Page 1: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guid

Quick Start Guide

Page 2: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


Computer 1 (Host)

Computer 2 (Client)

Computer 3 (Client)

Nic 1 External

Nic 2 Internal


Nic 1

Computer 2 Computer 1


Example LAN (Local Area Network)

IP Address: Mask: (Blank)DNS: (Disabled)*

*(NT, 2000 and XP, there is no "disabled"for DNS - Insert ISP's DNS Numbers)

IP Address: Mask:

IP Address: Mask:

Using a Crossover CableYou can connect two computers together without a Hub or a Switch by utilizing a "CrossoverCable." Use the same IP address scheme for Computer 1 and 2 above.

Note: You DO NOT have to use the IP Address scheme on this document. You can use whatever private non-routable IP Address scheme you wish.

Page 3: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

WinProxy® Quick Start Guide

Step 1 – Network and System RequirementsWinProxy System: IBM PC/compatible computerProcessor/Memory: 90MHz Pentium PC, 64MB RAMOperating System: Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/Me/NT/XP Disk Space: 4 MB for WinProxy application, 5 MB for anti-virus program,10 MB

for caching, 40 MB for site filteringNetwork Interface Card: Any Windows 95/98/2000/Me/NT/XP -compatible Network

Interface Card or equivalent device Internet Connection: Dial-Up Adapter or Second Network Interface Card Internet Service: One user account through an Internet service providerClient PCs: Any PC, Mac or UNIX/Linux-based system with TCP/IP installedNetworks Supported: Any LAN, including Windows 95/98/2000/Me/NT/XP built-in

networkingInternet Connection Types: Any TCP/IP connection, including modem, cable modem, xDSL,

ISDN, T1-T3, E1-E3, frame relay, wireless, satellite

Step 2 – What You Will Need Before You BeginA PC running a Windows operating system (any of the following 95/98/2000/NT/Me/XP) thiswill be your WinProxy host computer

Two network cards or one network card and a USB connection to the Internet

On the WinProxy host computer make sure all cabling is properly plugged in

You must have a working local area network with TCP/IP installed on all computers

Verify that you have a working Internet connection on the WinProxy host machine before youinstall WinProxy

For more information about installing a local area network, see the diagram on the inside cover ofthis guide, the LAN Guide contained on the CD-ROM or consult the Technical Support section ofthe Ositis™ web site at

Step 3 – Configuring Your WinProxy Host ComputerInstallation of WinProxy is only needed on one computer and will be referred to as the WinProxyhost computer. The WinProxy host computer does not need to be dedicated solely to runningWinProxy. All other computers wishing to use WinProxy's services must be connected to thenetwork and have the TCP/IP protocol installed.

Configuring Windows XP on the WinProxy host computer go to page 8Configuring Windows Me on the WinProxy host computer go to page 9Configuring Windows 2000 on the WinProxy host computer go to page 10Configuring Windows NT on the WinProxy host computer go to page 11Configuring Windows 98 on the WinProxy host computer go to page 12Configuring Windows 95 on the WinProxy host computer go to page 13


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Step 4 – Configuring Your Client ComputersThese are the other computers on your local network. They will access the Internet through theWinProxy host computer. Do not install WinProxy onto any other machine but your WinProxyhost computer. Client computers can be PCs or Macs and may be running under a Windows,UNIX or Linux operating system.

At the end of the Install Wizard a Client Configuration document will appear on the screenexplaining how to adjust your client computer(s) to access the Internet through WinProxy. Linksto the instructions are also provided below and should be performed on each Client computer.

Configuring Windows XP on WinProxy client computers go to page 8Configuring Windows Me on WinProxy client computers go to page 9Configuring Windows 2000 on WinProxy client computers go to page 10Configuring Windows NT on WinProxy client computers go to page 11Configuring Windows 98 on WinProxy client computers go to page 12Configuring Windows 95 on WinProxy client computers go to page 13

Step 5 – Checking Communication, How to PINGPING is a utility to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible. It works by sending apacket to the specified address and waiting for a reply. PING is used primarily to troubleshootInternet connections. You will need to ping within your network in order to check thecommunication between the WinProxy host computer and your client computers to ensureWinProxy will work. From the client machine, in Windows, click on the Start button and then onrun. In this box, type command and click OK. A DOS/Command Prompt will open. At theprompt type ping, hit the space bar and then type the IP address of the internal nic of theWinProxy host computer (this is the number you entered into the WinProxy host computer underSpecify an IP address) and hit enter. If you get "request timed out," (see example 2 on the nextpage) this means that you do not have a working TCP/IP network, this is a networking issueand NOT a WinProxy issue. Refer to the networking diagram on the inside cover of this bookand make sure your computers are configured properly. If you get "replies," this is good. Repliesmean that you have a working network (see example 1 on the nest page). (The addresses usedare for example purpose only. Please use the internal IP on YOUR WinProxy host computer).

IP Address: IP Address: Mask: Subnet Mask: (Blank) Gateway: (Disabled)* DNS:

*(NT, 2000 and XP, there is no "disabled" option for DNS - Leave DNS blank)

Host Client

Page 5: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

Example 1 Example 2

If you have problems with "pinging," refer to page 32 of the electronic version of the WinProxymanual stored on the WinProxy CD or you can download a copy at:

You will need Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read this electronic manual. If you donot have this you can go to to obtain Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Step 6 – Installing WinProxy, Download the Latest WinProxy VersionIt is recommended that you check the Ositis Software website prior to installing WinProxy toensure you have the latest product release. Downloads are available at

From the Internet1. Go to to download the latest version of


2. Double click on the winproxy.exe program.

3. The InstallShield program will launch and automatically install the programs and filesnecessary for WinProxy to run.

5. Upon completion of this process you will need to restart your computer.

6. After restarting, the WinProxy Install Wizard will automatically start.

7. Be sure to have correct IP address for both internal and external fields. If both IP's are in onebox or if they are switched, highlight the IP and move it to the corresponding box.

8. Simply follow the instructions, the Wizard will guide you through entering the informationnecessary to properly configure WinProxy and verify that your connection to the Internet isworking.

From the WinProxy CD

Now you're ready to start installing WinProxy on your WinProxy host computer.

1. Verify the internet connection is still working on the WinProxy host computer

2. Insert the WinProxy CD in the CD-ROM drive of the Host Computer.

3. The Installer should start automatically. If it does not, Click on the Start menu, Click Run andEnter X:\Setup\Setup.exe (replace X with the drive letter of your CD-ROM)

4. The InstallShield program will launch and automatically install the programs and filesnecessary for WinProxy to run.


Page 6: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


5. Upon completion of this process you will need to restart your computer.

6. After restarting, the WinProxy Install Wizard will automatically start.

7. Be sure to have correct IP address for both internal and external fields. If both IP's are in onebox or if they are switched, highlight the IP and move it to the corresponding box.

8. Simply follow the instructions, the Wizard will guide you through entering the informationnecessary to properly configure WinProxy and verify that your connection to the Internet isworking.

Step 7 – Configuring WinProxy

When making configuration changes to WinProxy, ALWAYS1. "OK" your way out of WinProxy and close the WinProxy window

2. Make sure there is not a WinProxy white mask icon in the system tray next to the clock. Ifthere is a mask in the system tray, right mouse click and select "close" WinProxy

3. Re-open WinProxy (start\programs\winproxy)

General Tab1. In WinProxy, at the "current connection" screen, go to File\Settings and this will bring you to

the "General" tab

2. The internal IP address box should show the internal IP of this WinProxy machine (top screen)

Note: If WinProxy is not seeing an IP on the "general" tab or in the "properties wizard," this is possibly a hardware issue(network card issue) or an IP configuration issue and NOT a WinProxy related issue

3. The HTTP Proxy port should be 80, unless running a web server on the network

4. At the bottom of the "general" tab, "permit domain names…." box should be checked

Refer to the WinProxy Manual located on the WinProxy CD for other options in the "general" tab

Starband 360 Internet ConnectionCheck the following on the "General” tab (if not running Starband, skip to next section)

1. "Enable Proxy Cascading" SHOULD be checked

2. "Enable Flash Acceleration" SHOULD NOT be checked

3. "Cascade Port" is 9877

4. "Cascade Proxy IP" is

Protocols Tab1. Click on the “Protocols” tab Make sure all the "protocols" (or boxes) are checked unless you

know specifically which "protocols" you do not need

2. Click the "DNS setup" button

3. Take out any unfamiliar DNS Server Numbers and insert your ISP's DNS Server Numbers

4. If is listed, highlight this number and remove it!

5. “OK” your way out to the current connection window

Advanced Settings1. At the "current connections" screen, go to File\Advanced Settings

Page 7: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


2. At the "Client Access Method" tab, set the slider bar to "Transparent Proxy - all connections"

3. Next, click on the "Firewall" tab, set the firewall to "medium"

4. “OK” your way out to the current connection window

Refer to the WinProxy manual in PDF format located on this CD or online at for more information onconfiguring WinProxy.

Step 8 – Accessing the HTML InterfaceYou have extensive WinProxy configurations through WinProxy's Remote Administration HTMLInterface. You can access WinProxy's Remote Administration HTML Interface several differentways:

To access the HTML interface from a client computer:

In a browser, type: http://admin.winproxy

In a browser, type:

To access the HTML interface on WinProxy machine:

In a browser, type: http://localhost

To access the HTML interface in the WinProxy application on the host machine:

In WinProxy, go to "Web Interface/Open Interface"

In WinProxy, go to File/settings/E-mail Filtering and click on "Open Web Interface"

Page 8: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


Step 9 – Configuring your Browser to use a ProxyAfter configuring all the settings if there are still some problems browsing, there might be a needto configure the browser to use a Proxy Server (especially with the Starband connection). If youhave the Starband connection, please skip to the Starband section below.

Internet Explorer1. Go to Tools\Internet options click on the

“Connections” tab click on “LAN Settings”

2. Check "Use a proxy server" and click "Advanced"button

3. Under “HTTP”, “Secure”, “FTP” and “Gopher” enterthe internal IP address of the WinProxy machine(ex. and then enter 80 in the “Port”. Be surenot to include extra characters (such as a leadingspace) along with the IP address.

4. “OK” your way out, close your browser and re-openyour browser and see if you can browse.

Netscape1. Go to “Preferences” from the “Edit” menu

2. Under “Category”, select “Advanced” and then select“Proxies”

3. Select “Manual Proxy” Configuration and click “View”

4. Under “HTTP”, “Security”, “FTP” and “Gopher” enterthe internal IP address of the WinProxy machine andthen enter 80 under “Port”. Be sure not to includeextra characters (such as a leading space) along withthe IP address.

5. “OK” your way back out. You do not have to restartNavigator for the changes to take effect.

Starband Internet connection, these settings will be a little different 1. Follow the steps as stated above for IE or Netscape

2. Insert the internal IP of the WinProxy machine (ex. andfor the port, configure according to the modem you have below:

3. Once you've configured your browser, OK your way out, closeyour browser, re-open your browser and see if you can browse.

360 or 180 ModemHTTP: 80Secure: 9877FTP: 80

Page 9: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

Technical SupportWinProxy is backed by a comprehensive technical support package. Support may be obtained in avariety of ways:

Built-in help files

Manual (Contained on CD, available for download on our website in PDF format, or availablefor purchase separately)

Web site with tips, FAQs, a comprehensive knowledgeSupportBase that supports complex search criteria, and complete instructions on how to set upa local area network


Telephone 866-758-4466 in the US or 925-225-8909 outside of the US. Technical Supportservice hours are 7:00am - 4:00pm (PST) Monday - Friday

Subscription Renewals and Upgrade OptionsThis edition of WinProxy includes a free six-month subscription to site filtering (parental control) andanti-virus pattern files. You may extend your subscription to these components via a secure on-lineordering feature on the Ositis Software website at or by calling theOsitis sales department at 925-225-8900.

WinProxy is available in 3, 5, 10, 25 and Unlimited user editions. Upgrades to any of theseproducts are available at special customer prices via our website or sales department as notedabove. You will need your registration number to obtain special pricing. To view our upgradepolicy please go to

CD-ROM ContentsWinProxy program files

Site Filtering pattern files

Antivirus pattern files

WinProxy User Manual (PDF file)

How to Set Up A Local Area Network Manual (PDF files)

Adobe Acrobat Reader (for viewing PDF files)


Page 10: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


Windows XP Configurations

WinProxy Host Computer Windows XP Configuration1. Right mouse click on "My Network Places" on your desktop and select "Properties"or go to

Start/Settings/Control panel/Network connections

2. Right mouse click on the “Local Area Network Connection” icon (the one that goes to theinternal network) and select “Properties”

3. On the General tab highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click "Properties"

4. Click on the “Use the following IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(examples, 172.16-31.0.1, or

5. Enter a Subnet Mask of

6. Default Gateway should be left blank

7. Click on the “Use the following DNS server addresses” button and insert your ISP’s DNSserver addresses

8. Click “OK” through all open menus, close the network and dial-up connections box (DO NOTclick cancel, if you do all your new settings will be lost)

9. Your PC should does not need to be restarted for the settings to take effect

WinProxy Client Computer Windows XP Configuration1. Right mouse click on "My Network Places" and select "Properties" or go to

Start/Settings/Control Panel/Network Connections

2. Right mouse click on the "Local Area Network Connection" icon (the one that goes to theinternal network) and select "Properties"

3. On the General tab highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click "Properties"

4. Click on the “Use the following IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(consecutive to the WinProxy machine see examples below)10.x.x.x ( ( (172.16-31.0.2)192.168.x.x ( 3,4,5,6,ect…..for each additional client machine

5. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

6. Enter a “Default gateway” address this will be the internal IP address you set up on theWinProxy host computer (i.e.

7. Click "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter the same address as in step 6 (theWinProxy host computer internal IP address)

8. Click “OK” through all open menus, close the network and dial-up connections box (DO NOTclick cancel, if you do all your new settings will be lost)

9. Your PC should does not need to be restarted for the settings to take effect

Page 11: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

Windows Me Configurations

WinProxy Host Computer Windows Me Configuration1. Right mouse click on "My Network Places" on your desktop and select "Properties" or go to

Start/Settings/Control panel/Network

2. Select the “TCP/IP” for the internal (LAN) network card and click on "Properties"

3. click on the "Specify an IP address" button. Enter a non-routable IP addresses (examples90.0.0.1, 172.16-31.0.1, or

4. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

5. There should be NO "Gateway" listed under "installed gateway" on the gateway tab and"DNS" should be disabled on the DNS configuration tab

6. Click “OK” through all open menus, close the network and dial-up connections box (DO NOTclick cancel, if you do all your new settings will be lost)

7. Your PC will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer

WinProxy Client Computer Windows Me Configuration1. Right mouse click on "My Network Places" and select "Properties" or go to

Start/Settings/Control Panel/Network

2. Select the “TCP/IP” for the internal (LAN) network card and click on "Properties"

3. Click "Specify an IP address" enter a non-routable IP addresses (consecutive to the WinProxymachine see examples below)10.x.x.x ( ( (172.16-31.0.2)192.168.x.x ( 3,4,5,6,ect…..for each additional client machine

4. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

5. Click the "Gateway" tab enter the internal IP address you set up on the WinProxy hostcomputer (i.e.

6. Click the "DNS" tab enter the same address as in step 6 (the WinProxy host computer internalIP address)

7. Click “OK” through all open menus, close the network and dial-up connections box (DO NOTclick cancel, if you do all your new settings will be lost)

8. Your PC will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer


Page 12: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


Windows 2000 Configurations

WinProxy Host Computer Windows 2000 Configuration1. Right mouse click on "My Network Places" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Right mouse click on the “Local Area Network Connection” icon (the one that goes to theinternal network) and select “Properties”

3. On the General screen highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click "Properties"

4. Click on the “Use the following IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(examples, 172.16-31.0.1, or

5. Enter a “Subnet Mask” of

6. Gateway should be left blank

7. Click on the “Use the following DNS server addresses” button and insert your ISP’s DNSserver addresses

8. Click “OK” through all open menus, close the network and dial-up connections box (DO NOTclick cancel, if you do all your new settings will be lost)

9. Your PC should does not need to be restarted for the settings to take effect

WinProxy Client Computer Windows 2000 Configuration1. Right mouse click on "My Network Places" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Right mouse click on the “Local Area Network Connection” icon (the one that goes to theinternal network) and select “Properties”

3. On the General screen highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click "Properties"

4. Click on the “Use the following IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(consecutive to the WinProxy machine see examples below)10.x.x.x ( ( (172.16-31.0.2)192.168.x.x ( 3,4,5,6,ect…..for each additional client machine

5. Enter a Subnet Mask of

6. Enter a “Default gateway” address this will be the internal IP address you set up on theWinProxy host computer (i.e.

7. Click on the “Use the following DNS server addresses” button and enter the same address asin step 6 (the WinProxy host computer internal IP address)

8. Click “OK” through all open menus, close the network and dial-up connections box (DO NOTclick cancel, if you do all your new settings will be lost)

9. Your PC should does not need to be restarted for the settings to take effect

Page 13: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


Windows NT Configurations

WinProxy Host Computer Windows NT Configuration1. Go to Start/Settings/Control panel/network or right mouse click on "Network

Neighborhood" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Select the “TCP/IP protocol” and click on "Properties"

3. Choose the internal network “Adapter” in the drop down adapter box

4. Click on the “Specify an IP address” button. Enter a non-routable IP addresses (examples90.0.0.1, 172.16-31.0.1, or

5. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

6. “Gateway” should be left blank

7. Click the “DNS” tab and then click the “Add” button and enter your ISP’s DNS server address

8. Click “OK” through all open menus (DO NOT click cancel, if you do all your new settings willbe lost)

9. Your computer will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer

WinProxy Client Computer Windows NT Configuration1. Go to Start/Settings/Control panel/network or right mouse click on "Network

Neighborhood" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Select the “TCP/IP protocol” and click on "Properties"

3. Choose the internal network “Adapter” in the drop down adapter box

4. Click on the “Specify an IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(consecutive to the WinProxy machine see examples below)10.x.x.x ( ( (172.16-31.0.2)192.168.x.x ( 3,4,5,6,ect…..for each additional client machine

5. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

6. Enter a “Default gateway” address this will be the internal IP address you set up on theWinProxy host computer (i.e.

7. Click the “DNS” tab and then click the “Add” button and enter the same address as in step 6(the WinProxy host computer internal IP address)

8. Click “OK” through all open menus (DO NOT click cancel, if you do all your new settings willbe lost)

9. Your computer will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer

Page 14: WinProxy Quick Start Guide


Windows 98 Configurations

WinProxy Host Computer Windows 98 Configuration1. Go to Start/Settings/Control panel/network or right mouse click on "Network

Neighborhood" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Select the “TCP/IP” for the internal (LAN) network card and click on "Properties"

3. Click on the “Specify an IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses (examples90.0.0.1, 172.16-31.0.1, or

4. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

5. There should be NO "Gateway" listed under installed gateway and the "DNS" should bedisabled on this network card

6. Click “OK” through all open menus (DO NOT click cancel, if you do all your new settings willbe lost)

7. Your computer will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer

WinProxy Client Computer Windows 98 Configuration1. Go to Start/Settings/Control panel/network or right mouse click on "Network

Neighborhood" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Select the “TCP/IP” for the internal (LAN) network card and click on "Properties"

3. Click on the “Specify an IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(consecutive to the WinProxy machine see examples below)10.x.x.x ( ( (172.16-31.0.2)192.168.x.x ( 3,4,5,6,ect…..for each additional client machine

4. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

5. Click the "Gateway" tab, then click the “Add” button and enter the internal IP address you setup on the WinProxy host computer (i.e.

6. Click the “DNS Configuration” tab, then click the “Add” button and enter the same address asin step 5 (the WinProxy host computer internal IP address)

7. Click “OK” through all open menus (DO NOT click cancel, if you do all your new settings willbe lost)

8. Your computer will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer

Page 15: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

Windows 95 Configurations

WinProxy Host Computer Windows 95 Configuration1. Go to Start/Settings/Control panel/network or right mouse click on "Network

Neighborhood" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Select the “TCP/IP” for the internal (LAN) network card and click on "Properties"

3. Choose the internal network “Adapter” in the drop down adapter box

4. click on the “Specify an IP address” button. Enter a non-routable IP addresses (examples90.0.0.1, 172.16-31.0.1, or

5. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

6. There should be NO "Gateway" listed under installed gateway and the "DNS" should bedisabled on this network card

7. Click “OK” through all open menus (DO NOT click cancel, if you do all your new settings willbe lost)

8. Your computer will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer

WinProxy Client Computer Windows 95 Configuration1. Go to Start/Settings/Control panel/network or right mouse click on "Network

Neighborhood" on your desktop and select "Properties"

2. Select the “TCP/IP” for the internal (LAN) network card and click on "Properties"

3. Choose the internal network “Adapter” in the drop down adapter box

4. click on the “Specify an IP address” button and enter a non-routable IP addresses(consecutive to the WinProxy machine see examples below)10.x.x.x ( ( (172.16-31.0.2)192.168.x.x ( 3,4,5,6,ect…..for each additional client machine

5. Enter a “Subnet mask” of

6. Click the "Gateway" tab, then click the “Add” button and enter the internal IP address you setup on the WinProxy host computer (i.e.

7. Click the “DNS Configuration” tab, then click the “Add” button and enter the same address asin step 5 (the WinProxy host computer internal IP address)

8. Click “OK” through all open menus (DO NOT click cancel, if you do all your new settings willbe lost)

9. Your computer will prompt you to restart for the settings to take effect, restart your computer


Page 16: WinProxy Quick Start Guide

Ositis Software, Inc.6120 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 210, Pleasanton, CA 94588

888-946-7769 outside the US 925-225-8900 Fax 925-225-8904

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