  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    August 2011Rebecca Zeigler Mano

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    There are more than 4000 accredited colleges and

    universities in the US. There are more research dollars expended at US

    universities than in any other country. Students can earn academic, sport and arts need-

    based and merit-based scholarships to study in the

    US. US liberal arts curriculum encourages academic

    exploration and breadth as well as depth of study andstudents do not have to decide on a field of study foruntil after two years of study.

    US College education is a 24/7 affair with activeresidential life programs and an expectation ofinvolvement in co-curricular life.

    Diversity - The US is the only country in the worldwith no majority ethnicity.

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    As a result, Zimbabwe has over 1500students currently studying in the US at awide range of institutions.

    There are a number of unethical agents andagencies which charge students exorbitantamounts to suggest unis or help with theapplication process.

    Students begin their application process firstterm of U6 and submit applications by Jan 1of the year they wish to enroll in August.

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    Holistic Admissions: Academic and Non-

    academic Transcript, Exam

    Results Activities and

    Involvement (Arts,Sport, Culture, CommService, Leadership,etc)

    Letters ofRecommendation

    Personal Essays

    Admissions officersare trying todetermine the extentto which the student

    will take positiveadvantage of theopportunitiesavailable in and outof the classroom on

    their campus.

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    3 letters required for Common Application: 2 L6 or U6 academic subject teachers 1 careers counselor: School Report Form

    Not just English teachers!!!

    Teachers who know student well Teachers who have something positive to

    write about the student

    Preferably teachers who have witnessed thestudent both in and out of the classroom

    Sports/Arts Supplements and Extra Letters:Can involve letters of rec from coaches ordance/music/art teachers or club advisors

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    Online Give student email

    address; Receive prompt

    Complete letter formonline or upload pre-written letter online;

    Or school counseloruploads all letters

    School part of applseither has to be allonline or all written

    Written On school letterhead Typed and signed In sealed envelope

    with signature acrossseal; If copied, signatures

    should be originaland school stamp on

    copies; One page is sufficient

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    Your student does not need tohave straight As to be worthyof a strong letter of rec. Thereare universities out there thatare good matches for all of

    our students.

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    How long and how well you know the student Students strengths in the classroom

    Intellectual/academic ability

    Determination and extent of effort

    Work habits

    Intellectual curiosity

    Team player? Effectiveness in groups

    Communication skills written, speaking

    Students assets outside of the classroomwhen known (clubs, leadership, as boarder..)

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    Authoritative but doesnt have to be tooformal

    Personal, confidential

    Impeccable English spell check and edit Specific to that student generic letters dont

    help anyone. Mention student by name

    Use Active Voice

    Use effective adjectives (not nice, sweet,good)

    Dont prescribe future career/field of study

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    USE specific, concrete examples (ie a researchpaper she wrote; a great presentation she made;an assertion she made in class against the tide,specific leadership example, etc)

    Quantify successes and qualify statements (ieconsistently the top History student in her classof 25 or got the top mock Physics exam resultthis year vs an amazing student)

    After you write your letter, put yourself inadmission shoes Would this letter helppersuade you to admit the student?

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


    Your goal is to advocate for your student and herpotential honestly so that your letter is an asset

    to her application.

  • 8/4/2019 Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation


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