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Chapter 5 Worksheet 1

1. If a weather report gives the atmospheric pressure as 31.5 in. of mercury, what is the pressure in kPa? (1 in. = 2.54 cm and 101.325 kPa = 760 torr)a. 208b. 182c. 316d. 107e. 802

2. A sample of a gas in a piston/cyclinder apparatus occupies 26.3 mL at 1.21 atm and 11.9°C. If the volume of the sample is increased to 68.7 mL and the temperature changes to 39.0°C, what is the new pressure, in atm, of the sample?

3. Volume and temperature are directly proportional. If T is plotted in C, what is the temperature when the volume is negligible?

a. 100b. -273c. -40d. depends on the gas

4. Calculate the pressure of 0.55 mol of NH3 gas in a 2.00 L vessel at 25 °C with the ideal gas law.

a. 2.5 atmb. 6.7 atmc. 0.6 atmd. 7.5 atme. 3.4 atm

Page 2: Worksheet 5 1

5. If the barometer read 765.2 mmHg when the measurement in in the Figure below took place,

What is the pressure of the gas in the flask in kilopascals?

a. 7.55 kPab. 102.4 kPac. 1.007 kPad. 752.2 kPae. 100.3 kPa

6. A small bubble rises from the bottom of a swimming pool, where the temperature and pressure are 19 °C and 2.50 atm, to the water's surface, where the temperature is 25 °C and pressure is 0.88 atm. Calculate the final volume of the bubble if its initial volume was 3.6 mL.

a. 13.5 mLb. 8 mLc. 10.4 mLd. 1.2 mLe. 4.8 mL

7. The "air bags" that are currently installed in automobiles to prevent injuries in the event of a crash are equipped with sodium azide, NaN3, which decomposes when activated by an electronic igniter to produce nitrogen gas that fills the bag. How many liters of nitrogen, measured at 25 ??C and 1.00 atm, will be produced by 100.0 g of NaN3?

Equation: 2NaN3(s) => 2Na(s) + 3N2(g)

a. 1.33 Lb. 15.9 Lc. 37.6 Ld. 56.4 Le. 205 L

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