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E-341Annex 16 of PIP Report VOL. 3For China Water ConservancyProject by Using WB Loan

Environment Assessment

Shenyang Loan Management Office

Shenyang Project Management Office



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1. Preface

1.1 Project origin

In order to develop water saving irrigation undertakings. alleviate the contradiction ofwater shortage and increase the yield of grains, vegetable and fruit. the Ministry ofWater Resources decide to apply for 77 million US$ loan from the World Bank to beused in Hebei. Beijing, Shenvang and Qingdao four provinces and municipalities.Xinchenzi, Yuhong, Sujiatun. Dongling, Xinmin. Liaozhong, Kangping and Faku eightdistricts and counties (cities) totally 38.9 thousand ha cultivated land were selected asthe project areas of Shenvang Municipality. These project areas are located in thealluvial plain of Liao River and Hun River where the water resources are relativelyshort and water saving irrigation has become an urgent issue for development. Thewater facilities are in good conditions and the staff has certain experiences in watersaving irrigation construction in the project areas. The implementation of the projectwill further improve the conditions for agricultural production. increase the agriculturalyield and farmers income and facilitate the sustainable utilization of water resourcesand the sustainable development of agriculture. However, the adoption of water savingirrigation will change the distribution of water resources and the related agriculturalmeasures for yield increase will also exert impact on local water resources utilizationand the water, soil and ecological environments, therefore, it's very necessary to assessthe impact of the water saving irrigation project on the environment. Entrusted by theComprehensive Agricultural Development Office and led off by the Institute of WaterResources and Hydropower Research, the Water Resources Bureau of ShenyangMunicipality assist to undertake the compilation of the environmental impactassessment report.

1.2 Assessment basis, criteria and classification

1.2.1 Assessment basis

"Environment protection regulations of construction project" No. 253 issued by theState Council of the People's Republic of China"State technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment"(HJ/T2.1-2.3-93)"Environrmental impact assessment regulation of water resources and hydropowerproject"(SDJ-302-88)

Project proposal book of Shenyang Water Conservation Project "(1998.10.13)"Water environment finction region of Liaoning Province""PIP report of Shenvang Water Conservation Project"-'Guidelines for environmental impact assessment of the World Bank"

1.2.2 Assessment criteria

'Standard for irrigation water quality"(GB5084-92)The fourth classification water qualitv standard in "Quality standard forgroundwater"(GBl/TI4848-93)

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The fifth classification water quality standard in "environinent quality standard forsurface water"(GB3838-88)

1.2.3 Assessment classification

The assessment classification of the project was determined as B according to the"guidelines for environmental impact assessment of the World Bank" and the "statetechnical regulations for environmental impact assessment" and in association with theproject situations.

1.3 Environment protection objectives

The main environment protection objectives are:' Maintaining the balance of water resources supply and demand and can't result in

the descent of groundwater level for the implementation of the project;Adopting effective measures and applying fertilizer and pesticide appropriately,

ensure not to increase the pollution of groundwater and other environment.

1.4 Assessment procedures

Shows in chart 1.1

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E n *| u 0|7U

4u Analysis on the influence to social economic development

Analysis on the influence of the construction process to the environment

| AE An'alysis on the influence of pesticide and fertilizer to water environment 1

E 2 |10 > .

In C W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0

E E Analysi C] E [ : E 1 _ s on the influence of irrigation works to groundwater quali CL4- o E 2E

u-. -| I>Analysis on the influence ofir eigation works to groundwater level E

U, _- _ s


C0 >U

v7 vE _ _ _ - 0* P.CA 'A Investigation and assessment on the status of guroundwater environment

~~ u I~~nvestigation adassmn on the status of soilndenvironmentU~~~~~~~~~~

U hi~~~~~~

Preparation of somie key environmiental issues

Project general situations

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2. Project

2.1 Generals

2.1.1 Project characteristics

The project is rehabilitation and extension project, i.e. undertake canal lining in paddyfield, sprinkler irrigation in dry field and micro-sprinkler irrigation and pipe irrigationin vegetable field. The project will be constructed from 2001 and completed in 2005.

2.1.2 Project scope

Eight districts and counties (cities) totaled 95 townships involved in the project and theplaned irrigated area is 580 thousand mu. Of which, 27 thousand mu in Donglingdistrict, 57.4 thousand mu in Yuhong district, 50 thousand mu in Sujiatun, 58 thousandmu in Xinchengzi, 100 thousand mu in Xinmin city, 103 thousand mu in Liaozhongcounty, 93 thousand mu in Faku county and 95 thousand mu in Kangping county. Theirgeographical locations are detailed in the sketch map of Shenyang Municipality watersaving project areas.

The construction component of the project include irrigation system and managementsystem of water saving irrigation project, agriculture, forestry, agro-machinery,environment protection, SIDD development, construction of MIS svstem andinstitutional support and development. There are totally 7.73 thousand ha paddy field,18.83 thousand ha dry field, 9.11 thousand ha vegetable field and 3.23 thousand hacash crops in the project areas. Their total agricultural output value is 744 millionRMB yuan. The relief is flat, the communication is convenient, the water resources arein good conditions, the plots are concentrated, the economic foundations are strong andthe masses have capacity for funds collection in the project area and are in conformnitywith the selection principles of project area.

2.1.3 Project objectives

The overall objectives of the project are establishing and improving the agriculturalirrigation system and the high efficient agricultural productive service system andimproving the ecological environment and agricultural productive conditions in theproject area and achieve the following objectives:* increasing water use efficiency;• increasing agricultural production and farmer's income;* ensuring the sustainable development of agricultural production.

2.1.4 Project selection criteria

In line with the requirements of the World Bank and CPMO, ensuring the successfulcomplement of the project and achieving the overall objectives, the project selectioncriteria is:* That the key water engineering is equipped with facilities and has enough watersources for developing irrigated agriculture;


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* That has great potentials for agricultural production and the water resources arewasted much, but the water balance can be maintained:

* That local governments and farmers have higher enthusiasms. enough counterpartfunds, capacity for funds collection and irrigation facilities;

* That the transportation is convenient and the market is complete:* That the agricultural service system is sound;* That can avoid the adverse impact on young crops compensation for involuntaryresettlement and temporary land occupation.

2.1.5 Project investment and program approach

The total investment of the project is 7.84474 billion RMB yuan (amount to 94.515million US$), out of which, 37 million US$ from the World Bank loan. 39.159% of thetotal investment. 4.77374 billion RMB yuan from local counterpart funds,approximately 61.85% of the investment in fixed assets. According to the agreementreached by the World Bank and MWR, program approach will be used in the projectwhich will be completed in five years. 15% will be completed in the first year. 25%will be completed in the second. third and forth year and 100/% will be completed in thelast year.

2.2 Project component

The project components include water conservancv. agricultural support and service,forestry and environrmental protection and institutional support and developmentaccording to local conditions. The details are provided as follows:

-Facilitating the conveyance of irrigation and drainage works, extending, rehabilitatingand newly constructing water source works and irrigation systems, expandingappropriate water saving irrigation techniques and increasing the assurance factor ofirrigation water and extending paddy field area through the saving water volume;

U Undertaking soil improvement, increasing soil fertility, improving soil structurethrough land leveling, deep plowing, reusing stalks in field, applying organic fertilizerand appropriate fertilizing, increasing soil capacity for moisture retention. reducing soilnon-beneficial evaporation and achieving the goal of saving water and increasing yield;

* Strengthening the construction of shelter forest and monitoring system for plantdiseases and insect pests;* Strengthening the construction of environment monitoring system and improving the

ecological environment in the project areas;* Facilitating rural extension service system and seed production system and

strengthening science and technology extension and farmers training;* Extending SIDD pilot and promoting the reform of irrigation management system;

* Establishing MIS and FIS.

2.3 Water conservancy

The main water conservancy components in Shenvang Municipalitv are the design andconstruction of water saving irrigation system. reducing non-beneficial evaporationand increasing water use efficiency through the overall rehabilitation of existingsvstem and realizing the sustainable development of agriculture.


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2.3.1 Water saving irrigation patterns

Sprinkler irrigation, micro irrigation. lower pressure pipe irrigation and furrowirrigation four water saving irrigation patterns are planed to be used in the project.

Sprinkler irrigationIt has better water saving effect and the water use efficiencv can reach 80%; theproduction can be increased much by 20-40%; the utilization factor of land can beincreased and the harvested area can be increased by 15-20%; it will improve farmmicro-climate and has good adaptability to topography.

It's mainly adapt to maize and wheat. According to the practical condition of theproject area, it is planed to developing sprinkler irrigation area 20130 kha.

* Micro irrigationIt includes drip irrigation and micro sprinkler irrigation and has better effect in watersaving (the water use efficiency can reach 95%), fertilizer saving (50%), yieldincreasing (30%) and adaptability to topography. It is mainly adapt to fruit, vegetable,flower and greenhouse irrigation. 9280 ha micro-irrigated area is planed to bedeveloped in the project area.

a Low pressure pipe irrigationIt mainly adapt to paddy rice and fruit trees irrigation. 3750 ha irrigated area are planedto be developed in the project area. Of which, 2000 ha paddy field and 1750 havegetable farmland.

- Canal lining5730 ha canal lining area are planed to be developed in the project area and they are allpaddy field.

The quantities of all of these constructions are detailed in table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Quantities of water conservancy in the project areaUnit: ha

Total .priker irrigan . Low pressure pipe D . . .nMicro sprinkler CanalI ~~~~Total -Sprinkler irrgation irr .gto Drip irrgation irain lnn_______ _______ ________ ___ irr gation_irrigation linin

area wheat vegetabi Paddy Greenhouse Fruit flower Paddyarea________ wheat__ e rice Vegetable vegetable trees nursery rice

Total 38893.3 18800 0 1333.3 2000.0 1746.7 6046.7 1900 200.0 1133.3 5733.3

Xinchengzi 3866 7 j 533 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 933.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2400.0

Sujiatun 3333.3 00 0.0 0.0 1000.0 1400.0 933.3 0.0 0.0 0.0

Dongling 1800 0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 666.7 133.3 0.0 333.3 666.7

Yuhong 3826 7 666 7 0.0 666.7 746.7 1080.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 666.7

Xinmin 6666 7 2666 7 0.0 1333.3 0.0 666.7 0.0 0.0 666.7 1333.3

Liaozhong 6866 7 6066 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 633.4 33.3 0.0 0.0 133.3

Kan2ping 6333 3 5333 3 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 1 333.3 666.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

Faku 62000 34000 1333.3 0.0 0.0 3333 133.3 200.0 133.3 666.7


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2.3.2 Project procedure

The procedure of the four irrigation patterns in the project area is shown in chart 2. 1.

sprinkler irrigation nozzle

drip irrigation dropper

pipe irrigation low farm


pipesfurrow irrigation




chart 2.1 Project flow chart

2.3.3 Sources for water saving irrigation

The project areas are scattered and the 583.4 thousand mu irrigated area distributes in

four districts and four counties totally 95 townships, so it's not appropriate to adopt

centralized sources for water supply. Surface water and groundwater resources can be

extracted according to local conditions after discussion and demonstration.

The total irrigated area is 38.9 thousand ha and well irrigated area is the majority,

shallow groundwater is usually extracted in the project areas. The reasons for

selecting these districts and counties as the project areas are that the assurance factor

of water sources is very high, won't be disturbed by the upper reaches and they are

separate irrigation districts, the on-farm quantities are very little, needn't to

rehabilitate and maintain the large hydraulic structures, correspondingly reduce the

per unit area investment and increasing the project benefit. The water supply and

irrigated area of well irrigation in 1997 are provided in table 2.2.

2.4 Agricultural support and service

Saving water and increasing yield and efficiency are the objectives of this component,

adopting comprehensive agricultural measures according to the ecological character

and conditions of the project areas and achieve the goal of saving water, keeping soil

moisture and increasing efficiency. The construction components mainly focus on the

regulation of planting structure, water saving agriculture and soil amelioration, pest

and disease control. appropriate mixture of fertilizer, development and application of

moisture retainer, quality seed production and extension, purchase of agro-machinery

and extension of agricultural technology. The main quantities are detailed in table 2.3.


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Table 2.2 Statistical table for water conservancv component in the project areaMotor- Instalied Canal length Effective Water

capacity irrigated supplyProject pumped Sublateral area

wells ( W) Farrn ditch canal (IOh S

Total 3910 46920 2854.3 310.96 38666.8 277664

Dongling 700 8400 599.8 74.7 5600 44355

Yuhong 500 6000 533 66.4 6333.3 47460

Xinchengzi 150 1800 133 16.6 1333.4 13380

Sujiatun 720 8640 729 99.6 5333.4 49765

Xinmin 658 4896 320 27 5666.7 33292

Liaozhong 372 4464 332 26.66 4666.7 32306

Kangping 310 3720 116.2 4666.7 25532

Faku 500 6000 91.3 5666.6 31574

Table 2.3 Quantities of agricultural support and serviceAgricultural component Unit Total

1. water saving agriculture and soil amelioration

Land leveling ha 24813

Deep ploughing ha 12527

Wheat stalk shredding ha 4502

Fertilizer (potassium) Ton 5313.8

I Plastic film ha 6920. 7

Moisture retainer Ton 473. 98

2. quality seed production and extension

Development of seeds Farms ha 647. 4

Seed production ha 413

Seed processing equipment Set 4031

3. purchase of agro-machinery

Tractor Set 315

Stalk shredding machine Set 51

Tillage machine Set 546

Seeder Set 884

Harvester Set 93

4. extension of agricultural technology _

Training of agricultural technology Person month | 4504

Demonstration and extension RMB yuan j 2837

Research of new technology RMB yuan J 2271700


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* Doing well in the construction of seed project. selecting and breeding high vield,good quality and high efficient seed varieties and realizing that the seeds used in theproject areas are all improved varieties. Details are provided in table 2.4.

* Increasing soil fertility and fertilizing appropriatelv. Increasing the soil fertility inthe project areas through distributing necessary scientific measures and improving thecurrent cropping pattems. The applied quantities of fertilizer in the project areas aredetailed in table 2.5.

* Increasing the crop multiple index. The original irrigation conditions are poorer andthe crop multiple index is lower, after the implementation of the project. the cropmultiple index can be increased effectively by means of rotation and interplanting.

* Adopting effective measures to control plant diseases and insect pests.Strengthening the monitoring of plant diseases and insect pests and ensuring that thereare no plant diseases and insect pests in the project areas through adopting biologicaland chemical measures.

* Improving the agricultural mechanized level. Extending the mechanization in allprocesses of farm work, accelerating the serialization and standardization of agro-machinery and comprehensively improving the agricultural mechanized level.

Facilitating agricultural extension system. Facilitating the import, application andextension of improved agricultural technologies in the project areas and establishingscience and technology team to improve farmer's science and technology level.

2.5 Forestrv and environmental protection2.5.1 Construction of field forest shelter

The objectives of constructing filed forest shelter in the project areas are: controllingwind, stabilizing sand, improving the micro-climate, regulating the ecologicalenvironment, doing well in plant diseases and insect pests monitoring and cratingfavorable conditions for agricultural production. The constructions of forestry in theproject areas are detailed in table 5.21.

2.5.2 Environmental protection

The component of environmental protection is doing well in soil, surface water andgroundwater monitoring and development tendency prediction and adopting effectivemeasures to control environmental pollution. The quantities of forestrv andenvironmental monitoring are detailed in table 2.6.


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Table 2.4 Conditio s of improved variety progag tion system in Shenyang pro ect area

1'roject Unit Total Sujiatun Don ling Xinchengzi Yuhong Iiaozhong Kan pin FaIu XinminWO W WO W WO W WO W WO W WO W WO W WO W W( W

Quidntities if instilutions 8 8 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I

Current ntimber of staff 1420 710 115 58 55 28 III 55 137 69 105 53 88 44 68 34 53 26of which technicians +A22 630 315 51 26 25 12 49 25 61 30 47 23 39 20 30 i5 23 12Seed hasis arca I0'ha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0°0 0 0

Wheat I0'la I 0.5 0.08 0 0.04 0 0.08 0 0.10 0 0.07 0 0.0( 0 0.05 0 0.04 0

Maize I0-'ha 17 8.5 1.38 I 0.66 0 1.33 I 1.64 I 1.26 1 1.06 1 0.81 0 0.63 0Paddy rice O1 ha 2 I 0.16 0 0.08 0 0.16 0 0.19 0 0.15 0 0.12 0 0.10 0 0.07 0

Cotton I0'ha a_ _ _ _ _ _ Oil-bearing crops I('ha

Vegetable 103ha 25 12.5 2.03 1 0.98 0 1.95 1 2.42 T 1.85 _ 1.56 1 1.2() 0.93 0Seed yield t 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

Wheat t 2000 1000 162.20 81 78.00 39 156.20 78 193.40 97 148.00 74 124.40 62 95.60 48 74.0() 37Maize t 68000 34000 5515 2757 265200 1326 5310.8 2655 6575.6 3288 5Q32() 2516 4229.6 21 148 3250.4 1625 2516.0) 1258

I'addy rice I 10000 5000 811.00 406 390.00 195 781.00 391 967.00 484 740.00 370 622.00 311 478.00 239 370.00 185Cotton _ = = =_ =

Oil-bearing crops t__ _ _ __

Vegetable t 500 250 40.55 20 19.50 10 39.05 20 48.35 24 37.00 19 31.10 16 23 90 12 18.50 9Seed processing equipment set 268 134 21.73 AI 10.45 5 20.93 10 25.92 13 19.83 10 16.67 8 12.81 6 9.92 5Q(uantity of Seed supply t 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 O .0 t)o 0.00) 0

Wheat t 2000 1000 162.20 81 78.00 39 156.20 78 193.40 97 148.00 74 124.40 62 95.60 48 74.00 37

NMaize t 68000 34000 5514.8 2757 2652.0 1326 5310.8 2655.4 6575.6 3288 5032101 2516 42')h60 2115 325)40 1625 2516tX) 1258P'addy rice t 10000 5000 811.0 406 390.00 195 781.0 390.5 967.0 484 740.00 370 622.00 311 478.00 239 370.00 185

Cotton t = = = _

Oil-bearing crops tVegetable t 12500 6250 1013.8 507 487.50 244 976.3 488.1 1208.8 604 925.00 463 777.50 389 597.50 299 462.50 231

Coverage rate of good variety % 100 100 100 100 100 o00 100 100 100 100 I 1 0 100 100 100 10( I oo I 1(o lO(t

Note: 1. the table should be filled considering project area as the unit whien consolidated by county, considering county as the unit whien consolidated by province(municipality), considering province (municipality) as the unit when consolidated by the state.2. W - with project, WO - without project.


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'lable 2.5 Statistical table for the annual applied quantity of chemical fertilizer in Shenyang project area

Unit: ton

Total Sujiatun D)ongling Xinchengzi Yuhong [iaozhong Kangping Falu Xinmin

Project WO W WO W WO W WO W wo w wo W W( W WO W WO W

Cultivated area (ha) 38894 38894 3333 3333 1800 1800 3867 3867 3827 3827 6867 6867 6331 6331 6200 6200 6667 6667fi

Nitrogenois Physical quantity 18779 19155 1676 1709 722 737 1812 1818 2441 2490 4008 4088 2144 2187 2682 2736 3295 330io

Net quantity 5864 5982 703 717 275 280 762 777 879 896 1323 1319 121 12:3 666 679 1138 1160

Phosphiale Physical quantity 14122 14405 1200 1224 650 663 1398 1426 1553 1585 2401 2419 2260 2305 2231 2276 2401 24419

fertilizer Net quantity 6355 6482 540 551 292 298 629 612 699 71:3 1080 1102 1017 1037 1004 1024 108( 1102

P otash Physical quantity 14470 14759 1230 1255 666 679 1433 1461 1592 1621 2160 2509 2315 2361 2286 2332 2160 250'3

fertilizer Netquantity 7235 7380 615 627 333 339 716 731 796 812 1230 1255 1158 118 1143 1166 1230 1255

Compound Physical quantityfertilizer

Net quantity

Physical quantityTrace element _ _______

Net quantity

Note: 1. The table should be filled considering project area as the unit when consolidated by county and considering county as the unit when consolidated byprovince (municipality).2. the table should be in consistent with the procurement table.3.W - with project, WO - without project.


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Table 2.6 Quantities of forestrv and environmental protection in the project areaConstruction component Unit Total

I .forestrvOn-fann forest belts 638.6

Economic forest 103 ha 146.2

2. pest and disease monitoring _1381.67

Pest and disease monitoring Yuan

Monitoring equipment Thousand yuan3.environmental protection andmonitoring

Monitoring equipment Set 500Soil monitoring Thousand RMB yuan 385

Water quality monitoring Thousand RMB yuan 530

Groundwater monitoring Thousand RMB yuan 1500

3. Natural environment and social economic conditions

3.1 Geographical location and topography

Shenyang municipality is located in the northeast of China and the middle of Liaoningprovince, north latitude from 41"11' 51" to 302' 13"and east longitude from 1200251' 09" to 123048' 24". It borders on Fushun city in the east, Heishan and Taiancounties in the west, Liaoyang and Benxi cities in the south and Tieling and Pengwu inthe north. The length between its south and north is 202 kilometers and the widthbetween its east and west is 115 kilometers and its territorial area is 12980 squarekilometers.

The geomorphy in Shenyang municipality is diversified, there is low-relief terrain inthe north and east, vast plain in the middle and west and the surface-relief slopes fromeast to west. Most of the lands in Xinmin city and Liaozhong county are alluvial plainand there are little hilly land terrain and marsh land in the north of Xinmin city. Theterrain is flat in the east of Kangping and Faku and the flood plain and terrace of Liaoriver and Xiushui river and low-relief terrain is the majority in other areas.

The surface relief in the four suburban districts is flat and the terrain is vast. There islow-relief terrain in the east and plain in the middle, the relief inclines gently fromnortheast to southwest. Plain is the majority in geomorphy and there is some hilly landterrain, their mean elevation is between 30 and 50 meters. Low-relief terrain isconcentrated in the northeast and northwest and is the extended part of the Liaodonglow-relief terrain. The middle and west part is vast plain and belongs to the alluvialplain of Liao river and Hun river, there are some marsh lands and ponds and belong toSongliao plain. Details are provided in the sketch map of Shenyang municipalityproject area.

3.2 Climate

Shenvang municipality is located in the middle latitude district, the east of Europeanand Asian continents and belongs to continental monsoon climate. Its main climatic


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characters are that it's cold and dry in winter, wet, hot and rainv in summer. the rainyand hot days are usually in the same season and the four seasons are distinct.

The mean annual temperature is between 6.8 °C and 8.1 'C. The mean annualprecipitation is between 520 mm and 680 mm and decreases progressively from southto north and its interannual distribution changes clearly in flood and drv years. Theannual distribution of precipitation is uneven and it mainly concentrates in June toSeptember, approximately 70% of the total annual precipitation, out of which. theprecipitation is the most in July and August and amounts to 50% of the total annualprecipitation, moreover. the precipitation in these periods usually concentrates in sometimes of storm. The mean annual evaporation is more than 1700 mm (20cm diameterevaporation pan) and is the opposite with the precipitation. it increases successivelyfrom south to north and its maximum and minimum is usually in May and January.

The mean annual wind speed is 3-4.4m/s. it is the maximum in April and its average is5.2m/s, the minimum in August and its average is 2.8mls. There are more windy davsin Shenyang municipality and averages about 34 davs. the maximum in Faku countywill reach 38.1 days. The prevailing wind direction is by south in summer and by northin winter for the influence of monsoon.

The mean annual relative humidity is 62%, the sunshine percentage is 61%, themaximum frozen depth is more than 150cm and the frost-free period are between 150and 169 days.

3.3 Soil and plant

The terrain is vast and the soil type changes much in Shenvang municipality, the soilcan be classified as brown loam, meadow soil, paddy soil, sand and marshy soil. Theproject area of "one belt and four districts" is in Liao and Hun river basins, most oftheir soil-forming materials are clay or clay deposit and their soil disposition are sandyloam and brown loam. The soil nutrient has also changed correspondingly after manyyears of cultivation and applying fertilizer. The content of organic matter is between1.0% and 2.5% and its average is 1.63%; the area where the content of organic matteris more than 2.0% is 191.8 thousand ha and amounts to 74.2% of the total irrigatedarea in the project area, the area where the content of organic matter is between 1.0%and 2.0% is 7.1 thousand ha and amounts to 2.7% of the total irrigated area, the areawhere the content of organic matter is less than 1.0% is 59.8 thousand ha and amountsto 23. 1% of the total irrigated area.

The districts where the content of organic matter is more than 2.0% mainly distributein Xinmin, Sujiatuan, Yuhong and Faku. The districts where the content of organicmatter is between 1.0% and 2.0% mainly distribute in Xinchengzi and Yuhong andtheir areas are very few. The districts where the content of organic matter is less than1.0% mainly distribute in Xinmin and Faku and amount to approximately 30% of thetotal cultivated area of the two project areas.

The contents of other indexes in the soil are: 0.094% nitrogen. 5.5ppm phosphorousand 103ppm potassium. The content of organic matter and nitrogen belong- to themedium fertility and phosphorous is lack. Shenyang municipality is located in thenorthern temperate zone and on the northern fringe of the Asian monsoon climatic


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district and belongs to humid and semi-humid northem temperate zone continentalclimate. The vegetation belongs to warm deciduous forest belt and second growth isthe majority. Group of area in the project area are the cultivate group, e.g. rice, maizeand kiaoliang etc. coarse cereals.

Details on soil are provided in table 3.1.

3.4 Hydrology and hydrogeology

There are many rivers and the waterd area are large in Shenyang municipality, there aretotally 26 rivers such as Zhongliao river. Hun river. Raovang river, Liu river, Pu river,Yangximu river. Xiushui river and Beisha river. The characteristics of these rivers arethat their discharge is very large in flood period and small in dry period and they are allpassing rivers. The total amount of water resources in Shenyang municipality is 3.27billion cubic meters, the area of river basins is 9099.7 square kilometers, the meanannual surface water recession volume is 1.17 billion cubic meters, the mean annualgroundwater recharging volume is 3.95 billion cubic meters and the volume that can beextracted is 1.82 billion cubic meters.

3.5 River and groundwater quality

3.5.1 River water quality

There are totally eight large and medium rivers and more than ten small rivers in theproject area and they have been polluted in varying degrees currently for receiving theindustrial and domestic sewage of Shenyang municipality. According to the statisticalresults of water quality in the large and medium rivers monitored by the environmentalmonitoring station of Shenyang municipality that organic pollution is the majority inthe rivers of the project area. In the light of the "Environment Quality Standard forSurface Water" (GB3838-88), the water quality in most of the river channels hasexceeded the fourth classification standard and the water quality in the passing riversof the municipality has exceeded the fifth classification standard. The pollution is veryserious in dry periods. Of which, the mean annual values of six indexes in Hun riverhas exceeded the fourth classification of water quality standard, they are chemicaloxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, petroleum, volatile phenol, ammonianitrogen and permanganate indexes; the water quality in Liao river is a little better thanthat in Hun river, the mean annual values of three indexes in Liao river has exceededthe fourth classification of water quality standard, i.e. chemical oxygen demand,permanganate index and amnmonia nitrogen.

The pollution in Yangxi river is the most serious in the other six rivers, its chemicaloxygen demand exceeds the fifth classification annually and the content of dissolvedoxygen approximatelv amounts to zero; the pollution in Liu river and Beisha river arethe second; the pollution in Xiushui river and Raoyang river is a little light; the waterquality in Pu river is fairly good, all of its indexes are lower except that the chemicaloxygen demand and salt permanganate index has exceeded the fourth classificationwater quality standard.

Even though most of the water environment quality in the above-mentioned rivers ispoorer, all of the indexes can meet the demand for irrigation water use according to the


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"Standard for Irrigation Water Quality".

3.5.2 Groundwater quality

Groundwater and surface water have certain interrelations. The supplement from thepercolation of rivers, the unreasonable stack of industrial and domestic rubbish and thewidespread application of pesticide and fertilizer can result in the pollution ofgroundwater quality after being leached by rain water and seeping down. However,most of the project areas are located in the suburbs and countryside, the rivers aresupplemented groundwater except Hun river, the pollution of groundwater quality iscorresponding a little light. According to the monitoring results of groundwater in theproject area, the content scope of some pollutants are: 60-130 mg/L chloride. 0-0.003mg/L volatilizing phenol, 0.12-0.7 mg/L fluoride, 0-0.002 mg/L cyanide and 0.01-65.9mg/L nitrate. It's analyzed according to the 'standard for groundwater quality"(TI4848-93) that all of the indexes are the between the second and the thirdclassification except nitrate has exceeded the fourth classification standard. But mostof the places where high content nitrate was checked are distributed in the urban areas,counties and towns and has no impact on agricultural irrigation.

3.6 Social economy

There are totally 6.67 million populations in Shenyang municipality, of which, thereare 3.3401 million populations in counties (districts) and 1.0039 labor foreces in 142towns and townships. There are totally 1.159 million populaitons in the project area.

The national economic output value of Shenyang municipality in 1997 was 85.11billion RMB yuan, out of which, 5.86 billion yuan from the first industries, 37.5 billionyuan from the second industries and 41.75 yuan from the third industries. The totalindustrial output value was 115.01 billion RMB yuan, the total investment of fixedassets was 16.57 billion yuan, of which, the agricultural investment of fixed assets was2 10 million yuan.

The average national economic output value per capita in Shenyang municipality in1997 was 12658 yuan, local financial income was 4.98 billion yuan. The averagesalary of workers was 5801 yuan, the average living expenses of municipal residentswas 4714 yuan and the average revenue of farmers was 2200 yuan.


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Table 3.1 Generals for soil in Shenyang municipality project area

Soil lex UnitTlotal Stijiatun Dongling Xinchenozi Yuhong Liaozhong Kangping Faki!

II M l I M L ti M L _I M L If M I_ If M L II M _ _. _ M I if N

,,liiated aim ha 19600 11760 7840 16667 \0)OO0 666 7 900 540 360 1933 4 1160 773 34 2166 7 1300 S66 66 3333 4 2000 1333 33166 7 1900 1266.7 3100 1I60 1240 3333 35 20'

mieont coiiient= = = = = = = = = = == = = = == == === _

Niropen (N) % >01 0050 01 cOO5 >0 I 005-0 I c005 >0A 005-0 1 c005 >0.1 005-01 <005 >0 1 005-0 I <005 >01 005-0 I<005 '01 005-0 1 <-005 >0, 0 1 O <005 >0 I

I'ho-phoous (p | ppm 410 3-10 - 3 >10 3-10 <3 >10 3--10 <3 >10 3--lo <3 >10 3--10 <3 >10 3--lo <3 >10 3--tO <3 -10 3--10 <3 >10 3--

polassitim (k) ppm >100 50-100 <50 >100 50-100 <50 >100 50-100 <5O >100 50-100 <SO >100 50-1OO <50 >100 50-100 <50 >10(1 50-100 <50 '00 50-I00 50 400 5(1-

c idity and alkalinity (Pll 6 1-7 66 1-7 6 6 1-7 6 6 1-7.6 6 1-7 6 6 1-7 61-7 6 6 1-7 6 6 1.76 6 1-7 6 6 1-7 6 6 1-76 6 1-7 6 6 1-7 6 6 1-76 6 1-7 6 6 1-76 6 1-7 66 1-7 6 6 1-7 6 6 1-7 66 1- 6 6 1-7 6 6 1-7 6 6 1-7 661

*nienlotorgaf cm tler | >2 1--2 > 2 >2 11-2 2I >2 1--2 <I >2 1-2 I >2 --2 I 2 --2 <I 2 1--2 I 2 1-2 I >2 2


Clay hat

Suib-clay - ha

Ilonia| ha 19600 11760 7840 16667 1000 6667 900 540 360 19334 1160 77334 21667 1300 86666 33334 2000 13333 31667 19(K0 12667 31(00 1860 1241 333335 2,

Sandy loam ha

Sand ha

lilcki,ess of soil plough m 0 20 0 20 0 20 0.20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 21 0 20 0 20 0 20 _i7on

liydiolytic total acidity me/ I OOg

Mediaum Mcdium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Mddiium medium Median, Mediuim Medium Medium Medium Medium Mediu Medium Nfed.un Medmnt Mediu el Medchum NI1;oil classification loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam m loam m loam loam m

J~eomorphy ly | Alluvial Alluvial Low- Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Al i A luvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alow- Alluvial Alluvia I ow- Alluvial AlzeomoqTihY iiwe | plain plain relief plain plain plain plain plain relief plain plain relief plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain relief plain I plain relief plain I

soll forrming malerrlas tiSb- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub u S d ub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- San- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- S,"soil-formiiig materialsn sand d sand d nd sad smdand sandm s and sa nd sand Sub-ndsaaddsand sand s and sand sand sand sand san and sand sand s A

groundwater mineralized gIl. 0 12-0 27 0 12-025 0 12-025 0 12-0 25 0 12-025 025-027 013-029 02

embedded lepth of r | 10 5-10 5-10 2-5 2-S 2-5 3 5-'andwaler m21 -0-52

surface graditen |00| 11000 I 1\1000 |1\100 20 | 1000 2 I2000 2001000 j j(ljj 1 1000 t\2ooo 11(500 |\S00 |\200 | 500 1(500 |\200 1\2000 (

Note: 1- H - high yield field, M - medium yield field, L - low yield field, they can be divided according to county standard;

2. The table was filled considering project area as the unit, considering county as the unit whern consolidated by province and considering province as thle uinil

wlen consolidated by the state.

3. The harvested area in the table should be in consistent with table 1.2.


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4. Assessment on the present status of environment

4.1 Present status of soil environment

4.1.1 Geomorphy

There are many types of geomorphy in Shenyang municipality, its north and east islow-relief terrain. its middle and west is vast plain, the surface relief is high in the eastand low in the west. Of which, Xinmin and most parts of Liaozhong are located in thealluvial plain of Liao river and Hun river. there is a little hilly land terrain and marshland in the north of Xinmin, the relief is flat in the north of Kangping and Faku and theflood plain of Liao river and Xiushui river and the other districts are hilly land terrain.The relief is flat in the four suburban districts of Shenvang municipality and inclinesgently from northeast to southwest, their average elevation is 30 to 50 meters, itsnortheast and southeast is hilly land terrain and its middle and west is the alluvial plainof Liao river and Hun river.

Most of the soil-forming materials in Liao river and Hun river basins are clay or claydeposit and the soil type is sandy loam and brown earth. Most of the soil in the projectarea is medium soil and its quality is fine.

4.1.2 Soil fertility and fertilizer application

The soil fertility in the project area has been changed a little after many years ofcultivation and applying fertilizer, their nutrient conditions are as follows:

Most of the organic matter content is between 0.1% and 2.5% and its average is 1.63%;of which, the area where the organic matter content is more than 2.0% amounts to 74%and mainly distributes in Xinmin, Sujiatun, Xinchengzi and Yuhong; the area wherethe organic matter content is between 1.0% and 2.0% amounts to 2.7% and mainlydistributes in Xinchengzi and Yuhong; the area where the oganic matter content is lessthan 1.0% amounts to 23.1% and mainly distributes in Xinmin and Faku.

The average nitrogen content in the project area is 0.094%, phosphorous is 5.5ppm andpotassium is 103ppm and the soil fertility is on the third grade in line with somerelevant classification indexes of soil fertility, detailed in table 4.1.


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Table 4.1 Referential index for nutrient content of different soil fertilitiesGrade of soil Organic Total Total I Effective Effective Nitrate l Hydrolytic

fertility matter nitrogen phosphorous phosphorous potassium nitrogen nitrogen

% % I % ppm ppm ppm mg/lOOg


First grade >2.5 >0. 2 >0. 2D >50 >250 >20 >20

Second grade 2.0-2.5 0.1-0.2 [0.15-0.25 25-0 150-50 10 15

Third grade 1. 0-2. 0 0. 05-0. 1 0. 05-0. 15 o-25 50150 _ 10

Fourth grade <1.0 <0.05 <0.05 T (5 <50 i 3 <5

The statistical annual applied quantity of fertilizer is detailed in table 2.5. It can be seen

from the tested results of soil nutrient that the content of nitrogen and organic matter is

the medium, phosphorous is lack and the overall soil fertility of low yield field is

poorer. It's planed that the annual applied quantity of nitrogenous fertilizer. phosphate

fertilizer, potash fertilizer and compound fertilizer will increase about 2% and mainly

used for the improvement of low yield field.

4.1.3 Soil pollution Pollution sourceFour suburban districts and four counties and cities of Shenyang municipality are

involved in the project, their industries, enterprises and populations are centralized and

the pollution from the industrial and domestic pollution sources can't be neglected, the

following table is the questionnaire for some main pollution sources.

Table 4.2 Questionnaire of industrial and domestic pollution sources in Shenyang

municipality project areaMain pollution source

County (city) anddistrict

Dongling district Shenfu sewage irrigated area, Shenhai heat and power plant,Guchengzi mint

Yuhong district Urban sewage from the west of Shenyang municipality

Xinchengzi district Xinchengzi chemical industrial plant

Sujiatun district Shenyang seamless steel tube plant

Liaozhon countvLiaozhong county mint, Liaozhong county brewery, ShenyangLiaozhong county gasification plant

I Xinmin citv l Sewage from Xinmin county, Xinmin chemical industrial plant,Xinmin cit~ j sewage from town and township enterprises

Kangpin county mint. Kangping coutv Siquan brewery, domesticKangping county

I_____________________ - lsewage from Xiaokang mining area

Faku county Faku countv Taoshan brewery. Tengda mint. Faku county brewery


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We learn after further investigation that the above-mentioned pollution sources are inthe areas under Shenyang municipality jurisdiction and won't exert anv impact on theproject area. For instance, the sewage from Shenfu sewage system and Fushun urbandomestic and industrial waste water was diverted into Shenyang municipality throughShenfu sewage canal in 1961, passed Dongling and Sujiatun two districts and flowedinto Beisha river, Hun river and their branch streams totally 44 kilometers long. Thepermanganate index is 37.6 mg/L. petroleum is 27.82 mg/L and ammonia nitrogen is15.7 mg/L tested in 1998 and exceeded the standard seriously. At present, the sewagewater has been treated and diverted into Beisha river directly through special-purposecanal and won't exert any impact on the project area. Heavy metal content of soil and its background

According to the monitoring data by districts and counties in the project area, the

content of some heavy metals tested 20 centimeters beneath the sampling surface in

each county and district is that: Pb is 9.01-39.43mg/kg, Cd is 0.076-0.2989mg/kg, Cr

is 32.35-73.75mg/kg, Hg is 0.0227-0.1139mg/kg and As is 4.88-10.77mg/kg. (details

are provided in table 4.3)

Table 4.3 Soil monitoring data and background value in Shenyang municipalityproject area

Unit: mg/kg

Project Sampling Soil Samplingcounty pace type depth PH Pb Cd Cr Hg A

county place type ((cm)

Xinmin Hutai Sandy 20 6.6 19.67 0.0761 32.95 0.0227 6.14_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~lo a m I__ __ _ _

Liaozhong Sifangtai Loam 20 7.3 17.7 0.0861 56.61 0.0266 8.8

angping Xiaochengzi Sandy 20 7.5 9.01 0.0357 32.35 0.0213 4.88

Faku Xiushui river Sandy 20 6.8 14.47 0.0996 60.36 0.0288 7.45___________ ~~~loam I_ _ _ _ __ _ _

Yuhong Zhangze Sandy 20 6.7 39.43 0.2989 73.75 0.1139 10.77_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ loam _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Dongling Hun river Loam 20 7.2 27.6 0.1589 55.94 0.0895 9

Sujiatun Hongling Loam 20 7.05 20.98 0.1492 68.92 0.0541 8.78

Xinchengzi Qingshuitai Sandy 20 6.4 24.13 0.1584 53.06 0.0518 9.28

The soil pollution index of metal element i (Pi) can be calculated as the followingformula:




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Of which,

C,-practically tested concentration of pollutant i (mg/kg);

S,-assessment standard of pollutant i (mg/kg).

PB is the calculated pollution index value considering the soil natural background value

as the assessment standard and P, is the calculated pollution index value considering

the second grade of soil as the assessment standard.

Table 4.4 soil heavy metal pollution index

RojectoDunxy Sampling Soil type Pollution Pb Cd Cr Hg As(d&ict) place indexPXinmin Hutai PB 0.56 0.38 0.366 0.151 0.409

Sandy loam Ps 0.065 0.254 0.145 0.045 0.246

PB 0.51 0.43 0.929 0.177 0.587Liaozhong Sifangtai loam Pr 0.059 0.284 0.283 0.033 0.325

PB 0.25 0.179 0.359 0.142 0.325Kangping Xiaochengzi Sandv Py 0y03 0.I19 0.162 0.043 0.195

____________loam_ P .3 0190.6 .4 .9PB 0.41 0.498 0.671 0.192 0.500

Faku Xiushui river Sandy 5 0.048 0.332 0.312 0.058 0.298____________ ~~loam P 08032031 .5 .9

PB j1.13 1.495 0.819 0.760 0.718Yuhong Xinj iang SandPloam p5 0.13 0.996 0.369 0.228 0.431

PB 0.79 0.795 0.622 0.597 0.60Dongl ing Hun river Loam Ps 0.092 0.532 0.280 0.119 0.34

Pe 0.60 0.746 0.766 0.361 0.585Sujiatun Hongling Loam P, 0.070 0.497 0.345 0.108 0.351

Pe 0.69 0.792 0.590 0.345 0.618Xinchengzi Qingshuitai Sandy I

loam P, 0.080 0.526 0.265 0.103 0.3716

It can be seen from table 4.4 that the content of Cr, Hg and As in the tested soil has notexceeded the first grade according to the state soil environment quality standard andinvolved in the natural background scope. The content of Pb and Cd in many samplingplaces also involved in the first grade scope. However, the content of Pb and Cd inYuhong district has exceeded the natural background value, of which, the pollutionindex of Cd based on the natural background value is 1.5 and the pollution index of Pbbased on the natural background value is 1.13 and exceeded the background value,thev are in the second grade. it can also be seen from the table that the monitoring


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value of the five heavy metal elements is the maximum in Yuhong district.

We treated the data according to the following method developed bv Xievvufei in

Shenyang municipality agricultural environment protection monitoring station in orderto further determine the polluted degree of soil in Yuhong:

-Determining the re2ional soil background value, the average of the monitoring data inthe seven project counties and districts can be considered as the background valueof the regional soil metal element content of the project area except the data in

Yuhong district.

Determining the initial value of pollution, the initial value of pollution can beobtained by plus the 2 times of standard deviation with the soil background value ofmetal element, the calculated results are detailed in table 4.5.

Table 4.5 The soil regional background value and pollution initial value inShenyang municipality project area

Unit: mg/kg

Pb Cd Cr Hg AsSoil background value 19.08 0.109 51.46 0.04 7.76

Pollution initial value 31.37 0.204 79.04 0.09 11.13

Pollutant concentration inthe sampling place of 39.43 0.299 73.75 0.114 10.77Y uhong__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Assessment result Light Light Precautionar Light Precautionarypollution pollution v grade pollution grade

It can be seen from table 4.5 that the soil monitoring values of Pb, Cd and. Hg inYuhong district have all exceeded the background value and the initial value andappear to be polluted; even though the contents of As and Cr have not reached thesecond grade limit, their contents are close to the pollution initial value and should bepaid attention to. As to the soil pollution in Yuhong district, we can't draw a finalassessment and conclusions for lack of data, we should strengthen monitoring andadopt effective countermeasures to prevent the aggravation of pollution.

4.1.4 Pesticide

The per unit area applied quantity of pesticide in the project area is detailed in table



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Table 4.6 Per unit area applied quantitv of pesticide in the project areaUnit: mg/ha


Pesticide situations Applied Half-life Lahd ApplicationTime Crop name Crop quantit at one quantity interval

growing time 4d)_________ ~~~~~~period _ _ _ _ _ _ _

40-50 FullyvPresent Paddy rice Dingcaoan I 150gImu Without

Wheat l X

No.i snout 20-30Maize moth's larva I 250g/mu Without

I killer I_ _ _IFl

Potato lOd solution

vegetable Mieshading 3 20g/mu d solulion 20-30dUncovered Mieshading 2 20 10 85% 10-15dvegetable _______.__

Grape Jiashuangling 2 100 40-50 Full lOd______________ I solution d Paddv rice Dingcaoan I 150g/mu 7-1sd Full Withoutproject .soiution

Wheat Drbaicao I I OOg/mu 20-30 Without

Maize BT emulsion I 200g./mu lOd Full Without

Greenhouse Mieshading 3 20g/mu IOd FulliI 2 0-30dvegetable ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ solution -

Uncovered Mieshading 2 20 10-15dvegetable I

Note: we have not obtained any data on soil pesticide content.

4.2 Present status of surface water environment

4.2.1 Water qualitv of irrigation water sources

There are totally eight large and medium rivers and more than ten small rivers in theproject area and they have been polluted to different extents currently for receiving theindustrial and domestic sewage water of Shenyang municipality. According to thestatistical results of water quality in the large and medium rivers monitored by theenvironmental monitoring station of Shenyang municipality that organic pollution isthe majority in the rivers of the project area. In the light of the "standard for surfacewater environment quality" (GB3838-88), the water quality in most of the riverchannels has exceeded the fourth classification standard and the water quality in thepassing rivers of the municipality has exceeded the fifth classification standard whichis very serious in dry periods. Of which, the mean annual values of six indexes in Hunriver has exceeded the fourth classification of water quality standard, they are chemicaloxygen demand. biochemical oxygen demand. petroleum. volatile phenol, ammonianitrogen and permanganate indexes; the water quality in Liao river is a little better thanthat in Hun river, the mean annual values of three indexes in Liao river has exceededthe fourth classification of water qualitv standard. i.e. chemical oxygen demand,perrnanganate index and ammonia nitrogen.


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The pollution in Yangxi river is the most serious in the other six rivers. its chemicaloxygen demand exceeds the fifth classification annually and the content of dissolvedoxygen approximately amounts to zero; the pollution in Liu river and Beisha river arethe second; the pollution in Xiushui river and Raoyang river is a little light: the waterquality in Pu river is fairly good, all of its indexes are lower except that the chemicaloxygen demand and permanganate index has exceeded the fourth classification water

quality standard.

The recent sampling and monitoring results of Hun river and Liao river as irrigation

water sources are detailed in table 4.7. The content of BOD5 has fully exceeded thefifth classification water quality standard judging with the surface water qualitystandard and CODcr has partially reached the fifth standard. The tested itemsconformed to the first, the second and the third water quality requirement contrastingwith the irrigation water quality standard.

Table 4.7 Monitoring results of some water quality items in which surface waterwas the water sources

Unit: mg/L

Water Project Samnpi Assessment resultsource county ng PH COD, BOD5 NO3-N NH3-N A, C, p1uJf

period E Conform to

sSew8 irrigationqliy water quality

_______ ________ _ahs d standard

peDry 7.7 9.9 29 1.89 6.93 0.005 0.015 0.69 V

__Da_g Fleood 8 4.7 14 1.47 0.28 0.005 0.004 0.031 V Conforn to

period ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the first, theDry 8.2 30 90 0.51 16.58 0.011 0.013 2.1 V second and

i un Lmtg period the third

river _1 _ Flood 8.1 13.1 30 0.84 1.02 0.011 0.008 0.41 V classificationperiod ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~water quality

peDry 7.6 13.7 37 1.19 11.88 0.005 0.009 1.16 V requirement

&pa.n Flood - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~of on-farml_____ Sy______ period 7.7 16 26 0.18 3.49 0.005 0.002 0.59 V irrigation

DryLiao period 8.2 3.3 40 0.84 1.63 0.006 0.011 0.06 V

river Dry-l ver___ I _________period 8.3 7.1 27 0.01 0.31 0.006 0.005 0.05

4.2.2 The surface water function region delimitation in the project area

The surface water environment functional region in Shenyang municipality projectarea was stipulated as follows according to the governmental reply in 1997, detailed intable 4.8.


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Table 4.8 The surface water environment function region in Shenyangmunicipalitv project area

River Regional location Main role of water body GB type

Dongingdistict The second grade drinking water sources IVDangl ing district (groundwater)

Hun river Sujiatun Drinking water sources (groundwater) I

Liaozhong Agricultural water use IV

Dongling Supplement to reservoir III

Xinchengzi Supplement to reservoir III

Liaozhong Fishery and industrial water use IV

Beisha river Sujiatun Agricultural water use IV

Xinchengzi Supplement of drinking water sources TVLiao river (groundwater)

Xinmin city Agricultural water use IV

Liu river Xinmin city Agricultural water use III

Yangximu Xinmin city Agricultural water use Vriver

Raoyang Xinmin city Fishery water use IIIriver __________________________________ ______

Xiushui Xinmin city Supplement to drinking water sources IIIrnver Kangping and Faku Industrial water use III

Note: the classification in the table is determined according to the "Quality Standardfor Surface Water Environment" (GB3838-88).

It can be seen from table 4.9 that the water quality in the monitoring places of Hunriver and Liao river has not achieved the planed goal, but they can meet the demand foragricultural irrigation water quality as field irrigation water.

4.2.3 Irrigation recession in the project area

Shenyang municipality water resources bureau indicated that there is no large quantityof centralized recession on the irrigated farmland of the project area presently, so nowater quality data of recession from the farmland was collected. At present, it furtherdemonstrate that there is no occurrence of recession for appropriate surface waterdiversion and the drain discharge of irrigation water will still be reduced after theimplementation of the water saving irrigation project. Therefore it's not necessary tomake further assessment on the impact of the recession from the water saving irrigationproject on surface water quality. The assessment will focus on its impact ongroundwater quality.


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4.3 Present status of groundwater environment

4.3.1 Present status of groundwater quality and its assessment results Assessment results with single item comparison method

The assessment results are detailed in table 4.9 in reference to the monitoring results of

groundwater quality in dry season in recent one year provided by Shenvang

municipality water resources bureau. Assessment results with comprehensively marking method

It's stipulated that the items used in the marking method can't be less than the required

quantity in the standard, however the obtained monitoring items are less and can't

reflect the conditions of water quality comprehensively, the assessment results can only

be used for reference.

Statistical method:

F|F +F F2

F = - F,n

Of which F -average of the marking value Fi

F.,, -maximum of the marking value F,

The grade of groundwater quality can be divided as the stipulation in table 4. 10.

Table 4.10 Grade ofF value

Grade Best Better Good Worse Worst

F value <0.80 0.80-<2.50 2.50-<4.25 4.25-<7.20 >7.20

The total bacterial count has not been verified and can't be assessed now.


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l_able 4.9 Monitoring and single itein as sessment results of ground ater quality in Shen ang rtnicipalit p ect area

TM T IndmE 9t)4 CT I Fe N03)N M 1_rN As F (}

u~~~~~~~~~~~gd ngtl vakr§t n_ _ gal ffO, _- n_i ___ t nge ' 7L _ rO g5 - il g _ nO- grak nvl- _a

Mftng .ri 673 h 2495 I f 10125 1i %2 II 048 IV 1235 III 04 IV <001 _ 1 O I <DATh I

729 I 2595 II 51 II 30 1 7.63 V 10)04 I 09 V 025 I <01)1 I

IXuixi .Yw ltrav 64 20)02 If I(X) If 44 I 0031 0.82 _ 0(12 _ (.(1 I _ _ (139 III

67 I 144 1 815 III 295 I 14 IV 032 I 0(*) V _( I

____liltig 9pAvt h 65 I 430 III 220 III 10 U 02 _ I 15 I OC2 _ D101 016 1) 1 III

Kin"mig 5s3 @9nzt 724 1 10655 _ 84 _ &74 _ ( I 0(15 _ 0 I 0 023 _ I

laiii Suikrv 808 I 211.8 II 51.1 1I 433 1 0 1 44 V 0 1 0 0338 1 001 II

I I-Iln -Ill = I_-I_ _ ~l l F1 11 _ I-V I-V I-V _ --ll

Note: in reference to the state "Standard for Groundwater Quality" (GB 14848-93)


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Table 4.11 Assessment results of comprehensivelv marking methodPt~eLta Pt-i Taaluns -9, Fe NO- N |-MAN As FC F A51

___ __-I1Nod Cr ,

mhhg 0 1 I 6 3 6 I0 0 4.451 Worse

X±n 0 l I _ ! 10 ° 10 I0 728 Worst___~~~ ___1 ZZZ1_Dk I I __ I 0 O O O I 0 3 '.16 Better

0 0 1 0 6 0 10 I0 723 WorsttLanbo 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3I 2. better

kaB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Best

LFau O j I I O O 10 0 O l 7.13 Worse

It can be seen from the assessment results that the content of N0 3-N. NH,-N and Fe ofthe ten assessment indexes has reached the fourth and the fifth classification and

become the main factors for the degradation of groundwater quality in the project area.

Because the applied quantity of nitrogenous fertilizer is the largest, it can't be adsorbed

by soil and be easily leached into groundwater, we will use NO,-N as an example to

make further assessment on its impact on groundwater quality in the next section.

4.3.2 Embedded depth and mineralized degree of groundwater

According to the site monitoring data and the embedded depth map of groundwaterfrom 1994 to 1998, the embedded depth of groundwater in the project area is between2 meters and 10 meters. Of which, the embedded depth of groundwater in Sujiatun andDongling districts is between 5 meters and 10 meters, Xinchengzi, Yuhong andLiaozhong districts is between 2 meters and 5 meters, Kangping and Faku counties isbetween 3 meters and 5 meters (detailed in chart 4.1 to chart 4.5).

The degree of mineralization of groundwater in the project area is between 0.12 g/L to0.27 g/L; in line with the standard for field irrigation water quality, the content of saltin groundwater in the project area is in the safe scope and can be used as irrigationwater sources.

The irrigated area in the north of China which divert water from the Yellow River hadmade research on soil capillary break point and capillary lift and obtained the criticalembedded depth of groundwater that control the much soil salt return under differentsoil quality and salt content, detailed in table 4.12.

Table 4.12 Critical depth of groundwaterDegree ofSadlomlih

mineralization of Sandy loam, light Medium loam claygroundwater (g/L) loam

<2 1.6-1.9 1.4-1.7 1.0-1.2

2-5 1.9-2.2 1.7-2.0 1.2-1.4


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The soil in Shenyang municipality project area is sandy loam, the salt content ofgroundwater is between 0.2 g/L and 0.27 g/L. embedded depth is between 1.4 metersand 1.7 meters and can meet the demand for control of soil salt return. The embeddeddepth of groundwater of the project is also more than 2 meters and also in the safescope.

4.4 Conclusions of present environment in the project area

4.4.1 Soil environment quality

* The soil fertility in the project area is on the third grade. the content of nitrogen is themedium and the content of phosphorous is low. on the third grade under the presentapplied quantity of fertilizer and cropping system;

* The pollution index of Pb, Cr, Cd, Hg and As in the soil of the project area 20centimeters within the soil surface is less than 1 and belongs to the scope of the firstgrade natural background value after being sampled and monitored; the pollutionindex of Cr and Pb in the most of sampling places also conform to the first gradestandard, the pollution index of Cd in Yuhong district reach the second grade andexceed the initial concentration value of pollution. Among the five metal elementsthe pollution index is the maximum in Yuhong district, because the pollution in soilis not easy to be treated and should be paid attention to, the pollution sources shouldbe investigated, treated and trace monitored.

* Assessment on the remaining quantity of pesticide in soil was not made for lack ofdata.

4.4.2 Present status of surface water quality

* Organic pollution is the majority, the pollution index of BOD5 has exceeded the fifthclassification and can't reach the required grade stipulated in the regional waterenvironment function region by Shenyang municipality government. However theycan meet the demand for field irrigation water quality;

* There is no large quantity of recession from the irrigated farmland of the project area,so the water quality data drained from the farmland was not collected.

4.4.3 Present status of groundwater quality

* The water quality in the monitoring places of Kangping county, Dongling district andLiaozhong county is good according to the classification standard of groundwaterquality; the water quality in Yuhong district and Faku county is poorer; the waterquality in Xinchengzi is much poorer. Their main pollutants that exceeded thestandard is N0 3 -N, NH3-N and Fe. The above assessment should be revised aftercollecting full data.

* The degree of mineralization of groundwater in the project area is lower and between0.2 g/L and 0.27 g/L, the embedded depth of groundwater is between 2 meters and10 meters and is safe viewed from control of soil salt return.


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5. Impact of water saving irrigation on environment

5.1 Balance of water resources supply and demand

The project area can be divided into eight water resources supplv and demand regions,groundwater is the major irrigation water resources and groundwater and surface waterare utilized together (table 5.1)

Water demand, water supply and water saving can be calculated according to withproject and without project respectively during the analysis on water resources supplyand demand and made a ultimate water surplus and water shortage assessment.

Water demand includes agricultural water demand, industrial water demand anddomestic water demand (municipal life and rural water use by persons and livestock);water supply includes the water supply from the current projects and from the newlyconstructed projects, namely the water storage and the saving water volume from thenewly constructed water saving irrigation projects. it includes the saving water volumefrom canal lining and field works, from change surface irrigation over to low pressurepipe irrigation. sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, and from change surface irrigationover to micro sprinkler irrigation of fruit trees, drip irrigation and micro sprinklerirrigation of vegetable, and the saving water volume from the integration of canals andwells(detailed in table 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4).

* Data of this chapter are quoted from "The PIP report of Shenvang WaterConservation Project"


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Table 5.1 Water resources volume under the project in Shenvang municipalityproject area

unit: 10Im3

Project county Year Surface water supply Utilizable groundwater Totalvolume

Present 0. 0100 0. 0604 0. 0704

Dongling 2005 0. 0100 0. 0604 0. 0704

2010 0.0100 0. 0604 0- 0704

Present 0. 0100 0. 1698 0. 1798

Yuhong 2005 0. 0100 0. 1698 0. 1798

2010 0.0100 0. 1698 0. 1798

Present 0. 0100 0. 1081 0. 1181

Sujiatun 2005 0.0100 0. 1081 0. 1181

2010 0. 0100 0. 1081 0. 1181

Present 0. 0200 0. 1298 0. 1498

Xinchengzi 2005 0.0200 0. 1298 0. 1498

2010 0.0200 0. 1298 0. 1498

Present 0. 0200 0. 2406 0. 2606Liaozhong 2005 0. 0200 0. 2406 0. 2606

2010 0.0200 0.2406 0. 2606

Present 0. 0200 0. 2277 0. 2477Cinmin 2005 0. 0200 0. 2277 0. 24,7

2010 0. 0200 0. 2277 0. 2477

Present 0.0000 0.2315 0.2315Kangping 2005 0. 0000 0. 2315 0. 2315

2010 0.0000 0. 2315 0. 2315

Present 0.0100 0. 2174 0.2274Faku

2005 0.0100 0.2174 0. 2274

2010 0. 0100 0. 2174 0. 2274

Present 0. 1000 1. 3853 1. 4853

Total 2005 0. 1000 1. 3853 1. 4853

2010 0. 1000 1.3853 1. 4853

Note: surface water is caiculated with50 percent reliability, groundwater is calculated with theannual average


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Table 5.2 Water resources supply and demand balance without the project in

Shenvang municipality project areaW( OTM 3) Water surplus or

Project countv year W e ( supplv shortae ( l'm 3)gag tura industrial Domestic others total I Om3 surplus shortage


Present 743.2 7. 2 1.80 19. 3 774. 5 704. 07 70 43

Dongling 2005 1076. 4 6 5. 8() 22. 15 1110. 3.5 704. 07 106. 28

2010 1076. 4 .1. 7 6. 80 2'. 9 I 10. 8 704.07 406.73

Present 1468.7 8. 6 11.40 21. 55 15.10. 25 1797. 56 141.53

Yuhong 2005 2869 7. , 14 00 24. 7 2915. 2 1797. 56 I 117.64

2010 2869 8. 2 16.20 25. .5 2918.9 1797. 56 1121. 34

Present 1141.3 11.7 8.8 18.75 1180.55 1180.69 014

Sujiatun 2005 2248 10 10.9 21.5 2290.4 1180.69 1109.71

2010 2248 8 12.8 22.2 2291 1180.69 1110.31

Present 1934.5 1.7 10.1 10.1 1956.4 1497.84 458.56

Xinchengzi 2005 2276. i 2 12. 50 1. 9 2302 5 1497.84 804.66

2010 2276f 1 2 14. 5 12.7 23()5. :3 1497.84 807.46

Present 2492.6 3.6 8. 8() 19.5 2524. 5 2606. :34 81.84

Liaozhong 2005 2346. i 4.8 (0.90 22. 3 2384. 1 2606.34 222.24

2010 2346. 1 5 12. 80 22. 8 2386. 7 2606. 34 219 64

Present 2053. 3 2. 6 9.00 18. 8 2083.7 2476. 5 392.80

Xinmin 2005 3619.3 3.4 11.20 21.4 3655.3 2476.5 1178.80

2010 3619.3 3.6 13.10 22 3658 2476.5 1181. 50

Present 2230 2. 5 8.4 6. 7 2247.6 2314. 6 52.24

Kangping 2005 3565.6 2.4 10. 4 7.6 3586 2314.6 1271.42

2010 3565. 6 2. 1 I(. 9 7. 7 3587. 3 2314. 6 1272. 72

Present 2044. 1 (. 2 8. 1 7. 8 2061.2 2273.8 219 46

Faku 2005 4284.9 1. 3 10. 10 8.9 4305. 2 2273.8 2031.44

2010 4284.9 1.4 _ 1.60 9 4306.9 2273.8 2033.14

Present 14107.7 39. 1 69.4 122. 5 14338.7 14851.34 888.01 528.99

Total 2005 22285.4 37.4 85.8 140.45 22549.05 14851.34 222.24 7919.95

2010 ° 22285.4 35 99.7 144 8 22564.79 148S.34 219.64 7933.2

* The domestic water demand includes municipal water demand and rural water demand (totalwater use volume by persons and livestock).


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Table 5.3 Water resources supply and demand balance under the project inShenvans municipality project area

Water demand (10'm') Water Water surplus andProject year supply shortag e(104m3 )county Agricuitural industrial domestic* other total surplus shortage

irrigation l0Om3

Present 743.2 7.2 4. 80 19. 3 774. 5 704. 07 70.43

Dongling 2005 612. 6 6 5. 80 22. 15 646. 55 674. 61 28. 06

2010 612. 6 4.7 6.80 22.9 647 674.61 27.61

Present 1468.7 8.6 11. 40 21. 55 1510. 25 1797.56 287. 31

Yuhong 2005 1623. 4 7. 5 14.00 24. 7 1669. 6 1865. 14 195. 54

2010 1623.4 8.2 16.20 25.5 1673. 3 1865. 14 191 84

Present 1141.3 11. 7 8. 8 18.75 1180. 55 1180.69 0.14

Sujiatun 2005 1147.6 10 10.9 21. 5 1190 1213. 17 23. 17

2010 1147.6 8 12.8 22.2 1190.6 1213.17 22. 57

Present 1934. 5 1. 7 10. 1 10. 1 1956. 4 1497. 84 458.56

Xinchengzi 2005 1287.7 2 12.50 11.9 1314.1 1370.17 56.07

2010 1287.7 2 14.50 12.7 1316.9 1370.17 53.27

Present 2492.6 3.6 8. 80 19.5 2524. 5 2606. 34 81.84

Liaozhong 2005 1804. 7 4. 8 10. 90 22. 3 1842. 7 2417. 67 574. 97

2010 1804. 7 5 12. 80 22.8 1845.3 2417.67 572.37

Present 2053. 3 2.6 9. 00 18. 8 2083. 7 2476. 5 392. 8

Xinmin 2005 2452.9 3.4 11.20 21. 4 2488.9 2524. 80 35.9

2010 2452.9 3.6 13.10 22 2491. 6 2524. 80 33. 2

Present 2230 2. 5 8. 4 6. 7 2247. 6 2314.6 67.0

Kangping 2005 2190.9 2.4 10.4 7.6 2211.3 2265.89 54.6

2010 2190.9 2.1 11.9 7. 7 2212.6 2265.89 53. 3

Present 2044.1 1.2 8.1 7.8 2061.2 2273.8 212.6

Faku 2005 2193.7 1. 3 10. 10 8. 9 2214 2260. 49 46.5

2010 2193.7 1.4 11.60 9 2215.7 2260.49 44.8

Present 14107. 7 39. 1 69. 4 122. 5 14338. 7 14851. 34 1041. 63 528. 99

Total 2005 13313. 5 37.4 85.8 140. 45 13577. 15 14591.94 1014. 79 0

2010 13313.5 35 99. 7 144.8 13593 14591. 94 998.94 0

* The influence of the water saving volume and the water supply from the newly constructed

protects was also considered.


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Table 5.4 Water saving volume from diversion of irrigation works in Shenvang

municipality project areaunit: 1 04m3

Project countySource of some main water saving volume

Donglin Yuhong Sujiatun Xinchengzi Liaozhong Xinmin Kangping Faku

Canal lining and water diversion in canal 13.26 55. 41 36. 71 107. 21 60. 7 144. 69 73.02imgated areaChange of traditional surface imgation to low 66. 76 63.4 71. 24 159. 05pressure pipe imgation and small size basinimgationChange of surface irrigation to sprinkler 313.3 137. 73 274.82 379. 72 701.96 899. 87 830.94imgationChange of surface imgauon of fruit trees to dnp i 6.8 9.86 4.8imgation and micro spnnkler irrgationChange of spnnkler imgation of fruit trees to 46.41 47.71dnp irrigation and micro spnnkler imgationChange of surface irrigaton of vegetable to dnp 37.84 206. 7 140.82 99. 46 64.44 134. 5 45. 2 91.64imgation and micro spnnkler irrigationOther special water saving volume 1I .68 144.2 13.59

Total 63. 78 642. 17 322.06 554. 75 576. 1 1284.4 991.48 1061. 7

The total water demand and the water demand by districts and counties is detailed in

table 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7, the calculated results of water supply and the water supply of

new constructed projects are detailed in table 5.8 and 5.9; the calculation of the water

saving volume from water saving irrigation projects is detailed in table 5.4.


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Table 5.5 Irrigation water demand without the project in Shenvang municipality

. poect areaYear Item Unit Dongling Yuhong Sujiatun Xinchengzi Liaozhong Xinmin! Kangping Faku

Cultivated area ha 180( 2 b7 :3:133. :1 : 866. 7 6866. 7 6666. 76|33 i 620()

Harvestedarea ha 1800 11IT) ' :)533. 3 1311 b6 6866. 7 6666. 7 5183 3 6518

Annual evapotrasporation ET, mm h.52. I h20. 4 59. 2 70(3 (6 62:.8 n.57 I 5h 05 523.47

Precipitation p mm 718 h7 2 6i.0. 5 61.; h6b. h 618 560 62:1. 2

Present EfTective precipitation pe mm I_ 2 -. 27 128 __ _108 __( M__

Field waterdemand (net) mm 27. I 14 1 711 252 2 I-I 8 I h9. 17r I 1 8 5

Imgation water efficiency 0 55 0. 5 f). 5 (. 55 1. 6 (. 55 0. 5 (. 42

lmptaon water demand mm 112. 9 383. 8 :342. 41 5()(. 3 :16:1. ( :38. 3 :52. 1 :129. 7

1 '7,13. 2 (468 7 1 14 1. 31(934. 5 2442. 6 20.5:3. 3-. 22:10 0 2044.1I_0 _

Cultivated area ha 18()( :182h. 67 :31:1:1. : :3866. 7 8i66. 7 6fi6h. 7 6:3:3. 3 6200

Harvested area ha 1 :133. 3 41:13 3 .1 I 111 1866.6 1 I366 933. 2 0 41:3. 27 1 N26. 7

Annual evaporasporauon ET, mm 753. 9 80:3.87 764. 2 751. 75 6ll 7(06. 59 661. 5 675.27

Precipitation p mm 718 ,72 651) 5 645 6hIh. b 618 .5n6 623. 2

Effective precipitation pe mm 42.5 1214 12.7 112)81(6 41 .8tl :185

Field water demand (net) mm 328, 9 374. 9 3:7. 2 :323. 8 2(15.1) 298.6 281.5 290.3

Irrgation water efficiency = O55 ( 11. 5 0S . 55 0 6 0. 55 II 1 0. 42

Irrigation waterdemand mm 598. 0 749. 7 674.4 .588. 6 341.7 542.9 56:3.0 691. 1

104m 1076. 4 2869. 0 2248 0 2276. 1 2346. 1 3619. 3 :13565. 4284. 9

Cultivated area ha 1800 :1826. 67 :13:33. 3 3866. 7 6866. 7 6666. 7 6:3:33. 3 6200

Harvested area ha 2(33. 3 41:33. 3 5100 4866. 66 1(1(66 9333.2 1)9:33. 27 1)026. 7

Annual evapotrasporation ET, mm 753. 9 8(:3. 87 764:2 751. 75 611 706. 59 66l. 5 675.27

Precipitation p mm 718 672 650. 5 645 646.6 618 560 623. 2

2010 Effective precipitation pe mm 425 429 427 428 406 4118 38:1 385

Field water demand (net) mm 328.9 :374. 9 337. 2 323. 8 205.1) 298.6 281. 5 290. 3

lmgation water efficiency 0. 55 0.5 t). 5 0. 55 1). 6 0.55 0. 5 0. 42

lmgation water demand mm 598.0 749.7 674.4 588.6 341.7 542.9 .56:3 691 i

I 0dm' 0(376. 4 2869. 0 2248.0 2276( 2346. 1 3619.:3 ,565 6 4284.9


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Table 5.6 Irrigation water demand under the project in Shenyang municipalityproject area

Year items Unit Dongling Yuhong Sujiatun Xinchengzi Liaozh ong Xinmnn Kangping Faku

Cultivated area Ha 1800 3826. 7 3333. 3 3866. 7 6866. 7 6666. 7 6333. 3 6200

Harvested area Ha 1800 4133.3 3533.3 4341.7 6866.7 6666.7 5483.3 6518

Annual evapotrasporation ET, mm 652. 1 620. 9 598. ' 703. 16 623. 8 577.4 556.05 523.47

Precipitation p mm 718 672 650.5 645 646.6 618 560 623.2

Present Effective precipitation pe mm 425 429 427 428 406 408 380 385

Field waterdemand (net) mm 227. 1 191.9 171.2 275.2 217.8 169.4 176.1 138.5

lnigation water efficiency 0. 55 0. 5 0. 5 0.55 0. 6 0.55 0. 5 0.42

lmgation waterdemand mm 412.9 383.8 342.4 500.3 363.0 308.0 352.1 329.7

l0tm' 743.2 1468.7 1141.3 1934.5 2492.6 2053.3 2230.0 2044.1

Cultivated area ha 1800 3826.7 3333.3 3866.7 6866.7 6666.7 6333.3 6200

Harvestedarea ha 2133.3 4133.3 5100 4866.7 11366 9333.3 10933 10027

Annual evapotrasporation ET, mm 753.9 803. 87 764.2 751.75 611 694.99 660.2 671.6

Precipitation p mm 718 672 650.5 645 646.6 618 560 623.2

2005 Effective precipitation pe mm 468 456 475 472 406 408 380 385

Field water demand (net) mm 285.9 347.9 289.2 279.8 205.0 287.0 280.2 286.6

Irrigation water efficiency 0. 84 0. 82 0.84 0.84 0.78 0.78 0. 81 0. 81

Irngation water demand mm 340.4 424.2 344.3 333.0 262.8 367.9 345.9 353.8

lI mM 612.6 1623.4 1147.6 1287.7 1804.7 2452.9 2190.9 2193.7

Cultivated area ha 1800 3826.7 3333.3 3866.7 6866.7 6666.7 6333. 3 6200

Harvestedarea ha 2133.3 4133.3 5100 4866.7 11366 9333.3 10933 10027

Annuai evapotrasporation ET, mm 753.9 803.87 764.2 751.75 611 694.99 660.2 671.6

Precipitation p mm 718 672 650.5 645 646.6 618 560 623. 22010 Effective precipitaion pe mm 468 456 475 472 406 408 380 385

Ficid water demand (net) mm 285.9 347.9 289.2 279.8 205.0 287.0 280.2 286.6

Irrigation water cfficiency 0.84 0. 82 0. 84 0.84 0.78 0.78 0.81 0.81

lmgation water demand mm 340. 4 424.2 344.3 333.0 262.8 367.9 345.9 353.8

Im' 612.6 1623.4 1147.6 1287.7 1804.7 2452.9 2190.9 2193.7


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Table 5.7 Industrial. domestic and other water demand in Shenvang municipality

project area

Industrial water Rural water Livestock water

demand demand demand Water

Project Total Water Total consumption for Totalcounty Year industria deman populati Water Total ater other uses 4

c output demn olati demand quantity demand lo male d ons 104 1l 1 4m

1alue i0 10m l, iom__ _ _ 0' vuan ___m__104

Present 2863 7.2 0.216 4.8 0.02 0.1 19.2 31.3

Dongling 2005 3006 6 0.224 5.8 0.03 0. 15 22 33.95

2010 3156 4.7 0.234 6.8 0.04 0.2 22.7 34.4

Present 3420 8.6 0.52 11.4 0.05 0.25 21.3 41.55

Yuhong 2005 3762 7. 5 0.54 14 0.06 0.3 24.4 46.2

2010 5472 8.2 0.56 16.2 0.06 0.3 25.2 49.9

Present 4697 11.7 0.4 8.8 0.05 0.25 18.5 39.25

Sujiatun 2005 5009 10 0.42 10.9 0.06 0.3 21.2 42.4

2010 5313 8 0.44 12.8 0.06 0.3 21.9 43

Present 697 1.7 0.46 10.1 0.3 1.5 8.6 21.9

Xinchengz 2005 975 2 0.48 12.5 0.4 2 9.9 26.4

2010 1365 2 0.5 14.5 0.5 2.5 10.2 29.2

Present 1450 3.6 0.4 8.8 0.8 4 15.5 31.9

Liaozhong 2005 2379 4.8 0.42 10. 9 0.9 4.5 17.8 38

2010 3330 5 0.44 12.8 0.9 4.5 18.3 40.6

Present 1032 2.6 0.41 9 0.8 4 14.8 30.4

Xinmin 2005 1692 3.4 0.43 11.2 0.9 4.5 16.9 36

2010 2370 3.6 0.45 13.1 0.9 4.5 17.5 38.7

Present 1000 2.5 0.38 8.4 0.8 4 .2.7 17.6

Kangping 2005 1200 2. 4 0. 4 10.4 0. 9 4.5 3.1 20.4

2010 1400 2.1 0.41 11.9 0.9 4.5 3.2 21.7

Present 470 1.2 0.37 8.1 0.8 4 3.8 17.1

Faku 2005 658 1.3 0.39 10.1 0.9 4.5 4.4 20.3

2010 921 1.4 0.4 11.6 0.9 4.5 4.5 22

Present 15629 39.1 3.156 69.4 3.62 18. 1 104.4 231

Total 2005 18681 37.4 3.304 85.8 4.15 20.75 119.7 263.65

2010 23327 35 3.434 99.7 4.26 21.3 123.5 279.5


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Table 5.8 Newlv increased water supply under the project in Shenyang municipalityproject counties

Newiv increased water Newls mcreased watcrPl~~1sz~'Newlyconsructe wors Uni Quatit\ storage/water saving volume Water supply Nw'.ivese ae_oaat Newiv constructed works U#n It OLt slOm' ilcle supph =1i )'( 6 )I from diversion coemi-cient spl ))6(I) (2) (3) 14) m 6) 10m'

(5) j~~~~~~~~~~~7)

Water retamining and Noimpoundment worksWater saving irgation Hi 1800 -29. 46 _ -29. 46

Dongling works .On-farm closure works H

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment works ___ _

Water saving irrigation Ha 3826.67 67 1 67Yuhong works

On-farm closure works Ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment works _Water saving imgauon Ha 3333. 3 32 1 32

Supatun worksOn-ftarm closure works Ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment worksWater saving irgation Ha 3866. 7 -128 1 -128

Xinchengzi worksOn-farm closure works Ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment worksWater saving irrigation Ha 6866. 7 -188 1 -188

Liaozhong works .On-farm closure works Ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment worksWater saving irrigauon Ha 6666. 7 48 1 48

Xinmin worksOn-farn closure works Ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment worksWater saving irrigation Ha 6333. 3 -49 1 -49

Kangping worksOn-farm closure works Ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment worksWater saving irrigation ha 6200 -13 I -13

Faku worksOn-farm closure works ha

Other water source works

Water retaining and Noimpoundment works _

Water saving irrigation haworks

Total On-farm closure works ha

Other water source works

Subtotal 10ml 38893. 371 -260. 46 -260.46


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Table 5.9 Water supply under the project in Shenvang municipality project areaProject county year Water supply without Newly Increased water Total water supply with

p_ro ect supply with proiect project(3)+(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Present 0. 0704 0. 0000 0. 0704

Dongling 2005 0. 0704 -0. 0030 0. 0674

2010 0.0704 -0. 0030 0. 0674

Present 0. 1798 0. 0000 0. 1798

Yuhong 2005 0. 1798 0. 0067 0. 1865

2010 0. 1798 0. 0067 0. 1865

Present 0. 1181 0. 0000 0. 1181

Sujiatun 2005 0. 1181 0. 0032 0. 1213

2010 0. 1181 0.0032 0. 1213

Present 0. 1498 0. 0000 0. 1498

Xinchengzi 2005 0. 1498 -0. 0128 0. 1370

2010 0. 1498 -0. 0128 0. 1370

Present 0. 2606 0. 0000 0. 2606

Liaozhong 2005 0. 2606 -0. 0188 0. 2418

2010 0. 2606 -0. 0188 0. 2418

Present 0. 2477 0. 0000 0. 2477

Xinmin 2005 0. 2477 0. 0048 0. 2525

2010 0. 2477 0.0048 0. 2525

Present 0. 2315 0.0000 0. 2315

Kangping 2005 0. 2315 -0. 0049 0. 2266

2010 0. 2315 -0. 0049 0. 2266

Present 0. 2274 0. 0000 0. 2274

Faku 2005 0. 2274 -0. 0013 0. 2261

2010 0. 2274 -0. 0013 0. 2261

Present 1. 4853 0. 0000 1. 4853

Total 2005 1. 4853 -0. 0261 1. 4592

2010 1. 4853 -0. 0261 1. 4592

The calculated results of water resources supply and demand balance by projectcounties are detailed in table 5.2 and 5.3. Thus it can be seen that after theimplementation of the water saving project and through some related measures, thetotal volume of water resources supply and demand balance will be kept and a littlesurplus.


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5.2 Impact of the implementation of water saving irrigation on groundwater

5.2.1 Hydrogeological situation

The project area is located in the new and old pluvial and alluvial fans of Hun river.The pluvial and alluvial fans of Hun river are composed of phase debris of Holoceneand Pleistocene series rivers. The groundwater can be divided into bedrock crevicewater, interstitial water and confined water of pluvial and alluvial layers in the fourthPeriod according to its embedding conditions and hydrologic characters. The aquifer iscomposed of sand and gravel, its thickness is between 20 meters 30 meters and itsstorage coefficient is between 0.25 and 0.36. The abundance of water differs much, theoutflow per well in the middle plain area and the western Shenpu, Liaopu and Liaoraointerstream areas is between 2000 m3/d and 5000 m3/d and they are water abundantareas. The embedded conditions of groundwater in the east of the project area and thelow-relief terrain of the northeast of Xinmin city are poorer, the aquifer is notdeveloped, the outflow per well is between 100 m3/d and 1000 m3/d and they are watershort areas. Most of the groundwater is calcium carbonate and carbon carbonate typewater, its degree of mineralization is very low, less than 0.5 g/L. The main nourishingsources of groundwater is from the percolation of precipitation, side nourishment ofsurface water and the percolation of irrigation water.

5.2.1 Groundwater resources and its utilization

Well irrigation is the majority in the project area, at present, there are totally 3910wells and the well irrigated area amount to 81.7 percent of the total irrigated area. Thefollowing table provides the fresh groundwater resources and its present status ofextraction in the project area.

Table 5.1 0 Fresh groundwater resources and its present status of exaction in theproject area

Groundwater and its present status of utilization

Project county(district) Recotoion h nc n Odw T_ta_ Man _al

lo low vome -e e ga__floW IowTI3 10Sl _ low l M

Dongling 263. 8 48.04 0 311.8 171. 5 0.28

Yuhong 1080. 6 318. 6 325 1724. 2 1534.6 0.26

Sujiatun 790. 3 112. 19 18.1 920. 3 562. 55 0. 27

Xinchengzi 713. 7 168. 93 86 968.6 815.6 0.22

Liaozhong 1920.6 353. 1 347.2 2620.9 1909.1 0. 18

Xinmin 1670.0 403.2 270 2343.2 1846.2 0. 16

Kangping 1418. 7 334. 08 594 2346.8 1775.9 0. 21

Faku 1545. 8 348.64 330. 7 2225. 1 1660. 3 0. 25

Total 9403.5 2086.78 1971 1 . 10275.75


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5.2.2 Present status of groundwater level in the project area

Table 5.11 Present status of groundwater embedded depth in the project areaMean annual Soil lithologic Embedded depth of

Main parameter precipitation character in aeration groundwater

(mm) zone (mi)

Dongling 718 Loam 6-15

Yuhong 672 Sub sand 2-8

Sujiatun 678.8 Sub sand 1-12

Xinchengzi 671.1 Loam 3-5

Liaozhong 646.6 Loam 1-7

Xinrin 638 Sub sand 2-5

Kangping 624 Loam 2.5-5.5

Faku 623.2 Loam 3-4

The variation of groundwater level from 1994 to 1998 is detailed in table 4.1-4.5 andtable 5.11. It can be seen that the embedded depth of groundwater is shallow andbetween 2 meters and 10 meters, its average changes not very much, the variation ofgroundwater level shows no tendency for increase.

5.2.3 Impact of water saving irrigation on groundwater Assessment theory and method

Balance method will be adopted in the assessment, the process of nourishment ofprecipitation, field evapotransporation, runoff and drainage will be mainly taken intoaccount, they can be summarized as the following chart.

Chart 5.1 Water balance elements and chart


RS. i WIR I > RScxP EG CRS 3lr o

. ....... Aeration zone

I h Water lev l gradient

RG X RGoaquifer


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The meaning of each parameter in above chart is as follows:


ETr-evapotransporation in cultivated area. mm;

ETfr,-evapotransporation in non-cultivated area. mm,

WR- water supply from reservoir (used for irrigation) ,mm;

WIR- pumped groundwater volume for irrigation, mm;

WL- pumped groundwater for industry and life. mm;

axP- recharge volume of groundwater from the infiltration of precipitation (of

which, a is the recharge coefficient from the infiltration of precipitation), mm:

3IR- recharge volume (including the infiltration from canal system and

farmland)of groundwater from irrigation water (including surface water and

groundwater), mm:

CRS- recharge volume from the infiltration of surface runoff. mm:

EG- evaporation of shallow water, mm;

RS,-inflow from surface water runoff. mm:

RSo-outflow from surface water runoff, mm;

RG,-inflow from groundwater runoff, mm:

RGo-outflow from groundwater runoff, mrm:

Ah- gradient of groundwater level, m; Water balance and calculating method of groundwater level

A. Overall water balance equation

Total inflow - total outflow = total storage change volume (1)The storage change volume in aeration zone -+O, the total storage volume =Aho(k is the specific yield of aquifer)Then equation (I) can be resolved to equation (2):

(P+WR+RS±+RG,)-(ETf+ ETfflf +WL+RSO+RGO)= Ah (2)

B. Groundwater balance equation

Total water recharge - total water discharge = total storage change volume (3)equation (3) can be resolved to equation (4):

(aP+DIR+GRS+RG,)-(WIR+WL+EG+RG.)= Ah - (4)Equation (4) can be changed to equation (5)


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Ah=((aP+3IR+GRS+RG,)-(WIR+WL+ECT-RG0 ))/ - (5)

It can also be shown as equation (6)

(P+WR)+(RS,-RRs,)+(RG -RG,)-WL-(ET, +ET ,,)


Thus it can be concluded that the groundwater gradient has positive correlation with

precipitation P, water supply from reservoir WR, the difference of inflow and outflow

of surface water and the inflow and outflow from groundwater runoff, it has negative

correlation with pumped groundwater for industry and life ET, evapotransporation in

cultivated area ETf and evapotransporation in non-cultivated area ETfi.

>0 the mean annual groundwater level is showing a tendency to rise

A h =0 the mean annual groundwater level is in balance

<0 the mean annual groundwater level is showing a tendency to drawdown

The numerator in equation (5): axP is the mean annual recharge volume of groundwater

from the infiltration of precipitation, of which, a is the recharge coefficient from the

infiltration of precipitation, P is precipitation and has no relations with if there is the

project; CRS is the recharge volume from the infiltration of surface runoff and has no

relations with if there is the project; WL is the mean annual pumped groundwater for

industry and life and has close relations with if there is the project: PIR is the recharge

volume of groundwater from irrigation water and has close relations with WIR. So

with or without the project mainly affect WIR and [BIr, the change of Ah mainly

depends on WIR and fIr.

The numerator in equation (6): P is the mean annual precipitation, is the difference ofthe mean annual inflow from surface water runoff and outflow from surface waterrunoff and WL is the mean annual pumped groundwater for industry and life, they canbe determined by investigation. ETfnf is evapotransporation in non-cultivated area andmainly has relations with precipitation. evaporation capacity and infiltration capacity, itcan be shown as the following equation:

ETf,f=(P-RSfn-aPffl) (-) (13)

Of which. P is the mean annual precipitation. RSf, is the mean annual non-field surface


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water runoff; f is the ratio of cultivated area to the total land area: aPrij is the recharge

volume from the infiltration of precipitation in the mean annual cultivated area. it's 10-

30% of the mean annual precipitation in semi-drought and semi-humid area and has no

relations with if there is the project.

ETf is the evapotransporation in cultivated area and has close relations with crop type,yield, irrigation practice, climate and with or without the project. The change of Ahmainly depends on ETf after the implementation of the project. Main water saving volume after the implementation of the project

Increasing the utilization efficiency of water resources is the main objective of theproject, table 5.12 indicates that the utilization efficiency of water resources increasedremarkably for the increase of the utilization coefficient of irrigation water. Table 5.4indicates the anticipated water saving volume after the implementation of water savingirrigation project.

TIhe groundwater level in Shenyang municipality project area is between 2 meters and10 meters, it will rise to a certain extent after the implementation of the project forremarkable reduction of groundwater extraction. The following table provides themean annual groundwater variation amplitude before and after the implementation ofthe project.

Table 5.12 The mean annual groundwater variation amplitude before and after theimplementation of the project

Situations Dongling Yuhong Sujiatun Xinchengzi Liaozhong Xinmin Kangping Faku

WithoutPresent 0.05 1.11 0.86 0.3 0.85 0.55 0.8 0.55


Without 0.12 0.17 -0.03 -0.16 .0.03 -0.22 -0.04 -0.26

2005 With0.27 0.57 0.26 0.26 0.19 0.19 0.31 0.24


Without0.12 0.17 -0.23 0.17 -0.03 -0.23 -0.04 -0.26

project2010 1 _ 1 _ 1__ __ __

With0.22 0.57 0.25 0.26 0.17 0.18 0.3 0.24


On the basis of the regional hydrogeological conditions, water consumption willdirectly impact on groundwater dynamic process. The unreasonable irrigation anddrainage ways and the overdraft of groundwater are the main reasons for the descent ofgroundwater level. However, the groundwater level will be ascent for the adoption offlooding irrigation in some irrigated areas, exceed the critical depth and result in soilsecondary salinization.

The utilization coefficient of irrigation water in Shenyang irrigated area is onlybetween 0.45 and 0.5, the water resources is wasted seriously. The embedded depth of


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groundwater in some places of Shenyang municipality and its neighboring districts ismore than 10 meters and formed regional depression cone; however, the embeddeddepth of groundwater in some places is only between 1 meter to 2 meters. less than thecritical depth of groundwater 1.8 and result in partial salinity return. The water will besaved by approximately 30 percent after the implementation of the project area andcontrolled the overdraft of groundwater. meanwhile. the adoption of sprinkler irrigation.drip irrigation. low pressure pipe irrigation and furrow irrigation will reduc water loss,make the distribution of irrigation water more even. be easilv adopted by crops, reducegroundwater nourishment from percolation and play a positive role to the dynamicprocess of groundwater.

5.3 Impact of water saving irrigation on soil secondary salinization

Poorer drainage conditions, short of proper drainage measures, unsuitable irrigationmanagement, excessive water diversion, groundwater level lift for irrigation waterpercolation and intense evaporation will lead to soil secondary salinization. The soilsecondary salinization has close relations with groundwater. because the groundwaterlevel has exceeded its critical depth, the capillary water will move upward and theintense evaporation will result in salt accumulation on soil surface. Unsuitableirrigation management and techniques will also lead to soil secondary salinization.Large quantity of water will be percolated in traditional irrigation system and irrigatedfarmland. After the development of the irrigated area, much river water was diverted,50 percent to 60 percent of water was lost for percolation in water conveyancechannels at all levels (some water adjust the soil moisture) and 10 percent to 50 percentof water diverted into farmland will be percolated for high irrigation norm and poorirrigation techniques and result in the lift of groundwater level. Uneven irrigation waterdistribution for non-level farmland will result in much percolation in low-lying placesand salt accumulation in high-lying places.

Water saving irrigation project mainly include sprinkler irrigation, low pressure pipeirrigation, micro irrigation and furrow irrigation, it will overcome the above-mentionedshortfalls of irrigation system. It won't result in percolation and the water consumptionwill also be reduced, much water will be absorbed by crops, the utilization coefficientof irrigation water will be increased and the impact on the lift of groundwater level willbe reduced. In general, the implementation of the project and the adoption of otheragricultural water saving measures will be beneficial to prevent the occurrence of soilsecondary salinization in areas where the embedded depth of groundwater level isbetween 2 meters and 5 meters.

5.4 Impact of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application on soil and waterenvironment

There is no occurrence of recession on the whole without the project and after theimplementation of the project, the recession from irrigated farmland will also befurther reduced and its impact on surface water quality will be less. The impact offertilizer and pesticide on environment is mainly its impact on soil and groundwaterand the impact of fertilizer and pesticide on groundwater will be emphatically analyzedin the following section.


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5.4.1 Impact of chemical fertilizer application on groundwater Per unit area applied quantity of fertilizer in the project area

Table 5.13 per unit area applied quantity of fertilizer in Shenvang municipalityproject area

Unit: k/haNitrogenous fertilizer Phosphate fer :zer Potash fertilizer Compound fertilizer

Name Appiieci Applied Applied Net Appiied Netconverting cons erting converting. converting

quantity q.antity quantity quantity quantityl quanti ty quanitvquantity quantity quantity

Rice 375 1 72.5 1 225 33.75 1 O0 90

Maize 300 138 187.5 28.1 150 90 46.5

Applied Greenhouse1200 552 600 90 750 450

antity vegetable

at present Open land


Fruit trees 500 230

Rice 375 172.5 225 33.75 225 33.75


Applied Greenhousequantity 1125 517 540 81 750 450

under the vegetableOpen land

project 750 345 459 68.85 600 360vegetable

Fruit trees 500 230

Note: nitrogenous fertilizer is mainly (NH2 )CO and its pure conversion rate is 6 percent;phosphorous fertilizer is CaHPO4 and its pure conversion rate is 15 percent; potashfertilizer is KCI and its pure conversion rate is 60 percent. Impact of N0 3 -N on groundwater pollution

The main inorganic fertilizer used in agriculture is nitrogenous, phosphate and potashfertilizer, of which, the most popular impact of nitrogenous element on groundwater isnitrate nitrogen. The assessment will focus on the impact of N0 3 -N on groundwaterpollution.

A. The moving and transformation of nitrogen in soil and groundwater will beinfluenced by many factors, they are:

Precipitation and its distribution,Evapotranspiration;Soil topography, texture and layer;Mineralization of organic nitrogen in soil:


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Nitrogen and water absorption by crops:Soil covering time and season bv crops:Soil cultivation intensity;Type, applied quantity and frequency of nitrogenous fertilizer;The occurrence of groundwater pollution is the comprehensive effect of the abovefactors.

B. Assessment theory and method of the impact of nitrate nitrogen on groundwaterpollution under water saving irrigation conditions

The impact of fertilizer application on groundwater quality will be analyzed andassessed in regional scope. at present. there is no comprehensive assessment methodfor reference at home and we will make assessment in reference to the nitrate pollutionindex method put forward by American Ramotino, its focal points are:

a. Risk factors selection of nitrate pollution

Nitrate pollution index was put forward by American expert on the basis of analyzing22 different cropping conditions (including climate, soil type, planting structure,applied fertilizer type, applied quantity and time and the conditions of NO3 -N ingroundwater) and dividing into eight potential influencing factors by romotion, theyare the applied intensity of fertilizer, volume of irrigation water, soil type, embeddeddepth of groundwater, crop type, depth of well, confined water or shallow water andthe aquifer environment etc. Four essential influencing factors was concluded afterfurther synthesis, i.e. the applied intensity of nitrogenous fertilizer, soil structure, netrecharging quantity from precipitation and irrigation water and the embedded depth ofgroundwater level. The nitrate pollution index was put forward finally. He had carriedout test to 269 on-farm groundwater pilots, analyzed and demonstrated the relationsbetween the groundwater nitrate pollution in field environment and pollution index andachieved good results in application. This method is easy, useful for assessing thepossibility of potential pollution in field environment and suit for scattered pilotassessment.

b. Weight determination

The risk-marked values are as follows according its risk degree.

Risk mark of the impact of the factors on groundwater pollution

Risk degree high high- medium medium-low low Muchmediumn lower

Giving value 10 9 7 5 3 I

The risk analysis matrix is listed in the following table:


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Table 5.14 Risk anaivsis matrixNet recharging Embedded depth Total

fertilizer quantitv Soil structure of groundwater mark

Equivalent More Good PoorExcessive with crop than Equival draining draining shallow deepfe_ilizer with cp h to FC condition conditions

Excessivc 10 10 10 30fertilizer _ __I _ _30

Fertilizer Equivalent with 7 17crop demand __ 9 7 -

Net More than FC 10 10 1 0 30recharging Equantirv Equal to FC __ 55 _

Good draining 9 10 I10 29Soil conditions

structure Poor draining 7 9conditions

Embedded Shallow 9 10 9 28depth of _groundwater deep

Note: FC is field capacity

The weight of each influencing factor is allocated according to the risk marking results.

The weight value of the maximum of the average of each factor is 5, the weight values

of other factors can be allocated according to the ratio of their average and the

maximum average, the external weight results are shown in table 31.

Table 5.15 weight determination of each influencing factor

Factor Influence weight* Descriptionm ark I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Nitrogenous 17-30 The application of nitrogenous fertilizer is the mostfertilizer (23.5 5.0 important factor to N0 3-N groundwater pollution in field

environment.Irrigation and precipitation is the motive force for the

Net 11-30 movement of N0 3-N, if there is no enough water volume,recharging (20.5) 4. the capacity of N0 3 -N transforming from root zone

_________ is very weak.9-29 Soil structure not only influence the movement of soil

Soil structure ( 19.0) 4.0 moisture, it also influence the circle of soil gas and thechemical and biological inversion of nitrogen.The embedded depth of groundwater indicates theEmbedded 7-28 3.5 spending time of pollutant entering into groundwater, the

groundwater ( 17.5) concentration of N03-N has correlation with the movingand transforming of nitrogen in aeration zone.

Note: the figure in bracket in the average of the marks

Each index should be further graded in concrete project area, some relevant documentscan be referred in grading and method.


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Table 32Th applyina scope and grading coefficient of nitrogenous fertilizerApplving scope of fertilizer gradeExcessive applying fertilizer 10Equivalent to crop demand 6

Not applying fertilizer 1

Table 33 The scope and grading coefficient of net rechareing quantitvScope of net recharging quantitv (mm) grade

0-50 151-75 2

76-100 3101-125 4126-150 5151-175 6176-200 7201-250 8

>250 10

Table 34Drainability and grading coefficient of soil structuredrainabilitv Grade

Soil with good drainability (sand to loam sand) 10Soil with medium drainability (loam to loam silt loam) 6

Soil with poor drainability (silt clav to clav soils) 2

Table 35 Scope and grading coefficient of the embedded depth of groundwaterScope of the embedded depth of grade

groundwater()m)0-1.5 101.54 95-9 7

10-15 516-22 423-30 3>30 2

The grading method and accordance are mainly refereed to a large quantity ofdocuments, e.g. the influence of net recharging quantity is according to the AmericanDRSTIC method.

According to the above-mentioned method, the nitrate pollution index (NPI) is:

NPI =Ffi+Ssi+Rr,+Ddi

Of which, F, R, S, D is the weight of applied nitrogenous fertilizer, net rechargingquantity, soil structure and embedded depth of groundwater respectively, f,, r,, si, d- isthe grading index of the above-mentioned four influencing factors respectively.

The above-mentioned model can be used to determine the potential possibilities of groundwaterNO3-N pollution under different geographical conditions, the more of the indexes, the more of theNO;-N polluting possibilities.


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C. Analysis on the impact of the implementation of the water saving irrigation projecton groundwater N0 3-N pollution

We make analysis and assessment on the four influencing factors according to therelated data in table 5.16 and table 5.17.

It can be seen from N0 3 -N pollution index that:

The pollution indexes in Yuhong, Sujiatun. Xinrin and Faku after the implementationof the project are all lower than that before the implementation of the project.

Whenever if the project will be implemented or not, the impact of NO3 -N ongroundwater pollution with excessive application of fertilizer will be higher than thatwith appropriate application of fertilizer and it has become the main factors of theimpact of N0 3 -N on groundwater pollution.


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Tabled 5.16 Main groundwater calculating parameters in Shenyang m1inicipalityproject area

Project countv district)

Main parameters Lnit DoneiIn Ytuhone Sjjiatun Xinchengzi| Liaozhong Xinmin Kangping Faku

Mean annual precipitation mm 718 o72 650 5 &645 646 6 618 560 623 2

Soil lthologic character in aeration one(clav/sub uland Sub land loam loam Sb Lclay/loam/sub sand) iand

Scope of groundwater embedded depth (present, m b-15 2-8 1-12 3-5 1-7 2-5 2.5-5 5 3-4high/low)

Recharging coefTicient of rnean annual 0 14 0 28 0 8 0 25 0 3 0 3 0.25 0 24precipitation I

Recharging coefficient of field irrgation 0 2 0 3 018 0 21 017 0 25 019 0.2water in well imgated area _ .

Annual overail gross irrigation norm in m/ha 1807 2153 968 1722 1079 2003 1408 720well irgated area . 1 13 607 32

Without Recharging coefficient of field irrigation 021 023 0 19 0 22 0 13 0.25 0.2 0 21project water in canal ifigated area _ 122_05 02 0

Annual overall gross irrigation norm in m'/ha 834 6246 1426 2554 2322 2852 3617canal irrgated area _ _ _

Well irrigated area ha 1133 33 3666 7 2666 6 1866 7 5333 2 5333 3 6333 3 5533

Canal irrigated area ha 6oo 7 666 7 666 7 2000 1333 3 1333 667

Recharging coefficient of mean annual 0 18 0 28 0 28 0 25 0 3 0 3 0.25 0.24precipitation

Recharging coelficient otlfield irrigation 01 011 011 013 012 0 11 012 012water in well imgated area _It1___1

Annual overall gross irrigation norm in m'/ha 773 3182 2383 1449 2800 3020 2590 3760well irrigated area

With project Recharging coeziicient ot-field irrigation 0 1 0 11 0 13 0 12 0 14 0 12 12 0 1water in canal irrigated area

Annual overall gross irrigation norm in m'/ha 389 3033 1217 1253 2349 1980 2118canal irrigated area _I___

Well irrigated area ha 11333 3666 7 2666 6 1866 67 5333.2 5333 6333.3 5530

Canal irrigated area ha 6667 6667 6667 2000 1333 3 1333 667


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sources and its e-xtractingvolume at present, witl'Out the project aild under ilip- project in Sbenyang'I'able 5.17 I iiderground fresh water re municipality project area

'rotal rec arging "lumc Presen xtract ng voiume inExtractingecharg volInt M Rechaig ng Extracting extracti 2010arging vo u





Volume OM . .ation Water iv 104MI

-1 lation Om irrt eng ID t ver echar ng IWTTO lolm 3eat PC( CC RechargiAg h channels v ume I OlTn'

collil precipitat on volume volu io"m 71,mm 104 104 m3 m 311. 24 . 4 534.263. 1 3 48.0 0 1724. 1551.7Dan ng 416 318. 186 32 - 920. 6 736. 4 62.Yu on 1080. 2� 27 is. 968 6 923. 815.resent Su awn 50. 790. 1870 1 . 9 4 86. 620. 9 209 7 09. IXinc engzi 6 713. 2 7 353. 1 347, 1 7 5 846. 2Dong n 646. 6 920. 302 403. 2 8 270, 2343. 2 IS .4 775. 9670.


59 34 . 8 1660.

yu on ED 1 178 - Iithout atun 560 1418. 00 330. 2225 2 174. 15 174.PToject S 3 4 8. �4 it. 49. 47 1539 - i 545 )4 724. 566.

Xink. 263. 48.0 32 551. 7 565. 7Dong 719 318. 8600 20. 736. 4 822.Yu on 672 080. 112. 270 18. 68. 823. 3 920. 190. 1 45 6project s atu:., 1693 2096.7Xinc 13. 257 35 - 1 75 3 620. 1874.920. 302 418 270. 343.646. 3024 4(3- 2 594. 0 2346. 19 .4

Present 618 27 6 33 92 225. 1790.1 193.5angping 56 1418. 348. 6 710 330. 8 - 231. 7 1453,a 63, 1 25.9 32 571. 1492. 4 783. 784.2Liao Ong 718 30 i 5, 18 900.9 g to. 84 461.672 1080. cj2. 53 27(i 18. 869. 738.8 45

Wih 1 790, 25 450 86.projecit an ng 650. 713, 6 69. 34- 2488, 7 199019a U 45 6 22 750 27- 154. 2 Ml.iao 46 6 19 - 21 419

61 i670. 218. 920 594. 658. 43S6 14 - iloo5623. 15


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Table 5.18 Groundwater N0 3-N pollution grading assessment bv project districts

Risk factors i Dongling Sujiatun I Xinchengzi Liaozhong Xinmin Kangping FakuI _ I _

Net rechargingvolume from 155.1

precipitation and 12179 276.9 204.64 201.23 210.47 231.66 163.8irrigation water


Grading or net 6 10 8 8 8 8 6 6recharging volume 6

Soil drainage loam Sub Sub loam loam Sub loam loamcharacter sand sand sand

W ithoutproject Grading 6 10 10 6 6 10 6 6

Groundwater >10 2-8 5-10 5-10 1-7 2-5 2.5-5.5 34embedded depth

Grading 5 7 7 7 9 9 9 9

Applied quantity Excess Appro-

of nitrogenous -ive priate Same as the leRfertilizer

Grading I 0 6 Same as the left

Net rechargingvolume from

precipitation and 113.68 228.4 278.71 202.63 223.33 218.68 176 160irrigation water

(mm) _ _ _ _ _ _

Grading or netrecharging volume 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 6

Soil drainage loam Sub Sub loam loam Sub loam loamcharacter sand sand sand

Withproject Grading 6 10 10 6 6 10 6 6proJe rounwate

Groundwater >10 2-8 5-10 5-10 1-7 2-5 2.5-5.5 3-4embedded depth

Grading 5 7 7 7 9 9 9

Applied quantity Excess- Appro- Same as the lef


Grading _0 _ Same as the left

Table 5.19 Assessment results

NPI Dongling Yuhong Sujiatun xincheng Liaozhong Xinmin Kangping Faku

Excessively 118.5 159.5 150.5 134.5 141.5 157.5 132.5 132.5I Without fertilizing __________ ______

projct Appropriatel| 98.5 139.5 130.5 114.5 121.5 137.5 112.5 112.5v fertlizing

Excessively 118.5 142.5 142.5 142.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 125.5With L fertilizing _ _ I I I I _I_I_I

project Appr6 priatel 98.5 1225 22.5 122.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 105.5y fertilizing122.5105.5


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5.4.2 Impact of pesticide on soil and groundwater

Even though pesticide cost is not involved in the project investment. some pesticidewill still be used in order to control and prevent plant diseases and eliminate pests,furthermore, the pesticide applied in the project area will be increased correspondingly.The per unit area quantity of pesticide applied in the project area is detailed in thefollowing table in reference to the data provided by Shenvang water resources bureau.

Table 5.20 The per unit area applied quantity of pesticide bv counties/districts in

Shenvang municipality project areaUnit: kg/ha

Time ' Pesticide 1 AppliedTime Crop name Pesticide conditionperiod name

Crop Appliedgrowth quantity at one Applied intervalsperiod time

Rice Dingcaoan I 150g/mIu Without

WheatMaize Sharningling I 250gimu Without

Present Potatostatus Greenhouse Mieshading 3 20glmu 20-30d

Open land Mieshading 2 20 10-15dvegetable __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

Grape Methoxmain 100 1Ode 2_1_O_1_O

Rice Dingcaoan I 15og/mu Without

Wheat Dibaicao I lOOg/mu Without

Maize BT emulsion I 200g/mu Without

Urojdecrt Greenhose Mieshading 3 20g/mu 20-30d

vegetable Mieshading 2 20 10-l5d

Methoxamin IGrape e 2 100 10d

Because there are many varieties of pesticide and their theoretical research, monitoringand investigation in China are still not perfect, it's difficult to collect the data on theretained quantity of pesticide in soil and groundwater and its mobility and inversionand assess the present status and prediction of pesticide influence. We can only make aprimary assessment in reference to the research achievements of USA and EuropeanCommission and according to the collected properties of some pesticide. Primary principle for assessment

There are many factors affecting pesticide mobility and inversion in soil, which is


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related not only to physical-chemical characteristics but also to soil characteristics.

Generally speaking, the lower the soil moisture content, the stronger the adsorptive

capacity, and the less the mobilitv; when temperature rises. the adsorbability will

decrease and the mobilitv will increase: the higher the clav soil content and organic

content, the higher the adsorptive capacitv. The change of pH value has big impact on

mobility of pesticides, especially organic tvpe pesticide. whose mobility will

remarkably increase in the soil with higher pH value. Higher organic content in soil is

helpful to the degradation of pesticides. All these features will affect velocity and

residues of degradation, and behavior of pesticide in water and soil such as leaching,

volatilizing and utilization of organisms.

The key factor for assessing potential mobility of pesticide in soil is to assess the

distribution of pesticide between solid phase and liquid phase in soil solution.

Adsorptive coefficient, Kd , one of remarkable parameters. is the ratio of pesticide

content adsorbed in soil to pesticide concentration in soil solution. Studies indicate that

Kd is well correlated to organic content in soil, therefore Kd is the function of organic

content (Kom) or organic carbon content (Koj):

KOT=I OOKW(% organic content) (cm3g-')

K.,=IOOKdI(% organic carbon content) (cm 3g-')

It is usually expressed as KOC in references, known as adsorptive coefficient of organic

carbon. Studies indicate that it is regarded as strong mobility if the KOC is lower than

50, medium mobility if K, equals 150-500, mini-mobility if KChigher than 2000.

Another parameter for pesticide degradation in soil is on-farm half period (To 5), which

is a comprehensive index and includes all processes of degradation such as degradation

of organisms and non-organisms, volatizing, leaching and plant adsorption. It is also

related to soil, climate, activities of 'microbes in soil.

Gustafson studied 22 pesticides and proposed mobility index GUS (Ground Ubiquity

Score) based on T. 5 and Koc

GUS = lg(T, 5)(4-lgKjc)

GUS can be used for classification of leaching probability. When GUS is higher than

2.8. this pesticide is easy leaching; when 1.8GGUSS2.8. medium leaching pesticide;

when GUS<1.8. low leaching pesticide.


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The main physical-chemical characteristics of pesticide in groundwater and its value

limit are detailed in the following table:

Character2 | Value limit

Solubility in water >300ppm

Henry constant <1 OPa(m-3)(mol-')

Hydrolytic half period >25weeks

Photolytic half period > I week

Soil adsorption: Kd <1-5(usually<1-2)

Soil adsorption: Koc <300-500

Half period of soil metabolism with oxygen >2-3weeks

Half period of on-farm degradation >2-3weeks

Depth of leaching in field disipation >75-90cm The mobility index and adsorptive coefficient of dipterex pesticide

Dipterex is planed to be applied on wheat farmland in the project area, whose mainparameters are as follows after consulting some related references:

Chnx?l So$±i1t A(GUSwin E= &p fibirrixcI___ _ _ _ _ _2C) (20_25C_ _(Pa_r (L,d) I(I= lIg) (GL)Shkx)

3.711 Tri±drfr 21E14 1.7E6 29g

It can be seen from the table that the Koc of dipterex is equal to 29cm3 /g, less than itsvalue limit 50 cm3/g and can be considered with stronger mobility character; GUS=lg

(T,2) (4-lgKoc) =lg29X (4-lg29) =3.71 and has potential leaching character;therefore, dipterex has stronger leaching character, is easy in mobility, has highersolubility and aggravate the risk for groundwater pollution. However, its half timeperiod is very short and its pollution to groundwater can be avoided or decreased by itsown degradation on the basis of strictly complying with the state standard for safepesticide application and irrigation water supply.

5.5 Impact on ecological environment

5.5.1 Impact on soil and water loss

The most remarkable characteristics of water saving techniques is that it can increasethe utilization factor of irrigation water, reduce water consumption and make thelimited water resources into full use. The adoption of sprinkler irrigation, furrowirrigation and micro irrigation etc. water saving irrigation measures can prevent the


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waste of water, reduce the infiltration volume and protect water resources.

Because sprinkler irrigation etc. water saving irrigation patterns won't give rise tosurface water runoff under normal conditions, they remarkably reduce the scouring onsurface soil, alleviate its destruction on surface soil structure and effectively preventthe soil erosion.

Water saving irrigation has remarkable water saving effects and the utilization factor ofirrigation water can reach 80 percent. Moreover, it can save lands and increase theharvested lands by 15 percent to 20 percent.

5.5.2 Impact of improvement of planting structure and cropping system on soil

Water saving irrigation techniques can improve planting structure and cropping systemaccording to local conditions and won't be limited by irrigation pattems. It canimprove the planting structure scientifically and rationally, develop intensivemanagement, give priority to the application of crops with high and stable yield andgood economic benefits and increase the productive capacity of per unit area of land onthe one hand. On the other hand, it can also change the former one crop to two crops,increase the utilization factor of lands and can develop mechanized productionenergetically.

The change of irrigation patterns can improve soil structure and prevent soilsalinization, the adoption of water saving irrigation pattern will be beneficial todesalination progress in Kangping, Faku and Xinmin saline and alkaline areas.

5.5.3 Role of the construction of field forest shelter belts in the improvement ofagricultural ecology

Most of the districts are in the scope of the shelter forest system of the north, northeastand northwest of China and only Dongling, Sujiatun and Xinchengzi districts are not inthe scope. The construction of field forest shelter belts have been carried out in thedistricts for many years and has become a complete field forest shelter belts, it isplaying a positive role in agricultural ecology.

Agriculture is foundation and forest belts are shelters. The field forest shelter beltshave the functions of controlling wind, stabilizing sand, improving field micro-climate,protecting crops, increasing the stable crop production, regulating the ecologicalenvironment, beautifying the farmland and providing woods and fuels.

At present, some major shelter forest belts have been constructed and the waterengineering, rural roads and sheltering works of forest belts should be rehabilitatedcontinuously, determining rational width of forest belts and spacing in the rows basedon the lavout of ditches. roads. canals and rivers. Usually one to two rows of poplar,


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willow and camphor trees will be planted on both sides of roads and their row spacingis 2 X 2 meters, (detailed in table 5.21).

5.5.4 Project capability of defending natural disasters and the influence of pestand disease control of forest shelter belts and crops

The implementation of the water saving irrigation project can remarkably increase theassurance factor of farmland irrigation and its drought resistance. Especially in thenorthern districts of China, drought disaster occurred frequently and influenced cropproduction. The implementation of the water saving irrigation measures can defend thedisastrous impact of drought and xerothermic wind and ensure the stable and high yieldof crops. These measures can also improve the on-farm micro-climate and control theplant diseases and insect pests for long hot and dry periods. The drought resistance offorest shelter belts can also be increased through controlling pests, applying pesticideand carrying out portable sprinkler irrigation. The main plant diseases are: spotteddiseases, green shoots withered diseases and filariasis of maize, powdery mildew andsmut of wheat, the main pest insects are snout moth's larva of maize and aphid etc.Special staff will be set up for monitoring and prediction of pest and disease control.Contracted system or responsibilities system should be established in the forestprotection staff at town and township level so as to find pest insects as early as possibleand prevent and alleviate its harm through agricultural, chemical and biologicalmeasures. High quality pest and disease control trees should be selected into the newlyplanted forests which should be quarantined for long-term economic and ecologicalbenefits.

5.6 Impact on the crowd health

Water medium infectious disease is a kind of intestines infectious disease caused forthe invasion of pathogen into human body through drinking water. The project won'tresult in the coming on and popularization of water medium infectious disease,however, during the implementation of the project, the gathering of constructors andthe discharging of large quantity of domestic rubbish will lead to water sourcespollution from the excrement which carry much germs, create the probability for thepopularization of water medium infectious disease and influence the constructors'health. But its adverse influence is very short.

Because pathogen only circulates in some special biological communities, the naturalepidemic disease has notable local characteristics. The source of infection of theepidemi,c disease in Shenyang is mouse and mouse flea. The change of some partialecological environments during the implementation of the water saving irrigationproject will cause the wild mouse migrate in order to be adapt to new environment,increase the constructor's chance of contacting with the excrement of the wild mouse,the incidence and the coming on and popularization of this kind of disease for untimelytreatment and control.


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Insect medium epidemic disease is a kind of disease spread by insect vectors (e.g.mosquitoes), whose breeding time in spring is in Mav and June which is the time forfarmland irrigation. Open water will be decreased after the implementation of the watersaving irrigation project and the mosquitoes living in the water and the incidence of the


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Table 5.21 Forest conditions in Shenyang municipality pro ect areaItem Unit Total Yuhong Dongling Xinchengzi Sujpatun Xinmin Liaozhong Kangping Faku

Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With_yj± l r_ c rro ject -project project tproect project projcct _rejEL ct p_oject project ro ect project project project project pRoject roectI. field shelter forest

Due protecting area Ha 39200 39200 1847 1847 1263 4 1263 4 2916 2916 165 7 1658 7 5089 5089 3621 9 3621 9 6158 98 6i5 898 5919 5919Dueplantingarea lla 2328 2328 IS IS 103 103 239 239 135 135 416 416 297 297 504 504 484 484

Presentarea [la 104859 10486 796R1 7968 8 8 6951 6951 223 223 257 257 200 2t)t 260 260 152 1 152 1Planed area lla

2. soil and walerconservation forest _ _ _ __._____Due planting area alaI resent area [ta 146 34 0 - 4 34 75 11 19 58 5 37 9Planed area Ila 0 03. fruit trees 0Present aea Ila 933,33 933 33 133 33 133,33 333,33 333.3 333 33 333 3 133 3333 133 3333Planed area Ha 800 8004. nurseryPresent area Ifa 0 0Planed area lla O 86667 666 6667 2005. timber storage at the Mlr 373404 0 29990 9162 31660 21442 46957 54577 93985 85631end of year I I I -6. annual cut l 142SS O 31 i5 4 7 28-207S 981 8954 _11717. output value of annuael T' 128A 0 983 12 55 - 63 57 13 12 4 21 5

.l fortsteover,ge rate % 13 13 49 49 113 113 13 3 i28 128 147 14 7 96 96 13 9 13 9 13 2 13.2

Note I All of the ateas of field shelter forest and soil and water conservation are converting practical areas and be calculated according to the total planting trees and row spacing2 The row spacing ofvarious trees are:


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disease propagated by mosquitoes will be also reduced correspondingly.

The implementation of the water saving irrigation project will promote local economicdevelopment and increase the farmer's living standard and quality. It won't exertadverse impact on the crowd health if be monitored and predicted promptly.

5.7 Impact on social environment

5.7.1 Impact on agricultural productive pattern

The family contracted responsibilities system with remuneration linked to output andthe contracted ordering and market bargain two systems of agricultural product hadbeen carried out in the project area since 1978 and obtained good harvest inagricultural production, increased the average revenue per capita, promoted investmentin the control of soil and water conservation and improved the field environment.

The implementation of the project will change the rural planting structure and croppingpattern. Various cropping patterns with characteristics of the north had been formed ineach county and district according to local water resources conditions, soil fertility andclimate in recent years. The cultivated area of paddy field will be increased remarkablyand its planting structure will be optimized after the implementation of the project. 580thousand mu water saving irrigation area is planed to be developed, out of which, 116thousand mu paddy field, 82.2 thousand mu greenhouse vegetable, 29 thousand mufruit trees, 250 thousand mu wheat and maize and the others are vegetable. Thus it canbe seen that the level of planting structure of water saving irrigation is very high,especially the development of flower, fruit trees and greenhouse vegetable willimprove the level of living diversification. The extension and popularization of thewater saving irrigation techniques will drive the development of the whole districts.

5.7.2 Impact on agricultural economy

Water saving irrigation is a new technique which can not only produce direct economicbenefits, but also drive the development of the third industries, processing industriesand aquaculture.

The implementation of the project will increase the assurance factor of irrigation water,improve local agricultural productive conditions, increase the comprehensiveagricultural production capacity and the yield and product quality, especially it willchange the traditional one-crop farming conditions. Local farmers will obtain higheconomic benefits and the revenues of individuals and collectives will be increased forhigh quality agricultural product. The development of cereal industries will drive thedevelopment of rural processing industries and aquaculture, provide employmentchances for surplus labor forces and promote the good circle of agricultural economy.The economic beneficial indexes in each project district are all more than that


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stipulated by the state after economic calculation and indicate that the implementationof the project will produce remarkable benefits in local agricultural economy. nationaleconomy, social development and the increase of productive forces.

6 Countermeasures on the adverse impact

It can be seen from the analysis on the present status of environmental quality and the.rvironmental impact that the construction of the project will exert positive andadverse impacts on the environment. Of which, the positive impact is the primary anddetailed in the following table.

Table 6.1 Project positive impactItem Project component Environmental impact

Water conveyance works: Reduce the percolation in canals, increase the utilization efficiency ofcanal lining, pipe works water resources. alleviate the descent of groundwater level.


Field works: drip Increase the utilization factor of irrigation water and the assurance factorirrigation, sprinkler of irrigation.imgationWheat stalk shredding Increase the organism content of soil, improve the conditions of soil

moisture. increase the water retention. storage and supply capacity of soil,reduce non-beneficial evaporation and regulate field temperature.

Plastic film Increase land temperature, keep soil moisture, advance crop growth andreduce non-beneficial evaporation.

Agriculture Deep ploouing Increase the water storage capacity of soil and the infiltration depth of soilmoisture, receive more precipitation and irrigation water, improve soilfertility in association with deep plowing and improve the crops nutrientin root zone.

Moisture Retainer Keep water, save water and control crops evapotransporation.

Pesticide Control plant diseases and insect pests.

Fertilizer Improve soil nutrient

Regulation of planting Save water, reduce soil pollution and improve field ecologicalstructure environment.Field forest shelter Control wind, fix sand, conserve soil and water, improve field micro-

Afforestion climate and reduce soil evaporation and crop evapotransporation.

Integrated dispatch of Increase the utilization factor of precipitation and surface water and thesurface water and recharging volume of groundwater.

I ~~~groundwaterManagement SIDD Improve water resources management and has huge social benefit.

.MIS system Improve the management level of resources and environment.

As to the adverse environmental impacts, we should adopt positive countermeasuresand reduce them to a minimum. The main countermeasures are as follows:


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6.1 Protecting surface water and groundwater sources and preventing waterenvironment pollution

* Controlling the total discharging quantity of pollutants into rivers in the project area,devoting major efforts into the prevention of water pollution and ensuring waterquality to meet the requirement of water bodv function.

* Carrying out integrated development and dispatch of surface water and groundwater,preventing the imbalance between water supply and water demand resulted fromone-sided development and groundwater pollution from surface water percolationon both banks of rivers.

* Controlling agricultural pollution. applying fertilizer scientificallv, extending andutilizing high efficient, low poisonous and low retaining pesticide actively,developing ecological agriculture and preventing and reducing fertilizer andpesticide pollution to rivers and shallow groundwater through field runoff andinfiltration.

6.2 Protecting soil environment, preventing soil secondary salinization and heavymetal pollution

• The embedded depth of groundwater in some project areas is shallow, the mainmeasures to prevent the occurrence of soil secondary salinization is to establishperfect drainage system so as to drain water during field irrigation and storm periodsand control the groundwater level below critical depth during salt return period;applying organic fertilizer, improving soil structure so as to be beneficial to cropsgrowth and increasing filed surface covering, reducing not-beneficial evaporationand prevent salt return.

* At present, most of the heavy metal content of soil is in the scope of the naturalbackground value. However, the heavy metal content of soil in some project areashas reached the second grade, therefore, irrigating with much heavy metal contentindustrial sewage should be put to an end. It is reported that the sewage water fromFushun has been treated and conformed to the standard which is beneficial to theprevention of soil heavy metal pollution in the project area.

6.3 Regulating the mixture ratio and applied quantity of fertilizer and pesticideand preventing their pollution to groundwater

It's shown from the monitoring data that the ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogencontent in some project areas has reached or exceeded the fifth classification ofgroundwater and indicated that the shallow groundwater has been polluted by nitrogen.The adoption of water saving irrigation will reduce the infiltration volume of irrigationwater relatively and be beneficial to the reduction of nitrogen infiltration. However, thetask of low vield field improvement in Shenyang municipality is very heavy, andbecause the utilization factor of land is very high, the applied intensity of fertilizer andpesticide will be increased and their pollution to groundwater should be vigilant.


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Therefore we recommend that:Strengthening trace monitoring on the retention quantity of pesticide and somerelevant indexes of fertilizer in soil and groundwater and grasp the change ofpesticide and fertilizer in different growing periods of crops.

-Regulating the applied quantity and mixture ratio of pesticide and fertilizer timely andaccordingly in line with the trace monitoring data of pesticide and fertilizer; applyinghigh efficient, low remaining and low poisonous pesticide and fertilizingappropriately in accordance with crops' requirement to reduce its pollution to soiland groundwater.

6.4 Adopting measures for agricultural ecological environment protectionAdopting overall measures of agriculture, forestry and management, controlling thesoil and water loss, rationally regulating the planting structure, strengthening theconstruction of shelter forest and protecting the agricultural ecological environment.

7 Environmental protection and monitoring plan

7.1 Objectives

Grasping the background situations of regional water quality and soil, the change trendof environmental quality during development so as to take measures in time, avoid theadverse impacts on the project area and its neighboring around and promote the gooddevelopment of agricultural ecological environment through monitoring on irrigationwater source, outlets and soil in construction area.

7.2 Environment monitoring plan

The water environment monitoring plan includes the monitoring of surface waterquantity and quality and groundwater level, quality and quantity and soil.

* Surface water monitoringThe monitoring places should be the water intakes of irrigation water sources and themain rivers and reservoirs. The monitoring frequency is usually once a year. Themonitoring contents usually include PH value, salt content, N0 3-N, T-P, DO,permanganate index and BOD5 , and can also refer the requirement of "Quality standardfor surface water environment" (GHZBI-1999) and the "standard for field irrigationwater quality" (GB5084-92) and the actual conditions of irrigated area.

* Groundwater monitoringThe monitoring places should be the water diversion wells of water saving irrigationsystems and the observation wells in the project area with 20 km2 intervals. The mainmonitoring contents are PH value, total hardness, mineralized degree, SO, CL, NO-N,NH-N and the total quantity of pesticide bacterium. The monitoring frequency should


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be once a year. Monitoring on the residue quantity of pesticide should be added duringcrop's growing period.

- Soil monitoringThe monitoring places should be in the project area with 10 km2 intervals and 0-20 cmsurface soil should be sampled. The monitoring contents include fertilizer, pesticidevariety and applied quantity, PH value, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, totalpotasssiumheavy metal, soil PH value, total nitrogen content, total phosphorouscontent, organic matter content of soil and pesticide residue etc.

The existed monitoring stations of environmental protection, agriculture and waterresources sectors of each province and municipality should be fully used duringmonitoring and some relevant monitoring data should be collected as far as possible.

7.3 Monitoring institutions

The monitoring should be performed by some qualified special departments, such as

the Research Center for Water Environment Monitoring and Evaluation, of the

Ministry of Water Resources, or the Hydrologic Station and the Bureau of Water

Resources of Shenyang Municipality.

* Water resources divisions of municipal water resources agencies are responsible forwater quality monitoring;

* Soil fertility stations at all levels will carry out soil fertility monitoring led byagricultural agencies and they should compile monitoring report each year forhigher level;

D Environmental protection and water resources two sectors will carry outenvironment monitoring and they should compile monitoring report each year forhigher level.

7.4 Environmental protection and monitoring feesThe total investment in afforestation and environmental protection in the project is18.666 million RMB yuan, of which, the environmental protection and monitoring feesare 2.49 million RMB yuan which are allocated as follows:

Items Unit Allocation of feesMonitoring equipmentSoil monitoring fees 385

Water quality monitoring fees 530Groundwater monitoring Thousand yuan 1500

feesGroundwater management 500

planTotal 2915


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8 Benefit analysis

The related data are consolidated as follows according to the PIP report prepared bythe water resources bureau.

o.1 Economic benefit

8.1.1 Project total investment

Generals for the project investment are detailed in table 8.1.

Table 8.1 Generals of the project investmentItems [ Investment Percentage to the

(thousand yuan) total investment (%)Total investment 784474 100

Basic investment 648751 82. 7

I. irrigation component 519858 66. 27

2. agricultural intensification & support 84717 10. 8

3. afforestation, environmental protection & monitoring 8826 1. L3

4. institutional development and support 17298 2. 21

5. survey, design and management 18052 2. 3

Physical contingencies 32438 4. 13

Price contingencies 50771 6. 47

Interest in construction period 52514 6. 69

8.1.2 We can calculate the project FIRR and FNPV according to the water savingirrigated area, various irrigation patterns, the investment and product model ofvarious crops and the finance and investment budget of typical families andanalyze its feasibility in finance. The results indicated that the project FIRR is16.2%, FNPV is 250412 million yuan and the investment recovery period is 8years in Shenyang municipality. Therefore, the project is feasible in finance.

We can assess the peasant household's feasibility in finance in the project areathrough the analysis on cash flow, loan payment capacity and the impact of theproject and water fees on farmer's revenue, details are provided in table 8.2.


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Table 8.2 Investigation on typical peasant household

water saving l Cultivated LoanWatein tare Crops Net revenue payment per Water feesiriation (are)rp (yuan/year) year


Pipe irrigation 0.7 Change maize with 6259.2 360 1465 yuan, 6%______________ ~~vegetable__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Drip irfigation 0.064 Greenhouse 5004 96 305 yuan, 3%Drip irrigtion 0.064vegetable 35ya,3

Sprinkler 0.6 Change maize with 5054 309 11 88.6yuan, 6.9%irrigation _ ____vegetable______

Ditch irrigaiton 0.6 Paddy rice 4924 259 1 1 66.6yuan,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 .6 %

It is indicated from the above table that the farmers have the capacity to pay the WorldBank's loan.

8.1.3 The construction period of the project is 5 years, normal operation period is 15years and calculation period is 20 years. The project EIRR and ENPV can becalculated according to the economic cash flow table, the results are: EIRR is21.7% and ENPV is 435554 million yuan of the whole Shenyang municipalityproject area. The project EIRR is still more than 12% after deducting risk,therefore, the project has certain capacity for risk resistance.

In general, the productive conditions of the cultivated land in the project area will beimproved after the implementation of the project, the agricultural economicdevelopment will be promoted and the crops yield and output value and the projectarea economic benefits will be increased remarkably.

8.2 Social benefit

The implementation of the project will develop and utilize water resources rationally,increase the farmer's revenue, improve rural economic conditions, promote themodernization of agriculture and the development and extension of advanced scienceand technology and increase local farmer's quality and agricultural development level.The adoption of high efficient water saving irrigation measures will alleviate a series ofissues caused for overdraft of groundwater, transfer 30% of the saved water intoindustry and municipal life, support the stable development of industry, increase theeconomic value of the special commodity, water and alleviate the contradictionsbetween water supply and demand in industry, agriculture and domestic life. Moreover,the successful construction of the project will be spread to other towns and neighboringdistricts and drive the development of other related industries, therefore, the project'ssocial benefits are huge, profound and lasting.


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8.3 Environmental benefit

The comprehensive measures of water conservancy, agriculture, forest service andenvironmental protection of high efficient water saving irrigation will increase theutilization factor of water resources and realize the balance between water resourcessupply and demand and the sound circle of agricultural ecology.

9 Public participation

In order to make the publics understand the project senses, support and coordinate theconstruction of the project, integrate the construction of the project with environmentalprotection and ensure the people's benefits conscientiously and according to therequirement of the regulations, laws and management rules of environmentalprotection of China and the guidelines of the World Bank, we carried out publicparticipation in the environmental impact assessment and solicit opinions andrecommendations from the residents in the beneficiary regions.

The method is to select representative masses in the project area and hold symposiumor extend questionnaire to solicit opinions. 97 questionnaires have been collected andthe participants according to their professions can be divided into: 66 farmers, 68.1%of the total participants. 7 workers, 7.2% of the total participants, 12 administrators,12.4% of the total participants and 4 others, 4, 4.1% of the total participants.Theinvestigatory results are provided in table 9.1:

It can be seen from the questionnaire that the publics did support the project, but theyalso have some doubts and recommendations which can be concluded as follows:

* 87.6% of the masses know the project, 100% of the masses believe that thedevelopment of irrigation will be important or much important to agriculturaldevelopment, 95.8% of the masses approve the project and 77% of the massesbelieve that the water saving irrigation project will be beneficial to themselves.

* 49.5% of the masses believe that the water resources are in the medium and 46.5% ofthe masses believe that the water resources are short or very short; theimplementation of the project will be beneficial to water resources utilization, soilimprovement, yield and revenue increase and only 0.5% of the masses believe thatthe project won't have any beneficial impact.

* As to the water saving irrigation patterns, 57.4% of the masses approve to adoptsprinkler irrigation and 20% and 22% of the masses approve to adopt drip irrigationand canal lining respectively.

* As to the publics concern on the project's impact on the environment, 29.1% of themasses don-t believe the project will exert any impact on the environment, 10-26%of the masses believe that the project will exert impact on surface water,


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groundwater, soil and crops.v Six farmers put forward the following suggestions and recommendations:They throw doubt on the project quality and the assurance degree of water supply,for example, they write on the suggestion board that: "I worry about if the projectwill ensure its construction quality and water supply"; "our village worry about thewater raising issues for paddy rice after the implementation of the project"; "weourselves drill wells to pump water for paddy rice, the electricity charge is very high,our income will balance our investment, therefore, the project is unprofitable toourselves "; "the project should be carried out conscientiously".

Table 9.1 Public opinions questionnaire in Shenyang municipality project areaInvestigatory contents Opinions Numbers Ratio (%)

1. Do you know the water saving Know 85 87.6irrigation project? Don't know 12 12.4

Approve 91 95.82. What's your attitude to the project? Oppose 0 0

Be indifferent 4 4.23 . What's the project's impacadverse 12 12.13. What's the project's Impact on Beneficial 77 77.8

No influence 10 10.14.if the construction of the project will Much 92 95.8promote social economic development Little 3 3.1or not? without I 1.15. If the development of irrigation is Very important 56 58.9important to agricultural development or Important 39 41.1not? Not important 0 0

Very short 17 17.96. If local water resources are short or Short 27 28.4not? Medium 47 49.5

Not short 2 2.1Sprinkler 62 57.4

7. Which kind of irrigation pattern is irrigationmost suitable to the district? Drip irrigation 22 20.4

Canal lining 24 22.2Soil 26 13.7

Employment 18 9.5

8. If the implementation of the project Yield increase 54 28.4will be beneficial to the following Water resources 57 30factors? utilization

Revenue 34 17.9increase

Unprofitable 1 0.05Surface water 16 13.7

9. What's impact of the implementation Groundwater 21 17.9of the project on environment? Agriculture 31 2658

__No influence 34 29.1


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10 Conclusions and recommendations

10.1 Major beneficial impacts

* Developing water saving irrigation in the project area and adopting sprinklerirrigation, low pressure pipe irrigation and furrow irrigation techniques will save30% water than ridge-and-furrow irrigation, reduce crop's water duty, alleviate thecontradictions of water use between industry and agriculture and increase theutilization factor of water resources.

* That the irrigation water volume in water saving irrigation techniques is determninedaccording to the water demand of crops in different growing period won't producesurface runoff, it will irrigate evenly, be easy for crop's absorption and reduce theinfiltration and evaporation loss.

* The adoption of pipe irrigation and furrow irrigation will reduce percolation lossremarkably than former irrigation pattern, increase the utilization factor of canalsystem and save water.

- Water saving irrigation will change the former planting pattern, increase the multiplecrop index, the harvested area by 15-21% and the utilization factor of cultivatedlands.

-The implementation of water saving irrigation will make the cultivated land be squareand integrate with roads and forest will be beneficial to controlling wind, stabilizingsand, reducing soil and water loss and also convenient for mechanized farming andsave labor forces.

* The implementation of the water saving irrigation project will accelerate the progressof intensive agriculture, facilitate the extension of agricultural techniques, increasethe per unit area yield by 20.4% and promote the economic development of theproject area.

10.2 Major adverse impacts and countermeasures

* The adoption of the new irrigation pattern will increase the multiple crop index, theapplied quantity of fertilizer and pesticide and their residue quantity in soil.Therefore, monitoring on the residue quantity of fertilizer and pesticide in soil andshallow groundwater should be strengthened and countermeasures should be adoptedto prevent the soil and shallow groundwater pollution.

* Fertilizing scientifically and appropriately according to the demand of crops,extending and utilizing high efficient, low poisonous and low residue pesticide,carrving out the state standard for the safe use of pesticide. developing ecological


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agriculture and controlling the environmental pollution effectively.

* The embedded depth of groundwater in the project area is shallow and the drainagesystem in the irrigated area where the groundwater level is near the critical depthshould be improved, improving the soil structure. increasing the surface covering,

reducing evaporation and preventing soil salt return.

In general, the water conservation project in Shenyang municipality project area willbe beneficial to promoting rural economic development and increasing farmer'sincome; be beneficial to saving water resources and increasing the utilization factor ofwater resources, the water resources supply and demand will be balanced and a little

surplus after the implementation of the project; be beneficial to promoting theapplication of advanced agricultural techniques. It's indicated from the analysis on thepresent status of surface water, groundwater and soil environment quality that the

surface water quality conformed with the standard for field irrigation water quality, butthe water quality in some stations didn't meet the demand for water body functions,N0 3-N and NH3-N content in groundwater in some stations didn't reach the fourthclassification standard of the state for groundwater quality and should be paid attentionto, but the groundwater quality conformed to the standard for field irrigation waterquality basically. The heavy metal content in soil conformed to the second grade

standard for soil environment quality of the state and assessment on the remainedquantity of pesticide was not carried out for lack of monitoring data. The multiple cropindex will be increased and the applied quantity of fertilizer and pesticide will beincreased by 2% and 25% correspondingly after the implementation of the project,

nitrogen and the residual pesticide pollution to shallow groundwater should be attachedimportance to and some measures should be adopted.

The project is feasible in view of environment.


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