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Rachel Pastor <[email protected]>

Your Wednesday Daily Digital Digest from the World Affairs Council ofPhiladelphia!1 message

World Affairs Council of Philadelphia <[email protected]> Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 12:14 PMReply-To: [email protected]: [email protected]


Dear Friends of the Council,

Consistent with its mission to educate the public about matters of national and internationalsignificance, and consistent with its original motto, “In a democracy, agreement is notessential; participation is,” we at the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia will not presumeto tell you what to think. In the present wrenching circumstances of racial and civil strife inour community and our country, I would like to offer just a brief reflection on theseprinciples, in the hopes of contributing in some small way to a process of reconciliation andreconstruction for our communities and country.

Martin Luther King Jr. is often quoted as saying, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but itbends towards justice.”

We know most surely from the context of his life's work, however, that Reverend King did notsee justice as a foreordained conclusion, but rather only as a possible product of the goodworks of good people. He saw the establishment of a more perfect union as the ongoingproject of our country.

In this regard, King echoed two British ministers who visited the then quite new United

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States, in 1834, and wrote, “America will be great if America is good. If not, her greatness willvanish away like a morning cloud,” and also the exhortation of his intellectual and spiritualpredecessor, Frederick Douglass, who wrote, “The life of the nation is secure only while thenation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.”

I’m fully aware that many other organizations are putting out statements which advocate forone approach or another to the broader issues of race relations, but I believe such commentswould be inappropriate for us.

If there is one thing which I believe defines this Council, it is that we stand in the sometimeslonely place between the opposing factions of the country and the world, and implore them tolisten to one another and seek to learn from one another. Then, we stand aside and let peopledecide whatever they want with what we’ve helped them learn.

Going forward, the Council will continue to do what it has always done—to provideperspective, to give a platform to speakers and ideas, to challenge its members and studentsand travelers to think more deeply, and to both champion and fashion civil and thoughtfuldiscourse around the issues that are today so top of mind, along with all the issues whichmatter to Philadelphia, America and the wider world—seeking, together with all of you,through the blessings of free expression and active listening, to bend the moral universetowards justice for all.



WEBINARDark Mirror: EdwardSnowden and theAmerican SurveillanceStateJUN 22, 2020

Join the Council for a discussion with three-timePulitzer Prize-winner Barton Gellman, author of"Dark Mirror," is a true-life spy tale about thesurveillance-industrial revolution and its discontents.


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JUN 04Sanctions, COVID-19, and

the Future of US-IranRelations

JUN 10Flag Day Trivia

JUN 18Council Conversation

Club: Meeting 3


Student DelegatesWrite Letters to U.S.Ambassador to theUnited Nations After the Council was forced to cancel its Jr. ModelUnited Nations Final Conferences due to thecoronavirus pandemic, student delegates insteadfinished out the program by writing letters toAmbassador Kelly Craft, the U.S. Ambassador tothe United Nations. These letters includedinformation about student delegates' assignedtopics and why they are of global importance.

Student delegates also included in their letters details about their participation in the Jr.Model UN program and why they are choosing to explore issues of global importance.



Experiences around theWorld: U.S. NationalParksGoogle Arts & Culture has partnered with five nationalparks in the U.S. to bring virtual tours to the safe comfort

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of your couch. Take an adventure through HawaiʻiVolcanoes National Park and explore caves shaped fromflowing lava such as the Nahuku Lava Tube. Or if you arein the mood for something more chilling, wander the icywonders of the Kenai Fjords and trek along the frozenAlaskan wilderness! Which National Parks have youalready explored? Share with us your experiences,thoughts, and pictures!


THE WHOLE TRUTH with David Eisenhower

The Whole TruthSeason 5The fifth season of The Whole Truth withDavid Eisenhower will have its broadcastpremiere on WHYY Philadelphia onSunday, July 12, at 11 a.m., and will bebroadcast on public television stationsaround the country for the remainder of2020.

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© 2020 The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia

The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia is an affiliate of the World Affairs Councils of America

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