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Project Members:

Zeeshan Anjum FA09-BCE-084

Syed Emad ud din SP10-BCE-051

Muhammad Usman SP10-BCE-015

Project Supervisor:

Engr. Muhammad Ali Faisal




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This is to certify that the thesis entitled “WIRELESS SENSOR BASED INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM” submitted by Zeeshan Anjum, Syed Emad ud din Arshad and Muhammad Usman is an authentic work carried out by them successfully under my supervision.

To the best of my knowledge the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to any other university/ institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Project Supervisor:

Engr. Muhammad Ali Faisal

Asst. Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology



In the Name of Allah, Who lets it all be

We acknowledge our teachers, professors, instructors and engineers, who imparted us with the skills and wisdom to implement this project. We acknowledge also the friends and well-wishers who supported us. But most of all, we dedicate this work to our parents who let us reach this station in life.

Project Students

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We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that to the best of our knowledge and belief. It does not contain any material or a fact which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any degree of any university or any other institution except where an acknowledgement.

Zeeshan Anjum FA09-BCE-084

Syed Emad Ud din Arshad SP10-BCE-051

Muhammad Usman SP10-BCE-015

December 2013

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Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, nation, or organization. Security has been an important issue not only in our country but all around the world. To overcome security mishaps many ideas have been developed.

The purpose of our project is to provide a prototype that is able to fulfill the requirements of an efficient, advanced and cost effective security system for getting notified when an external breach occurs in a specific area and the intrusion is monitored and tracked by sensors deployed on that area.

Sensor and terminal nodes were designed and created. On sensor nodes we interfaced PIR sensor and Ultrasonic sensor with a microcontroller and a RF module. While on sensor node a GSM module is interfaced with a RF module, Microcontroller with computer.

The output from sensors is digitized and transmitted to the terminal where it is monitored on the screen using Graphical User Interface that is designed in Python. For ease a text message is sent on the cell phone of in charge of that area by a GSM module. The communication between sensor and terminal node is wireless using XBee modules (802.15.4).

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Contents1.1 Introduction:......................................................................................................7

1.2 Concept and Motivation:...................................................................................9

1.3 Purpose of the project:......................................................................................9

2.1 Wireless Sensor Network:................................................................................10

2.2 Technical Details:............................................................................................10

2.3 XBee (802.15.4):.............................................................................................11

3.1 DESIGN OVERVIEW:......................................................................................13

Block Diagram.......................................................................................................13

3.2 Description of Block diagram:...........................................................................13

3.2.1 Sensor Node:.............................................................................................13

3.2.2 Terminal Node:..........................................................................................14

3.3 Schematic Diagram:.......................................................................................15

4.3.1 Comparison of WiFi, Bluetooth and XBee..................................................17

4.3.2 Features/Benefits............................................................................................17

4.3.3 Performance....................................................................................................18

4.3.4 Features..........................................................................................................18

Networking & Security..............................................................................................19

Power Requirements................................................................................................19

4.3.4 XBee Programmer pin configuration:-.......................................................20

Connecting a XBee...................................................................................................20

Setting up XBee :......................................................................................................20

4.3.5 Modem Configuration tab................................................................................23

4.3.6 Range test:................................................................................................24

High Performance RISC CPU:..............................................................................31

Extreme Low-Power Management with nanoWatt XLP™:...................................31

Special Microcontroller Features:.......................................................................32

Analog Features:................................................................................................32

Peripheral Features:...........................................................................................33

High-Performance RISC CPU:....................................................................................34

Special Microcontroller Features:.............................................................................34

Flash Technology:.....................................................................................................35

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Chapter 1

INTRODUCTION1.1 Introduction:

A security system consists of different components that are connected to each other for their means to make a place secure. Or there may be manpower for that purpose in form of guard. Security systems are used to provide security in premises where they ate deployed. The efficiency and preciseness vary with design and cost.

Security suffers different types of threats e.g. intrusion in a restricted area, bomb blasts, cyber threats, robberies etc. The focus of our project is to minimize the intrusion impact. It is one of the most dangerous types of security threats. In the past decade incidents of intrusion occurred in Pakistan frequently involving attacks on Armed forces bases and Headquarters that damaged financially and have been responsible for a lot of innocent causalities.

If we look at past the first concept to provide security was to hire security guards. With the passage of time improvements were made. New and strong weapons were invented and used. But as the world moved towards modern era the concept of automatic and manual security systems was developed and people started working on it in order to reduce the man power. Gradually systems were developed that proved to be helpful and the work on such systems is not ended here and every day new research or a product comes into the market.

New sensors and systems are developed to tackle security threat. For example a suicide attack can be traced and minimized by using modern security systems such as metal detectors. Electronic security systems have helped the world in many ways. Modern security systems have minimized the manpower and risks and improved the efficiency. They have reduced the cost in a way that we don’t have to pay many guard’s monthly bills. A Premises can be monitored by one guard or by a person himself by using the CCTVs or other latest techniques.

The modern security systems can be used by all the people including those who cannot afford to hire a guard. Also modern security systems have

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minimized the crime rate. People buy a bullet proof car now a days instead of carrying a convoy of guards along with them.

Even if having a security system installed could be a costly endeavor, the overall benefits far exceed its cost. Some of the most important benefits of an alarm monitoring system are:

Protection from intruders: Probably the most important benefit is that a place is be protected 24/7. While a guard might not chase off intruders, this system certainly does. In case there is no one in the premises, the responsible person is still notified, and he will take the proper action. Because of this, people get the peace of mind their family, possessions and property is protected.

Another main advantage and reason of the success of modern security systems is Time efficiency. They have reduced the time consumption. For example the checking done by man requires more time and effort while moderns systems can perform the same task in seconds and more efficiently. Walkthrough gates and metal detectors are very common examples of that.

Many kinds of security systems are used in today’s world depending upon the nature of threats.

Radar technology, Sonar etc is used by armed forces for defense purpose.

For commercial use many systems are available in the market. Like walkthrough gates, Metal Detectors, Burglar alarms, Fire alarms, Smart locks, CCTVs and RFID modules etc. All used for their specific purposes.


The images collected from CCTV camera are sent to a CCTV monitor and recorded on video tape via a VCR or as digital information via a DVR. The CCTV camera lens determines how far and much detail the CCTV camera can see.

The CCTV camera picks up the signal from the area being monitored, and in a wired system, the CCTV camera sends the signals through a coaxial cable to the CCTV monitor; in wireless systems, no cable is needed, instead the CCTV camera broadcasts the signal. Monitors can be watched by CCTV controllers

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RFID:RFID methods utilize radio waves to accomplish this. At a simple level, RFID systems consist of three components: an RFID tag or smart label, an RFID reader, and an antenna. RFID tags contain an integrated circuit and an antenna, which is used to transmit data to the RFID reader (also called an interrogator). The reader then converts the radio waves to a more usable form of data. Information collected from the tags is then transferred through a communications interface to a host computer system, where the data can be stored in a database and analyzed at a later time.

Modern Radar Systems:

In modern radar system a signal is transmitted, it bounces off an object and it is later received by some type of receiver. Radars don't use sound as a signal. Instead they use certain kinds of electromagnetic waves called radio waves and microwaves.

Sound is used as a signal to detect objects in devices called SONAR. Another type of signal used that is relatively new is laser light that is used in devices called LIDAR.

An intrusion detection system is a device that monitors system activities for malicious activities produces reports to a management station. Some systems may attempt to stop an intrusion attempt but this is neither required nor expected of a monitoring system. Intrusion detection and prevention systems are primarily focused on identifying possible incidents. Many systems have been developed to stop intrusion impacts like CCTV Analog Surveillance Systems can produce images or recordings for surveillance purposes, Digital / Megapixel IP Surveillance Systems, Bio-Metric Time Attendance & Access Controllers.

1.2 Concept and Motivation:Our motivation is to make a security system that detects intrusion breach anywhere in restricted area where it is deployed and give response immediately to the concerning authorities to neutralize that impact as soon as possible.

For this purpose we developed two types of nodes i.e.

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a) Sensor nodesb) Terminal node

Sensor node detects intrusion with help of PIR (Passive Infrared radial) sensor and Ultrasonic sensor (Microwave Motion Sensor) and transmits the data to the terminal node. On terminal node we interfaced a microcontroller with XBee (802.15.4) and a GSM module.

The results are displayed on the GUI that is designed on the computer.

1.3 Purpose of the project:The purpose of our project is to introduce an efficient and cost effective security system using modern wireless technology and sensors. The system detects intrusion breach anywhere in restricted area where it is deployed and gives response immediately to the concerning authorities to neutralize that impact as soon as possible. The system is wireless and is monitored from a far distance.

Chapter 2

WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK2.1 Wireless Sensor Network:

A wireless sensor network consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to pass their data through the network to a main location. The more modern networks are bi-directional, also enabling control of sensor activity. Today such networks are used in many industrial and consumer

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applications, such as industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, and so on.

2.2 Technical Details:

The WSN is built of "nodes". Each node is connected to one or several sensors. Each such sensor network node has several parts:

a. Radio Transceiver with an internal antenna or connection to an external antenna,

b. Microcontroller, an electronic circuit for interfacing with the sensors and an energy source.

The size and cost of sensor nodes is variable, depending on the complexity of the individual sensor nodes. Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and communications bandwidth. The topology of the WSNs can vary from a simple star network to an advanced multi-hop wireless mesh network. The propagation technique between the hops of the network can be routing or flooding.

Topologies of Wireless Sensor networks

A WSN node contains several technical components. These include the radio, battery, microcontroller, analog circuit, and sensor interface. When using WSN radio technology, you must make important trade-offs. In battery-powered systems, higher radio data rates and more frequent radio use consume more power. Often three years of battery life is a requirement, so

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many of the WSN systems today are based on ZigBee due to its low-power consumption. Because battery life and power management technology are constantly evolving and because of the available IEEE 802.11 bandwidth, Wi-Fi is an interesting technology.

The second technology consideration for WSN systems is the battery. In addition to long life requirements, you must consider the size and weight of batteries as well as international standards for shipping batteries and battery availability. The low cost and wide availability of carbon zinc and alkaline batteries make them a common choice.

To extend battery life, a WSN node periodically wakes up and transmits data by powering on the radio and then powering it back off to conserve energy. WSN radio technology must efficiently transmit a signal and allow the system to go back to sleep with minimal power use. This means the processor involved must also be able to wake power up, and return to sleep mode efficiently. Microprocessor trends for WSNs include reducing power consumption while maintaining or increasing processor speed. Much like your radio choice, the power consumption and processing speed trade-off is a key concern when selecting a processor for WSNs. This makes the x86 architecture a difficult option for battery-powered devices.

2.3 XBee (802.15.4):

The XBee RF Module was engineered to meet IEEE 802.15.4 standards and support the unique needs of low-cost, low-power wireless sensor networks. The module requires minimal power and provides reliable delivery of data between devices.

It currently operates in 868 MHz band at a data rate of 20Kbps in Europe, 914MHz band at 40kbps in USA, and the 2.4GHz ISM bands Worldwide at a maximum data-rate of 250kbps. It is used to verify whether user’s truncation is possible or not. One of the main advantages of this XBEE communication is that it provides a noise free communication, the amount of noise added in this type of communication is very less compared to the other wireless communications

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XBee is a very important protocol and device and its further details will be discussed in coming chapters.

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Chapter 3


Block Diagram

The block diagram of Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System is shown in the figure below.

3.2 Description of Block diagram:

The whole system is divided into two sections i.e.:

Sensor Node (Transmitting Section) Terminal Node (Receiving Section)

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3.2.1 Sensor Node:

The sensor node consists of PIR sensor and Ultrasonic sensor. These sensors are interfaced with a microcontroller and a XBee module for data transfer from sensor node to the terminal node.

The PIR sensor detects the motion occurred in its range and it provides a signal to the microcontroller that switches on the Ultrasonic sensor.

The output taken from PIR sensor and Ultrasonic sensor is transmitted to the terminal node by XBee.

3.2.2 Terminal Node:The terminal node consists of a XBee module, GSM module with microcontroller. And it is interfaced with the computer through serial port in order to get results on the GUI developed in the Python.

A GSM module is interfaced with the microcontroller so that the notification is sent to the cell phone of the responsible person in order to take proper action.

3.3 Schematic Diagram:







































Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem






Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem






Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem































GSM module





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Chapter 4

HARDWARE PROFILEThe detail of hardware used in the project is as follows:

4.1 Components:

RF Modules:o Xbeeo GSM Module SIM 900D

PIC Micro-controllerso PIC18F45K22o PIC18F452

Passive Infrared Radial Sensor Ultrasonic Sensor USB to RS232 TTL Converter(PL2303) Text LCD Buzzer Battery 5V Voltage Regulator 3.3V Voltage regulator AMS1117

4.2 RF Modules:

RF modules are used for the transmission and receiving of data transferred from sensor and terminal nodes. On Sensor node only Xbee module is interfaced while on terminal node Xbee is interfaced along with a GSM Module.

4.3 Xbee(802.15.4):

XBEE is new wireless technology guided by IEEE 802.15.4 Personal Area Network standard. It is primarily designed for the wide range controlling applications and to replace the existing non-standard technologies. It currently operates in 868 MHz band at a data rate of 20Kbps in Europe, 914MHz band at 40kbps in USA, and the 2.4GHz ISM bands Worldwide at a maximum data-rate of 250kbps. It is used to verify whether user’s truncation is possible or not. One of the main advantages of this XBEE communication is that it provides a noise free communication, the amount of noise added in

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this type of communication is very less compared to the other wireless communications.

4.3.1 Comparison of WiFi, Bluetooth and XBeeXBee differs from existing networking standards. It is not a rival of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, it simply ”fills the gap” between wireless technologies. The standard offers very much interesting features.

Comparison of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, XBee

4.3.2Features/Benefits• 802.15.4/Multipoint network topologies

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• 2.4 GHz for worldwide deployment

• 900 MHz for long-range deployment

• Fully interoperable with other Digi Drop-in Networking products, including gateways, device adapters and extenders

• Common XBee footprint for a variety of RF modules

• Low-power sleeps modes

• Multiple antenna options

• Industrial temperature rating (-40ºC to 85ºC)

• Low-power and long-range variants available

4.3.3 Performance

RF Data Rate 250 kbps

Indoor/Urban Range 100 ft (30 m)

Outdoor/RF Line-of-Sight Range 300 ft (100 m)

Transmit Power 1 mW (+0 dBm)

Receiver Sensitivity (1% PER) -92 dBm

4.3.4 FeaturesSerial Data Interface 3.3V CMOS UART

Configuration Method API or AT Commands, local or over-the-air

Frequency Band 2.4 GHz

Interference Immunity DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)

Serial Data Rate 1200 bps - 250 kbps

ADC Inputs (6) 10-bit ADC inputs

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Digital I/O 8

Antenna Options Chip, Wire Whip, U.FL, & RPSMA

Networking & SecurityEncryption 128-bit AES

Reliable Packet Delivery Retries/Acknowledgments

IDs and Channels PAN ID, 64-bit IEEE MAC, 16 Channels

Power RequirementsSupply Voltage 2.8 - 3.4VDC

Transmit Current 45 mA @ 3.3VDC

Receive Current 50 mA @ 3.3VDC

Power-Down Current <10 uA @ 25º C

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Also modules for wireless communication companies Digi classified into different categories. So you can choose the exact model most suited to the conditions in which it will work. We have the basic models, which are sufficient for systems that communicate with each other. These basic models for reproducing the manufacturer operating at distances up to 300 feet. You can also choose between models of higher category, which communicate over a distance of some 10 km. The difference between the models is the type of antenna, at which rent or accept data. There is classical antenna it is available on the module and chip antenna, to mount external antenna for longer range.

4.3.4 XBee Programmer pin configuration:-The Pin configuration of XBee is:

1. DTR For flow control into XBee

2. RST : XBee Reset

3. Common Ground

4. CTS: Flow control from XBee

5. Power to regulator i.e. 5V

6. RX: Serial data into XBee

7. TX: Serial data from XBee

8. RTS: Flow control into XBee

9. 3V input voltage

Connecting a XBeeIf the module has correct power, the green LED should be blinking. If it isn't, check the wiring and verify that the XBee is getting power. Some versions or XBees the green LED doesn’t blink, but it is on.

Setting up XBee :To set up your XBee we downloaded the X-CTU tool from Digi, which is a tool that configures our XBee with whatever settings you need. X-CTU is in disk. Once installed, we are ready to begin configuring our XBees. Since we are constructing a point-to-multi point network, meaning two devices are going

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to communicate together, one of the devices must be a Coordinator (all XBee networks require a Coordinator) and the other must be an 'endpoint' device. What we are going to do is create a Coordinator that manages network of XBees. To begin, we need to take our XBee and plug it into your XBee USB Dongle, and plug it into computer. Once connected, open the X-CTU configuration tool. The tool lists all serial ports on computer, so make sure select the one which was installed with your XBee USB Dongle. If you've only just installed your dongle, it is likely be the highest COM port available. Here you can see we have selected COM15, which the Virtual COM Port is created by my currently connected XBee USB Dongle.

PC Settings: Allows a customer to select the desired COM port and configure that port to fit the radios settings.

Range Test: Allows a customer to perform a range test between two radios.

Terminal: Allows access to the computers COM port with a terminal emulation program. This tab also allows the ability to access the radios’ firmware using AT commands (for a complete listing of the radios’ AT commands, please see the product manuals available online).

Modem Configuration: Allows the ability to program the radios’ firmware settings via a graphical user interface. This tab also allows customers the ability to change firmware versions.

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PC Settings Tab:

When the program is launched, the default tab selected is the “PC Settings” tab. The PC Settings tab is broken down into three basic areas: The COM port setup, the Host Setup, and the User Com ports.

COM port setup:

The PC settings tab allows the user to select a COM port and configure the selected COM port settings when accessing the port. Some of these settings include:

Baud Rate: Both standard and non-standard

Flow Control: Hardware, Software (Xon/Xoff), None

Data bits: 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 data bits

Parity: None, Odd, Even, Mark and Space

Stop bit: 1, 1.5, and 2

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To change any of the above settings, select the pull down menu on the left of the value and select the desired setting. To enter a non-standard baud rate, type the baud rate into the baud rate box to the left.

We set our baud rate 9600 initially, we can test we can connect to our XBee by pressing the Test / Query button. X-CTU attempts to connect to our XBee and let we know its current firmware. All XBees programmed with the Router configuration, so we should see the following pop-up:

If X-CTU cannot find our XBee, or we have an XBee from another supplier that has not come programmed we saw this pop-up:

If XBee correctly reports its firmware carry on, otherwise make sure that selected COM port is correct or keep trying by selecting higher baud rate than 9600.

Now we are ready to program our XBee. The first XBee is going to be our Coordinator module. To program an XBee we need to upload new firmware to it. To do this, navigate to the Modem Configuration tab in X-CTU and choose the following configuration. Click Write and X-CTU attempts to program XBee, this should take 30 seconds or so, we may be asked to press the RESET button on our USB Dongle. Latest firmware adds additional and new features to our XBee.

4.3.5 Modem Configuration tabThe Modem configuration tab has four basic functions:

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1: Provide a Graphical User Interface with a radio’s firmware

2: Read and Write firmware to the radio’s microcontroller

3: Download updated firmware files from either the web or from a compressed file

4: Saving or loading a modem profile

When our XBee has been successfully programmed, press the Read button to retrieve the configuration of the device.

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Now we select the baud rate for communication with other XBee device. Lower the baud rate higher the rate of success. Higher the baud rate cause more data loss and for shorter distance we can select higher data rate as there is less interference in shorter range so less data loss. We can also set an encryption key which sets our data encrypted.

4.3.6 Range test:The range test tab is designed to verify the range of the radio link by sending a user-specified data packet and verifying the response packet is the same, within the time specified. For performing a standard range test, please follow the steps found in most Quick Start or Getting Started Guides that ship with the product. To test the range we produced the data of 32 byte or we can increase it and than the software by default produce any garbage data to test the range than we click on start.

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We can also change the data receiver time out to any lower value to test a device and again follow the same procedure for range test.

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And follow the same procedure for end receiver with same baud rate, no need to set source address and destination address.

4.4 GSM Module SIM900D:

The SIM900D is a complete Quad Band GSM/GPRS module. The SIM 900D delivers GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz performance for voice,SMS, Data in a small form factor and low power consumption.

SIMCom presents an ultra compact and reliable wireless module-SIM900D. This is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS module in a SMT type and designed with a very powerful single-chip processor integrating AMR926EJ-S core, allowing you to benefit from small dimensions and cost-effective solutions. Furthermore, SIM900D can be compatible with SIM340DZ.

Featuring an industry-standard interface, the SIM900D delivers GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz performance for voice, SMS, Data, and Fax in a small form factor and with low power consumption. With a tiny configuration of 33mm x 33mm x 3 mm, SIM900D can fit almost all the space requirements in your M2M applications, especially for slim and compact demands of design.

4.4.1GeneralFeatures: Quad-Band850/900/1800/1900MHz GPRS multi-slot class 10/8 GPRS mobile station class B Compliant to GSM phase 2/2+

– Class 4 (2 W @850/ 900 MHz)– Class 1 (1 W @ 1800/1900MHz)

Dimensions: 33*33*3mm

Weight: 6.2g Control via AT commands (GSM 07.07 ,07.05 and SIMCOM enhanced AT Commands) SIM application toolkit Supply voltage range : 3.2 ... 4.8V Low power consumption: 1.0mA(sleep mode) Operation temperature: -40 °C to +85°C

4.4.2 Specifications for Data:GPRS class 10: max. 85.6 kbps (downlink) PBCCH support

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Coding schemes CS 1, 2, 3, 4 USSD Non transparent mode PPP-stack

4.4.3 Software features 0710 MUX protocol embedded TCP/UDP protocol FTP/HTTP

4.4.4 Special firmware

FOTA MMS Embedded AT

4.4.5 Specifications for VoiceTricodec

– Half rate (HR)– Full rate (FR)– Enhanced Full rate (EFR)

Hands-free operation(Echo suppression)AMR

– Half rate (HR)– Full rate (FR)

4.4.6 Interfaces Interface to external SIM 3V/ 1.8V analog audio interface RTC backup SPI interface (option) Serial interface Embedded SIM (option ) Antenna pad GPIO ADC Charge interface for Li battery PWM

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4.4.7 Compatibility: AT commands for sending a text message:






4.4.8 Specifications for SMS via GSM/GPRS: Point-to-point MO and MT SMS cell broadcast Text and PDU mode

4.5 PIR Sensor:

PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small, inexpensive, low-power, easy to use and don't wear out. For that reason they are commonly found in appliances and gadgets used in homes or businesses.

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They are often referred to as PIR, "Passive Infrared", "Pyroelectric", or "IR motion" sensors.

PIRs are basically made of a pyroelectric sensor i.e. a round metal can with a rectangular crystal in the center, which can detect levels of infrared radiation. Everything emits some low level radiation, and the hotter something is, the more radiation is emitted. The sensor in a motion detector is actually split in two halves. The reason for that is that we are looking to detect motion (change) not average IR levels. The two halves are wired up so that they cancel each other out. If one half sees more or less IR radiation than the other, the output is swing high or low.

This is a simple to use motion sensor. Power it up and wait 1-2 seconds for the sensor to get a snapshot of the still room. If anything moves after that period, the 'alarm' pin goes low.

This unit works great from 5 to 12V . You can also install a jumper wire past the 5V regulator on board to make this unit work at 3.3V. Sensor uses [email protected].

The alarm pin is an open collector meaning you needed a pull up resistor on the alarm pin. The open drain setup allows multiple motion sensors to be connected on a single input pin. If any of the motion sensors go off, the input pin is pulled low.

The connector is slightly odd but has a 0.1" pitch female connector making it compatible with jumper wires and 0.1" male headers.

4.6 Ultrasonic Sensor:

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HC SR04 is an ultrasonic sensor used in our project in order to calculate the distance of the object. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to determine distance to an object like bats or dolphins do. It offers excellent non-contact range detection with high accuracy and stable readings in an easy-to-use package. From 2cm to 400 cm or 1” to 13 feet. It operation is notaffected by sunlight or black material like Sharp rangefinders are (although acoustically soft materials like cloth can be difficult to detect). It comes complete with ultrasonic transmitter and receiver module.

4.6.1 Features:

Power Supply :+5V DC

Quiescent Current : <2mA

Working Currnt: 15mA

Effectual Angle: <15°

Ranging Distance : 2cm – 400 cm/1" - 13ft

Resolution : 0.3 cm

Measuring Angle: 30 degree

Trigger Input Pulse width: 10uS

Dimension: 45mm x 20mm x 15mm

Pin Configuration:


Trig = Trigger input of Sensor

Echo = Echo output of Sensor


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To start measurement, Trig of SR04 must receive a pulse of high (5V) for at least 10us, this initiates the sensor transmits out 8 cycle of

ultrasonic burst at 40kHz and wait for the reflected ultrasonic burst. When the sensor detected

ultrasonic from receiver, it sets the Echo pin to high (5V) and delay for a period (width)which roportion to distance. To obtain the distance, measure the width (Ton) of Echo pin.

Time = Width of Echo pulse, in uS (micro second)

Distance in centimeters = Time / 58

Distance in inches = Time / 148

Or you can utilize the speed of sound, which is 340m/s

4.7 PIC Microcontroller:

PIC is a family of modified Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology, derived from the PIC1650 originally developed by General Instrument's Microelectronics Division. The name PIC initially referred to "Peripheral Interface Controller'"

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4.7.1 PIC18F45K22:

High Performance RISC CPU: C Compiler optimized architecture/instruction set Data EEPROM to 1024 bytes Linear program memory addressing to 64 Kbytes Linear data memory addressing to 4 Kbytes Up to 16 MIPS operation 16-bit wide instructions, 8-bit wide data path Priority levels for interrupts 31-level, software accessible hardware stack 8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier

Extreme Low-Power Management with nanoWatt XLP™:

Sleep mode: 100 nA, typical Watchdog Timer: 500 nA, typical Timer1 Oscillator: 500 nA @ typical 32 kHz Flexible Oscillator

Structure Precision 16 MHz internal oscillator block:

Factory calibrated to ± 1% Software selectable frequencies range of 31 kHz to 16 MHz 64 MHz performance available using PLL no external components required

Four Crystal modes up to 64 MHz Two external Clock modes up to 64 MHz 4X Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Secondary oscillator using Timer1 @ 32 kHz Fail-Safe Clock Monitor:

Allows for safe shutdown if peripheral clock stops Two-Speed Oscillator Start-up

Special Microcontroller Features:

Full 5.5V operation (PIC18F2XK22/4XK22) Low voltage option available for 1.8V-3.6V operation

(PIC18LF2XK22/4XK22) Self-reprogrammable under software control Power-on Reset (POR), Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator

Start-up Timer (OST) Programmable Brown-out Reset (BOR)

Page 36: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT) with on-chip oscillator and software enable

Programmable code protection In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via two pins In-Circuit Debug via two pins

Analog Features:

Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) module: 10-bit resolution 17 analog input channels (PIC18F/LF2XK22) 28 analog input channels (PIC18F/LF4XK22) Auto acquisition capability Conversion available during Sleep

Programmable High/Low Voltage Detection (PLVD) module Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) for mTouch™ support:

Up to 28 channels for button, sensor or slider input Analog comparator module with:

Two rail-to-rail analog comparators Comparator inputs and outputs externally accessible and

configurable Voltage reference module with:

Programmable On-chip Voltage Reference (CVREF) module (% of VDD)

Selectable on-chip fixed voltage reference

Peripheral Features:

24/35 I/O pins and 1 input-only pin: High current sink/source 25 mA/25 mA Individually programmable weak pull-ups Individually programmable interrupt-on-pin change

Three external interrupt pins Up to seven Timer modules:

Up to four 16-bit timers/counters with prescaler Up to three 8-bit timers/counters Dedicated, low-power Timer1 oscillator

Up to two Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules Up to three Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) modules

with: One, two or four PWM outputs

Page 37: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

Selectable polarity Programmable dead time Auto-shutdown and Auto-restart PWM output steering control

Two Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) modules with two modes of operation:

3-wire SPI (supports all 4 SPI modes) I2C™ Master and Slave modes (Slave mode with address

masking) Two Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver

Transmitter modules (EUSART): Supports RS-232, RS-485 and LIN 2.0 Auto-Baud Detect Auto Wake-up on Start bit

4.7.2 PIC18F452:

High-Performance RISC CPU:• Linear program memory addressing up to 2 Mbytes

Page 38: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

• Linear data memory addressing to 4 Kbytes

• Up to 10 MIPS operation

• DC – 40 MHz clock input

• 4 MHz-10 MHz oscillator/clock input with PLL active

• 16-bit wide instructions, 8-bit wide data path

• Priority levels for interrupts

• 8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier

Special Microcontroller Features:• Power-on Reset (POR), Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)

• Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator

• Programmable code protection

• Power-saving Sleep mode

• Selectable oscillator options, including:

- 4x Phase Lock Loop (PLL) of primary oscillator

- Secondary Oscillator (32 kHz) clock input

• In-Circuit Serial Programming TM (ICSPTM) via two pins

Flash Technology:• Low-power, high-speed Enhanced Flash technology

• Fully static design

• Wide operating voltage range (2.0V to 5.5V)

• Industrial and Extended temperature ranges

Page 39: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

4.8 LCD:

LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. It is a thin flat electronic visual display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals.

It is a 20 characters*4 lines LCD. It requires a single 5V power supply for its operation. These modules are preferred over seven segments and other multi segment LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no limitation of displaying special & even custom characters, animations and so on.

A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely, Command and Data.

The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD. Click to learn more about internal structure of a LCD.

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Pin Description:

Pin No

Function Name

1 Ground (0V) Ground

2 Supply voltage; 5V (4.7V – 5.3V) Vcc

3 Contrast adjustment; through a variable resistor VEE

4 Selects command register when low; and data register when high

Register Select

5 Low to write to the register; High to read from the register


6 Sends data to data pins when a high to low pulse is given



8-bit data pins


8 DB1

9 DB2

10 DB3

11 DB4

12 DB5

13 DB6

14 DB7

15 Backlight VCC (5V) Led+

16 Backlight Ground (0V) Led-

Page 41: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

4.9 USB toRS232 TTL Converter(PL2303):

PL2303 converter was used to connect the terminal node to the computer.

The PL-2303 operates as a bridge between one USB port and one standard RS232 Serial port. The two large on-chip buffers accommodate data flow from two different buses. The USB bulk-type data is adopted for maximum data transfer. Automatic handshake is supported at the Serial port. With these, a much higher baud rate can be achieved compared to the legacy UART controller. This device is also compliant with USB power management and remote wakeup scheme. Only minimum power is consumed from the host during Suspend. By integrating all the function in a SSOP-28 package, this chip is suitable for cable embedding. Users just simply hook the cable into PC or hub’s USB port, and then they can connect to any RS-232 devices.

4.10 3.3 V voltage Regulator(AMS1117):

The AMS 1117 is a 800mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulator. The AMS1117 series of adjustable and fixed voltage regulators are designed to provide 800mA output current and to operate down to 1V input-to-output differential. The dropout voltage of the device is guaranteed maximum 1.3V at maximum output current, decreasing at lower load currents. On-chip trimming adjusts the reference voltage to 1%. Current limit is also trimmed, minimizing the stress under overload conditions on both the regulator and power source circuitry. The AMS1117 devices are pin compatible with other three-

Page 42: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

terminal SCSI regulators and are offered in the low profile surface mount SOT-223 package and in the TO-252 (DPAK) plastic package.


Three Terminal Adjustable or Fixed Voltages*High Efficiency Linear Regulators1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V and 5.0VPost Regulators for Switching SuppliesOutput Current of 800mA5V to 3.3V Linear RegulatorOperates Down to 1V DropoutBattery ChargersLine Regulation: 0.2% Max.Active SCSI TerminatorsLoad Regulation: 0.4% Max.Power Management for NotebookSOT-223 and TO-252 package available

4.11 5V Voltage Regulator:

The LM2937-5 is a 5V regulator that can supply 500mA. The LM2937 differs from the common 7805 by having a much lower dropout voltage, 0.5V vs. 2.0V. The use of a PNP power transistor provides a low dropout voltage characteristic. With a load current of 500 mA the minimum input to output voltage differential required for the output to remain in regulation is typically 0.5V (1V guaranteed maximum over the full operating temperature range). Special circuitry has been incorporated to minimize the quiescent current to typically

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only10 mA with a full 500 mA load current when the input to out-put voltage differential is greater than3V.The LM2937 requires an output bypass capacitor for stability. As with most low dropout regulators, the ESR of this capacitor remains a critical design parameter, but theLM2937includes special compensation circuitry that relaxes ESR requirements. TheLM2937is stable for all ESR below 3Ω. This allows the use of low ESR chip capacitors. Ideally suited for automotive applications, the LM2937 protecst itself and any load circuitry from reverse battery connections, two-battery jumps and up to +60V/−50V load dump transients. Familiar regulator features such as short circuit and thermal shutdown protection are also built in. Features Fully specified for operation over −40 C to +125 C Output current in excess of 500 mA Output trimmed for 5% tolerance under all operating conditions Typical dropout voltage of 0.5V at full rated load current Wide output capacitor ESR range, up to 3ΩInternal short circuit and thermal overload protection Reverse battery protection60V input transient protection Mirror image insertion protection.

4.12 Battery:

The 9V battery is used as a power source for the sensor nodes. The 9V is regulated to 5V in order to run the sensors and again regulated to 3.3V to

turn on the Xbee module.

4.13 Buzzer:

A buzzer is connected to the output port of the microcontroller on the terminal node so that if intrusion occurs an alarm is generated on the terminal node.

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Chapter 5


After interfacing of the components on the sensor and terminal nodes with the MCU and connecting the Terminal node to the computer we got our desired results.

The PIR sensor keeps on sensing. If PIR sensor senses any motion it triggers the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor calculates the distance with the help of the MCU and then transmits the data to terminal node through Xbee.

On the other hand Terminal node receives data from the sensor nodes and shows the distance of the intruder on the GUI as well as on the LCD and alarms is triggered. A text message is sent to the cell phone of the responsible person through the GSM module.

On the GUI data fro both sensor nodes is well distinguished from each other as both nodes are named as Node A and Node B.

Page 46: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

ANEXTURE ASensor Node Code:

//Sensor node

// sensor on AN1

//Communication with Terminal MCU through Zigbee (UART)

#define d_pir PORTD.RD1

#define trig PORTD.F0

#define high 1

#define low 0

int analog_pir;

char digital_pir;

char sending_buffer[16]="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

char chr_Distance1[7];

char edge = 0;

char capture = 0;

unsigned int long twoByte, tOld, tNew, tMathCm, tMathIn ;

int screenNow = 1;

int screenLast = 0;

void interrupt()


Page 47: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis


CCP1CON = 0x04; //binary 0100 change to capture every falling edge

twoByte = CCPR1H; //assign 8 bit high timer bits to 16 bit twoByte variable datasheet pg143

twoByte = twoByte << 8; //move the 8 bits from twoByte to the far left of Variable

twoByte = twoByte | CCPR1L; //assign 8 bit low timer bits to right 8 bits of twoByte Variable

tOld = twoByte; //remember rising edge time

edge = 1; //set to enter calculation for falling edge


twoByte = CCPR1H;

twoByte = twoByte << 8;

twoByte = twoByte | CCPR1L;

tNew = twoByte;

capture = 1;

edge = 0; //set to return to calculation for rising edge

TMR1L = 0; //clear timers to zero for next captures

TMR1H = 0;

CCPR1L = 0;

CCPR1H = 0;

Page 48: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

PIR1.CCP1IF = 0;

void Calculate_Distance()


PIE1.CCP1IE = 0; //interupt enable bit

capture = 0; //clear capture flag

CCP1CON = 0x05; //binary 0101 set to capture rising edge

tMathCm = (((tNew - tOld)/58)-1)*2; //find distance in cm

WordToStrWithZeros(tMathCm,&sending_buffer[8]); //change values in variable to string


PIR1.CCP1IF = 0; // clear pheripheral interupt register flag

PIE1.CCP1IE = 1; //set pheripheral interupt enable bit

Page 49: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

void main()

unsigned char i;

ADCON0 = 0x02;

ADCON1= 0;


TRISD.RD1=1; //digital pir output


CCP1CON = 0x05; //set ccp to capture on rising edge datasheet pg141

TRISC.F2 = 1; //set specific port C bit 2 as input this is CCP1

T1CON = 0x11; //set timer prescale to 1/2 which is binary 0001 0001

INTCON.GIE = 1; //set general interupt bit

INTCON.PEIE =1; //set pheripheral interupt bit

PIE1.CCP1IE = 1; //set pheripheral interupt enable bit

PIR1.CCP1IF = 0; //clear flag for pheripheral interupt register


sending_buffer[15]=0x0; //null character

sending_buffer[14]='*'; //end of string

sending_buffer[0]='b'; //sensor node 'a';



analog_pir = ADC_Read(2); //portA pin 2 analog pir output



Page 50: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis


trig=1; Delay_us(10); trig=0;





Page 51: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

ANEXTURE BTerminal Node Coding:

unsigned char pc_cmd;

unsigned char error;

unsigned char recvbuff[15];

unsigned char gsm_cmd1[]="AT\r\n";

unsigned char gsm_cmd2[]="AT+CMGF=1\r\n";

unsigned char gsm_cmd3[]="AT+CMGS=\"";

unsigned char gsm_cmd4[]="03330711115";

unsigned char gsm_cmd5[]="\"\r\n";

unsigned char gsm_msg[30]="Intrusion detected..";

unsigned char gsm_cmd6[]="ATE0\r\n";

unsigned char i;

unsigned char counter=0;

char txt1[]="-Terminal Node-";

char txt2[]="Node A: xxx cm ";

char txt3[]="Node B: xxx cm ";

char txt4[]="Waiting for PC.";

char txt5[]="PC Connected.";

char txt6[]="intrusion occurd";

Page 52: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

char txt7[]="sending msg.";

// LCD module connections

sbit LCD_RS at RD0_bit;

sbit LCD_EN at RD1_bit;

sbit LCD_D4 at RC4_bit;

sbit LCD_D5 at RD3_bit;

sbit LCD_D6 at RD4_bit;

sbit LCD_D7 at RD5_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISD0_bit;

sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISD1_bit;

sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISC4_bit;

sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISD3_bit;

sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISD4_bit;

sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISD5_bit;

// End LCD module connections

void main()







Page 53: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis


TRISD.RD2=0; //Buzzer


UART1_Init(9600); //UART1 for zigbee


UART2_Init(9600); //UART2 for computer


Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display







error=Soft_UART_Init(&PORTB, 2, 1, 4800, 0); //PORTB for gsm softUART


for(i=0;gsm_cmd1[i]!=0x0;i++) //AT



for(i=0;gsm_cmd6[i]!=0x0;i++) //echo off



for(i=0;gsm_cmd2[i]!=0x0;i++) //AT+CMGF=1



Page 54: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis



if(UART1_Data_Ready() == 1)


UART1_Read_Text(recvbuff, "*",15); // reads text until * is found









for(i=0;gsm_cmd3[i]!=0x0;i++) //AT+CMGS=...


for(i=0;gsm_cmd4[i]!=0x0;i++) //number


for(i=0;gsm_cmd5[i]!=0x0;i++) //extra


else if(counter==20)

Page 55: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

for(i=0;gsm_msg[i]!=0x0;i++) //message


















if(UART2_Data_Ready() == 1)

Page 56: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis



UART2_Read_Text(gsm_cmd4, "*",12);

else if(pc_cmd=='g')

UART2_Read_Text(gsm_msg, "*",31);

Page 57: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

ANEXTURE CPython Coding:

from __future__ import division

import gtk

import serial

import time

class IDSystemGUI(gtk.Window):

def __init__(self):

super(IDSystemGUI, self).__init__()

self.set_title('Intrusion Detection System')

self.set_size_request(600, 360)



TITLE = gtk.Label('Intrusion\nDetection System')

self.connect_button = gtk.Button('Connect')

self.connect_button.connect('clicked', self.connect_to_hardware)

Page 58: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

self.com_port = gtk.Entry()

self.com_port.set_size_request(40, 20)

button_box = gtk.HBox(False, 2)



# LEDs

self.connection_LED = gtk.DrawingArea()

self.connection_LED.set_size_request(10, 10)



self.connection_LED_label = gtk.Label('Not Connected')

self.node_1_LED = gtk.DrawingArea()

self.node_1_LED.set_size_request(10, 10)



self.node_1_LED_label = gtk.Label('Node A')

self.node_2_LED = gtk.DrawingArea()

self.node_2_LED.set_size_request(10, 10)

Page 59: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis



self.node_2_LED_label = gtk.Label('Node B')

LED_box = gtk.VBox(False, 2)





node_1_label = gtk.Label('Node A')

self.node_1_distance = gtk.Label('Distance: ')

self.node_1_speed = gtk.Label('Speed: ')

node_1_box = gtk.HBox(False, 4)




node_2_label = gtk.Label('Node B')

self.node_2_distance = gtk.Label('Distance: ')

self.node_2_speed = gtk.Label('Speed: ')

node_2_box = gtk.HBox(False, 4)

Page 60: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis




nodes_box = gtk.VBox(False, 2)





self.change_number_button = gtk.Button('Change Number')

self.change_number_button.connect('clicked', self.send_phone_num)

self.change_number_text = gtk.Entry()

self.change_message_button = gtk.Button('Change Message')

self.change_message_button.connect('clicked', self.send_message)

self.change_message_text = gtk.Entry()

changes_button_box = gtk.VBox(False, 2)



changes_message_box = gtk.VBox(False, 2)

Page 61: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis




layout = gtk.Fixed()

layout.put(button_box, 2, 2)

layout.put(LED_box, 2, 40)

layout.put(self.connection_LED_label, 16, 38)

layout.put(self.node_1_LED_label, 16, 50)

layout.put(self.node_2_LED_label, 16, 62)

layout.put(nodes_box, 440, 2)

layout.put(changes_button_box, 340, 300)

layout.put(changes_message_box, 440, 300)

layout.put(TITLE, 2, 300)



def send_phone_num(self, widget):

mobile_number = self.change_number_text.get_text()

if len(mobile_number) == 11:

if not mobile_number.isdigit:

print('Invalid phone number')



Page 62: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

self.conn.write('n' + mobile_number + '*')

def send_message(self, widget):

message = self.change_message_text.get_text()

if len(message) == 30:


self.conn.write('g' + message + '*')

def connect_to_hardware(self, widget):


port = int(self.com_port.get_text())

if port <= 0:

raise ValueError


port = port - 1

except ValueError:

print('A positive integer is required')


is_connected = self.connection(port)

if is_connected:






Page 63: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis






response =

except serial.SerialException as e:

print('ReadTimeoutError: ' + e.message)


if str(response) == '1':





if not response:




print('InvalidResponse: ' + str(response))



def connection(self, port):


Page 64: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis


except Exception:



self.conn = serial.Serial(port, timeout=5)

except serial.SerialException as e:

print('ConnectionError: ' + e.message)


return True

def data_from_hardware(self):

self.conn.timeout = None

node_1_data = None

node_1_count = 1

node_2_data = None

node_2_count = 1

data = ''

while True:

read_char =

if read_char == '*':



data += read_char

def action_on_data(self, data):

Page 65: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

node = ''

if data.startswith('a'):

node = 'a'







elif data.startswith('b'):

node = 'b'







distance = int(data[data.index('x') + 1:-1])

speed = None

if node_1_data or node_2_data:

if node == node_1_data[0]:

speed = self.calculate_speed(node_1_data, data)

self.node_1_speed.set_label('Speed: 0:.2f'.format(speed))

elif node == node_2_data[0]:

speed = self.calculate_speed(node_2_data, data)

Page 66: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis

self.node_2_speed.set_label('Speed: 0:.2f'.format(speed))

if node == 'a':

node_1_data = distance

node_1_count += 1

self.node_1_distance.set_label('Distance: ' + str(distance))

elif node == 'b':

node_2_data = distance

node_2_count += 1

self.node_2_distance.set_label('Distance: ' + str(distance))

if node_1_count == 100 or node_2_count == 100:



if node_1_count == 100:

node_1_count = 1

elif node_2_count == 100:

node_2_count = 1

def blink(self, node):

if node == 'a':






if node == 'b':

Page 67: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis






def calculate_speed(self, distance_1, distance_2):

speed = ((distance_2 - distance_1) / 100.0) / 0.102

return speed

if __name__ == '__main__':

gui = IDSystemGUI()

gui.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)


Page 68: Wireless Sensor Based Intrusion Detection System thesis


[1]Muhammad Ali Mizidi, The PIC Microcontroller and embedded systems

[2]Joe Pardue, C programming for microcontroller

[3] PIC18F452 datasheet

[4]Jason Grimes, Using XBee in Serial Communication

[5] , X-CTU configuration

[6] (XBee I/0 tutorial)


[8] Xbee tutorials

[9]PIR sensor (Datasheet)

[10]SIM 900D data sheet


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