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Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date ____________

1 Which document, proposed by Ben Franklin in 1754, was the precedent for the Articles of Confederation?

Circle the answer letter.

a. the Constitution

b. the Albany Plan

c. the Declaration of Independence

3 What was the name of the group of representatives that adopted the Articles of Confederation?

a. The Continental Congress

b. The Second Continental Congress

c. The Sons of the American Revolution

8 According to Article 11, how many states must approve admission of a new state into the confederacy?

10 Which of the following was one thing that the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution had in common?

a. three branches of government

b. provisions for taxing the people of the United States

c. the existence of a Congress represented by the states

4 In order to take effect, all 13 states were required to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

9 Shay’s Rebellion was in reaction to _______.

a. the imprisonment of farmers who were unable to pay their debts

b. certain items in the Declaration of Independence

c. slavery in the northern states

2 The first draft of The Articles of Confederation was written in _____.

Circle the answer.

7 Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress did not have the power to do what?

a. control military forces

b. tax the citizens of the United States

c. settle disputes between states

6 The Articles of Confederation was the first to establish the confederation as ______.

a. The Thirteen Colonies

b. The United Colonies of America

c. The United States of America

The Articles of Confederation SSG

5 The Articles of Confederation were rewritten in 1781 because _______ the original draft.

a. Pennsylvania refused to ratify

b. Maryland refused to ratify

c. Congress wanted to add Article 13 to

5 9 7 11







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© Copyright MMXVI NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to make copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at

Name ____________________________ Class __________________ Date ____________

1 Which document, proposed by Ben Franklin in 1754, was the precedent for the Articles of Confederation?

Circle the answer letter.

a. the Constitution

b. the Albany Plan

c. the Declaration of Independence

3 What was the name of the group of representatives that adopted the Articles of Confederation?

a. The Continental Congress

b. The Second Continental Congress

c. The Sons of the American Revolution

8 According to Article 11, how many states must approve admission of a new state into the confederacy?

10 Which of the following was one thing that the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution had in common?

a. three branches of government

b. provisions for taxing the people of the United States

c. the existence of a Congress represented by the states

4 In order to take effect, all 13 states were required to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

9 Shay’s Rebellion was in reaction to _______.

a. the imprisonment of farmers who were unable to pay their debts

b. certain items in the Declaration of Independence

c. slavery in the northern states

2 The first draft of The Articles of Confederation was written in _____.

Circle the answer.

7 Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress did not have the power to do what?

a. control military forces

b. tax the citizens of the United States

c. settle disputes between states

6 The Articles of Confederation was the first to establish the confederation as ______.

a. The Thirteen Colonies

b. The United Colonies of America

c. The United States of America

The Articles of Confederation - Answer Key SSG

5 The Articles of Confederation were rewritten in 1781 because _______ the original draft.

a. Pennsylvania refused to ratify

b. Maryland refused to ratify

c. Congress wanted to add Article 13 to

5 9 7 11







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