
Working With Words Parts of Speech Literary Terms Academic Vocabulary Fiction Vocabulary Parts of Speech 10 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The dog ran outside. ANSWER: Verb Parts of Speech 20 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The huge dog ran outside. ANSWER: Adjective Parts of Speech 30 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The huge dog ran under the table. ANSWER: Preposition Parts of Speech 40 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The dog and the kid ran under the table. ANSWER: Conjunction Parts of Speech 50 Points QUESTION: The underlined word represents which part of speech? The dog and the kid ran quickly under the table. ANSWER: Adverb Literary Terms 10 Points QUESTION: This picture is an example of what literary term? ANSWER: Simile Literary Terms 20 Points QUESTION: This picture is an example of what literary term? ANSWER: Metaphor Literary Terms 30 Points QUESTION: The picture is an example of what literary term? ANSWER: Irony Literary Terms 40 Points QUESTION: The picture represents what literary term? ANSWER: Foreshadowing Literary Terms 50 Points QUESTION: The picture represents what literary term? ANSWER: Paradox Academic Vocabulary 10 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to show how things are different? ANSWER: Contrast Academic Vocabulary 20 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to make a judgment and support it with evidence? ANSWER: Evaluate Academic Vocabulary 30 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to prove or to support a position with specific facts and reasons? ANSWER: Justify Academic Vocabulary 40 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to systematically and critically examine all parts of an issue or event? ANSWER: Analyze Academic Vocabulary 50 Points QUESTION: Which academic vocabulary word means to read between the lines or to use knowledge or experience to draw conclusions, make generalizations, or form predictions? ANSWER: Infer Fiction Vocabulary 10 Points QUESTION: Scout Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird is an example of a/an ________________________. ANSWER: Protagonist Fiction Vocabulary 20 Points QUESTION: In Batman, Joker is an example of what? ANSWER: Antagonist (also character foil, but we havent gone over that yet.) Fiction Vocabulary 30 Points QUESTION: What type of narration is this example: ANSWER: Third person omniscent Fiction Vocabulary 40 Points QUESTION: What type of point of view is this example? ANSWER: First person Fiction Vocabulary 50 Points QUESTION: The following are examples of what? Money cant buy happiness. Dont judge people based on the surface. Its better to die free than live under tyranny. ANSWER: Theme Working with Words 10 Points QUESTION: What two grammatical errors are in the following sentence? Dwight D Eisenhower was born in Denison Texas, on October 14, ANSWER: D., Denison, Texas Working with Words 20 Points QUESTION: This picture represents which word that means full of pride and arrogance? ANSWER: Hubris Working with Words 30 Points QUESTION: These are examples of what? ANSWER: Prefixes Working with Words 40 Points QUESTION: This image refers to what term? ANSWER: Connotation Working with Words 50 Points QUESTION: What is an affix? Give an example. ANSWER: An element added to the beginning or the ending of a word. Examples: im-, in-, pre-, -est, -tion.

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