
World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

A Social Development Strategy

for the World BankSusan Jacobs Matzen

Social Development SpecialistWorld Bank

[email protected]

Commission for Social DevelopmentMeeting on Sharing Experiences and Practices in Social Development

June 12, 2002Havana, Cuba

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

A Social Development Strategy?

Why have a strategy? What is the demand? Who is it for? What is it – descriptive or prescriptive? What is the process?

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002


Definitions and concepts What have we done and how well? Ongoing areas of work in social

development Strategic directions for social

development at the World Bank

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Definitions and Concepts:Copenhagen

Commitments1. Create an economic, political, social, cultural and legal environment

that will enable people to achieve social development.2. Eradicate absolute poverty by a targeted date to be set by each

country.3. Support full employment as a basic policy goal.4. Promote social integration based on the enhancement and

protection of all human rights.5. Achieve equality between women and men.6. Attain universal and equitable access to education and primary

health care.7. Accelerate the development of Africa and the least developed

countries.8. Ensure that structural adjustment programmes include social

development goals.9. Increase resources allocated to social development.10. Strengthen cooperation for social development through the UN.

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Definitions and Concepts:Social sectors/services

Health Education

The World Bank calls these human development

Social welfare/security/protectionThe World Bank calls these social protection

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Definitions and Concepts:Social development as we

define itLong versionSocial development is development that is equitable, socially inclusive and therefore sustainable. It empowers poor people to participate effectively in development processes and promotes institutions that are responsive, accountable and inclusive.

Short versionSocial development is the development of society.

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Definitions and Concepts

The goal of social development is a society that enables people, especially poor people, to take actions to help themselves.

The social dimensions of development --

EmpowermentInclusion Security

-- help make societies equitable, productive and sustainable.

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Social Dimensions of Development Empowerment is the enhancement of assets

and capabilities of diverse individuals and groups so that they can engage, influence and hold accountable the institutions that affect their well being.

Social inclusion is the removal of institutional barriers and the enhancement of incentives to increase access of diverse populations to assets and development opportunities.

Security is the lowering of vulnerability through reducing risk, improving response to a shock and mitigating harm for better outcomes.

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Why is attention to social dimensions


Economic Dimensions

Social Dimensions

Two sides of the poverty reduction coin

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Social development completesa virtuous circle….

… that leads to sustainable poverty reduction

Economic Dimensions

Social Dimensions

Empowerment + Inclusion + Security

Participation + Inclusion

Investment Climate + Growth

Pro-poor Growth

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

And makes development

more sustainable

Responsive to poor peoples’ needs and aspirations, and the development contextReliable in efficiently delivering what it promises building social capitalResilient to shocks, providing lasting benefits

Economic Dimensions

Social Dimensions

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Sustainable improvements in livelihoods









Assets and Institutions for Sustainability







World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002


Definitions and concepts What have we done and how well? Ongoing areas of work in social

development Strategic directions for social

development at the World Bank

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

What have we done and how well?




Conflict Prevention

and Reconstruction

Civic Engagement Social Analysis



World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Challenge: the policy sphere

“There is no serious doubt that the ultimate ends of economic policy are in the broadest sense social’”

from: UN Secretary General’s Report to the 40th Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development, February, 2002

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002


Definitions and concepts What have we done and how well? Ongoing areas of work in social

development Strategic directions for social

development at the World Bank

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Ongoing Areas of Work by WB Social Development

Group Social Analysis - inclusion Civic engagement and participation –

empowerment and inclusion Community-driven development -

empowerment Conflict prevention and reconstruction-

security Social safeguards - security

Indigenous peoples, Resettlement

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002


Definitions and concepts What have we done and how well? Ongoing areas of work in social

development Strategic directions for social

development at the World Bank

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Strategic DirectionsBuilding Capacity for Social DevelopmentDemand-side reforms for effective supply-

side reformsInstitutions (local to international, informal to formal)

Goal: responsive, reliable, resilientFocus: governance/transparency, decentralization, service deliveryCitizensGoal: voice and choiceFocus: CDD, participation at macro level

Entry PointsPRSPs, Policy Reforms, Country Assistance Strategies, Projects

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Strategic Directions:In Strategies and Policies

Building principles of CDD into appropriate strategies Promoting devolution of decision making Promoting access to information (and we should walk

the talk) Improving governance at the project and policy level

through participatory m&e and social accountability measures

Promoting legal and judicial reform for non-violent solutions

Including conflict resolution in CDD Helping to adjust reforms to minimize/manage social risk

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Strategic Directions In Projects and Programs:

Social Dimensions as Ends in Themselves

Either new forms of projects or adjust existing types of projects and programs with social development core objectives

• Develop portfolio to promote empowerment, inclusion,

security• Promote local governance aspects in infrastructure, natural resource management and human development• Include measures to improve social accountability and transparency in public sector management projects

World Bank Social Development Strategy, June 2002

Strategic Directions In Projects and Programs:

Social Dimensions as Means to Reach Other objectives

Changing the project preparation and implementation processes:

• Consider both formal institutions and informal behaviors and norms in project design and implementation • Include participation and civic engagement throughout project cycle• Base design on social analysis• Build community capacity in a learning by doing mode

Taking safeguards upstream• Help governments develop appropriate policies

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