Page 1: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Introduction The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is designed to help you identify the best scenario match, based on user and business requirements, for each user segment within your organization. The tool uses five desktop usage scenarios defined by Microsoft: Office Worker, Mobile Worker, Task Worker, Contract/Offshore Worker, and workers who Access from Home. (Additionally, the tool recognizes variations of the Office and Mobile Worker scenarios.) Each scenario represents the user requirements and work patterns of a broad category of information workers within an organization.

For each scenario, Microsoft offers guidance on how to provide a desktop environment that is optimized to meet the needs of both IT and end users by defining a set of Microsoft technologies that fulfill the unique requirements of that scenario. By translating a list of requirements to an optimized desktop scenario, this tool helps you choose which set of underlying technologies are necessary for your organization.

To read more about the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenarios, see

Scenario Descriptions Office Worker – These users are connected to the corporate network, and expect a rich client

experience that can handle the broad range of tasks for which they are responsible. They use applications such as Microsoft Office and various line-of-business (LOB) applications, as well as Web and project management tools. These users include analysts, architects, researchers, and doctors.

Mobile Worker – These types of users are highly mobile and frequently work outside the corporate network. They use a variety of applications that usually run locally on their laptop and require a rich computing experience. They need to be able to access applications and data offline. These users include sales people and account executives.

Task Worker – These users perform a narrow set of tasks and use systems that are connected to the corporate network. Task workers usually do not have a dedicated desktop computer; instead, they leverage a pool of designated computers to access one or a few applications. These users include call-center analysts, warehouse workers, and retail employees.

Contract Worker – These users are vendor or contract staff who perform a broad set of activities that might require administrative access to the operating system or a rich, full client. They typically use applications such as software development suites, testing tools, and project management tools. These users include contract software development (onshore or offshore) and contingent staff. IT requirements to store data and applications centrally and off the local computer must be met.

Page 2: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Introduction The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is designed to help you identify the best scenario match, based on user and business requirements, for each user segment within your organization. The tool uses five desktop usage scenarios defined by Microsoft: Office Worker, Mobile Worker, Task Worker, Contract/Offshore Worker, and workers who Access from Home. (Additionally, the tool recognizes variations of the Office and Mobile Worker scenarios.) Each scenario represents the user requirements and work patterns of a broad category of information workers within an organization.

For each scenario, Microsoft offers guidance on how to provide a desktop environment that is optimized to meet the needs of both IT and end users by defining a set of Microsoft technologies that fulfill the unique requirements of that scenario. By translating a list of requirements to an optimized desktop scenario, this tool helps you choose which set of underlying technologies are necessary for your organization.

To read more about the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenarios, see

Scenario Descriptions Office Worker – These users are connected to the corporate network, and expect a rich client

experience that can handle the broad range of tasks for which they are responsible. They use applications such as Microsoft Office and various line-of-business (LOB) applications, as well as Web and project management tools. These users include analysts, architects, researchers, and doctors.

Mobile Worker – These types of users are highly mobile and frequently work outside the corporate network. They use a variety of applications that usually run locally on their laptop and require a rich computing experience. They need to be able to access applications and data offline. These users include sales people and account executives.

Task Worker – These users perform a narrow set of tasks and use systems that are connected to the corporate network. Task workers usually do not have a dedicated desktop computer; instead, they leverage a pool of designated computers to access one or a few applications. These users include call-center analysts, warehouse workers, and retail employees.

Contract Worker – These users are vendor or contract staff who perform a broad set of activities that might require administrative access to the operating system or a rich, full client. They typically use applications such as software development suites, testing tools, and project management tools. These users include contract software development (onshore or offshore) and contingent staff. IT requirements to store data and applications centrally and off the local computer must be met.

Understanding How the Tool Works The tool is organized around questions about two sets of requirements:

User Requirements

Business Requirements

Your answers to these questions result in points added to or subtracted from one or more of the five scenarios (depending on how well the scenario meets a requirement).

Note To get the best results from the tool, you may need to consult different experts who are familiar with business and technical issues.

As you make selections, the tool calculates the points and indicates best fit scenarios by the tallest bars in the graph. You may end up with multiple equally applicable scenarios (two or more bars of equal height) for the targeted user population. This may indicate that you need to target a narrower user population.

Dealing with Multiple User Groups

In larger enterprises it is highly likely that a particular requirement is true for one subgroup of employees and not true for another. In these cases, you may want to run the tool for each group, considering one group at a time. (For example, you may determine that the sales force conforms to the Mobile Worker scenario whereas the offshore engineering team conforms to the Contract/Offshore Workers scenario.)

How Scoring Works

The tool calculates the absolute number of points for each scenario. It also calculates the percentage of points for each scenario, which reveals (on the bar chart) the

relative distribution of scenarios within the user population considered. The formula used for calculating the percentage of points for each scenario is as follows:

Total points for the scenario * 100

Total points for all scenarios

The Calculation Model

The Calculation Model tab of the tool shows the points that are assigned to a scenario when users enter responses to the questions on the Scenario Selection tab. The points displayed on the Calculation Model tab are counted only when you select either a Yes or No answer to a question.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Access From Home – This usage scenario is for employees who need to work from home because they cannot get to the office, and need access to their personalized computer work environment, including applications and data. The IT department needs to ensure that corporate data remains protected and that the computing environment remains well controlled.

Scenario Variations For each of the scenarios described above, there may be one or more variants that might more fully meet the needs of the organization. There is no requirement for a one-size-fits-all solution and organizations can choose to implement more than one virtualization solution to best meet the needs of their users. The Scenario Selection tool will show which specific conditions lead to scenarios variations, and will display multiple options in the results.

Page 3: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Understanding How the Tool Works The tool is organized around questions about two sets of requirements:

User Requirements

Business Requirements

Your answers to these questions result in points added to or subtracted from one or more of the five scenarios (depending on how well the scenario meets a requirement).

Note To get the best results from the tool, you may need to consult different experts who are familiar with business and technical issues.

As you make selections, the tool calculates the points and indicates best fit scenarios by the tallest bars in the graph. You may end up with multiple equally applicable scenarios (two or more bars of equal height) for the targeted user population. This may indicate that you need to target a narrower user population.

Dealing with Multiple User Groups

In larger enterprises it is highly likely that a particular requirement is true for one subgroup of employees and not true for another. In these cases, you may want to run the tool for each group, considering one group at a time. (For example, you may determine that the sales force conforms to the Mobile Worker scenario whereas the offshore engineering team conforms to the Contract/Offshore Workers scenario.)

How Scoring Works

The tool calculates the absolute number of points for each scenario. It also calculates the percentage of points for each scenario, which reveals (on the bar chart) the

relative distribution of scenarios within the user population considered. The formula used for calculating the percentage of points for each scenario is as follows:

Total points for the scenario * 100

Total points for all scenarios

The Calculation Model

The Calculation Model tab of the tool shows the points that are assigned to a scenario when users enter responses to the questions on the Scenario Selection tab. The points displayed on the Calculation Model tab are counted only when you select either a Yes or No answer to a question.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Recommended Next Steps

The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is intended to be a starting point for an optimized desktop solution. It will guide you toward one or more scenarios that address your organization’s requirements. The tool is based on a set of generalized assumptions which may or may not fit your specific requirements.

The following matrix maps the Windows Optimized Desktop scenarios to specific Microsoft products and technologies as described in the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Assessment IPD document.

Page 4: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Recommended Next Steps

The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is intended to be a starting point for an optimized desktop solution. It will guide you toward one or more scenarios that address your organization’s requirements. The tool is based on a set of generalized assumptions which may or may not fit your specific requirements.

The following matrix maps the Windows Optimized Desktop scenarios to specific Microsoft products and technologies as described in the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Assessment IPD document.

Therefore, recommended next steps (before provisioning an optimized desktop scenario) include a detailed business study (such as TCO and ROI) involving domain experts such as architects and business planners.

Page 5: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Therefore, recommended next steps (before provisioning an optimized desktop scenario) include a detailed business study (such as TCO and ROI) involving domain experts such as architects and business planners.

Page 6: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Introduction The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is designed to help you identify the best scenario match, based on user and business requirements, for each user segment within your organization. The tool uses five desktop usage scenarios defined by Microsoft: Office Worker, Mobile Worker, Task Worker, Contract/Offshore Worker, and workers who Access from Home. (Additionally, the tool recognizes variations of the Office and Mobile Worker scenarios.) Each scenario represents the user requirements and work patterns of a broad category of information workers within an organization.

For each scenario, Microsoft offers guidance on how to provide a desktop environment that is optimized to meet the needs of both IT and end users by defining a set of Microsoft technologies that fulfill the unique requirements of that scenario. By translating a list of requirements to an optimized desktop scenario, this tool helps you choose which set of underlying technologies are necessary for your organization.

To read more about the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenarios, see

Scenario Descriptions Office Worker – These users are connected to the corporate network, and expect a rich client

experience that can handle the broad range of tasks for which they are responsible. They use applications such as Microsoft Office and various line-of-business (LOB) applications, as well as Web and project management tools. These users include analysts, architects, researchers, and doctors.

Mobile Worker – These types of users are highly mobile and frequently work outside the corporate network. They use a variety of applications that usually run locally on their laptop and require a rich computing experience. They need to be able to access applications and data offline. These users include sales people and account executives.

Task Worker – These users perform a narrow set of tasks and use systems that are connected to the corporate network. Task workers usually do not have a dedicated desktop computer; instead, they leverage a pool of designated computers to access one or a few applications. These users include call-center analysts, warehouse workers, and retail employees.

Contract Worker – These users are vendor or contract staff who perform a broad set of activities that might require administrative access to the operating system or a rich, full client. They typically use applications such as software development suites, testing tools, and project management tools. These users include contract software development (onshore or offshore) and contingent staff. IT requirements to store data and applications centrally and off the local computer must be met.

Page 7: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Introduction The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is designed to help you identify the best scenario match, based on user and business requirements, for each user segment within your organization. The tool uses five desktop usage scenarios defined by Microsoft: Office Worker, Mobile Worker, Task Worker, Contract/Offshore Worker, and workers who Access from Home. (Additionally, the tool recognizes variations of the Office and Mobile Worker scenarios.) Each scenario represents the user requirements and work patterns of a broad category of information workers within an organization.

For each scenario, Microsoft offers guidance on how to provide a desktop environment that is optimized to meet the needs of both IT and end users by defining a set of Microsoft technologies that fulfill the unique requirements of that scenario. By translating a list of requirements to an optimized desktop scenario, this tool helps you choose which set of underlying technologies are necessary for your organization.

To read more about the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenarios, see

Scenario Descriptions Office Worker – These users are connected to the corporate network, and expect a rich client

experience that can handle the broad range of tasks for which they are responsible. They use applications such as Microsoft Office and various line-of-business (LOB) applications, as well as Web and project management tools. These users include analysts, architects, researchers, and doctors.

Mobile Worker – These types of users are highly mobile and frequently work outside the corporate network. They use a variety of applications that usually run locally on their laptop and require a rich computing experience. They need to be able to access applications and data offline. These users include sales people and account executives.

Task Worker – These users perform a narrow set of tasks and use systems that are connected to the corporate network. Task workers usually do not have a dedicated desktop computer; instead, they leverage a pool of designated computers to access one or a few applications. These users include call-center analysts, warehouse workers, and retail employees.

Contract Worker – These users are vendor or contract staff who perform a broad set of activities that might require administrative access to the operating system or a rich, full client. They typically use applications such as software development suites, testing tools, and project management tools. These users include contract software development (onshore or offshore) and contingent staff. IT requirements to store data and applications centrally and off the local computer must be met.

Understanding How the Tool Works The tool is organized around questions about two sets of requirements:

User Requirements

Business Requirements

Your answers to these questions result in points added to or subtracted from one or more of the five scenarios (depending on how well the scenario meets a requirement).

Note To get the best results from the tool, you may need to consult different experts who are familiar with business and technical issues.

As you make selections, the tool calculates the points and indicates best fit scenarios by the tallest bars in the graph. You may end up with multiple equally applicable scenarios (two or more bars of equal height) for the targeted user population. This may indicate that you need to target a narrower user population.

Dealing with Multiple User Groups

In larger enterprises it is highly likely that a particular requirement is true for one subgroup of employees and not true for another. In these cases, you may want to run the tool for each group, considering one group at a time. (For example, you may determine that the sales force conforms to the Mobile Worker scenario whereas the offshore engineering team conforms to the Contract/Offshore Workers scenario.)

How Scoring Works

The tool calculates the absolute number of points for each scenario. It also calculates the percentage of points for each scenario, which reveals (on the bar chart) the

relative distribution of scenarios within the user population considered. The formula used for calculating the percentage of points for each scenario is as follows:

Total points for the scenario * 100

Total points for all scenarios

The Calculation Model

The Calculation Model tab of the tool shows the points that are assigned to a scenario when users enter responses to the questions on the Scenario Selection tab. The points displayed on the Calculation Model tab are counted only when you select either a Yes or No answer to a question.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Access From Home – This usage scenario is for employees who need to work from home because they cannot get to the office, and need access to their personalized computer work environment, including applications and data. The IT department needs to ensure that corporate data remains protected and that the computing environment remains well controlled.

Scenario Variations For each of the scenarios described above, there may be one or more variants that might more fully meet the needs of the organization. There is no requirement for a one-size-fits-all solution and organizations can choose to implement more than one virtualization solution to best meet the needs of their users. The Scenario Selection tool will show which specific conditions lead to scenarios variations, and will display multiple options in the results.

Page 8: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Understanding How the Tool Works The tool is organized around questions about two sets of requirements:

User Requirements

Business Requirements

Your answers to these questions result in points added to or subtracted from one or more of the five scenarios (depending on how well the scenario meets a requirement).

Note To get the best results from the tool, you may need to consult different experts who are familiar with business and technical issues.

As you make selections, the tool calculates the points and indicates best fit scenarios by the tallest bars in the graph. You may end up with multiple equally applicable scenarios (two or more bars of equal height) for the targeted user population. This may indicate that you need to target a narrower user population.

Dealing with Multiple User Groups

In larger enterprises it is highly likely that a particular requirement is true for one subgroup of employees and not true for another. In these cases, you may want to run the tool for each group, considering one group at a time. (For example, you may determine that the sales force conforms to the Mobile Worker scenario whereas the offshore engineering team conforms to the Contract/Offshore Workers scenario.)

How Scoring Works

The tool calculates the absolute number of points for each scenario. It also calculates the percentage of points for each scenario, which reveals (on the bar chart) the

relative distribution of scenarios within the user population considered. The formula used for calculating the percentage of points for each scenario is as follows:

Total points for the scenario * 100

Total points for all scenarios

The Calculation Model

The Calculation Model tab of the tool shows the points that are assigned to a scenario when users enter responses to the questions on the Scenario Selection tab. The points displayed on the Calculation Model tab are counted only when you select either a Yes or No answer to a question.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Recommended Next Steps

The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is intended to be a starting point for an optimized desktop solution. It will guide you toward one or more scenarios that address your organization’s requirements. The tool is based on a set of generalized assumptions which may or may not fit your specific requirements.

The following matrix maps the Windows Optimized Desktop scenarios to specific Microsoft products and technologies as described in the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Assessment IPD document.

Page 9: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Recommended Next Steps

The Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool is intended to be a starting point for an optimized desktop solution. It will guide you toward one or more scenarios that address your organization’s requirements. The tool is based on a set of generalized assumptions which may or may not fit your specific requirements.

The following matrix maps the Windows Optimized Desktop scenarios to specific Microsoft products and technologies as described in the Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Assessment IPD document.

Therefore, recommended next steps (before provisioning an optimized desktop scenario) include a detailed business study (such as TCO and ROI) involving domain experts such as architects and business planners.

Page 10: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Therefore, recommended next steps (before provisioning an optimized desktop scenario) include a detailed business study (such as TCO and ROI) involving domain experts such as architects and business planners.

Page 11: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Quick Instructions for Using the Tool The tool has four worksheets, identified by tabs:



Scenario Selection

Calculation Model

Only the Scenario Selection tab requires user input.

To use the tool

1. On the Scenario Selection tab, input answers to the questions. In the yellow User Inputs section, in the Relevance column, use the drop-down list to answer Yes (the solution must meet this requirement), No (the solution does not need to meet this requirement), or N/A (the requirement does not apply to the target environment).

2. Review the results in the bar chart to identify which scenarios are the best fit for the requirements you indicated in your answers to the questions. These bar chart results are updated with each new input (or change).

3. If the bar chart shows two or more bars of equal height for the targeted user population, this indicates multiple equally applicable scenarios. You may want subdivide the population into narrower target groups and rerun the tool on the narrower groups.

4. Record the scenario matches for each target group for analysis.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Page 12: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Quick Instructions for Using the Tool The tool has four worksheets, identified by tabs:



Scenario Selection

Calculation Model

Only the Scenario Selection tab requires user input.

To use the tool

1. On the Scenario Selection tab, input answers to the questions. In the yellow User Inputs section, in the Relevance column, use the drop-down list to answer Yes (the solution must meet this requirement), No (the solution does not need to meet this requirement), or N/A (the requirement does not apply to the target environment).

2. Review the results in the bar chart to identify which scenarios are the best fit for the requirements you indicated in your answers to the questions. These bar chart results are updated with each new input (or change).

3. If the bar chart shows two or more bars of equal height for the targeted user population, this indicates multiple equally applicable scenarios. You may want subdivide the population into narrower target groups and rerun the tool on the narrower groups.

4. Record the scenario matches for each target group for analysis.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Page 13: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Quick Instructions for Using the Tool The tool has four worksheets, identified by tabs:



Scenario Selection

Calculation Model

Only the Scenario Selection tab requires user input.

To use the tool

1. On the Scenario Selection tab, input answers to the questions. In the yellow User Inputs section, in the Relevance column, use the drop-down list to answer Yes (the solution must meet this requirement), No (the solution does not need to meet this requirement), or N/A (the requirement does not apply to the target environment).

2. Review the results in the bar chart to identify which scenarios are the best fit for the requirements you indicated in your answers to the questions. These bar chart results are updated with each new input (or change).

3. If the bar chart shows two or more bars of equal height for the targeted user population, this indicates multiple equally applicable scenarios. You may want subdivide the population into narrower target groups and rerun the tool on the narrower groups.

4. Record the scenario matches for each target group for analysis.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Page 14: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Quick Instructions for Using the Tool The tool has four worksheets, identified by tabs:



Scenario Selection

Calculation Model

Only the Scenario Selection tab requires user input.

To use the tool

1. On the Scenario Selection tab, input answers to the questions. In the yellow User Inputs section, in the Relevance column, use the drop-down list to answer Yes (the solution must meet this requirement), No (the solution does not need to meet this requirement), or N/A (the requirement does not apply to the target environment).

2. Review the results in the bar chart to identify which scenarios are the best fit for the requirements you indicated in your answers to the questions. These bar chart results are updated with each new input (or change).

3. If the bar chart shows two or more bars of equal height for the targeted user population, this indicates multiple equally applicable scenarios. You may want subdivide the population into narrower target groups and rerun the tool on the narrower groups.

4. Record the scenario matches for each target group for analysis.

Note The Calculation Model tab is hidden by default. To reveal it, right-click any of the other tabs and then click Unhide.

Page 15: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool

Selecting the Most Appropriate Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario








User Requirements Describe the users in your organization.

Business Requirements Describe the business requirements for the users in your organization.












Office Worker Mobile Worker Task Worker Contract Worker Access from Home

Page 16: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1









Solution Prerequisites Describe the current state of your environment.

Page 17: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario Selection Tool

Selecting the Most Appropriate Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario

Do they need to roam within the workplace from different computers to access their data and applications?

Are they vendor staff who work either at your local job site or remotely?Does the organization require that no confidential information be stored on any contractor-owned computer?

Do they need to travel abroad and use sensitive business data, but security policies prevent them from doing so?

User Requirements Describe the users in your organization.

Do they need rich, locally executing applications that require significant performance and capacity from disk, memory, and graphics on the desktop client computer?

Do they work in a branch office and need to access multiple corporate Web sites, Web portals, or corporate filesshares?

Do they work outside the office for a significant amount of time (for example, to visit customers, or travel) and require access to their applications and data?

Do they perform a single job function that is highly repetitive, require a single LOB application, and not require personalized desktop settings?

If they are unable to get to their workplace, do they need to be able to use their home computer to access the important applications, data, and settings that their office or business computer provides?

Business Requirements Describe the business requirements for the users in your organization.

Does your organization have regulatory compliance requirements or policies that require applications to be run from a central server and data to be stored centrally?

Does your organization have regulatory compliance requirements or policies that require applications and data to remain on a server, but the applications require a client operating system?












Office Worker Mobile Worker Task Worker Contract Worker Access from Home

This bar chart displays the score (points percentage) for all of the scenarios.
Page 18: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Do you have consistent and reliable Active Directory Domain Services?

Do you have a network that is reliable for network-intensive applications?

Does your network have at least 10Mb/s access to the desktops in the corporation?

Do your mobile and desktop computers have 20-25 GB of free disk space?

Do your mobile and desktop computers have at least 2 GB of RAM?

Are you a Microsoft Software Assurance subscriber?

Are you subscribed to the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack?

Does your organization have regulatory compliance requirements or policies that require applications to be run from a central server and data to be stored centrally, and the users require administrative permissions to perform their work?

Solution Prerequisites Describe the current state of your environment.

Page 19: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Scenario View Total Points PercentageOffice Worker 0 0.00% - Mobile Worker 0 0.00%Task Worker 0 0.00%Contract Worker 0 0.00%Access from Home 0 0.00%


Suggested Scenario/s:None

Potential Scenario Variation:None

User Inputs Points Assigned to Each Scenario Based on User Input Responses

Relevance Office Worker Mobile Worker

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0

Office Worker-VDI

Mobile Worker-RDS

Mobile Worker-VDI

Answer Yes or No, or N/A if the requirement is not applicable to your environment.
Page 20: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Unanswered 0 0 0 0 0








Total Points 0 0 0 0 0

Page 21: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

Points Assigned to Each Scenario Based on User Input Responses

Task Worker

0 0 0

0 0 00 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 00 0 00 0 0

0 0 00 0 0

0 0 0

Contract Worker

Access from Home

Page 22: Windows Optimized Desktop Scenario SelectionTool v1.1

0 0 0

0 0 0

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