  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    World War II Scrapbook/ Journal

    of Rachel Carlson

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    September 1, 1939Today the sun rose with bleak news. Jack came home all excited with a news paper is his hand. Icouldn't read it but here is what the head line said.When I went out to buy groceries, I heard from Mrs.Peterson that the Germans had invaded Poland and she seemedawfully excited about that but I didn't what the fuss was all about.There were some pictures of the invasion. It looks quite serious.Ispent the rest of the day preparing for Jack's birthday tomorrow.

    I'm excited to give him his present. Lets hope he likes his gift.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    September 8, 1939I guess the war is big news. President Roosevelt signed something called the Executive Order8248 into a bill. Everyone seems to be talking about it all the time. Papa and Mama and Jack werechattering about that during dinner at the table. What hypocrites! They tell me to not talk duringmeals.

    Jack's party went reallywell though. He loved his giftand he enjoyed the giantchocolate cake I made him.My parents gave him a newcamera and here is the firstpicture that he took. I like tocall it Hypocritical Dinner

    Executive Order 8248: There shall be within the Executive Office of thePresident the following principal divisions, namely: (1) The White HouseOffice, (2) the Bureau of the Budget, (3) the National Resources PlanningBoard, (4) the Liaison Office for Personnel Management, (5) the Office ofGovernment Reports, and (6) in the event of a national emergency, or threatof a national emergency, such office for emergency management as thePresident shall determine.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    January 17, 1940A new year has come our way. We all made some silly resolutions. I resolved not to take up meatPsha! That's gonna last long. There was some excitement among the soldiers at the bar today. Therewere talking about the British hacking some code called the 'Enigma' at Bletchley Park. A bunch ofhosh posh if you ask me. Why can't we just keep our noses out of this war. It's not ours to fight.

    But that isn't the least of my problems. Congress has passed something called a draft legislation.Apparently that means that Jack will have to fight in a war if it breaks out. I don't want my brother tfight in a war. Especially a war which he didn't start.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    June 14, 1940A lot of things have been happening in Europe. The bar is always buzzingwith troops and Jack's been acting strangely lately. Today at dinner, he askedpapa if he could join the army and they got into quite the tiff. I don't understandwhy he has to be like that. Why can he just not leave this war for the Germansand the Polish and the French and the British to fight out? Papa kept sayingthe draft would get him anyways and that there was no hurry.Germans marched into Paris today and they have been ruthlessly rampaging through Europe. Acouple of months agoGermany invadedNorway andDenmark. In may, itinvaded Holand andBelgiu. And a coupladays ago, Italy joineGermany. As brutalas they are, its noneof our business andfeel like we shouldstay out of it buteveryone keepstelling me that I'm asilly girl.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    July 24, 1941.Well another year has arrived. The vegetarian thing didn't last very long. The war craze hasreturned again. People are talking about the World War ever where. Rumor has it that the Japanesehave joined the war too. They seem to wanting to help the Germans. The war seems to be moving closerand closer to us and I'm a little scared now. Jack is trying harder than ever to join the army becauseall his friends are doin' that. I just hope this ends soon.

    This picture was in the new paper. Pretty terrible what the Japs are doing.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    December 19, 1941Things have gone from bad to worse. Ournation has entered the war too. On the seventh ofthis month, the Japs attacked Hawaii. Word in thebar is that more than two thousand Americans died inthe war. I feel like we shouldn't be dragged into thiswar.

    But what has been done to us is unforgivable and I guess we have to strike back in order to keep theJaps in check. But things have gotten even worse. On the eleventh, Germany and Italy declared war onus. So now we are officially at war. Jack has been going crazy about this. Papa is pretty close toletting him go join the army.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    January 24, 1942Today was a dreadful day. It was a day that I have been fearing for a while now. My brother,Jack was called to the draft office. He's off to Britainto join the fight. He's to take a flight from Bostonearly tomorrow morning and he will get there on thetwenty sixth. As he left, I took this picture from hiscamera.

    On the bright side, he is taking his camera withhim and he has promised to write every week. I guess itsnot terrible then. As long as he stays safe and sound,I'm happy.I'm looking forward to war pictures. Its excitingand dreadful at the same time.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    March 12, 1942The government has started arationing program and everything is beingrationed. It started a few months agowith rationing rubber. But since theneverything has been rationed. There arposters everywhere asking people tosafe food and to use only what theyneed. Sometimes it's a littleoverwhelming.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    August 1, 1942I got the first letter from my brother today! I breathed a sigh a relief when I got it from himbecause I have been terrified the past few days. He explained that it took a long time to write becausehe was busy in the war and that he had very little time tohimself.He is in some place called Stalingrad. Funny names peoplegive to places. He 'platoon'- I don't know what that is- is fightingagainst the Germans who attacked it on the 17th of July. Heclaims that they are winning. I just hope that he returns home inone piece. All I want is my brother back home.He sent me this picture of his friends and one of the attackat Stalingrad.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    February 9, 1943This new years was gloomy because mama and papa were both sad and depressed that Jack wasn'thome. But I got good news from my brother today so its not all bad. He says that the Germanssurrendered at that Stalingrad place. I knew no one could stand a chance my ever strong country. I don'think anyone can mess with the principles of America and get away intact. But my brother is very happyand he says that he now has a break for a few days. I'm proud to be his sister: to say that Mybrother fought against the Nazis, is a distinct pleasure.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    January 16, 1944Big news hit the papers. Some smart general named general Eisehower is taking over command ofour troops in Europe.Must be a genius. Hesure looks like a genius.Here is a picture. Lookstough doesn't he?

    I haven't heard from my brother in a while and I really hope that he is ok.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    September 15, 1944My brother walked home today. When I answered the door, there was a man standing at the doorwith a long beard, thick mangled hair and one and ahalf arms. It wasn't until he introduced himselfthat I realized that it was my brother. He told usabout how he lost his arm in battle and how he andhis friends barely escaped death. He told us abouthow he saw the atrocities that the Germanscommitted. The worst of them was what the did tothe Jews. My brother got a few pictures. Take alook. Its moving

    These Germans deserve to be beaten and killed. Honestly,who does that to people? I feel sick just looking at the thepictures. Such savages must be eliminated from the face ofthe earth.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    May 9, 1945My family has been detached from the war for quite a whilenow. We've been spending more time trying to make Jack feelaccepted because it is hard for him to assimilate back into societywith part of his arm missing. It is depressing to see him like this. Hefalls into deep bouts of depression and withdrawal. He even tried tocommit suicide once but papa convinced him that it wasn't worth it. Butyesterday, Jack turned a new leaf when he heard that Germany hadsurrendered. The news of Hitler's suicide and Germany's surrenderhas been the talk of town and we are preparing for a celebration. Everyone is calling May 8th,VE Day because it isVictory in Europe Day. Ithought that was prettyclever.

    Narendran Sair

  • 8/9/2019 World War 2 Scrapbook


    August 16, 1945I thought that the World Way would be overafter Germany surrendered but apparently not. TheJaps kept going at it, until a few days ago, PresidentTruman ordered an 'atom bomb' to be dropped ontoNagasaki. Jack tried to explain to me what an atombomb was but it was way over my head. But eitherway, that seems to have done the trick. On thefifteenth, the Japs surrendered too. So I guess itsfinally but was it worth it? I don't know.

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