Page 1: WORKSHEET FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Charles Bridge · one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He _____ (give) the exact day


1. Read the text and answer the questions below:I was born in 1211 as the daughter of the famous Czech king Ottokar I of Bohemia (Přemysl Otakar I.) My father had many suggestions concerning my future husband, I was even supposed to marry the Emperor Friedrich but I refused. I had other plans. With the help of my brother, Wenceslas I (Václav I.) I founded the St. Francis hospital in Prague and in 1234, I accepted the monastic robe and became the first abbes of the new convent of Poor Clares order. You are now in the monastery of the Knights of the Cross which I am also connected to.

Who am I and what is the connection between me and the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star?

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2. Read the text and fill in the verb in correct form.

Three Prague bridges

The first mention of a wooden footbridge over the Moldau River can be found in the legend of St. Wenceslas (Sv. Václav). It_______ (seem) that in the 10th century it was already possible to cross the river by foot. But the wooden footbridge was often destroyed by frequent Prague floods. Judith, the wife of the king Vladislav, was instrumental in the construction of the first partly stone bridge which _________ (carry) her name and thus is known as the Judith Bridge. It was built between the years 1158 and 1173. Unfortunately the bridge ______________ (destroy) by the big spring flood in 1342. Charles IV decided not to renovate the old bridge but to build a new, stronger and more solid one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He __________ (give) the exact day and time. The foundation stone was then laid down in 1357 on the 9th July at 5:31am. Notice that the numbers are magical, because they ___________ (read) the same forward and backwards. The construction of the bridge took a long time and it was most probably completed in 1411. The bridge now carries the name Charles Bridge and for centuries it was the only bridge connecting both sides of the Moldau River. Only in the 19th century when the industry ______________ (develop) heavily, it was necessary to build other bridges. Let us hope that the astrologists___________ (choose) the date well and the Charles Bridge will face successfully all the misfortunes that might come in the future and it will not be necessary to build a third bridge on the same spot.

Page 2: WORKSHEET FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Charles Bridge · one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He _____ (give) the exact day

3. Which of these people could cross the river either over the Judith Bridge over or the Charles Bridge and which of them could not cross any bridge at all? Connect the person with the right statement.

St. Agnes of Bohemia (Svatá Anežka Česká)

Thomas Garrigue Masaryk (T. G. Masaryk)

St. Wenceslas (Sv. Václav)

Charles Bridge

Judith Bridge


Wenceslas IV(Václav IV.)

Forefather Čech(Praotec Čech)

Page 3: WORKSHEET FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Charles Bridge · one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He _____ (give) the exact day

Anna of Falz(Anna Falcká)

Judith of Thuringia ( Judita Duryňská)

Agnes of Bohemia(Anežka Česká)

Anna von Schweidnitz(Anna Svídnická)

Elizabeth of Bohemia(Eliška Přemyslovna)

4. From the following pictures choose the wives of Charles IV. In what order did he marry them? Number the pictures.

Sophie of Bavaria(Žofie Bavorská) Blanche of Valois

(Blanka z Valois)

Elizabeth of Pommern (Alžběta Pomořanská)


5. Choose the correct colors and color the Czech lion. Where can you find him?

6. Write down what were the symbols you can see below used for. You can use the free spot to draw your own symbol.

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Page 4: WORKSHEET FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Charles Bridge · one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He _____ (give) the exact day

7. Connect the work with the artistic style it was created in.




8. All the people that you can see below took part in the construction of the Charles Bridge. Connect the craftsmen with the tools they used and the result of their work.

9. Circle the attributes of St. John of Nepomuk.

Judith Bridge

Charles Bridge

Statues on the Charles Bridge

Page 5: WORKSHEET FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Charles Bridge · one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He _____ (give) the exact day

10. The plaque that you see in the following picture can be found in the museum. Find 8 differences between the two pictures, circle the differences. Who is the main character of the legend?

Write down who else is in the picture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11. Number the pictures so that the order of the events corresponds with the legend about St. John of Nepomuk.

Page 6: WORKSHEET FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Charles Bridge · one. He consulted astrologists in order to find out the best date for the foundation of the bridge. He _____ (give) the exact day

12. Solve the crossword.

1. The patron of the church belonging to the monastery of the Knights of the Cross is Saint…2. The first stone bridge carried the name after the queen called…3. The big water feast of remembering the sacrifice of St. John of Nepomuk is called…4. What titles have the members of the order that has its seat in this building?5. For the foundations of the pillars of the Charles Bridge were used (plural form)… 6. Whose dead body was thrown from the bridge into the Moldau River?7. The son of John of Bohemia ( Jan Lucemburský) and the father of Wenceslas IV (Václav IV.) was...








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