Page 1: With your partners, WRAP section 6.4
Page 2: With your partners, WRAP section 6.4
Page 3: With your partners, WRAP section 6.4

Who were they?

Why did they leave England?

What were their goals?

When/Where did they land?

What did they do when they landed?

Separatists (those who had given up hope of reforming the church of England) set sail aboard the Mayflower in September 1620. 102 men, women (2 pregnant)and children

They’d left England for Holland, because the Dutch were more tolerant. But they were disappointed that the Dutch tolerated ALL religions and their children speaking and acting Dutch. They tired (and feared) the persecutions in England, so they longed for religious freedom in AmericaThey hoped to arrive in VA where they had the king’s permission to settle. Bad weather and storms blew them off course , They sought a colony of free from religious persecution

. November 21, 1620, the Mayflower rounded the end of Cape Cod and dropped anchor off the site of present-day Provincetown, Massachusetts

Because their charter was for VA, many on board (indentured servants) saw this as a chance to start fresh and not work off their debt. No rules existed, before they left the ship, the drew up a charter, an agreement that all would abide by the laws. It was signed by all 41 men. Mayflower Compact

Page 4: With your partners, WRAP section 6.4

What did they find?

Key people

What happened to the original settlers?

What happened to the colony?

A barren, nearly frozen land with no signs of settlement, It was nearly winter, no crops, no supplies and bitter cold. Without shelter, they stayed aboard the ship while men built their homes and common houses on shore.

William Bradford was Governor of the colony; Myles Standish was the military leader, Samoset was a native whose tribe had died of smallpox, he introduced them to Squanto who helped them and negotiated a peace with Chief Massassoit, leader of the WampanoagThe first winter was deadly; diseases like scurvy, lack of shelter, and the conditions on the boat killed 45 out of the 102, by the spring, they sent the Mayflower back to England. Natives helped them plant and harvest, in fall, celebrated the “first thanksgiving” though only 4 of the original women were still alive

. In 1691, after much expansion and the establishment of other settlements, Plymouth merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Page 5: With your partners, WRAP section 6.4

With your partners, WRAP section 6.4To prepare for the Plymouth act-it-out, follow these steps:Step 1: After you have read Section 6.4 of your book, discuss the questions below andmake sure everyone can answer each question.Why did you come to Plymouth?Why did you think it was important to sign the Mayflower Compact?What hardships did you face when you first arrived?What mistakes did you make when you first came that made survival evenmore difficult?How did the Native Americans in the area treat you when you arrived?How has life improved since you first arrived?Why do you think your settlement has been successful?Step 2: Discuss how the person who is chosen to perform can make the character come alive. Use visual and written information to make your presentation of the character realistic. Collect simple props that you can use during the act-it-out.

You will have 5 minutes to prepare your actor

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Page 7: With your partners, WRAP section 6.4

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