
Wind Energy in Agriculture Workshop on ‘Energy in Agriculture’, (September 15-16,

2014)National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

New Delhi


Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives

Nellore,Andhra Pradesh IndiaE-mail: [email protected]

Wind turbine cooperatives - Origin from DenmarkTo encourage investment in wind power, families were offered a tax exemption for generating their own electricity within their own or an adjoining commune. While this could involve purchasing a turbine outright, more often families purchased shares in wind turbine cooperatives which in turn invested in community wind turbines. By 1996 there were around 2,100 such cooperatives in the country. Opinion polls show that this direct involvement has helped the popularity of wind turbines, with some 86% of Danes supporting wind energy when compared with existing fuel sources.

The role of wind turbine cooperatives is not limited to single turbines. The Middelgrunden offshore wind farm – with 20 turbines the world's largest offshore farm at the time it was built in 2000 – is 50% owned by the 10,000 investors in the Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Cooperative, and 50% by the municipal utility company.

By 2001 over 100,000 families belonged to wind turbine cooperatives, which had installed 86% of all the wind turbines in Denmark. By 2004 over 150,000 were either members or owned turbines, and about 5,500 turbines had been installed, although with greater private sector involvement the proportion owned by cooperatives had fallen to 75%.The cooperative model has also spread to Germany and the Netherlands.

Financially, community-based wind projects are structured much differently than traditional wind farms. In the traditional model, the company that builds and manages a wind farm retains sole ownership of the development. The owners of the land on which the wind turbines were built usually have no stake in development, and are instead compensated through lease payments or by royalty-based contracts.The more people that become involved through community wind power, the more democratic the energy supply system becomes. Energy sellers make a profit, landowners receive leasing fees, communities get improved infrastructure, local people get jobs, governments receive taxes, and consumers receive electricity at competitive prices.

Community wind farms

AustraliaThe Hepburn Wind Project is a wind farm at Leonards Hill near Daylesford, Victoria, north-west of Melbourne, Victoria. It comprises two 2MW wind turbines which produce enough power for 2,300 households. This is the first Australian community-owned wind farm. The initiative has emerged because the community felt that the state and federal governments were not doing enough to address climate change.

CanadaCommunity wind power is in its infancy in Canada but there are reasons for optimism. One such reason is the launch of a new Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program in the Province of Ontario . A number of community wind projects are in development in Ontario but the first project that is likely to obtain a FIT contract and connect to the grid is the Pukwis Community Wind Park. Pukwis will be unique in that it is a joint Aboriginal/Community wind project that will be majority-owned by the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, with a local renewable energy co-operative (the Pukwis Energy Co-operative) owning the remainder of the project.

GermanyIn Germany, hundreds of thousands of people have invested in citizens' wind farms across the country and thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are running successful businesses in a new sector that in 2008 employed 90,000 people and generated 8 percent of Germany's electricity. Wind power has gained very high social acceptance in Germany, with the development of community wind farms playing a major role.

The NetherlandsSixty-three farmers in De Zuidlob, the southern part of the municipality of Zeewolde, have entered into a cooperative agreement that aims to develop a wind farm of at least 108 MW. The project will include the installation of three phases of 12 wind turbines with capacities of 3 to 4.5 MW each. The aim is to put the wind farm into service in 2012. The Netherlands has an active community of wind cooperatives. They build and operate wind parks in all regions of the Netherlands. This started in the 1980s with the first Lagerweij turbines. Back then, these turbines could be financed by the members of the cooperatives. Today, the cooperatives build larger wind parks, but not as large as commercial parties do. Some still operate self-sufficiently, others partner with larger commercial wind park developers.

United KingdomAs of 2012, there are 43 communities who are in the process of or already producing renewable energy through co-operative structures in the UK. They are set up and run by everyday people, mostly local residents, who are investing their time and money and together installing large wind turbines, solar panels, or hydro-electric power for their local communities.

United StatesMost of the wind farms in the United States are commercially owned. As of 2011, Iowa has just one community owned wind farm, that is Hardin Hilltop near Jefferson, Iowa.National Wind is a large-scale community wind project developer, with thirteen families of projects in development or operation. These projects have an aggregate capacity of over 4,000 MW. The vision of the company is to revitalize rural economies by promoting investment in domestic renewable energy resources. National Wind creates shared ownership with communities and allows them participation in decisions which are made.

A ‘RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND’ can be created by Government with contributions from Individuals paying Income Tax to get tax Exemption under Section 80 C. This fund will invest in Community Wind Farms(Wind Farm Co-operatives). This way Wind and other Renewables will become a mass movement.

WONDERS OF COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN WINDMILL The TvindMill is one of the biggest windmills in the world (54 m). It is an impressive building, constructed by the pupils of the school with the advice of experts.

The construction of the mill started in 1975, and today the mill supplies the many school-buildings with electricity.

Tvind Møllen, Skorkærvej 8, Tvind, 6990 Ulfborg , Denmark

Tvindkraft was created to show the way forward for wind energy - and to show the way out for nuclear power. But the most important thing was probably that the Teacher Group showed that it was possible for normal people, without any significant scientific education, to build a large wind power plant. With their determination, their drive, their elbow grease and common sense, cooperation and support, where help was to be found, this unparalleled structure was created - despite comments like: "You are doing wind power a disservice by trying to build a windmill", and despite the fact that no authority wanted to give any financial assistance to the windmill construction, although it clearly followed the recommendations of the ‘Akademiet for Teknisk Videnskaber’ [Academy for Technical Sciences] to promote the development of wind energy in Denmark, with both practical experiments as well as research projects.

The Tvind windmill, "Tvindkraft" was created during the years 1975-78It is a tourist attraction. There is a lift which takes people to the top. I visited the Tvindmill 3 times when I was in Denmark.


Tvindmill is a Downwind Turbine

Upwind Vs Downwind Turbines:

An Upwind turbine faces into the wind with the turbine blades in front of the Nacelle while a Downwind turbine has blades to the rear of the Nacelle and faces away from the wind. Up-wind turbines are by far and away the most common, but down-wind turbines (usually two-bladed) are also used in certain situations.


1980 the year of birth of a huge machine, once the largest windenergy converter of the world, called GROWIAN. This pilot plant started with experiments in 1983. Erection site was the "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog" a very windy and flat North Sea coast region, nearby Marne. The machine was dismantled scheduled in 1987, because of finishing the expertiments.


NASA Mod 1 wind turbine 1979_02503.jpg 2000 KW KILOWATT WIND TURBINE IN BOONE NORTH CARO


Offshore wind power :Offshore wind power refers to the construction of wind farms in bodies of water to generate electricity from wind. Better wind speeds are available offshore compared to on land, so offshore wind power’s contribution in terms of electricity supplied is higher. However, offshore wind farms are relatively expensive.

Power P = 0.5 p A V3 .. .. (1)Where P = Power,p density of air,V=speed of the wind and A is the area of the intercepted airstream(equal to the ‘swept’ by the rotor).In standard conditions(sea level, temperature 15 degrees Celsius) the density of the air is 1.225 kg/m3. So the amount of Power intercepted by each square rotor is:P=0.612 V3 Watts …(2)For Example,if the wind speed is 6 m/s(a moderate breeze) the power intercepted per square meter is 0.612 X 63 = 132 W; but if the speed rises to 24 m/s(a severe gale) the power becomes 0.612 X 243 = 8460 W. This massive increase is due to cubic relationship between wind speed and power by equation (2). Here the word’intercepted’ rather than ‘captured’ is used because the above figures relate to the power in the wind, not the amount actually extracted by a turbine rotor. Large modern turbines typically capture up of about 50% of the wind power presented to them.

Betz's law is a theory about the maximum possible energy to be derived from a wind turbine developed in 1919 by the German physicist Albert Betz. According to Betz's law, no turbine can capture more than 59.3 percent of the kinetic energy in wind. The ideal or maximum theoretical efficiency n max (also called power coefficient) of a wind turbine is the ratio of maximum power obtained from the wind to the total power available in the wind. The factor 0.593 is known as Betz's coefficient. It is the maximum fraction of the power in a wind stream that can be extracted.

Economics and benefitsOffshore wind power can help to reduce energy imports, reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases (by displacing fossil-fuel power generation), meet renewable electricity standards, and create jobs and local business opportunities. However, according to the US Energy Information Agency, offshore wind power is the most expensive energy generating technology being considered for large scale deployment". The advantage is that the wind is much stronger off the coasts, and unlike wind over the continent, offshore breezes can be strong in the afternoon, matching the time when people are using the most electricity. Offshore turbines can also be "located close to the power-hungry populations along the coasts, eliminating the need for new overland transmission lines".

Most entities and individuals active in offshore wind power believe that prices of electricity will grow significantly from 2009, as global efforts to reduce carbon emissions come into effect. BTM expects cost per kWh to fall from 2014, and that the resource will always be more than adequate in the three areas Europe, United States and China.

The current state of offshore wind power presents economic challenges significantly greater than onshore systems - prices can be in the range of 2.5-3.0 million Euro/MW. The turbine represents just one third to one half of costs in offshore projects today, the rest comes from infrastructure, maintenance, and oversight. Larger turbines with increased energy capture make more economic sense due to the extra infrastructure in offshore systems. Additionally, there are currently no rigorous simulation models of external effects on offshore wind farms, such as boundary layer stability effects and wake effects. This causes difficulties in predicting performance accurately, a critical shortcoming in financing billion-dollar offshore facilities. A report from a coalition of researchers from universities, industry, and government, lays out several things needed in order to bring the costs down and make offshore wind more economically viable:

Improving wind performance models, including how design conditions and the wind resource are influenced by the presence of other wind farms.

Reducing the weight of turbine materials

Eliminating problematic gearboxes

Turbine load-mitigation controls and strategies

Turbine and rotor designs to minimize hurricane and typhoon damage

Economic modeling and optimization of costs of the overall wind farm system, including installation, operations, and maintenance

Service methodologies, remote monitoring, and diagnostics.

In 2011, a Danish energy company claimed that offshore wind turbines are not yet competitive with fossil fuels, but estimates that they will be in 15 years. Until then, state funding and pension funds will be needed.In Belfast, the harbour industry is being redeveloped as a hub for offshore windfarm construction, at a cost of about £50m. The work will create 150 jobs in construction, as well as requiring about 1m tonnes of stone from local quarries, which will create hundreds more jobs. "It is the first dedicated harbour upgrade for offshore wind".

Top 25 operational offshore wind farms

Wind farmTotal(MW)

Country Coordinates Turbines& model OfficialStart

Walney (phases 1&2) 367.2 United Kingdom 54°02′38″N 3°31′19″W102 × SiemensSWT-3.6-107

2011 (phase 1)2012 (phase 2)

Thanet 300 United Kingdom 51°26′N 01°38′E100 × VestasV90-3MW


Horns Rev II 209 Denmark 55°36′00″N 7°35′24″E91 × Siemens2.3-93


Rødsand II 207 Denmark 54°33′0″N 11°42′36″E90 × Siemens2.3-93


Lynnand Inner Dowsing 194 United Kingdom 53°07′39″N 00°26′10″E54 × Siemens3.6-107


List of the top 25 offshore wind farms that are currently operational, rated by nameplate capacity. In the case of a tied bottom place in the table, the wind farm with the earliest commissioning date is used.

Robin Rigg(Solway Firth) 180 United Kingdom 54°45′N 3°43′W 60 × VestasV90-3MW 2010

Gunfleet Sands 172 United Kingdom 51°43′16″N 1°17′31″E48 × Siemens3.6-107


Nysted (Rødsand I) 166 Denmark 54°33′0″N 11°42′36″E72 × Siemens2.3


Bligh Bank (Belwind) 165 Belgium 51°39′36″N 2°48′0″E 55 × VestasV90-3MW 2010

Horns Rev I 160 Denmark 55°31′47″N 7°54′22″E80 × VestasV80-2MW


Ormonde 150 United Kingdom 54°6′N 3°24′W 30 × REpower 5M 2012

Longyuan Rudong Intertidal 131.3 China

21 × Siemens 2.3-93;2 × 3MW2 × 2.5MW6 × 2MW6 × 1.5MW Sinovel


Princess Amalia 120 Netherlands 52°35′24″N 4°13′12″E60 × VestasV80-2MW


Lillgrund 110 Sweden 55°31′N 12°47′E48 × Siemens2.3-93


Egmond aan Zee 108 Netherlands36 × VestasV90-3MW


Donghai Bridge 102 China 30°46′12″N 121°59′38″E34 × SinovelSL3000/90


Kentish Flats 90 United Kingdom 51°27′36″N 1°5′24″E30 × VestasV90-3MW


Barrow 90 United Kingdom 53°59′N 3°17′W30 × VestasV90-3MW


Burbo Bank 90 United Kingdom 53°29′N 03°10′W25 × Siemens3.6-107


Rhyl Flats 90 United Kingdom 53°22′N 03°39′W25 × Siemens3.6-107


North Hoyle 60 United Kingdom 53°26′N 3°24′W30 × VestasV80-2MW


Scroby Sands 60 United Kingdom 52°38′56″N 1°47′25″E30 × VestasV80-2MW


Alpha Ventus 60 Germany 54°1′N 6°36′E6 × REpower 5M,6 × AREVAWind M5000-5M


Baltic 1 48 Germany 54°36′36″N 12°39′0″E21 × Siemens2.3-93


Middelgrunden 40 Denmark 55°41′27″N 12°40′13″E20 × Bonus(Siemens) 2MW


Source: Wikipedia

Top 10 under constructionThis is a list of the 10 largest offshore wind farms currently under construction

Wind farmTotal(MW)

Country CoordinatesTurbines& model


London Array(Phase I)

630 United Kingdom 51°38′38″N 01°33′13″E175 × Siemens3.6-120


Greater Gabbard 504 United Kingdom 51°52′48″N 1°56′24″E140 × Siemens3.6-107


Trianel BorkumWest II

400 Germany80 × Areva MultibridM5000

2012 (Phase 1)2015 (Phase 2)

BARD Offshore 1 400 Germany 54°22′N 5°59′E 80 × BARD 5.0 2012

Anholt 400 Denmark111 × Siemens3.6-120


Sheringham Shoal 315 United Kingdom 53°7′N 1°8′E88 × Siemens3.6-107


Lincs 270 United Kingdom 53°11′00″N 00°29′00″E 75 x 3.6MW 2012

Thorntonbank Phase 2 147.6 Belgium 24 x REpower 6M 2013

Teesside 62 United Kingdom 54°39′N 1°4′W 27 x Siemens 2.3MW 2012

Datang Laizhou III 49.5 China 33 x 1.5 MW ?

Source: Wikipedia

Just for comparison onshore wind farms and power production.Top 10 countries by nameplate wind power capacity(2011 year-end)Country Wind power capacity(MW) provisional % world total(ǂ Provisional)

(Source: Global Wind Statistics 2011,Global Wind Energy Council 7-2-2012)

China 62,733ǂ 26.3

United States 46,919 19.7

Germany 29,060 12.2

Spain 21,674 9.1

India 16,084 6.7

France 6,800ǂ 2.8

Italy 6,747 2.8

United Kingdom 6,540 2.7

Canada 5,265 2.2

Portugal 4,083 1.7

(rest of world) (32,446) -13.8

World Total 238,351 MW 100%

United States 95.2 27.6

China 55.5 15.9

Spain 43.7 12.7

Germany 36.5 10.6

India 20.6 6

United Kingdom 10.2 3

France 9.7 2.8

Portugal 9.1 2.6

Italy 8.4 2.5

Canada 8.0 2.3

(rest of world) (48.5) 14.1

World total 344.8 TWh 100%

Top 10 countriesby wind power electricity production(2010 totals) Country Wind power production (TWh) % world total

(Source: Electricity Production From Wind Sources: Main Wind Power Producing Countries – 2010)

Efforts in India on Offshore Wind Farms THE TIMES OF INDIA Chennai

Govt plans offshore facility to tap wind energy

TNN Jan 6, 2012, 06.07AM ISTCHENNAI: The Centre for Wind Energy Technology (CWET) plans to conduct a feasibility study in Dhanushkodi near Rameswaram to set up offshore windmills, following problems of land acquisition for onshore wind power projects.Sources said wind velocity at 100 metres from ground level would be measured and data collected. "It will be set up in a lagoon. If there is enough wind flow, we will set up a wind farm and start power generation," said a CWET source.Obviosly Offshore wind systems are costlier than their onshore counterparts, both in capital and operating costs. A summary of indicative cost data provided below is insightful.

COST COMPARISON OF ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE WIND FARMSOnshoreInvestment of about $1.5 million per MWLevelized cost of 6-7 cents per kWhO&M – 1-3% of capital costsMay be built in smaller unitsOffshoreInvestment of $2.3 million per MWLevelized cost of about 10-11 cents per kWhHigher O&M – 40$ per kW and 0.7 cents per kWh variableLarge turbines and farms requiredIn spite of the higher costs and the uncertainties involved in offshore wind, research in this sector has been significant, and the main reason is the potential offered by offshore wind turbines, especially in lands close to water

Gaviotas Small Water Pumping Windmill

• Gaviotas Tropical Windmill, Double Action Pump -• MV2E• The conventional Windmill to draw water from wells has been

built for over a hundred years. • Due to its old design it weighs more than half a ton, and

requires a strong wind to work. • Unfortunately, our countries are poor in tropical wind;

however, there are very heavy storms

• at very short periods.

Gaviotas Small Water Pumping Windmill

Small Scale Wind Battery Chargers from China

Conclusions and Prognosis

Offshore wind farms will be future energy option to supplement conventional power. With extensive research on large size wind turbines and installation techniques of offshore wind turbines, the cost of power generation through offshore wind farms is expected to come down to be competitive with conventional power. USA, China, South Korea, Taiwan, France and Japan have ambitious plans to go in for offshore wind farms on a massive scale.It is hoped MNRE will initiate at least a Pilot project of Offshore Wind Farm in India. All modern techniques of wind assessment have to be undertaken which will identify prospective locations to set up offshore wind farms in the country.

Of all the forces of nature, I should think the wind contains the largest amount of motive power—that is, power to move things. Take any given space of the earth's surface— for instance, Illinois; and all the power exerted by all the men, and beasts, and running-water, and steam, over and upon it, shall not equal the one hundredth part of what is exerted by the blowing of the wind over and upon the same space. And yet it has not, so far in the world's history, become proportionably valuable as a motive power. It is applied extensively, and advantageously, to sail-vessels in navigation. Add to this a few windmills, and pumps, and you have about all. ... As yet, the wind is an untamed, and unharnessed force; and quite possibly one of the greatest discoveries hereafter to be made, will be the taming, and harnessing of it. — Abraham Lincoln

Lecture 'Discoveries and Inventions', (1860) in Discoveries and Inventions (1915).

When the wind of change blows some build walls others build windmills - Chinese proverb

風向轉變時 , 有人築牆 , 有人造風車

Put the WIND to WORK: To get inexhaustible, pollution-free energy which cannot be misused. - Dr. A. Jagadeesh

Thank You

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