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Registered Charity No. 275931

Royal Hampshire County Hospital Tel: 01962 824783Romsey Road or Tel: 01962 863766Winchester SO22 5DG

President – Vice Admiral Mike GrettonChairman Treasurer SecretaryMr R Chisnell Mr P Piper Mrs E Colley

In addition to the Chairman and Treasurer, Committee Members who are Trustees of the Friends are: Dr E Caldwell, Mr G Cox, Mr A Clarke,Dr J Colley, Mrs T Spiers B.E.M. and Miss E Wicks. Other Committee

Members are: Mrs D Ansell, Miss J Gordon-Watson, Mrs J Laute,Mrs C Smith and Mrs P Williams.

At our meetings we normally either have a speaker or may visit aparticular Ward in the hospital to formally present a piece of equipment.If you would like to get more involved to help the Friends by joining our

committee please do not hesitate to contact us for further details.


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The Viscountess Portal, M.B.E., J.P. 1955 – 1962Mrs D Neate 1962 – 1965Miss D Duncan Lewis 1965 – 1972Lady Makins 1972 – 1974Miss H. D. Roxburgh 1974 – 1979His Hon. A. M. Lee 1979 – 1982Mrs E Chew 1982 – 1990Mrs E Bendall 1990 – 1994Vice Admiral Mike Gretton 2015 –


Mr. W. R. Churches 1955 – 1957Lt. Col. Sir W. V. Makins 1957 – 1959Mr L. M. C. Williams 1959 – 1962Mr W. R J Duffet, M.B.E. 1962 – 1971Miss D Duncan-Lewis 1971 – 1973Mr N K Paterson 1973 – 1976Mr R Durrant 1976 – 1979Dr J R Bodington 1979 – 1982Mrs Janet Richardson 1982 – 1991Mrs Pat Bright 1991 – 1994Mrs Sheila Roberts 1994 – 1997Mr Eiffion Evans 1997 – 2000Mr Geoffrey Cox 2000 – 2003Mrs Pat Haddock 2003 – 2009Mrs Trish Spiers 2009 – 2012Mr Geoffrey Cox 2012 – 2015Mr Richard Chisnell 2015 –

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The Royal Hampshire County Hospital has amagnificent history and continues to be a vitalpart of the community in Winchester and thesurrounding villages. I have been very proud tobe a small part of its long history since we createdHampshire Hospitals in January 2012.

I am retiring on New Year’s Eve and am spendingmy last few weeks reflecting on how much theNHS has changed in the last 39 years andrealising the RHCH will have seen all of thosechanges.

I joined the NHS at the age of 18 as an undergraduate student at LondonUniversity and the Middlesex Hospital. This was another hospital that hada long and proud history and gave me a great introduction to the vitalelements of a good hospital – focus on patient care, listen to staff andencourage staff who want to develop new ideas to advance clinical care.

The NHS is facing difficult times at the moment. The long global recessionhas impacted on the ability to invest in both health and social care. One ofthe effects of this is that we struggle to discharge patients who need a lotof support in their own homes. The impact of this has been felt in all of our wards and departments and resulted in our failure to deliver a keynational target – treating and discharging patients attending theEmergency Department (A&E) within four hours.

The current challenges have a silver lining however! They have enabled usto demonstrate how amazing our staff are. They have risen to thechallenge of coping under huge pressure, focusing on patient care andintroducing change that has enabled us to improve against the four hourtarget, reduce the time patients stay in hospital and avoid some elderly,frail patients being admitted thus enabling them to stay at home.

I would therefore like to close my time at Hampshire Hospitals by payingtribute to the almost 6,000 staff we employ who go above and beyond, dayin and day out, maintaining that focus on patient care.

I would also like to thank the Friends of the Royal Hampshire CountyHospital for everything you do to help us improve the service we offerpatients. Your contributions help us invest in things that we might nototherwise be able to.

Mary Edwards Chief Executive

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If you saw our booklet for 2016, you may remember that the Friendsfunded a piece of equipment for the Intensive Care Department called theMotoMed letto which helps to balance lack of movement in patientsconfined to bed. The MotoMed letto provides a well-rounded therapy topatients in stationary care.

Dr Stephen Wimbush, Consultant in Anaesthetics and Intensive CareMedicine, said:

“I wanted to forward this citation attached to a WOW Award won by the ICUin Winchester. It specifically mentions the use of the MotoMedRehabilitation device that The Friends so kindly paid for 2 years ago and Ithought you would appreciate some feedback regarding the positiveinfluence this equipment is having on our patients.”

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The nomination read:

In February 2016, my 82-year-old father was admitted as an emergency ina very serious condition. He received excellent round the clock nursingprovided by Clinical Matron Mary and her expert team in the Intensive CareUnit (ICU). Not only did the team provide excellent care to my father, butthey also took time to keep us well informed and provided support to thefamily, and particularly to my mother. In total, my father was in ICU for 7.5weeks before he had a short stay in a rehabilitation ward, where hecontinued to receive a level of ongoing care from the ICU team. He is nowhome and well on the way to a full recovery, thanks to the expert care thathe received from this exceptional team. The time that he spent in ICU canbe summed up as:

C – Care, with good communication and compassion to both patient andfamily throughout his stay

A – Accountable for improving patient outcome by making sure thatmuscle wastage was minimized using regular physiotherapy andMotoMeds

R – Respect and support shown to my father and the family throughouthis stay

E – Empowered to listen to suggestions that my father made andencouraged to trial some different ways of doing things

Nominated By: Dr Fiona Cook

Mary Meeks, Clinical Matron, and the Intensive Care Unit Team, won a Trust

WOW! Award for outstanding customer service

Russell’s RemovalsSchool House, Abbotts Ann, Andover, Hampshire SP11 7BG

01264 710517Proud Supporters of The League of Friends

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CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS 2016My first year as Friends Chairman has rather flownby although, in many respects, it has been asomewhat challenging year as we endeavour todetermine the most appropriate way forward forour 60 year old Charity.

Having taken over the reins from Geoff Cox inOctober 2015, our first task was to conclude ourDiamond Jubilee year with a Gala Supperevening at St John’s House in the Broadway inNovember. This was very well supported and wemanaged to raise in excess of £6,900 from thisone event.

My background in marketing suggested we should take stock of ourstrengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats and develop amarketing plan which was achievable. We rebranded our Charity as simply“The Friends of the Royal Hampshire County Hospital”, in spite of the factthat our official registered Charity name is still the League of Friends of theWinchester Hospital. Most people still know us as the League of Friendsalthough we are no longer officially part of that umbrella organisation.

The challenge I referred to at the start is to decide how we play an integralpart in the wider Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust while, at thesame time, maintaining a focus on our core Hospital here in Winchester.We recognise that we do not currently have the fund raising staff or skillsrequired to significantly increase our income stream throughout each year.We really need to raise in excess of £30,000 each year to be able toeffectively satisfy our Charity strapline: “supporting patient care andrecovery” and match the average annual sum donated to the Hospital overthe sixty one years of our existence. Bear in mind we have received anumber of generous Legacies over the years but these are not so readilyavailable in today’s economic climate and we do not know when we mightreceive the next one. We keep our fingers firmly crossed!

As the year has progressed, I have had the opportunity to learn moreabout our local Hospital and, particularly, its rich history since itsfoundation in 1868. The Winchester Heritage Open Days held in early 2016and a further Open Day for the Barter Memorial Chapel, located at the topof the Butterfield wing, held in September, reminded all those whoparticipated the depth of history associated with our “Royal” Hospital andthe incredibly important role it has played in sustaining the lives ofeveryone in the Winchester area community.

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Although I was too young to remember at the time, I owe my life, as didmy Mother to the dedicated RHCH Staff when, on 14th January 1943,shortly after I was born, I was thrust into a wooden oxygen box andrushed, along with Mother, down to the Hospital basement, to escape aGerman air raid. I was told, many years later, that we both nearly perished,for medical reasons but were saved by the quality of the nursing careprovided.

If you ask residents in Winchester, possibly some visitors too, what is themost “relevant” or vital building in the City today, they should reply – theHospital. Every family member probably passes through it at some stageduring their lives and, whereas the Cathedral, University or the College areimportant for historical or educational reasons, the Hospital is aboutpreserving and protecting lives at any age in the resident life cycle.

I have also been most impressed by the significant number of items ofhistorical medical equipment which are currently stored on site and whichwere on display in the Barter Memorial Chapel. These paint a very realpicture of treatment over the ages and remind us all of the ever increasingspeed of progress in the development of medical equipment for so manydifferent types of treatment. I feel a Winchester based Museum of MedicalEquipment, based at or close to the “Royal”, would add value toWinchester’s rich cultural heritage. Our former Surgeons and Doctors,many of them remembered through Hospital Ward names, also deserve to be recognised, in perpetuity, along with their more contemporarycolleagues.

Whereas my generation’s Grandparents might well have received a set offalse teeth as a 21st Birthday present, our thirteen year old Grandson hasjust had a complex upper jaw realignment operation under generalanaesthetic in just a brief morning session here in the Burrell DayTreatment wing.

Our younger daughter, Rosie, was one of the first babies born within thenew Florence Portal Maternity Unit in January 1974.

My wife’s Mother was able to prolong her life by several years, thanks toseven emergency admissions to the Hospital with a failing heart andprompt treatment by dedicated A and E staff.

This is the life experience thus far of just one Winchester family. I am surewe are not alone in feeling quite an emotional attachment to our “Hospitalon the Hill”.

So, you can now understand my predicament. How do we raise moremonies each year to support the incredible speed of progress of Hospitaltreatments without losing our focus on this amazing Hospital?

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We fully recognise that the HHNHS Trust has a wider brief to provide anexpanding range of healthcare treatments at its three or more locationsand we of course support their decisions taken for good medical orcommercial reasons.

I do believe, however, that the Friends of the RHCH is the only body ableto focus specifically on the heritage of the Winchester Hospital and wehave a duty to inform the community of the vital role played by all thosemedical experts who have served the community so well over many years.We must remember them all.

But back to the present: having dug into our reserves to proudly donate£60k to the RHCH in our Diamond Jubilee last year, we were only able todonate a more normal £25k this year to cover some nineteen differentdepartmental Bids.

Since one of our marketing objectives is to raise the profile of the Friends,we decided to launch a public appeal for a further £20k to cover thepurchase of a Sonosite Ultrasound pain relief machine for use in FlorencePortal House in the treatment of breast surgery and obstetrics. We haveestablished a free MyDonate page on our website and have so far raisedover £3k of our £20k target. We need to spread the message to everyonein the community so any help you can give us will be most welcome.

We have installed a number of large poster clip frames throughout theHospital to further raise the profile of the Friends within the Hospitalcommunity and we are also installing departmental posters showingdetails of the successful Bids we have funded during the year.

We will be seeking commercial support to enhance our fundraisingcapability in the coming months and are talking to possible partners in thisregard.

While we endeavour to find the right way forward for our Charity, we givethanks for the steady hands of our Secretary, Liz Colley and Treasurer,Patrick Piper, who, between them have amassed nearly sixty years ofservice for the Friends.

I also give public thanks to Management Committee members for theircontinuing support and enthusiasm for our objectives. To Jo Gordon-Watson, for her commitment in emptying our 25+ collecting boxesscattered all over the Hospital, at least four times each year; to PennyWilliams, for her regular stints manning our desk at the entrance to theNightingale Wing; to Trish Spiers, for her, seemingly everlasting efforts toraise money through cakes, flowers and the like and to all who support theChristmas card sales Stall in the Guildhall, commencing once again veryshortly. Also to John Colley for encouraging us to stick our heads above

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the parapet to raise a further £20k for the Ulatrasound pain relief machineand for all his work in setting up the BT MyDonate website page.

If anyone reading this booklet would like to lend a hand for three hours,either in the morning or the afternoon, on one day each week, to helppromote the Friends to Hospital Staff and Visitors as they enter or leave theNightingale entrance to the Hospital, we would love to hear from them. Youmeet some very interesting people, make new friends and also raise fundstowards the purchase of many items of much needed medical equipment.

And who knows, the piece of kit purchased with the funds raised couldwell be the one that saves your life. Now, there’s a thought!

On behalf of the RHCH Friends, it is my pleasant duty to acknowledge thehard work and success of the Trust management and staff and thededication and commitment of the retiring Chief Executive, Mary Edwards.We wish her well in her retirement and, before she left, presented to her aframed print of the much loved Winchester Panel Embroidery.

I also convey our grateful thanks to Donna Green, the Trust’s Deputy ChiefExecutive and our main Trust contact for the RHCH here in Winchester andto Lynn Eathorne-Long, the Trust’s point of contact based in Winchesterwho keeps us informed about Trust matters and acts as a most efficientgo-between.

An interesting year but much still to think through and implement in orderto achieve our key objectives, without forgetting who we represent andhow best we serve their needs within the larger Trust family. Winchester isindeed fortunate in having such a fine Hospital and dedicated staffwatching over us all, ready to respond at our times of need.

Richard ChisnellFriends Chairman 2016/17

• Regular cleaning and end of tenancy cleaning •• One off spring cleans • Washing and Ironing •

• Carpet cleaning • Shopping •• Building maintenance including painting and decorating •

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Tel: 01962 824783Email: [email protected]

or visit our website: make a donation directly through MyDonate



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LETTER FROM THE SECRETARYDear Members and Friends,Hello again and welcome to the latest edition ofour booklet. May I wish you all a very happy andprosperous year ahead!

At the Friends we are concerned with doing ourutmost to assist with the provision of amenitiesand facilities to help patients and staff here inWinchester. We aim to help make a patient’s stayin hospital as comfortable as possible bypurchasing much needed equipment.

I think most of you who read this booklet probablyknow exactly what we are striving to do andsupport us accordingly, for which we are mostgrateful. For those less familiar, I hope a flick through these pages willencourage your support. We have listed some of the equipment that we have bought this year and have included pictures of the equipment which we hope will make it more interesting. I think you will agree thecontributions have been very worthwhile and certainly much appreciatedby the various departments.

New members are constantly being sought in order to keep up with theever-increasing demands for help, in order to keep up the very highstandards of our hospital here in Winchester. It is very much in all ourinterests to work towards this end – never knowing when we ourselvesmight need some assistance!

Many thanks in anticipation for your contributions whether they are as amember or through a single donation. If you require further informationplease do not hesitate to contact us.

As we look towards another prosperous year ahead, we send you our verybest wishes and thank you for your continued support.

Good health is priceless, but health care is expensive.

We are indebted to Horizon Publishing for producing this booklet for usfree of charge.

Best wishes to you all for 2017.

Elizabeth Colley SecretaryTel: 01962 824783 Email: [email protected] Hampshire County Hospital Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 5DG

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Each year, the various Wards and Departments at the RHCH submit theirrequests for medical or other items of equipment, outside the normalexpectations of NHS funded provision, to the Friends Charity. The FriendsCommittee discuss and select their chosen Bids which are then purchasedby the Trust. The items below covers the successful Bids for 2016, whichtotal almost £26,000.


1. Seca Cardiopad Mini 1596.00

2. Distinctive Medical Blue Paediatric Trolley 999.34

3. Anatomy Aprons and True to Life X-rays 124.00

4. Memory Scrapbooks 130.00

5. 10 Freeway Carry-Carts for Tissue Viability Team 2,912.00

6. Pharmacy Dispensary Patient Pagers 600.00

7. Ward Drugs Trolley for the Nick Jonas Ward 411.90

8. Folding Single Bed for end of life relatives 84.99

9. 2 x Patient Transfer Rota Stands 363.58

10. Transit Wheelchair for Clifton Ward 119.99

11. Photography Lighting and Background Equipment 579.16

12. Belmont Clair 055 Dental Chair 9060.00

13. Mac Video Laryngoscope 8925.00

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Two “What’s Inside Me” anatomy aprons and one “True to Life X-Rays”Apron were purchased for £124, to help children understand their bodiesin a fun, educational and interactive way.

These were initially shown at the RHCH Open Day and then provided tothe Northbrook Ward for use with their patients.

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Would you like to help the hospitals?

The Aims of the Friends of the Royal Hampshire County Hospital

These are to help to relieve patients at the RoyalHampshire County Hospital and in the community who aresick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped or in need ofassistance.

Additionally we support the hospital by helping to improveconditions for both patients and staff with provision ofamenities and equipment.

You can help by:

• Becoming a Member of the Friends

• Sending a donation.

• Supporting our efforts to increase our membership.

• Making the Friends a beneficiary under your will.

• Encouraging friends and relatives to make donationsto the Friends in lieu of flowers at funerals.

• Use ‘mydonate’ link on our

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The Friends of the Royal Hampshire County Hospitals– Registered Charity No 275931.

1. I wish to enrol as a friend and enclose my firstsubscription.

Please send me a Bankers Order form for futurepayments, along with the requisite form of declarationso that you can reclaim tax under the Gift Aid Scheme.


2. I do not wish to be a member, but enclose a donationof £ ______ which will qualify for Gift Aid if you will sendme the requisite declaration.


Name _____________________________________________

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Signed ____________________________________________

Date / / 2017


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The Seca Cardiopad Mini,costing £1,596 and funded bythe Friends, will be used inoutlying community clinics andpatient’s houses where there isno access to an ECG machine.

The benefit of this machine isthat it will facilitate timelyoptimisation of heart failuretreatments to comply with

NICE guidelines when assessing patients for cardiac devices.

The equipment will be used for three to four patients per week.

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This Paediatric Trolley, costing£1,000, was funded by the Friendsand will be placed in the paediatricbay in Resuscitation at the RHCHEmergency Department.

It will be stocked with standardisedpaediatric resuscitation equipmentin order for the teams resuscitatingpaediatric patients to access theequipment they need instantly,due to their familiarity with thetrolley wherever they are workingin the hospital.

The trolley will be used on aweekly basis for children whoneed to be cared for in thepaediatric resuscitation bay inRHCH Emergency Department.

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MEMORY SCRAPBOOKSTen Scrapbooks were purchased to be used withPatient Groups or one-to-one, supporting patientswith dementia/confusion in order to keep thementertained and stimulated. These will be usedeveryday.

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MEDICAL CARRY-CARTS10 Freeway medical Carry-Carts were approved.The introduction of wound care trolleys will ensureprompt access to dressings and relevantinformation and guidance for ward staff. They willalso support the implementation of a standardisedpatient experience throughout the Trust, as thesame dressings will be available wherever thepatient is. The trolleys will hold wound caredressings, wound management guidelines andformulary, the pressure ulcer grading tool, andinformation on how to obtain support and pressurerelieving equipment available within the Trust.

The trolleys will be used daily by the ward staff and will contain all relevantdressings to be used for patients.


Currently, outpatients at the pharmacywith a prescription to be dispensed, areissued with a numbered ticket and askedto take a seat until called to collect theirmedication.

With these pagers, the buzzers allow thepatients to leave the area and make afuture appointment, for example, or go fora coffee etc. The pharmacy staff will thenalert the patient, via the buzzer device,when their prescription is ready forcollection.

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TRANSFER ROTA STANDSThe Friends have funded two Locomotor Rota Standsfor the Orthopaedics Wards, Bartlett and St. Cross.

These pieces of equipment are always in high demandon the wards. Patients often have to wait for this aid tobe transferred to the toilet.


This Medicine Trolley will be used to allowthe nursing staff to sign out and issue pre-packs of medication to the patients,without the need for them to leave theclinical area.

At the end of the shift the trolley is returnedto the storage area and replenished inreadiness for the following day.

Reads of WinchesterSuppliers of Sewing Machines and OverlockersAccessories and Threads Servicing and Repairs1 St. Thomas Street, Winchester, Hants. SO23 9HE

Telephone: 01962 850950

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This wheelchair was required by Clifton Ward to transport patients in andaround the hospital and also to the ward gym/activity room as there are nowheelchairs on the ward.

The provision of this chair saves a lot of time and is in daily use.

BELMONT CLAIR DENTAL CHAIRThis dental chair was funded by the Friends forthe Oral Surgery Treatment Room forOrthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacialsurgery. The chair is suitable for patients up toa weight of 200 kg. The motorised headrest willavoid nurses and clinicians raising it manuallyin awkward positions.

The chair is in use five days a week, all day,plus at weekends when carrying outoccasional waiting list initiatives.

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C-MAC VIDEO LARYNGOSCROPEA video laryngoscope facilitatesintubation (placement of a tube in thewindpipe). It is superior to conventionallaryngoscopy and increases the successrate of tube placement. Airwaycomplications, as a result of failure toplace a tube in the windpipe, are animportant cause of morbidity andmortality in anaesthesia.

This piece of equipment, funded by theFriends and costing £8925.00, is used in

operating theatres, in particular the Heathcote and Obstetric theatres.


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The Friends of the Royal Hampshire County Hospitalhas launched a public appeal for funds to purchase a£20,000 Sonosite Edge Ultrasound Machine for use insupporting pain relief for breast surgery and obstetrics

in Florence Portal House.

The independent Friends Charity donated over £60,000 last year, to markits 60th Anniversary, during which period in excess of £2million has beendonated towards the purchase of over 1000 items of much neededmedical equipment in support of patient care and recovery at the RHCH.

The Friends has agreed to support the £20,000 cost of this state of the artdiagnostic equipment, which will be used on a daily basis in FPH by theAnaesthetic and ICU teams.

This appeal comes on top of a further £25,000 which the Friends has beenable to donate to the Hospital this year, in support of some fourteendepartmental Bids for funding.

The Friends has set up a MyDonate facility through its website:

and invites donations from all who wish to support the provision of thisultrasound guided pain relief for those requiring treatment.

Friends Chairman, Richard Chisnell, quotes: “with the continuing squeezeon capex items by the NHS, any funding help provided by the Friends canhave far reaching implications for patient care and recovery and, on behalfof the RHCH Friends, I express our sincere gratitude to all members of thepublic, along with local businesses, who feel able to support our efforts.We need to encourage and sustain a public focus on our brilliant Hospitalto ensure it remains fit for patient purpose in the 21st century.”

If you wish to support the Friends appeal, click on the link above and makeyour donation now. The Friends hopes to achieve its £20,000 target by theend of December this year.

Full details covering the successful 2015 and 2016 Hospital funding Bidsare available to view on the Friends website:

Further information from : Liz Colley, Friends Secretary email:[email protected]

Winchester24th August 2016

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Since writing the enclosed letter wewould like to add some very good newshot off the press!!

Dr Arun Venkataraju, ConsultantAnaesthetist, took up a gruellingchallenge on September 10th to raisevaluable funds for the UltrasoundMachine for Breast Onco-surgery andLabour Analgesia in Florence PortalHouse at the RHCH and wouldwelcome your support.

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We quote from the website:

The short course follows the official 10 Peaks route out as far as thesecond feed station on the Sarn Helen trail. It then heads north along thetrail to rejoin the official route with 17 miles to go (missing out a 20 mileloop of the official course that takes in the Black Mountain and the verytough ascent of Fan Gyhirych).Do not worry though, we have ensured that the mostspectacular parts of theBrecon Beacon National parkare not missed out by thosecompeting on the shorterroute. We have added a fewpeaks too, just to boost thenumber of Peaks back up to 10(this is a 10 Peaks race afterall!). This is by no means aneasy day out. Rest assuredthat this will have a 25 to 35%dropout rate!

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Dr Arun Venkataraju and Dr Jon Anns, ConsultantAnaesthetists at the RHCH,joined the Friends for their61st Annual General Meetingto explain the value andbenefits of the SonoSiteUltrasound Scanner, for whichRHCH staff and the Friendsare working together to raise£20,000.

Dr Venkataraju began bydescribing his experiences inmounting the 10 PeaksChallenge in the BreconBeacons on 10th Septemberto raise funds for the scanner.The Challenge comprises tenthousand feet of ascent over36 miles and entailed a03:30am start!

After heavy rain the previous day, it was very misty as the first peak wasreached at 07:46am and the second at 10:10am. The weather then liftedto reveal the most glorious views and Arun finally reached the finish at21:39pm. He had managed to complete the course in 15 hours 37minutes, despite being held back initially by an injured colleague. Thanksto the generous support of colleagues and supporters of the hospital, DrVenkataraju raised over £500 through his efforts.

Dr Jon Anns then described how ultrasound can be used for visualisationof the target and needle in the administration of nerve blocks for awakesurgery. Using ultrasound for regional anaesthesia allows the anaesthetistto see the nerves, where the injection spreads and any blood vessels thatmay be in the way. It allows the anaesthetist to deal with variations inanatomy and has been shown in studies to decrease the rate ofcomplications.

From left: Dr. Arun Venkataraju, Mayor CllrJane Rutter, Dr. Jon Anns, Liz Colley, Patrick Piper, Richard Chisnell.

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Dr Anns then went on to describe how ultrasound could be used for spinalinjections for procedures such as knee replacement surgery, where asingle injection is effective for two to four hours and for epidurals duringlabour, where the nerves are bathed continuously. Without ultrasound,these procedures can be extremely difficult to undertake when there arespinal abnormalities, arthritis or the patient is obese.

Dr Venkataraju continued the talk by addressing the main use to which thenew equipment would be put – ultrasound-guided pain relief for breastsurgery. The British Journal of Anaesthesia has reported on the use of painblocks and cancer recurrence and has shown in small trials that painblocks can be associated with improved survival. Early procedures wereinvasive but, since 2009, these novel techniques have improvedsignificantly, which has been very good for patients. Dr Venkatarajushowed how it is possible, safely and easily, to direct the needle to thedesired location within a few millimetres of the lung. This is simply notachievable without ultrasound guidance. Having access to this equipmentin Florence Portal House would mean less reliance on opioids, which leadto sickness and prolonged stays in hospital.

Dr Venkataraju then went on to describe how the ultrasound machinewould benefit teaching and research at the RHCH. Winchester is a centreof excellence for pain blocks, and having access to this state-of-the-artequipment raises the profile of the hospital and attracts bothinexperienced and experienced practitioners to the hospital. One or tworesearch projects have already been set up and it is hoped that afellowship may be set up in the future, leading to publication in medicaljournals.

Dr Venkataraju ended by sharing a vignette of how ultrasound-guided painrelief can have a real impact on the care and comfort of patients of theRHCH. A patient, suffering from severe pain after breast surgery was givenTramadol and Morphine, which made her ill without offering relief. Withinfive minutes of administering a pain block with ultrasound guidance, thepatient's pain had dropped from severe to mild. This really brings homethe impact that having this equipment close to hand will have on patientcare in Florence Portal House.

John Colley

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TREASURER’S REPORTAs Treasurer, I was pleased at our AGM to reporton the Friends accounts to the 31st March 2016- our Jubilee year. Whilst income at £27000 was£11000 up on the previous year, no majorlegacies were bequeathed so we had to rely ontraditional sources plus fund raising activities.The Jubilee Dinner proved a great success,raising almost £7000. Members’ subscriptionsand the many donations we receive remaininvaluable, as is the revenue generated from theFriends collecting boxes situated all over thehospital. Many families mourning the loss of aloved one request that a donation be made tothe Friends in place of flowers – again thisgesture is much appreciated.

Despite limited income in the year, the Trustees decided, in ourAnniversary year, to support applications for funding totalling £60000 thusmaking a significant dent in our reserves. As in previous years, over 30applications were received ranging from many thousands of pounds tomodest amounts. The Friends is an independent Charity, with strict criteriabeing applied in the decision making process, so sadly, as is the caseevery year, a number of departmental requests have to be turned aside –mainly due to insufficient funds being available. Patient care and recoveryis at the forefront of our minds as are the needs of staff and the equipmentthey require.

As Treasurer, my prime objective is to professionally manage the financeswith particular focus on control of costs. The annual accounts areindependently examined and filed with the Charity Commission. I couldnot do my job without the support of all my colleagues on theManagement Committee, especially Richard Chisnell, Chairman and LizColley our longstanding Secretary.

Looking ahead, we are halfway through the current year and not only hasfunding of £25000 been committed to applications but, in addition, it hasbeen agreed that we will underwrite the £20000 cost of a specialultrasound machine should there be a shortfall in the fundraising.

Quite simply, we cannot manage without the generous support of the localcommunity – thank you.

Patrick J Piper – Honorary Treasurer – November 2016

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Many, many thanks to the Nightingale theatre recovery nurses, whosecake sale raised £229! for the Ultrasound Machine.


Huge thanks to Trish and her team for raising £350 through their "Makes,Bakes & Flower Stall".

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Trish and her team ofhelpers, to raise funds for theFriends of the RoyalHampshire County Hospitaland also the WinchesterFloral Design Society, onceagain manned the CharityChalet at the ChristmasMarket.


Grateful thanks to Penny Williams, for her regular stints manning our deskat the entrance to the Nightingale Wing.

If anyone reading this booklet would like to lend a hand for three hours,either in the morning or the afternoon, on one day each week, to helppromote the Friends to Hospital Staff and Visitors as they enter or leave theNightingale entrance to the Hospital, we would love to hear from them. Youmeet some very interesting people, make new friends and also raise fundstowards the purchase of many items of much needed medical equipment.

ADVENT LUNCH – 26th November

An Advent Lunch, organized by Trish, took place at the Hundred Men’sHall at St. Cross to raise funds for the Ultrasound Machine.


Sincere and very grateful thanks to all the ladies who run the ButterfieldEntrance Desk for selling Cards to the public and staff of the hospital onbehalf of the Friends of the RHCH.

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Page 36: WINCHESTER - · Hampshire Hospitals in January 2012. I am retiring on New Year’s Eve and am spending my last few weeks reflecting[email protected]

The Private Sector Housing Team

The Council’s Private Sector Housing team provide a range of services to help you and your family enjoy comfortable homes and we are always looking

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Disabled Facilities Grants:Anyone on a low income living in their own home, a long-term privately rented home or ahousing association property, may be entitled to a grant to have their home adapted tosuit their needs. This can include adaptations like level access showers, stairlifts, accessramps, door widening and a number of other things.For more information please call 01962 848 483.

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For more information and to read testimonials from some of our very satisfied landlords, please To talk to someone or request aninformation pack, please call 01962 848 483 or email [email protected]

Support and Enforcement for Privately Renting Tenants:If you rent your home privately, it is your landlord’s responsibility to ensure that your home is safe.This includes things like having an annual gas inspection, providing you with sufficient smoke alarmsand making sure your heating and hot water work. If you have a problem at your home and yourlandlord is not taking action to rectify it, call the Private Sector Housing Team. We will arrange tovisit you at your home and look at the issues. We can then contact your landlord on your behalf andensure the work gets done. For free advice and support, or to request a free visit, call us on 01962 848 483 or email us at [email protected]

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