



By Cherie Enns

Child Participation and Gender Learning Event

3-5 November 2015, Entebbe Uganda










Consultation Objective

Eastern Africa’s children’s lived experiences influence discourse

and decisions in the review of the global humanitarian

architecture in 2016 and child-stated

Consultation Output

A report communicating strong advocacy messages relying on

the outcomes of the consultations, including analysis and


All compiled within 6 weeks

Critical Need to Provide Child


The summit will set a new agenda for global humanitarian

action, under the below proposed four areas:

Humanitarian effectiveness

Reducing vulnerability and managing risk

Serving the needs of people in conflict

Transformation through innovation

Training for Consultation

The purpose of the project is to

provide staff training, facilitate

workshop events and produce

workshop findings that can be used

to provide a basis in shaping

humanitarian aid and increasing

effectiveness in the lives of refugee

and conflict affected children

Children will be selected to

participate based on the following


Age of the children must be within the respective target


Children must not be at risk while participating.

Children must be able to communicate clearly.

Children who may have participated in a past similar


Volunteer basis.

Consider child level of vulnerability.

Consultation Overview

Consultations will seek to determine the views of children such


What they are and are not receiving in crisis situations

What they want in emergency situations

How humanitarian aid can be improved

Proposed Consultation Timeline

1. Survey and Facilitator Tool


Facilitator Guide


1. Survey Tool

Reducing Vulnerability and Managing

Risks One of the tools set out for identifying the shocks and stresses that children experience is the survey tool.

The survey identifies emotions, “worries” and “solutions” and includes drawing home, camp and what makes them feel safe.

Facilitators are guided in expanding on the children’s drawings and responses.

Resources are provided.

Theme: Reducing Vulnerability and

Managing Risks

To understand the changing nature of shocks and

stresses and how it affects children and explore

how children can be supported to build resilience

in their communities

What are the experiences of children - Shocks and


What are the coping mechanisms

Instructions to Field Workers

Location, Numbers, Use of Each Tool is as you

are able to complete over this brief period.

It would be great to have between 150 and 300

children participate in Survey Tool 1 and then

more select groups with respect to the Mapping

and Creative Arts Tools.

Tools are on the WHS Training Course Site

All tools and resources on Training Site

Serving the Needs of People in


From the results gathered in the community mapping tool, the children’s priorities will develop.

This method is effective because it uses simple graphic representations of outstanding needs and issues that stand out to the children.

Best practices can then be applied to preventing and resolving outstanding issues.

Humanitarian Effectiveness

The community mapping tool identifies children’s opinions and experience.

Children will use sharpie pens on sheets to identify various aspects regarding conflict events, resultant or lack of humanitarian aid, how that has affected them and what needs were not met.

This method allows them freedom of expression as opposed to structured surveys.

Important Places

3. Creative Arts Tool

The summit will set a new agenda for global humanitarian

action, under the below proposed four areas:

Humanitarian effectiveness

Reducing vulnerability and managing risk

Transformation through innovation

Serving the needs of people in conflict

Creative Art Tool Facilitator


Provides insights and guidelines

Output is a poem, story, words to a song

If possible you could take photos and even

video to send as part of your package

Transformation through Innovation

Approach to gathering the voices of children is to simply have the children use their voices through story, song, or poem.

Children will be engaged in a fun way that encourages them to be open and comfortable.

Effective Consultation Requires


“Personnel selected to work with

refugee/IDP children must understand

children's developmental needs and know

how” government policy, protection and

“assistance activities relate to those needs

specific to children” (UNICEF).


..“personnel working directly with children must be skilled in communicating

with children” and be able to recognize when and how to act in specific

situations such as “when it is necessary for the worker to speak the children's

language” (UNICEF, 1994).

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