Page 1: Web viewStudying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, ... their properties and features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the man



Module designation State Compulsory ModuleHistory of Republic of Kazakhstan

Module level, if applicable

State Compulsory Module

Code, if applicable HRK 1101

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsHistory of Republic of Kazakhstan 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

1 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Sabyrkhan Smagulov

Lecturer Dr., Professor Smagulov S., associate Professor, candidate of History Science Iskakova G.Z., associate Professor, candidate of Historyl Science Altaev A.Sh.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)State

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester1 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 2 credit/3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

History of Kazakhstan in the volume of secondary school

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of historical bases and periods of establishment of the independent Kazakhstan statehood in the context of the global and Eurasian historical process;the ability of comprehending objectively and thoroughly the inherent advantages, features and value of Kazakhstan's development model;.

Skills: to use historical original sources; comment historical sources; analyze and interpret of historical events and facts

Student must know: main and added literature connected with historical problems; chronology of historical events; names of historical persons.

Student must have notions about: basic laws of Kazakhstan

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development; man steps of development of Kazakhstan history; about general and specific moments in the development of Kazakhstan history.

Analysisanalytical skills and skills of axiological analysis in the study of complicated historical processes, phenomena and historical figures of modern Kazakhstan

Content Ancient Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan in early Middle ages. Kazakhstan in the Middle ages. Kazakhstan as a part of Russian empire. Kazakhstan in the years of soviet totalitarian system. Kazakhstan as an independent state.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. History of Kazakhstan. Essay. 1993.2. History of Kazakhstan v.1-5.1996,1997,1998.3. Nazarbaev N.A. The way of Kazakhstan. 2007.

Module designation State Compulsory ModuleKazakh (Russian) Language for Professional Purposes

Module level, if applicable

State Compulsory Module

Code, if applicable K(R)LPP 1102

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsKazakh (Russian) Language for Professional Purposes


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1 semester

Person responsible for the module

Zhumagulova Arzan Zhahanovna

Lecturer Zhumagulova Arzan Zhahanovna

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)State

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars - - 45 hrs (3 hrs per

week) /25-30 studentsWorkload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

- 45 hours 45 hoursCredit points 3 credits/5 ECTS

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Requirements according tothe examination regulations

The student should be able: to understand and build texts of different type of a genre, style by exarticulation and designing in them of various composite parts, to be able to process text, to understand and design scientific texts taking into account lexical, word-formation, morphological and syntactic features of the professional speech in various situations

Recommended prerequisites Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Cours is made training into account principles of continuity and intersubject communications. According to them the program focuses on continuation of a school course. The program aims at mastering of a minimum of knowledge, skills with which the student should operate in the course of training to the language

the ability to apply the basic knowledge of the system, structure and functioning of the Kazakh language units for working at texts on speciality to formulate a professional outlook;

In a minimum taken as a principle of the program of training to the Kazakh language, according to state standard of the higher vocational training are put, knowledge (the language competence) skills (speech, the communicative competence is wider).

Synthesize the ability to synthesize the scientific information in the form of a thesis of the issue.

Create the ability to create secondary scientific texts: abstract, summary and description;

Content Reproduction of the conceptually organized philological knowledge in the Kazakh (Russian) language, the co-allocation of the functioning and development of the Kazakh (Russian) language with the socio-economic, cultural, historical, political situation in Kazakhstan and in the world, with constitutional legal bases of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Training to language is spent on the basic of the program on the Kazakh language intended for the student trained in high school on all specialties and directions of preparation of the higher vocational training. It mares a basic course as and possessing language students receive a basic of studying at school. The basic course is directed on arms of students language and communicative to the competence in the field of scientific dialogue. Its problem – to develop at students profound language and communicative the competence on the basis of language of a speciality which can promote vocational training perfection. 4 modules enter into the first semester is a basic course having the uniform structure distated by communicative aiming of a course. Division into modules is subordinated to a thematic principle of giving of a language material. The name of modules which make 1 semester of training: Kazakh language – a state language;I and environment surrounding me; Biology – a golden mean of a science of the nature; If pure the nature-will is healthy the nature.The name of modules which make 2 semester of training: Fauna; Demographic leap, its influence; Global ecological problems..

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. А. Bekturova. The Kazakh language for beginners. 2006.2. А. Zhumagulova The professional Kazakh language for students of biological

faculty. 2011.

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Module designation State Compulsory ModuleForeign language for professional purposes

Module level, if applicable

State Compulsory Module

Code, if applicable FLPP 1103

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsForeign language for professional purposes 3

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1 semester

Person responsible for the module

Blavachinskaya I.B.

Lecturer Blavachinskaya I.B.

Language English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)State

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars - 15 hrs (1 hrs per

week) /10-15 students

30 hrs (2 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study- 30 hours 60 hours

Credit points 3 credits/5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Recommended prerequisites

Foreign language

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The main Phonetic and Grammar structures of English, professionally oriented lexis

the ability to comprehend a foreign speech by listening; communication skills in a foreign language and rich vocabulary; reading skills and skills of analysis of the read material.Habits and practical skills of writing, reading, listening, speaking based on knowledge of a material – studying English for

Communicative, socio-linguistic, cognitive. The student should be able to apply the received practical skills and knowledge in communication and in writing, reading, listening, speaking texts and scientific literatures in their speciality

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professional purposes

Content The aim: To teach the students to communicate in a foreign language for professional needs.Content. Enriching the vocabulary of a foreign language, including the professional terms and clichés, development of listening skills, improvement of students' abilities in reading authentic publications on suggested topics from professional press and the development of skills Parts of Speech. Nouns (plurl, singular forms. Case). Demonstrative, personal, Indefinite, Reflexive, Possessive Pronouns. Ordinal and cardinal numerals. The verbs “to be”, “to have (got)”. Introductory There is/are. Degrees of Comparison of adjectives. Adverbs. Regular, irregular, auxiliary, notional, transitive, intransitive verbs. Tense and Aspect. Modal verbs. The Passive Voice. Imperative Mood. Conditional Mood. Subjunctive Mood. The complex Object. Non-finite forms of verbs. The infinitive. The Gerund. The participle I, II. Sentence structure. Conjunctions. Reported Speech. Professionally oriented speaking

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. English File (4 levels) Clive Oxenden,Christina Latham-Koenig,Paul, Seligson. Oxford, 2004

2. English Grammar in Use. Murphy R. Cambridge, 20043. Science. Keith Kelly. Macmillan,20074. IELTS Foundation. Study Skills. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew

Preshous. Macmillan,20045. Learn to Read Science. Shahova N. Flinta. Moscow. 2003

Module designation State Compulsory Module Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge

Module level, if applicable

State Compulsory Module

Code, if applicable FSK 2104

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsPhilosophyof Scientific Knowledge 2

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

4 semester

Person responsible for the module

Sarymsakov Amanbek

Lecturer Sarymsakov Amanbek

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)State

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

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Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/3ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of the socio-economic disciplines ,as well as the history of science in the amount of introductory courses

Recommended prerequisites

The discipline of social-humanitarian and natural-scientific trend in the volume of the first year of university

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of the role of Philosophy as worldview and basic concepts of the scientific knowledge; its essence and interrelation of philosophical and general scientific worldview;knowledge of core principles, laws and mechanisms of the cognitive activity. skills of non-biased comprehension of realias of modern socio-cultural situations from the point of view of critical thinking methodology; the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the philosophical problems; the main categorical apparatus of philosophy ;

• to work independently with the literature of educational and special character, developing creative work with the original sources;

• self-oriented in the terminology and conceptual apparatus of philosophy;

• free analysis of issues concerning the philosophical perspective;

• develop and protect their own ideological position.

• freely discuss and analyze the issues concerning the philosophical perspective;constructively use scientific knowledge about philosophy in various areas of social life;

Createmastering skills of creative and critical thinking and applying of tools of critical thinking to the analysis of scientific, cultural, social and political phenomena and processes.

Apply skills to use knowledge of principles, laws and categories of Philosophy in the process of solving professional scientific tasks;

Content The aim: to develop students’ methodological and scientific culture, their skills of independent formulating scientific problems and algorithm of scientific search based on fundamental knowledge in the sphere of philosophy, as well as possibilities of interdisciplinary methodology. A special attention is paid to the problems of science and technology, engineering, technical knowledge and art, the role of science in social progress, and also in genesis and solution of global tasks of modern society. Content. Studying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, laws and mechanisms of cognitive activity.Considering ethical problems of the development of science and technology, basic spiritual values and their importance for professional activity.Extension and improvement of students’ knowledge in heuristic and methodological spheres of science by mastering scientific and methodological potential of Modern Philosophy. Forming the idea of the objective law of existence and the development of the community, state, civil society and individuals, of the principles of tolerance and

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intercultural dialogue as conditions of existence of a global society. Developing the students’ culture of critical thinking and their skills of independent reflection on their own methodological problems. The module covers the study of object and basic conceptions of philosophical science,are historical types of philosophy, philosophy of life(ontology) and theory of cognition, scientific pictures of the world and scientific revolutions, and also philosophical problems of society

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1.Abishev K.A. Philosofy. Almaty, 20012. Аlekseev P.В., Panin А.В. Philosofy. М., 2008.3. Mareev C.H., Mareeva E.B. History of philosophy. М., 2003.

Module designation Social-Communicative Module Psychology of Interpersonal Communication

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable PIC 2201

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Elective Courses CreditsPsychology of Interpersonal Communication 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, Smagulova Dana

Lecturer associate Professor Baigisieva M.K., associate Professor, Smagulova D.C.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

8 hours per semester

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 2 credit/3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of philosophy, culture study, history, ethics, language learning, logics and other spheres for studying sociology. Sociology develops in integrative interactions with socialhumanist modules, observing different aspects of development, functions and interaction of society and personality – politics of

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economical courses, proves, and social philosophy, ethnology etc.

Recommended prerequisites

History of Kazakhstan, Political Science, Economic theory, Social sciences (as part of the school program), The course of world history (as part of the school program). Social Issues of terrorism

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledgeknowledge of mental phenomena of interpersonal communication in the accordance of the cognitive processes and regulatory conditions; knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern psychology of interpersonal communication ; knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of modern psychology of interpersonal communication;

Skillsthe ability to investigate individual human characteristics in terms of interpersonal communication in order to identify his personal attributes and form his psychological characteristics;

Competences the ability to competently build a system of relationships with others in the context of interpersonal communication and group interaction skills of interpersonal communication psychological research, implementation, analysis , processing of the data and correct interpretation of the results;

Createthe ability to develop practical recommendations to help improve the individual in terms of interpersonal communication;

Analysisthe ability to estimate and adjust interpersonal communication in order to harmonize the individual and his relationship with others

Applythe ability to adequately apply the acquired psychological knowledge in interpersonal communication

Content The aim: students’ awareness of the role and place of psychological knowledge about interpersonal communication in the modern world, revealing their importance in the process of becoming a professional in their chosen specialty.Content: Systematization of students’ knowledge through the study of the major paradigms, theories, and concepts of modern psychology of interpersonal communication. The theoretical and empirical study of the interpersonal communication psychological problems based on the study of cognitive processes, mental states and individual psychological characteristics of the individual. Basic categories and concepts of social psychology, methodological foundations of social psychology, the basic theories, concepts and principles of social psychology, the nature, content and form of psychic phenomena, laws of their dynamics, methods and techniques of researching interpersonal communication, the essence of the new psychological techniques and technology of studying interpersonal communication.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations, Website:,

Reading list 1. Ibraeva A.S. Theory of Psychology. Almaty, 20032. Sapargaliyev G.S. Foundations of the state and law. Almaty, 2001.3. Sydykov U. E., Ospanov K.I. Foundations of Law. Textbook. Almaty: KazNTU, 2004.

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Module designation Social-Communicative ModuleTheoretical and Applied Political Science

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable TAPS 2202

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsTheoretical and Applied Political Science 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

Zhumagulova Arzan Zhahanovna

Lecturer Zhumagulova Arzan Zhahanovna

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15hrs (1 hrs per week)/ 110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

The aim: To introduce to the basics of politics, power and power relations, the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Recommended prerequisites

History of Kazakhstan

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

the ability to express attitude and to exercise social and political activity to resist various forms of manipulation;

the ability of a tolerant professional interaction and adaptation to the new conditions, taking into account the socio-cultural, ideological, political and religious differences.

Content Content: Political systems and forms of government, and institutions, the political processes in Kazakhstan and in the world. Program documents and the President's Addresses, strategic directions of home and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The idea of a global world as the new world order, an understanding of the major tendencies in world politics and international relations, contribution to the national security strengthening and terrorism and extremism prevention.

Study and examinationrequirements and

Written exam, tests

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forms ofexamination

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. А. Bekturova. The theory of Political Science 2006.2. А. Zhumagulova The Political Science. 2011.

Module designation Social-Communicative Module Ethics of Personal and Social Success

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable EPSS 2203

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsEthics of Personal and Social Success 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

Bolatova D.

Lecturer Bolatova D.Orazbayev A. E.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/3ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Basic knowledge in Philosophy and Ethics

Recommended prerequisites

Elementary Course of Cultureschool courses

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of current ethical problems of modern society and their importance for the professional activity;knowledge of basic ethical concepts and categories;

skills of independent moral orientation in society, indicating a sufficient level of ethical maturity;skills to behave in

skills of assessment of their own actions and the behavior of others in terms of ethics and morality norms;

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knowledge of principles and methods of finding the best ethical decisions in difficult situations of everyday life;

society and communicate with citizens in accordance with the rules of etiquette.

Content The aim: to introduce students to ethical standards, moral principles and human values in the social activity.Content: The systematic understanding of the ways of forming and improving ethical standards in various areas of professional activity. Formation for future professionals of knowledge about the basic ethical concepts, regularities of forming ethical conduct in the process of a person’s socialization. Introduction to the basic stages and tendencies in the development of ethics. Revealing the contents of fundamental ethical guidelines that form the moral position of an individual.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, testsExam

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. Akimov TA People - Culture - Politics. - M.: UNITY, 2007.2. Bigaliev AB, Khalilov MF, MA Sharipova Fundamentals of Society Almaty: "Kazakh universiteti", 2007.3. Dauvergne P. Handbook Of Global Culture. Edward Elgar, 2005. PDF

Module designation Social-Communicative Module Culture and Religion

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable CR 2204

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsCulture and Religion 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

Bolatova D.

Lecturer Bolatova D.Orazbayev A. E.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

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15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/3ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Recommended prerequisites

Elementary Course of Cultureschool courses

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of protection measures from natural and techno-sphere disasters within the sphere of professional activity;knowledge of protection methods and safety technologies in emergency situations.

the ability to make decisions within the limits of one’s competence and authority in emergency situations (ES);

the ability to identify the major dangers of man’s living environment, to assess the risk of their realization.

Content The aim: to form a general idea of the contemporary society; to make the students aware of social processes taking place both in the world and Kazakhstan (issues of stratification, social inequality, poverty and wealth, social, religious, economic and political conflicts).Content: Character of social interactions between people, social and group differences between them. Main laws of society development, basic sociological concepts, methods of sociological research, contemporary sociological theories, main trends and results of contemporary research in sociology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, testsExam

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. Akimov TA People - Culture - Politics. - M.: UNITY, 2007.2. Bigaliev AB, Khalilov MF, MA Sharipova Fundamentals of Society Almaty: "Kazakh universiteti", 2007.3. Dauvergne P. Handbook Of Global Culture. Edward Elgar, 2005. PDF

Module designation Social-Communicative Module Ecology and Sustainable Development

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable ESD 2207

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsEcology and Sustainable Development 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which 3 semester

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the module is taught

Person responsible for the module

Orazbayev A. E.

Lecturer Orazbayev A. E.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

To provide being trained with systematic theoretical and experimental knowledge of ecology and a sustainable development, environmental protection and the rational environmental management, based on the latest developments of an ecological science and new non-polluting, power – and resource-saving technologies, knowledge of the international and Kazakhstan ecological legislation for preparation of the qualified specialists and experts of Physics and Nuclear Physics profile.

Recommended prerequisites

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, school courses in biology.

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The basic laws that govern the interaction of living organisms with their environment, the distribution and the dynamics of population size, community structure and dynamics, patterns of energy flow through living systems and material cycle, functioning ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole, the basic principles of environmental protection and management; social and environmental consequences of human activities, concepts, strategies, sustainable development issues and practical approaches to address them at the global, regional and local levels.

Skills of analysis of ecological processes, setting specific objectives and priorities for the sustainable development of nature and society and use their knowledge to solve environmental problems, knowledge of the laws of the biosphere and the conditions for maintaining its stability and the implementation of the idea of sustainable development in different countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Identify and analyze natural and human ecological processes and possible regulation, to understand the modern concepts and strategies for sustainable human development, aimed at the planned change of traditional forms of economy and way of life in order to preserve the stability of the biosphere and the development of society without catastrophic crises, to use this knowledge the laws governing the interaction of living organisms and the environment in practical activities to ensure the sustainable development.

Content The aim: to provide students with systematic and practical knowledge on ecology and stable development, protection of environment and rational environmental management to train qualified specialists with a wide range of skills. Content. Basic regularities of life forms’ interaction with the environment; mechanisms of ecosystems and biosphere stability and functioning; place and role of ecology in modern economic, political and social problems solution; modern global economic

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problems, their causes, stages of formation and consequences. Special place in the discipline is given to stable development of nature and society, international cooperation in the sphere of environmental safety

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, testsExam

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. Akimov TA Ecology. - M.: UNITY, 2007.2. Bigaliev AB, Khalilov MF, MA Sharipova Fundamentals of General Ecology Almaty: "Kazakh universiteti", 2007.3. Kolumbayeva SJ, RM Bildebaeva General Ecology. Almaty: "Kazakh universiteti", 2006.3. Ayres R.U. Ayres L. A Handbook of Industrial Ecology. Edward Elgar, 2002. PDF4. Collin S.M. Dictionary of Environment & Ecology. Bloomsbury, 2004. PDF5. Craig P.J. Organometallic Compounds in the Environment. Wiley, 2003. PDF6. Dauvergne P. Handbook Of Global Environmental Politics. Edward Elgar, 2005. PDF7. Dickinson G. Ecosystems. Routledge, 2007. PDF 8. Dodds W.K. Freshwater Ecology. Academic Press, 2008. PDF9. Ecology. McGraw-Hill, 2005. PDF10. Gabre C.S. Transport at the Air-Sea Interface. Springer, 2007. PDF11. Goodman J.C. Aviation and the Environment. Nova Science, 2009. PDF12. Gupta A.S. Our Toxic World. A Guide to Hazardous Substances in our Everyday Lives. Sage Publications, 2010. PDF 13. Hatfield J.L. Follett R.F. Nitrogen in the Environment. Academic Press, 2008. PDF 14. Hill M.K. Understanding Environmental Pollution, 3 ed. Cambridge University Press, 2010. PDF

Module designation Social-Communicative Module Human Life Safety

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable HLS 2206

Subtitle, if applicable Not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsHuman Life Safety 2

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor Bolatova D., candidate of Chemical ScienceAssociate Professor Orazbayev A. E., candidate of Biological Science

Lecturer Associate Professor Bolatova D., candidate of Chemical ScienceAssociate Professor Orazbayev A. E., candidate of Bological Science

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum Social-Communicative Module

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hrs per semester (1 hrs per week) 15 hrs per semester (1

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hrs per week)Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

15 hours 30 hours 30 hoursCredit points 2 credits/3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Basic knowledge in personal safety, safety rules for machinery operating, electricity, harmful sources of vibration, noise, radiation, behavior in emergency situations, basic principles of surviving in disasters;

Recommended prerequisites

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, school courses in biology.

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of protection measures from natural and techno-sphere disasters within the sphere of professional activity;

the ability to make decisions within the limits of one’s competence and authority in emergency situations (ES);

the ability to identify the major dangers of man’s living environment, to assess the risk of their realization.

Content The aim: acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for creating proper living environment and labour conditions, identification of negative impacts of living environment, elaboration and realisation of protective measures to secure the man and living environment from negative impacts.Content: Basic natural and techno-sphere dangers, their properties and features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the man and natural environment, methods of protection. Bases of theoretical analysis and prediction of hazard phenomena and processes.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, testsExam

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. Akimov TA Ecology. People - Economy - Biota - Medium. - M.: UNITY, 2007.2. Bigaliev AB, Khalilov MF, MA Sharipova Fundamentals of General Ecology Almaty: "Kazakh universiteti", 2007.3. Kolumbayeva SJ, RM Bildebaeva General Ecology. Almaty: "Kazakh universiteti", 2006.3. Ayres R.U. Ayres L. A Handbook of Industrial Ecology. Edward Elgar, 2002. PDF4. Collin S.M. Dictionary of Environment & Ecology. Bloomsbury, 2004. PDF5. Craig P.J. Organometallic Compounds in the Environment. Wiley, 2003. PDF6. Dauvergne P. Handbook Of Global Environmental Politics. Edward Elgar, 2005. PDF7. Dickinson G. Ecosystems. Routledge, 2007. PDF 8. Dodds W.K. Freshwater Ecology. Academic Press, 2008. PDF9. Ecology. McGraw-Hill, 2005. PDF10. Gabre C.S. Transport at the Air-Sea Interface. Springer, 2007. PDF11. Goodman J.C. Aviation and the Environment. Nova Science, 2009. PDF12. Gupta A.S. Our Toxic World. A Guide to Hazardous Substances in our Everyday Lives. Sage Publications, 2010. PDF 13. Hatfield J.L. Follett R.F. Nitrogen in the Environment. Academic Press, 2008. PDF 14. Hill M.K. Understanding Environmental Pollution, 3 ed. Cambridge University Press, 2010. PDF

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Module designation Social-Communicative Module Fundamentals of Economics

Module level, if applicable

Social-Communicative Module

Code, if applicable FE 2209

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Elective Courses CreditsFundamentals of Economics 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Economic Science Aiman A. Yerezhepova

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Economics Science Erezhepova A.A., associate Professor, candidate of Economics Science Baigisieva M.K., associate Professor, candidate of Economics Science Smagulova D.C., associate Professor, candidate of Economics Science Ergobek Sh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

30 hours per semester

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 2 credit /3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of philosophy, logics and other spheres for studying economics. Economics develops in integrative interactions with social modules, observing different aspects of development, functions and interaction of society and personality – politics of economical courses, proves, and economical philosophy

Recommended prerequisites

History of Kazakhstan, Political Science, Social sciences (as part of the school program),

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of the basic economic reorganizations in the society, logics and interconnection of phenomena and processes in the society life;

the ability to apply systematic knowledge in economy in professional activity.

Content The aim: to form scientific concepts of basic categories, ideas and regularities of economy functioning.Content. Socio-economic relations. Basic micro and macroeconomic indices, their computing methods. The mechanism of market pricing, competition and economic development trends. Basis of economic development of modern international economic

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relations system and world market development trends.Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations, Website:,

Reading list 1. Ibraeva A.S, N. Ibraev Theory of State and Law. Almaty, 20032. Sapargaliyev G.S. Foundations of the state and law. Almaty, 2001.3. Financial law. Compilation of the normative acts. Almaty: "Lawyer" 2007.4. A.A. Yerezhepova. Sample program “Analysis and management of commercial activity”// Al-Farabi KazNU, 2011

Module designation Social and Communicative ModuleKazakhstan Law

Module level, if applicable

Social and Communicative Module

Code, if applicable KL 2208

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsKazakhstan Law 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

Zhumagulova Arzan Zhahanovna

Lecturer Zhumagulova Arzan Zhahanovna

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hrs (1 hrs per week)/ 110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/3ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Recommended prerequisites

History of Kazakhstan, Phylosofy

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Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of legal system peculiarities in Kazakhstan in historical and law context and in current situation of national legal system integration into the world system of laws;

Examine the role of law in the development of society, strengthening the rule of law

the ability to apply scientific and theoretical knowledge in daily activity in defending constitutional rights and freedoms.

Be competent in the main branches of Kazakh law, analyze the legal situation, be able to work with the main normative acts.

Content The aim: to study the peculiarities of Kazakhstan legal system, to study the main regulations of basic norms of legal documents in the RK.Content. Legal system in Kazakhstan, conceptual issues of basic regulations in the RK.Theoretical bases of rule-of-law state formation, democratic society and social state. Basic trends of Kazakhstan’s law policy conception in 2010-2020 and ”The Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”.This module covers the introduction to the concepts of the Foundation of the State and Law, to the basic ideas and problems of the state, law, democracy, human rights and freedoms. Develop a habit of working with the legal literature, laws and other regulations.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. Ibraeva A.S, N. Ibraev Theory of State and Law. Almaty, 20032. Sapargaliyev G.S. Foundations of the state and law. Almaty, 2001.3. Sydykov U. E., Ospanov K.I. Foundations of Law. Textbook. Almaty: KazNTU, 2004.4. А. Vasilyev. Law: theory and principles, M.:Academy. 2006.

Module designation Social and Communicative ModuleGeneral and Applied Sociology

Module level, if applicable

Social and Communicative Module

Code, if applicable GAS 2205

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsGeneral and Applied Sociology 2

1 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

Smagulova Dana, Aiman A. Yerezhepova

Lecturer Erezhepova A.A., Baigisieva M.K., Smagulova D.C., Ergobek Sh.

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Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Social

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hrs (2 hrs per week) /110 students/40 students

15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Credit points 2 credits/ 3ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of philosophy, culture study, history, ethics, language learning, logics and other spheres for studying sociology. Sociology develops in integrative interactions with social humanist modules, observing different aspects of development, functions and interaction of society and personality – politics of economical courses, proves, and social philosophy, ethnology etc.

Recommended prerequisites

Social sciences (as part of the school program), The course of world history (as part of the school program). Social Issues of terrorism

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

the ability to make independent analysis of the processes and phenomena taking place in the society; To know the extent of the progress of society as a whole, the transition of society on a new path of economic growth

the ability to dynamically use alternative, new or innovative sociological approaches in solution of professional issues;

the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral and written forms correctly and reasonably;be competent in the main branches of Kazakh law, analyze the legal situation, be able to work with the main normative acts.

Content The aim: to form a general idea of the contemporary society; to make the students aware of social processes taking place both in the world and Kazakhstan (issues of stratification, social inequality, poverty and wealth, social, religious, economic and political conflicts).Content: Character of social interactions between people, social and group differences between them. Main laws of society development, basic sociological concepts, methods of sociological research, contemporary sociological theories, main trends and results of contemporary research in sociology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations, Website:,

Reading list 1. Sapargaliyev G.S. Foundations of the state. Almaty, 2001.2. Sydykov U. E., Ospanov K.I. Foundations of Law. Textbook. Almaty: KazNTU, 2004.3. G.A. Yerezhepova. Sample program “Analysis of social activity”// Al-Farabi KazNU, 2010

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Module designation Module 1. General Chemistry and BiochemistryInorganic chemistry Analitical Chemistry

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable IHim 1401 AHim 1402

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsInorganic chemistry 3Analitical Chemistry 3

2 lectures + 1 lab/ weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

1 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Chemical Science Oksana Ponomarenko

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Chemical Science Oksana Ponomarenko, associate Professor, candidate of Chemical Science Luisa Beisembaeva

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Students should be to have knowledge of basic inorganic compounds50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Basic of chemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge of basic inorganic compounds• understanding of the relationship of

Impart skills to practice classical chemical methods.

General competencies:tools: a holistic understanding of the

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structure and function of the biological activity of the compounds;• a basic understanding of their use in medicine and agriculture.Remember theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry, composition, structure and chemical properties of the basic simple substances and chemical compounds to understand how the structure of matter and chemical processesUnderstand-understanding of the relationship of structure and function of the biological activity of the compounds;-a basic understanding of their use in medicine and agriculture- basis of thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of chemical processes and the stability of the compounds

Apply -skills of experimental work, independent work with the scientific and technical literature;-the basic concepts, laws and theories of inorganic chemistry to solve practical problems and perform experimental work

Analysis-properties of the element and its key compounds on the status element in the periodic D.I.Mendeleev- the ability and spontaneous way of chemical processes, which are based on various chemical reactions;-basic research methods of inorganic compound sand be able to interpret the experimental results.

processes and phenomena occurring in biological systems, to understand the power of modern scientific methods and master them at a professional level; own methods of chemical and physical analysis;Interpersonal: ability to develop creative individual abilities, commitment to the cultural and ethical values to solve philosophical problems in the field of ecology;system: to understand the nature and social significance of their future profession, acquire new knowledge, using modern educational technology;Subject expertise: an understanding of the properties and mechanism of action of drugs, how they identify and obtain from plant, animal and microbial material.

Evaluate-optimal conditions for carrying out chemical reactions;- methods and techniques for synthesis of inorganic substances, a description of their properties based on patterns arising from the periodic law of the periodic system of elements;

Remember - Basic safety regulations in the laboratory of analytical chemistry;- Basic concepts and laws of Analytical Chemistry; - Fundamentals of separation and concentration; - The basic methods of titrimetric and gravimetric analysis; - The basis of spectral and electrochemical methods of analysis; - Metrological basis of analytical chemistry, checking error of analysis.Understand- Ways of expressing concentrations

Apply- To carry out the basic analytical operations (sampling, sample preparation: concentration, separation and derivatization) and related calculations ;- To use the analytical equipment, chemicals, to apply

Evaluate- Metrological evaluation of the results of analytical determination;Create- To be able to choose the optimal method for the analysis of biological

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of solutions and formulas of transition from one expression of solution concentration to another.

them for analysis of various objects;- To prepare standard solutions of a given concentration;- To plan and carry out chemical experiments, to interpret the results, to draw conclusions, to prepare reports on research experiments;- To use reference books to solve analytical problems.Analysis- Methods for calculation of the equilibrium concentrations and how to use this information when assessing the suitability of the reaction for given analytical purposes; - To learn how to solve the problems and perform calculations using quantitative laws of chemistry.


Inorganic chemistry

Study of the fundamental branches of the general, inorganic and analytical chemistry, form the fundamental and practical training biotechnologists. Examination of the structure of matter and the relationship between the structure and chemical properties of matter, the basic laws of chemical reactions, the principles and methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis.1. Subject and tasks of inorganic chemistry2. Fundamentals of atomic-molecular theory. Basic laws of chemistry.3. Structure of the atom. Periodic Law.4. Chemical bonding, molecular structure, characteristic of the interacting atoms.5. Fundamentals of chemical kinetics. Factors affecting the rate of chemical reactions.6. Chemical equilibrium. Factors affecting the chemical equilibrium.7. General information about the solutions. Ways of expressing the concentration of solutions.8. Redox reactions in aqueous solutions9. Aqueous electrolyte solutions. Exchange reactions in electrolyte solutions10. Acid-base equilibrium in aqueous solutions: the dissociation of water, pH, buffers, hydrolysis of salts.11. Complex compounds: their structure and nomenclature.12-13. Chemical elements of the main subgroups.14-15. Chemical sub-group elements

Analitical Chemistry

1. Qualitative analysis. Analytical effect of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium in a homogeneous system.2. Acid-base balance. Bronsted -Lowry theory.3. Acid-base interaction. pH of buffer system, solutions of salts and ampholytes .4. Equilibrium in solutions of complex compounds.

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5. Chemical equilibrium in heterogeneous systems.6. Equilibrium in redox systems.7. Quantitative analysis. Purpose. Objects.8. Gravimetric analysis. The essence of the method. Conditions for obtaining precipitations. Main stages of gravimetric analysis.9. Basics of titrimetric analysis. Ways of expressing the concentration of solutions in titrimetric analysis.10. Acid-base titration. Indicators. Objects of analysis. Calculation of the results of the analysis.11. Methods of redox titration.12. General characteristics of the physico-chemical methods of analysis, their classification, advantages and disadvantages.13 Electrochemical methods of analysis, their classification. Potentiometry. General characteristics, theoretical bases, equipment, application of the method.14 Spectroscopic analysis methods. Basic principles and concepts, classification of the methods.15 Chromatographic methods of analysis. High performance liquid chromatography. Gas Chromatography.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, testsindividual computational work;test papers;work in small groups;colloquium.1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list The main1. Akhmetov N.S. General and inorganic chemistry. - Moscow, 2008 (in russian)2. Karapet'yants M.H. General and inorganic chemistry. - Moscow, 1992 (in russian)3. Pavlov N.N. General and inorganic chemistry. - Moscow, 2002 (in russian)4. Ugai J.A. General and inorganic chemistry. - M., 2000. (in russian)5. Zolotov Y. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry: in 2 books. - M.: Higher sc.,

2004. (in russian)Additional

1. Modern methods of analytical chemistry: in 2 volumes / M.Otto, translated from the German, edited by A. Garmash. - M. Technosphere, 2003. (in english)2. Sharipova N.S. Methodological guidance on analytical chemistry (for biology students.) - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2002. (in kazakh)3. Zlomanova V.P. Workshop on inorganic chemistry. - Moscow: Moscow State University, 1994. - 318 p. (in russian)

4. Burkitbayev M.M., Bekishev C.B. Workshop on inorganic chemistry. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2005. - 228 p. (in kazakh)

Module designation Module 1. General Chemistry and BiochemistryBiochemistry

Module level, if applicable

Basic professional modules

Code, if applicable Bio 2404

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiochemistry 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

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Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Goncharova Alla

Lecturer Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Goncharova Alla (Russian department; English department)Dr., Professor Shoinbekova Sabina (Kazakh department)

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

In the process of studying this discipline the students should know: knowledge of the main classes of biological substances (their structure, properties and mechanisms of their functioning), knowledge of the basic metabolic pathways in the body, the relationship of the biological function and molecular structure, the representation of the molecules of nature with biotechnology production.

Recommended prerequisites

Lowmolecular biological substances; Microbiology and Virology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

After learning discipline students must:- remember structure , properties and functions of the main classes of the important biological substances;- understand the main metabolic pathways in living organisms;- interactions between biological function and molecular structure of substance;

The students must own:- skills on the instruments and equipment used in biochemical laboratories;- modern methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of nucleic acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and hormones in biological material

The student should be able: - to apply the received practical skills and knowledge in various branches of human activity, at performance of the final work;- to evaluateexperimental data;- to create the scheme of biochemical experiment according necessary aims.

Content The course will cover the following topics: 1. Introduction in Biochemistry. 2. Proteins. Peculiarities of structure. Classification of proteins. Structural

organization of protein.3. Enzymes. Structure, mechanism of enzyme action. Kinetics of enzymatic

reaction.4. Carbohydrates. Classification. Biological significance. Properties of the main

representatives. 5. Lipids. Biological significance, classification. Characteristics of the main

classes of lipids. Properties of lipids. Practical using of the main properties of lipids.

6. Vitamins. Classification. Biological significance. Representatives.7. Nucleic acids. Peculiarities of structure. Biological significance. Structural

organization of DNA. Types of RNA.

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8. Biosynthesis of Protein. Transcription. Translation.9. Basics of metabolism. 10. Catabolism of proteins. Glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids.11. Catabolism of carbohydrates. Glycolysis. 12. Krebs cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation.13. Biosynthesis of glucose. 14. Metabolism of lipids. Oxidation of fatty acids.15. Hormones. Classification. Representatives. Mechanisms of action.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: oral discussion, testing, , problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Lectures in presentation form. Video. Animations.

Reading list 1. Shvedova V.N., Komov B.T. Biochemistry // M., Drofa, 2006. (in russian)2. Scherbakov V., Prudnikov. Minakova A.D. Biochemistry // M., GIORD, 2005. (in

russian)3. Nikolaev A.Y. Biological chemistry // M., 2004. (in russian)4. Y. Visual biochemistry.// М., , 2000. (in russian)5. Seitov Z.S. Biochemistry, Almaty 2000 (in kazakh)6. Beresin I.V., Savin U.V. Basis of biochemistry, 1990. (in russian)7. Leninger A .Bases of biochemistry т. 1-3 М., "World" 1986

Module designation Module 1. General Chemistry and BiochemistryLowmolecular biological substances

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable LBS 1403

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsLowmolecular biological substances 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Beisembaeva R.U.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Orazova S., Professor assistance, candidate of Biological Science Narmuratova M.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

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Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of chemistry, language learning, logics and other spheres for studying this course. As one of the tools that fostered an increased understanding of our world, the science of chemistry - the study of matter and the changes it undergoes - developed slowly until near the end of the eighteenth century.

Recommended prerequisites

Chemistry, Physics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge on the structure, properties and functions of the low-molecular nature of biological compounds that functioning in all organisms.Remember The student should remember the basic classification, genetic connection between the classes of compounds, biological value of the main representatives of the low molecular biological molecules.

UnderstandThe student must to understand the interaction between properties and functions of biomolecular compounds and the structure of their molecules

To get research skills of low-molecular biological compounds in natural objects.Apply The student should systematize the knowledge received at studying the course and use them to analyze the results of experimental studiesAnalysisThe student should be able to analyze the biological function of the low-molecular compounds on the basis of the structure of the molecule.

To have the theoretical knowledge and be able toevaluate problems, approaches and trends reflecting the current state of natural compoundsTo be able to use them in research and practical applications.EvaluateThe student should evaluate the possibility of practical application of low-molecular-biological compounds in biotechnology and medicineCreateThe student should create new approaches to the study of biological properties of low-molecular-biological compounds

Content The low molecular biological molecules derived from natural sources contained carbon, and eventually a new definition of organic chemistry emerged: organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds.Classes of low-molecular biological compounds. Aliphatic, carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds. Structure, properties, function, distribution in nature. Biologically important heterocyclic compounds. Mono-functional and hetero-functional natural compounds structure, chemical properties, and function in the organisms. Natural biologically active compounds, peptides, alkaloids, antibiotics.Introduction. Structure determines properties. Alkanes. Structure and preparation of alkenes:elimination reactions. Reactions of alkenes: addition reactions. Alkynes. Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes. Arenes and aromaticity. Hucckel’s rule. Heterocyclic aromatic compounds. Reactions of arenes: electrophilic aromatic substitution. Alcohols, diols, and thiols. Ethers, epoxides, and sulfides. Aldehydes and ketones: nucleophilic addition tothe carbonyl group. Enols and enolates Carboxylic acids. Carboxylic acid derivatives:nucleophilic acyl substitution. Amines. Phenols. Carbohydrates. Lipids. Amino acids, peptides, and proteins. Nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

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Electronic books and scientific journalsReading list 1. M.L.Belyanin "Biologically active substances of natural origin" Tomsk, Vol. Tomsk

Polytechnic Institute, 2010 (in russian)2. A.A.Semenov Basic Chemistry of Natural Compounds. M., 2009, 1.2 tons (in russian)3. V.V.Plemenkov "Introduction to the chemistry of natural products," Kazan, 2001 (in russian)

Module designation Module 2. Biodiversity of Рlants, Animals and MicroorganismsBiodiversity of РlantsBiodiversity of Animals

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable BP 1405BA 1406

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiodiversity of Рlants 3Biodiversity of Animals 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Nesterova S.G.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Nikolaev George Vladimirovich

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Nikolaev G., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Nazarbekova S., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Suvorova M., Dr., Professor Nesterova S.G., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Shalgimbaeva S., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Dautbaeva K., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Mamurova A., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Childibaeva A., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Omarova Zh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements Students should be to know elementary curs on zoology and plant anatomy

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according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

knowledge of school rates on zoology and the general biology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The knowledge on the basic levels of the organization of animals, representations about importance of all stages of individual development unvertebrate and vertebrate animals, the reasons of variety of fauna/flora and the basic laws of its formation, modern sights at laws of development of the organic world are compared.A place and a role of plants in ecological systems, economic and their natural value.

The use of the received knowledge in professional work.Skill to put scientific questions to carry out research works at wide use of new techniques. The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of scientific, industrial and practical problems, to work in laboratory and field conditions.

Integration of knowledge, skills and methodological abilities into work and educational situations. The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of scientific, industrial and practical problems, to work in laboratory and field conditions.

Content The Cellular level of the organization of animals ; Two-layer animals; The Three-layer animals; Characteristic of vertebra; Development of a vertebrate animal; Covers and a skeleton; Bodies of a metabolism and reproduction; Nervous system and sense organs; The Origin, systematization and distribution of vertebrate animals. Students will receive representation about features of a structure of a vegetative cell, tissue and plant’s organs; to know the basic directions of morphological evolution of plants, biological essence of reproduction and duplication, age and seasonal changes of plants. The rate acquaints students with a variety of flora, with features of a structure and duplication of various regular groups of the lowest and maximum plants, gives representation about bases of evolution of flora; shows communications between plants, other alive organisms and an inhabitancy. Students will receive representation about a parity of concepts: systematization, evolution, phylogenezis, systematization and floristics, taxonomic categories and taxons.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. Vasiljev A.I., etc. Morphology and anatomy of plants. М., 1989. (in russian)2. Sharova I.N .Zoology of unvertebras. М., 2002. (in russian)3. Hausman K. Protozoology. The world. М., 1988. (in english)4. Olzhabekova K.B. Zoology of vertebrates. Almaty. Baspager. p. 1 and 2.1999,

2001 (in kazakh)

Module designation Module 2. Biodiversity of Рlants, Animals and MicroorganismsMicroboilogy and Virology

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

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Code, if applicable MV 1407

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Microboilogy and Virology 32 lectures + 1 lab/ week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaya Irina

Lecturer Savitskaya Irina(English department); Mucasheva Togjan (Russian department); Sydykbekova Raishan (Kazakh department)

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of general biology, chemistry.50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

General biology (school curse), chemistry.

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge of the structural organization procaryotic cells;features of their growth and reproduction of microorganisms; variety of ways of their existence; their role in the nature and human life; principles of their classification; the basic properties of viruses.After learning discipline students must know:

- features and propertyes of microorganisms and viruses;

- their role in the nature and

knowledge of working with microbial cultures, making microscopic preparations, with the methods of isolation and cultivation of microorganisms.The students must own:- skills on the

acquaintance to bases and history of studying of a biodiversity of microorganisms, accurately to inform the received base knowledge of features of a morphological structure of microorganisms and virusesThe student should be able: - to apply the received

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human life;- principles of their

classification; structures of procaryotic cells;- features of growth and reproduction of microorganisms and viruses.

instruments and equipment used in microbiological laboratories;- display proper use of microbiological technique with regard to the isolation and visualization of bacterial cultures;- exhibit oral and/or written presentation skills which involve the evaluation of data, lab results or case studies within the field of microbiology.

practical skills and knowledge in various branches of human activity, at performance of the final work;- to analyze experimental data;

Content In a course directions of modern scientific researches in the field of genetics and genomic microorganisms are considered.  The information, concerning the main problems of this branch of a science from the point of view of biotechnology is resulted. Approaches and the tendencies reflecting a current state of scientific researches on working out of ways of their decision are considered. Acquaints with safety problems genetic modified industrial strains.Selection methods and technicians which are applicable to own scientific researches of undergraduates and modern scientific researchers are studied.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. Abramson, J.; Smirnova, I.; Kasho, V.; Verner, G.; Kaback, H. R.; and Iwata, S. 2003. Structure and mechanism of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli. Science 301: P. 610–615. (in english)2. Becton, Dickinson and Co. 2005. Difco and BBL manual: Manual of microbiological culture media, 1st ed., Franklin Lakes, NJ: BD. (in english)3. Davidson, A. L., and Chen, J. 2004. ATP-binding cassette transporters in bacteria.4. Bartlett, D. H., and Roberts, M. F. 2000. Osmotic stress. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 3, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, P. 502–515. San Diego: Academic Press. (in english)5. Cavicchioli, R., and Thomas, T. 2000. Extremophiles. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 2, J. Lederburg, editor-in-chief. - P. 317–337. San Diego: Academic Press. (in english)6. Cotter, P. D., and Hill, C. 2003. Surviving the acid test: Responses of gram-positive bacteria to low pH. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 67(3): P.429–453.7. Hall-Stoodley, L.; Costerton, J.W.; and Stoodley, P. 2004. Bacterial biofilms: From the natural environment to infectious diseases. Nature Rev. Microbiol. 2:95 - P. 108.

Module designation Module 3. Cell Biology and Basics of PhysiologyCell and Tissue Biology

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable CTB 1309

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

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Courses, if applicable Course CreditsCell and Tissue Biology 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Shalakhmetova T.M.,Dr., Professor Nurtazin S.T.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Shalakhmetova T.M.,Dr., Professor Nurtazin S.T.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: none

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge of the main provisions of the cell theory and methodological approaches of analyzing the structure and function of cells and cellular organoids in normal and pathological conditions; relation between the structure and function of cells; mechanisms of the cell division and differentiation in normal and pathological conditions; tissue origin in individual and historical development; morpho-functional classification of tissues; structure and function of various tissues;

Microscopy skills: the ability to properly handle the microscope, cytological and histological specimens, cells and tissues, based on knowledge,

be able to distinguish between different cell types, intercellular substance, vessels, morphological features of cell division and tissue regeneration, to correctly interpret the structural and functional organization vital and fixed cells at the microscope in micrographs

Content Familiar with the basic concepts of the structure and functioning of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in vivo and in vitro. Introduction to the features of the structure, function and formation of different tissue systems of animals and humans.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, tests 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral

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form) and testMedia employed Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journalsReading list 1. Chencov J.C. Introduction in Cell Biology. M., MSU. 2005. 494p. (in russian)

2. Chencov J.C. General Citology. M., MSU. 1995. 384p. (in russian)3. Afanasieva J.I., Jurina N.A. Gistology, cytology, embryology. М., Medicine,

2001. (in russian)4. Zavarzin A.A., Harazova A.D.,Molitvin M.N. Cell Biology. St-Petersburg. LSU.

1992. 314p. (in russian)

Module designation Module 3. Cell Biology and Basics of PhysiologyBasics of Microorganisms Physiology

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable BMF 2311

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Microorganisms Physiology 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

4 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kistaubaeva A.S.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational Modules

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

MV 1407 Microbiology and Virology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

As a result of the discipline, students will know: the pathways of the

Have the skills to work with pure

Be able to: use knowledge about the

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nutrients into the cell, types of the power of microorganisms, methods of cultivation of microorganisms;Remember - Remember the basic biochemical and physiological functions of a microbial cell that allow survival and growth;- Remember the different biochemical and physiological functions are integrated, coordinately regulated, and expressed within the cell.Understand- Understand and explain the basic procedures used in studying microbial physiology.

cultures of microorganisms used in biotechnology.Apply - Apply your knowledge of microbial physiology to solve scientific or environmental problems.Analysis- Analysis the incredible metabolic diversity found in microorganisms that permits them to occupy diverse ecological niches and how this metabolic diversity contributes to growth and survival.

needs of micro-organisms in the matter, laws of growth and development at various ways of cultivation.EvaluateUse logical reasoning in microbial physiology, microbial cell biology and the techniques used to study microbial physiology. 

CreateCreate of isolate an organism that degrades a xenobiotic compound and characterize the biochemical pathway for the metabolism of that compound in that organism.

Content The course "Fundamentals of Physiology of Microorganisms," introduces students to the scientific basics of microorganisms’ cultivation and biochemical basis of their metabolic processes to produce the desired metabolites.The course will cover the following topics:

1. The chemistry of microbes2. Microbial Metabolism. Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions. Enzymes. Energy

Production.3. Carbohydrate Metabolism. A Summary of Energy Production Mechanisms.

Metabolic Diversity among Organisms.4. Microbial Nutrition. The common nutrient requirements. Nutritional types of

microorganisms. Growth factors.5. Microbial Growth. The Requirements for Growth. Culture Media. Obtaining

Pure Cultures. The Growth of Bacterial Cultures.6. Microbial physiology - factors influencing the growth of microbes.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam and oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. Abramson, J.; Smirnova, I.; Kasho, V.; Verner, G.; Kaback, H. R.; and Iwata, S. 2003. Structure and mechanism of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli. Science 301: P. 610–615. (in english)2. Becton, Dickinson and Co. 2005. Difco and BBL manual: Manual of microbiological culture media, 1st ed., Franklin Lakes, NJ: BD. (in english)3. Davidson, A. L., and Chen, J. 2004. ATP-binding cassette transporters in bacteria.4. Bartlett, D. H., and Roberts, M. F. 2000. Osmotic stress. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 3, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, P. 502–515. San Diego: Academic Press. (in english)5. Cavicchioli, R., and Thomas, T. 2000. Extremophiles. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 2, J. Lederburg, editor-in-chief. - P. 317–337. San Diego: Academic Press.

Module designation Module 3. Cell Biology and Basics of Physiology Basics of Animal Physiology

Module level, if Basic Professional Modules

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Code, if applicable BAF 2311

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Animal Physiology 3

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

4 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Tormanov N.T.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Tormanov N.T. , associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Srailova G.T., associate Professor Baktybaeva L.K.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits (135 hrs)

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of scores

Recommended prerequisites

BA 1406 Biodiversity of Animals

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

theoretical and methodological bases of animal physiology; the mechanisms providing interaction of separate parts of an organism and an organism as whole with environment; about achievements, prospects of development of physiology and its practical application.

to own methods of an assessment of a functional condition of an organism of animals.

to apply the received knowledge and skills to development of new biotechnological methods and receptions of management by organism functions.

Content The discipline gives an idea of processes of activity of an animal organism and parts making it in their unity and interrelation with environment.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral

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form) and testMedia employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Tormanov N.T. Animal and Human physiology. Almaty. 2009, 321 p. (in Russian, in Kazakh)

2. Nosov V.N. Animal Physiology. Moscow. 2004. 278 p. (in russian)

Module designation Module 3. Cell Biology and Basics of Physiology Basics of Plant Physiology

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable BPF 2311

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Plant Physiology 3

2 lectures+1 LabSemester(s) in which the module is taught

4 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Atabaeva S.Zh.Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Atabaeva S.Zh.Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits (135 hrs)

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Biodiversity of Plants

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

theoretical and methodological foundations of Plant Physiology - the science of the main manifestations of plant life and their regulation; mechanisms for the interaction of plant parts and whole plant organism with the environment; the achievements, prospects of plant physiology and its practical

Students be able to: apply their knowledge and skills to develop new biotechnological methods and techniques of control of bodily functions;-must be able to

to know the main manifestations of life and their regulation, mechanisms and patterns of activity of the autonomic functions of the plant, mechanisms for the interaction of plant

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application.Remember 1 Peculiarities of plant cells structure2. Photosynthesis equation3. Photosynthesis phases4. Electron transport chain5. Respiration equation6. Phases of Glycolysis7. Triad of SelyeUnderstand1. Laws of osmosis2.Light and dark phases of photosynthesis3. Photorespiration4. Types CO2 assimilation 6. Respiration process5. Glyoxylate cycle6. Embryogenesis process7. Mineral nutrition process8. Phases of development9. Stress physiology

apply this knowledge to laboratory work;-must master the methods to assess the functional state of the plants.Apply Their knowledge on the structure and function of plant cells for understanding all the vital processes of the plant Methods for assessing the functional state of the plant organismTheir knowledge to perform experiments to study the basic physiological processesApply knowledge and skills for developing new biotechnological methods and techniques of management functions of the plant organismAnalysis1. Function of transmembrane transport system under different conditions2. Water status of plant cell under different conditions3. Advantages and limitations of different types of CO2 assimilation4. Functions of different organells and physiological processes under unfavorable conditions

parts and a whole plant with the environment, the achievements and prospects for development of physiological science and its practical application. Evaluate1. Evaluate effects of different factors on water status of plant cells2. The rate of photosynthesis, respiration and mineral composition of plants3. Evaluate the functional state of plant at different environmental conditionsCreate

1. Presentations on regularities of physiological processes2. Models of unfavorable environmental condition to evaluate physiological processes

Content The course of “Basic physiology of plants” include: structure and function of plant cell organelles, the nature and mechanisms of the light and dark phases of photosynthesis, the way the oxidation of respiratory substrates, photosynthetic and oxidative phosphorylation, the physiological role of mineral elements and their metabolism in plants, mechanisms for delivering the cell and movement water through the plant, mineral elements, patterns of plant growth and development, physiological bases of plant resistancePeculiarities of the plant cell structure Water exchange of plantsPhotosynthesis. The photosynthetic apparatus of plants

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Photosynthesis. Light stage of photosynthesisPhotosynthesis The dark stage of photosynthesisRespiration. Redox reactions. Glycolysis. Krebs cyclePentose phosphate pathwayDoctrine of mineral nutrition. Ways of nitrogen assimilation in plantsPlant cell ontogeny. Plant growth and developmen. EmbryogenesisStages of development of higher plantsStress physiology. Physiology of plant resistance to droughtPhysiology of plant tolerance to salinity

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, testsFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionCurrent control: tests, project work in small groups, essays

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Kalekenov K. Plant physiology. Almaty, 2008, 343 p. (in Kazakh)2. Polevoi V. Plant physiology. Moscow, 1996, 274 p. (in Russian)3. Nechaev A.P. Chemistry. St. Petersburg, 2007 (in russian)4. Drozdova T.M., Vlyuschensky P.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Physiology of plant

nutrition. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

Module designation Module 4. General genetics and BiostatisticsGeneral and molecular geneticsBiostatistics

Module level, if applicable

Basic professional modules

Code, if applicable GMG 2412BS 3413

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsGeneral and molecular genetics 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab / week)Biostatistics 3 (1 lectures + 1 seminar+ 1 lab

/ week)Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester 6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Shulembaeva G.K.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Shulembaeva G.K., Candidate of Biological Science, Associate Professor Zhunisbaeva Zh.K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

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30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

20 hours per semester

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of basic sciences that underpin modern biotechnology, to understand the essence of advanced methods and technologies in the professional activity of the expert - Biotechnology

Recommended prerequisites

Plant Biodiversity, Animal Biodiversity, Low molecular weight biological molecules, Microbiology and Virology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Remember:the location of biometrics and the limits of its use in the biological research, basic statistical methods and concepts, terminology and symbols of biometrics;

Understand:the basic laws of genetics and molecular mechanisms of inheritance of traits, genetic experiment to plan and solve genetic problems.

Apply:statistical analysis;

Analysis:mathematical and statistical tables.

Evaluate:scientific experiment, analyze and process the results, make evidence-based conclusions on the basis of biometric data;

Create:experiments with Drosophila; analyse results of basic research and genetic findings.

Content The course will cover the following topics:

General and molecular genetics (one hour for one lecture):

1. Subjects and Methods of Genetics. Categories of heredity and variability.2. Branches of Genetics. Genetic objects. The history of Genetics.3. The basic genetic concepts. Genetic symbols.4. Monohybrid crossing. Mendel's laws for monohybrid crosses. The types of allelic genes interactions.5. Di-and polyhybrid crosses. The third law of Mendel.6. Principles of inheritance of polyhybrid crosses. The cytological basis of Mendel's laws. The general formula for the independent inheritance splitting.7. The interaction between nonallelic genes.8. The statistical nature of splitting. The chi-square test. Lethal genes. Modifier genes.9. Sex determination and sex-linked inheritance.10. Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes. Regulation of sex.11. Linkage and crossing over. Genetic evidence of crossing over.12. The genetic mapping of chromosomes. Regulation of crossing over. Chromosome theory of heredity.13. Extra-nuclear inheritance.14. Mobile elements of the genome.15. Hereditary and non-hereditary variability. Mutation theory of Hugo de Vries. Classification of mutations.16. Modifications and the rate of reaction. The Vavilov’s law of variability homologous series.17. Genomic mutation. Chromosomal rearrangements.18. Gene mutations.19. Spontaneous and induced mutagenesis. Methods of study and accounting of mutations.20. Physical factors of mutagenesis. Chemical mutagenesis. Biological factors of mutagenesis.21. The molecular basis of heredity.

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22. DNA replication.23. Evolution of the gene understanding theories. The fine structure of the gene. Gene functions.24. The genetic code. Mechanisms of transcription. Translation mechanisms.25. DNA repair mechanisms.26. Mobile genetic elements.27. Methods of Human Genetics. Genetic structure of the population. Medical Genetics.28. Genetic methods of selection process. Types of selection. Inbreeding. Heterosis.29. Genetic engineering at the level of cells and organisms.30. Clones and chimeras. Overview of the current state of biotechnology research in KazakhstanBiostatistics:

1, 2. Concept of statistics, its significance, scope.3, 4. Variability and methods of its study.5, 6. Basic parameters characterizing the population. Statistical analysis of quantitative traits.7, 8. The theory of representation.9, 10. Statistical analysis of qualitative features.11, 12. Correlation analysis.13, 14, 15. Analysis of variability.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list References:1. Chencov J.C. Introduction in Genetics. M., MSU. 2005. 494p. (in russian)2. Shulembaeva G.K. Chromosomal engineering. Almaty. 2009. 234 p. (in kazakh),

(in russian)3. Molitvin M.N., Harazova A.D. Cell and Molecular Biology. St-Petersburg. LSU.

1992. 314p. (in russian)

Module designation

Module 5. Basics of BiotechnologyBasics of Microorganisms BiotechnologyBasics of Plant BiotechnologyBasics of Animal Biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

Basic professional modules

Code, if applicable

BMB 2414BPB 2415BAB 2416

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable

Course CreditsBasics of Microorganisms Biotechnology 2Basics of Plant Biotechnology 2

Basics of Animal Biotechnology 21 lecture+1 lab

per weekSemester(s) in 4 semester

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which the module is taught

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh., PhD Akimbekov Sh NuralyAssociate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Asrandyna S.ShAssociate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Dzhangalyna E.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Zhumabayeva B.A.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh., PhD Akimbekov N.Sh.Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Asrandyna S.ShAssociate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Dzhangalyna E.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Zhumabayeva B.A., Dzhansugurova L.B.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week) 15 hours per

semester (1 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week) 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week) 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week) - 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week) - 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week) - 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points 2 credits/3 ECTS2 credits/3 ECTS2 credits /3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Students should be able to know biotechnological methods and principles of cultivation microorganism, plant and animal cells. It is necessary to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice (in industry)Students should be able to know microbiological and biotechnological methods and principles. In addition with practical skills theoretical knowledge is important.

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Physiology of Plant, Animal organisms and Microorganisms, Cytology and Histology, Genetics, Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Theoretical and practical foundations of Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Biotechnology of Microorganisms; the main technologies of producing biotechnological products.

Practical skills of cultivating cells and tissues different

The students should be able to apply the received

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Understand:Basic technologies of producing biotechnological products.

organisms based on knowledge of biochemistry and physiological processes of microorganisms,Plant and Animal.

Analysis:The perspectives of Biotechnology.

practical skills and theoretical knowledge in their scientific research and in industry

Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Remember Remember the broad scope of industrial microbiology and biotechnology of microorganisms

UnderstandBroadly understand microbiological, genetic and biochemical techniques which make isolation, selection, identification and cultivation of desirable microorganisms.

Apply The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice in the context of a research laboratory

AnalysisAnalysis of the significance of industrial microbiology in solving of industrial, nutritional and energetic problems; Appreciation the significance of bioinformatics tools for reporting the results of biotechnological processes

EvaluateEvaluation a variety of methods and techniques leading to application of microorganisms and identification of primary and secondary metabolites

CreateCreation of technical and scientific skills to ensure that accurate and reproducible results are obtained within a specialized area

Basics of Plant Biotechnology

know: - bases for the solution of theoretical and practical problems of plant biotechnology; - methods of cell cultivation, tissue and organs of plants in vitro, the processes of dedifferentiation to receiving callus, the ways of a morphogenesis in vitro and the factors regulating plant regeneration;

Remember Remember the broad scope of agriculture and biotechnology of plants

UnderstandBroadly understand genetic and biochemical techniques which make isolation, selection, cultivation of plant cells

Apply The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice in the context of a research lab

AnalysisAnalysis of the significance of plnat biotechnology in solving of

EvaluateEvaluation a variety of methods and techniques leading to application of plant cells and identification of primary and secondary metabolites of plants


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agricultural and ecology problems; to be able: to systematize and generalize the knowledge received during lectures and other educational information, scientific and popular scientific sources of information; competently to present a theoretical and practical material according the main questions of this course, to carry out discussions; to define demand of biotechnological products;

Creation of technical and scientific skills to ensure that accurate and reproducible results are obtained within a biotechnological area

skills: methods and approaches of research biotechnological plant objects; ability to use the received knowledge for statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of experiments.Students have

to be able to use the received knowledge for increase the theoretical level and also to apply knowledge in practical activities.

Content The course is presented covering the major subdisciplines of biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. It’s provides the student with knowledge of the theoretical and applied science, plus the ability to design experiments and conduct biological research with modern technology. The research experience provides depth in fundamental disciplines. The content of discipline include next themes: Microorganisms, Plant and Animal cell culture as object of the Biotechnology; Methodological principles of cultivation; Technologies of isolating, cleaning and producing a new biotechnological products (antibiotics, BAS, vitamins, vegetable products, a new plant cultivars and species of animal); The perspectives of Biotechnology

Basics of microorganisms biotechnology

Introduction (definition and history); Industrially important microorganisms (Isolation, selection, identification and cultivation; Characteristics of large scale fermentation; Major products of industrial microbiology; Microbial processes developed for the production of food additives such as citric acid, lactic acid and vinegar; Microbial bioconvertion; Types of major industrial enzymes, their modifications and application.

Basics of Plant Biotechnology

History of development of Plant Biotechnology. The aim of plant biotechnology. Basic direction of plant biotechnology. Plant cell culture as subject of the Biotechnology. Principles and methods of cultivation plant cells. Ways of cultivation plant cells in vitro. Biology of cultivated plant cells. Morphogenesis and regeneration in plant cell culture. Regulation of morphogenetic processes and regeneration in culture of plant cells. Theoretical basis of Plant Biotechnology. The ways of improvement agricultural plants by biotechnological methods

Basics of Animal Biotechnology

Main directions and issues of modern biotechnology of animals. Questions of bioethics in animal biotechnology. Totipotency, multipotency, plyuropotency of animal cells. Hormonal

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regulation of mammal reproduction. Sexual cycles.Artificial insemination and transplantation of embryos at animals. Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos. Embriogenetic engineering.Cloning of animals. Stem cells and prospects of use on practice. The principles of genetic engineering in biotechnology of animals: designing of genes, expressible in mammal cells; selective markers; ways of introduction DNA into animals cells; DNA identification in transformed cells and organisms; determination of character of an DNA expression .

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control:, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals , virtual lab course

Reading list Basic:

1. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)2. Dellweg H. Biotechnology. Vol.3: Biomass, Microorganisms for Special Applications,

microbial products, energy from renewable sources. Verlag Chemie. Weinheim. 1993. (in english)

3. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind., 7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)

4. Staba E.J. Plant T Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P.

5. Valihanova G.Zh. Plant Biotechnology. Almaty. 2004 (in russian, in kazakh)6. Glik B., Pasternak J. Molecular biotechnology. Principles and apply. M., 2002 (in


1. Abramson, J.; Smirnova, I.; Kasho, V.; Verner, G.; Kaback, H. R.; and Iwata, S. 2003. Structure and mechanism of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli. Science 301: P. 610–615. (in english)

2. Becton, Dickinson and Co. 2005. Difco and BBL manual: Manual of microbiological culture media, 1st ed., Franklin Lakes, NJ: BD. (in english)

3. Reinhard Renneberg. Biotechnology for Beginners [2007]. ISBN-9780123735812. (in english)

4. Gladys Alexandre and etc. Advances in applied microbiology [2009]. ISBN: 978-0-12-374788-4 (in english)

5. Gareth Price. Biology: An Illustrated Guide to Science [2006]. ISBN-10: 0-8160-6162-9 (in english)

6. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0 (in english)

Moselio Schaechter. Encyclopedia of microbiology. Third edition [2009]. ISBN-9780123749802

Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN - 978-0072320428

Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011]. ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5

Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology, seventh edition [2008]. ISBN 978–0–07–299291–5

Nathan S. Mosier, Michael R. Ladisch. Modern biotechnology: connecting innovations in microbiology and biochemistry to engineering fundamentals [2009]. ISBN 978-0-470-11485-8

Module designation Module 6. Molecular biology and genetic engineering

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Molecular biologуGenetic engineering

Module level, if applicable

Basic professional modules

Code, if applicable MB 2417GI 3418

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applic able Course CreditsMolecular biologу 3Genetic engineering 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / week2 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

4, 6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Bisenbayev A.K., Dr.Professor Aytasheva Z.G.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Bisenbayev A.K., Dr.Professor Aytasheva Z.G.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of basic terms and techniques in molecular biology and genetiс engineering.

Recommended prerequisites

Biochemistry, cytology and histology, genetics.

Module objectives/intended

Knowledge Skills Competences

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learning outcomes Remember:physical and chemical properties and levels of organization of pro- and eukaryotic genetic material; the basic research approaches in molecular biology;

Understand:mechanisms of gene expression regulation; approaches and methods of recombinant DNA production and cloning; in vitro mutagenesis; selective down regulation of gene expression with antisense RNA, RNA interference.

Apply: skills of utilizing lab equipment; preparing lab reports;

Analysis:different approaches and methods used for investigating a molecular process from molecular perspective.

Evaluate:all equipment and materials required for lab work;

Create:recombinant DNA; common genetic vectors, methods of pro- and eukaryotic cell transformation; in vitro mutagenesis and clone selection.

Content The course will cover the following topics:

Molecular biologу:

1. Structure and forms of DNA and RNA;2. Methods of its isolation;3. Genome organization;4, 5. DNA replication;6, 7. Structure of the gene. Transcription;8, 9. Features of genetic code;10, 11. Translation;12. Regulation oа gene expression on the level of transcription and translation;13, 14. Mutations. Spontaneous and induced mutagenesis;15. Mechanisms of DNA reparation.Genetic engineering:

1. History of the development of genetic engineering. General principles and methods of genetic engineering 2, 3. Methods for isolating and identifying genes. Methods of preparation for cloning genes4. Vector system in prokaryotes. Expression vectors and cloning vectors5, 6. Functional features of the structure of the genetic apparatus of prokaryotes. Comparative analysis of the organization of the genetic information and pro-and eukaryotic.7. Creation of industrial producing strains by genetic engineering. Directed mutagenesis of the DNA molecules in vitro8. Genetically engineered yeast system. Cloning of genes into cells of S. cerevisiae.9. Expression vector system S. cerevisiae 10. Secretion of foreign proteins from cells S. cerevisiae. Production of foreign proteins in S. cerevisiae 11. Insect viruses as vectors of expression of foreign genes 12. Genetic transformation of mammalian cells. Introduction of DNA into mammalian cells13. Transgenic animals in basic research. Biotechnological application of transgenic animals14. Vector systems based on animal viruses.15. Transgenic plants with new biotechnological properties. Transgenic plants in agriculture.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

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Reading list References:Glik B., Pasternak J. Molecular biotechnology. Principles and apply. M., 2002 (in russian)

Module designation Module 7. Industrial and Food Biotechnology Basics of biotechnological Industry

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable BBI 3316

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of biotechnological Industry 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.PhD Akymbekov N.Sh.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.PhD Akymbekov N.Sh.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The students should know: technological scheme of production of microbial bio-products;principles of aseptic processing;techniques that provide an exception entry of microorganisms in the production process; the necessary hardware;

Must own the: methods of sterilization of media and equipment; skills with the cultures of microorganisms, maintenance and

Be able to: get a yeast biomass; determine the energy of the yeast fermentation; get apple cider vinegar;get citric acid superficial and deep way; carry out solid-phase cultivation

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gygiene requirements for production facilities and manufacturing processes.Remember Remember the broad knowledge in the fields of microbiology and virology, environmental biotechnology and etc. UnderstandHas the knowledge of the most recent researches, discoveries and application of microorganisms in industrial and food microbiology.

storage of production strains; ways of growing seed; methods of laboratory simulation of production processes.Apply Apply the rules of planning and optimization of production processes in industrial and food biotechnologyAnalysisAnalyze, independently plan and perform experiments with industrial microorganisms

producing amylase.EvaluateEvaluate the obtained results and draw conclusions and use of the world scientific databasesCreateCreate and interpret research results of physiological and biochemical analyses based on the obtained data

Content The purpose of the course - learning the foundations of food microbiology and biotechnology industries. Sections of the course: the objects and processes of the biotechnological production; the security of biological objects and biotech industries; microbiological and technological bases of fermentation industries; technological scheme of production of the products of microbial synthesis; production, using viable microbial cells; immobilized biological objects; hardware, sanitary and hygienic requirements industrial equipment and manufacturing processes.Introduction and history of biotech; Profile of the biotechnology industry; Clustering in the biotechnology industry; White and green biotechnology; Industrial production systems based on microorganisms and cell cultures; Bioethanol, organic acids, antibiotics, industrial enzymes, recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies; Vaccine production;Enzyme technology

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Gladys Alexandre and etc. Advances in applied microbiology [2009]. ISBN: 978-0-12-374788-4 (in english)

2. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0 (in english)

3. Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN - 978-0072320428 (in russian)

4. Reinhard Renneberg. Biotechnology for Beginners [2007]. ISBN-9780123735812.5. Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011].

ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5 (in english)6. Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology, seventh edition [2008]. ISBN 978–0–


Module designation Module 7. Industrial and Food Biotechnology Industrial Biotechnology

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Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable ІВ 3317

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsIndustrial Biotechnology 2

1 lectures+1 LabSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

- 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points 2 credits =3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

technological scheme of production of microbial bio-products;principles of aseptic processing;techniques that provide an exception entry of microorganisms in the production process; the necessary hardware;gygiene requirements for production facilities and manufacturing processesRemember Remember the broad knowledge in the fields of microbiology and virology, environmental biotechnology and etc. UnderstandHas the knowledge of the most recent researches, discoveries and application of microorganisms in

Must own the: skills in industrial microbiology laboratories; methods of storage of microorganisms; skills to maintain the production of crops; skills to produce the desired metabolic products of microorganisms.Apply Apply the rules of planning and optimization of production processes in industrial and food biotechnology

Be able to:receive the inoculum; carry out solid-phase cultivation of producers; carry out a deep cultivation.EvaluateEvaluate the obtained results and draw conclusions and use of the world scientific databasesCreateCreate and interpret research results of physiological and biochemical analyses based on the obtained data

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industrial and food microbiology. AnalysisAnalyze, independently plan and perform experiments with industrial microorganisms

Content The purpose of the course - familiarity with technological schemes of microbiological industries, raw materials, equipment, methods, quality control of finished products, the selection of microbial strains with increased synthetic ability to meet production requirements. We will study the conditions for their cultivation.

Specific topics include the theoretical and practical problems associated with the production of microbial synthesis. Discuss some productions technology based on the use of microorganisms for food products and new directions in Industrial Microbiology related with new raw materials, immobilized cells, high-yield strains of microorganisms genetic engineering.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Rogozhin V.V., Rogozhina T.V. Practical work on biochemistry of milk and dairy products. St. Petersburg, 2008 (in russian)

2. Shalygina A.M., Kalinina L.V. General technology of milk and dairy products. Moscow, Kolos, 2007, 200 p. (in russian)

3. Kalinina L.V., Ganina V.I., Dunchenko N.I. Technology whole milk. St. Petersburg. 2008 (in russian)

4. Bredikhin S.A., Jurin V.N. Technique and production technology of butter and cheese. M. 2007 (in russian)

Module designation Module 7. Industrial and Food Biotechnology

Food Biotechnology Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable FB 3320

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsFood Biotechnology 3

2 lectures+1 LabSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kayirmanova G.K.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

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Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The student will be know about: microflora of raw materials and food products, as well as the evils of food microbiology with nature; the role of microorganisms in food processing raw material in the manufacture of food products; the technologies of special purpose products.Remember the basic concepts, definitions, the terms used in food biotechnology, bases of quality and production technologies of food from raw materials of an animal and a phytogenesis, including on the basis of bioprocessing methodsUnderstandThe role of microorganisms in processing of food raw materials and in production of foodstuff, technology of food from vegetable and animal raw materials

To own: the methods of microbiological testing of raw materials and food products; the use of different methodological fundamentals of biotechnology techniques in the food industry.Applyto be able to use the skills acquired on laboratory researches for carrying out microbiological control of food productions.Analysisto be able to analyze and predict changes of supply and demand of biotechnological production;

Be able to: to apply the theoretical and practical skills in the use of biotechnological methods and techniques in the production of food; to carry out the control of food production and products;Evaluatebiotechnological processes when processing raw materials vegetable andanimal origin

Create features of processing of vegetable and animal raw materialswith application of microorganisms and products of their metabolism

Content The purpose of the course is the generation of knowledge about the use of biotechnological processes in the processing of raw materials of plant or animal origin; industrial use of enzyme preparations, food supplements and biologically active substances in food production, the technologies of special purpose products, on the basis of quality and food safety significance of microorganisms in damage Food and requirements of sanitation and hygiene in the food industry, the formation of practical skills in the organization of food production with the use of biotechnology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

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Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Rogov I.A., Dunchenko N.I., Poznyakovsky V.M., Berdutina A.V., Kuptsova S.V. Safety of food raw materials and food products. Novosibirsk, 2007 (in russian)

2. Dunchenko N.I., Khramtsov A.G., Makeev I.A., etc. Expertise of food and raw food. Milk and dairy raw materials. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

3. Modern microbiology. Prokaryotes (in 2 volumes). Ed. G. Drevsa, G. Shlegelya etc. Academic Press, 2005. (in english)

Module designation Module 8. Methodology and Biotechnology of Animals and PlantsMethodology of Animal Biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable MAB 3318

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMethodology of Animal Biotechnology 2

1 lectures+1 Lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

PhD, Associate Professor Zhumabaeva B.A.

Lecturer PhD, Associate Professor Zhumabaeva B.A., PhD, Associate Professor Dzhangalina E.D.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of basic principles used in methodology of animal biotechnology.

Recommended prerequisites

BAB 2415 Basics of Animal Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Artificial insemination, reproductive, embryonic and therapeutic cloning, genetic transformation, markers and selective systems, cryopreservation

Methods of cultivation of zygotes in vitro, determining the viability of eggs,

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on animal biotechnology with the

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of gametes and embryos, applied aspects of cellular and embryogenetic engineering, etc.Remember:general biological basis of Animal Biotechnology, principles of cloning and genetic transformation of somatic and germ cells of animals;Understand:application of biotechnology techniques in the science and practice of animal breeding and medicine.

fertilization of oocytes, genetic transformation of animal cells, production of transgenic animals, preclinical testing.Apply:practical skills for the treatment of major animal objects - drosophila, mouse, rabbit, sheep; microscopic technique, laboratory equipment, and surgical instruments;

latest techniques.

Evaluate:theoretical knowledge;

Create:experiments on animal biotechnology Analysis: experimental approaches to cell and embryonic engineering..

Content The course will contain the following topics:Methodology of Animal Biotechnology:

1. Object and purpose of the course "Methodology of animal biotechnology" and the theoretical basis of animal biotechnology.2. Artificial insemination. Methods of cultivation of zygotes in vitro, methods for determining the viability of eggs. Fertilization of oocytes in vivo and in vitro, the medium and conditions.3. The history of research on embryo transfer and synchronization of sexual cycles of donor and recipient.4. Interspecies embryo transfer and embryo transfer value in breeding, medicine and basic science.5. Chimera mammals and history research on the production of chimeras.6. Animal cloning and the history of research on animal cloning. Cloning method using nuclear transfer.7. Reproductive and embryonic cloning. Cloning embryos, methods for monozygotic twins and embryonic cells in vitro.8. Therapeutic cloning. Stem cells and prospects for use in practice.9. Genetic transformation. Research stages of genetic transformation of animal cells.10. Markers and selective system used to isolate clones of genetically transformed cells. types of markers.11. Study transformants and the efficiency and stability of the genetic transformation. The main problem for generating transgenic organisms and ways to overcome.12. Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos. Main directions of freezing oocytes and mammalian embryos: slow and fast freezing: cryoprotectants and temperature regimes. Use in medicine.13. Applied aspects of cellular and embryogenetic engineering, development prospects of biotechnology: the production of transgenic animals with accelerated growth, animal-producing monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.14. Applied aspects of cellular and embryogenetic engineering, development prospects of biotechnology (continued): basic principles and approaches to gene therapy. Preclinical testing: Experiments carried out in vitro and on laboratory animals.15. Concluding remarks.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

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Reading list References:1. Seitov Z.S. Biochemistry, Almaty 2000 (in Russian, in kazakh)2. Glik M, PasternakJ. Molecular and Cell Biotechnology. M., 2004 (in english)

Module designation Module 8. Methodology and Biotechnology of Animals and PlantsBiotechnology of Higher Plants and Algae

Module level, if applicable

Basic professional modules

Code, if applicable ВHPA 3423

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiotechnology of Higher Plants and Algae 2

1 lecture+1 lab pre weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K.

Lecturer Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

- 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points 2 credits = 3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BPB 2415 Basics of Plant Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

- to know the main directions of plant biotechnology;

- the student must to have idea of the theoretical and methodical principles of use cultivated cells in biotechnology; - the student has to competently and

- to own a technique of cultivation of plant cells and tissue;

to be able: to systematize and generalize the

-to be able to apply the received knowledge to increase of theoretical knowledge and also to apply them in practical activities.

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freely explain the theoretical material on the main issues of this course;- to be able to use the received knowledge for independent increase of theoretical knowledge level and also to be able to apply them in experiments.

knowledge received during lectures and other educational information, scientific and popular scientific sources of information; competently to present a theoretical and practical material according the main questions of this course, to carry out discussions; to define demand of biotechnological products;

Students have to be able to use the received knowledge for improvement the theoretical level and also to apply knowledge in practical activities

Content This course will focus on the principles, techniques and application of plant cell, tissue and organ culture. Composition of and procedures for preparation of nutrient media; techniques for explant and propagule isolation and culture; and tissue culture growth environments required for initiation and maintenance of cell, tissue and organ cultures will be presented. Principles related to the regulation of cell growth, and tissue and organ differentiation will be discussed and linked to the utilization of tissue culture systems for micropropagation and production of haploid plants. Finally, methods of genetic transformation and plant regeneration that result in production of transgenic plants and implications of these methodologies to crop improvement and production of novel plant products through biotechnology will be discussed. The main molecular and cell technologies in biotechnology of the higher plants and algaeCell technologies in the biosynthetic industryClonal micropropagation and plants improvementOvercoming in vitro of progamete and postgamete incompatibilityHaploid technologyCell selectionCell engineeringGenetic engineering of plantsPreservation of a gene found in vitroBiofuel production technologies in culture of algas. Phytoremediation in ecological biotechnology

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Write and oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and quiz

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

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Reading list 1. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)2. Valihanova G.Zh. Plant Biotechnology. Almaty. 2004. (in russian, in kazakh)3. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind.,

7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)4. Staba E.J. Plant Tissue Culture as a Source of Biochemicals, CRC Press. Boca

Raton, Florida.2000 (in english)5. Glik B., Pasternak J. Molecular biotechnology. Principles and apply. M., 2002 (in


Module designation Module 9. Medical biotechnology Medical biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

Basic Professional Modules

Code, if applicable MB 3321

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMedical biotechnology 3

2 lectures+1 seminarSemester(s) in which the module is taught


Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Beisembaeva R.U.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Beisembaeva R.U.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K.

Language Russian, Kazakh, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week


15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BAB 2415 Basics of Animal Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

know: theoretical and practical problems solving framework in medical biotechnology; strategy of

skills: methods and approaches of studying medical

- be able to: organize and synthesize knowledge gained

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biomedical approaches to create diagnostics and drugs using medical biotechnology methods; basis of modern drugs production applied to practical medicine, including hormones, antibiotics, interferons, interleukins, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines; direction of medical biotechnology development;know the basics of the biotechnological production of medicines for humans and animals;- to understand the main approaches of creation of new types of medicines, vaccines, methods of diagnostics of diseases- to analyze achievements of genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology for the purpose of their application for the decision пробленм medicine,

biotechnology objects, the ability to use this knowledge for designing, implementation and interpretation the results of experimental work.-to have the skills of the microbiological control of raw materials and finished products, development of new biologically active substances, products, food and medical-prophylactic purposes;-to systematize the knowledge gained at studying of a course and as a result of development of materials of scientific materials and to use them for the analysis of results of pilot studies of medical biotechnology

through lectures and other educational, scientific and popular information sources; freely, intelligently expound theoretical material on the major issues of this course, hold discussions; determine the demand for products of medical biotechnology in society;to have an understanding of biotechnological methods for the development of vaccines and prevention of diseases in humans and animals- to be able to create new approaches for development of new medicines, vaccines, диагностикумов and diagnostics methods. - to estimate possibility of application of achievements of biology for the solution of problems of medicine, including for early diagnostics and treatment of diseases.

Content Medical considering the creation of new biotechnology drugs, the development of diagnostic methods and systems, new techniques for the treatment of infectious diseases, methods of effective vaccines for the prevention of infectious diseases.IntroductionApplication of recombinant DNA technology in the medical biotechnologyDrugs biotechnology ImmunobiotechnologyVaccines biotechnologyStem cells biotechnologyMolecular biotechnology in medicine

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Almagambetov K.H. Medical Biotechnology. Astana. 2009. -317 p. (in Russian)2. Beisembaeva R.U. Medical and Veterinary Biotechnology. 2010. -231 p. (in

Kazakh)3. Sandy B.Primrose, Richard M.Twyman Genomics: applications in Human biology.

Blackwell Publishing. 277p.2010 (in english)

Module designation Module 10. Methods of biology teachingMethods of biology teaching

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Module level, if applicable

Basic professional modules

Code, if applicable MBT 3425

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMethods of biology teaching 3

2 lectures+1lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Doshchanova Б.К.-Russian branchProfessor, candidate of Biologycal Science Tormanov N.T. - the Kazakh branch

Lecturer associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Doshchanova Б.К.-Russian branchProfessor, candidate of Biologycal Science Tormanov N.T. - the Kazakh branch

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits=5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Development of the major problems of education and training to subjects of a biological cycle at school. Mastering by methodical receptions and methods of carrying out of lessons of biology.

Recommended prerequisites

Biodiversity of plants and animals, anatomy and human physiology, ecology, pedagogy, psychology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge general theoretical foundations of teaching methods to the extent necessary to address the educational objectives for teaching biology in general secondary education, knowledge of methods, techniques and analysis of different types of lessons, the method of formation and development of biological concepts.

-to plan, organize and plan, organize and spend scientific - educational work; -to have the ability to carry out a calendar, a case and by the job scheduling;

-to apply the knowledge received in the field of biology to the decision of pedagogical and methodical problems; -methodically competently to carry out lessons, laboratory and practical employment, to use various means of presentation and LTTh.

Content In the course of studying this course, students master the principles of the organization of the educational process for teaching biology, gain skills to use educational programs, textbooks, teaching aids and literature on the biology, teaching and laboratory equipment and new information technologies in the educational process in biology.The general questions of teaching of biology and theoretical bases of studying of

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discipline. Methods and methodical receptions of training in biology. Forms of the organization of educational process in biology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books

Reading list 1.Verzilin N.M., Korsunska V.M. The general a technique of teaching of biology. M.: Education, 1983. (in russian)2.Zverev I.D., Myagkov A.N. General a technique of teaching of biology in high school. M.: Education, 1985. (in russian)3.Ponomareva I.N., V.P.General's Culms a technique of teaching of biology. M.: Academy, 2003. (in russian)

Module designation STEM moduleBiophysic

Module level, if applicable

STEM module

Code, if applicable BFiz 3302

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiophysic 3

2 lecture+1 lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Tuleuhanov S.T.

Lecturer Dr., Professor S.T.Tuleuhanov, associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science L.Z.Gumarova, associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science N.T.Ablajhanova

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

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Recommended prerequisites

Physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, human physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cytology, histology, genetics, ecology, botany, zoology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Know Basics of Cell Biophysics, and of the whole organism, the main physical laws underlying biological laws and phenomena, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, Hess's Law, the principles of Prigogine and E.Bauera, mechanisms of bioelectric and photobiolo-gical processes basics of radiobiology and radiation damage mechanisms, the mechanisms of generation of biological rhythms, principles electric Biosystems, basic biophysical methods. Remember general biological biophysical knowledge of the main sections of BiophysicsUnderstandundamental laws of biophysics and applied research;

Apply the basic laws and principles of biophysics.

Analysis Of existing physical laws in biological phenomena and processes in the peculiarities of the organism integrity at all levels of the organization from macromolecules to ecosystems.

Be able to: apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the practice of their own research.EvaluateInfluences of different physical factors to living systemsCreateFundamentals of biophysical approach to biological processes and phenomena;

Content The purpose of teaching the course "Biophysics" - to give students a deep and broad knowledge about objects and features of the biophysical processes, the basics of biophysical approach to biological processes and phenomena, familiarize with the basic laws and principles of biophysics.Lecture 1: Biophysics - the science about the physical and chemical processes in biological systems and about the mechanisms of their reactivity to physical environmental factors.Lecture 2: Thermodynamics - the study of the process of exchange of energy, heat and matter in the organisms.Lecture 3: 1 law of thermodynamics.Lecture 4: 2 law of thermodynamics.Lecture 5: Stationary states in living systems (subject lecture).Lecture 6: Nonequilibrium teromodinamics (subject lecture).Lecture 7: Autoregulation of the physical and chemical processes in the cells; biophysics of water structuresLecture 8: Intelligent system (subject lecture).Lecture 9: Adaptation: view of biophysicsWave processes in biological systems.Seminar 9: Time and biological clock.Lecture 10: Bioelectric potentials and bioelectrical phenomena. Role of ions in the development of biopotentials.Lecture 11: Conductivity of biosystemsLecture 12: Photobiological processes.Lecture 13: Quantum biophysics. The action of ultraviolet radiation to proteins, nucleic acids and the organism.Lecture 14: The main mechanisms of action of ionizing radiation in cellular and organism level.Lecture 15: Methods for research the kinetics of complex systems. Mathematical modeling and its importance in biology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, 2nd interim control: attendance, Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

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Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. Samoilov, etc. Biophysics of the joint venture, nuclear heating plant, 2003 (in russian)

2. Antons V.F. Biophysics. M.:"VLADOS", 1999. (in english)3. Beresin T.I. Medical biophysics. M.:H. school, 1988. (in russian)4. Blumenfeld L.D. Problem of biological physics. M.: Science, 1997. (in english)5. Inushin V.M. Abstract of lectures on the general biophysics. Almaty: KazGU, 1994.

(in russian)6. Rubin R.B. Biophysics. M.: The Higher school, 1987. (in russian)

Module designation Natural Sciences (STEM) moduleMathematics

Module level, if applicable

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Code, if applicable Mat 1304

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMathematics 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

1 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Mathematic Science Tazhekov A.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Mathematic Science Tazhekov A.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

School courses in mathematics

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Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

- knowledge of differential and integral calculates;

-to own skills of creation of mathematical models;

- ability to apply differential score in mathematical problems of biotechnology at creation of mathematical models;

- ability on the basis of the carried-out mathematical analysis to develop practical recommendations;

Content Studying of elements of linear algebra and analytical geometry. Introduction in mathematical analysis. Differential calculates of function of one variable. Function research by means of one derivative. Concepts about complex numbers. Uncertain, certain, not own integrals. Functions of several variables

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written and oral exam, tests

Media employed Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1.Kalugin K.K. Mathematics. Moscow. 2002. 274 p. (in russian)2.Harasahal N.E. Higher mathematics. Almaty. 2000. 204 p. (in russian)

Module designation Natural Sciences (STEM) modulePhysics

Module level, if applicable

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Code, if applicable Fiz 1303

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsPhysics 3

2 lectures + lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Manapbaeva A.B.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Manapbaeva A.B., associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Grevceva T.Y., associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Fryazinova T.C.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester


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1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge on physics and mathematics in volume of the school program.50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

General physics and mathematics (according to the school program)

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Students must have the appropriate presentation about physical phenomena including the most important problems of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrostatics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, and elements of quantum mechanics.

Students must be able to explain the most important laws of general physics, solve simple problems on mechanics, molecular physics, electromagnetism and so on, and make adders

Students must be able to generalize and systematize scientific information, critically explain different processes in a system, to project ways of realization of research programs, be able to work with big volumes of scientific information, to work with different sources of information independently, be able to formulate and solve research problems which require deep professional knowledge. Also students must know main experimental, theoretical and numerical methods of investigations, well-known mathematical approaches and their applications to solving of scientific problems, be able to analyze and interpret results

Content The module covers the study of such chapters of contemporary physics as mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrostatics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics due to solving professional tasks on the base of knowledge of physics. Study of the discipline include theoretical classes (lectures) and practical classes (laboratory works). Development of physiological feelings: sensation, perception, representation, memory, thinking, imagination. Mental conditions: ability, character and temperament of people.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, presentations, virtual lab course, Website:

Page 63: Web viewStudying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, ... their properties and features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the man list 1. SavelievI.V. General Physics.-Moscow, 1998.,Vol. 1-3. (in russian)

2. Irodov I.E. Problems in general physics. -Moscow, 2005. (in russian)3. Ashby N. Principles of modern physics. – Cambridge: Holden-day INC. – 2004.

(in english)4. Dann D. Basic Physics. – New York: CK-12 Foundation. – 2010. (in english)5. Crowell B. Light and matter. – California: Fullerton, 2012. (in english)

Module designation Natural Sciences (STEM) moduleInformational Technologies

Module level, if applicable

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Code, if applicable IT 2301

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsInformational Technologies 3

2 lectures + 1 practicum / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Mathematics Science Kanzharbek B.Imanberdiyev

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Mathematics Science Kanzharbek B.Imanberdiyev, associate Professor, candidate of Mathematics Science Belogurov Andrey

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of informatics. Must have knowledge of computer science. They should have primary computer skills. Basic knowledge of the device and the computer program.50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

School courses in mathematics and informatics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

knowledge in the field of personal computing devices and technologies

working knowledgeThey must possess

Students must speak in peak level.

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for their work, algorithms, software technology and assign individual programs

of operating systems, a sufficient level of various utilities, theoretical and word processing practical and spreadsheet knowledge applications

Content The structure of the physical and logical device PC, its characteristics. Information storage technology, data representation in the computer. Files and directories. Your file system. Software technology, its structure. Operating systems, the technology works and functions. Boolean functions, graphs. Algorithms and flowcharts. Shell. User interface. Technology solutions to the problem PC. User interface. Working with the file system. Text editor MS Word. Technology to create and edit documents. Table Editor MS Excel. The basic technology of creating, editing, work tables.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, presentations, computer programs

Reading list 1. Melnikov V.P. Information technology. – М., 2008. (in russian)2. Sahfrin Y.A. Information technology. – М., 2002. (in russian)3. Nazarbekova S.T. Practice on informatics WINDOWS, WORD. – Almaty, 2009 (in

kazakh)4. Balafanov Е.К. New information technology. – Almaty, 2002. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IET)Scientific writing (kaz/rus/engl)

Module level, if applicable

IET 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable SW 2301

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsScientific writing (kaz/rus/engl) 1

1 seminarSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kayirmanova G.K.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

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Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study- 8 hours per semester 30 hours per semester

(2 hours per week)Credit points 1 credits =2 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: none

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Know professional termins in English

ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a

Kazakh/Russian/foreign language;

To be competent in professional activity, communication

Content The infinitive. The Gerund. The participle I, II. Sentence structure. Conjunctions. Reported Speech.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. English File (4 levels) Clive Oxenden,Christina Latham-Koenig,Paul, Seligson. Oxford, 2004 (in english)

2. English Grammar in Use. Murphy R. Cambridge, 2004 (in english)3. Science. Keith Kelly. Macmillan,2007 (in english)4. IELTS Foundation. Study Skills. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew

Preshous. Macmillan,2004 (in english)5. Learn to Read Science. Shahova N. Flinta. Moscow. 2003(in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Basics of Lab research in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable BLRB 2302

Subtitle, if applicable -

Cours es, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Lab research in biotechnology 2

1 lectures+1 Lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

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the module associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kirbaeva D.K

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

- 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points 2 credits =3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

IHim 1401 Inorganic Chemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The student will know: the basic microbiological methods for determining and monitoring the parameters of biotechnological processes; technology and the general principles of the most common microbiological processes; methods of research, design and experimental work in the field of microbial technology knowledge about main properties of microorganisms, the principles of their classification; structural organization of a prokaryotic cells; features of growth and reproduction, ability to use microorganisms as objects for scientific researches and the biotechnological purposes;

Students should use: methods of analysis processes and their impact on the quality of the products of microbiological synthesis; computer methods of data collection, storage and processing. - have skills of work with microbic cultures, preparations of microscopic preparations, with methods of microorganisms allocation.

Students should be able to: to make biotechnology experiment using laboratory equipment (microscopes, the bioreactor, thermostats, sterilizers, etc.);model biotechnological processes based on laboratory research and knowledge of biotechnology equipment.

Content The purpose of discipline is to teach students the acquisition of knowledge about the basics of scientific and laboratory research, study and development of methods of biotechnological experiments on micro-organisms, processing, and analysis of the results. Understand of the major properties of microorganisms, their morphology, cytology and systematization.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reference 1. Seitov Z.S. Biochemistry, Almaty 2000 (in kazakh, in russian)2. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press,

2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

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3. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)4. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)5. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)6. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008,

124 р. (in russian)7. Modern microbiology. Prokaryotes (in 2 volumes). Ed. G. Drevsa, G. Shlegelya etc.

Academic Press, 2005. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Еcology biotechnologyModule level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable EB 3303

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsЕcology biotechnology 3

2 lectures+1 LabSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

ESD 2207 Ecology and Sustainable Development

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

As a result of study the discipline the student will know:

Students will be able to:

Student will be able to use: the methods of

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- Basic biotechnology sewage-contaminated soil, air for a healthier environment; methods and approaches used for recycling and disposal of waste.remember the basic trends of the modern environmental biotechnology and its development prospects;understand scientific advances in biotechnology and their role in addressing environmental activities;

- use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of various biotechnological methods for remediation of contaminated ecosystems; develop of new treatment technologies based on the use of microorganisms, food processing wastes, and plants.apply their knowledge in solving specific environmental problems;

simulation studies to evaluate various biotechnology used in the treatment of polluted to analyze the modern methods of environmental biotechnology in order to apply them in practice;assess the capabilities of the application of biotechnology in nature conservation and economic purposes;to create a positive and informed view of the leading role of biotechnology in environmental issues;

Content The purpose of discipline is to introduce students with the main polluters of the environment, the path of their migration, accumulation and transformation in ecosystems, methods of detection and quantification of environmental pollutants, with the methods and approaches of the various ecosystem restoration specific biotechnological methods, with the methods of waste treatment, disposal and waste emissions.Biotechnological methods of wastewater treatment and recycling of waste Bioremediation. Bioenergy. Biotechnology and Agriculture. Bioindication and biomonitoring. Environmental management in the biotechnology

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, testsControl of knowledge: colloquium, tests, work in small groups and essays.

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

2. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)3. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)4. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)5. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008,

124 р. (in russian)

Module designation 3.3 Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Processes and equipment in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable PEB 3304

Subtitle, if applicable -

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Courses, if applicable Course CreditsProcesses and equipment in biotechnology 3

2 lectures+1 LabSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S., associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Kistaubaeva A.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The student will be know about: the theoretical foundations of biotechnological processes and apparatus used basic types of machines and apparatus; general principles for design and use of technological parameters of biotechnological processes and methods of selection of machines and devices for their implementation.

-Student will be able to: apply the knowledge to make an informed and rational use in the future careers of various types of vehicles and machines biotechnological purposes; carry out calculations of the main dimensions of biotech machinery and apparatus;

Student will be able to use: methods of determining the optimum conditions and processes of technological parameters;

theoretical knowledge required for the selection of machines and devices for various biotechnological processes

Content The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the processes and apparatuses of the microbial synthesis: Sterilization equipment and culture media, mass transfer of oxygen, the mixing of culture fluid heat transfer in the fermentation process air cleaning, foaming

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and defoaming, characteristics of different types of Directors.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

2. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)3. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)4. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)5. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008,

124 р. (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Biotechnology of Antiinfection Solutions Acquiring

Module level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of micro-organisms»

Code, if applicable BASA 3305

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Biotechnology of Antiinfection Solutions Acquiring


2 lectures+1 Lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ignatova L.V., Мukhataeva K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

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30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

know: сlassification of anti-infective drugs; technology of anti-infective drugs;principles of vaccination, chemotherapy, and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Must own the:skills in industrial microbiology laboratories; methods of determining the antimicrobial activity of the preparations;methods of microbiological control in the workplace.

Be able to: determine the antimicrobial activity of the preparations; carry out microbiological control in the workplace.

Content Discipline gives an idea about the basic principles, characteristics, methods of biotechnological production and sanitary-microbiological control of anti-infective drugs, especially of microorganisms that are most important for medicine, the principles of vaccination, chemotherapy, and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases.Biotechnology and medicine.

The selection of soil microorganisms as objects for the screening of biologically active compounds. The main methods of isolation of microorganismsВiological objects , as a means of production of medical, preventive and diagnostic tools Improvement of biological objects by methods of mutagenesis and selectionIdentification and characterization of microorganisms-producers of antibioticsImprovement of biological objects by methods of cell engineering, genetic engineering Cultural and morphological evaluation of grown colonies, isolation of pure cultures of microorganisms with the primary antagonistic activity.The main stages of the biotechnological process. The process of biosynthesis. Classification by technological parameters.Comparison of morphological characteristics of the main producers at a superficial and deep cultivation.The problem of finding, creating and antibiotic use in medical practice. Microbiological methods of determination of antibiotic activity. Preparatory stage.Mechanisms of biosynthesis of antibiotics. Classification mechanisms. Inhibitors of education of cell walls of bacteria.The selection of antibiotics from cultural liquid by thin layer chromatography

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

Page 72: Web viewStudying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, ... their properties and features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the man

2. Higgins I, Best D., J..Joyce. 1998. Biotechnology: Principles and applications. P. 485. (in english)

3. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 20054. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)5. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)6. Katalinski A.V. 2003. Medicinal preparations of directed action: the

origins and mechanisms of action. P 228. (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Microbial control of biotechnology production

Module level, if applicable IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable MCBP 3306

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMicrobial control of biotechnology production 3

2 lectures+1 Lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

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Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Students at the end of the course should know: micro-contaminants biotechnology industries; sanitary indicative microorganisms; hygiene requirements for production facilities and manufacturing processes.

-Must own the:ways to ensure the sterility of the microbiological production;skills in the microbiological analysis of food production;methods of determining the producers in the working area;methods of determining the sanitary-indicative microorganisms in biotechnology products and equipment.

Be able to: identify microorganisms contaminants; determine the titer of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in products and equipment;identify producers in the working area;use of risk analysis in the process of food production.

Content The course provides the knowledge about the safety of biotechnological production of food raw materials and food products. The characteristics of microbial contaminants major biotech industries and sanitary-indicative microorganisms. The role of microflora in the water, air and soil in the spread of infectious diseases and food contamination by foreign microorganisms. Provides an overview of the methods of preservation, sterilization and disinfection used in the food industry. Some sections of the course include how to ensure the sterility of microbial production, sanitary and hygienic requirements for production facilities and manufacturing processes, risk analysis system and their applicability in the production of food.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Rogov I.A., Dunchenko N.I., Poznyakovsky V.M., Berdutina A.V., Kuptsova S.V. Safety of food raw materials and food products. Novosibirsk, 2007 (in russian)

2. Dunchenko N.I., Khramtsov A.G., Makeev I.A., etc. Expertise of food and raw food. Milk and dairy raw materials. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

3. Rogozhin V.V., Rogozhina T.V. Practical work on biochemistry of milk and dairy products. St. Petersburg, 2008 (in russian)

4. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)5. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)


Module level, if applicable IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable Р 4307

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Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Probiotics 3

2 lectures+1 LabSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kistaubaeva A.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Students at the end of the course should know: microbial ecology of the human body; composition of the normal flora of different habitats; function of normal microflora; causes of and ways of correcting dysbacterioses; classification of probiotics; technology of probiotics.

Must own the:skills of the bacteriological analysis of the intestinal microflora;methods of isolation and identification of probiotics; methods for determining acid-active probiotics.methods of determining the antimicrobial activity of probiotics.

Be able to:make microbial passport;- determine the titer of bacteria in probiotics; identify lactobacilli and bifidobacteria by culture and morphological characteristics;determine the acid-forming and antimicrobial activity of probiotics.

Content The course provides insight into the preparations of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics are considered metabolite, lactulose and combination probiotic drugs, their mechanisms of therapeutic effect.The problem of creating new bacterial preparations that are created on the basis of probiotic bacteria synthesizing antibiotic like substance - microcins with

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a broad spectrum of bactericidal action. During the course students get acquainted with the technology of probiotics.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university, 2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

2. Seitov Z.S. Biochemistry, Almaty 2000 (in kazakh)3. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University

Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)4. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)5. Modern microbiology. Prokaryotes (in 2 volumes). Ed. G. Drevsa, G. Shlegel etc.

Academic Press, 2005. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Immobilized microbial cellsModule level, if applicable IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable ICM 4308

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsImmobilized microbial cells 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zhubanova A.A.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Zhubanova A.A., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Gulzhan K. Kaiyrmanova

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination

50% of overall scoresStudents should know the basics of enzymology, biotechnology and biotechnology of microorganisms.

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Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge: development of the students the basic principles and theoretical positions Enzyme Engineering, to help students understanding of biotechnological processes involving enzymes, mastering the fundamentals of design and use in biotechnology biocatalysts with desired properties.Remember Remember features of physiology and cell biology of microorganisms in relation to their use in various fields of biotechnologyUnderstandunderstand the benefits of immobilized microorganisms when used in various branches of biotechnology

The student should know physico-chemical and biochemical patterns of biocatalysis; methods of stabilization and recovery of enzymatic systems used in biotechnology; examples of the use of free and immobilized biocatalysts based on enzymes and microbial cells in science, medicine, technology and industry.Apply Apply basic patterns of functioning, methods of stabilization and activation for active immobilized cells of microorganisms used in biotechnology.Analysisanalyze the features of of biotechnological processes involving immobilized cells of microorganisms

Competences possession of methods of observation, description, classification, cultivation immobilized biological objects (enzymes and microbial cells, ability to apply basic physiological methods of analysis and assessment of heterogeneous biocatalizators, current understanding of the principles of immobilization of biological objects, biophysical-cal and biochemical basis, the nature of different sorbents and carriers.EvaluateАssess advantages and economic justification of the use of free or immobilized biocatalysis for various biotechnological processes.CreateCreate specific research, information retrieval, methodical tasks for active immobilized cells of microorganisms

Content Fundamental and applied aspects of Enzyme Engineering. Structure, properties and mechanism of action of biocatalysts. The similarity and difference of the synthetic biological catalysts. Advantages and disadvantages of biocatalysis in its use in industrial processes.The course will cover the following topics:

1. Value cell immobilization for the development of the biotechnology industry.2. Basic methods of immobilization of cells of microorganisms.3. Immobilization processes , adhesion, adsorption of biological objects.4. Carriers for immobilization of enzymes and whole cells , their characteristics.5. Requirements for carriers.6. Advantages and disadvantages of the immobilized microbial cells and enzymes in

biotechnological processes.7. Criteria for selecting the method of immobilization8. Industrial processes using immobilized microbial cells.

Use of immobilized cells for the disposal of solid and liquid waste

Study and examination Oral exam, tests

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requirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in russian, in kazakh)

2. Nechaev A.P. Food Chemistry. St. Petersburg, 2007 (in russian)3. Drozdova T.M., Vlyuschensky P.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Physiology of nutrition.

Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)4. Cavicchioli, R., and Thomas, T. 2000. Extremophiles. In Encyclopedia of

microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 2, J. Lederburg, editor-in-chief. - P. 317–337. San Diego: Academic Press. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Biotechnology of phototrofic microorganismsModule level, if applicable IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable BFM 4309

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiotechnology of phototrofic micro-organisms 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught


Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Sadvakasova A.K.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

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Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The role of phototrophic microorganisms in photobiotechnology development, namely receiving on the basis of microalgae of biological active additives of medical and agricultural appointments. About a role of phototrophic microorganisms. Remember - Have an idea about of theoretical and practical bases of the technologies with application of phototrophic microorganisms;Skills, using bioremediation methods for treatment of the sewage, polluted by organic pollutants and heavy metals based on the specific properties of the phototrophic microorganisms;

Methods of allocation of various strains of microalgae and cyanobacteria Apply theoretical knowledge for introduction in science and practice, competently to plan experiments on bioremediation of sewage using microalgae;

To give an idea of a role of phototrophic microorganisms in biotechnological production, about ways of allocation of perspective strains and methods of their cultivation. EvaluateOwn new methods of biomonitoring and biremediation of the polluted ecosystems based on phototrophic microorganisms.

Content The biotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms one of the sciences, also studies processes of reproduction of target products using microalgae and cyanobacteria. Phototrophic microorganisms and their consortium can be used for receiving a number of valuable products: biological products for the food, medical, oil industries, etc., food dyes, the biodiesel and protein and vitamin remixes for poultry farming and animal husbandry etc. Important feature of phototrophic microorganisms is their ability to nitrogen-fixation and photoformation of hydrogen at the expense of use of solar energy. The course is devoted to studying of a variety of phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; their roles in the nature and human life, possibilities of use of microalgae in mass cultivation for receiving biologically active substances, to studying of mechanisms and efficiency of photosynthesis of various groups of phototrophic organisms.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh)

2. Almagambetov K.Kh. Basics of Biotechnology. Astana. 2009. 231 p. (in russian,(in kazakh)

3. Drozdova T.M., Vlyuschensky P.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Physiology of nutrition. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

4. Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Enviromental Microbiology London., 2009 (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Genetics and selection of microorganismsModule level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

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Code, if applicable GSM 4310

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsGenetics and selection of micro-organisms 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaja I.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Savitskaja I.S., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Akimbekov N.Sh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know the genome structure of prokaryote and viruses;

to be able to select microorganisms resistance to antibiotics.

Content In a course features of the organization of a genome prokaryote and viruses are studied. It acquaints with processes of replication, a restriktion and modification, a transcription, a recombination and mutagenesis, reparations of a genetic material. The separate section is devoted to illumination of mechanisms a recombination and transfer of genetic information at bacteria. Biotechnological aspects of genetic designing of strains producers are discussed.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh)

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2. Nechaev A.P. Food Chemistry. St. Petersburg, 2007 (in russian)3. Drozdova T.M., Vlyuschensky P.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Physiology of nutrition.

Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

"Microorganisms Recognition and its Cultivation" practice experienсe

Module level, if applicable IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable MRC 4311

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits"Microorganisms Recognition and its Cultivation" practice experienсe


1 lectures + 2 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kirbaeva D.K

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester1 hours per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

- 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Know basis of cultivation of microorganisms used in biotechnology, processes of biomass, the specific requirements for the corresponding manufacturing equipment, raw materials and

to own microbiological methods necessary for work and techniques of statement concrete

to be able to carry out specific identification of microorganisms strains; to own methods of determination of their sensitivity to antibiotics;

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finished product.Understand

the use of microorganisms and their metabolic products in bioindustry

experiments; equipment of carrying out their preparatory stages;CreateCreate travel possibilities, problems and methods of use of microorganisms in biotechnology.

Apply Be able to apply

knowledge of activity of microorganisms in practice; Evaluate

Own methods of release of active cultures used in biotechnology of different ecosystems, cultivation and storage bacteria.

Content Methods of allocation and cultivation of microbic cultures, microorganism biotechnology, engineering basics of biotechnology, microorganism metabolism, equipment types for microorganism cultivation and technology of receiving biotechnological valuable products are provided in this discipline.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questionIntermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh)

2. Nechaev A.P. Food Chemistry. St. Petersburg, 2007Raina M. Maier, Ian L. (in russian)

3. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Enviromental Microbiology London., 2009 (in english)

63 Module designation MODULES FOR INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORIES (IET)Cell BiotechnologyModern research methods in Biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable CB 3504MRMB 3506

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsCell Biotechnology 3 (2 lectures+1 seminar per

week)Modern research methods in Biotechnology 3 (2 lectures+1 lab per week)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5, 6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.

Lecturer Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)

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IETType of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Students should be able to know biotechnological methods, technologies and principles of cultivation prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It is necessary to apply the theoretical knowledge in scientific research.

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Biotechnology, Basics of Physiology, Cytology and Histology, Molecular biology, Genetics, Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

-Theoretical and practical basics of Cell Biotechnology; the main cell technologies producing biotechnological products and breeding methods of the creation new plant varieties; to know modern requirements for biotechnology products;

-Undergraduates must know modern methods of biotechnology, including the methods used tissue, cellular and molecular levels, their principles and applications.

Overview of the most commonly used techniques and equipments in biotechnology. Principles and essence of modern methods of biotechnology, such as biochemical, biophysical molecular biology, mmunological, genetic engineering, bioinformatics methods.Remember Theory and principles underlying each of biotechnological methods.UnderstandTheory, principles and are of application underlying each ofbiotechnological methods.Apply Based on the knowledge, skills

-Skills of cultivating cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.The students should be able to apply the received practical skills and theoretical knowledge in different field: in research, in industry, in breeding ;to have the skills to use the equipment applying in the biotechnology;-planning the experiment during the laboratory classes, carry out experimental steps; conduct the statistical treatment of the data.

Skillsselection of the optimal and the necessary methods, selection of conditions in accordance with the aim and objectives of experiments, and carry out the extraction, detection

General competencies:-to have a basic knowledge in the field of biotechnology and related areas, - to be able to apply knowledge in practice;- to be ready for the act rationally and independently, guided by evidence scientific-based conclusions, observations and experience received as a result of cognitive professional activities in the field of biotechnology;Competences skills of appropriate selection of techniques and analysis of experiments results. Modification of existing methods and development of new ways to create a biotech productCompetences skills of appropriate selection of techniques and analysis of experiments results. Modification of existing

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acquisition of the skills required for self-realization in the scientific activities in the field of biotechnological processes for the production of modern products.- on the basis of knowledge and skills acquisition of competences, apply for modification of existing methods and develop new ways to create a biotech product;- Create personal qualities, providing self-development and professional self-improvementAnalysisMethods used for biotechnology research, evaluate the results, and make conclusions of the analysis of scientific papers

and identification of biopolymers, their analysis to obtain the desired biotechnological productsEvaluateСritical to choose methods for biotechnology research, to select the experimental conditions, to identify and evaluate the results, make conclusions from and for scientific papersCreate Circuit of experiments and methods which are best suited for a particular research question or problem common biochemical and biophysical methods to study

methods and development of new ways to create a biotech product

Content The courses “Cell biotechnology” and “Modern research methods in Biotechnology” are presented covering the major disciplines of Basics of biotechnology , Cell biology. These courses emphasizes recent findings as well as relevant fundamental background information. Programs within the modul provide students with an opportunity to actively participate in discussions on the most recent advances in the field of the modern biology and biotechnology sciences. These courses provide the opportunity for students interested in careers in academic biology and research to obtain the necessary training in basic sciences in an education period. Content of disciplines include following themes: biotechnology methods applying for prokaryotes and eukaryotes; cell and gene engineering, cell therapy (stem cell culture) and gene therapy, cell selection, basics of agrobiotechnology, agrotechnologies, basics of ecobiotechnology, cell biotechnologies using for solution ecological problems

Modern biotechnology is a multidisciplinary science. It includes new methods of study of biological organisms, new areas of application of the results obtained using e methods. The methodological approaches used in biotechnology, aimed at the study of physico-chemical, biophysical, biochemical properties and principles of functioning of living systems. Among these are methods that are used for a long time (centrifugation, spectrophotometry, various chromatography, immunological methods, etc.). However, they still remain effective in the study of biological objects. In recent years, the development of new high-tech methods used to obtain the results, dramatically accelerated progress in biology and biotechnology. Thus, the methods of transfer of genetic material from one object to the other reached such perfection that the experiment can now get almost any combination of genetic elements of various biological systems

L1.Introduction. Methods of study and use of membrane structures in biotechnology. Separation of subcellular componentsL2. Identification of cell components and criteria for their purification. Separation and analysis of membrane lipid componentsL.3. The methods used for isolation and study of lipid membrane structuresSolubilization and reconstruction of membrane proteins.L.4. Physical and biophysical techniques used in biotechnology. Spectral methods for the

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study of stationary properties of biological systems.L.5 Methods of studying biopolymers. Traditional methods of separation and purification of biopolymers. Centrifugation, salt fractionation, gel filtration, dialysis.L.6 Quantitative methods for the determination of proteinsL.7 Methods of analysis and synthesis of nucleic acids.

L. 8.Using polymerase chain reaction for analysis of the primary structure of nucleic acids. Automating the process of nucleic acid sequencingL.9 Techniques of nucleic acid hybridization. Methods of genetic engineering. Creation of recombinant DNA expression of transferred genes.L. 10 Physical methods for gene transfer into plant cells. Vector systems based plasmids.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list Turasheva S.K. Cell Biotechnology (in Kazakh). Textbook. Almaty: “Daur”. 2011. - 260 P. (in kazakh)Turasheva S.K., Atambaeva Sh.A. Basics of Cell Biotechnology (in Kazakh). E-book. CD. 2009. (in kazakh)1. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)2. Higgins I.J., Best D.J., Jones J. Biotechnology: principles and applications. 2008. -

480 P. (in english)3. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind.,

7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)4. Staba E.J. Plant Tissue Culture as a Source of Biochemicals, CRC Press. Boca

Raton, Florida.2000. (in english)5. Kershanskaya O.I. Plant genetic engineering. A practical approach. 152 P. 2007 (in


Module designation Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)Basics of bioinformationBasics of Bionanotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable BB 4509BB 4510

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of bioinformation 3 (2 lectures+1 seminar)

Basics of Bionanotechnology 3 (2 lectures+1 seminar)Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Anatoliy IvashenkoDr., Professor Shoinbekova S.A.

Lecturer Dr.Professor Tatyana A. KarpenyukDr., Professor Anatoliy IvashenkoDr., Professor Shoinbekova S.A.Associate Professor Alla V.Goncharova

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

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Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Seminars Seminars15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It’s necessary to have knowledge in Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Virology, Lowmolecular biological substances; General and molecular geneticsStudents should be able to know bionanotechnological methods and principles of work with nanobiostructures. It is necessary to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice (in industry)

Recommended prerequisites

Biochemistry, Basis of Biotechnology, Molecular biology, General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The students have to know and be able to apply modern information technologies to accumulation, storages, processings and uses of bioresources and their properties in various branches of human activity.

In the course of studying of discipline of "Bionanotechnology" students have to receive knowledge of the main directions of bionanotechnology;

"Basics of Bioinformation"Remember to remember the main data on informatics;Understandto understand a subject of studying of bioinformatics;

-to be able to systematize and generalize the knowledge received at lectures and from educational, scientific sources of information; freely, competently to state a theoretical material on bases of the real course, to carry out discussions; Apply to apply the gained knowledge to statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of computer calculations Analysisto analyze genome and proteome of animals and plants;

use information technologies in the performance of the experimental tasks and analyze the results; be able to work with information in global computer networks.-to use the received knowledge for statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of experimental work.Evaluateto estimate value of received results of researches; Createto create models and to resolve key issues in bioinformatics.

Content "Basics of Bionanotechnology's" discipline for bachelors allows to expand and deepen

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knowledge of the various directions of bionanotechnology. Modern bionanotechnology - an interdisciplinary branch of science and productions. Use of biological nanostructures in production promotes disclosure of new properties of biological systems. Biological nanostructures - components of different multimolecular systems possess almost boundless range of properties which are used in various areas of human activity."Basics of Bioinformation"1. A role of irregular biopolymers as information cellular a component.2. Genetic processes as operations with the genetic information.3. Self-reproduction of the genetic information: replication, transcription, translation.4. The elementary complexes of information biopolymers: transposons and plasmids.5. Genomes and proteomes of chloroplasts.6. Genomes and proteomes of mitochondria.7. Genomes and proteomes of archeabacteria and eubacteria. 8. A variety of the sizes of the structurally functional organization genomes and proteomes of higher organisms.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests, defense of the group projects, case-study, presentations1st interim control: oral discussion, testing, , problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questioncontrol of knowledge will be carried out in the form of a colloquium, the project, work in small groups

Media employed Lectures in presentation, e- books,video-materials.

Reading list 1. Gene and genom. vol.1. М.:Мir, 2005. (in russian)2. Modern microbiology. Prokaryot. Vol.2.- М.:Мir, 2005. (in english)3. Таrasov В.А. Моlecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М.: Nauka,

2008. (in russian)4. Glik B., Pasternak D Моlecular biotechnology: principle and application. – М.:

Мir, 2002. (in english)5. Singer М., Berg P. Gene and genom: vol.2. М., 1998. (in english)6. Rybkin В.N. Basis of genetic engineering. S-P, 2002. (in russian)7. Ratledge C, Kristiansen B. Basic Biotechnology. Cambridge, Weinheim. 2006,

666P. (in english)

Module designation Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)ЕnzymologyBioinformational polymers in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable Enz 3505BPB 4508

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsЕnzymology 3 (2 lectures+1seminar)Bioinformational polymers in biotechnology 3 (2 lectures+1 lab)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for Dr.Professor Tatyana A. Karpenyuk

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the module Dr., Professor Anatoliy Ivashenko

Lecturer Dr.Professor Tatyana A. KarpenyukDr., Professor Anatoliy IvashenkoDr., Professor Shoinbekova S.A.Associate Professor Alla V.Goncharova

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS3 credits =5 ECTS3 credits =5 ECTS3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It’s necessary to have knowledge in Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Virology, Lowmolecular biological substances; General and molecular genetics

Recommended prerequisites

Biochemistry, Basis of Biotechnology, Molecular biology, General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

After learning discipline students must: -Understand the general features characterizing regulatory (genetic, covalently and non covalently regulated) enzymes; - describe multi-enzyme complexes and mechanistic advantages offered by them;- understand principles of classification and nomenclature of enzymes;

to know basic structure and functional organization of different proteomes, an understanding of the methods of proteins analysis;

The students must own:methods for identify some criteria for determining the purity of enzymes;special techniques employed in the study of enzymes kinetics;

The students must own:- skills in isolation of enzymes and determine their activity.- to own methods the

The student should be able: - describe the various laboratory procedures for the isolation, purification and characterization of enzymes.;- explain the mechanisms and kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions for both single substrate and bi-substrate enzymes;

-to be able to practice the classical methods research of biological

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The students have to know and be able to apply modern information technologies to accumulation, storages, processings and uses of bioresources and their properties in various branches of human activity.

to know a structure and properties of proteins and nucleinic acids, mechanisms of regulation of protein biosynthesis;

biochemical analysis of biopolymers;

-to be able to systematize and generalize the knowledge received at lectures and from educational, scientific sources of information; freely, competently to state a theoretical material on bases of the real course, to carry out discussions; Analysisto analyze genome and proteome of animals and plants;

molecules;The students must: know the main trends in contemporary enzymology; methods, techniques, tools, form the basis of scientific and applied activities in the field of enzymology;-to use the received knowledge for statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of experimental work.Evaluateto estimate value of received results of researches;

Content Nucleinic acids and proteins are the natural polymers realizing genetic information. Structure, properties and functions of proteins and nuclea acids. Amino acids. Spatial configuration of proteins. Nucleotides. Different types of RNA, their function. Transcription (copying of nukleo sequences of sites of DNA in shape m-RNK). Translation. Genetic code. Splaysing. Introns and exons. Mechanism of biosynthesis of protein. Protein Folding.Modern concepts of the enzymes structure. The principles of classification and nomenclature of enzymes. The main points of the kinetics of enzymatic catalysis. The specificity and mechanism of enzymes action. Practical application of enzymes and processes catalyzed by them.

The course will cover the following topics: Modern concepts of the enzyme structure.Coenzymes and other cofactors.Functional groups of enzymes and their role in catalysis.The mechanism of enzymatic catalysis.Enzyme-substrate complexes. Specificity of action of enzymes.The kinetics of enzymatic reactions.Factors determining the rate of the enzymatic reaction.Regulation of biosynthesis enzymes. Induction and repression of enzymes.Enzymopatology. Enzymodiagnostics. Enzymotherapy.Classification of enzymes.Methods for isolating and identifying enzymes.The use of enzymes in industry.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests, defense of the group projects, case-study, presentations1st interim control: oral discussion, testing, , problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical questioncontrol of knowledge will be carried out in the form of a colloquium, the project, work in small groups

Media employed Lectures in presentation, e- books,video-materials.

Reading list 1.Plakunov V.N. Fundamentals of Enzymology, 2001, 128 p. (in russian)2.Bissvanger X. Practical enzymology. BINOM 2010, 328 p. (in english)3.Nikolaev A.Y. Biological chemistry. 2004 (in russian)4.Varfolomeev S.D. Chemical enzymology. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. 472p. (in russian)5. Dixon, M., Webb, E. Enzymes (in 3 volumes) M, New York, 1982. (in english)

Module designation Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)

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Technology of Plant clonal micropropagation and plant preservation

Module level, if applicable IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable TPCMPP 4507

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsTechnology of Plant clonal micropropagation and plant preservation


2 lectures+1 labper weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Asrandyna S.Sh.

Lecturer associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Asrandina S.Sh.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Plant Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

- to know bases of phytopathology, the reason of plants diseases; Remember the concepts and techniques of plant biotechnology and their application;theoretical background knowledge in molecular, biochemical and plant science for an understanding of plant biotechnologyUnderstandAn understanding of the theoretical background knowledge in

- to own methods of diagnosing of plants diseases and methods cloning of the revitalized plant material;Apply -apply, or adapt, practical instructions safely and accurately- carry out a variety of experimental

-to be able to use biotechnological methods of plant material improvement in practice;Evaluateevaluate experimental methods appropriate for tackling a particular problemCreateAn understanding of the

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technology of clonal propagation and improvement of plants

procedures in the laboratory.- interpret quantitatively the results of experiments undertaken by themselves or othersdevise experimental methods appropriate for tackling a particular problem

aims and needs of industrial enterprises using plant biotechnology techniques to develop new products. A capacity to undertake research in plant biotechnologyAnalysisexperimental methods,interpret quantitatively the results of experiments undertaken by themselves or others

Content In a course technologies of cloning of the revitalized and virus-free plants are studied. Phytopathology basics, methods of diagnostics of plants diseases and methods of wood and grassy plants improvement of in vivo and in vitro are covered.

In a course methods of plants improvement are considered. Culture of apex and burn to revenges. The Plants diseases of a bacterial, fungies, virus etiology are considered. Technologies of receiving virus-free plant material are studied

Introduction to plant tissue culture, Lab equipments and their workingVarious sterilization and preparation techniques, used in plant tissue culture.Improvement of plants. Apical meristem cultureTechnology for producing virus-free material (thermo and, chemotherapy)Diagnosis of infection of plantsTechnology for producing virus-free material potatoesMass micropropagation of healthy plants

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, teststests, the project, work in small groups, the essay

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point PresentationsElectronic books and scientific journals

Reading list 1. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)2. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind.,

7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)3. Staba E.J. Plant Tissue Culture as a Source of Biochemicals, CRC Press. Boca

Raton, Florida.2000 (in english)

Module designation

Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)Practical experience in cell and molecular biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable PECMB 4511

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable

Course CreditsPractical experience in cell and molecular biotechnology


1 lectures+2 lab per weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.

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for the module

Lecturer Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S., PhD Beisenova A.A.

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

- 30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of general biology, chemistry.

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

As a result of study of this module students must know:-biochemical and physiological principal of investigation;

-to know the modern methods and approaches in various areas of cellular and molecular biotechnology.

As a result of study of this module students must be able to work with a microscope, prepare of different medium: selective medium, liquid medium etc. for growing callus.

Have skills to apply modern biochemical and biophysical methods of separation of cellular structures, getting them in a pure state, their identification, isolation and purification of biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids) and their qualitative and quantitative analysis methods using by spectrophotometry and electrophoresis methods, methods of separation, purification of nucleic acids, nucleic acid cloning PCR-based reactions and analyzes of amplified DNA fragments

Content The development of modern biology is due to significant advances in the field of cell and molecular biotechnology. The study of biological objects at the cell and molecular level requires knowledge of physical and chemical properties of living systems. In recent years the complexes of different physical and chemical methods and approaches are used in addressing key problems in biology, celland molecular biotechnology. In this regard, it is necessary to know the modern methods and approaches in various areas of cell and molecular biotechnology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

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Electronic books and scientific journalsReading list 1. Valichanova G.Zh. Plant biotechnology. Аlmaty. Kazakh University. 2009 (in russian,

in kazakh)2. Valichanova G.Zh., Еsmagulov K.Е. Bases of plant biotechnology. Аlmaty. 1999. (in

kazakh)3. Rensli D., Donnelli D., Rid N. Food and food additives. M., 2004 (in english)4. Soldatenkov A.T, Kolyadina N.M. and Bases of organic chemistry of food, feed

and supplements. M., 2006 (in russian)5. Nechaev A.P. Food Chemistry. St. Petersburg, 2007 (in russian)6. Drozdova T.M., Vlyuschensky P.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Physiology of nutrition.

Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Scientific writing


Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable SW 2301

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Scientific writing



1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Phylological Science Blavachinskaja I.S.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Phylological Science Blavachinskaja I.S.Language Kazakh, Russian, EnglishRelation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)

IETType of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars - - 15 hours per semester

1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study8 hours per semester 30 hours per semester

2 hours per weekSeminars15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Credit points 1 credits = 2 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination

50% of overall scores

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Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: none

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a Kazakh/Russian/foreign language;

Content The infinitive. The Gerund. The participle I, II. Sentence structure. Conjunctions. Reported Speech.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. English File (4 levels) Clive Oxenden,Christina Latham-Koenig,Paul, Seligson. Oxford, 2004

2. English Grammar in Use. Murphy R. Cambridge, 20043. Science. Keith Kelly. Macmillan,20074. IELTS Foundation. Study Skills. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew

Preshous. Macmillan,2004

5. Learn to Read Science. Shahova N. Flinta. Moscow. 2003

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Basics of Lab research in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable BLRB 2302

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Lab research in biotechnology 2

1 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

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Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester1 hours per week

15 hours per semester1 hours per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester1 hours per week

- 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 2 credits= 3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

IHim 1401 Inorganic Chemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

As a result of the discipline the student will know: The basic biotechnological methods for determining and monitoring the parameters of technological processes; technology and the general principles of the most common biochemical processes; methods of research, design and experimental work in the industry

Students should use: methods of analysis processes and their impact on the quality of the products of biosynthesis; computer methods of data collection, storage and processing.

Students should be able to:

- to make biotechnology experiment using laboratory equipment (microscopes, the bioreactor, thermostats, sterilizers, etc.); model biotechnological processes based on laboratory research and knowledge of biotechnology equipment.

Content The purpose of discipline is to teach students the acquisition of knowledge about the basics of scientific and laboratory research, study and development of methods of biotechnological experiments on micro-organisms, animal, plants processing, and analysis of the results.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. (in russian)

2. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university, 2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

3. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008, 124 р. (in russian)

4. Modern microbiology. Prokaryotes (in 2 volumes). Ed. G. Drevsa, G. Shlegel etc. Academic Press, 2005. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Еcology biotechnologyModule level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

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Code, if applicable EB 3303

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsЕcology biotechnology 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

ESD 2207 Ecology and Sustainable Development

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

As a result of study the discipline the student will know:- Basic biotechnology sewage-contaminated soil, air for a healthier environment; methods and approaches used for recycling and disposal of waste

Student will be able to use: the methods of simulation studies to evaluate various biotechnology used in the treatment of polluted ecosystems.

Students will be able to: - use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of various biotechnological methods for remediation of contaminated ecosystems; develop of new treatment technologies based on the use of microorganisms, food processing wastes, and plants.

Content The purpose of discipline is to introduce students with the main polluters of the environment, the path of their migration, accumulation and transformation in ecosystems, methods of detection and quantification of environmental pollutants, with

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the methods and approaches of the various ecosystem restoration specific biotechnological methods, with the methods of waste treatment, disposal and waste emissions .

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)2. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)3. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Food biological active supplements

Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable FBAS 3304

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Food biological active supplements 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

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Recommended prerequisites

Bio 2308 Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know technologies of receiving dietary supplement from animal, vegetable and microbiological raw materials.

to have skills of carrying out microbiological control of raw materials and finished goods, on development of new types of biologically active agents, production of food and treatment-and-prophylactic appointment.

to own methods of quantitative and quality standard food dietary supplement

Content Biotechnological bases of receiving biologically active agents from animal, vegetable and microbiological raw materials. The characteristic of biologically active agents of food used in production.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)2. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)3. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Technologies of receiving of plant-growing products

Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable TRPP 3305

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Technologies of receiving of plant-growing products


2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Atabaeva S.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Atabaeva S.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science

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Asrandina S.Sh.Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BPB 2415 Basics of Plant Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Remember Agriculture laws. The peculiarities of variety. Schemes of processing technologies of crops, vegetables, technology preparation of mix feedData of agricultural harvest (formula of photosynthetic capacity, net photosynthesis production, biomass growth and etc)UnderstandGrowth technology of crops legumes, vegetables. Processing technology of cereals, vegetables, mix feed. Storage technology of cereals, vegetables and etc. Optimization of photosynthesis and mineral nutrition

Apply Their theoretical knowledge of technology of growing, storage processing of plant products in practice.Their knowledge of agricultural laws and agricultural data for increasing of plants products

to be able to estimate in practice quantitative and quality indicators of foodstuff, according to the international and national standards;Analysis Technology of agricultural plants growth.Evaluate Evaluate effects of different types of phytoremediation of contaminated areas (soil and aquatic environments) The effectiveness of different kinds of plants on phytoremediation process Evaluate the the functional state of plant at different environmental conditions

Content The basic principles in creation of technologies of receiving products from vegetable raw materials. The equipment and control of technological processes of receiving products from vegetable raw materials.Introduction to crop сultivationAgrotechnologies. Technology for producing vegetable oil.Technology of production of mix feed.Laws of agriculture. Features of varietiesOptimization of photosynthesis. Optimization of mineral nutritionTechnology of crops growing. Wheat. Technology for processing of grain into. Grain storage technology.

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Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Valikhanova G.Zh. Plant Biotechnology. Almaty. 2009. – 347 p. (in russian, in kazakh)

2. Turasheva S.K. Cell Biotechnology. Almaty. 2011. -312 p. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Technical biochemistry

Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable TB 3306

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

Technical biochemistry 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Erezhepov A.E.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Erezhepov A.E.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Bio 2308 Biochemistry

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Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know theoretical bases of physiology and biochemistry of plants, including growth and development physiology, biochemistry of biological macromolecules – proteins (enzymes), carbohydrates, lipids, etc., and also biochemistry of secondary metabolites.

to have skills of use of cultural plants and wild flora valuable properties of Kazakhstan in food, fodder technologies, and also in pharmacology, phytopathology, etc.

to be able to identify and analyze the valuable substances containing in plants organsto own methods of research of structure and properties vegetable raw materials.

Content In the module a profound idea is given of biochemical criteria of vegetable raw materials quality, of biochemical value of the major consumer properties of raw materials - biological (physiological), nutrition, fodder and nutritional value, technological advantage, comprehensibility, etc. The specified biochemical signs in aggregate define quality of vegetable raw materials and the final product. The course acquaints the student with the basic principles of enrichment of raw materials missing components and in the ways of achievement of balance of valuable biochemical properties of raw materials in modern food and fodder technologies.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Erezhepov A.E., Kudarov B.P. Technical biochemistry. Almaty. 2011. 196 p. (in russian, in kazakh)

2. Kretovich V. Biochemistry. Moscow. 1996. -347 p. (in russian)3. Seitov Z.S. Biochemistry, Almaty 2000 (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Microorganisms of fermentative productions

Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable MFP 4307

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMicroorganisms of fermentative productions 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaja I.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Savitskaja I.S., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ignatova L.V., cand.biol.sci, Yernazarova A. K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester 15 hours per -

Page 101: Web viewStudying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, ... their properties and features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the man

2 hours per week semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scoresThe module aims to provide basic information regarding the uses of microbes for the production of foods and food ingredients. Initial lectures will provide an overview of the various types of fermented foods, the production processes employed and the microorganisms used as starter cultures. Subsequent lectures will cover the metabolic pathways taking place, focusing on lactic acid bacteria and yeast, and discuss the contribution of the metabolic products to the organoleptic properties the foods. Finally, the application of fermentation for the production of food ingredients will also be covered.The practicals aim to strengthen the laboratory skills of the students in terms of basic microbiological techniques (aseptic techniques, plate streaking, microscopy, etc) and provide illustrations of key points from the lectures in relation to food fermentations.

Recommended prerequisites

Bio 2308 Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know the technological bases of fermentative production;

Provide an overview of the types of microorganisms used for the production of fermented products- Describe the main characteristics of bacteria and yeast and the main metabolic pathways taking place - Explain the importance of the metabolic products in the organoleptic properties of fermented foods- Make basic calculation for estimating the yield and productivity of fermentation processes

to be able to use methods and technologies of processing of different types raw materials in fermentation products.Apply - Apply your knowledge of types of microorganisms for fermentation.Analysis- Analysis the the yield and productivity of fermentation processes.

The students are able to classify and identify microorganisms and to assign to taxonomic unitsThey have knowledge of diverse cultural and molecular methods for the identification of microorganisms and can apply them in a laboratory set-tingThe students know different kinds of starter cultures and how to apply them for fermentation processesThe students learn about fundamental tools and fermentation strategies in bioreactor cultivations of microorganisms/cellsThey know about bioreactor constructions und important equipmentThey have knowledge about microorganisms and processing of diverse fermented foods

Content The purpose of the module is acquaintance of students with technology of fermentative

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productions, methods and processes of processing of different types raw materials in fermentation products.

In the module general characteristics of fermentation and its types, the main characteristics of the productions based on microorganisms application, the main regularities of reproduction and growth of yeast and other cultures of microorganisms are given: stages of development and ways of cultivation; relationship of microorganisms; Characteristics of the enzymes applied in fermentative productions, their properties and classification are given. Bases of spirit fermentation are studed: structure, chemical composition of a barmy cell; characteristics and races of the yeast applied in fermentative productions, and also the chemical reactions underlying spirit fermentation.1. The course will cover the following topics: 2. The Science Underpinning Food Fermentations. 3. Beer4. Fortified Wines.5. Cider6. Distilled Alcoholic Beverages.7. Flavoured Spirits.8. Sake. 9. Vinegar.10. Cheese11. Yoghurt and Other Fermented Milk Products.12. Bread.13.  Meat.14. Indigenous Fermented Foods.15. Vegetable Fermentations.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentationsWebsite:

Reading list 1. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008, 124 р. (in russian)

2. Charles W. Bamforth. Food, Fermentation and Microorganisms. 2005. 236 p. (in english)

3. Ramesh C. Ray, Montet Didier. Microorganisms and Food Fermentation. 2014. 400 p. (in english)

4. R. O. Arunga. Lactic Acid Bacteria in Coffee and Cocoa Fermentation. 1992. 409 p. (in english)

5. Norman N. Potter, Joseph H. HotchkissFermentation and Other Uses of Microorganisms. 1995. 278 p. (in english)

6. Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, Christine L. Case. Microbiology. 2010. 960 p.7. Talaro, Kathleen P. Foundations in microbiology. — 8th ed. 2012. 937 p. (in

english)8. Black, Jacquelyn G. Microbiology : principles and explorations / Jacquelyn G.

Black.—8th ed. 2012. 960 p. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Production of microbial proteinsModule level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable PMP 4308

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

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Production of microbial proteins 32 lectures + 1 lab / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Bio 2308 Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know methods of preparation and sterilization of nutrient mediums, crops and cultivation of yeast;

to know extent of influence of quantity and qualitity of a sowing material, structure of a nutrient medium (with various sources of carbon and nitrogen) on processes of accumulation of a biomass.- possession of methods of definition of quantity of a biomass: crude and absolutely dry;

Content The course gives an idea of prospects and economic feasibility of microorganisms application in the production technology of food and fodder protein.

Technologies of receiving protein of unicells are considered: use of alcohols and hydrogen for receiving protein; use of monocelled algas for receiving protein.

The maintenance of a course includes also sections on technology of utilization and processing of organic industrial, household and agricultural wastes for receiving microbic protein and production of feed additives for poultry farming and animal farm.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project method

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Final examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical questionMedia employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)2. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)3. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Biotechnology of national fermented milk productsModule level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable BNSMP 4309

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiotechnology of national fermented milk products


2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Bio 2308 Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know technological bases of production of fermented milk products ;

to be able to determine physical and chemical, microbiological,

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- to know medical and specific properties of national fermented milk products ;


biochemical parameters of national fermented milk products;

Content The main sources of raw materials for receiving sour-milk products, the characteristic and their features are studied. Theoretical bases of production of sour-milk products in the world. Chemical, physical and microbiological, biochemical and colloidal processes by production of fermented milk products. Medical and specific properties of various national fermented milk products.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university, 2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

2. Kalinina L.V., Ganina V.I., Dunchenko N.I. Technology whole milk. St. Petersburg. 2008 (in russian)

3. Dunchenko N.I., Khramtsov A.G., Makeev I.A., etc. Expertise of food and raw food. Milk and dairy raw materials. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

4. Shalygina A.M., Kalinina L.V. General technology of milk and dairy products. Moscow, Kolos, 2007, 200 p. (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Microbiological safety of raw materials of foodstuffModule level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable MSRMF 4310

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsMicrobiological safety of raw materials of foodstuff


2 lectures +1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Аbdieva G. Zh.

Lecturer Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Аbdieva G. Zh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 15 hours per semester1 hours per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

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30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Students at the end of the course should know: the principles of health and microbiological assessment of food quality; characterization of sanitary-indicative microorganisms; microflora of milk and milk products, meat and egg products, fish and fish products, bee products, plants products;

1. Remember Remember the basic fundamentals of the general and industrial (technical) microbiology and microbiology of food productions; methods of receiving and area of use of industrial highly active strains of microorganisms in food productions; sanitary and microbiological aspects of production of food; microbiological criteria of safety of raw materials, semi-products and finished products;

1. Understand Understand and explain traditional and new methods of identification of microorganisms; new methods and schemes and methods of identification of microorganisms; modern methods of disinfection of processing equipment and scope of new disinfecting substances; methods of protection of products from microbial damage.

Must own the: Skills for the ongoing health and bacteriological control of food;Skills in sanitary and bacteriological test equipment; Methods of determining the sanitary-indicative microorganisms in food.AnalysisTo analyze and determine an expiration date of foodstuff by microbiological indicators; nobility and take measures of prevention for a microbial contamination of raw materials and foodstuff; to interpret results of conducted researches and to estimate quality of products on microbiological indicators.Apply To apply the knowledge to use modern methods of microbiological researches for assessment of quality of raw materials and foodstuff; to conduct microbiological research of foodstuff; to estimate high quality and epidemiological safety of raw materials and foodstuff on the basis of microbiological researches; to master modern methods of

Be able to:determine the titer and the index of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in dairy products package; - determine the titer and the index of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in meat, sausage, fish products; determine the titer and the index of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in poultry products and eggs; determine the titer and the index of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in drinking water and soft drinks.Create  Methods of forecasting of an orientation and dynamics of microbiological activity in raw materials and products depending on specific conditions; methods of drawing up recommendations about modes of storage, transportation of raw materials and foodstuff.

1. Evaluate Main receptions and methods of an assessment of indicators of safety of raw materials and food; the methods, allowing to differentiate signs of microbial damage of raw materials and

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receiving and identification of pure cultures of microorganisms;

foodstuff from physical and chemical and natural processes;

Content The course gives an understanding of the basic principles and methods of sanitation and hygiene in food inspection. It examines the methods of sanitary-microbiological food control; characterized sanitary indicative microorganisms as indicators of health troubles, introduces the methods of their determination. The information on the microflora of the milk and milk products, meat and egg products, fish and fish products, bee products, plant products and canned products.The course will cover the following topics: 1. Biological safety and qualities of foodstuff and production raw materials2. Biological pollution of raw materials and foodstuff3. Biological pollutants of raw materials of foodstuff. 4. Sanitary and microbiological aspects of production of food. Microbiological criteria of safety of raw materials, semi-products and finished products.5. Sanitary and microbiological control of raw materials and foodstuff.6. Studying of fundamentals of the general and industrial (technical) microbiology and microbiology of food productions. 7. Representatives of technically useful microflora and their use.8. Representatives of technically harmful microflora.9. Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms of foodstuff and raw materials.10. Microbic food infections. Food toksikoinfektion. Food intoxications. 11. Traditional and new methods of identification and identification of microorganisms12. Methods of protection of products from microbic damage.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1 Rogov I.A., Dunchenko N.I., Poznyakovsky V.M., Berdutina A.V., Kuptsova S.V. Safety of food raw materials and food products. Novosibirsk, 2007 (in russian)1. Dunchenko N.I., Khramtsov A.G., Makeev I.A., etc. Expertise of food and raw food. Milk and dairy raw materials. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)2. Rogozhin V.V., Rogozhina T.V. Practical work on biochemistry of milk and dairy products. St. Petersburg, 2008 (in russian)3. Shalygina A.M., Kalinina L.V. General technology of milk and dairy products. Moscow, Kolos, 2007, 200 p. (in russian)

Kalinina L.V., Ganina V.I., Dunchenko N.I. Technology whole milk. St. Petersburg. 2008Bredikhin S.A., Jurin V.N. Technique and production technology of butter and cheese. M. 2007

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

"Microbiological control of Food productions" practical experience

Module level, if applicable

IED 3: “Food biotechnology”

Code, if applicable MCFPPE 4311

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits"Microbiological control of Food productions" practical experience


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1 lectures + 2 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Аbdieva G. Zh.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Аbdieva G. Zh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester1 hours per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester1 hours per week

- 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scoresTo acquaint students with raw materials microbiology for foodstuff, microbiological processes in the food industry. To create complete idea of the basic principles and methods of a sanitary and hygienic assessment of quality of foodstuff and productions. To seize methods of sanitary and microbiological control of food products; to characterize sanitary and indicative microorganisms as indicators of sanitary trouble, to acquaint with ways of their definition; to receive skills of carrying out sanitary and microbiological control in laboratories and production.

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge of sanitary-microbiological and sanitary and hygienic requirements to the industrial equipment and productions;

2. Remember To remember the main sanitary and hygienic requirements of the organization of food productions; microflora of raw materials and foodstuff, its qualitative and quantitative dynamics in processes of production, transportation, storage and realization;

2. Understand Nobility of methods of sanitary and microbiological control of food products; microbiological indicators of safety of raw materials and products according to standard documentation microbiological control in laboratories and production.

own of receive skills of carrying out sanitary and microbiological control in laboratories and production, methods of conservation, sterilization and the disinfection, applied in the food industry

1. ApplyTo use modern methods of microbiological researches for an assessment of quality of raw materials and foodstuff; to estimate high quality and epidemiological safety of raw materials and products of an

Ability to characterize sanitary and indicative microorganisms as indicators of sanitary trouble;

2. Evaluate Methods of microbiological and sanitary and hygienic control of production of foodstuff; to characterize microbiological processes at various ways of processing of raw materialsCreate  Main receptions and methods of an assessment of indicators of safety of raw materials and food; AnalysisTraditional and new methods of

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animal origin on the basis of these microbiological researches;

identification and identification of microorganisms wreckers; nobility and take measures of prevention for a microbial contamination of raw materials and foodstuff;

Content The practical work provides studying of sanitary and hygienic requirements to the industrial equipment and productions; principles of organization of aseptic production; the receptions, hits of microorganisms providing an exception in production process and products; Definition of sanitary and indicative microorganisms in foodstuff.The course will cover the following topics: 1. Sanitary and microbiological control of food productions2. Microbiology, microbiological quality control of drinking water 3. Microbiology of raw materials and foodstuff4. Microbiology, microbiological quality control of milk and dairy products. Microbiology of the pasteurized (drinking) and sterilized milk. Production control.5. Microbiology of cheeses. Value of microorganisms in cheese making. Microbiological control of production of cheeses.6. Microbiology, microbiological quality control of meat and meat products. Microbiological control of production.7. Microbiology, microbiological quality control of eggs, egg products. Mayonnaise microbiology. Microbiological control of production of mayonnaise. 8. Microbiology, microbiological quality control of fish and fish products 9. Microbiology, microbiological quality control of a flour and bread

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Microbiological analysis of meat, fowl: handbook; the lane with English / under the editorship of D. K. Mida – SPb.: Profession, 2008.2. Technical microbiology of products of an animal origin: studies. grant for higher education institutions/century I. Ganina, N. S. Koroleva, S. A. Filchakova – M., 2008 (in russian)3. Microbiology, sanitation and hygiene of foodstuff: Practical work: Studies. grant for Higher education institutions / Zharikov, A.O. Kozmin – M.: Gelan, 2001. (in russian)4. Microbiology: the textbook for higher education institutions/E.V. Nikitina, S. N. Kiyamov, O. A. Reshetnik. – SPb. : GIORD, 2008 (in russian)5. Kochemasova Z.N. Sanitary microbiology. M 1985. (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Scientific writing (kaz/rus/engl)

Module level, if applicable IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable SW 2301

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits

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Scientific writing (kaz/rus/engl) 1

1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Blavachinskaja I.S.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Blavachinskaja I.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars - - 15 hours per semester

1 hours per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study- 8 hours per semester 30 hours per semester

2 hours per weekCredit points 1 credits= 2 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: none

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

- ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a Kazakh/Russian/foreign language;

Content The infinitive. The Gerund. The participle I, II. Sentence structure. Conjunctions. Reported Speech.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. English File (4 levels) Clive Oxenden,Christina Latham-Koenig,Paul, Seligson. Oxford, 2004

2. English Grammar in Use. Murphy R. Cambridge, 20043. Science. Keith Kelly. Macmillan,20074. IELTS Foundation. Study Skills. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew

Preshous. Macmillan,2004

5. Learn to Read Science. Shahova N. Flinta. Moscow. 2003

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Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Basics of Lab research in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable BLRB 2302

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Lab research in biotechnology 2

1 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester1 hours per week

15 hours per semester1 hours per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester1 hours per week

15 hours per semester1 hours per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 2 credits= 3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

IHim 1401 Inorganic Chemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

- to know laboratory methods and ways of their application in biotechnological researches;

- to own equipment of statement of experiment;

- to be able to plan experiments according to the purposes and research problems

Content In the module the experimental methods of researches applied in biotechnology of microorganisms, plants and animals are considered

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

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Reading list 1. Almagambetov K.Kh. Basics of Biotechnology. Astana. 2009. 231 p. (in russian, in kazakh)

2. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)3. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)4. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Еcology biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable EB 3303

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsЕcology biotechnology 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

ESD 2207 Ecology and Sustainable Development

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

As a result of study the discipline the student will know:

Student will be able to use: the methods

Students will be able to: - use the theoretical

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- Basic biotechnology sewage-contaminated soil, air for a healthier environment; methods and approaches used for recycling and disposal of waste.

of simulation studies to evaluate various biotechnology used in the treatment of polluted ecosystems.

knowledge and practical skills in the use of various biotechnological methods for remediation of contaminated ecosystems; develop of new treatment technologies based on the use of microorganisms, food processing wastes, and plants.

Content The purpose of discipline is to introduce students with the main polluters of the environment, the path of their migration, accumulation and transformation in ecosystems, methods of detection and quantification of environmental pollutants, with the methods and approaches of the various ecosystem restoration specific biotechnological methods, with the methods of waste treatment, disposal and waste emissions .

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)2. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2007. (in russian)3. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

BiogeotechnologyModule level, if applicable IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable BGT 3304

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBiogeotechnology 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Gulzhan K. Kaiyrmanova

Lecturer Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Gulzhan K. Kaiyrmanova

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)

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IETType of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester1 hours per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scoresStudents should have an understanding of biogeochemical processes in different ecosystems, geological basics of microbiology and applied geochemical activity of microorganisms in the industry.

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Know basis of cultivation of microorganisms used in biogeotechnology, processes of biomass for metal leaching, the specific requirements for the corresponding manufacturing equipment, raw materials and finished product.Remember

Know basis of cultivation of microorganisms used in biogeotechnology, processes of biomass for metal leaching, the specific requirements for the corresponding manufacturing equipment, raw materials and finished product.

Understandunderstand the relationship of biogeochemical processes and mineral deposits, the use of microorganisms and their metabolic products in biohydrometallurgy

-Own methods of release of active cultures used in biogeotechnology of different ecosystems, cultivation and storage thiobacteria.Apply Be able to apply knowledge of geochemical activity of microorganisms in practice: the leaching of metals, desulfurization of coal, increasing the secondary oil recovery;AnalysisAble to analyze the knowledge of geochemical activity of microorganisms in practice: leaching of metals, coal desulfurization, improving secondary recovery;

-Be able to apply knowledge of geochemical activity of microorganisms in practice: the leaching of metals, desulfurization of coal, increasing the secondary oil recovery;-Own methods of release of active cultures used in biogeotechnology of different ecosystems, cultivation and storage thiobacteria.

CreateCreate travel possibilities, biogeotechnology methods that are used for the extraction of metals from ores, secondary oil production, etc.

Content Have an understanding of biogeochemical processes in different ecosystems, geological principles of microbiology and the application of geochemical activity of microorganisms in the industry.The course will cover the following topics: 1. Biogeotechnology: key provisions and terms.2. Main directions biogeotechnology.3. Processes of oxidative leaching of sulfide minerals with autotrophic microorganisms.4. Microorganisms and their scope in hydrometallurgy.5. The role of bacteria in the oxidation of Fe2 +, So and sulfide minerals.6. Technology of bacterial leaching of metals.7. Agitation leaching.8. Leaching in situ ( underground ).9. The leaching of gold and other metals using heterotrophic microorganisms and their

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metabolic products.10. Peat and coal formation , the role of microorganisms. 11. Microbial disulfurizatsiya coal.12. Methane in coal mines and Biogeotechnology.13. Oil formation . Secondary recovery and Biogeotechnology.14. Treatment of industrial wastewater from metal.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentationsPresentations,Video lectures, www.mol b ,

Reading list 1. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008, 124 р. (in russian)

2. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

3. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)4. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university,

2008. 320 Р. (in russian)5. Cavicchioli, R., and Thomas, T. 2000. Extremophiles. In Encyclopedia of

microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 2, J. Lederburg, editor-in-chief. - P. 317–337. San Diego: Academic Press. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Ecology genetics

Module level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable EG 3305

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsEcology genetics 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Aytasheva Z.G.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Aytasheva Z.G.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester1 hours per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

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30 hours per semester2 hours per week

8 hours per semester 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: IHim 1401 Inorganic Chemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

- As a result of course development the student has to have idea of methodical and ecology-genetic bases of an assessment of impact on environment; to understand the basic principles of functioning of genetic systems, vertical and horizontal evolution of a biotic factor; to apply methods of the genetic analysis to an assessment of quality of environment;

- to have skills of carrying out natural and pilot ecology-genetic studies.

to be able to supervise and analyze, predict dynamics of the ecological processes connected with mutagen influence of factors of environment;

Content Course purpose: studying of interference of genetic processes and ecological relations. Problems of a course: - to open possibilities of genetic methods in the analysis of stability of organisms to environment factors;to acquaint with bases of development of ekologo-genetic models for regulation of the ecological relations; to consider ekologo-genetic consequences of modern biological engineering

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Ingevichtomov V. Genetics. Moscow. 1997. 271 p. (in russian)2. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)3. G. Drevsa Modern microbiology. Prokaryotes. Academic Press, 2005. (in


Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Ecology biotechnology of phototrofics microorganisms

Module level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable EBFM 3306

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsEcology biotechnology of phototrofics microorganisms


2 lectures + 1 lab / week

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Semester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

Lecturer associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester1 hours per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to give an idea of a role of phototrophic microorganisms in biotechnological production, about ways of allocation of perspective strains and methods of their cultivation. Remember - Have an idea about theoretical and practical bases of the technologies applicated phototrophic microorganisms;

Skills, to use bioremediation methods for treatment the sewage, polluted by organic pollutants and heavy metals based on the specific properties of the phototrophic microorganisms;

-to own: Methods of allocation various strains of microalgae and cyanobacteria Apply theoretical knowledge for introduction in science and practice, competently to plan experiments on bioremediation of sewage using microalgae;

The role of phototrophic microorganisms in photobiotechnology development, namely receiving on the basis of microalgae of bioproducts for ecobiotechnology appointments. About a role of phototrophic microorganisms on ecobiotechnology.EvaluateOwn new methods of biomonitoring and biremediation of the polluted ecosystems based on phototrophic microorganisms.

Content The ecological biotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms is a new approach to protection and environment preservation based on use of phototrophic microorganisms sharing achievements of microbiology, biochemistry, genetic engineering and chemical technologies. The circle of the problems solved by ecobiotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms, is extremely wide – from development and improvement of methodology of complex biological research of ecosystems near sources of technogenic influences before development of technologies and recommendations about biological water purification and biosynthesis of the preparations compensating an adverse effect of

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change of environment on people and animals. The purpose of studying of discipline to give to students of knowledge of scientific and practical bases of use of phototrophic microorganisms in ecological biotechnology for development of environment protection.

The ecological biotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms is a new approach to protection and environment preservation based on use of phototrophic microorganisms sharing achievements of microbiology, biochemistry, genetic engineering and chemical technologies. The circle of the problems solved by ecobiotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms, is extremely wide – from development and improvement of methodology of complex biological research of ecosystems near sources of technogenic influences before development of technologies and recommendations about biological water purification and biosynthesis of the preparations compensating an adverse effect of change of environment on people and animals.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Zayadan B. Phototrofic microorganisms biotechnology. Pavlodar. «Brand print», 2010. -432p. (in kazakh)

2. Jon E. Smith. Biotechnology Cambridge university press, 2009. (in english) 3. Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Enviromental Microbiology

London., 2009. (in english)4. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes

Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh, in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Soil Microbiology

Module level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable SM 4307

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsSoil Microbiology 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ignatova L.V.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week


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Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits = 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The student will be know about:

- Communities of microorganisms in different soil types; the role of microorganisms in various transformations of chemical elements and compounds in the soil; use of microorganisms in the various processes of agriculture.

remember that organisms are widespread in soils, and various transformations involved chemical elements and compounds in the soil;understand the role of soil microorganisms in agri-environmental processes and improve soil fertility;

Student will be able to use: methods for determining the composition of soil microorganisms; microscopic methods of observation and recording of micro-organisms in the soil

apply theoretical and practical knowledge to determine the biological activity of soil microbiological and propose ways of its regulation;

Students will be able to:

- To determine the biological activity of the soil and suggest ways to regulate it to use bio-indication, bioassays.

analyze information on the role of microorganisms in soil formation and the impact of agricultural practices on soil microorganisms;evaluate current information, national and international experience in the study of soil microbial activity;create in students an idea of the leading role of soil microbiota in the cycle of matter, methods of their study;  

Content The purpose of this course is to provide the study of soil microbial complexes, especially the soil as a habitat for microorganisms, ecological and geographical patterns of distribution of microorganisms in the soil, strategies of microorganisms in the soil, a variety of trophic interactions of microorganisms, principles and concepts adopted in soil microbiology.

Soil microbial complexes. Principles and concepts of soil microbiology. Agro-ecological role of soil microorganisms. Soil microbial processes of transformation of matter and energy. Participation in microorganisms the nitrogen cycle in nature. Вiological fixation molecular nitrogen atmosphere. Transformation of microorganisms sulfur, phosphorus, iron, etc. Biological activity of the different soil types, methods for determining the composition of soil microorganisms.

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Microbial fertilizing biopreparations.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, testsControl of knowledge: colloquium, tests, work in small groups and essays.

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Jon E. Smith. Biotechnology Cambridge university press, 2009. (in english) 2. Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Enviromental Microbiology

London., 2009. (in english)3. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes

Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh, in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Technology of regeneration of degradational soilModule level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable TRDS 4308

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsTechnology of regeneration of degradational soil 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Shimshikov B.E.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

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Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: none

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know processes of degradation of soils and their reason generating;

to gain skills of management of rational use of soil resources.

to be able to define degree of a degradirovannost of soils and to develop technology of their restoration and protection;

Content The purpose of this course is to study the causes of soil degradation and develop technologies to restore them.The course considers the soil susceptible to degumming, water and wind erosion, desertification and depletion. Is determined by the degree of their degradation and are required for their recovery.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Zayadan BB.K. Ecology biotechnology. Almaty. 2012, 215 p. (in kazakh)2. Jon E. Smith. Biotechnology Cambridge university press, 2009. (in english) 3. Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Enviromental Microbiology

London., 2009. (in english)4. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes

Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh, in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Phytoremediation of EnvironmentModule level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable FE 4309

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsPhytoremediation of Environment 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Atabaeva S.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Atabaeva S.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Beisenova A.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester


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1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 60 hours per semester4 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BPB 2415 Basics of Plant Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know the principles of a phytoremediation as method of cleaning of environment from pollutants, the principles of plants selection for different types of a phytoremediation, the main characteristics of plants hyper accumulators, physiological features of plants hyper accumulators, application of genetic engineering methods for a phytoremediation. Remember 1. Types of xenobiotics2.Kinds of phytoremediation technology , metallothioneins4. Structure of phytochelatines 5.Definition of heavy metals6. Definition of induced phytoremediation7. Thresholds concentrations for hyperaccumulators of heavy metalsUnderstand1. Physilogy and transport of xenobiotics in plants2.Phytoremediation process 3. Mechanisms of hypertolerance and hyperaccumulation4. Phytoremediation of soils and water 6. Phytosiderophores in phytoremediation5. Induced phitoremediation

to own the latest knowledge in the field of modern problems of plants physiology, modern ideas of plant cell structure and functions, mechanisms of a water exchange, photosynthesis, breath of plants, physiology of plants growth and development and also stress physiology.Evaluate effects of different types of phytoremediation of contaminated areas (soil and aquatic environments) 2. The effectiveness of different kinds of plants on phytoremediation process3. Evaluate the the functional state of plant at different environmental conditionsCreate

Models of phytoremediation technology of certain contaminated areaProblematic lectures on phytoremediation using their theoretical

Apply -theoretical knowledge of phytoremediation process in practice work - knowledge for selection of necessary type of phytoremediation in case study. - knowledge to solve problems of contaminated areas Analysis1. Types of phytoremediation to apply for contaminated areas.2 Kinds of plants to apply for phytoremediation3. Advantages and limitations of different types of phytoremediation

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knowledge Popular science paper or journal on phytoremediation technology

Content The course acquaints students with a current state knowledge of a fitoremediation technology, types and the principles of a fitoremediation. Problem of this course is acquaintance of students with types of a fitoremediation (phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytodegradation, etc.), methods of plants selection for a fitoremediation, the characteristic of plants hyper accumulators, physiological bases of a fitoremediation.Toxic compounds of soils and aquatic environments. Organic compoundsToxic compounds of soil and aquatic environments. Aromatics. Phytoremediation aquatic environments. Phytoremediation technology, phytoremediation of soilCompartmentalization of toxic compounds in plant cellsTransport of toxicants in the plants. Mechanisms of uptake toxic compounds by plant roots. Physiology of uptake and transport of anthropogenic toxic compounds in plants. Heavy metalsMechanisms of hyperaccumulation and hypertoleranceThe role of phytochelatins in plant’s hypertoleranceInduced phytoremediation. Use in phytoremediation of energy cropsThe role of phytosiderofores in phytoremediation. Transgenic plants in phytoremediation

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Jon E. Smith. Biotechnology Cambridge university press, 2009. (in english) 2. Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba. Enviromental Microbiology

London., 2009. (in english)3. Zhubanova A.A., Abdieva G.ZH., Shupshibaev K.K. Basics of Microorganismes

Biotechnology. Almaty, 2004. (in kazakh, in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Ecologycal biochemistryModule level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable EB 4310

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsEcologycal biochemistry 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Karpenyk T.A.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Karpenyk, associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Goncharova A.V., A.E.Erezhepov

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

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Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

- 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester2 hours per week

20 hours per semestr

60 hours per semester42 hours per week

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

- -

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

To form for students the understanding of the nature of interactions between living organisms and the environment, occurring at different levels (organismal, cellular, molecular-genetic), the unity of the body and living environment.

Recommended prerequisites

Bio 2308 Biochemistry

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Know the laws and regulation of the basic biochemical processes in the cell under changing environmental conditions (hypoxia, temperature rise, the impact of xenobiotics).After learning discipline students must: -Understand the mechanisms of action of environmental factors on the body and the limits of its tolerance; -Know the ways to adapt to stress influences the environment;- Understand biochemical basis of the stress response and adaptation to environmental conditions;

After completing this discipline a student must:- An understanding of the biochemical mechanisms of adaptation.The students must own:methods for assessing the content of pollutants in natural environments, the biological material;skills to carry out studies to assess the state of flora and fauna with modern requirements;

- To be able to navigate the challenges associated with biochemical adaptation of living organisms to the environment- The student should be able: -use of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry in environmental studies;-analyze the effects of human impact on natural ecosystems;-use methods of bio-indication and state environmental review of natural and man-made ecosystems.-predict the consequences of errors in ill-conceived use of natural resources;

Content The main purpose of developing the discipline is the study of the biochemical mechanisms of living organisms to adapt for changing environmental conditions. Objectives of the course:- Examine the mechanisms of interaction of plants,animals, microorganisms with the environment through the secondary metabolites- Study the basic mechanisms of adaptation through changes in the activity of enzymes- Consider the metabolism of exogenous and endogenous compounds by enzymes of the 1st and 2nd phases of xenobiotic metabolism as a basis for adaptation to foreign compounds.

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The course will cover the following topics: Introduction. Ecological biochemistry: range of issues, approaches and methods of solution.The role of secondary metabolites in ecological and biochemical interactions.Ecological adaptation of plants to the environment.Ecological and biochemical interaction between higher plants.Mechanisms of interaction of plants, animals, microorganisms with the environment through the secondary metabolites.Ecological and biochemical interactions between animals.Adaptive changes of biochemical processes.Ecological and biochemical aspects of the transformation of xenobiotics.The ratio of the chemical structure of the compound and its toxicity.Metabolic conversion of foreign compounds.Metabolism of pesticides and other industrial chemicals.Environmental consequences of the transformation of toxicants in the environment.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: oral discussion, testing, , problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. Salovarova V.P. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology : Textbook.// - Irkutsk : Izd Irkut . Reg. University Press, 2007 . - 159 p. (in russian)2 . Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology / / / Publ Moscow University . 2006 (in russian)3 . Kutsenko S.A. Basics of Toxicology . - St. Petersburg, 2002 . (in russian)4 . Hotuntsev J.L. Ecology and environmental safety. - Moscow: Academy 2002 . - 480 .5 . Matasova L.V., Hitsova L.N., . editor of Science prof. , Artukhov VG Biochemical Ecology : Textbook. - Voronezh Univ VSU 2003 . - p.63 . (in russian)6. Egorov V.V. Environmental Chemistry / / Publisher: Lan , 2009 . (in russian)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

"Microbiological processing of organic waste" practice experienceModule level, if applicable

IED 5: "Biotechnology of Environment"

Code, if applicable MPOWPE 4311

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course Credits“Microbiological processing of organic waste" practice experience


1 lectures + 2 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ignatova L.V.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, Lecture Practicum Seminars

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contact Hours 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

- 30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scoresIt is necessary to have knowledge on microbiological processes used for environmental protection and improvement

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

The student will be know about:

microbial reactions to exposure to environmental pollutants; morphological changes in the microbial population, the kinetics of their growth and development, structural transformation of microbial communities, biochemical activity.

Remember Remember the major topics include aspects on foundation in microbiology and engineering principles, major environmental biological applications, quantitative analysis of biotechnology, detoxification of hazardous chemicals, clean technology, and resource biorecovery in environmental monitoring.UnderstandUnderstand the background of environmental biotechnology, and to integrate these aspects into the physical and chemical aspects of environmental technology

Students should be able to use :

the methods of working with micro-organisms-indicators;

methods for determining the composition Apply Apply microbiological processes and methods used for environmental protection and improvement.AnalysisAnalyze the pollution control technologies, which are often reliant on the natural ability of organisms to degrade or immobilise pollutants to achieve remediation of contaminated sites.

Student will be able to:

use microorganisms as indicators of environmental conditions in the monitoring of air, water and soil; assess the microbiological environmental changes as indicators for monitoring;

EvaluateEvaluate the molecular methods for assessing biodiversity in detail, as well as methods of exploiting environmental biodiversity to develop new industrial processes and new forms of pollution control.CreateCreate the knowledge on applying biotechnology to minimise the impact of pollution on natural ecosystems and the ways to treatment polluted ecosystems.

Content The purpose of this course covers the following topics: microorganisms as indicators that respond to various changes in the environment pollution, the use of microorganisms in environmental monitoring, microbiological diagnosis and indication of soil, the impact of xenobiotics on soil microorganisms and soil decontamination, chemical fertilizers as a factor in the impact on the species composition of the soil

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Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology and key-microorganisms; Role of microorganisms in geochemical cycles; Environmental pollutants and their microbial transformation; Organic and inorganic pollutants; Mechanisms of microbial catabolism of pollutants; Bioremediation: Fundamentals, methods and strategies of application; Application of bacteria and fungi in bioremediation; Microbialdegradationoforganicpollutants; Determinationofenzymaticactivity.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Oral exam, tests1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project methodFinal examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list 1. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0 (in english)2. Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN - 978-0072320428 (in english)3. ReinhardRenneberg. Biotechnology for Beginners [2007]. ISBN-9780123735812. (in english)4. Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011]. ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5 (in english)5. Madsen, Eugene L. Environmental microbiology [2008].ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-3647-1 (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Molecular-genetical basics of Biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable MGBB 3504

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Cours es, if applicable Course Credits

Molecular-genetic basics of Biotechnology 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Prof. Aytasheva Z.G.

Lecturer Dr., Prof. Aytasheva Z.G., Dr., Prof. Bissenbaev A.K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

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Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Awareness of modern methods of biotechnology, molecular and cellular mechanisms of genetic and cell engineering.

Recommended prerequisites

GMG 2412 General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Basic principles and application of molecular biotechnology, polymorphism of length of restriction fragments, value of polygenic inheritance of traits, molecular diagnostics of genetic diseases, creation of cDNA libraries and genomic libraries, modern ideas of a structure and functions of proteins, basic principles of cellular engineering, allele-specific oligonucleotides in genetic screening, etc.

Remember:Genetic bases of biotechnology;

Understand:the principles and techniques of genetic transformation of somatic and germ cells of animals.

Electrophoresis of nucleic acids, methods of obtaining and analysis of cDNA, shotgun method.

Apply:handling devices amplification, DNA sequencing and other laboratory equipment used in biotechnology;

Analysis:PCR amplification of genes.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on molecular genetics with the latest techniques.

Evaluate:theoretical and practical knowledge for planning experiments;

Create:service organization for protection of plants from pests and diseases, prepare projections of disease occurrence.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

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Molecular-genetic basics of Biotechnology:1. Molecular biotechnology as interdisciplinary science. Short history of development of molecular biotechnology.2. Basic principles and application of molecular biotechnology.3. Characteristic of genetic material. Straight lines and indirect proofs of a role of DNA in eukaryotic cells.4. Methods of an electrophoresis of nucleic acids.5. Mechanisms of synthesis of RNA. RNA-containing enzymes.6. Analysis of genetic polymorphism. Mapping human genes. Polymorphism of length of restriction fragments (PDRF, RFLP).7. Inheritance of quantitative traits. Value of polygenic inheritance of traits. Mapping of loci of quantitative traits.8. Molecular diagnostics of genetic diseases.9. Prenatal genotyping. Allele-specific oligonucleotides in genetic screening.10. DNA sequencing. Types and stages of sequencing. 11. DNA cloning in E. coli cells, in eukaryotic cells. Extracellular cloning by means of the PTsR method. Methods of obtaining and analysis of cDNA.12. Creation of cDNA libraries and genomic libraries. Extraction of the cloned genes from libraries, the characteristic of the cloned sequences.13. Methods of genome analysis. "Clone behind a clone" method. Shotgun method.14. Modern ideas of a structure and functions of proteins, their structures. Biotechnology of acellular systems of biosynthesis of protein.15. Basic principles of cellular engineering. Characteristic of eukaryotic cells of plants and animals.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References (both in English):1. Bruce Alberts et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. – Garland Science, 2007, 1392 p. (in english)2. Sandy B. Primrose, Richard Twyman. Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics. – Wiley-Blackwell, 2006, 672 p. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Radiation genetics

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable RG 3505

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsRadiation genetics 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Candidate of Biological Science, Assoc. Prof. Chunetova Zh.Zh.

Lecturer PhD, Assoc. Prof. Chunetova Zh.Zh., PhD, Assistant Prof. Zhussupova A.I., PhD, Assistant Prof. Altynova N.К.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)

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curriculum IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

The impact of ionizing radiation, UV rays, basic chemical mutagens on a living organism. Methods of mutational processes research and their applications in genetics, plant breeding and biotechnology, as well as the application of their advances in medicine, agriculture and biology.

Recommended prerequisites

GMG 2412 General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Impact of radiation on different types of organisms, including human, factors, modifying efficiency of ionizing radiation on hereditary structures, mechanisms of formation of radiation damages of DNA, characteristics and features of emergence of point mutations, indirect action of ionizing radiation, biological markers of radiation.

Remember:the impact of radiation studies on the formation of modern genetics as a science;

Understand:mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of radiation exposure.

Minisatellite analysis, analysis of chromosome abberations.

Apply:theory and applied aspects of the mutation and radiation processes;

Analysis:the genetic basis of their impact on the environment and internship.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on molecular genetics with the latest techniques.

Evaluate:the mechanism of action of radiation on biological objects;

Create:the foundation to use the methods of radiation genetics in genetics, plant breeding and biotechnology, to use the achievements of radiation genetics in medicine, agriculture and biology.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

Radiation genetics:1. Main stages of development of radiation genetics.2. Radiosensitivity of cells at different stages of life cycle.3. Factors, modifying efficiency of ionizing radiation on hereditary structures.4. Concept of a doubling dose of radiation.5. Impact of radiation on different types of organisms, including human.6. Mechanisms of formation of DNA radiation damages.7. Characteristic and features of emergence of point mutations.8. Indirect action of ionizing radiation – action of free radicals, etc.9. Biological markers of radiation influence.10. Culture of lymphocytes of human peripheral blood as test system for assessment of a degree of environment mutagenicity.11. Minisatellite analysis.

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12. Final radio genetic effects.13. Remote consequences of radiation.14. Mechanisms of reparation of genetic material.15. Individual radio sensitivity and genes candidates of radio sensitivity

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References (all in English):1. William J. Schull . Effects of Atomic Radiation: A Half-Century of Studies from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. – Wiley-Liss, 1995, 416 p. (in english)2.Sami Qutob. Characterization of Human Cell Lines with Different 3.Radiosensitivities: The Generation of a Model System for Distinguishing the Genetic Factors involved in Radiation Resistance Paperback – August 24, 2009. - LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009, 328 p. (in english)3. Cytogenetic Analysis for Radiation Dose Assessment. Intl Atomic Energy Agency, 2002, 136 p. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Basics of genetics analysis

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable BGA 3306

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of genetics analysis 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

6 semester

Person responsible for the module

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dzhansugurova L.B.

Lecturer PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dzhansugurova L.B., PhD, Assoc. Prof. Zhunusbaeva Zh.K.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Current understanding of the molecular genetics control of all phases of development in ontogeny after oocyte maturation and research on the combination of features of the body; genes that control the development of the Drosophila mutations and their mechanism of action and to introduce students to the genetics of the fruit fly and achievements in the field of experimental embryology and modern molecular biology.

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Recommended prerequisites

GMG 2412 General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Genetic aspects of individual development of living organisms, molecular genetics of control of all phases of development in ontogeny after oocyte maturation and research on the combination of features of the body, genes that control the development, etc.

Remember:basic rules for working with the object of genetic research - the fruit fly;

Understand:the molecular genetics control of all phases of development in ontogeny.

Modern methods of molecular biology.

Apply:knowledge gained in the study of the discipline;

Analysis:solving problems in the study of individual development of organisms and study the basic genetic patterns.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on genetic analysis with the latest techniques.

Evaluate:data for solving issues within the study of individual development of organisms and the study of the basic genetic laws;

Create: experiments with the object of genetic studies Drosophila.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

Basics of genetics analysis:1, 2, 3. Genetic aspects of individual development of living organisms at the site of genetic studies of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. 4, 5, 6, 7. Current understanding of the molecular genetics of control of all phases of development in ontogeny after oocyte maturation and research on the combination of features of the body.8, 9, 10, 11. Genes that control the development of the Drosophila mutations and their mechanism of action.12, 13, 14, 15. Genetics of the fruit fly and achievements in the field of experimental embryology and modern molecular biology.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentationsReading list References:

Mark F. Sanders, John L. Bowman. Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011, 864 p. (in English)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Cytogenetics of Human and Animal

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable CHA 4507

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsCytogenetics of Human and Animal 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

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Person responsible for the module

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Kalimagambetov A.M.

Lecturer PhD, Assoc. Prof. Kalimagambetov A.M.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Knowing basic principles of cytogenetic methods for studying chromosomes, modern advances in the study of structural and functional organization of metaphase chromosomes in normal and pathological conditions.

Recommended prerequisites

GMG 2412 General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Basic principles of cytogenetic methods, general morphology of interphase and metaphase chromosomes, levels of chromosome organization, factors, inducing chromosomal aberrations, chromosomal diseases, etc.

Remember:the mechanisms of chromosome aberrations and crossing-over;

Understand:the features of structural and functional organization of chromosomes and their reproduction.

Methods used for prevention and diagnostics of chromosomal diseases.

Apply:the basic principles of cytogenetic methods for studying chromosomes;

Analysis:X-chromatin, metaphase cells and the construction of the karyotype.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on human and animal cytogenetics.

Evaluate:data gained in practical research in the field of medical genetics and biotechnology;

Create:experiment on study of structural and functional organization of metaphase chromosomes in normal and pathological conditions.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

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Cytogenetics of Human and Animal:1. Basic principles of cytogenetic methods.2. Modern methods of human cytogenetics.3. General morphology of interphase and metaphase chromosomes.4. Reproduction of chromosomes.5, 6. Molecular structure of metaphase chromosomes.7. Levels of chromosome organization.8, 9. Eukhromatin and heterochromatin. Telomerase.10. Crossing-over.11. Chromosomal mutations.12. Factors, inducing chromosomal aberrations.13. Chromosomal diseases: violations in system of sexual chromosomes.14. Chromosomal diseases: violations in system of autosomes.15. Prevention and diagnostics of chromosomal diseases.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References:Rooney D.E. Human Cytogenetics: Malignancy and Acquired Abnormalities. 3-rd edition. – Oxford University Press, 2001, 287 p. (in English)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Basics of Phytopathology

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable BF 4508

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of Phytopathology 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Assoc. Prof. Omirbekova N.Zh.

Lecturer Dr., Assoc. Prof. Omirbekova N.Zh., PhD, Assoc. Prof. Zhunusbaeva Zh.K.,PhD, Assist. Prof. Zhussupova A.I.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hour per

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week)Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Awareness of genetic basis of plant pathology, types of diseases that occur in food, especially cereal crops, the causes and sources of their origin, the ways and means of their control, mechanisms of interaction of crops and diseases, and the effects of genotype and relationship with the environment, elimination pathway resistant varieties of plants in breeding.

Recommended prerequisites

BPB 2415 Basics of Plant Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Classification of plant diseases, pathological processes occurring under plant diseases, specific and non-specific plant diseases, ecological role of phytopathogenes, genetic basics of plant immunity.

Remember:theoretical and practical bases of immunity and quarantine, the means and methods of plant protection of the infectious agent causes and circumstances of their occurrence, patterns of development, diffusion, mass outbreaks (epiphytoties);

Understand:common anatomical and physiological changes in plant organisms.

Methods of disease control and increasing the plant immunity, plant protection against abiotic and biotic stress factors.

Apply:competently carry out experiments and organize activities to monitor the spread of disease;

Analysis:theoretical knowledge to implement the science and internship.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on study of phytopathology and ways of its elimination.

Evaluate:own methods of breeding resistant varieties of plants;

Create:service organization protect plants from pests and diseases, prepare projections of disease occurrence.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

Basics of Phytopathology:1. Introduction into plant phytopathology. Classification of plant diseases.2, 3. Pathological processes occurring under plant diseases.4, 5. Specific and non-specific plant diseases.6. Ecological role of phytopathogenes.7. Parasitic fungi and their general characteristics.8. Phytopathogeniс bacteria.9. Phytopathogenic viruses.10. Epiphytotias.11, 12. Genetic basics of plant immunity.12. Genes responsible for protection against abiotic stress factors.13. Ecological basics of plant protection against phytopathogenes.14, 15. Genes responsible for protection against biotic stress factors: their molecular and genetic structure and functions, role and evolution.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

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Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References (all in English):1. Philip Stewart, Sabine Globig. Phytopathology in Plants (Research Progress in Botany). - Apple Academic Press, 2011, 334 p. (in english)2. Gail L. Schumann, Cleora J. D'Arcy. Essential Plant Pathology. - American Phytopathological Society, 2009, 384 p. (in english)3. George N. Agrios. Plant Pathology. - Academic Press, 2005, 952 p. (in english)

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Basics of pharmacology genetics

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable BFG 4509

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsBasics of pharmacology genetics 3

2 lectures + 1 lab / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dzhangalina E.D.

Lecturer PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dzhangalina E.D., PhD, Assist. Prof. Zhussupova A.I.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Understand the nature of diseases and drug effects, the dependence of reactions to drugs on hereditary factors and to introduce the methods of molecular diagnostics.

Recommended prerequisites

GMG 2412 General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

History, subject and tasks of pharmacogenetics as a science, ethical, legal and social aspects of genetic tests.

Remember:how to identify high genetic risk

Methods for study of pharmacogenetics of drugs and their components.

Apply:skills to diagnose

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on pharmacology genetics with the latest techniques.


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for multifactorial diseases;

Understand:pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic mechanisms of the sensitivity of the individual organism to drugs.

the most common form of hereditary diseases;

Analysis:dependence of reactions to drugs on hereditary factors.

the methods of a medication for typing, using which an individual can be attributed to a particular phenotype metabolism;

Create:experiments as part of pharmacogenetic research.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

Basics of pharmacology genetics:1. History, subject and tasks of pharmacogenetics as a science.2. Pharmacogenetic research I phase of biotransformation.3. Pharmacogenetic research II phase of biotransformation.4. Pharmacogenetic research transporters of medicines.5. The clinical significance of pharmacodynamic polymorphisms.6. Pharmacogenetics of anticoagulants.7. Pharmacogenetics of β-adrenoblockers.8. Pharmacogenetics ARB II.9. Pharmacogenetics of antiplatelet agents10. Pharmacogenetics of drugs used in rheumatology.11. Pharmacogenetics of statins.12. Pharmacogenetics of drugs, acting on the central nervous system.13. Pharmacogenetics of antibiotics.14, 15. Ethical, legal and social aspects of genetic tests.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References (in English):1. Daniel Scherman. Advanced Textbook on Gene Transfer, Gene Therapy and Genetic Pharmacology: Principles, Delivery and Pharmacological and Biomedical Applications of Nucleotide-Based Therapies (Icp Textbooks in Biomolecular Sciences). - Imperial College Press, 2013, 400 p.2. Bertram Katzung, Susan Masters, Anthony Trevor. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. - McGraw-Hill Medical, 2011, 1248 p.3. Robert A. Meyers. Pharmacology. - Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, 1126 p.James M. Parry, Elizabeth M. Parry. Genetic Toxicology: Principles and Methods (Methods in Molecular Biology). – Humana Press, 2011, 452 p.

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)Stem cells biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable SCB 4510

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsStem cells biotechnology 3

2 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

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Person responsible for the module

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dzhansugurova L.B.

Lecturer PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dzhansugurova L.B., PhD, Assoc. Prof. Zhumabayeva B.A.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

- 15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Knowledge of differentiation mechanisms, marking of stem cells, prospects of application of cellular technologies in various areas of medicine, including an organ transplantation, test of medicines.

Recommended prerequisites

BAB 2416 Basics of Animal Biotechnology

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Definition of the concept "stem cell" and its main properties, general characteristic and properties of embryonic stem cells, sources of stem cells for the therapeutic purposes, basic elements of eukaryiotic cellular cycle machinery, etc.

Remember:potentially effective use of cellular biotechnology for scientific and practical purposes;

Understand:creation of genetically modified stem cells and their use for study of mechanisms of implementation of genetic information during processes of morphogenesis and cellular differentiation.

Methods of study of transcription activity of separate components of the cellular cycle machinery, reporter proteins.

Apply:modern methods of animal biotechnology;

Analysis:mechanisms of differentiation.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on stem cells biotechnology with the latest techniques.

Evaluate:prospects of application of cellular technologies in various areas of medicine;

Create:awareness of the ways for obtaining regenerates and their transformation.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

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Stem cells biotechnology:1. Concept of a stem cell. Definition of the concept "stem cell" and its main properties. Hypothesis of the mechanism of regulation of self-maintenance of stem cells.2. Embryonic stem cells. General characteristic and properties of embryonic stem cells. Markers of embryonic stem cells.3. Approaches to bioengineering designing of cellular lines of embryonic stem cells with the set properties for the medicinal purposes.4. Ethical issues in study of stem cells. Sources of stem cells for the therapeutic purposes.5. Ethical dilemma when using human embryonic stem cells. Induced pluripotent stem cells.6. Basic elements of cellular cycle machinery and their role in regulation of cell division. Phases of a cellular cycle.7. Role of separate elements of cellular cycle machinery. Basic elements of eukaryiotic cellular cycle machinery.8. Intracellular and extracellular control of cellular division and growth.9. Role of family of a product of a gene of a retinoblastoma in control of a cellular cycle, differentiation and apoptosis in somatic and stem cells.10. Structure and functions of chromatin. Features of chromatin organization in embryonic stem cells.11. Structural organization of control area of eukaryotic gene. Mechanisms of interaction between proteins of pRb u E2F families. 12. Role of regulation of transcription in operation of the cellular cycle machinery.13. Methods of study of transcription activity of separate components of the cellular cycle machinery. Methods of reporter proteins.14. Signal pathways of Bmi1 u Shh in regulation of functions of stem cells.15. Somatic and tumor stem cells and their classification. Stem cells of skin and application in medicine. Concluding remarks.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References (all in English):1. Joseph Panno. Stem Cell Research: Medical Applications and Ethical Controversies. - Checkmark Books, 2010, 262 p.2. Robert Lanza et al. Essentials of Stem Cell Biology. Academic Press, 2009, 680 p.3. Gerhard Gross, Thomas Haupi, Grace Almeida-Porada. Stem cell-dependent therapies. Walter De Gruyter Inc., 2013, 410 p.

Module designation Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)"Molecular genetics" internship experience

Module level, if applicable

Module of Individual Educational Trajectory 4: "Genetics technology"

Code, if applicable MGPE 4511

Subtitle, if applicable not applicable

Courses, if applicable Course Credits"Molecular genetics" internship experience 3

1 lectures + 2 lab / weekSemester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Prof. Bisenbayev A.K.

Lecturer Dr., Prof. Bisenbayev A.K., PhD, Assist.Prof. Taipakova S.M.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

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Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)IET

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars

15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester (1 hour per week)

8 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points 3 credits= 5 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Awareness of practical working skills in biochemical genetics, methods of genetic analysis, modern scientific methods, used in genetics and molecular biology.

Recommended prerequisites

GMG 2412 General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Mechanisms of prokaryotic genes expression, mechanisms of eukaryotic genes expression, mechanisms of RNA splicing and editing.

Remember:Concepts of molecular, genetic, biochemical, and research methods

Understand:planning and conducting the experiment, processing experimental data.

Modern methods of molecular genetics.

Apply:Practical skills of enzyme activity determination, plasmid DNA isolation;

Analysis:resuts of PCR and restriction.

Ability to design experiments and conduct research on molecular genetics with the latest techniques.

Evaluate:Handle all equipment and materials required for lab work;

Create:recombinant DNA molecules.

Content The course will contain the following topics:

"Molecular genetics" internship experience:1. Subject and tasks of molecular genetics.2, 3. Mechanisms of prokaryotic genes expression. 4, 5. Mechanisms of eukaryotic genes expression. 6, 7. Mechanisms of RNA splicing and editing.8, 9. Characteristic and classification of nucleic acid exchange enzymes.10, 11, 12. Modern methods of molecular genetics.13. Methods for creation of recombinant DNA molecules.14. Antisense RNAs.15. RNA-interference.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Flash and ppt presentations

Reading list References (all in English):1. Bruce Alberts et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. – Garland Science, 2007, 1392 p.2. Sandy B. Primrose, Richard Twyman. Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics. – Wiley-Blackwell, 2006, 672 p.

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Module designation INTERDISCIPLINARY MODULEPsychology and Pedagogy Intellectual Property Law

Module level, if applicable

Interdisciplinary module

Code, if applicable PP 3604IPL 4602

Subtitle, if applicable

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsPsychology and Pedagogy 2

Intellectual Property Law 21 lectures + 1 seminar / week1 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

6, 7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Ivashenko A.T., Candidate of Biological Science, Assoc. Prof. Doshanova B.

Lecturer Dr., Professor Ivashenko A.T., Candidate of Biological Science, Assoc. Prof. Doshanova B.

Language Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

- 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

- 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

30 hours per semester2 hours per week

Seminars15 hours per semester 1 hour per week15 hours per semester 1 hour per week

Credit points 2 credits= 3 ECTS2 credits= 3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites


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Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

By acquiring the course the student must know: a system of psychical phenomena in integrity of cognitive processes and regulative states, theoretical-methodological bases of modern psychology; the main approaches towards defining a research subject of psychology, notions and categories of modern psychological science; the peculiarities of forming and development of individuality system, of a human as personality, basic psychological features of inter-personal and inter-group relations.

Must be able: to apply adequately received pedagogical and psychological knowledge in practice;

to investigate human individual peculiarities with the aim to reveal his (or her) personal traits and to compose psychological description; to construct sophisticated system of relations with other people within a context of inter-personal communication and group inter-action.

Content Course purpose: formation at students of pedagogical knowledge, their acquaintance with theoretical bases of pedagogics, with modern technologies of the organization of training and education, with technologies the subject - subject interaction of the teacher and pupils in educational process of school.Aim of the course – realizing by students the role and place of psychological knowledge in modern world, revealing its significance in process of professional growing in the frame of chosen specialty. Tasks of the course: - systematization of students’ knowledge on the background of studying basic paradigms, theories and conceptions of modern psychology; - theoretical and empirical investigation of psychological problems within background of studying cognitive processes, psychical states and individual-psychological peculiarities of personality; - stimulate successful using by students knowledge of psychological problems in their own professional activity.Results of learning: In the process of studying the course of “Psychology and Pedagogy” a student ought to acquire basic categories and notions of pedagogical and psychological science, methodological bases of psychology, main theories, conceptions and principles of psychology and pedagogy, essence, content and forms of psychical phenomena, rules of their dynamics, methods and means of psychical reality research, essence of the new psychological methodics and technologies of personality evaluation and forming up.

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written exam, tests1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testingFinal examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed Video lectures, presentations

Reading list 1. Tkachuk V.A. Basics of Pedagogycs //M., 2004. (in russian)2. Beresov T.T. Psychology // M.,Medicine, 2002 (in russian)3. Korovkin B.F. Bioethics. Moscow. 2011 (in russian)

PRACTICEIndustrial, educational, pre-diploma practice of students, conducted usually in enterprises,

institutions and organizations, which are the bases of practices in accordance with existing agreements on the provide base practices ( politics, § 10)

Organization of practice at all stages should be aimed at ensuring the continuity and coherence student proficiency with skills in accordance with the level of preparation. Results of practice the Student-Intern issued in the form of a written report, which protects at the Commission by the department.

The aim of pedagogical practice is:- to prepare to teaching at the secondary school, institution;

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-the acquisition and fixing of skills of practical activities to implement the educational process in the school, including the teaching of disciplines;- training activities of students.

Industrial practice is aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge acquired in the course of training, acquisition of research and professional competencies.Each academic hour of practice (other than training) is accompanied by a corresponding number of training hours of extra learning work: 1 hour - for the pedagogical practice, 4 hours - for industrial practices and 7 hours - for research practice.

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Module designation Professional practice (by types of practice)Pedagogical Practice

Module level, if applicable

Professional practice

Code, if applicable PP 405

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsPedagogical Practice 3

3 weeksSemester(s) in which the module is taught

8 semester

Person responsible for the module

Doshchanova Б.К.-Russian branchTormanov N.T. - the Kazakh branch


Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 90 hrs (30 hrs per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

Credit points 3 credits/3 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Development of the major problems of education and training to subjects of a biological cycle at school. Mastering by methodical receptions and methods of carrying out of lessons of biology.

Recommended prerequisites

Methods of biology teaching

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Knowledge general theoretical foundations of teaching methods to the extent necessary to address the educational objectives for teaching biology in general secondary education, knowledge of methods, techniques and analysis of different types of lessons, the method of formation and development of biological concepts.

-to plan, organize and plan, organize and spend scientific - educational work; -to have the ability to carry out a calendar, a case and by the job scheduling;

-to apply the knowledge received in the field of biology to the decision of pedagogical and methodical problems; -methodically competently to carry out lessons, laboratory and practical employment, to use various means of presentation .

Must be able: to apply adequately received pedagogical and psychological knowledge in practice;

formation at students of pedagogical knowledge, their acquaintance with theoretical bases of pedagogics, with modern technologies of the organization of training and education, with technologies the subject - subject interaction of the teacher and pupils in educational process of school.

Content The aim of pedagogical practice is:- to prepare to teaching at the secondary school, institution; -the acquisition and fixing of skills of practical activities to implement the educational process in the school, including the teaching of disciplines;- training activities of students.

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Module designation Professional practice (by types of practice)Educational Field Practice

Module level, if applicable

Professional practice

Code, if applicable EP 101

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsProfessional Practice 4

2 weeksSemester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

Nesterova S.G., Sapargalieva N.S., Mamilov N.Sh.

Lecturer -

Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 60 hrs (30 hrs per week)

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

Credit points 4 credits/2 ECTS

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Recommended prerequisites Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

to know the basic directions of morphological evolution of plants, biological essence of reproduction and duplication, age and seasonal changes of plants. The rate acquaints students with a variety of flora, with features of a structure and duplication of various regular groups of the lowest and maximum plants, gives representation about bases of evolution of flora; The knowledge on the basic levels of the organization of animals, representations about importance of all stages of individual development unvertebrate and vertebrate animals, the reasons of variety of fauna/flora

shows communications between plants, other alive organisms and an inhabitancy. Students will receive representation about a parity of concepts: systematization, evolution, phylogenezis, systematization and floristics, taxonomic categories and taxons.

The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of scientific, practical problems, to work in laboratory and field

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and the basic laws of its formation, modern sights at laws of development of the organic world are compared.A place and a role of plants in ecological systems, economic and their natural value.

Content Systematization, evolution, phylogenezis, systematization and floristics, taxonomic categories and taxons. Biodiversity of Plant and Animal in various ecosystems

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Written report

Media employed

Reading list Atlas for Taxonomy (Plant and Zoosystematics)

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Module designation Professional practice (by types of practice)Industrial Practice (Practice Training)

Module level, if applicable

Professional practice

Code, if applicable PT 202PT 303PT 404

Subtitle, if applicable -

Courses, if applicable Course CreditsPractice Training 1 (4 semester; 2.5 weeks)Practice Training 1 (6 semester; 2.5 weeks)Practice Training 4 (8 semester; 10 weeks)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

4 semester6 semester8 semester

Person responsible for the module

Head of research work/practice (supervisor)


Language Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET)Vocational

Type of teaching, contact Hours

Lecture Practicum Seminars 75 hrs (30 hrs per week) - 4 semester75 hrs (30 hrs per week) - 6 semester300 hrs (30 hrs per week) - 8 semester

Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study

Credit points 1 credits/2.5 ECTS (4 semester)1 credits/2.5 ECTS (6 semester)4 credits/10 ECTS (8 semester)

Requirements according tothe examination regulations

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Lab work

Module objectives/intendedlearning outcomes

Knowledge Skills Competences

Integration of knowledge, skills and methodological abilities into work and educational situations. The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of scientific, industrial and practical problems, to work in laboratory and field

- Skill to put scientific questions to carry out research works at wide use of new techniques. Integration of knowledge, skills and methodological abilities into work and educational situations.

The use of the received knowledge in professional work.The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of scientific, industrial and practical problems, to work in laboratory and field

-Content Content of industrial/research practice depend on research problem, research objects

Study and examinationrequirements and forms ofexamination

Report of practice

Media employed

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Final Certification: Preparation and Presentation of Bachelor's Dissertation (Diploma Project) - 8 semester, 2 credits/6.4 ECTS

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