Page 1: WordPress Post Formats

WordPressPost Formats

What, When, How

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What are Post Formats?

• Post Formats are a new(ish) method of designating content types in posts

• Image

• Gallery

• Status

• Aside

• Link

• etc

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When to use Formats?

• The best time to use post formats is when both:

a. your theme supports them

b. you intend to share useful content in smaller (more manageable?) chunks, rather than always using long-form

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How can you use them?

1. Find a theme that supports Post Formats well, or modify your theme to support them.

2. Assign formats to your posts.

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Step 2 is easy!

Choose the format that matches your post

(as you would any categories or tags)

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Step 1 is slightly harder

• Trial & error

• Test themes to see how they display different post formats (and if they display them differently at all)

• OR Build your own child theme to display post formats how you want to

NB Theme Unit Test is useful either way

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Theme testingJust because a theme says it supports

post formats doesn’t mean it does anything with them!

The following themes, except Genesis, are all freely available

from the WordPress theme respository

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Twenty Thirteen

Different colours Icons & borders Colours & meta

Icon & formatting Featured image ↑ title Featured image hidden

No page templates!

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No gallery title Epic image border Big link title

Bright quote No featured images Not responsive

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Format labels 1 gallery image + number Quote typography

Simple link Image display Not all formats labelled

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Cute format icons... in a range of colours... for all tested formats!

Cute featured images(not on single posts) Attention to detail Clever sidebar

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No title for short formats Title links to Link Smooth quotes

Gallery “excerpt” Status avatar Nicely responsive

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Preference Lite

Gallery with feature Subtle Aside label Duplicate images?!

Link is okay Status: avatar, butprominent titleQuote is nice, but out of flow

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Expound•Not much different for post formats ✘

•Asides don’t show title is the only change•Nice featured image thumbnail display•Responsive ✔

Genesis•Post Format icons hook ✔•No default featured image display•No default post format display variations

Living Journal•No titles for image & quote formats•Featured image thumbnails, not on singles•No featured image for image format ✔

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Matala•Featured image thumbnails show for image formats too ✘•Cool post format icons next to title ✔•Not resposive

Montezuma•Nothing different for post formats•but simple enough design to suit formats•Nice featured images, not on singles

Vertigo•Nifty audio & video format styles

•Cassette tape & video projector rolling! ✔•Link formats break PHP ✘

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Else, make a child theme


• Content templates

• Understanding get_template_part

• Create required template parts: content-{post format name}.php

• Add needed CSS styles

• Framework hooks & actions

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