Page 1: Written Critique Guidelines

Written Critique Guidelines

You will write a 4-5 page critique of either Almost, Maine, Hairspray, Machinal Below are some guidelines for questions you should answer and for the style and tone of your paper.

This is a formal paper, so the tone of your writing should reflect that.

Do not use phrases such as “I feel”, “I think”. These weaken your voice. Be definitive in your opinions.

The length requirement means that you fill 4 pages and go onto a 5th page. You will lose one letter grade if you go below the requirement. Also, do not go over 5 full pages.

Do not summarize the plot. I will have seen the productions. Focus on what the play is saying, some of the larger themes.

Answer the following questions:

-What was the director/creative team trying to achieve? Did they succeed? Why or why not?

-Was the approach appropriate for the play? Did it work against or with the text?

-How does the design of the production (lights, sound, set, costumes, props, choreography etc.) add or detract from what the play is trying to achieve?

-What is the effect of this production on you, the reviewer, or the audience? What does it cause you to experience?

-How does the play and/or the production fall short of or succeed in what it attempts to do?

-Describe any noteworthy performances or choices made by the creative team (director, designer, choreographer, music director, etc.)

-Was the production relevant to a modern audience? Why or why not?

-Has the director helped the actors to perform convincingly?

-Has the director helped the actors to perform as an ensemble?

-Has the director staged the play well?

Be specific. Use examples to support your assertions.

Page 2: Written Critique Guidelines

Do not just tell me if you liked it or didn’t like it. Really examine the production and all its elements.

Follow MLA Guidelines. Your paper will be due one week after the production closes.

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