Page 1: Wire Tree – Common SEO Problems that Every Webmaster Should Avoid

Common SEO Problems that Every Webmaster Should Avoid

It is quite often that you see some common mistakes made by webmasters in the SEO world. There are a number of people and their sites facing the same issue in their ongoing search engine optimization efforts. Here is some helpful information ready to help you with the issues that bug most webmasters.

Hreflang : If your website uses a segment content for worldwide audiences then make sure you use the right two-character ISO language and country codes. This is because most of the folks try to use only one code with the intention of specifying a country. So, it is essential to specify at least one language for each country to help search engines better understand what audience or region your content is destined for.

Java script: Avoid using JavaScript for your global navigation template. If Google can’t read anything, then search engines also can’t see your JavaScript links. Navigation links are vital part of SEO. So, it is important that they can be correctly arranged. Use CSS, HTML 5 plus Google’s text cache to see that your links appear or not.

Keyword density : Users today are searching more specific information by using various keywords. It is something that you should really think about. However, if a keyword appears only once in the content of the page how can that page really come into the top ranks? So, you should use proper keyword density for successful search results.

Page titles: Google changes page titles based on queries and longer based page titles. If you want to get long tail traffic, you must include the keyword at the front or nearer of the page title which is helpful to rank for a competitive keyword.

Conversion testing: Everyone is not in the same boat. But if you aren’t testing conversions, then you would not able to take full advantage of the organic traffic on your pages. So, it is required that you should constantly test both organic pages and PPC landing pages for

Page 2: Wire Tree – Common SEO Problems that Every Webmaster Should Avoid

conversion optimization.

Form based navigation and Search boxes: This is the only way to access a particular page of content. Search engines will not perform these actions and not even count those page elements as links. Make sure every piece of content on your website holds at least one internal link pointing to it. You should always avoid ‘Island pages’ because they do not perform well in search.

Keep these essential tips in your mind while building links. It would definitely make a huge difference in your brand’s online SEO performance. Good luck with your SEO efforts.

We provide services including search engine optimization to PPC campaign management to achieve long term business results. Contact our experts who are skilled in online marketing techniques that help take your business to a whole new level.

ese essential tips in your mind while building links. It would definitely make a huge difference in your brand’s online SEO performance. Good luck with your SEO efforts.

We provide services including search engine optimization to PPC campaign management to achieve long term business results. Contact our experts who are skilled in online marketing techniques that help take your business to a whole new level.

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