  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas



    Worth the energy?

    the geoPolitiCs of ArCtiC oil

    And gAs

    P H

    Arac: Climate change is literally and metaphorically bringingthe Arctic in from the cold in international aairs with new economic

    opportunities emerging with the retreat of the ice sheets. Prominentamongst these is the prospect of previously inaccessible oil and gassources in the High North becoming available for extraction. A spate

    of extended maritime claims by the states of the region and some highprole diplomatic posturing has prompted much anticipation of a new

    scramble of resources and even a new, more literal Cold War. The re-ality, however, appears to be more mundane with the Arctic oil rush

    proving to be more of a slow and cooperative saunter thus far, as theArctic powers, and others, seek the new riches with a degree of caution,employing and even sharing lawyers and geologists rather than de-

    ploying troops.

    Kor: Ati, i, gs, gepitis, itie is


    In 2007 the Ati ws nhteistiy thst t the ent

    the wds edi when bt Rssin sbine pedthe ntin fg n the ext tin the Nth Pe the st

    tie in histy in sybi t nqest bth et nd t-

    ist. The Rssphbi espnse the Westen edi nd pitiinst this stnt ws s einisent es yesteye pvked

    by the Be nd seeed ikey pes new, den,high-teh gepiti stgge between Est nd West. Cndin

    Feign Ministe, Pete Mky, epitised Westen iittin tthe Rssin inititive by stting; Y nt g nd the wd nd

    jst pnt fgs nd sy wee iing this teity.1 Hweve,the gvenents Cnd, ng with ew Ati itt sttes

    Denk nd Nwy, hve been bsy in eent yes iing ex-

    t (ndewte) teity, beit in ess extvgnt shin. The

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas




    eting the Ati ie sheets hs pened p new pssibiities nvigtin, shing nd, st ptiy, the expittin n-

    degnd eses ne thght t sty t extt, wken-ing the inteests gvenents nd Mti-Ntin Cptins


    Fro A

    At nd the se tie the Rssin bt ws t the Nth Pe

    the US Gegi Siety ws ying t Svey ndisv-eed Oi nd Gs in the Ati, the ests whih the kindedgepiti inteest nd thst the egin the int the edi

    sptight nd es epitik. The h qted svey esti-ted tht the egin ntined 22% the wds ndisveed

    ssi es: 13% i nd 30% gs. This is in dditin t pv-en eseves enty being extted ne the Nthen sts

    Ask, Cnd nd Rssi, nting t 10% the wds knwneinde.2

    Tal 1. Ema Ol a Ga Do Arcc

    Oil- billionbarrels

    Liquefed Gas-billion barrels

    Natural Gas-trillion cubicfeet

    TOTAL-billion barrelsequivalent

    Undiscovered 90 44 1,669 412

    Known 40 8.5 1,100 240

    Sourc: UGSS (2008)

    The US Gegi Siety Svey in njntin with ew ge-

    gists Cnd, Denk, Geennd, Nwy nd Rssi,divided the whe e nth the Ati Cie int 33 geg-

    iy-dened egins. 90% the nied hydbns ie ineight eds identied in the p bew. 84% the ndisveed

    depsits e she.Thee these eight egins Lptev, Yenisey-Khn nd West

    Sibei ie exsivey within Rssin jisditin. The Asknse egin is nde US jisditin whist Denk hs sveeignty

    ve the Est Geennd egin, thgh eni thity is

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas


    Peter Hough


    enty devved t Geennd itse. The Est Bents egin ispitiy divided between Nwy nd Rssi; Aesi between

    Cnd nd the US nd West Geennd / Est Cnd between thetw ned nties. A these eight egins ntin nge

    es; hweve West Sibei hs by the gest pptin e-ining gs nd Ask jity the i. Cntining se es-tites hydbns, thgh nnetheess pitiy signint,

    e tw hge egins spnning the Nth Pe e; Lnsv-Mkv nd the Esi Bsin, h whih ie tside the

    200 ie Exsive Eni Znes (EEZ) ny Ati sttes ndtheee tside ny sveeign thity.

    Ati i is nthing new se. Cei i tivity be-

    gn in Cnds Nth West Teities in 1920, sey wed byventes in the Keni Penins in Ask ng with the Ki nd

    Nenets egins Sibei. The 1968 i disvey in Nth Spe,Ask ws ndk bekthgh nd sine tht tie this site

    hs pded 11 biin bes i/gs. At nd the se tie,the Sviet Unin de seve new j gs disveies in WestSibei nd the Rssins hve sine been the wds biggest p-

    de nd expte this enegy se. O-she diing in theUSSR, US, Cnd nd Nwy (in the Bents Se) then swy be-

    gn t devep the 1980s.The spej Mti-Ntin Cptins (MNCs) nd

    stte-wned enegy pnies hve gdy ved the edt expe new ptins s Askn, Rssin nd Nwegin eseveshve peked. In 2011 te ben dede, the Nwegin stte

    nted Sti, in njntin with pivte desti s EniNwy nd Pet, disveed between 150-250 iin bes

    i n the Skgd Pspet in the sthen Bents Se. BP hve

    been tive seve yes in the Cndin Bet Se nd in2011 the US gvenent ny gve the g hed She t ex-pe the Askn pt tht se, hving estited this ve seveyes envinent esns. In the Rssin pt the Ati

    Oen, Westen MNCs in petin with the stte wned gpsppe t hve been ing ve theseves t see ess t new

    i nd gs eds. In 2011 the Fenh-bsed gint TOTAL bght sbstnti stke in Nvtek t devep the Y LNG ed, whist

    US-bsed Exxn-Mbi qiky stepped in t sttegi pt-

    neship with Rsnet t k i in the K Se, when sii

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas


    arcicBoundriesthe arcic is conesed region. Since i

    my posess welh resources borderingses clim heir ownership over cerinerriories. Comliced mixure of inern-ionl lw nd poliics inervene.










    North .Pole

    0 500 1000 km

    0 500 1000 mi

    North Pole Azimuthal Equidistant Projection

    Source: ESRI, VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase,International Boundaries Research Unit (Durham University), United Nations

    Maps: David Erkomaishvili 2011 CEJISS

    Russian-claimed continentalshelf beyond 200 nm territory

    200 nautical miles territorial seaand exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

    US and Canadian claims


















    States Canada

    Beaufort Sea


    0 100 200 mi

    0 100 200 km




    US Line



  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas


    EnergyGeopolitics inthe Arctic


    de with BP ws sppeed by desti ppsitin. Pinentngst newes hve been UK bsed Cin Enegy, wh wee

    qik t negtite thei ights with the Geenndi gvenent testbish new igs in the Bn Se.

    Arcc Ho Ar

    The bined eet the Rssin bt nd the gegi sveyppted se shi nd beise etins in the Westen e-

    di nd dei. A 2008 tie inJanes Intelligence Review, wideyited in the UK pp pess, esned tht Rssis eent wginst Gegi pied with the heightening stkes d see the,

    nd pssiby the Ati sttes, ke pe-eptive iity stikest see eses in dvne the UNCLOS djditin

    2020.3 Siiy, nthe widey ited tie by e US CstGd Oe in the jn Foreign Aairs wned ed bink-

    nship de t the nhi nte the eeging Ati pitindspe: Deisins bt hw t nge this pidy hnging

    egin wi ikey be de within dipti v ness theUnited Sttes steps wd t ed the intentin nitytwd tite stin.4 Cd W steetyping seeed t

    eege in spei editin the Eurasian Review of Geopolitics nThe P Ge whih deed tht, Rssis deisin t tke n

    ggessive stnd in the p e hs et the US, Cnd nd theNdi nties itte hie bt t ge petive High Nth

    sttegy nd invite the iendy nties, sh s Get Bitin,t hep bid Westen pesene in the Ati.5

    Seeingy sppting sh etins ws ntbe essetin enegy seity inteests in eign piy stteents by the Ati

    pwes. TheFundamentals of Russian State Policy in the Arctic up to2020 and Beyond vwed testbish iity nd stgd gpst ptet new eni inteests in ine with thei extended Cn-

    tinent She i nd stted tht the Ati wd bee thentys tp sttegi ese bse by 2020.6 One the st ts

    the Bsh (J.) dinisttin ws t eese Homeland Securi-ty Directive n the Ati, the st i US eign piy stte-ent n the sbjet sine 1994, whih nnned tht Wshingtn

    wd sset e tive nd infenti ntin pesene t p-

    tet its Ati inteests.7 The eese the Cndin gvenents

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas




    Comprehensive Northern Strategyin the se ye ws hesive withthei edy we-estbished se it se sttegy whih hd

    ppted eg nv neves nd the Ati isnds ndpised the nsttin j iity bse t Reste By

    n Cnwis Isnd.8 This new ssetiveness ws densttedin 2009 in wht e t be eeed t in se Nth Aeinedi s Feign Ministe Mkys D Stngeve ent. D-

    ing Pesident Obs visit t Ottw, Mky despthed ghtepnes t eet Rssin jets tht wee fying ve the Bet Se

    ny t be eted by besed US iity is tht the Rs-sins hd nt enteed Cndin ispe.9 A the iitistin the Ati seeed ppent esewhee tht ye when the N-

    wegin gvenent ved thei ntin iity hedqtesnth the Ati Cie Jt ne Stvnge t Reitn ne

    Bd.Like the Rssins, Nwy, Cnd nd Denk e king ex-

    tended ntinent she is the 150k the edge thei EEZs. This hs been dne by sbitting gegi evidene

    t the Intentin Tibn the Lw the Se, estbishedby the United Ntins Cneene n the Lw the Se (UNC-LOS). The United Sttes hve nt been pt this pess sine

    they e nt pty t UNCLOS. Istinist ppsitin in Cngesst the ntin being behden t n intentin piti bdy

    hs hene pevented the Aeins ptiipting in the newve p. This pvides ssi expe beti pitis

    in eign piy s ved by ibe nysts ve the tin -t de the eists. Pesidents Bsh nd Ob, Seety Stte Cintn nd the nvy hve pted titin, hweve

    the gvenent hs nt been be t ipeent se-identied

    ntin inteest piy de t inten pitiking. The Rssin,Nwegin, Dnish nd Cndin ntinent she is vepin seve pes, inding the Lnsv idge whih ns t the

    Nth Pe, ied by Cpenhgen, Msw nd Ottw. Lngenning teiti nd ptiy itie disptes in nbe the shed ses the Ati Oen hve s been given gete


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    Peter Hough


    Er Co

    It sees inesingy ppent tht whist the Ati nt envi-nent is ndbtedy hnging, the eni nd piti i-

    te is nt heting nywhee ne the widey pedited te. De-spite hw it ws widey epted nd ented pn, the USGS

    svey did nt bing nything evety. Its ndings wee nt t step with pevis estites ntpped Ati enegy sppies

    nd bdy sii t its pevis 2000 ept. It des ppe thve been the spete the bti Rssin fg bee whiheevted the signine the svey.

    Logistical Costs

    The USGS Svey itse wns tht, n eni nsidetins

    e inded in these initi estites; ests e pesented with-t eeene t sts exptin nd devepent whih wi

    be iptnt in ny the ssessed es. 10 Evting enegypptnities is nt, se, sipy tte estiting theikey nts i nd gs nde the ie nd k the A-

    ti nd ping this t estites the est the wd. The

    sts exptin, exttin nd tnspt e h dieent.The eni dwntn the wd hs expeiened sine 2008 hsde sh sts the e ppent nd ny the p-

    nies tht hve qied diing ienes new Ati eds hvent yet set t wk. The Shtkn LNG ed pjet, ex-

    pe, h heded jint vente between Gzp, TOTAL ndStti, nhed in 2007 in the Rssin Bents, hs yet t beginpetins de t the inesing dbts shehdes.

    Even with wing tepetes the Ati diing sesn winy be thee nths ng the eseebe te. Despite its

    etet, thik ie ve wi be eity in st the Ati st the ye nd 24 h dkness is nstnt in the winte nths.

    Oshe pspeting, exttin nd tnspt is h e ex-pensive thn nshe nywhee in the wd nd the sts e -tipied when in sh ete tins. Shipping in the Ati wi

    gdy bee e stightwd with wing bt sti ntesy. Mny new tes, sh s the bed Nth West Pssge, wi

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    ny pen sht sesns nd n inesing nbe iebegs eting gies wi pesent new hzds.

    A False Dawn?

    Added t this is the t tht enegy sppies e ntisy di-t t pedit. Thee hve been ny se dwns in pete

    exptin. The De the Centy stk by the gvenent Azebijn with eight westen MNCs in the 1990s t expit the

    i eds the Cspin hs neve ived p t expettins wingt dwnwdy evised estites, piti sqbbing ve wheet te pipeines nd hnges in the wd pie i. Oi nds

    e eqenty exggeted eni piti eet. Shesin Cin Enegy peted in 2010 te thei peiiny ept

    n thei exptin in Geennd ws eesed with n evidene signint i depsits.11 Ati i hnts hve been initited nd

    bndned bee. In the 1970s the Cndin gvenent bkedpivte desti pnies ying t expty pjets -

    she in the MKenzie Det nd Bet Se. Hweve, even teseve sess test dis, ede nding ws withdwn ndigs spped pped- when the phibitive sts exttin

    nd tnspt bee ppent. In wide sense it sits Rssi, theUS, Nwy, Cnd, nd the extended nity i ipt-

    es, t give the ipessin tht they e nt s eint n OPECeseves s is ny peeived.

    The International Political Environment

    The piti envinent is s vey dieent the tie when

    the US, Cndin nd Rssin gvenents d nd wd pnds int spetive i pspeting ventes. Whist enegy se-ity nens e ising gin the stkes e nt s high s they

    ppeed t be in the 1970s with Cd W ivy nd the ise OPEC. In dditin, the itents the Kyt Pt in i-iting bn dixide eissins ipse dditin sts n new ven-

    tes ped t the pst t est the Cndins, Nweginsnd Rssins. Added t these bsiness sts wi be the pie

    ghting the inevitbe envinent ptests tht wi -

    pny this st esthetiy bt indsti enhents

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    EnergyGeopolitics inthe Arctic


    int pistine wideness. In 2010 Cin, iked by tw Geenpeetivists wh hd nged t spend dys in sviv pd n

    diing pt, initited eg tins ginst the NGO thess enings whih they estited t 2 iin es pe dy.

    Domestic Political Costs

    Inditive the sw pgess Ati i exptin, the M-Kenzie gs pipeine, binging e the det t the sth

    Cnd nd the US, ws st disssed in 1974 bt hs yet t bept int petin. One pitin hs been the need t -penste indigens Cndins biding thgh nds they hve

    qied eg ights ve. This epesents nthe key dieenebetween setting p enegy petins in the Ati s ppsed t

    st pts Ltin Aei the Midde Est. Askn Inits hves negtited shes in the Nth Spe i exttin nd even in

    Rssi the ntiny ede stte hs wed Sibein teit-ies t extt nessins Msw. The egin thity inMnsk stk de with Gzp t ense pptin

    gs extted the K penins nd Ahngesk gvenshve sii ngeent with Stti inked t the nsttin

    n nshe bse t sevie the Shtkn ed.12

    Accidental Costs

    Oi spis n t vis eves in the pess exttin,stge tnspttin. These y be tine hzds the in-

    dsty, bt e gety exebted in the Ati. Oi pesists ngein zen nditins; it evptes t e gd pe nd n

    be tpped in the ie nd hene eesed h te in et wtes.The 1989 Exxn Vdez envinent disste, in whih tnkehit ee in Pine Wii Snd in Ask, ws ne the st

    ntis in histy nd the sik ntines t et shing ndwidie in the egin t this dy. The US gvenent tightened

    egtins in the teth the disste nd the thet psed byship-se ptin des ppe t hve essened. Rig spis hw-eve, hve bee e eqent with n vege 4 pe ye in

    Ask in the 1990s gwing t 22 pe ye by the te 2000s.13 Ses

    epete with fting pk ie nd nd-the-k dkness in the

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    winte nths pesent pti hzds. O gete signinethn sh nt ts tht gniy the envinent hzds

    psed by i spis e the si hteistis the Ati whihke the espnse gp bigge thn st ens i indsty

    tivity. A pity ipts, indsti pts, eibe nd tns-pt tes eegeny sevies ke this egin i-eqipped tpe with sdden i sh. The se the 2010 Deepwte H-

    izn iig disste (whih spssed the Exxn Vdez disste sthe getest US i spi in histy) nd the stgge t ntin the

    spi eined this e. Tht pspeting new i ses in theMexin G, with its benign ite nd heviy ppted ndindstiised stine, d wek sh hv ed ny t spe-

    te tht epitin sh n inident the Askn Sibeinst wd hve wse nseqenes. The US st gd ps-

    sesses ny ne ie-beke. Envinentists hve ped snn ssetins sety pnning tht hve been de by the s-

    pejs. WWF hve ented tht, Shes 2010 ntingenypn Chkhi spi identies the vige Winwight s theine hb espnse et when Winwight (pptin

    494) desnt even hve dk.14

    T Coolr Ral o Arcc

    The Rssin Nth Pe fg pnting exeise ws, s Ddds ntes,n t stget the thn sttet.15 As Rssin Feign

    Ministe Lvv ws qik t pint t t the tie, this ws piee expty shwnship pbe t the Sts nd Stipes

    being pnted n the Mn in 1969. Indeed, it is geney ve-ked tht se the ney the expeditin e West-

    en spnss.16

    The spej i pnies inteest in the egin is ntneessiy inditive new bk gd sh. Inesingy, they

    hve been peed t k the ed s est the ise inese ntinis, s shwn by inesed stte nt hy-

    dbn eseves. The Rssin gvenent in pti hs -qied e diet infene ve desti enegy pnies ndeign investent ventes s pt the entiztin tht hs

    ed sine Ptin seeded Yetsin s Pesident in 1999. The

    expetise the spejs is needed by the Rssin gvenent,

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas


    Peter Hough


    inevitby eding t seies petive intentin ventest dds with the ntinisti sbe ppy ptyed nd

    pedited.As we s wking with Westen MNCs, the Kein hs s

    engged diy with Westen gvenents ve the Ati. InApi 2010, whist Pesident Medvedev ws visiting Os, the Rs-sins nd Nwegins nded n geeent ending w eve

    40 ye dipti dispte ve hw t ptitin the Bents Se byiby spitting it in tw. In jint niq tht wed,

    the tw eign inistes nnned tht We y beieve thtthe Ati n be sed t denstte jst hw h pee ndetive inteests n be seved by the ipeenttin the in-

    tentin e w.


    This inititive tk h the wd byspise bt shd nt hve dne given tht it ws win-win e-

    st. Dggedy stiking t thei divegent is hd eted geyzne nting t se 12% the Se in whih neithe side

    d pspet i. A disse nysis piy stteents ndspeehes by the tw nties ied t by Jensen nd Sheds

    nted tht behind the dieent tnes it ws tepting t sk wheth-e the Nwegin nd Rssin pphes t the Epen Atie tht dieent t .18 In ine with thei etive eves piti

    pwe nd dey, Nwegin eign piy ppeed pti-y dissive nd petive whist Rssin piy stteents

    tend t be h e epesenttive ze s pph tintentin piti eny qestins. Rheti nd eity e

    nt the se thing when it es t exining dipy. Rssinpiy in the Ati hs ty nsistenty been ess beige-ent nd e petive thn ptyed in the West. The thw hs

    been evident sine Gbhevs 1987 Mnsk speeh in whih he

    deed: Wht eveybdy n be bstey etin is the SvietUnins pnd nd etin inteest in peventing the Nth the pnet, its P nd sb-P egins nd Nthen n-

    ties eve gin being n en w, nd in ingthee genine zne pee nd it petin.19 Rssin

    vetes t the West n the Ati hve been nsistenty nii-ty, whist intining thei is t the Ses t thei nth.Gbhevs wds wee e-ehed in 2010 by (then) Pie Ministe

    Ptin t eeting the Intentin Ati F in Msw

    whee he stted: We think it is ipetive t keep the Ati s

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    zne pee nd petin, sine;We knw tht it is hdt ive ne in the Ati.20

    A sii geeent t the 2010 Bents Se geeent wsehed by the Dnish nd Nwegin gvenents yes

    eie when they ppied the eqidistne pinipe t spit theGeennd Se between Denks gint ny nd Nwys Sv-bd hipeg (ve whih Oss sveeignty is nstined by

    Intentin Lw t peit eign eni tivity). The Cn-dins nd Dnes did h the se thing in the Bn Se between

    Geennd nd Bn nd Eesee Isnds in thei 1973 itiebndy tety. This eine n eg stins t teiti sesqbbes n ty be ted s bk s 1893 when US nd

    Bitish (bk then the ipei e Cnd) geed t g t in-tentin bittin ve hw t divide the Being Se, pd-

    ing the setteent inheited by the Sviet Unin nd US in 1990.Thee is ny ne teiti qestin t be esved in the A-

    ti; sewht se nd idis, thgh geney gdnted dispte between Cnd nd Denk ve the tiny n-inhbited Hns Isnd in Bn By (whih ws veked in thei

    1973 bndy tety). This ks inesingy s thgh it wi beesved by eithe dividing -ing the iy sb. Se itie

    disptes sti exist bt this is ns in intentin e-tins nd thee is itte peedent ghting ve sh nd wte.

    Aes ntentin ein in the Being Se between the US ndRssi, nd between the US nd Cnd ve the Nth West Ps-sge nd Bet Se, thgh these e we eve disptes thn

    the Bents Se whih ws iby esved. In ptise, the USnd Cnd hve peted in the dispted es with nge-

    ents dinting st gd wk ,nd spei peissins

    nvigtin hving been in petin sine the 1980s. As, it ginppes t be dwning n bth sides tht pise wd be win-win sittin sine the Cndin i in the Bet (bsedn extending the teiti bde nthwds), whist giving the

    ge sie the Se p the 200 ie EEZ iit, wd s t-y give the ess the se beynd this thn nde the tes the

    US i (bsed n eqidistne). This is bese t this distneCnds Bnks Isnd es int the eqtin. Hene, in bize

    twist, the Cndin i hs e t v the Aeins nd

    the US i hs e t v the Cndins.21 Thee hs been

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    EnergyGeopolitics inthe Arctic


    de n the tbe ve the Being Stit sine 1990, thgh it hsneve e t itin de t etne by the D t sntin

    wht se Rssin ntinists see s se t t the Aeinsby the, in thei eyes, disedited Gbhev gvenent. In ptise

    thgh, bth sides hve sine stk t the deinetin geed byeign inistes Bke nd Shevedndze nd gin thee is e-pitik desti nsptin sking the eity pee

    existene t the integvenent eve.The Ati ntinent she is e being psed in dis-

    tinty egisti nne with the Rssins, Cndins, Dnes ndNwegins ptienty pesenting is t UNCLOS nd shwingevey inditin tht they wi bide by thei bittin. Cndi-

    n nd Dnish gegi tes hve even shed intin inpiing thei vepping is in the Lnsv idge e.

    This egisti pph ws de pbi with the Ilullisat Declara-tion whih wed eeting the Ati 5 in Geennd in 2008

    whih nded tht: We ein itted t this eg e-wk [UNCLOS] nd t the dey setteent ny veppingis.22 Whist this detin iked the gvenents the theethe Ati Sttes nd ebes the Ati Cni wh weent nsted ney Sweden, Iend nd Finnd wh e nt

    Ati Oensttes it vey h indited tht pee vep the Ati between the sveeign pwes is in thei t

    inteests. Hene the detin s stted the ppsitin theAti 5 t the tentive de gvenne n Antti-stye

    wd pk nsevtin e tside sveeign jisditin seqenty sggested by the nties nd envinentists.23

    Dnish Feign Ministe Me hene et t t nnne t thewd te the Iist eese tht: we hve hpey qeed

    the yths bt e the Nth Pe ne nd .24

    Feign piy stteents sset ntin inteests nd ze-s hteistins enegy seity bese tht is wht -

    eign piy stteents e sppsed t d nd wht st expett ed. F Reis thgh, ten sks te disse

    di petive etins nd tht is the se with the ArcticFive. The tghest psting hs e nt the Rssins the Aeins, bt Cnd, nd even this is sti e het-

    i thn eity. Gnt sggests tht, is pteting Ati

    sveeignty see itte e thn ppe sveeignty given tht n

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas




    new iebekes hve been nstted nd the Reste By ii-ty bse hs nt dvned in spite the tgh tk.25 In dditin,

    Cndin pbi pinin is h e sensitive bt thei Atihintends thn the est the wd geney ppeites, nd

    the Hpe-MKy gvenent hve been pying t this dienee s thn n intentin ne.26


    Rheti nd eity e ten nt the se in intentin e-tins nd ptiy nt in the pitis the Ati whee de-tins e ten the hws sheep in wves thing. Ati

    exptin, whethe dvente pt, hs wys seeed tbe pnied by h sybis, jingis nd bbst s n

    seeks t nqe nte t its st bt in sething s-inist ntsy.27 This, thgh, fies in the e the eity tht

    king ney in ete, dit nditins neessittes pe-tin the thn ntinist ivy. Insted the d xi tht

    sess eign piy eqies ne t spek sty bt y big stik wht we e witnessing in the Ati is e se ,tk tgh bt y big bg ts. Exeising sveeign n-

    t ve vst, thiny inhbited tts nd is dit tsk; henethe tditin petin nd shing in the se n nd

    nd eses between Init, Si nd the egin indigensgps. Ati ines geney e t egnise the eity

    this t se degee bt desti pbi pinin ten sees ny thefgs nd ieds dispyed n ps. The di te tht is the

    Arctic 5 nd the enegy-seeking ventes binging tgethe West-

    en MNCs nd the Kein epesent e se tnsntin

    sybisis thn new Cd W ntinis. F the tivesbes pded by the disveies Ykn gd in the 1920s Askn i in the 1960s, te enegy exptin in the High

    Ati is set t be h e ng-te nd spetive s E-esn tes it, sw sh Nthen eses.28 Whist g-

    b wing is ighty binging h needed ttentin t the needs its indigens pptins whse ives e being tnsed by tnsing physi nd eni ite, n w t ht

    i hs been spken bt n Ati i sh nd new Cd W.

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas


    Peter Hough


    Pr Hou is ited t the Deptent Inten-tin Pitis t Middesex Univesity, UK nd y be ehed t:[email protected].

    No o Pa 75 -88

    1 Pete MKy (2007), Question Period Agst 2nd CTV.

    2 UGSS (2008), United Sttes Gegi Siety Survey of Undiscovered

    Oil and Gas in the Arctic.

    3 Mk Getti (2008), Cd Cing. Cpetitin Hets Up Ati

    Reses,Janes Intelligence Review,Otbe, pp.8-15.

    4 Stt Bgesn (2008), Ati Metdwn, Foreign Aairs,63:73.

    5 Aie Chen (2008), Rssis Re the Ati, Heartland, 2:36.

    6 Rssin Gvenent (2009), Fundamentals of Russian State Policy in theArctic up to 2020 and Beyond.

    7 US Gvenent (2009), Homeland Security Directive on Arctic Regional


    8 Cndin Gvenent (2009), Comprehensive Northern Strategy.

    9 Mihe Byes (2010), Who Owns the Arctic? Understanding Sovereignty

    Disputes in the North,Vnve: Dgs & MIntye, pp.2-3.

    10 USGS (2008).

    11 Ti Webb (2010), Cin Enegy Fis t Find Engh Oi the Cst

    Geennd, Guardian,26 Otbe 2010.12 Asg Mikkesen nd O Lnghee (2008),Arctic Oil and Gas: Sus-

    tainability at Risk?Lndn & New Yk:Rtedge, p. 264.

    13 WWF (2010), Drilling for Oil in the Arctic: Too Soon, Too Risky, Wd-

    wide Fnd Nte, p.4.

    14 Ibid.p.19.

    15 Ks Ddds (2010), Fg Pnting nd Finge Pinting: The Lw the

    Se, the Ati nd the Piti Gegphies the Ote Cntinent

    She, Political Geography,29, pp. 63-73.

    16 Pve Bev (2010), Rssin Piy in the Ati: A Reity Chek inTenin nd Bev (eds) The Arctic: A View From Moscow, Wshingtn:

    Cnegie Endwent Intentin Pee.

    17 Jns Ste nd Segey Lvv (2010), Jint Cniqe Globe & Mail

    (Cnd) 21 Septebe 2010.

    18 Lei Jensen nd P Skeds (2010), Apphing the Nth: Nwe-

    gin nd Rssin Feign Piy Disses n the Epen Ati,

    Polar Research,29 pp. 439-450.

    19 Miki Gbhev (1987).

  • 7/31/2019 Worth the Energy? The Geopolitics of Arctic Oil and Gas




    20 Vdii Ptin (2010), speeh t the Intentin The Arctic.

    Territory of Dialogue 23 Septebe 2010 vibe t: (essed 03 Otbe 2011).

    21 Mihe Byes (2011), Cing Things Dwn: The Legiztin A-

    ti Seity, ppe pesented t the neene entited Carnegie Coun-cils Programme on US Global Engagement: A Two-Year Retrospective,

    Cnegie Cni Ethis in Intentin Ais, 01-03 Jne 2011

    vibe t: (essed 19 Nvebe 2011).

    22 Iisst Detin (2008), The Ilulissat Declaration, Gvenents

    Denk, Nwy, Rssi, US nd Cnd, 28 My 2011, vibe t:


    essed 12 My 2011).

    23 See, expe, Bin Kzin (2011), Cnds Ati Piy: Ps-

    pets Cpetin in Wing Wd, Central European Journal

    of International and Security Studies 5:1, Mh 2011.

    24 Pe Stig Me (2008), Pess Reese te Iist Detin, 28 My

    2008, Iist Geennd.

    25 Sheigh Gnt (2010), Polar Imperative: A History of Arctic Sovereignty

    in North America, Vnve: Dgs & MIntye, p. 418. See s Byes

    (2010), pp. 17-18.

    26 See Mnk Sh Gb Ais (2011), Rethinking the Top of the

    World: Arctic Security Public Opinion Survey, Univesity Tnt.

    27 Dite, Misi, Ing nd Ddds (2011), Hve Y Hed the One

    Abt the Disppeing Ie? Resting Ati Gepitis, Political Ge-

    ography30:4, pp. 202-214.

    28 Ches Eesn (2010), The Future History of the Arctic, Lndn:

    The Bdey Hed.

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