
Working with Multiple Activities


Working with multiple activities

Putting together the AndroidManifest.xml file

Creating multiple views

Introduction to intents

Passing data to activities

Multiple Activities (Introduction)

When the user switches between activities, one activity is stopped, and the other is started

Remember the activity lifecycle

Note that you can start activities that belong to other applications

A Web Browser for example

A mailer

A dialer

Starting an Activity

To start a new activity, your current actvitycalls startActivity() passing an Intent

as the argument

The Intent describes the activity that you

want to start

The user can then select from the possible intents (external)

Or the activity just runs (external)

An activity can also return results

Creating a Second Activity

Remember that an activity is just a class

So we just

Add a new class

Inherit from

Add the activity to the manifest

Nowadays this is mostly automated via Android Studio’s New Activity Wizard.

Let’s look at the old-fashioned way of doing it …

Creating aSecond Activity

Add to Manifest

Resulting Manifest

Introduction to Intents

Before we can explicitly start an activity, you need to understand intents

An intent is an object used to communicate with the OS

Intents are used with activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers

We have only discussed activities so far

You can use intents to tell the Android OS which activity to start

Intents (Philosophically)

As the name implies, it’s an intention to do an action

It’s a message to say

I did something

I want something to happen

When you create an intent, you are saying that you want to move from one activity to another

Intents (Types)

There are two types of intents, confusingly named:

Explicit intents are used with a Context and Class object to start an activity within your application

Implicit intents are used to start activities outside of your application

There is much more to intents than discussed here

Creating an Implicit Intent

On overloaded version of the Intent constructor accepts an action

Intent.ACTION_VIEW is a generalized intent

The application is inferred based on the data passed when the activity is started

Intent.ACTION_CALL starts the default dialer

Creating an Implicit Intent (Example)

Create an implicit intent and pass a URL to the intent

String url = "";

Intent i = new




Intent (Constructor)

This is but one of the many constructors

The first argument contains the current activity

The second argument contains the class name of the activity to be started

Intent (Creating)

The following appears in the current activity (MainActivity.this) and starts the second activity (Page2Activity.class)

What’s weird about this

Two somewhat unusual things we’re doing here:

Gives us the current object instantiating ourMainActivity class:

why can’t we just use this by itself?

Because our code here is inside a method of another (anonymous inner) class, this would be an instance of that

class, not the desired instance of MainActivity.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {



protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


myButton = (Button)findViewById(;

myButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View v) {

Intent startNewActivityOpen =

new Intent(MainActivity.this, Page2Activity.class);


What’s weird about this

Two somewhat unusual things we’re doing here:

Recall our discussion of reflection: here, we explicitly refer to the class that our Page2Activity will instantiate, rather than instantiating it ourselves with new. The OS will

take care of that for us when we call startNewActivity.

Starting an Activity (Illustration)

startActivity is called with an Intent. The

ActivityManager uses that intent to determine the activity to start

Passing Data to Activities

You can pass data from one activity to anther through intent extras

Extras are just arbitrary data that can be passed to an intent

An extra is a key / value pair that is passed to an intent

The started activity can read this extra data

Creating (Writing) an Extra

First, create the Intent as shown before

Second, call putExtra()

First argument contains the key

Second argument contains the value

What does this remind us of?

Creating (Writing) an Extra

The first argument contains the key, which here is a constant “LastActivity”

The second contains the value “MainActivity”

Reading an Extra

The getIntent() method returns an Intent object

Its methods get values of a particular type

getBooleanExtra(), getByteExtra(), getIntExtra(), etc…

Reading an Extra (Example)

Read an extra into a TextView

Reading and Writing Instance Data (1)

By default, the system uses the Bundle

instance to save information about each View object

Layout state information is restored automatically

You are responsible for saving and restoring other instance data

Note that a rotation causes the application to be destroyed and recreated with a new layout (later)

Reading and Writing Instance Data (2)

To save additional instance data, override the onSaveInstanceState() callback method

To restore the saved instance data, override the onRestoreInstanceState() callback



Call putInt() (or other type) to save data

The first argument contains the key

The second argument contains the value


Call getInt() (or other type) to restore


The first argument contains the key

The method returns the value

State (Illustration)

Intent Extras vs. Saved Instance State

Intents are used to pass data between activities; Saved Instance States are used by an activity to save/restore its previous state when we switch to/from another activity.

Both make use of the Bundle class (explicitly

or implicitly), but it’s how they do it that distinguishes them ….

Intent Extra: like a Python dictionary

Two arguments: first is key string (like Python), second is anything we like (again, like Python)

Saved Instance State: Methods supporting explicit types

Again, first argument is key string, but second must agree with specific put/get

method; e.g.,@Override

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


savedInstanceState.putInt(KEY_INDEX, mCurrentIndex);

savedInstanceState.putBoolean(IS_CHEATER, mIsCheater);




This makes sense, because we use these methods to save / restore the typed instance variables of the Activity subclass.

Returning an Activity Result (Introduction)

There are times when we need to return a result from an activity

We start an activity as before; however, we pass a request code when starting the activity

The request code is an integer

It is sent to the child (started) activity

The result is then returned to the parent

Returning an Activity Result

Call startActivityForResult() instead of startActivity()

The first argument contains the intent

The second argument contains the integer result that will be returned

The result is returned through overriding onActivityResult() in the parent activity

Returning an Activity Result

To return the result, you call one of two forms of setResult()

The first returns a result code




The second returns the result code and intent data

Call finish() to return from the activity

Activity Result Example (1)

Start the activity as before with startActivity except call startActivityForResult

The first argument contains the activity as before

The second argument contains an integer request code

It answers the question from the activity from which we are returning

Activity Result Example (1)

static final int PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST = 1; // The request code


private void pickContact() {

Intent pickContactIntent =

new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Uri.parse("content://contacts"));

startActivityForResult(pickContactIntent, PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST);


Activity Result Example (2)

Here we return a code but no data

The intent is empty and has no extras

RESULT_CANCELED is an Android constant

We call finish to return to the calling Activity

Activity Result Example (2a)

Here we return a code and data

The Intent has extra data

We change the return code

Activity Result Example (3)

In the calling activity, handle the onActivityResult() event, using the

request code to determine which other activity is giving us the result:

@Overrideprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

// Check which request we're responding toif (requestCode == PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST) {

// Make sure the request was successfulif (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

// The user picked a contact.// The Intent's data Uri identifies which contact was selected.

// Do something with the contact here (bigger example below)}


AndroidManifest.xml (Multiple Activities)

The AndroidManifest.xml must list all of the activities

Remember one activity is designated as the launcher activity

AndroidManifest.xml(Multiple Activities)

Implicit Activities (Introduction)

Implicit activities are handled outside of your application

They are other registered applications

Your browser, mailer, or dialer

Creating an Implicit Intent

Creating an implicit intent is a two step process.

Create an intent with an argument describing the intent category

Intent.ACTION_VIEW is a generalized intent

commonly used to process URLS

Intent.ACTION_CALL invokes a dailoger

On the Intent, Call the setData method to

pass the url

Call startActivity as usual

Creating an Implicit Intent

Example to visit W&L (more about URIs later when we talk about the network)

String urlString = "";

Intent i = new


Uri u = Uri.parse(urlString);



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