
Working Remotely While Traveling:

7 T h i n g s i L e a R n e d

by Khania CuRTis, Leed ap, CReaTive diReCToR & FoundeR oF hoTWoRKs

© Khania CuRTis 2015

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oF bRieF, CiTed quoTaTions in a RevieW.


L e s s o n s








Take Care of yourself.

be your own project manager.

stay Connected.

network and make new Connections.

get in good with Tech.

Let your experience inspire you.


Take Care of yourself.

L e s s o n 1

Find your rhythm–once you overcome the jet lag, be sure to get your daily beauty rest.

Take Care of yourself.L e s s o n 1

Find a way to exercise– whether it’s dancing, running, hiking, swimming, yoga, etc.

Take Care of yourself.L e s s o n 1

Try not to compromise eating habits that already work for you, by making smart food choices within an unfamiliar menu ( my case, souvlaki and french fries = an occasional treat :).

Take Care of yourself.L e s s o n 1

The work/life balance is still relevant, especially when you’re far from home! it also works wonders for your mental/spiritual well-being.

Take Care of yourself.L e s s o n 1

Take Care of yourself.

The better you care for yourself, the better you’ll be able to care for your clients.

L e s s o n 1

be your own project manager.**if you don’t have one already.

L e s s o n 2

send your clients and colleagues a project schedule or timeline with milestones and suggested meeting dates...

be your own project manager.L e s s o n 2

...and use the agreed upon project schedule to deliver on client expectations and team collaboration.

be your own project manager.L e s s o n 2

be your own project manager.

send regular updates–in addition to your project schedule to keep clients and colleagues in the loop.

Communication is key!

L e s s o n 2

stay connected.

L e s s o n 3

stay connected to your professional community for support, advice, and local connections.

stay Connected.L e s s o n 3

stay Connected.L e s s o n 3

use social media to stay informed and relevant across all channels in your industry.

network and make new Connections.

L e s s o n 4

Find and reach out to a local community in your field or profession to grow your professional network into one that is international.

network and make new Connections.L e s s o n 4

be open to possibilities–you just may find a new collaborative opportunity.

network and make new Connections.L e s s o n 4

network and make new Connections.L e s s o n 4

accept invitations for social gatherings–you never know when or where you might find leads for new business!

get in good with Tech.

L e s s o n 5

Find your most reliable go-to, WiFi spots.**if you don’t have your own portable WiFi device.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

Try using a portable WiFi hotspot.

Running around istanbul trying to find WiFi, 15 minutes before your client skype session = not cool.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

if WiFi isn’t included in your living accommodations, check out local cafés.

use a speed test ensure the best connection.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

give yourself the option of carrying a tablet or other lightweight tech when on the go–instead of a laptop–for the occasional unexpected pitch, or show and tell.

Find out about international calling plans that your mobile phone service provider may offer prior to embarking on your trip.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

Try replacing your sim card with one from a local mobile phone service provider.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

use virtual calling apps like skype, google voice, and FaceTime for calls.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

be prepared for technical failures by having a back-up plan...just in case.

get in good with Tech.L e s s o n 5

Let your experience inspire you.

L e s s o n 6

up the ante on creative productivity, using fresh ideas and a new perspective.

Let your experience inspire you.L e s s o n 6

make relating to your clients that much more enjoyable, by inviting them into your world, and sharing your new experience abroad.

Let your experience inspire you.L e s s o n 6

Let your experience inspire you.L e s s o n 6

allow your travel experience to become a part of your personal brand as a remote worker.

Relax.L e s s o n 7

Relax.L e s s o n 7

Take a deep breath, enjoy your surroundings, and make time to have fun!

Khania CuRTis is a Creative Director and Founder of Hotworks, a branding and graphic design consultancy based in New York City. She loves learning about her clients, their world, and their mission. She helps service-based businesses and mission-driven organizations to visualize and articulate their philosophy and messaging, beyond the logo. Her background in architecture and urban design brings an interdisciplinary perspective to her work.

Khania began her design experience as an architect and graphic designer at Davis Brody Bond. A few years later, she made a ‘full leap’ into the world of visual branding and graphic design as a branding design Project Manager at Pentagram. As a lead designer at Davis Brody Bond, she worked with architects,

a b o u T T h e a u T h o R

landscape architects, engineers and graphic designers on the design of Embassy Perimeter Improvement Concepts & Guidelines (EPIC). EPIC was created as a new way to approach the ‘Fortress America’ problem of uninviting US embassy perimeters that lack curb appeal. This handbook was done in collaboration with the US Department of State Bureau of Overseas Building Operations, and was recognized by then Secretary of State, Hil lary Clinton as a promising solution for international design diplomacy.

At Pentagram, Khania was instrumental in launching new brand identity campaigns such as the visual identity for Airl ines for America, The Rockefeller Foundation’s centennial celebration, and ‘A NY Point of View’ ad campaign for Top of the Rock. She also assisted in the production of the 2011 Annual Report for the National Gallery of Art. In 2012, she directed the visual identity for Pulse Labs–internationally located hubs for the United Nations Global Pulse big data initiative. Khania has also designed for award-winning top brands such as Google, IBM, Pfizer, EuroPro, Belmond, T-Mobile, Hellmann’s Real Mayo, American Express, and Scholastic.

Khania loves traveling and learning about other cultures, which has enabled her to look at creative problem-solving from a worldly perspective. To date, she has travelled to the Caribbean, West Africa, the UK, South Korea, and India, and has enjoyed working remotely while visiting Greece and Turkey. Her favorite travel spot is the island of Santorini.

C o n n e C T

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