

World War One

The Great War1914 - 1918


Key facts

Went from June 1914 to November 1918 Fighting was mostly in Europe Countries from around the world fought. 20 million people killed. 21 million people wounded. Changed the face of Europe. Set the stage for the start of World War Two.


Related films

There are a number of films that would increase your understanding of World War One.

These are fictional stories but can give you a feeling for the times and the events.

All these titles are available in Australia on DVD.



1981 Australian film Two young Australian

men enlist and fight in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey during World War One.


A Very Long Engagement

2004 French film Has English subtitles A young woman

investigates what happened to her fiancé during the fighting of World War One.


All Quiet On The Western Front

1930 American film Tells the story of a

German soldier during the World War One.


Blackadder Goes Forth

1989 British comedy Light-hearted look at

life in the trenches on the Western Front in World War One.


What is an alliance? What does it mean to have one?



Pre-War Alliances

Countries had alliances to join each other in wars and defend each other against attack. Triple Alliance

Germany Austria- Hungary Italy

Triple Entente Russia France Britain


Europe Before 1914


Origins of the war

There were a number of factors which made war likely at this time.The Alliance system

When one country got into a fight it automatically brought many other countries in also.

The Arms Race Countries had large standing armies. These posed a very serious threat.


Origins of the war

An Acceptance of War War was accepted as a legitimate method of getting what

your country wanted. Nations were very proud of their armies and military


Nationalism Ordinary people took a fierce pride in their country. Easily turned into hostility towards other countries. This idea was reinforced in education, newspapers and



Factors in Germany

Germany had been a nation since 1871. Had ambitions to have colonies and an empire

like France and Britain. Was building up a navy which was a threat to

the British Navy. The monarch Kaiser Wilhelm III spoke of how he

wanted Germany to be a great world power.


Kaiser Wilhelm III: the German Monarch


The Beginning

On 28th June 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia.Franz Ferdinand was heir to the Austrian

throne.He was killed by a Slav nationalist and

student called Gavrio Princip.


This is the Franz Ferdinand who was assassinated.


This is the Franz Ferdinand who are a British band.


Moving to war

Austria-Hungary was concerned about Serb and Slav nationalism. If Serbs and Slavs broke away the Austro-

Hungarian empire might crumble. Austria threatened to attack Serbia unless

they agreed to a range of demands.Serbia agreed to almost all of these demands.Austria attacked anyway.



1. List the four factors which made Europe ready for war in 1914.

2. Do each of these apply to Australia today? Explain your answer with examples.

3. What event triggered World War One?


Wartime Alliance: The Allies

Britain and its empire Including Australia and New Zealand

France and its empire Belgium Russia (until 1917) Serbia Italy (from 1915) United States of America (from 1917) Minor participants such as Japan.


Wartime Alliance: Central Powers

Germany Austria-Hungary Turkey Bulgaria (from 1915)





Colour in the provided map to show each alliance.

Use only two colours.Allies one colour.Central Alliance another colour.


Schlieffen Plan

This German plan assumed it would face two enemies when war broke out.Russia in the east.France in the west.

The plan was to quickly defeat France before Russia could mobilise its army. With France defeated it could concentrate on fighting Russia.


Notice where Germany, Russia and France are.


Things went badly for Germany

This plan failed for a number of reasons.Russia moved their troops more quickly than

expected.Belgium refused to allow Germany access

and put up fierce resistance to German invasion.

The invasion of neutral Belgium enraged Britain who joined the war.


The Stalemate

Both sides raced to secure the ports on the British Channel.

When winter started they literally dug in and created trenches stretching from the Switzerland to the English Channel.

This was the Western Front and its position changed very little for the duration of the war.


The Western Front


Western Front Animations

You can find these links on Red Space Rocket if you want to see them again.


Trench warfare

Barbed wire: to make running at the trench difficult.Sandbagged parapet: to stop the trench collapsing.Fire step: to shoot from.Duck Boards: stopped the bottom of the trench getting very muddy and slippery.Parados: to stop ‘shrapnel’ getting into the trench.


Trench warfare



Working in a small group list –1. Three advantages to using trenches like

this.2. Three disadvantages to using trenches like



Attempts to break to stalemate

Germany defended the land they had invaded.

The Allies were determined to push back the Germans who were occupying territory the Allies wanted to reclaim.

The Allies used large scale frontal attacks to try to break through the Western Front.


Allied Attacks

Used a standard strategy Artillery bombardment designed to destroy enemy

defences. Infantry advance.

Men with rifles would walk toward the enemy in large numbers.

The cavalry would ride in after and clean out the German trenches.

This strategy was not successful.

Fighting from the trenches



Problems on the Western Front

The artillery did not destroy the German defences.

When the bombardment stopped the Germans emerged and manned their machine guns.

Germany trenches were difficult to hold once captured and often had to be abandoned. Could be attacked from three sides. Difficult to get supplies to.


Battle of the Somme

The French were doing badly at Verdun. Britain agreed to attack near the French town of

Somme to draw German resources away from Verdun.

Started with a week of bombardment. 280,000 men went over the top at 7.30am on

July 1, 1916. Walked toward the enemy with rifles and bayonets.


Battle of the Somme

German side Their defences were not destroyed. Soldiers came up from their bunkers and used their

machine guns. Could identify the British officers by their uniform and

shot them first.

Battle of the Somme

British side Suffered 60,000 casualties on the first day. Did not break though the line. British command justified the continued assault saying

that they were wearing the Germans down.




The Somme

YMCA secretary assisting at an advanced dressing station on the Somme, France, during 1918


1. What is a bayonet?2. What did the British do to try to weaken

German defences before the push?3. Did this offensive break the German line?



The Eastern Front

Russia mobilised quickly and invaded East Prussia.

Germany had some success in Prussia against the Russians.

Russians had many problems with supplies and equipment.

The Allies had problems getting supplies to Russia due to the German North Sea Blockade.


The Eastern Front


The Eastern Front

Due to terrible conditions many Russian soldiers deserted.

By early August 1917 the Russians were in general retreat.

In November the government was overthrown in the Bolshevik revolution. In December Russia agreed to a truce with Germany. Germany could now send extra troops to the Western



The Middle East

Turkey entered the war on the German side in October 1914.

Britain was determined to knock Turkey out of the war. The Gallipoli Campaign was part of this.

When Gallipoli failed the British did three things. Went through Mesopotamia to capture Baghdad. Went from Egypt to Jerusalem. Supported a revolt by Arabs against Turkish rule.


Australian in the Middle East

Port Suez, Egypt. c. 1916. Australian soldiers disembarking from their transport ship.


Troops resting in the desert, Egypt



British, Anzac and French forces landed on the Turkish peninsula of Gallipoli in April 1915. Australia and New Zealand Army Corps

Try to capture Constantinople and defeat Turkey.

Turkish troops defended their homeland and Allied troops failed to get off the beaches. Allied troops finally withdrawn.


Gallipoli: Light Horse Regiment making terraces for dugouts


The Balkans

The first hostilities started in the Balkans when Austria declared war on Serbia in June 1914.

In September 1915 Bulgaria joined the Central Powers. The Allies landed troops in Greece. Serbia occupied by many German, Austrian and Bulgarian

forces. Bulgaria finally surrender in September of 1918 and

Turkey followed a month later. A factor in the Germans deciding to seek peace in 1918.


The Italian Front

Italy was a German ally but stayed neutral. Renounced the alliance in May 1915 and

declared war on Austria-Hungary. Had setbacks and victories. The battlefront was in stalemate for much of the

war. Signed a truce with Austria in November 1918.


The Air War: Fighter Planes

Planes were used for aerial photography and observation.

Pilots shot at each other with pistols and rifles sometimes.

In 1915 the Germans developed the Fokker Eindecker with machineguns on the front.

As fighter planes developed on both sides planes fought deadly duels. Pilots became famous including Count Manfred von

Richthofen (The Red Baron).


Count Manfred von Richthofen


Australian Flying Corps


Airship At Mooring Mast With Hydrogen Pipe Attached


The Air War: Zeppelins and Bombers

Zeppelins and planes used to bomb homelands. First British raid over Germany in September

1914. First German raid over Britain in December

1914. Zeppelins first used by the Germans in January

1915. 2,000 deaths in Britain from bombing. 720 deaths in Germany from bombing.


The Sea War

There were a number of battles between German and British battle ships.

Large battle at Jutland in the North Sea. Both sides took a lot of damage and lost many ships. Both sides claimed victory.

After Jutland both sides realised their fleets were too valuable to risk in a large battle. The German fleet remained in port. The British Royal Navy patrolled the North Sea and enforced a

blockade of Germany. When the German fleet was ordered back to sea in 1918

many soldiers mutinied.


Albany Harbour in October 1914: Ship with Imperial Reserves on board


The Blockade and German U Boats

Both Britain and Germany depended on imported food.

Britain blockaded The North Sea and The English Channel. Caused some protest from the USA.

Germany used submarines to disrupt supplies into Britain. Didn’t lead to big problems in Britain but it did

ultimately bring the USA into the war.


German U Boat: UC 42


German U Boat: UC 42

Commissioned in November 1916. Carried out six patrols and sank 13 ships one 8.8 cm gun 18 mines 7 torpedos. The vessel and all hands aboard were lost in an

explosion of its own mines off the southern coast of Ireland on 10 September 1917.


Weapons: Rifle

Standard weapon for infantrymen. Accurate to one kilometre. A skilled soldier could shoot 15 shots a

minute. British soldiers also used bayonets.

A long sharp dagger on the end of their rifle.



By war artist George Benson


Weapons: Machine Guns

Very good defensive weapons. Led to the stalemate on the Western

Front. Produced in massive numbers by both



Weapons: Machine Guns

Types included: The Maxim The Lewis The Vickers

Fired 600 bullets per minute Range of 4 kilometres Took a team of six men to operate

A single machine gun was like 40 or 50 men with rifles.


Machine Gun

Portrait of 557 Private George Sydney Mabardi, 15th Machine Gun Company, killed in action 20 April 1918.


German Machine Gun Magazine

Held a 100 round cloth belted loaded ammunition belt.


Weapons: Tanks

Only the British developed tanks in large numbers.

Often broke down or got bogged when first used in 1916.

Through technical improvements and better tactics became effective and helped break the stalemate in 1918.


Weapons: Tanks


Weapons: Artillery

Many types of large cannons used. Different types of shells used

High explosive shells. Shrapnel shells

A 75mm shell held 270 metal balls Maimed and killed over a large area.

Destroyed many but not all defences. Bunkers could withstand shelling.

Responsible for 66% of all deaths.


German Artillery Gun

A captured German 77mm gun.

The type of shell used can be seen on the ground.


Weapons: Gas

There were 64 types of poison gas used. Chlorine Mustard Gas

First used by the French Used very effectively by the Germans at Ypres. Eventually used by all sides. By July 1915 all soldiers had gas masks.

Still an effective weapon of fear.


British Gas Mask


Weapons: Mines

Land basedBoth sides dug tunnels under no man’s land.Placed high explosive mines under enemy

trenches.Exploded them just before an attack.

Sea mines were also used to make waters unsafe for ships.


Turkish Marine Mine

Members of the 2nd Australian Light Horse examine a mine washed ashore on the beach near Marakeb on the coast of Sinai


The United States enters the war

When the war started the USA declared it was neutral. Support for the democracies and also a large German

immigrant community in America. Germany sank the Lusitania in May 1915 and Americans

were among the 1,200 passengers killed. Germany changed their U Boat tactics.

Came to the surface and warned ships before sinking them. Changed back to surprise attacks in January 1917.

Germany sent a telegram to Mexico encouraging them to try an invasion of the USA. Mexico was not interested. America finally declared war on Germany in April 1917.


The United States enters the war

USA made a large loan to Britain. In May 1917 President Wilson introduced the

draft calling all men from 21 to 31. By early 1918 there were half a million US soldiers in

France. By July there was one and half million US troops in

Europe. First used in an offensive on July 4 1918. The sheer number of men gave the Allies an

advantage the Germans could not match.


Propaganda Posters

In an age before widespread radio, television or internet Governments used posters to spread important messages to the public.

These are an excellent resource to understand attitudes and needs at the time.


Propaganda Posters

Main typesRecruitmentWar fundingAnti the other side.Practical adviceMoral boosting


England: Recruitment and Conscription


England: War Funding


England: Anti-German


England: Practical


German: War Funding

That's how your money helps you to fight!


Germany: Anti-British

This is who is guilty


Germany: Morale Boosting

England needs.Poster explaining how

England cannot use the artillery is it making.


Australia: Recruitment and Conscription


Australia: War Funding


Australia: Anti-German



Make your own propaganda poster. Make a poster that might have been used in

Australia during World War One. Pick a category and decide on a message

before you start. Recruitment War funding Anti the other side. Practical advice Moral boosting


Impact on Women: Britain

Women used in propaganda posters urging men to go to war.

Because men were away fighting women worked in areas that men normally worked in.

By November 1918 more than seven million English women were employed in “war work”.

Many worked making munitions. Equal pay and conditions to men. Worked 12 hour days with one day off each month.


Impact on Women


Women in Uniform: Britain

Nursing Many organisations employed nurses. Many nurses worked very close to the front lines.

Women’s Land Army Women worked on the land as food production was vital. By 1917 there were 260,000 women serving on the land.

Women’s Armed Forces The Women’s Auxiliary Reserve Corp was established in

February 1917. Worked as drivers, waitresses, typists, cooks, storemen,

packers and mechanics.


Changes for women: Britain

Women who worked had independence and choices about their money.

Women could go out alone. Women smoked in public. There was a sexual freedom that came with the

crisis and threat of war. To enable women to work, skirts became shorter

and trousers more common.


The End of the War

8 August 1918: In a series of military advances the Germans were driven back to the Hindenberg Line.

The German Reichstag sought peace. An armistice was agreed for November



Peace Conference

The Paris Peace Conference started in Paris in January 1919. This was a conference of winning nations. Germany was not represented.

One aim was to allow ethnic people to have their own homelands but this was not simple or always successful.

There was a fear of the spread of communism from Russia.

There was a fear of a strong Germany. There was a strong feeling that Germany should pay for

starting the war.



The Versailles Treaty was hard on Germany. “War Guilt” – Germany to accept full responsibility for

starting the war. Germany lost 13% of its European land. The economically valuable Rhineland was occupied for

a further 15 years. German colonies were given to other countries. The Allies took over the German fleet. The German army was limited to 100,000 men. Germany and Austria were not allowed to unite.


Post War Europe


The 1920s

The next period we will study is the 1920s.

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