soil you plant your seed in. A great seed planted in soil full of weeds will not produce great fruit. SOIL Components 1.Faith. knowing that you are created to be your best and do great things. “God has given everyone of us a measure of faith” Romans 12:3 2. Belief. BELIEF IS THE WORK PART OF FAITH. “Everything is possible to those who believe” Belief is active not passive. Belief is in our hearts not our head. Belief is rooted in our heart. Example of Me becoming a doctor I knew that I knew that I knew deep down this would happen. In my heart> “ I believed I would do it” My head said “no possible way”. “ Whoever does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place it will be done for him.” (Mark 11:23) “If you believe you will see the glory of God”(John 11:40) 3. Weeds. Bitterness Unforgiveness Hatred Jealousy Greed Cynicism Doubt Anger Be mindful of what you let in. Angels My team players “For He shall give His Angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up so you don’t dash your foot against a stone” Psalm 91:11-12

Patience Have composure while I wait Michael is not perfect, flesh. One thing he is Patient. Joy “Shasta” Calm delight / not hyper I am going to enjoy this journey because “The Lord my God is with me wherever I go” Joshua 1:9 Health “Doc” Goes to work when I go to sleep to heal me Wisdom Guides me to make right choices Financial Prosperity Not overspending Abundant thinking Goal setting Investing Peace of Mind Song “Everything is gonna be all right …cuz that’s the seed I sow”. Hope/Faith Prisoner of Hope…never giving up, under no circumstances, no matter how bad it gets. Hope tells me to expect better and better comes. Hope is the springboard for my faith to take off from and actually take hold of the promises of God. Faith reminds me to worry about nothing and pray about everything. Love/Romance Love always believes the best Love others Add value through serving Helps me develop love for all humanity, because a negative attitude towards others will never bring me success/victory. Roaming Ambassador “ Gwenie” Good Parking Good sales for clothes Everything else In closing You are in control thoughts and attitude. Words and Thoughts have power Every decision has a future attatched to it. Week 1 Be a watcher of your thoughts for 1 week Watch what you are thinking about.

Think about what you are thinking about. Week 2 Pretend you are listening to your best friends thoughts….What would you say? Are you being kind and loving to yourself? Dr. Albert Schweitzer “Within every patient there resides a doctor and we as physicians are at our best when we put our patients in touch with the doctor inside” My hope is that you have met the doctor inside you and begin the journey to a healthy happy lifestyle. I hope you have a super fantastic week, Your friend: Dr.Isabel  “©  2013,  doctoronamission,  All  Rights  Reserved                                                            

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