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   Aggie’s  Summer  Initiative  NAFSA  Academy  10    Reflect.  Think  about  your  progress  with  the  Academy  so  far.      How  satisfied  are  you  with  your  Learning  Plan  progress?  

I  think  it’s  going  slower  than  I  would  like.    

How  has  the  Annual  Conference  impacted  your  Learning  Plan  progress?  


Missing  the  Annual  Conference  impacted  my  total  experience.    However,  I  was  able  to  access  some  presentations  (PDF  or  Recordings)  from  the  NAFSA’s  archives  website.      

What  external  factors  have  contributed/inhibited  your  progress?  


The  external  factors  that  inhibited  my  progress  were  previous  to  the  Academy  engagements  such  as  Maymester  teaching  abroad  and  traveling  abroad  with  the  family.  Due  to  these  factors  sometimes  my  Academy  work  got  pushed  aside  for  other  priorities  or  simply  for  lack  of  access  to  the  computer  and  files.    

What  objective(s)  from  my  learning  plan  would  best  benefit  from  a  focused  summer  initiative?  (You  will  be  asked  to  identify  one.)                  

To  give  exposure  to  EA  and  to  increase  awareness  of  EA  


Define.  Set  a  personal  goal  you  can  hone  in  on  throughout  the  summer.  What  objective  have  you  spotlighted  as  your  Summer  Initiative?  

To  give  exposure  to  EA  and  to  increase  awareness  of  EA  programs  

How?  -­‐  By  preparing  a  marketing  plan  to  promote  education  abroad  at  my  Institution.  

Why  have  you  selected  it?   It  directly  relates  to  my  position  as  a  faculty  member  who  has  prepared  and  directed  study  abroad  programs  for  many  years.  My  weak  point  was  the  lack  of  an  efficient  way  to  promote  my  program  among  the  student  population.  I  think  this  initiative  will  help  me  to  raise  the  number  of  participants  and  ignite  the  global  education  spirit.  The  enrollment  for  study  abroad  programs  at  Flagler  College  was  very  low  this  last  year.  

 Plan.  Consider  the  following  in  connection  with  your  summer  initiative.  What  will  success  look  like  by  August  1st  after  focusing  on  this  objective?  

I  would  like  to  have  the  first  posters  ready  and  submitted  to  the  Study  Abroad  Director  at  Flagler  College  for  review.    These  posters  could  be  used  before  and  during  the  Study  Abroad  Fair  on  September  13th,  2013.    They  can  also  be  sent  to  students  through  the  campus  email  system.  

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What  action  steps  do  you  need  to  take  to  achieve  your  objective?  

Compile  information  and  material;  experiment  with  different  websites  and  programs  to  find  the  best  platform.    So  far  I  am  experimenting  with;  it  offers  a  lot  of  possibilities.    It  offers  an  interesting  on-­‐line  experience.  

See  below  under  Marketing  Plan.  

In  what  ways  can  your  Coach  and/or  cohort  help  you  move  forward  with  your  Summer  Initiative?  

They  already  have  by  providing  examples  and  resources  from  their  institutions  during  our  monthly  cohort  calls.  I  look  forward  to  their  feedback  when  I  post  my  initiative.  

What  other  (human  or  material)  resources  will  be  necessary  to  accomplish  this  goal?  

I  will  be  working  directly  with  the  Study  Abroad  Director  at  Flagler  College  to  ensure  that  all  needs  are  represented.  


Marketing  Plan  

Description:  This  plan  emerges  from  an  analysis  of  past  experiences  and  low  enrollment  in  EA  programs  at  my  institution.  I  would  like  to  focus  on  a  few  actions  and  do  them  well  this  year  and  eventually  add  more  in  the  future.  

Actions  to  be  taken:    


1/Create  Visuals:  A)  Posters  for  EA  in  general  and  for  my  specific  program  I  offer  in  2014    B)   STA   in   Peru   website   and   synchronize   it   to   the   college  website    

Completed  in  two  terms:    8/16  and  9/13.    Invite   an   EA   alumna   to   collaborate   with   a  poster  design.    

2/Networking  with  the  faculty  from  other  departments        

Meeting   set   for   8/21   with   the   International  Studies  Major  Coordinator  

3/Invite  alumni  (former  EA  participants)  as  guest  speakers  to  talk  in  my  classes        

Contact   made   with   Mr.   Haenn   (former  student  &  participant   in  EA  Peru  2010)  today  working   for   a   company   expanding   into   Latin  America.    

4/Participate  in  EA  Fair  on  campus  by  setting  up  an  informational  booth  to  promote  the  Peru  program    Hold  informational  meeting  for  interested  students    Feature  the  program  in  communications  and  publications  (e.g.  bulletins,  newsletters,  magazines),  as  well  as  on  the  Office  of  Study  Abroad  website.    

September  13th,  2013  date  to  be  confirmed      September  10th  &  October  16th      It  is  done  on  STA  website.  Other  communications  will  be  included  in  September/October  issues    


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Summer Initiative: Marketing My EA Plan

Aggie Johnson Academy 10

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This plan emerges from an analysis of past experiences, student low enrollment, and minimal involvement of STA Office in marketing EA programs at my institution. As the Faculty-Led Manual states, it is a faculty responsibility to publicize the program. How to increase the number of participants in EA is my big concern.

I would like to focus on a few actions and do them well this year and eventually add more in the future.

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“Faculty will want to develop some items to publicize their program abroad.

The Study Abroad Office will provide:

1/ space on its website announcing your program …

2/ a one-page email that advertises all study abroad trips.

3/ once a year an opportunity to talk to students about their programs”.

“Any additional publicity you may want is your responsibility”.

(Faculty-Led Manual p.13)

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Learning Plan Objective

To give exposure to EA and to increase awareness of EA programs

Preparing a marketing plan to promote education abroad at my Institution.

Summer Initiative

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Create Visuals Networking

Invite a guest speaker

EA Fair

Informational Meeting

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Create Visuals:

A/ Posters for EA in general and for specific program I offer in 2014-Peru. This one was made by an EA alumna.

B) STA in Peru website and it is already synchronized to the college STA website.

C) Additionally, I created an informational flyer for Program in Peru for distribution during Informational meeting & STA Fair.

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Networking with the faculty from other departments: International Studies, English Major, Education to start.

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Invite alumni (former EA participants) as a

guest speaker to talk in my classes

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Participate in EA Fair on campus by setting up an informational

booth to promote the Peru program

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I hope to implement my plan during the fall semester and work on it during the academic year. By December, I should have a sufficient number of students enrolled and committed to participate in the Peru program to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of my plan. Based on this experience of planning and evaluation, I hope to contribute to setting up a more permanent marketing plan for faculty-led study abroad programs at Flagler College.

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FC Study


Language Immersion & Andean Culture in Cusco, Peru

Summer Semester (May 30 – June 29, 2014)

Academic Program: While earning up to 9 credits students will experience a Latin American country from “within” its culture through diverse activities ranging from traditional classroom lectures to experiential learning in a variety of non-traditional settings. Students will interact with local communities and visit many archeological Inca sites as well participate in various cultural events. Eligibility Requirements: Program is open to students with a 2.5 GPA or higher and 24 credits. Course Descriptions: SPA 397 Spanish Language (4 Credit Hours): Intensive Spanish language courses are offered through the ECELA Spanish School in Cusco. The student’s Spanish proficiency will be tested upon arrival. Course satisfies FC General Education requirement. Spa 340 Andean Culture (3 Credit Hours): It’s a seminar course. Readings, lectures, guest speakers and class discussions provide the opportunity to explore the cultural richness of the Andean world in Peru. ESL 315 Cross Cultural Communication (3cr). This course examines diversity in the sociopolitical, cultural, and linguistic contexts of teaching and learning. Program Cost: $5,500 Program Fee Includes: Home stay accommodations (single/double), daily breakfast/dinner, airfare Jax-Cuz, most transportation in-country, museum entrance fees, excursions (including 2 nights stay at Machu Picchu), materials, guides, registration fee, FC tuition for 3 credits, and on-site support staff. Applications should be submitted to the Office of Study Abroad. A $300 deposit is due on Nov.30th to the Business Office; space is first come first serve. Program Fee Does Not Include: Lunch ($5.00-7.00). U.S. Passport fee ($160), airport taxes in Peru (domestic & international -$50), luggage fee, and spending money. Application Deadline: November 15th, 2013 or as space permits


For more information, contact:

Prof. Aggie Johnson at 904-819-6424 or [email protected] or or visit Study Abroad Office in Wiley Hall, room 106

Machu Picchu

FC students in Cusco

Women at Saqsayhuaman

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