Download - Winter 2012


Volume 15, Issue 2 Creative Writing Issue 2012

In This Issue:

Poetry 1

Poetry 2

Poetry 3 Poetry and Narratives 4

Poetry and Narratives 5 Narratives 6

Creative Writing Issue of the Snelling Connection Newsleter, Hancock-Hamline Collaboration

— Graphic By Taw Bee

Time Someone Told Me By: Selene Mohammed

Time someone told me …

That I’m unstoppable,

Like a lightening bolt going through the sky.

Art By: Dimitri ClauserSilhouette picturing Snelling Connection Web Designer, Dimitri Clauser.

Art By Rayan DhamukeSilhouette picturing Snelling Connection Photographer, Rayan Dhamuke.

The World As I See ItBy: Anonymous

People see me as a black kid.Just another face in the crowd.

But I am way more than just that.I am a human being who deserves to be accepted,

Just as anyone else in this world.So what if my blood is not purely one race —

But everyone is the same.So people need to just accept me for me!

Art By: Aydyrus Abdirahman

Silhouette picturing Snelling Connection Photographer, Aydyrus Abdirahman.

Art By: Yee ThaoSilhouette picturing Snelling Connection Journalist, Yee Thao.

People See Me As...By: Alyssa Xiong

People see me as a normal person, but I see me as a not really smart person. I see people going into the smart classes, and I’m going to the not really smart classes. But I see me as a — smart person.

People see me as a normal girl, but I see me as a funky girl. I like to wear funky stuff, but when I get to school, I’m embarrassed to show what I’m wearing. So when I wear something funky I would take it off or wear my sweater all day until school’s over, but I see myself as a funky girl. I’m proud to be a funky girl because I want to stand out.

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A Dialogue PoemBy: Yee Thao

Problem: My teacher asks us a question, and we don’t know. We start to panic.

“Ummm,” I say. “Hurry up,” the teacher snaps.Thinking: Maybe it’s this but I am not sure …Teacher is still snappning.Silence.“I’ll come back to you and you better get it right,” the teacher says.“What do you got for an answer?”“24,” I say. Thinking: Oh dang, I got it wrong.“Nope, wrong,” the teacher says.Thinking: OMG I got it wrong I feel so embarassed.Teacher thinking: How can she possibily get it wrong when she’s so good at math?

A Dialogue PoemBy: Najma Ali

Me: I have a friend.Friend: She’s nothing like me.Me: We’re entirely different.Friend: And alike the same way.Me: She likes different things.Friend: She looks differently.

Listen to this:

Me: I like dodgeball.Friend: I like volleyball.Me: I talk LOUD.Friend: You can barely hear me.Me: My face stays brown.Friend: Mine changes from pink to peach.Me: But we’re also …Friend: The same person.

Listen to this:

We are friends.We’ve both got hopes and dreams.We’ve known each other.Since kindergarten.Now you see,We’re not 2,But 1,And it is our goal,To make our last,Year nothing,But fun.

A Dialogue PoemBy: Emma Luchsinger

Me: My art is pretty.Jim: Her art is ugly.Me: I like it.Jim: I don’t like it.Me: Look at mine.Jim: Well, mine is better.Me: You are mean.Jim: I am nice. You are mean.Me: I feel sad because he is a bully.Jim: I feel happy because I won the fight.Me: I don’t think he is happy. I wonder what the matter is.Jim: On the outside I might look like I’m happy but really … I am lonely because I have no one, not even a brother or sister.Photo By: Tessa Mortenson

Photographic art picturing Snelling Connection Journalist, Yee Thao.

Photo By: Tessa MortensonPhotographic art picturing Snelling Connection Photographer, Najma Ali.

A Dialogue PoemBy: Anonymous

Problem: Ally went to a new school and already has a problem with the cool group. They said, “Look, why don’t you just go back to Africa with your loser and so called friends?”

I wanted to say …You shouldn’t make fun of someone just because of their race!Can you please just leave me alone? I don’t want any trouble!

I said …Shut up! At least I ain’t a fat white chick.Come on and fight me! I ain’t scared!

I felt …FrightenedScaredSadLonely

I showed …AngerAggressiveness

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PoetryA Dialogue PoemBy: Anonymous

When I go to school I have to speak English. At home I try to speak Karen. I have been in Minnesota for 6-7 years. I’m really sad because I am forgetting how to speak Karen and I have trouble speaking it. At school, I do on speaking English. I wish I could remember more of Karen and learn how to write it. My little brother barely knows how to say any Karen but if somebody talks to him, he can understand only a little.

Me: I am forgetting how to speak Karen.

Parents: My son and daughter are loosing their culture.

Me: I want to learn how to speak and write Karen.

Parents: What should I do?

Me: Help me?

Parents: I want to help, but I don’t know how.

Me: My brother, I am worried for him.

Parents: My son. Is he going to forget Karen forever?

A Dialogue PoemBy: Khalaya Cummings

One day there was a “good friend” and a “bad friend”. They became enemies. The “good friend” turned bad and got a “good friend” of her own.

Good Friend (GF): Today’s a good day!Bad Friend (BF): The sky’s gray you idiot.GF: Forget that! Don’t you think the new kid looks nice?BF: He looks raggedy. What are you talking about?GF: I was just trying to be friendly!BF: Maybe you should just shut up!GF: Why you so mean?BF: **Shrug**GF: How would you feel if I called you a raggedy idiot?

BF: I’d punch you in your big, stupid mouth.

The next day, the two friends didn’t talk or look at each other. The “bad friend” turned shy and lonely because she didn’t have a friend. (The following is not spoken. This shows what the two friends were thinking.)

GF: I’m glad I finally got rid of her.BF: I only wanted you to be my friend.GF: Now I can hang out with my real friends.BF: You were my first real friend.GF: Maybe I’ll give her a chance another day.BF: What did I just do??GF: Why you so mean?BF: **Shrug**GF: How would you feel if I called you a raggedy idiot?BF: I’d punch you in your big stupid mouth.

A Dialogue PoemBy: Tallese Graham

Conflict: Two girls don’t know each other but want to be friends. Girl two doesn’t like girl one but needs a friend.

Girl 1 (G1): I think she is nice!Girl 2 (G2): I think she is annoying!G1: I think she is funny.G2: I think she is weird.G1: I think she needs my help.G2: I think she needs nothing.G1: I need a friend.G2: I need nobody.

But really …

G1: I need somebody.G2: I need somebody.G1: Will she be my friend?G2: Will she be my friend?G1: I need a friend.G2: I need a friend.G1: I think I like her.G2: I think I don’t like her.G1: I think she means bad but … I think we are friends.G2: I think she mean well and … I think we are friends.

Photo By: Tessa MortensonPhotographic art picturing Snelling Connection Photographer, Tallese Graham.

Photo By: Tessa MortensonPhotographic art picturing Snelling Connection Web Designer, Khalaya Cummings.

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A Dialogue PoemBy: Anonymous

When my mom and dad fight at night, I would always listen to them (because my room is next door and because they’re loud) so I would just lay there until they’re done yelling then I would go asleep. I always wanted to run away from home because I’m really tired of them yelling (but like I would really do that) I wanted to say to them when

they’re fighting, “Just please stop fighting and go to slepp” (but I’m too afraid) so I would hold those two thoughts in.

(I think my brother feels how I feel because one night my brother texted, called mostly all my relatives and so my grandma and two uncles came to my house)

Me: Mam and Dad you guys would always fight at night and I would always listen to you guys.Parents: We still fight even though

you can hear us in your bedroom.Me: I wanted to run away from home because I’m tired of you guys yelling at night.Parents: Why would you do that?Me: Because I’m tired of you and Dad fighting.Parents: Sorry, me and Dad are just frustrated.Me: Really? Okay, but I feel like you and Dad are going to break up.Parents: Don’t worry we won’t break up and me and Dad feel the same way as you.

Poetry and NarrativesWho Am I?By: Selene Mohammed

“Who am I?” I ask five of my friends.

Friend #1 said, “You’re as serious as a professor.”

Friend #2 said, “You’re as funny as a bunny.”

Friend #3 said, “You’re as crazy as a treefrog jumping from tree-to-tree.”

Friend #4 said, “You’re as stylish as Cinderella.”

Friend #5 said, “You’re as smart as Albert Einstein.”

“Wow, you guys are right! I do take things seriously. I’m as funny as a bunny. I’m as crazy as a treefrog jumping tree-to-tree. I’m as stylish as Cinderella. I’m as smart as Albert Einstein. I say, “Now I know who I am.”

What do I See in my

Neighborhood!By: Anonymous

I live across from two pretty big apartments, but about three or four years ago they built a new apartment. There were a lot of people living in the three apartments, but on one night in particular, we were having a Hmong culture party. These two guys in their mid 20s-30s were fighting.

I think the guy wearing the muscle shirt was mad at the guy with the red shirt for some reason. The red shirt guy’s mom was telling them to STOP! But they wouldn’t listen. Pow, pow! Fist fighting. People started coming out of their apartments and calling 911. But even before the police came, the guy with the muscle shirt almost got ran over by the guy in the red shirt. The guy with the red shirt went into his car and started the engine. I think he wanted to start fighting, but the guy in white still wanted to

fight. So he openned the car. The guy with the red shirt started driving the car back and forth, but the guy let go before the red guy drove. Then they stopped, and the guy just drove away. It was a pretty scary experience watching them fight. Who lives in your neighborhood? African-Americans. They look scary. They usually stay inside the apartments. Kids usually come outside and play in the summer. Nothing much happens on a typical day except kids go to the bus stop.

Photo By: Tessa Mortenson Photographic art picturing Snelling Connection Journalist, Selene Mohammed.

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PoemBy: Anonymous

I want to be happy, but I cannot speak. the wrong words will come out. When others talk to me my stomach gets butterflies. My legs turn into jello. Finally, once they say nice words to me. Not like the rude fireballs they used to throw like rocks towards me. And my heart lept for joy!

Time Someone Told MeBy: Newal Mohammed

Time someone told me, “you sing good”Time someone told me, “you write good”Time someone told me, “you’re unique”Time someone told me, “you dance good”I’m not Bella Thorne and Zendaya,But I believe I can be,UNIQUE, ME

Who’s That Girl?By: Selene Mohammed

Who’s that girl, who always acts crazy?Who’s that girl, that’s so smart in many ways?Who’s that girl, who tried to dress, but always impresses?Who’s that girl, who takes things seriously?That girl takes a look in the mirror and realizes,“Hey, that girl is me!”

I Am From …By: Malee Yang

I am from a world of blood and tears.I am from a world full of heart breaking and leaving.I am from running and not knowing.I am from starving and fearing.I am from escaping and living.I am from a land who will give me a new start.I am from moving to a free country.I am from a world who will give back my joy again.

Poetry and Narratives

Photo By: Tessa MortensonPhotographic art picturing Snelling Connection Journalist, Malee Yang.

Photo By: Tessa MortensonPhotographic art picturing Snelling Connection Team Leader, Newal Mohammed.

Photos By: Tessa Mortenson(Far Left): Photographic art picturing Snelling Connection Photographer, Aydyrus Abdirahman. (Top Right): Photographic art picturing Snelling Connection Web Designer, Dimitri Clauser. (Bottom Right): Photographic art picturing Snelling Connection Photographer. Ana Caballero. (Below) Photographic art picturing Snelling Connection Photographer.

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Snelling Connection Contacts:

Co-Editors: Zach Knudson,Tessa Mortenson, and Isaac MullinHamline University [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Hamline Liaison: Letitia Basford, Assistant Professor of Teacher [email protected] 651-523-2303

Hancock Liaison: Deborah Shipp, Hancock/Hamline University Collaborative Magnet [email protected] 651-293-8715

Hancock Student Advisor: Glynis Grostephan, Hancock/Hamline University Collaborative Magnet [email protected] 651-293-8715

Perfect WorldBy: Mai-Lee Xiong

“Where is the Love?” That song is from the Black Eyed Peas, and they are right:

when are people going to love each other? When are we all going to care about each other and respect what comes to us? Never give up on hope. Hope is always there when you need it most. Never let anything get in your way. There might be some ups and downs, but you can always get through them. Never let anyone

pull you away from what you love. Always believe in yourself. If you do, you can achieve anything! [This song] speaks to me because in my neighborhood, some people don’t love each other. They fight and do dangerous things. It makes me feel uncomfortable staying in a neighborhood that I know is sometimes violent.

Me, Myself, and IBy: Deka Abdi

I feel like I am loosing my own Somali. I feel frustrated how I know a lot of English but not that much Somali. I feel different from each day at school. I know more English than Somali, and I feel left out when I

don’t know what my family is talking about or saying something when I don’t know what they are saying. When people are trying to judge me and others I feel like they just want attention from people to show how tough they are, but I have my own life. I stick up for my own friends and

family no matter what happens in my own life.

Art By Deka AbdiSilhouette picturing Snelling Connection Web Designer, Deka Abdi.

Art By Malee YoungSilhouette picturing Snelling Connection Journalist, Malee Yang.

Art By: Mai-Lee XiongSilhouette picturing Snelling Connection Journalist, Mai-Lee Xiong.

Darkness, Light,

and HopeBy: Malee Yang

People see me as a girl full of happiness and joy, but I see myself as a girl with sorrow thoughts and sorrow moments. I really want to be joyful, but I can’t. Once I was out of the darkness, but it pulled me back into a dark, silent room. I’m loosing hope, loosing happy moments. I’m just waiting for someone to help, but

no one came. I only had a little hope left, but I had the power to make it grown, just like a black seed into a beautiful flower. Darkness is coming back to lock me up again, but I still have hope by my side.

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