Page 1: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

World HistoryChapter 10

The Muslim World

Page 2: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Let’s review the Standards…….

• SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World between 600 CE and 1300 CE.

• SSWH5a: Explain the origins of Islam and the growth of the Islamic Empire.

• SSWH5b: Identify the Muslim trade routes to India, China, Europe and Africa and assess the economic impact of this trade.

• SSWH5f: Analyze the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Page 3: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Summarize Islam

•Turn to pages 290-91 in your text book. Read about Islam. Complete a Circle map to summarize the Islamic religion.

Page 4: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who are the Arabs?• The Arabs were a Semitic-speaking people who lived on the

Arabian Peninsula which is located in Southwest Asia where Africa and Asia meet.

• Lived as farmers and sheepherders on the oases (fertile land in the desert)

• The Arab were nomads who were called Bedouins who were organized into tribes and groups called clans. These clans provided security and support for a life made difficult by the extreme conditions of the desert.

Page 5: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who are the Arabs?

Page 6: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Describe the Arabian Peninsula.•Desert land

•Lacks rivers and lakes

•Caused Arabs to become nomads who moved constantly to find water and food for themselves and their animals.

Page 7: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Where is the Arabian Peninsula?

Page 8: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What accomplishments made it possible for the Arabs to begin to take part in caravan trade?

Page 9: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

How was caravan trade conducted?

Page 10: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who is Muhammad?• Born in Makkah (Mecca) to a prominent family.

• Orphaned at age 5.

• As an adult he was a caravan manager.

• Married a rich widow named Khadija.

• Visited the hills often to just “think about things”.

• Received a revelation during one of these visits from God.

Page 11: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who is Muhammad?•He became troubled by the growing gap between what he saw as the simple honesty and generosity of the Bedouins(groups who formed the first community of practicing Muslims) and the greediness of the rich trading elites in the city.

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What do Muslims believe was given to Muhammad when he meditated alone in the hills?• *They believed he received revelations from

God through the angel Gabriel.

• *Gabriel told him to recite what he heard.

• *Muhammad believed that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses and Jesus-Jewish and Christian traditions.

Page 13: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What is a hijrah?

• It was the journey of Muhammad and his followers to Madinah. (Medina)

•Medina also known as the city of the prophet.

Page 14: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What is the Quran?

Page 15: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What is the Quran?

Page 16: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What are three similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism?•*A belief in monotheism (one god).

•*Salvation and eternal life.

•* The necessity of submitting to the will of the one God.

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•Five times a day, Muslims face Mecca to pray. They may assemble at a mosque which is an Islamic house of worship. If they are not near a mosque, they pray wherever they find themselves.

What is a mosque?

Page 18: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Name and explain the Five Pillars of Islam.• Belief in Allah and Muhammad as his prophet.

• Prayer five times a day.

• Giving alms (charity) to the poor.

• Observation of the holy month of Ramadan. (refrain from food from dawn to sunset) (9th month of Muslim calendar)

• Making pilgrimmage to Makkah (Mecca) (Hajj)

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Five Pillars of Islam Assignment

• Fold paper into a booklet of 6 pages.

• Use the first page as a title page.

• Use subsequent pages (1 each) for the 5 Pillars.

• Write the Pillar as it is on page 267. Break down the words of the Pillar in your own words. Tell why or why not the Pillars would work to make a society stronger.

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What is the difference between Islam and Christianity?• *Islam does not believe its founder who

is Muhammad was divine.

• *Muhammad is considered a man like other men.

• *Muslims do not believe that the first preacher was a divine figure.

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Section 2What is a Caliph?•Caliph is a title that means “successor” or


•Muhammad did not name a successor or instruct his followers how to choose one. Relying on ancient tribal custom, the Muslim community elected as their leader Abu-Bakr, a loyal friend of Muhammad.

• In 632, he became the first caliph.

Page 22: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

How did Muslims under the “rightly guided” caliphs treat conquered people?•Abu-Bakr and the next three caliphs all had

known Muhammad.

• These four caliphs were referred to as “rightly guided” because they used the Qur’an and Muhammad’s actions as guides to leadership.

• Their rule was called a caliphate.

Page 23: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

How did Muslims under the “rightly guided” caliphs treat conquered people?• Abu-Bakr promised the Muslim community he would

uphold what Muhammad stood for. After Muhammad’s death, some tribes had abandoned Islam. Some refused to pay taxes, and some even declared themselves prophets.

• *For the sake of the religion, Abu-Bakr invoked jihad which means “striving” and can refer to the inner struggle against unbelievers. In the Qur’an the word means to encourage and justify the expansion of Islam.

Page 24: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

How did Muslims under the “rightly guided” caliphs treat conquered peoples?• Because the Qur’an forbade forced conversion,

Muslims allowed conquered peoples to follow their own religion.

• Christians and Jews as “people of the book” received special consideration. They paid a poll tax each year in exchange for exemption from military duties. They were also subject to various restrictions on their lives.

Page 25: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who are the Umayyads?• A family that came to power after the last

descendent of Muhammad was assassinated who led the Muslim community. The Umayyads moved the Muslim capital to Damascus. This location, away from Mecca, made controlling conquered territories easier.

• The Umayyads abandoned the simple life of the previous caliphs and began to surround themselves with wealth and ceremony, similar to non-Muslim rulers. These actions along with the leadership issue led to a division in the Muslim community.

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What caused the Muslim split?

• In the interest of peace, the majority of Muslims accepted the Umayyads’ rule. However, a minority continued to resist.

• The resisting group developed an alternate view of the office of caliph which was that the caliph needed to be a descendent of the Prophet, Muhammad.

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Who are the Sunni?

•The Muslims who did not outwardly resist the rule of the Umayyads became known as the Sunni.

•Sunni means follower of Muhammad’s example.

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Who are the Shi’a?•The group of people who developed an alternate view of the office of caliph which believed that the caliph needed to be a descendent of the Prophet.

•Shi’a means the “party” of Ali.

•Members of this group are called Shi’ites.

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Vocabulary Term: Sufi

•Another group who rejected the luxurious life of the Umayyads were called the Sufi.

•They pursued a life of poverty and devotion to a spiritual path.

Page 30: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who are the Abbasids? al-Andalus?•A powerful rebel group who overthrew the

Umayyads in 750.

•When they came to power the ruthlessly murdered the remaining members of the Umayyad family.

•After overpowering the Umayyads, an extraordinary state was formed in al-andalus.

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How did the Abbasids consolidate power?

•To solidify power the Abbasids:

•#1 Moved the capital of the empire in 762 to a newly created city, Bagdhad in central Iraq. This location gave the caliph access to trade goods, gold and information about the rest of the empire.

Page 32: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

How did the Abbasids consolidate power?

•#2 Developed a strong bureaucracy to conduct the huge empire’s affairs. A treasury kept track of the money flow and a special department managed the business of the army. Diplomats were sent to Europe, Africa and Asia to handle imperial business. To support the bureaucracy, the Abbasids taxed land, imports and exports and non-Muslims’ wealth.

Page 33: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What was the Fatamid? (Background Info.)

•The Abbasid caliphate lasted from 750 to 1258. The Abbasids continued to keep their authority by consulting religious leaders but failed to keep complete political control of the immense territory.

Page 34: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What is the Fatamid?

• The Fatamid caliphate began in North Africa and spread across the Red Sea to Arabia and Syria.

• The Fatamids and other smaller states were still connected to the Abbasid caliphate through religion, language, trade, and the economy.

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Section 3Explain the four social classes of the Muslims.• Muslim society was made up of four social classes.

• #1 The Upper Class included those who were Muslims at birth.

• #2 The Second Class consisted of converts to the Islamic religion.

• #3 The Third Class consisted of the “protected people” and included Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians.

• #4 The Lowest Class was composed of slaves. Many slaves were prisoners of war, and all were non-Muslim.

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What was the role of women in Muslim society?

• The Qur’an says, “Men are the managers of the affairs of women,” and “Righteous women are therefore obedient.” However, the Qur’an also considers men and women as equals.

• The Shari’a (A body of law which regulates the family life, moral conduct, and business and community life of Muslims) gave Muslim women specific legal rights concerning marriage, family, and property.

Page 37: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What was the role of women in Muslim society?

•Muslim women had more economic and property rights than European, Indian, and Chinese women of the same time period.

•Muslim women were expected to submit to men no matter how many rights they had. Muslim men simply spoke the statement “I dismiss thee” three times to make divorce final within three months.

Page 38: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

What was to role of women in Muslim society?

• Responsibilities of Muslim women varied with the income of their husbands. The wife of a poor man would often work in the fields with their husband. Wealthier women supervised the household and its servants. They had access to education, and among them were even scholars and poets.

• As times changed, women became more isolated and were expected to be veiled when out in public.

• Rich and poor women were responsible for the raising of their children.

Page 39: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who is Ibn Sina?• An accomplished Arabic physician, philosopher, and


• His masterwork was the The Canon of Medicine which was recognized as the single most famous work in the history of medicine. This book was used as a textbook upto the 17th Century.

• The book consists of:

Page 40: World History Chapter 10 The Muslim World. Let’s review the Standards……. SSWH5: The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World

Who is Ibn Sina?•#1 A discussion of general medical


•#2 A description of simple drugs and materials.

•#3 Information about specific ailments, organized by the affected sites in the body.

•#4 Information about diseases that affect the body as a whole.

•#5 Recipes for remedies.

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Who is Ibn Rushd?•Considered as the most important of Muslim


•He wrote a commentary of all of Aristotle’s works.

•He was criticized for trying to blend Aristotle’s and Plato’s views with those of Islam. However, he argued that Greek philosophy and Islam both had the same goal: to find the truth.

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What is calligraphy?

•The art of beautiful handwriting.

•Calligraphy or ornamental writing is important to Muslims because it is considered a way to reflect the glory of Allah.

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