
We are so glad that you are worshiping with us at Faith!

When we worship God, we are reminded that we belong

to God’s love. That love is for everyone in the family!

This booklet is designed as a resource to help children

follow along as we worship together as a family today.

Worshiping as a Family a children’s guide to worship

It’s a joy for me to partner with you in nurturing the faith of your children! Be in touch with questions, and for additional resources and support.

Rev. TJ Remaley | Associate Pastor for Family Ministry | [email protected]

Worship Event Things to Look for & to Do


As we gather to worship God, music

can help us to feel closer to God.


Look around to see what is special about

today’s service. Are we celebrating

communion or a baptism today? Is there a

guest musician? Do you see a friend?

Welcome and Announcements

The pastors welcome us to worship.

We share updates about the programs

in our church.

Welcome and Announcements

Listen for what is going on at Faith! Is there

something happening soon that you and

your family can come to, or help with?

Minute for Mission

Sometimes, a member of Faith or a

special guest talks about a mission

project or activity (and sometimes, the

Minute for Mission is a video!)

Minute for Mission

Listen closely to this special announcement.

Our ministries give members of Faith the

chance to help share God’s love with our

neighborhood and world. This is good news!


As we worship together, we stand up

and share the peace of God’s love with

our church family.


Think about ways that you can be kind and

share God’s love with the people in your life!

We stand and shake hands and hug people.

We Gather Together in God’s Holy Name God brings us together as “children.” It’s wonderful to be loved by God! We worship God to say “thanks!”

Worship Event Things to Look for & to Do

Introit (11:00am service)

Our choir helps us prepare for worship

with a short song called an “introit.”

Introit (11:00am service)

Listen closely as the choir sings. If the words

appear on the screen, follow along with them.

Call to Worship

We stand and share words that invite

us to worship God together.

Call to Worship

Watch how the liturgist and the congregation

speak. Follow along with the words on the

screen. Who says the words shown in white?


The whole congregation sings a joyful

song to praise God. Hooray for God!


Is this a new hymn? Follow along and don’t

be afraid to sing. Do you know it well

already? Sing loudly and joyfully!!

Call to Confession

Nobody’s perfect. God knows that.

God asks us to pray about the things

we do wrong.

Call to Confession

Listen carefully. What is the liturgist saying?

Think about what you might want to say

“sorry” for this week.

Prayer of Confession

We try to make good choices, but when

we don’t, we can ask God to forgive us.

We try to help all the people in God’s

world, but when we don’t do enough,

we can tell God we’re sorry. This is

what “confession” means.

Prayer of Confession

Join the rest of the congregation in praying

the prayer of confession out loud. At the end

of the prayer, there are a few seconds of

silence where you can pray quietly for

anything else you are sorry for.

Words of Assurance

After saying we are sorry, we are

reminded of very good news.

Words of Assurance

Listen for the good news: God forgives us

and loves us, no matter what!

Response of Praise

We stand and sing because we are

happy that God has forgiven us.

Response of Praise

We often sing songs with the words

“hallelujah!” Hallelujah means “Praise God!”

We Respond to God’s Great Gift of Grace God invites us to be followers of Jesus. We respond to God by offering our lives to God, and promising to do God’s work in our lives.

Worship Event Things to Look for & to Do

Special Music

Sometimes, music is shared by the choir,

bell choir, or a soloist. This helps us to

learn about and worship God.

Special Music

Do you recognize anyone who is singing? How

does this music make you feel? What do the

words say about God?

Prayers of Intercession

One of the pastors says a prayer,

thanking God for our many gifts, and

asking God to help us and to help other

people. This prayer ends with everyone

praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Prayers of Intercession

What do you want to say “thank you” to God

for? Is there anyone you want to ask God to

help? How can you ask God to help you? (You

can learn more about the Lord’s Prayer on the last

page of this booklet!)

Invitation to Offering / Offering

Our gifts support the work of the church.

We give our time, our talents, and our

money. We give to God because God

gives so much to us. Thank you, God!

Invitation to Offering / Offering

Everything we have comes from God! Listen to

the music and think about all that you have

been given by God. When the offering plate

comes by, help your family pass it to the ushers

or other people in the pew.


Doxology is a fancy word that means

“spoken/sung glory.” We sing a short

song that thanks God for everything

we’ve been given!


Stand and sing with the congregation. Do you

recognize the ushers who bring the offering up

front? (Here ’s a fun fact: The offering is joyful.

One time, the ushers even SKIPPED up the aisle!)

Prayer of Dedication

Together we pray God will help us to use

our gifts to do God’s work.

Prayer of Dedication

Stand with the congregation and listen to the

liturgist pray to God.

Worship Event Things to Look for & to Do


Sometimes, we sing a hymn before the

sermon. Usually, this hymn is

meditative, and helps us get ready for

the scripture and sermon.


Is this a new hymn? Follow along and don’t

be afraid to sing. Do you know it well

already? Sing loudly and joyfully!!

Prayer for Illumination

Illumination means “turning the light

on.” In this prayer we ask the Holy

Spirit to help us understand God’s

Word in the Bible.

Prayer for Illumination

Bow your head and pray. When we

understand something from the Bible, it can

feel like somebody turned the light on for us!

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand.


God’s word is written in the scriptures.

Listen very carefully!


If you have a Bible, try to find today’s

passage in it. Is it from the Old Testament or

the New Testament? Sometimes, the words

are also on the screens.


One of our pastors talks about what the

scripture readings mean. We can learn

about God’s love for us. We can learn

about the life of Jesus Christ. We can

learn what that teaches us about our

own lives today.


Ask God to help you listen to the sermon.

What are some words the pastor repeats? If a

word sticks out to you, write it down. If a

picture comes to mind, draw it. You can also

use the “Worship Reflections for Families”

worksheet to help you follow along.

We Gather Around God’s Holy Word

Our worship (and our lives!) are centered around Jesus’ love and God’s word in the

Bible. We hear the story of God’s love and we say: “Thanks be to God!”

Worship Event Things to Look for & to Do

Affirmation of Faith

We say together what we believe.

Sometimes we use words from the

Apostle’s Creed, which is said by

churches all around the world. Other

times, we use words from other places.

Affirmation of Faith

Imagine that YOU are a pastor giving a short

sermon when you stand and say these

important words. (You can learn more about

the Apostles’ Creed on the back page of this



We sing a final hymn together as we

get ready to go out into the world.


Look and listen closely to the words on the

screen. Is this song asking you to do

something or be something? Try to go out

into the world to do and be those things!

Charge and Benediction

At the end of the service, we stand and

listen to the benediction, which means

“good word.” God goes with us into

the world to do God’s work.

Charge and Benediction

Listen carefully to the pastor’s words, and try

to remember them during the whole week.

Take them with you as a special gift.

Choral Response (11:00am service)

Our choir often helps us to end our

worship service with a brief song.

Choral Response (11:00am service)

Listen to the choir sing the choral response.

Does it inspire you for the week ahead?


We listen to joyful music as we go. We

go to love others just as God loves us!


We go out into God’s world ready to share

God’s love with our words and actions.

We Go Out In God’s Name We came together to worship and learn about God. Now we go out into the world as we try to share God’s love with one another.

Some Info for Parents & Families Worshiping with children can be a truly joyful (and sometimes frustrating!) experience for parents and guardians. This guide is designed to help you teach your children how to worship. Here is some more background information to support you in this!

What is worship all about?

Worship is a response of celebration to God’s mighty acts through the history of God’s people, the beauty of creation, and particularly through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we gather in worship we come together to encounter Christ and to watch together for God’s presence in our lives.

Is my child welcome to worship in the sanctuary?

In baptism, parents and families join with the whole congregation to promise (with God’s help) to nurture the faith of children. Of course, a big part of this promise includes childcare in the nursery,

Sunday School classes, and Children’s Church, and we give thanks to God for everyone who shares their time and talents to make those programs happen. But it also includes warmly welcoming children into our worship services—and even inviting children to lead us in worship, too! Children are welcomed in worship at Faith not because they are “the future of the church,” but because they are the church’s present, too. They’re part of our family, and being with family is a big part of how we learn to be family. Remember the words of Jesus to his well-meaning disciples: “Let

the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs!” (Matthew 19:14 NRSV)

What about the sacraments?

Presbyterians celebrate two sacraments in our worship services: The Sacrament of Baptism and the

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (sometimes called Communion). At Faith, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. Baptisms are celebrated with people of any age, and scheduled throughout the year. Here are some tips for celebrating the Sacraments as a family.

Worship Event Things to Look for & to Do

Sacrament of Baptism

Sometimes we have a baptism. In baptism a baby, child, or adult becomes a member of

God’s family, called the “Church.”

Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is a very special moment for our church family. Can you think of something you can do to welcome this person to our church family? (During the 9:30am service all children are invited forward to participate in the baptism!)

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

This is a joyful event celebrated by Christians everywhere. We give thanks to God, remember Jesus, celebrate Jesus giving his life

for us, and celebrate being together as God’s children. The pastors tell us about Jesus and

the meal he shared with his friends.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

What makes this meal special to you? Listen to the stories the pastors tell about creation, Jesus’ life and his work. Do you recognize any stories? This can be an “eyes open” prayer. Look at the bread and the cup. Are you ready to share this special meal together? Watch as the pastors break the bread and pour juice.

About the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,

We begin by saying who we are praying to. God

tells that God is a parent and we are God’s children.

hallowed be thy name.

Hallowed is a big word that means "Holy." By

saying, "hallowed be thy name," we are saying that

God's name is holy.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it

is in heaven.

We’re asking for God’s peace to be made known to

everyone on earth, and that everything God wants

to happen on earth will happen, so the earth will be

as perfect as heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

This means that we trust God to give us everything

we need to live.

and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who

sin against us;

“Sins” are things we do that we shouldn’t do. We

are asking God to forgive our sins, but we also

promise to forgive people that have hurt us!

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us

from evil.

Pretend there are two roads. One road is filled with

anger and sadness. The other road is filled with

peace, love, and joy. Which road would you take?

The road with peace, love, and joy, of course! When

we’re tempted to do the wrong thing, it can lead to

anger and sadness. But when we do the right thing,

and follow God, that brings peace, love, and joy. So

when we pray, "And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil," we are asking God to keep

us on the right road.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the

glory forever. Amen.

This is God’s kingdom, and God is powerful!

“Amen” means “please let it happen.” This means

that you are certain that God hears your prayers

and will answer them.

About the Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of

heaven and earth,

Everything we see—the earth, the sky, the sea—are

gifts from God.

and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord;

And we believe God's greatest gift is Jesus Christ,

God's only son, who came to earth to be our friend.

who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the

Virgin Mary,

By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was born in

Bethlehem long ago, and Mary was his mother.

suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,

and buried;

Even though he lived a perfect life, Jesus was

sentenced to death by a Roman judge named

Pontius Pilate. There didn’t seem to be much good

news when he was buried in a tomb...

he descended into hell; on the third day he rose

again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and

sitteth on the right hand of God the Father


...but God brought Jesus back to life. On Easter

Sunday, his friends saw him alive, and all his

friends rejoiced and sang -- Hallelujah!

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and

the dead.

Jesus is always with us, a friend for our whole life.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic

church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness

of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life

everlasting. Amen.

The Holy Spirit gives life to us, too, and guides the

church around the world. By the power of the Holy

Spirit, our sins are forgiven, and we have hope for

life forever. Amen! (“please let it happen!”)

Portions of this booklet are adapted from the following resources:

Boling, R., & Muzzy, L. (1997). A children's guide to worship. Louisville, KY:

Geneva Press; Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, North Bethesda, MD.; and St. Giles

Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC.

With appreciation to: Rev. Shelby Etheridge Harasty; Rev. Matt

Matthews; Mrs. Leigh Anne Ring; and Mrs. Debbie Stenzel

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