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Wistia Power Hour

With your host:

Jonah Silberg@jgbsilberg

A session with 1 goal and one goal only:

Make your life easier!

Like any tool, some features in Wistia are more visible than others. So in this session were going to talk through some tips to help you get maximum value from your Wistia account.

My hope is well crack some geodes together if everyone leaves with at least one shiny new feature theyre excited about, Im going to call that a big win.

Saving time in WistiaViewer experienceSharing & optimization 1

So this session is a two parter:

Part 1: 10 features in Wistia that I think can sometimes fly under the radar, but can really help you accomplish your goals

Logistical items to mention: All of this is on Trello

Were going to move quickly, but everyone please feel free to raise your hand with questions at any point.

Part 2Discussion groups:Training/ educationSupportMarketingSales

Were going to take so time to learn from each other.

Breakout groups based around different focus areas so you can connect with folks working on similar content.

Just for some helpful context around the features well talk through, were going to use our colleague Jeff Vincents fictitious lemonade business as an available example.

Saving time in Wistia

The Uploader

Raise your hand if you ever need to accept uploads from other people users or people in your company. The Uploader is designed to do just that!

The Uploader

The Uploader

Record video

Next item another new way of bringing video into your account recording from your webcam.

Record video

What I think is most exciting about this is how quickly you can setup and send video voicemails to you contacts, which weve seen are highly effective at boosting response rates and getting peoples attention.

You saw the example from my colleague Holly earlier this morning.

Bottom line next time youre looking for a creative follow up email, think about using this.

Right Click to Open

Speaking of shortcuts heres a real simple one I use constantly.

Maybe you want to check the stats of a video, or make a change in Customize. If you right click on that video where its embedded, youll be able to head right into your account.

Your viewers cannot do this, only you can if youre logged in to Wistia.

Filter by Action

Stats Digest

Saving time in WistiaThe UploaderRecord VideoRight click to openMove & Copy across accountsFilter by ActionStats Digest

Viewer Experience

Viewer Experience

Video Gallery

Add /gallery to url

Heres a cool little trick thats new my guess is nobody has seen this one yet.

Video Gallery

Stack videos via Embed Links

Lets say you have two videos that make sense to watch 1 after another product video> testimonial.

You can connect those two videos and that viewer experience with a framework we have called embed links.

Theres a couple ways of doing this:

Stack videos via Embed Links


You can apply, as a call to action, the ability to trigger another video right in the same player.

If youre looking for a flexible way to string videos together or create playlists, embed links is the tool for the job.

Video GalleryStacking videos via embed linksCustom playlists via embed links

Viewer Experience

Sharing & Optimization

SEO best practices

Raise your hand if youve seen or noticed the new way that SEO works with Wistia post site maps.

Here in the embed and share panel youll see something automatically checked at the bottom.

SEO best practices

In simplest terms, what were doing is taking the title and description of your video that you apply, and injecting it onto your page as descriptive data.

So, the lowest hanging fruit for optimizing your videos for search is to make sure your titles and descriptions are representative of what you want Google bots to see.

Theres plenty more to say about optimizing your videos for search, but thats an excellent place to start from a logistics perspective in your account.

A/B Test your videos

Raise your hand if youre A/B testing videos against each other in some way.

Were big believers that A/B testing can unlock some powerful insights to help keep people coming back to you as a resource.

Theres a documented method to make that happen via our Player API:

A/B Test your videos

Theres a Player API method for that!

Lets say Jeff wanted to evaluate play rate for thumbnails

The Player API sounds scary but if you can embed, you can do this.

Move & Copy across accounts

If you work in multiple Wistia accounts, you can move and copy videos freely between them:

Find all these tips on Trello! groups:Training/ educationSupportMarketingSales

Part 2

What caught your attention today that youre excited to take back and test/implement? (Not necessarily from this session)

What are you doing well thats come up in conversations today? Share an example or two.

What continues to be a challenge? Talk about any barriers to successwith Wistia specifically or more broadly with creating and sharing content.

Whats your next big project on the horizon, and how will you and your team measure success?

What feature(s) in Wistia do you consistently see the most value from? How has that impacted your team?

Discussion questionsTrello board:

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