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    2010-2013 District Technology PlanningWorksheets

    K-12 Public Schools

    Nespelem School

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet Vision Statement

    Vision Statement

    All districts complete this section of the district technology plan.

    If your district has a vision statement that includes the use of ICT (information and communication technologies), use it for your

    technology plan. If not, write a statement complementary to your districts vision that sets a bar for the integration of technologyinto teaching and learning.

    Students today enjoy the connectedness of social networking; it is part of their very being. Our goal is to bring instruction intothat cloud as an educational network to teach the content required in ways that inspire online responsibility and ethics in this

    new, very connected world so that students develop the collaborative, participatory, and communicative skills required in theirfutures.

    The Nespelem School Mission Statement is "To enable a child to be a thinking, caring, productive person using high academic

    standards in a positive environment." Considering our mission statement and given that the purpose of education is to prepare

    students to be productive and caring adults, we believe that technology is a necessary tool for learning that expands our

    instructional repertoire and is the vehicle that maximizes the capacity of all teachers and learners. It is the vision of Nespelem

    School District that students be engaged in a stimulating academic environment and an engaging, highly relevant, rigorous

    curriculum student-centered and focused inquiry-based learning.

    Specifically, we envision that technology is available and effectively supported for all students and staff in all classrooms:

    To provide global access to information

    To meet the curricular needs of all learners

    To provide access to the general curriculum To refine critical thinking skills and stimulate creativity

    To provide a medium for expression and communication

    To create, connect, and collaborate as responsible and ethical online citizens

    To collect, assess and share performance information

    To interpret assessment data to drive instruction so all students learn and progress in meeting and exceeding standards

    To improve the effectiveness of administrative tasks

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    To provide skills and proficiencies necessary for the workforce

    We envision using technology to further a learning community where:

    Students are engaged in a challenging, highly relevant curriculum focused on inquiry-based, hands-on learning in which studentscommunicate, collaborate, and create communities with educators, parents, and other students, exhibiting higher order thinking anddemonstrating knowledge. Students are comfortable using technology. Students take responsibility for their own educational success.

    Teachers use technology to support, differentiate, and communicate learning across the curriculum.They apply meaningful assessmentdata gathered with technology to guide instruction in order to present students with a challenging curriculum designed to help eachindividual student develop a depth of understanding and critical thinking skills.They function as coaches, mentors, advocates, andmanagers of information. Through ongoing, comprehensive professional development, all teachers acquire the knowledge and skills tointegrate technology into a challenging and interdisciplinary curriculum, whichaddresses students' specific needs, developmentallevels and learning styles, providing frequent communication of classroom activities to families. Teachers use technology formeaningful assessment data that informs their practice and allows students to exhibit higher order thinking and to demonstrateknowledge.

    Teachers and Program Facilitators use and facilitate student use of technology to communicate, collaborate, and create communitieswith educators, parents, students, and additional stakeholders.

    Administrative functions, including those performed by instructional staff, are fully automated, thereby allowing more of the schoolsystem's energy and resources to be focused on student education. The schools become an environment where all students and staff have ready access to a full range of current technology, software

    tools, and applications. The schools have knowledgeable staff and external resources such as parents, community members, andbusiness, higher education and network resources to further the curriculumgoals.

    Therefore, Nespelem School Districts Technology Plan demonstrates a commitment to increasing technology in each classroom and to

    providing ongoing and continuous training to all of its staffand students in the use of and integration of technology as the necessary tools for

    teaching, learning, and collaborating in all subject areas and for lifelong learning; technology is an essentialelement that brings about greater

    productivity, provides meaningful assessment data, and empowers instruction and learning.

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    Worksheet Technology Goals

    Technology Goal Technology Literacy of 8th-Grade Students

    The total number ofGrade 8 Students ranked at Tier 1 on the PILOT Technology Literacy Survey will increase by at least 5% per year

    compared to the previous years survey with a total increase of 15% by 2013. The total number of teachers ranked at Tier 2 on the PILOT

    Technology Integration Survey will increase by at least 5% per year compared to the previous years survey with a total increase of 15% by2013.


    Computers will be used in the classroom so students are engaged in a challenging, highly relevant curriculum focused on inquiry-based,hands-on learning in which students communicate, collaborate, and create communities with educators, parents, and other students,exhibiting higher order thinking and demonstrating knowledge. The computer lab and library media center will augment the opportunities forstudents to incorporate suitable technology to engage in active participation, exploration, and research.


    In a report that examined the results of over 300 studies of technology use, authors concluded the need for more than one computer forstudents in the classroom: Furthermore, classroom connectivity in general and, more specifically, connectivity with four or more computerswere found to be important factors in predicting whether teachers directed student research involving the Internet. (Sivin-Kachala & Bialo,2000) Kelley, L., & Ringstaff, C. (2002). Finally, computers in the classroom resulted in the best learning improvement: The results from thisprogram indicate that student outcomes are most improved by the distributed model. Students who had access to computers in theirclassrooms showed more improvement in basic skills than those who received instruction in computer labs. In addition, teachers who hadcomputers in the classroom reported greater confidence and competence in using computers and more time using the computers (Mann,1999; Mannet al., 1999). The learning return on our educational technology investment: A review of findings from research. Retrieved fromWestEd Web site:

    Evaluation Procedure

    Each year grade eight students will complete the PILOT Technology Integration Survey to demonstrate progress from Tier 1 to Tier 2, and

    from Tier 2 to Tier 3 as a result of increased application of technology to apply knowledge in real world contexts to create, collaborate, andcommunicate in learning communities to exhibit higher order thinking and to demonstrate knowledge.

    Activities & TasksProfessional




    Who Is

    ResponsibleTimeline Resources

    Cost &

    Funding Source

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    What activities must

    occur and what tasks

    must your staff

    undertake to complete

    this strategy?

    Complete the Pilot, JR


    NWEA MAP testing

    provides data on

    improvement in Grade

    Level Expectations.

    Web 2.0 tools such

    a Diigo, Google

    Apps for Education,

    Gaggle and ePal

    email, Blogs, Wikis,

    and VoiceThread

    allow students to

    research, analyze,


    information to

    create and

    collaborate with

    peers to

    communicate ideas

    in a learning

    community to

    demonstrate higher

    order thinking,

    practice problem-solving, share

    knowledge and

    understanding, and

    practice responsibleand ethical use of


    How will staff

    acquire the


    skills to carry

    out the




    NWEA testing

    in computer


    Through theTeacher Goalsof ProfessionalDevelopment,teachers willlearn andimplementlessons thatprovidestudents theopportunity toto engage inactiveparticipation,exploration,and researchand to shareresults.

    What formative

    evidence will you

    gather to show that

    this activity can

    make a difference in

    student outcomes?

    Improvement instudent skills as

    demonstrated by

    Trimester NWEA

    MAP Data results.


    progress from Tier 1

    to Tier 2, and from

    Tier 2 to Tier 3 on

    Pilot Junior Survey

    for grade eight

    students each year.

    Who will lead the


    Who will do the


    Lab Coordinator

    and Program

    Facilitatororganizes NWEA


    Staff develop

    lessons matched

    to student needs

    based an

    assessment data

    that will engage

    students in


    projects to learn

    the basic and

    higher order


    Students will

    participate in

    biannual inquiry


    curriculum to

    create and

    collaborate with

    peers and


    through online

    products, such

    as wikis, blogs,



    When will





    Pilot Junior


    Dec Jan

    of each

    year for




    three time

    a year in


    and June.



    will occur,

    one each




    What assets and

    resources can you

    call on now and

    what resources will

    you need to

    complete the

    activity? NWEA in

    place; PILOToffered by OSPI

    Assets: Google

    Apps in Education

    in place


    Coordinator and

    other staff have

    expertise to share.

    Subscriptions from

    NCESD, such as



    Subscriptions to

    Web 2.0

    Applications such

    as: VoiceThread,

    PBWorks Wiki,

    Gaggle, Google

    Apps, Visual

    Thesaurus, Diigo,





    computers in each


    Internet Access

    and connectivity in

    each classroom

    How much will this activity or task cost?

    Where will you source the money?

    PILOT: Free


    Google Apps: No Cost except for annual

    domain name fee ($128 annually; Gaggleemail Filter fee$500 set-up and $4

    /student -- )

    General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, Indian


    Subscriptions from NCESD Contract, such

    as Learn360


    Cost: ________

    General Fund

    Subscriptions to Web 2.0 Applications such


    VoiceThread $200/year

    PBWorks $999/year

    Gaggle: __$1300___________

    Source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I,

    Indian Education

    Document Cameras:_____ x 5

    Projectors____ x 5

    Projector Replacement bulbs:____ x 9

    Source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I,

    Indian Education

    Computers _____ x8 General Fund

    K20 TI and Fiber: General Fund

    Wiring: NCESD Contract General Fund

    5 of 24 2010-2013 Nespelem School District #14 Technology Planning

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    Worksheet Technology Goals

    Technology Goal Technology Integration Skills of Teachers

    Technology Goals Note: these goals will change depending on our PILOT surveys


    The total number of teachers ranked at Tier 1 on the PILOT Technology Integration Survey will increase by at least 5% per year compared to

    the previous years survey with a total increase of 30% by 2013. The total number of teachers ranked at Tier 2 on the PILOT Technology

    Integration Survey will increase by at least 5% per year compared to the previous years survey with a total increase of 15% by 2013.


    All teachers will participate in professional development in the area of Technology Integration. The goal will be to provide teachers with skills

    and strategies that will allow them to use technology tools to teach the standards, to integrate technology into the curriculum, to promote a

    student-centered environment that assists and encourages technological skills, to use assessment data to drive instruction, and to access

    productivity tools for class data management, for communication with students, staff, and community, and for collaboration on curricular and

    instructional goals.


    The goal of technology integration is to use technology seamlessly so that the technology itself becomesa transparent and integral

    toolto teach core curriculum. Technology & Curriculum Integration (

    Digital Learning Environments A variety of studies indicate that technology will have little effect unless teachers are adequately and

    appropriately trained (Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Coley, Cradler, & Engel, 1997; Silverstein et al., 2000; Studies suggest that

    teachers who receive formal training use technology more frequently for instruction, and this use can lead to significant improvements in

    student achievement. According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (1999b), teachers who report feeling prepared to

    teach using technology use it more frequently and in a greater variety of ways, and are more likely to have their students use technology as a

    tool in tasks that require higher-order thinking. In a report that examined the results of over 300 studies of technology use, authors

    concluded that teacher training was the most significant factor influencing the effective use of educational technology to improve student

    achievement. Specifically, the report states that students of teachers with more than ten hours of training significantly outperformed students

    of teachers with five or fewer training hours (Sivin-Kachala & Bialo, 2000; Kelley, L., & Ringstaff, C. (2002). In addition the report

    demonstrates the need for more than one computer for students in the classroom: Furthermore, classroom connectivity in general and, more

    specifically, connectivity with four or more computers were found to be important factors in predicting whether teachers directed student

    research involving the Internet. Finally, computers in the classroom resulted in the best learning improvement: The results from this

    program indicate that student outcomes are most improved by the distributed model. Students who had access to computers in their

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    classrooms showed more improvement in basic skills than those who received instruction in computer labs. In addition, teachers who had

    computers in the classroom reported greater confidence and competence in using computers and more time using the computers (Mann,

    1999; Mannet al., 1999). The learning return on our educational technology investment: A review of findings from research. Retrieved from

    WestEd Web site:

    Evaluation Procedure

    Each year all staff (Teachers, Librarian-Teachers, Administration) will complete in the PILOT Technology Integration Survey to demonstrate

    progress from Tier 1 to Tier 2, and from Tier 2 to Tier 3. In addition, we will reflect each semester on the Key Question: What are you doing

    or teaching right now that you could do more effectively and efficiently with technology? Start with the end in mind in our Online Teacher

    Professional Development Repository, which will serve as a record and resource in the application of productivity, curricular, and instructional

    strategies and results for other staff members to try. Analysis of Professional Development Evaluations will determine further needs in

    Professional Development. Data will be analyzed for student improvement in NWEA/MAP scores.

    Activities &






    Who Is

    Responsible Timeline ResourcesCost &

    Funding Source

    What activities

    must occur and

    what tasks

    must your staff

    undertake to

    complete this


    Complete the

    pilot survey.Attend



    Sessions ,

    which provide

    support for use

    of productivity


    gathering and

    How will staff

    acquire the

    necessary skills to

    carry out the


    The District will

    provide professional

    developmentoptions (online and

    on site) for NWEA

    data analysis and

    for technology


    Waiver days will



    time for data



    evidence will

    you gather

    to show that

    this activity

    can make a

    difference in





    from Tier 1

    to Tier 2,

    and from

    Tier 2 to Tier

    3 on Pilot

    Who will lead the


    Who will do the


    Staff take the PILOT


    Staff attend



    sessions which are

    provided by NWEA ,

    staff members, the


    Coordinator, and

    online courses.

    When will



    this activity?

    Pilot Survey:

    Dec Jan of

    each year for

    staff and










    What assets and

    resources can you

    call on now and

    what resources will

    you need to

    complete the


    Assets NWEA in

    place; PILOToffered by OSPI

    Google Apps in

    Education in place

    for websites and

    parent newsletters.

    Math curriculum in

    place with

    technology both on

    Cds and online in

    How much will this activity or task cost?

    Where will you source the money?

    Many free relevant technology sites are

    available for group viewing, analysis,

    application: K!2


    g/Teachers First: OK2Ask


    PILOT: Free


    Math Curriculum:

    Google Apps: No Cost except for annual

    domain name fee ($128 annually;

    Gaggle email Filter fee$500 set-up and

    $4 /student -- )

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    data to


    lessons, and



    such as District

    Web 2.0 tools

    as well as

    training in


    and ethical use

    of technology;



    technologyinfused inquiry




    which include


    successes and




    differentiation, and

    lesson planning for


    Clock hours will be



    ement/reflect on


    development plans.


    Newsletters /blogs

    created by

    classroom teachers.

    Repository of online

    reflections provide

    ideas for staff to

    continue learning

    from each other.

    Other training and

    ongoing support for

    Scholastic Reading

    Inventory,Accelerated Reader,

    Discovery tools,

    Learn360 tools,

    Internet safety,

    research skills,

    curriculum and


    Survey for,


    each year.


    t NWEA /MAP


    scores.Increase in



    and use of



    Increase in

    parent use of

    class website

    and blogs.

    Staff complete and

    access the online

    reflections at staff

    web and wiki sites.

    Staff create

    biannual inquiry

    based curriculumand weeklyclass


    District Website

    created by


    Coordinator and








    classrooms and in

    computer lab.


    Coordinator and

    other staff have

    expertise to share

    Access onlinecourses from

    NCESD, online

    conferences, online

    courses and


    Subscriptions from

    NCESD, such as



    Subscriptions toWeb 2.0

    Applications such

    as: VoiceThread,

    PBWorks Wiki,


    Google Apps, Visual

    Thesaurus; Diigo;



    Document cameras,projectors,

    computers in each


    K20 T1 and Fiber;

    Wiring and

    Networking for


    General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I,

    Indian Education

    Subscriptions from NCESD Contract,

    such as Learn360 ProQuest

    Cost: $9,000/yr General Fund

    Subscriptions to Web 2.0 Applicationssuch as:

    VoiceThread $200/year

    PBWorks $999/year

    Gaggle: __$1300/yr________

    Source: General Fund; Title II AARA,

    Title I, Indian Education


    Document Cameras:_____ x 5Projectors____ x 5

    Projector Replacement bulbs:____ x 9

    Computers _____ x8

    K20 TI and Fiber: General Fund

    Wiring: NCESD Contract $50,000/yr

    General Fund

    Source: General Fund; Title II AARA,

    Title I, Indian Education

    Repair or replace failed equipment

    as funding allows, including

    computers, printers, and projectors.

    Budget $20,000 per year; Funding

    Source Technology repair budget.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    Worksheet Technology Goals

    Technology Goal Technology Proficiencies of Administrators, Teachers & Teacher-Librarians


    The total number ofAdministrators, Teachers & Teacher-Librarians ranked at Tier 1 on the PILOT Technology Integration Survey will

    increase by at least 5% per year compared to the previous years survey with a total increase of 15% by 2013. The total number of teachersranked at Tier 2 on the PILOT Technology Integration Survey will increase by at least 5% per year compared to the previous years survey

    with a total increase of 15% by 2013.


    All teachers will participate in professional development in the area of Technology Integration. The goal will be to provide teachers with skills

    and strategies that will allow them to use technology tools to teach the standards, to integrate technology into the curriculum, to promote a

    student-centered environment that assists and encourages technological skills, to use assessment data to drive instruction, and to access

    productivity tools for class data management, for communication with students, staff, and community, and for collaboration on curricular and

    instructional goals.


    The goal of technology integration is to use technology seamlessly so that the technology itself becomesa transparent and integral

    toolto teach core curriculum. Technology & Curriculum Integration (

    Digital Learning Environments A variety of studies indicate that technology will have little effect unless teachers are adequately and

    appropriately trained (Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Coley, Cradler, & Engel, 1997; Silverstein et al., 2000; Studies suggest that

    teachers who receive formal training use technology more frequently for instruction, and this use can lead to significant improvements in

    student achievement. According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (1999b), teachers who report feeling prepared to

    teach using technology use it more frequently and in a greater variety of ways, and are more likely to have their students use technology as a

    tool in tasks that require higher-order thinking. In a report that examined the results of over 300 studies of technology use, authorsconcluded that teacher training was the most significant factor influencing the effective use of educational technology to improve student

    achievement. Specifically, the report states that students of teachers with more than ten hours of training significantly outperformed students

    of teachers with five or fewer training hours (Sivin-Kachala & Bialo, 2000; Kelley, L., & Ringstaff, C. (2002). In addition the report

    demonstrates the need for more than one computer for students in the classroom: Furthermore, classroom connectivity in general and, more

    specifically, connectivity with four or more computers were found to be important factors in predicting whether teachers directed student

    research involving the Internet. Finally, computers in the classroom resulted in the best learning improvement: The results from this

    program indicate that student outcomes are most improved by the distributed model. Students who had access to computers in their

    classrooms showed more improvement in basic skills than those who received instruction in computer labs. In addition, teachers who had

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    computers in the classroom reported greater confidence and competence in using computers and more time using the computers (Mann,

    1999; Mannet al., 1999). The learning return on our educational technology investment: A review of findings from research. Retrieved from

    WestEd Web site:

    Evaluation Procedure

    Each year all staff (Teachers, Librarian-Teachers, Administration) will complete in the PILOT Technology Integration Survey to demonstrateprogress from Tier 1 to Tier 2, and from Tier 2 to Tier 3. In addition, we will reflect each semester on the Key Question: What are you doing

    or teaching right now that you could do more effectively and efficiently with technology? Start with the end in mind in our Online Teacher

    Professional Development Repository, which will serve as a record and resource in the application of productivity, curricular, and instructional

    strategies and results for other staff members to try. Analysis of Professional Development Evaluations will determine further needs in

    Professional Development. Data will be analyzed for student improvement in NWEA/MAP scores.

    Activities &






    Who Is


    Timeline Resources Cost &

    Funding Source


    activities must

    occur and

    what tasks

    must your


    undertake to

    complete this


    Complete thepilot survey.




    Sessions ,

    which provide

    support for

    use of


    How will staff acquire the

    necessary skills to carry

    out the activity?

    The District will provide

    professional development

    options (online and on

    site) for NWEA data

    analysis and for

    technology applications.

    Waiver days will provide

    collaboration time for

    data analysis,


    differentiation, and

    lesson planning for


    Clock hours will be


    What formative

    evidence will

    you gather to

    show that this

    activity can

    make a

    difference in




    progress from

    Tier 1 to Tier 2,

    and from Tier 2

    to Tier 3 on Pilot

    Survey for




    Who will lead

    the activity?

    Who will do

    the work?

    Staff take the

    PILOT survey.

    Staff attendProfessional


    sessions which

    are provided

    by NWEA ,

    staff members,

    the Technology


    and online

    When will



    this activity?

    Pilot Survey:

    Dec Jan of

    each year for

    staff and











    What assets and

    resources can you call

    on now and what

    resources will you

    need to complete the


    Assets NWEA in

    place; PILOT offered

    by OSPI Google Apps

    in Education in placefor websites and

    parent newsletters.

    Math curriculum in

    place with technology

    both on Cds and

    online in classrooms

    and in computer lab.


    Coordinator and other

    How much will this activity or task


    Where will you source the money?

    Many free relevant technology sites

    are available for group viewing,

    analysis, application: K!2

    onlinehttp://wiki.k12onlineconferen First: OK2Ask


    PILOT: Free


    Math Curriculum:

    Google Apps: No Cost except for

    annual domain name fee ($128

    annually; Gaggle email Filter fee

    $500 set-up and $4 /student -- )

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    gathering and



    data to


    lessons, andapplying



    such as

    District Web

    2.0 tools as

    well as

    training in


    and ethical

    use of










    which include


    successes and




    /reflect on professional

    development plans.

    Parent Newsletters

    /blogs created by

    classroom teachers.

    Repository of online

    reflections provide ideas

    for staff to continue

    learning from each other.

    Other training and

    ongoing support for

    Scholastic Reading

    Inventory, AcceleratedReader, Discovery tools,

    Learn360 tools, Internet

    safety, research skills,

    curriculum and


    teachers, each




    student scores.

    Increase in

    onlinereflections and

    use of reflection


    Increase in

    parent use of

    class website

    and blogs.


    Staff complete

    and access the


    reflections at

    staff web and

    wiki sites.Staff create


    inquiry based

    curriculum and






    created by



    and staff.





    sessions as

    needed for









    n: Bi-annual




    staff have expertise

    to share

    Access online courses

    from NCESD, online

    conferences, online

    courses and

    workshops.Subscriptions from

    NCESD, such as



    Subscriptions to Web

    2.0 Applications such

    as: VoiceThread,

    PBWorks Wiki,

    Gaggle/ePals, Google

    Apps, VisualThesaurus; Diigo;



    Document cameras,

    projectors, computers

    in each classroom,

    K20 T1 and Fiber;

    Wiring and

    Networking for


    General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I,

    Indian Education

    Subscriptions from NCESD

    Contract, such as Learn360


    Cost: $9,000/ year General Fund

    Subscriptions to Web 2.0

    Applications such as:

    VoiceThread $200/year

    PBWorks $999/year



    Source: General Fund; Title II

    AARA, Title I, Indian Education

    Equipment Document

    Cameras:_____ x 5 Projectors____x 5Projector Replacement

    bulbs:____ x 9Computers _____

    x8 K20 TI and Fiber: General


    Wiring: NCESD Contract

    $50,000/yr General Fund Source:

    General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I,

    Indian Education

    Repair or replace failed

    equipment as funding allows,including computers, printers,

    and projectors. Budget $20,000

    per year; Funding Source

    Technology repair budget.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet Narrative, Technology Survey & CIPA Compliance

    Technology Plan

    All districts complete this section of the district technology plan.


    Write a high-level overview that explains how the building(s) in your district are addressing the need to integrate technology into teaching

    and learning, as part of their school improvement plan(s).

    The Nespelem School Mission Statement is "To enable a child to be a thinking, caring, productive person using high

    academic standards in a positive environment." Considering our mission statement and given that the purpose ofeducation is to prepare students to be productive and caring adults, we begin the journey to adapt technology as a necessary tool for

    learning that expands our instructional repertoire and becomes the vehicle that maximizes the capacity of all teachers and learners to meet

    the goals of our schoolwide plan, which include:

    Continuous improvement in all student learning by using data to determine student needs and adjust instruction through collaborationby staff to provide an engaging, highly relevant, rigorous curriculum with continuous intervention and supplemental programs,

    especially in math;

    Provide a focus on professional staff development with the use of waiver days for collaboration, data analysis, and planning


    Ensure student readiness for joining the technological society in which they must function by providing access to and use of up-to-date

    technology to meet the learning needs of all students, including use of technology to support learning and as intervention or learning


    Establish partnerships to foster and encourage student learning through a school website with information, activities, family access to

    teachers, student achievement, events, and weekly letters home from classes to families;

    In order to meet these goals and implement the school-wide plan, Nespelem School District will begin the process of moving to classroom-centered technology:

    Teachers will apply for classroom technology by explaining: What are you doing or teaching right now that you could do moreeffectively and efficiently with technology?

    The technology tool goals are two-fold:

    o Teacher tools for instruction (computers, projectors , document cameras)

    o Student tools for technology integration: 1:4 student to computer ratio or better

    Use of technology will be accelerated with bi-monthly Professional Development Sessions that allow teachers to:

    o Learn how to improve student learning through project/inquiry based curricula

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12o Provide application sessions in teacher use of technology for projects, productivity, and presentations.

    o Develop technology plans aligned to standards to improve student learning through project/inquiry based curricula

    o Create a repository of teacher-created technology plans for other staff to try

    Teachers increase productivity by using technology tools such as wikis, blogs, and Google Apps and math curriculum computer

    programs and online textbooks for

    o collaborating with each other for curriculum and data analysis

    o communicating strategies and lessons through blogs/wikis/Google docso designing interventions for student improvement based on assessment data

    o providing students and families with math strategies and lessons

    o differentiating instruction to meet student needs,

    o and developing weekly newsletters/blogs for parents.

    Students actively engage in challenging inquiry and project based curriculum, taking ownership of their learning by planning, self-

    assessing, producing, and sharing their learning as they communicate, collaborate, and create communities with educators, parents,

    and other students, exhibiting higher order thinking and demonstrating knowledge. Students incorporate suitable technology to engage

    in active participation, exploration, and research in all content areas, especially math

    Overall, by focusing on our school-wide plan to improve student learning especially in the area of math, our process for planning professional

    development, adding technology in classrooms, and developing a challenging curriculum, we will meet the goals for integrating technology:

    Educators use technology to enhance and differentiate instruction in order to present students with a challenging curriculum designed

    to help each individual student develop a depth of understanding and critical thinking skills.

    Educators use technology for meaningful assessment data that informs their practice and allows students to exhibit higher order

    thinking and to demonstrate knowledge.

    Educators use and facilitate student use of technology to communicate, collaborate, and create communities with educators, parents,

    students, and additional stakeholders.

    Technology Survey & CIPA Compliance

    Annual Technology Survey

    District has completed the current technologysurvey and will continue to complete the survey


    CIPA Compliance

    The district has completed the current Form 479 and will continue to complete aForm 479 annually.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet E-rate Priority One

    Network & Telecommunications Plan

    E-rate Priority One

    All districts complete this section of the network & telecommunications plan.

    Phone service, data Internet and intranet K-20 network VC infrastructure, network capability and non-basic telecom services,such as Centrex.

    Voice, Data & Video Budget & Potential Funding Source(s)

    Full Summary

    Digital transmission services, which include but are

    not limited to: Local phone service, long distance

    services, paging services and related components.

    Note: The district's Internet connection is provided by

    Washington's K-20 network, and for this, eRate ishandled at the state level.

    Purchase required:K-20 Service (moving to K-20 Fiber Optic). Budget: $2,500.

    Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Local Phone service. Budget

    $50,000. Funding source: General Fund Future purchase: Move toward fiber optic

    connection to provide adequate bandwidth Budget: unknown, The North Central

    ESD and the K-20 Network are working on the cost. Funding source: unknown atthis time

    Short Summary

    Purchase required: K-20 Service (moving to K-20

    Fiber Optic) for Basic Conduit Access to Internet for

    email and webhosting.

    Purchase required: Local Phone service.

    Email: Exchange Service in ESD Contract

    Webhosting: Gmail/Domain name

    Google Apps for Education/PBWorks for staff

    Google Apps for Education/ Gaggle email/PBWorks for


    Future purchase: Move toward fiber optic connection

    to provide adequate bandwidth

    Purchase required:K-20 Service (moving to K-20 Fiber Optic). Budget: $2,500.

    Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Local Phone service. Budget

    $50,000. Funding source: General Fund Future purchase: Move toward fiber optic

    connection to provide adequate bandwidth Budget: unknown, The North Central ESD

    and the K-20 Network are working on the cost. Funding source: unknown at thistime.

    The North Central ESD provides Exchange service for email. _____________

    Gaggle email $1300

    PBWorks: $999

    Google Apps Domain: $128

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    How will these

    services support

    your districts

    learning goals?

    These services will support our district's learning goals by allowing access to online resources, multimedia resources,

    online student assessments, and communication tools that will increase the number of students who are utilizing

    technology at a Tier 2 and Tier 3 level to improve their knowledge and skills. It will also support school/home

    communications between teachers and parents.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet E-rate Priority Two

    Network & Telecommunications Plan

    E-rate Priority Two

    Complete only if you plan to request Priority Two services.

    Can include ethernet switches, wireless access points, servers, server software, UPS systems, routers, hubs and related maintenance,upgrade and technology support.

    Internal Network Hardware & Software Budget & Potential Funding Source(s)

    Full Summary

    Data Distribution 1. Replace existing core due to age

    of equipment. 2. Basic Maintenance for Internal

    connections; 3. Replace obsolete data network

    switches. Replace all switches in MDF and IDFs; 4.

    Add UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) to MDF andIDFs 5. Provide and maintain managed wireless LAN

    services to entire building 6. Replace existing district

    firewall due to vendor upgrades 7. Manage rack and

    cables where needed; 8. Replace existing phone

    system with VoIP with integrated voicemail

    9. Replace/Add network drops where needed.

    Purchase required:6 48 port managed switches. Budget $6000.00. Funding

    source: General Fund Purchase required:5 Managed wireless access points.

    Budget $2000 . Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Sonicwall 3060.

    Budget $3000. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Integrated

    phone system Budget $50,000. Funding source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, Indian Education

    Short Summary

    Purchase required: 6 48 port managed switches.

    Purchase required: 5 Managed wireless access points.

    Purchase required: Sonicwall 3060

    Purchase required: Integrated phone system

    Purchase required:6 48 port managed switches. Budget $6000.00. Funding

    source: General Fund Purchase required:5 Managed wireless access points.Budget $2000 . Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Sonicwall 3060.

    Budget $3000. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Integrated

    phone system Budget $50,000.

    Funding source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, Indian Education

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    How will these

    services support

    your districts

    learning goals?

    These services will maintain a reliable network that will support student and teacher access to the Internet and our

    network, giving them access to communication tools and online information outside the school walls in support of

    project/inquiry-based and student-centered learning. By having access to these tools, our students, through well-

    designed standards-aligned projects, develop the habits of lifelong learners and seekers of information.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet A Technology Assessment (Standards, Budget, Maintenance, Upgrade & Support)

    District Technology Standards & Budget

    All districts complete this section of the district technology plan.

    Detail your districts technology standards formal or informal.

    Fill in budget details here or attach your budget spreadsheet.

    District Standards for Technology Budget

    Nespelem School District has a Windows XP Pro operating system. Minimumstandards for purchase as of this date: Dell Computer, Windows XP Pro,Pentium IV 3.0 GHz or higher, 1Gb RAM, 17 LCD monitor. HP LaserJetnetworkable printers.Every usable computer not in the computer lab will be placed in and

    maintained in classrooms to increase the student to computer ratio.

    Software used district-wide with main function noted: Sophos AntivirusBarracuda spam filter Sonicwall content filter Email client Microsoft Outlook2003 Internet Browsers Internet Explorer and FirefoxApplications

    Assessment Tool NWEA Measures of Academic ProgressAssessment Tool Scholastic Reading InventoryAssessment Tool Accelerated Reader Renaissance Learning, Inc. subscription -web based

    TransACT Parent Notification collections internet subscription serviceDesktop Publishing Microsoft Office 2003 Google DocsResearch e-Library and ProQuest; DiigoPresentation Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 Google DocsSpreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2003 Google DocsWord Processing Microsoft Word 2003 Google DocsVisual Thesaurus - subscription web serviceKeyboarding K - 3 Read, Write, Type Keyboarding 4 - 8 All The Right TypeSchool web page hosted for Nespelem School by Google Apps for Education,

    Budget Summary:Repair or replace failed equipment as funding allows, includingcomputers, printers, and projectors.Budget $20,000 per year.Funding source: Technology repair budget.

    Upgrade software as funding allows, including operating

    system and Microsoft Office.Budget $9,200 per year.

    Funding Source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, IndianEducation

    Maintain internet subscription services.Budget $9,000 annual fee

    Funding Source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, IndianEducation

    Maintenance budget, ESD contract: Budget $50,000 per year Funding Source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, Indian


    Website Domain Name Cost Annual $128Funding source: General FundPostini Service: Variesby per userGaggle student email filters google email -- $500 set up and$4/student $280 for students in grades 5-8

    Funding Source: General Fund; Title II AARA, Title I, Indian

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12maintained by our Technology Coordinator with pages created by staffmembers for their respective departments.

    Note:Computer standards. At the state level, standard refers to a 4-year old ornewer computer. The metric is processing power. So, school laptops ordesktop PCs must be built with this processor level or higher:

    Intel or AMD based Pentium IV 2.4 GhZ or higher or Dual Coredesktop.

    Celeron 2.8 GHz or higher desktop.o 2.0 GHz or higher PC laptop.

    Mac G5 2.1 GHz or higher desktop. G4/G5 1.9 GHz or higher Powerbook/iBook/MacBook.


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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet B Technology Assessment (Standards, Budget, Maintenance, Upgrade & Support)

    Maintenance, Upgrade & Support

    Strategies Budget & Potential Funding Source(s) Timeline

    Full Summary

    1. Maintenance for K-20 Network

    2. Yearly maintenance contract for

    firewall, servers, and building


    3. Upgrade PBX hardware and

    software and Voicemail system

    software as necessary to maintain

    adequate level of service (e.g. VoIP)

    and to extend the life of the system

    1. Purchase required: Annual

    maintenance Budget $50,000

    Funding Source: General Fund

    Upgrade and support plan relative to the current 3-year cycle

    of district technology planning 2010-2013 with an Annual

    Analysis and Maintenance system and plan through the


    Short Summary

    1. Maintenance for K-20 Network

    2. Yearly maintenance contract for

    firewall, servers, and building


    3. Upgrade PBX hardware andsoftware and Voicemail system

    software as necessary to maintain

    adequate level of service (e.g.

    VoIP) and to extend the life of the


    Maintain an adequate ratio of

    equipment to tech support FTEs.

    1. Purchase required: Annual

    maintenance Budget $50,000

    Funding Source: General Fund

    Purchase when and how frequently? Annual Maintenance

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    How will these services support

    your districts learning goals?

    By maintaining a secure network environment, we are enabling our teachers to store and access

    student information which will encourage them to use data to drive their instructional decisions and

    provide technology-infused curriculum for differentiation and needed 21st Century skills.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12Worksheet Review & Update

    Technology Plan Review & Update

    All districts complete this section of the district technology plan.

    Strategies for Evaluation & Update Person or TeamResponsible Timeline

    Full Summary

    Annually, we willgather data from PILOT surveys to

    determine effectiveness and improvement of technology

    use via professional development and increased

    classroom technology.

    Technology team will meet monthly and

    review technology plan The tools will be

    o Tech Team Surveys

    o State-level (PILOT) surveys,

    o Staff reflections that capture and analyze

    technology integration (Staff Web/Wiki Site)

    o Documents -- technology CBAs (classroom-based


    o Literacy and proficiency data (PILOT),o Student test scores (MSP; NWEA MAP).

    Outcomes will be compared to 2007-2010 Technology

    goals and analyzed by tracking teacher technology use

    through PILOT surveys to determine which areas

    resulted in progress and which resulted in no progress.

    Outcomes will be analyzed by monitoring teacher

    professional development reflections on technology use

    Who leads your evaluation and revision

    work? Betty Brueske

    Who will do the work?

    Technology Team meetings to review

    technology needs and improvement from

    tech team surveys and PILOT surveys.

    Technology Professional Development

    Reflections: Staff

    Analysis of CBAs, MSP, and MAP: Staff


    PILOT surveys by administration,

    teachers, and students will be

    analyzed for improvement in goals

    from the 2007-2010 technology

    plan to the current plan.


    Technology Team will review

    technology needs in hardware,

    software, teacher technology use

    and reflection to determine next

    steps for classroom projects and

    professional development needs.

    CBAs and test scores (MAP, MSP)will determine the focus to which

    technology standards will be

    addressed by teachers when

    choosing projects to meet state

    learning goals on

    collaboration/waiver days.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    in classrooms which are located on a staff web site for

    collaboration; increased reflections, increased

    comments, and increased revisions by staff will indicate

    application of professional development opportunities

    Each teacher will possess and each professional

    development session will focus on the states technology

    standards. Student progress will be assessed through

    the PILOT survey.

    Short Summary

    List what you will review, evaluate and update:

    District-level goals for student technology literacy,

    technology integration by teachers, and the

    technology proficiencies of administrators, teachers

    and teacher-librarians.

    Building-level technology-related goals.

    Who leads your evaluation and revision


    Who will do the work?

    List your evaluation and update

    process by activity and timeframe.

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    12/30/09 16:36 A12/P12

    Worksheet Building-Level Technology Plan

    Building-Level Technology Plan (Optional Worksheet)


    Develop goal statements that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time specific (S.M.A.R.T. goal)..


    A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal.


    High-level justification for your strategy. Use research, historical data, district-level experience and outcomes.

    Evaluation Procedure

    What summative evidence will you produce to show that this strategy has made a difference in student outcomes?

    Activities &





    EffectivenessWho Is Responsible Timeline Resources

    Cost &

    Funding Source

    What activities

    must occur and

    what tasks must

    your staff

    undertake to

    complete this


    How will staff

    acquire the

    necessary skills

    to carry out the


    What formative

    evidence will you

    gather to show that

    this activity can make

    a difference in

    student outcomes?

    Who will lead the


    Who will do the work?

    When will you

    complete this


    What assets and

    resources can you call

    on now and what

    resources will you need

    to complete the activity?

    How much will this

    activity or task cost?

    Where will you source

    the money?

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