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Issue 415 Dec 2019 Now reaching 3500 people every month

Colour For Christmas !





In a fit of unrestrained Christmas frivolity we decided that a wild splash ofcolour would raise readers’ spirits in these trying times. Merry Christmas!






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The Parish Pump Local News

We go to the polls on Thursday 12th

December to elect an MP for the North WestCambridgeshire Constituency.

Stilton’s Polling Station is Stilton Pavilion,High Street, Stilton, and will be openbetween 7am - 10pm.

CANDIDATESCathy Cordiner-Achenbach. Labour. She isa councillor on Great Yarmouth Council.

Nicola Day. Green Party. She leads theGreen Group on Peterborough City Council.

Bridget Smith. Lib. Dem. Leader of SouthCambridgeshire District Council

Shailesh Vara, Conservative, MP for thisconstituency since 2005.

The Big Switch-On6PM DECEMBER 1ST

Once again, Phil Shailer will be lighting upNorth Street with his amazing display ofChristmas lights for charity.

He’s been doing this for three years to raisefunds for MAGPAS Air Ambulance. Lastyear he raised £467 on the night and a grandtotal of just over £700. Let’s help him set anew record!

If you can get there on Sunday 1st December,you can not only witness Phil trying to blackout the entire grid with his 66 individualdisplays, but you can enjoy hot and colddrinks, cakes and biscuits, buy a raffle ticketand even get some MAGPAS brandedmerchandise. The display will be upbetween 5-10pm until 29th December, soplenty of time to drop by to admire it anddonate generously to the honesty box.

Upcoming EventsIf you have a one-off event fixed in the nextfew months please contact the Editor -241206 or [email protected]

DECEMBER1st Phil Shailer’s Xmas Lights6th Folksworth Bingo Night7th Stilton Christmas Fair Folksworth Xmas Wreath making7th - 8th Stilton Playgroup Santa visit12th Polling Day16th Mobile Library21st Folksworth Santa visit

FEBRUARY1st Twinning Race Night2nd Stilton in Tune concert8th Twinning RAF Band Concert

MARCH1st Stilton in Tune concert


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Index to AdvertisersGrey Bin Days:Mon 2nd, 16th, 30th Dec;

13th Jan

Garden Bin Days:Fri 13th, Sat 28th Dec;

Fri 10th Jan

Recycling Bins:Mon 9th, Sat 21st Dec;

Mon 6th Jan

Please put your bins outafter 6pm on the

day before collection

SCAN is published by The Stilton Community Association. All articles, original artwork and the SCAN nameand logo are copyright. All trade marks recognised. Views of contributors are not necessarily endorsed byThe Stilton Community Association. Reprints available from the Editor on request.

Editor: Advertising: Production: Distribution:

Olive Main 241206 Christine Kime 243336 Kelvin Davis 244140 Pat Anslow

Advertising Rates: Monthly Annual

Full page: £45 £495 19 x 12.7 cmHalf page: £30 £330 9 x 12.7 cm landscape - 19 x 6 cm portrait1/3 page: £20 £220 6 x 12.7 cm landscape - 12.5 x 6 cm portrait1/6 page: £10 £110 6 x 6 cm

All advertising copy or instructions to the Advertising Manager by 10th of month prior to publication.Payment in advance to Stilton Community Association - NO PAY, NO DISPLAY!Advertisement orders MUST be accompanied by the advertiser’s name, address and telephone number.We recommend you use the order form on

All other copy to the Editor, 8 Caldecote Road, Stilton by 14th of month prior to publication.Digital material in a neutral PC format please.

email: [email protected] Printed by

Service PageRetail Food & Drink 5, 13, 16, 42

Furnishings 44Pharmacy 52

Health & Exercise 41, 47Fitness Foot care 49, 50Financial Accountancy / Payroll 41, 50Animals Vet, pet care 43Personal Hair & Beauty 44, 50

Counselling 45Trades Building services 48, 49, 50

Conservatories 47Heating / Plumbing 41, 42, 49Electrical / TV 43Garden services 46, 48Removals 45Recycling 43Vehicle services 51

Travel Community bus 46Professional Architect / Civils 46

Funeral services 48For children Pre-school 43, 46


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Drawin aid of a new children’s play area for Stilton

1st prize £500 cash2nd prize Luxury hamper worth £80

Many more prizes including generous donations from:

● The Talbot, Stilton (dinner for two)● The Angel Spice, Stilton (dinner for two)● Mulberry Café, Elton (Christmas dinner for two)● Colbrook Specialists, Stilton

(a chauffeur driven spin in a Bentley)● Stilton Cheese Makers Association● David Hartley Associates

The draw will take place at the Christmas Fairat Stilton Pavilion on Saturday 7th December at 3:30 pm

Draw tickets £1 each, available from:The Talbot, Stilton | Hi-Lite Hairdressing, Stilton

Angel Spice, Stilton | The Bell Inn, StiltonDee Darnell, tel: 07806 833555Linda Angus, tel: 07709 216426

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RemembranceLEST WE FORGET...

On a mournful grey November morning arespectful crowd gathered by St Mary’schurchyard to witness the re-dedication ofour relocated War Memorial. The result ofdedicated work by volunteers and generoussupport, this striking memorial does amplejustice to the memory of fallen villagers.

As Revd Richard Gibbs remarked duringhis blessing, the creation of a new warmemorial is an unusual event and reflectsthe commitment by our community thatthese individuals should not be forgotten.

Perhaps equally valuable is the outcome oflengthy research by Tony Edwards andBarry Gilden into the details of thosecommemorated, because it identified several

who had not previously been known. Hardlysurprising when you reflect on the chaosand confusion of WW1, so it’s good thatwe can now make amends and recognisetheir sacrifice. It is not practical to alter thememorial plaques, but the names and detailsof all our war dead have been recorded inthe Book of Remembrance thataccompanied last month’s SCAN and acorresponding page has been added to thevillage website; see copies of the paper booklet canbe obtained from Stilton Parish Council anda pdf version can be downloaded from theabove web page. The online material willbe updated as any additional informationbecomes available.

The movers & shakers of the War Memorial project, Tony Edwards (r) and Barry Gilden(ctr), stand with Tom Cochrane of the Royal British Legion at the rededication ceremony.

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Lest We ForgetAfter eight months of hard work the newWar Memorial is up!

Several local companies were instrumentalin ensuring the memorial was up in time forthe dedication on November 2nd. Theydonated their time freely and even surprisedus by making the bench and the railingswithout telling us.

Grateful thanks go to many people but wewant to mention the following, withoutwhose help the plaques would still be instorage:

Tony Darke and all his staff at Darke Steel,especially Chris who, with Rob from RoanFabrication, engineered the memorial.

Paul Farrance and all the guys at DarkeEngineering who worked in the pouring rainto complete the foundations and all thegroundwork.

Milton Estates and Stilton Parish Councilwho provided some money which wenttowards the cost of the flagpole and theprinting costs of the Remembrance booklet,which looks so professional thanks to theinput of Kelvin Davis.

Thanks must also go to the people whohelped with the Dedication Service: RevdRichard Gibbs, Mark Angus, Chris Walford,Mollie and Tom, both from Yaxley RoyalBritish Legion, Steve Ambler and all in theGB Home Guard Band for the music duringthe service and in the Church Meeting Roomafterwards. Not forgetting the ladies whomade the tea and coffee.

Finally thanks to all the residents whoattended and stood in the ever-increasingrain during the service.

Thank you all.

Tony Edwards and Barry Gilden

Refurbishment work at Nisa on ChurchStreet is taking longer than originallyplanned. As a result, Stilton Post Office willbe temporarily closed from 12 noon onSaturday 30th November and is expected tore-open at 12 noon Saturday 7th December.

During the refit alternative local PostOffices include:

Yaxley Post Office, SPAR, 9-11 BroadwayShopping Centre, Malting Square, Yaxley,PE7 3JJ.

Hampton Vale Post Office, 12 StewartbyPost Office, Hampton Vale, PE7 8NJ


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There has been so much going on over thelast few months it’s difficult to know whereto start, writes Cllr Tim Alban. So in noparticular order, here are some of the keyissues I have been involved with.


Openreach have advised they are expectingto have the structure in place (to deliver animproved broadband service) by the end ofDecember 2019. It will then take up to sixweeks to go through a commissioningprocess. This is all assuming there are nodelays. Having worked with local residentson this I will continue to monitor thesituation and apply pressure when necessary.


Like a number of O2 users, I was surprisedto see a noticeable improvement in my levelof service. Concerned that this may be atemporary improvement I contactedConnecting Cambridgeshire, who in turncontacted O2, who stated that they ‘expectthe improvements to be permanent’.

Connecting Cambridgeshire have also askedthat residents send them details aboutlocations that have been affected by poormobile phone reception and whether thislimited phone, messaging or data servicesor all three? Any further insight we are ableto share will be very much appreciated asit will help inform their continuingdiscussions with mobile network operatorsabout improving their services. Please send

comments to:[email protected]


It’s taken work by me and CountyCouncillor Bywater but the end is in sightof the unsightly weeds on the B1043 nearthe Stilton/Folksworth boundary. It seemsthat during the changeover in the CountyCouncil taking over direct responsibilityfrom the District Council for weed spraying,the road north of the depot was missed.Simon and I lobbied to get things sorted andthe weeds blocking the drain were removedand others sprayed, which are now startingto die off. We have had confirmation thatall the roads in Stilton and Folksworth arenow on the list for weed spraying.


I exercised my right as a local ward DistrictCouncillor to "Call In" the application for31 dwellings on land off North Street so thatit was decided by the DevelopmentManagement Committee. I continue tobelieve that a development of this size,especially with the location of the proposedjunction with North Street, is inappropriatefor the site and for the village so I wasparticularly disappointed to see it approved.However, now that it has I will work to getthe best possible outcome for the villagefrom the detailed application at such timeas one is submitted

Ward Rounds News from ourDistrict Councillor

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The start date for this has been set for 15th

January 2020. It will take place at theDistrict Council Offices in Huntingdon. Thisis open to the public and, at the discretionof the Inspector, people who have alreadybeen consulted may also take part.

HIGH STREET, STILTONA detailed application hasn't been submittedyet but at some point one will need to besubmitted for the former golf course site.This isn't about whether the site should bedeveloped (that decision has been made)this about things like what the road layoutwill be and what the houses will look like.Residents and local councillors will be ableto make comments on the plans. If we wantto have an influence we need to write in andI’ll provide more information on this whenI have it.

DENTON CHURCH RUINAn application has been submitted toHuntingdonshire District Council to convertthe ruin to a ‘dwelling house’. To view andcomment on the plans please visit thePlanning Section of the HDC and searchfor Application Number 19/01843/FUL


I have liaised with the agents marketing theStilton Cheese about securing the site whilstthe pub is shut and they have been sensitiveto the concerns I have raised on behalf ofresidents. Cross Keys Homes, who havebought the Stilton Lodge, had already beencontacted by a local resident and had takenmeasures to secure their site by the time Ihad contacted them. They have also told methat they are committed to engaging withthe local community about the long-termfuture of the site.FREE CHRISTMAS PARKING

Huntingdonshire District Council is pleasedto announce the return of free parking after3pm in the run up to Christmas. FromMonday to Friday (1st - 24th December),parking in all council-run car parks will befree after 3pm to support local town centreshopping throughout the festive period.

AND FINALLY...I am very grateful for all the good wishesand offers of help I have received duringmy recent treatment for cancer. Thankfullythe prognosis is good and I look forwardgetting back to full fitness in the new year.

Contact Tim on: 07913 101145 or

Your Community Needs You !If you own a car, enjoy driving and helping people, and have afew hours to spare a week then why not become a volunteer driverfor the North Hunts Community Car Scheme? Volunteers providedoor to door transport for those who are unable to drive or usepublic transport. Mileage is paid; you just donate your time.

Call 07795 542084 to find out more.

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The following dates and times are thosepublished in mid-November, so alwayscheck before setting out. Landline telephonenumbers are given where possible becausethese appear to be the reliable contacts.Websites are often outdated.


Nisa, Church Street, Stilton, will be openevery day, with limited hours on ChristmasDay. Look for the notices in the windows.

SUPERMARKETSAll the big stores will close on ChristmasDay, other days will vary.

Co-operative Yaxley (01733) 245329Tesco Serpentine Green 0345 266 6613Aldi Hampton - Closed Christmas Day,Boxing Day and New Year's Eve.

QUEENSGATE5 - 23 December free parking every dayafter 5:30pm. Centre opening hours:

Christmas Eve 8am - 4:30 pmChristmas Day ClosedBoxing Day 9am - 5:30pm31st December 9am - 4:30pm1st January Closed

SERPENTINE GREENChristmas Eve Closes 5pmChristmas Day ClosedBoxing Day 9am - 6pm31st December 9am - 6pm1st January 9am - 5pmIndividual shops fix their own opening hoursso check before you set out.

NHS ServicesLocal surgeries will be closed on ChristmasDay, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Ifyou need urgent medical treatment call NHS111 where trained advisors will assess yourcondition and point you to appropriatetreatment. This service is always availableand calls are free.Minor Illness and Injury Units

(MIIU)Thorpe Road, Peterborough open 8am - 8pmon the three Bank Holidays.

Mental Health CrisesRing 111 option 2. This service is alwaysopen. Calls are free.

Dental CareRing your dentist who will have a recordedmessage. Also 111 can help.

PHARMACIESMillfield Pharmacy opens 7 days a week.387 Lincoln Road PE1 2PF(01733) 312933The Christmas hours are:25th December 10am to 6pm26th December 3pm to 8pm1st January 3pm to 8pm.

Boots - all are closed on Christmas Day,most are open on Boxing Day from 11am.Boots Serpentine Green 893528

Halls the Chemist - are closed on the BankHolidays.

Christmas Openings

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Last Posting Dates2nd Class mail Wednesday December 18th

1st Class mail Friday December 20th

Special delivery Monday December 23rd

No delivery or collection - Christmas Day,Boxing Day and January 1st (Also January2nd in Scotland)

Abroad (Airmail)Australia and New Zealand

Thursday December 12th

USA and CanadaSaturday December 14th

Eastern EuropeWednesday December 11th

Western EuropeMonday December 16th

France, Belgium and IrelandWednesday December 18th

Letters to Father Christmas go free if postedby December 6th if you want a reply. Hisaddress is Santa / Father Christmas, Santa'sGrotto, Reindeer Land, XM4 5HQ. He canonly reply if you include your full name andaddress.

Public TransportNational Rail Enquiries 0871 244 1545

At the time of writing all was doom andgloom. The longest train strike in history isplanned to take place in the area covered bySouth Western Railways. There are alsoengineering works planned in many partsof the rail network. In general terms therewill be no trains on Christmas Day and veryfew on Boxing Day. If you intend to travelover the holiday period you need to enquireand book your tickets well in advance. Inthe editor's experience National RailEnquiries are as good as any. Transport forLondon have a good website.

BusesStagecoach - 207860

No services on Christmas Day or NewYear's Day. Special timetables on BoxingDay and January 2nd. Services start to winddown early evening.

CoachesNational Express 0871 781 8181

Coaches run all through the holiday period,including Christmas Day. The nearest 'stop'is Queensgate Bus Station.

PetrolBP Little Hampton Petrol Station23-25 London Road Yaxley PE7 3NQ

244233, opens 24 hours all over the holidays.

Merry Xmas !The SCAN production and distributionteam wish all our readers, advertisersand contributorsa merryChristmas and ahappy andhealthy 2020.

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Stilton CultureWhat’s in a Name


1 Dec Wadenhoe 15 Dec Holme Wood29 Dec Stilton/Denton/Folksworth 12 Jan Grafham Water

Our regular walks are between 6 - 8 miles and meet at 10:00am at The PumpFor more information about Stumbling, just Google ‘Stilton Stumblers’

or call Shirley on (01733) 246209 - or just turn up on the day with your boots on!

Just when you think you’ve got a handle onlife, you find things aren’t what they seem.And so we found when compiling the newguide book to St Mary Magdalene church.

From a cryptic remark by Leonard Hutton,son of former Rector Thomas Hutton(incumbent 1859-1892), we learn that 'Itwas supposed in my early years to bededicated to St James'. This could just be afaulty impression from childhood; ourchurch is listed as St Mary Magdalene in asurvey by Browne Willis in 1742. But thereare grounds for believing Leonard Hutton.It appears as St James not only on earlyOrdnance Survey maps, but also on threesuccessive census returns: 1881, 1891 and1901. Such sources can be notoriouslyinaccurate in such matters, but theagreement between several independentreferences seems more than coincidental.And church dedications do seem to havebeen rather volatile over the centuries; seefor example:

From ancient records, it seems likely thatthe old vestry (now subsumed into theChurch Meeting Room) was originally achapel to St Guthlac up to at least around1200. It appears to have been rebuilt in 1338by John de Stilton and dedicated to St MaryMagdalene, although our first Rector,William le Canteis, pre-dates this, beingincumbent from 1218-1221, and Pevsnerdates the nave as being C13th, ie in the 1200s.

Why St Guthlac was forsaken in favour ofSt Mary Magdalene we may never know;perhaps she just seemed a bit more ‘posh’than a mere hermit from Crowland. It haseven been suggested that the dedication waschanged to St James so as to appear less‘popish’, but not only do the dates notsupport this, St Mary Magdalene wasemphatically not the St Mary, mother of ourLord, so important in the Catholic faith.

And when and why did it revert to St MaryMagdalene? Another sacred mystery, nodoubt.

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Stilton Twinning Association and StiltonJunior Footballers were delighted to host 15young people and 16 adults from our twinvillage of St Christol les Alès. This visitre-established our sporting links.

Match Day was Sunday 27th October. Therewere three junior matches involving the StChristol team and teams from Stilton andBrampton. Brampton won on goaldifference, followed by Stilton and StChristol. St Christol won the senior teammatch.

This was a memorable sporting event; goodcompetition was had, together with muchfun. The five-day visit had a full programme,including a table tennis tournament byStilton Table Tennis Club, Family Fun Nightat Stilton Pavilion, a tour and match atPOSH, a visit to the Arsenal Stadium witha tour of London highlights, a day at theGoApe centre at Coventry and an eveningat the Play2day centre at Guyhirn.

Asked what they enjoyed most, the StChristol visitors agreed it was the visit toArsenal and the kindness and hospitality oftheir host families.

The Stilton team and families have beeninvited to St Christol, provisionally for along weekend on 29/30 August 2020.

The Twinning Association wish to thank allthose involved in the organisation andhosting of what was a most enjoyable time.

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What a pleasure it was to unveil the splendidnew memorial wall at a dedication serviceon 2nd November. Many attended despitethe poor weather. At its recent meeting theParish Council gave votes of thanks, onbehalf of the village, to Tony Darke of DarkeSteel, Paul Farrance of Darke Engineeringand Rob Roan of Roan Fabrications fordesigning, creating and setting up the wall,to Cllr Barry Gilden and Mr Tony Edwardsfor their sterling efforts in organizing theproject and to Milton Estates for their kindcontribution. The wall is a fitting tribute tothose who gave their lives for us in bothWorld Wars. We have already noticed thepositive impacts on the village: people usingthe bench, mothers explaining to children,parties of schoolchildren visiting, carsstopping to look and people stopping to readthe names on the wall.

THE CHRISTMAS FAIRThe second Stilton Christmas Fair is onSaturday 7th December at Stilton Pavilionfrom 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Over 35 stallswill pack the hall selling festive gifts etc.,as well as stalls and activities for children.A Christmas Cafe will provide hot drinks,snacks and cakes all day. In the afternoonthe Grand Christmas Draw will take placewith a first prize of £500, with many otherfabulous prizes being donated by localbusinesses and villagers. All profits will gotowards providing a new play area for thechildren in Stilton.


Resignations this year have left the ParishCouncil two members short of itscomplement of 11. Permission has now beengiven for the Parish Council to co-opt tworeplacements. Please see the officialannouncement opposite to find out more.

THE STILTON LODGECross Keys, the housing association that hasbought the Lodge, have yet to plan what todo with it in the longer term. They havelooked at short-term use, for example astemporary accommodation for the homeless,but have found that much work is neededbefore this could be done. It will thereforenot be used until longer term plans arecomplete.VILLAGE/NEIGHBOURHOOD

PLAN FOR STILTONParish Councillors have agreed that it istimely to prepare a Village Plan for Stilton.This will be a considerable undertaking,often taking two years to complete, so itneeds careful preparation. The first step willbe to organize a meeting for all thoseinterested in the project. Speakers will beinvited from other villages with experiencein preparing village plans. The meeting willbe in the new year, so watch out for morenews in the next issue of SCAN.

DEAD TREETo the relief of local residents the very largedead tree in Apreece way has now beenremoved.

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The Council has recognized the widespreadconcern in the village over parking andspeeding. It agreed to set up a working partyto gather information on the variousconcerns and consider ways that we mightmake a case for improvements. If you areinterested in joining the working group, orwish to provide information to it, pleasecontact the Parish Clerk (Stilton ParishCouncil, The Parish Room, Church Street,Stilton or via email [email protected]).

Speedwatch continues to demonstrate thattoo many vehicles are speeding in thevillage. Road users, especially pedestrians,

are at risk from severe injury or death. Thereis no doubt, speed kills. The World HealthOrganisation notes that pedestrians have a90% chance of surviving an impact of 20mph but less than a 50% chance of survivingone at 28 mph. At 50 mph pedestrians havealmost no chance of survival. Unfortunatelysuch high speeds are not uncommon onsome roads in Stilton. If you are concernedabout speeding vehicles, the Speedwatchteam is always on the lookout for freshrecruits who can spare an hour or so a monthto join a Speedwatch session. The data wecollect is vital for making the case forhighways improvements. Please contactKeith Bull, Stilton's SpeedwatchCoordinator([email protected]).

Notice of VacancyStilton Parish Council

Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972that, due to the resignation of Councillor Steward and Councillor Beale, there are twovacancies on Stilton Parish Council.

As no request for an election was received within the 14 statutory days after the dateof the original notice the Parish Council will fill the vacancies by co-option at itsmeeting on Tuesday 14th January 2020.

If you would like to be considered for co-option please contact the Parish Clerk byno later than Tuesday 7th January 2020.

Dated: 14/11/19

Signed: Julianne Lawrence Parish Clerk

Address: The Parish Room Church Street Stilton PE7 3RF

Email: [email protected]

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From the Pulpit News from StiltonGroup of Churches

Services at StMary Magdalene


Sun 1st 11:15 Holy CommunionWed 4th 12:30 Holy Communion and Soup LunchSun 8th 08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) 11:15 Morning PraiseFri 13th 19:00 Carols in the Courtyard at the Bell InnSun 15th 16:00 Stilton CarolsSun 22nd 08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) 11:15 Cafe Church

Tue 24th 23:30 Midnight Communion

Services atSt Helen’s


Sun 1st 9:45 Holy CommunionSun 8th 9:45 Family Folkus Carols in Folksworth SchoolSun 15th 09:45 All-Age ServiceSun 22nd 09:45 Morning Prayer 16:00 Carol Service

Tue 24th 15:00 Crib ServiceWed 25th 09:45 Family CommunionSun 29th 09:45 Group Service

Come to Coffee, Mince Piesand a Book Launch !Saturday 14th December 10:30-12:00

Church Meeting Room

This month’s Church Coffee Morning will be a specialoccasion - the official launch of the new Visitor’s Guide toSt Mary Magdalene church.

Created as part of the Church Heritage Project and drawingon a wide variety of sources and contributions, this bookmakes a fascinating read. So come along and be among thefirst to have a coveted First Edition!

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School News FlourishingThroughFriendship


Children from Year Five took part in aMaths challenge at Laxton Junior School.They were joined by about 20 schools whowere all challenged on some very trickynumber, problem-solving and reasoningskills. Our children worked really well as ateam and, although they didn't win, they didthemselves and our school proud.


Our School Council had a visit from MrsDarnell from Stilton Parish Council. Shetalked to them about the fundraising theParish Council were doing in the village toraise money for a new playground. TheSchool Councillors shared lots of great ideasand came up with things the grown-upshadn't even thought of! Well done SchoolCouncil.

REMEMBRANCEWe welcomed Barry Gilden into school aspart of our remembrance activities this year.He talked about the new memorial by thechurch during our Collective Worship. Allthe children and teachers took somereflection time at the memorial as weremembered those who lost their lives in theWorld Wars. Thank you Barry. Childrenalso joined members of the community atthe church on Armistice Day to representthe school and lay wreaths.

We will remember them.


We are very proud of our Year Sixes as fourof them represented the school at Fourfieldsin the English Challenge recently. They hadsome really thought-provoking questions toanswer and worked well as a team to defeatmany other teams, coming an overall third.A huge well done to those who took part.

FRENCH CAFÉYear Six worked really hard to plan, prepareand take part in their French Café. Afterlearning and practising all the vocabularyneeded, they set up a café in the classroom.Café Vert opened its doors and the childrenordered and served French delights such ascroissants, crêpes and pain au chocolat.Everyone had great fun and lots of learning.

GREAT FIRE OF LONDONYear 2 have enjoyed learning about theGreat Fire of London this term. Aftermaking and learning all about houses inLondon, they watched them all burn to showhow the fire started all those years ago.

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Folklore News & Info for Folksworth,Morborne & Washingley Folk



The 19th Yaxley Runners ‘Folksworth 15’race will be on 19th January, starting at 11am.As always, they will ensure disruption isminimal. As in previous years, Elm Roadwill be partially closed to traffic betweenapproximately 11am - 2:15pm.

The club raises funds from the Folksworth15 and the invitation race taking place on29th December. Over £1000 has beendonated to local causes, in particular towardsthe refurbishment of Folksworth VillageHall, to which they have contributed formany years. Yaxley Runners would like tothank residents for their continued supportof this very popular annual event.


On 6th November1989 our currentschool building wasformally opened,marking a newchapter forFolksworth. Tocelebrate thismilestone, on 6th

November this yearwe had a 30th Birthday Party for the school,and the children got to experience life in the80s!

Everyone came into school for the daydressed as if it was the 1980s - fromBaywatch to Ghostbusters the outfits looked

fantastic. I am not sure the school has everbefore encouraged so many neon clothesand crimped hair on one day! It was alsoterrific to see one of the original schooljumpers being worn, from when the buildingfirst opened.

In our dedicated assembly we looked atphotos and plans of when the school wasbeing built, and tried to recognise peoplefrom the first school photos. Over lunch weplayed music from the 1980s and watchedTV programmes which would have beenshown at the time.

It was a very nostalgic day for everyoneassociated with our school, and it made usthink about where we might be, and whatlife might be like, in another 30 years...FOLKSWORTH PRE-SCHOOL

-SANTA’S COMING!It's hard to believe we are at the end of theyear already. It's gone so quickly, the longwalks in the wheat fields are now a distantmemory. The children are busy learning allabout Christmas here and the festivalscelebrated all around the world. Our Santafloat has had a facelift thanks to the hardwork of our committee. This raises vitalfunds to support the development of ourwonderful village preschool. So please keepan eye open for us as we visit the homes ofFolksworth. Fingers crossed it stays dry.

We have a few sessions available in January,so if your child turns two please pop by fora visit.

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THE ART GROUPOur paintings have now been changed fordifferent ones in Lakeside Healthcare inYaxley, so do have a look when you nextvisit there - or pop in and look anyway!

Don't forget to visit Stilton's Christmas Fairin the Pavilion on Saturday 7th Decemberwhere our Club has booked several tableswhich will have lots of paintings for sale.They make lovely Christmas presents (ortreat yourself) - all are original one-offs.We'd love you to come, see some of ourwork, and have a chat to some of ourmembers who will be manning the tables.

We wish all SCAN readers a lovely Christmasand a peaceful, happy New Year.

LADIES CIRCLEIn November we all made a Christmascracker, following Yvonne Wagstaff'sinstructions. The results were impressiveand will hopefully be displayed on thedinner table on Christmas Day. Instead ofa meeting in December we will be havinga Christmas meal at the Addison Arms atGlatton. We meet again on Tuesday 28th

January at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Docome and join us. Wishing everyone aHappy Christmas

THE VILLAGE HALLDespite the weather, Andy KnottConstruction have made a lot of progresswith our extension and hope to have the roofon by Christmas. You can just about makeout from the photograph below where thenew community room and toilets will be.Thank you to all village hall users for beingpatient whilst building work is going on.A polite reminder to all parents to be evenmore vigilant at this time when droppingoff/collecting children, as constructionvehicles may be entering or leaving the site.

Lots of things are happening in the villagehall in December AND we have started toplan for the Burns Night quiz and supperon Saturday 25th January. (See adverts).

Family Christmas BingoFriday 6th DecemberEyes down at 7:30pm

Six books for £7; includes raffle tickets aswell as tea and coffee. You're welcome tobring your own refreshments and drink.

To book the hall, please call Joy Blythe on(01733) 241938.

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Come and make your ownChristmas Wreath !

7th December 2019 2-4pmFolksworth Village Hall£15.00 including festive refreshments

20 places available

Contact: Alison Brown 07801507336 / [email protected] Yvonne Wagstaff 01733243370 / [email protected] by 23rd November 2019

Any profit will go towards Folksworth Village Hall

PUBLIC FOOTPATHSThe Parish Council has been in touch withCambs County County about problemsregarding footpaths. A definitive map of allthe paths is on its way and will bereproduced for the website and eventuallyfor interpretation boards. Council is workingwith the landowners and Cambs CountyCouncil to reach a solution which willenable the footpath from Manor Road to theSchool to be opened again.

HGV ISSUESThe new Highways Officer in charge of ourscheme attended the Parish Council meetingon November 19th to put forward herproposals.

COMMUNITY ORCHARDCllrs Brown and Goodfellow and others areworking hard on the newly developingCommunity Orchard next to the pond andhave recently received some fruit trees forplanting. If you'd like to be involved, pleaseget in touch with them or me.

MEETINGSThe Parish Council usually meets on thethird Tuesday of the month in the VillageHall. However, the December meeting hasbeen changed to 7pm on Tuesday December3rd. If I can help with anything at all, pleasecontact me.

Jackie StanbridgeClerk to the Council/RFO07724 171158

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Join us for a quiz and

Haggis (*) & Neaps Supper

Fully licensed bar

Tickets £8.50 per person. Teams of up to 6

To book a table contact Annie

Blair on 01733 243463 or email

[email protected]

All profits will go towards

further improvements to the

Village Hall

(*) Vegetarian option available

Saturday 21st December

Santa’s coming to Folksworth!

Sleigh leaves Folksworth Church 4pmArriving at Folksworth Primary School 6pm

Join him and his helpers to celebrate Christmas from 6pm – 9pmBBQ - Tombola - Bar - Christmas cake raffleCandy Floss - Elfie Selfie - Christmas crafts

and more…


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FOLKSWORTH ART CLUBWe meet on Thursdays from 12:30 to 4:30 pm in Folksworth Village Hall

to paint/draw in a friendly, informal atmosphere, helping each other when necessary.NEW MEMBERS AND BEGINNERS ARE VERY WELCOME

Why not join us? Bring your own materials.£3 per session, including refreshments.

Contact Cherry Hadley Tel: 01733 244258or just come along and enjoy yourself!

1 February 2020 Race Night8 February 2020 RAF Band Concert

Twinning Diary Dates

If you are interested in any Twinning events or in becoming involved inthe Association please contact Chris Walford on 241376.Funds raised by the Association provide for travel grants for young people onexchange visits to St Christol and activities here when groups visit from St Christol.



Our esteemed Editor-in-Chief Olive Mainsends her best wishes for Christmas and theNew Year to all her many friends andacquaintances in and around Stilton.

As in previous years, a generous donationto charity is being made in lieu of sendingChristmas cards. This year, the beneficiarywill be the Children In Need appeal.

Prior to taking on our new printers,December’s SCAN used to include asupplement of seasonal nonsense as a sortof Christmas card to our readers. But nowwe have new capabilities, we thought asplash of colour would brighten the season.

We hope you like it!


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What’s on in & aroundStilton & Folksworth !

Chorale at Christmas St Mary Magdalene Church,

Church Street, StiltonPE7 3RF

Friday 6th December 2019 at 8pm

Tickets £10From (01733) 244666

Under 12's free

Refreshments & Raffleavailable at the interval

Proceeds to Sawtry Choraleand Stilton Church

Merry Christmas

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What to do, where to do it and who to do it with !YO







T &





M T W T F S S WHAT WHEN WHERE WHOO < Toddlers' Dance 9:15am Stilton Church Meeting Room Michelle Pratt 07906 114942

O O O O AM < Playgroup (Stilton) 9 - 11:45 & 1 - 3pm Playgroup Leslie Kirk 247682O < Stay & Play 9 - 10:15am Stilton Pavilion Rebecca Mills 07498 528393

O < Mums & Toddlers (Folksworth) 10:00-11:30 term time Folksworth Village Hall GeorginaO O O O < Pre-School (Folksworth) 9:00am - 3:00pm Folksworth Village Hall Nikki 07542 172075

<O < Stilton United Colts KO 10am As per fixtures Glen Woolner 07771 784643

O < Parish Council (Stilton) 7:30pm 2nd Tuesday in month Stilton Pavilion or Parish Meeting Room Simon Steward 07484 746894O < Parish Council (Folksworth) 7:30 - 9:30pm 3rd Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Jackie Stanbridge 07724 171158O < Sewing Group 2:30 - 5pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Friday Social Group 2 - 4pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Diane Glenn 07400 693351

O < Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd & 4th Sun 8:00am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < LinCup (Café style worship) 2nd & 4th Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Stilton Group Service 5th Sunday in month See notice boards or Stilton Group of Churches' Facebook for details

O < Linking Hands (mums) 9am Stilton Church Meeting Room Irene Goldsmith 244229O < Crossover (Y6) 6 - 7pm in term time Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Men's Prayer Breakfast 8am 2nd Saturday in month Stilton Church Meeting Room Nigel Rosbrook 246396O < Holy Communion (soup lunch) 1st Wednesday 12:30-1:30 St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701

O < Prayer Focus 8am St Mary Magdalene Stuart Reed 241114O < Christian Congregation in UK 6 - 8pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Stilton Gardening Club 3rd Tues 7:30pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Olive Main 241206O < Pilates (Stilton) - over-50s 11:30am-12:30 Stilton Pavilion Vicky Leschallas 07919 053140

O < Pilates (Stilton) 10:00 - 11:00am Stilton Pavilion Frances Ellis 07714 773528O < Pilates (Folksworth) 7:30 - 8:30pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Clubbercise 7.15 - 8.15pm Stilton Pavilion Louise Knox 07957 983950O O < Stilton Table Tennis Club Mon (adults) 2-4pm; Tue 7:00-9:30pm Stilton Pavilion Steve Ambler 242156O O < Stilton Carpet Bowls Club 2pm Mon, 7:30pm Thu Stilton Pavilion Scott Sherrington 242409O < Folksworth Carpet Bowls Club 7 - 9pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Peterborough Opera Group 7:30 - 9:30pm Friday Folksworth Village HallO < Band 8 - 9:35pm Stilton Pavilion Brian Bowen 241310

O < Yoga 5.30 - 7pm Stilton Pavilion Brian Appleyard 244642O O O O < Mat Pilates M 6:45-7:45pm, 8-9pm; T 6-7pm; W 9:15-10:15am; Th 7:30-8:30pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O O < Chairobics Tue 11am-12:30pm; Thu 10:30am-12noon Stilton Church Meeting Room Sue Gibbs 07709 938122O < Chairobics Tue 2-3pm St B's Hall, Yaxley Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O < Stilton United FC 3:00pm kick-off As per fixtures Terry Baker 07756 778154O < Taoist Tai Chi 7:30pm Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley Alex Weyman 01480 413353

O < Folksworth Art Club 12:30-4:30pm Folksworth Village Hall Cherry Hadley 244258O < Folksworth Ladies' Circle 7:30-9:30pm 4th Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Phyllis Hope 240947

O < Yaxley Flower Club 3rd Thursday, 7:30pm Yaxley British Legion Yvonne Wagstaff 243370O < Stilton Stumblers (walking group) Alternate Sundays 10:00am See info in this issue Meet at the Pump Shirley Gregory 246209

O < Indoor Bootcamp 5:30 - 6:30pm Stilton Pavilion Rachael Joyce 07789 292441O < Dance lessons 3:00 - 6:00pm Stilton Pavilion DanceXcess 07768 435362

O < Mobile Library (Stilton and Folksworth) 4th Wednesday in month See advert in this issueO < Age Well Club 9:30 - 11:45am Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley

O < 'Chatterbox' Carers' Support Group 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2-4pm CARESCO Centre Miranda 07751 798287O < Music & Spoken Word Social Group 2nd & 4th Fridays, 1:30-3pm CARESCO Centre CARESCO Office 01487 832105

O O < Sawtry Vintage Club 10am - 2:30pm CARESCO Centre Vicki 01487 832105O O < Sawtry Friendship Club 10:30am - 1:30pm CARESCO Centre Pat 01487 832105


To join Stilton or Folksworth Rainbows, Brownies or Guides, please visit: and click on 'Get Involved.'

To book: Stilton Pavilion - 07 484 746894 | Folksworth Village Hall - (01733) 241938 | Stilton Church Meeting Room - (01733) 241709 | Leave a LANDLINE number!

Are we up to date? Tell SCAN about your activities!


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What to do, where to do it and who to do it with !

M T W T F S S WHAT WHEN WHERE WHOO < Toddlers' Dance 9:15am Stilton Church Meeting Room Michelle Pratt 07906 114942

O O O O AM < Playgroup (Stilton) 9 - 11:45 & 1 - 3pm Playgroup Leslie Kirk 247682O < Stay & Play 9 - 10:15am Stilton Pavilion Rebecca Mills 07498 528393

O < Mums & Toddlers (Folksworth) 10:00-11:30 term time Folksworth Village Hall GeorginaO O O O < Pre-School (Folksworth) 9:00am - 3:00pm Folksworth Village Hall Nikki 07542 172075

<O < Stilton United Colts KO 10am As per fixtures Glen Woolner 07771 784643

O < Parish Council (Stilton) 7:30pm 2nd Tuesday in month Stilton Pavilion or Parish Meeting Room Simon Steward 07484 746894O < Parish Council (Folksworth) 7:30 - 9:30pm 3rd Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Jackie Stanbridge 07724 171158O < Sewing Group 2:30 - 5pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Friday Social Group 2 - 4pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Diane Glenn 07400 693351

O < Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd & 4th Sun 8:00am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < LinCup (Café style worship) 2nd & 4th Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Stilton Group Service 5th Sunday in month See notice boards or Stilton Group of Churches' Facebook for details

O < Linking Hands (mums) 9am Stilton Church Meeting Room Irene Goldsmith 244229O < Crossover (Y6) 6 - 7pm in term time Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Men's Prayer Breakfast 8am 2nd Saturday in month Stilton Church Meeting Room Nigel Rosbrook 246396O < Holy Communion (soup lunch) 1st Wednesday 12:30-1:30 St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701

O < Prayer Focus 8am St Mary Magdalene Stuart Reed 241114O < Christian Congregation in UK 6 - 8pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Stilton Gardening Club 3rd Tues 7:30pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Olive Main 241206O < Pilates (Stilton) - over-50s 11:30am-12:30 Stilton Pavilion Vicky Leschallas 07919 053140

O < Pilates (Stilton) 10:00 - 11:00am Stilton Pavilion Frances Ellis 07714 773528O < Pilates (Folksworth) 7:30 - 8:30pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Clubbercise 7.15 - 8.15pm Stilton Pavilion Louise Knox 07957 983950O O < Stilton Table Tennis Club Mon (adults) 2-4pm; Tue 7:00-9:30pm Stilton Pavilion Steve Ambler 242156O O < Stilton Carpet Bowls Club 2pm Mon, 7:30pm Thu Stilton Pavilion Scott Sherrington 242409O < Folksworth Carpet Bowls Club 7 - 9pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Peterborough Opera Group 7:30 - 9:30pm Friday Folksworth Village HallO < Band 8 - 9:35pm Stilton Pavilion Brian Bowen 241310

O < Yoga 5.30 - 7pm Stilton Pavilion Brian Appleyard 244642O O O O < Mat Pilates M 6:45-7:45pm, 8-9pm; T 6-7pm; W 9:15-10:15am; Th 7:30-8:30pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O O < Chairobics Tue 11am-12:30pm; Thu 10:30am-12noon Stilton Church Meeting Room Sue Gibbs 07709 938122O < Chairobics Tue 2-3pm St B's Hall, Yaxley Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O < Stilton United FC 3:00pm kick-off As per fixtures Terry Baker 07756 778154O < Taoist Tai Chi 7:30pm Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley Alex Weyman 01480 413353

O < Folksworth Art Club 12:30-4:30pm Folksworth Village Hall Cherry Hadley 244258O < Folksworth Ladies' Circle 7:30-9:30pm 4th Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Phyllis Hope 240947

O < Yaxley Flower Club 3rd Thursday, 7:30pm Yaxley British Legion Yvonne Wagstaff 243370O < Stilton Stumblers (walking group) Alternate Sundays 10:00am See info in this issue Meet at the Pump Shirley Gregory 246209

O < Indoor Bootcamp 5:30 - 6:30pm Stilton Pavilion Rachael Joyce 07789 292441O < Dance lessons 3:00 - 6:00pm Stilton Pavilion DanceXcess 07768 435362

O < Mobile Library (Stilton and Folksworth) 4th Wednesday in month See advert in this issueO < Age Well Club 9:30 - 11:45am Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley

O < 'Chatterbox' Carers' Support Group 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2-4pm CARESCO Centre Miranda 07751 798287O < Music & Spoken Word Social Group 2nd & 4th Fridays, 1:30-3pm CARESCO Centre CARESCO Office 01487 832105

O O < Sawtry Vintage Club 10am - 2:30pm CARESCO Centre Vicki 01487 832105O O < Sawtry Friendship Club 10:30am - 1:30pm CARESCO Centre Pat 01487 832105


To join Stilton or Folksworth Rainbows, Brownies or Guides, please visit: and click on 'Get Involved.'

To book: Stilton Pavilion - 07 484 746894 | Folksworth Village Hall - (01733) 241938 | Stilton Church Meeting Room - (01733) 241709 | Leave a LANDLINE number!

Are we up to date? Tell SCAN about your activities!


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Father Christmas will be in Stilton

Sat 7th and Sun 8th December 4-7pm*

Route to be confirmed | In aid of Stilton Playgroup

(*Or the following weekend in the event of bad weather)


A Celebration of ChristmasCarols, Christmas music, Poetry

Yaxley Methodist Church7:30pm Friday 13th December 2019

Adults £5 | Children up to 12 years free(Includes light refreshments and lucky ticket)

Tickets available from Mary Croll (241042) and Yaxley Pet Shop or on the door

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Peterborough Museum is one of the city’sbest-kept secrets, offering lots of interestingand entertaining activities for all ages.


Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th December10 am - 3 pm (last entry 2pm)

£4 adults, £3 conc/child, £12 families(2 adults, 3 children), under 5s free

Take a step back into Christmas past!Discover Victorian Christmas traditions ofthe wealthy and the not so fortunate. Makesome traditional Victorian decorations anda Victorian Christmas card to take home.So come along and enjoy the magic ofChristmas gone by!


Tuesday 17th December - 7:30pmMeet outside Peterborough Museum

£5 adults; £3 children

Explore the city'sspooky side! Bespellbound by ourhaunted heritage withthis ever-popularGhost Walk.

Pre-booking isadvisable for thishighly popular tour which is notrecommended for under-8's. All childrenmust be accompanied.


Tuesday 10th December - 7:30pmPeterborough Museum

£5 adults; £3 children

Explore Peterborough's most hauntedbuilding by candlelight... if you dare!

Due to limited availability pre-booking isessential. Access is limited so please call inadvance for more information. Notrecommended for under-14's and allchildren must be accompanied.

Book now online at or call01733 864663.


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Two dozen random brainteasers, some evenwith a Christmas connection!

Answers somewhere in this issue.

1. Which actor played Frodo Baggins?

2. On which Italian island is Palermo?

3. Who was 'the father of the atomicbomb'?

4. Which planet was discovered byFrederik Herschel in 1781?

5. QANTAS is the national airline ofAustralia. What does QANTAS standfor?

6. In which year was Google launched?

7. Which two months are named afterRoman emperors?

8. In which year did Princess Diana die?

9. Who was 'The Queen of Soul'?

10. In which novel did Sherlock Holmesfirst appear?

11. Who in 1450 invented movable type,thus revolutionising printing?

12. How many syllables in a Haiku?

13. Which celebrity made the first everUK mobile phone call, New Year'sDay, 1985?

14. What is the birth sign of people bornon 25th December?

15. What was stolen from WestminsterAbbey on Christmas day 1950?

16. Christmas Island is a territory ofwhich country?

17. Who composed The Nutcracker Suite?

18. The North Pole is located in whichocean?

19. The Trafalgar Square Christmas treeis given by which country?

20. In A Christmas Carol, who wasScrooge's dead business partner?

21. What is the name of Tintin's dog?

22. In which year did the demolition ofthe Berlin Wall begin?

23. In 1954, who became the first personto run an official four-minute mile?

24. The statue of Justice on the Old Baileyholds what in her right hand?

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Beryl settled in Church Close, Stilton in1997 and soon became involved in villageactivities, working initially with D & BDarke. Always a willing helper, Sheundertook census duties and also deliveredSCAN for 15 years. She was also well knownas a keen and successful bowls player, bothlawn and indoors, playing for PeterboroughHospital, Longthorpe and Oundle. She wasStilton Carpet Bowls Champion on oneoccasion.

Beryl died peacefully on 14th September2019, aged 80 years, after a long illness.

Beryl's husband Colin and family wish toexpress their gratitude to friends andneighbours for their support and kindmessages at this sad time. With specialthanks to Jane and Patrick Egan.

A private funeral has taken place but anyonewishing to remember Beryl may do so bymaking a donation in her name to Sue RyderThorpe Hall Hospice, Longthorpe,Peterborough PE3 6LW (tel. 01733 225900).

KATH COWLINGKath Cowling passed away peacefully on3rd October 2019 at the age of 95. Kath wasthe landlady at the Stilton Cheese for 25years, up to 1987. Since then she had livedwith her daughter in Alconbury Weston andspent the last 12 months in a residentialhome in the village. She always had veryfond memories of her time at 'The Cheese'and considered Stilton to be her home

village for her adult life. Her funeral tookplace on 31st October in Nottingham, whereshe grew up, as it was her final wish to bereunited with her mother, who passed awaywhen Kath was only 12 years old.


Brian Mawhinney was MP for Peterboroughfrom 1979 and, after boundary changes in1997, for our constituency of N.W.Huntingdonshire. He held office under MrsThatcher and John Major and was Secretaryof State for Transport while the A1(M) wasbeing built. He retired in 2005 and becamea life peer. In 2003 he became Chair of theFootball League.

An Ulsterman, he was a committed Christianand a rare scientist in the Cabinet. (He hada Ph.D. in Physics.) He was an assiduousConstituency M.P. and always supportiveof local events such as Stilton CheeseRolling and advised on our VillageAppraisal. He remained a loyal patron ofPeterborough United.

Brian died on November 9th after a longillness. Our sympathy goes to his wifeAudrey and her sons.

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Did you know that 70% of Stilton Cheesesales are at Christmas? Port and Stilton is atraditional pairing for a gentleman; ceramicjars of Stilton or a ‘truckle’ (half a cheese)all make very acceptable gifts. You can evenbuy it from Amazon.

Carefully treated, Stilton will keep well fortwo weeks. Advice from the Long Clawsondairy is to keep it in the fridge, well wrappedin foil or waxed paper, not in cling film, inan airtight container so that it does not taintother food, nor is tainted itself. Take it outof the fridge two hours before serving tobring it up to room temperature. Stiltonfreezes very well; defrost for about fourhours. It is best cut with a wire, neverscooped out, nor should you pour port intothe middle!

As the last course of a dinner party, servethe cheese with crackers or plum bread, afruity chutney, grapes or figs. Traditionallythe drink of choice is port or a full-bodiedred wine.

Stilton is versatile and perfect for everydaymeals. There are many recipes for Stiltonsoup; it can also be crumbled over soup asa topping. The ultimate baked bean toastieis fast food par excellence - just splash someWorcester sauce over the beans on a sliceof toast, top with a generous helping ofcrumbled Stilton and brown under the grill.

With Stilton cheese as a filling the humblejacket potato takes on a new dimension.Stilton is excellent in cooking; it makesdelicious cheese scones and adds well topasta bake, particularly if paired with leeks.

No excuse for not using up the very lastsliver! And you can eat the rind, but if thatdoesn’t appeal to you just add the gratedrind in with whatever dish you’re cooking.

Stilton ChurchCoffee MorningSaturday 14th Dec10:30am - 12 noon

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Our November music event, featuring theduet show played by Andrew Nix and TonyStace, was an outstanding success with 90people attending and having a wonderfultime, writes Tony Oliver. Just over two hoursof superb music and humour by these twoclever musicians had our audience callingfor more. They work so well together togive such a crisp performance.

Due to my music commitments elsewhere,this month's show will be on Sunday 15th,starting at the usual time. We are featuringanother great multi-keyboard player namedDavid Harrild; yet more contrast from thoseseen throughout the past year. No doubt wewill have some seasonal music interspersedthrough his two-hour concert.

In January we have a break and will returnon the first Sunday in February (2nd) whenJon Smith makes a welcome return to thePavilion. Jon lost his playing partner, ChihoSunamoto, to cancer last November and Iam sure he will dedicate some of hisprogramme to her, whom we all miss.2020 DATES AND ARTISTES

Feb 2nd - Jon SmithMar 1st - Lee DewsnapApr 5th - Mark ThompsonMay 3rd - Elizabeth HarrisonJune 7th - Michael WooldridgeJuly 5th - Brett WalesAug 2nd - David LastSept 6th - Ian GriffinOct 4th - DirkJan RanzijnNov 1st - Chris StanburyDec 13th - Chris Powell & Joanne Naulls

You may not know the names but they areall top keyboard players with a mixture ofPavilion first-timers and returnees and wecan guarantee that the music will bethoroughly enjoyable. If you haven't beento a Keyboard Showtime why not comealong and hear music played on wonderfulinstruments that are seldom heard on radioor television because of the orchestral or bigband sounds for example. It is a funafternoon in very pleasant surroundings andwe promise to look after you!

All concerts start at 2:30pm (doors open1:45pm) and, with an interval for freerefreshments and raffle, finish around 5pm.Do come and join our music-loving group;you will be welcomed by our friendly teamof helpers. We look forward to seeing youat the Pavilion.

We now 'sponsor' Magpas Air Ambulanceand donations will be made wheneverpossible. If you would like further detailsplease contact Tony Oliver in one of thefollowing ways:telephone 01480 474282 or 07918 602600,email [email protected]

May I take this opportunity to wish you alla Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,with especial thanks to our patrons bothlocal and from far and wide. Thanks andbest wishes to all my wonderful team ofvolunteers.

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Renewals & enquiries:(0345) 045 5225

Join today! It’s FREE! Just bring IDwith your name and address.

Mon 3:00 - 7:00Tue 9:30 - 5:00Wed CLOSEDThu 9:30 - 5:00Fri 9:30 - 1:30Sat 9:30 - 1:30

Route M24 - 4th Wednesday

Monday 16th DecFolksworth

10:30 - 10:50am Elm Road


Outside the school

3:10 - 4pmOutside The Talbot

The new A14 between Ellington andSwavesey will open to traffic on Monday9th December, a full year ahead of schedule.

Eastbound traffic on the new bypass willstill have to join a section of 40mph narrowlanes road works from the Swaveseyjunction, so drivers should look out for thesigns when they approach the area.

Slow-moving vehicles will be prohibitedfrom the new bypass and will be directed touse alternative local access roads. Eachjunction has specific possible vehiclemovements and it is not always possible tojoin or leave the new road in all directions,to ensure that A14 traffic uses the mostappropriate junction for its destination,avoiding roads through local communities.

Work on the rest of the project, betweenSwavesey and Milton, continues and is onschedule to be completed by December 2020.

New A14 Opens !

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From The Cabbage PatchWildlife in Winter


One of the pleasures of walking out withsmall children is to go and feed the ducksand swans. But is bread good for them?SCAN contacted the Swan Sanctuary to findout. We are told that fresh bread (not mouldy- that is poisonous to them) is not dangerousas long as it is thrown onto the water so thatthe bird swallows water with the food. Evenbetter is a variety of food, particularly grainor fresh greens such as lettuce or spinach.

The same advice applies to geese and ducks.

Much the same advice comes from theRSPB with regard to garden birds. Again,no mouldy bread; only put out a smallquantity so it is eaten quickly before it hastime to go mouldy. You should put out avariety of scraps to ensure the birds get allthe nutrition they need. Fat, including suet,mild grated cheese, cold cooked potatoes(they don't much like chips), dried fruits,apples and pears cut up, pastry.

Please note that birds cannot metabolise saltso avoid salted foods.

SWAN SPECTACULAROne of the UK's most spectacular wildlifeexperiences happens almost on our doorstep.At 3:30pm each day until March, staff atthe Welney Wetland Centre near Wisbechfeed hundreds of wintering swans which flyin at dusk to roost.

Visitors watch from a heated hide and canget a warm drink and refreshments from thecafé. There is a shop and lots of otheractivities. Find the Wetland Centre at PE149TN. Their excellent website is [email protected] 01353 860711.

It is wise to book as tickets go fast.

Stilton Gardening andNatural History Group

Tuesday December 177:30pm

Church Meeting RoomAnnual Christmas Party

All past and present membersare warmly invited

Entrance £1 and a contributionof party food or drink.

RaffleFurther details fromOlive Main 241206

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L A K E S I D E H E A L T H C A R E(01733) 240478

You should use the NHS 111 service if youurgently need medical help or advice outsideour normal operating hours, but it is not alife-threatening situation.

Call 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 daysa week, 365 days a year. For emergencysituations, you should still dial 999.

PatientParticipation Group

One of the main aims of a PPG is to act asa ‘critical friend’ to come up with ideas andsuggestions on how we can improve thingsfor all our patients. The Patient Groupshould be representative of the wholepractice population.

If you would like to be involved with thePPG then you would be welcome to attendthe next meeting on Tuesday 10th Decemberat 6:00pm here at Lakeside HealthcareYaxley.

StaffWe are pleased to announce a newReceptionist to our team, Belinda Evans,and to our Clinical Administration team,Claire Adams.

Citizens Advice Peterborough (CAP)

We're here to help, whatever the problem!

If you need advice with your Benefits,Debts, Loss of Job, have Housing issues orany other problem then Citizens AdvicePeterborough can offer free, independent,confidential and impartial advice availableby appointment only.

Appointments are now available at LakesideHealthcare at Yaxley on Wednesdaymornings 9:30 am - 12:00pm and GreaterPeterborough GP Hub (BoroughburyMedical Centre) on Monday mornings 9:30am to 12:00 noon.

Ask at Reception for an appointment in theCitizens Advice Clinic.

Friends & FamilyTest

Thank you very much to all of you whoprovided feedback last month for FFT. 96%of our patients who completed the surveyin October 2019 would recommendLakeside Healthcare at Yaxley to theirfriends and family.

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Monthly ClosureThe Practice will be closed on the followingWednesday 25th December and Thursday26th December due to Christmas holidays.

In event of an emergency call 999, or foranything less urgent call 111.

Please make sure you have sufficientmedication to cover the festive period.

The Doctors and Staff wish you all a veryHappy and Healthy Festive Season!


Half of all fires in the home start in thekitchen and more than half of those are asa result of distraction whilst cooking.

To ensure your festive cheer doesn’t go upin smoke this Christmas follow Cambs Fire& Rescue’s tips below for safe cooking:

● Never leave anything cooking unattended

● Do not cook when tired or under theinfluence of alcohol, drugs or medicationthat makes you drowsy

● Regularly clean the grill pan and oven.Built-up fat can easily catch fire

● Do not leave anything flammable on ornear the hob – tea towels, oven glovesand even washing baskets can catch fire

● Take care when using microwaves. Firescan start when people put food in too long.

● Oven chips or temperature-controlleddeep fat fryers are safer than using a chippan. If you do use a chip pan, do not fillit more than one third with fat and turnthe heat down if the oil starts smoking.

● Fire can break out in householdappliances so you should regularlymaintain dishwashers, washing machinesand driers. Never leave them on if you goout or go to bed and register yourappliances online to ensure you are madeaware of any faults or recalls.

● Have a working smoke alarm on eachfloor of your home. If it keeps going offwhen you are cooking it is probably inthe wrong location or you may have thewrong type of smoke alarm.

● Never take the batteries out of your smokealarm.

If you do have a fire in the house, get out,stay out and dial 999.

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Keeping WellNews from the Wellside Clinic(01487) 830340

Flu VaccinationAll patients falling within the followingat-risk categories are entitled to thevaccination:

● Aged 65 or above (including thosebecoming age 65 by 31/03/19)

● Long-term respiratory disease (such assevere asthma, COPD or bronchitis)

● Long-term heart disease(such as heart failure)

● Long-term renal diseaseat stages 3, 4 or 5

● Long-term liver disease

● Long-term neurological disease (such asParkinson's or motor neurone disease, orlearning disability)

● Diabetes

● Splenic dysfunction or asplenia

● Weakened immune system due to diseaseor treatment. Consideration will also begiven to the immunisation of householdcontacts of these patients.

● Morbidly obese(defined as BMI of 40 or above)

● All pregnant women (including those whobecome pregnant during the flu season)

● People living in long-stay residential carehomes or other long-stay care facilities

● Carers: patients who are in receipt of acarer's allowance, those who are the maincarer for an older or disabled personwhose welfare may be at risk if the carerfalls ill, patients employed as carers in acare home or working in the community.

If you haven't had your vaccination yetplease call our Reception Team on 01487830340 to make an appointment.

Minor IllnessAppointments

Our Lead Practice Nurse, Sister AnitaWillis, is now providing Minor Illnessappointments. Our Reception Team willbook you into a Minor Illness appointmentif you ring for an on-the-day appointmentand your problem is appropriate to be dealtwith by Sister Willis.

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Christmas and NewYear Opening TimesTue 24th Dec Christmas Eve open as usualWed 25th Dec Christmas Day - ClosedThur 26th Dec Boxing Day - ClosedFri 27th Dec Open as usualSat 28th Dec ClosedSun 29th Dec ClosedMon 30th Dec Open as usualTue 31st Dec New Year's Eve open as usualWed 1st Jan New Year's Day - ClosedThur 2nd Jan Open as usual

During this period, please submit yourrepeat prescription requests in plenty of timeand remember to allow two working daysfor your request to be processed.

On behalf of us all here at Wellside Surgery,I would like to wish all of our patients, andtheir friends and families, a very MerryChristmas and a Happy New Year.

Best Regards,Mrs Claire Wright, Practice Manager

Local residents are being encouraged tohave their say on the future of local NHSservices as part of The Big Conversation.

Healthcare funding across Cambridgeshireand Peterborough is under pressure. Morepeople are using NHS services locally andresources are limited. At the moment, thelocal NHS is buying more than it can afford,so some difficult decisions need to be madeabout the services it can afford to providein the future.

The Big Conversation has been created tohelp Cambridgeshire and PeterboroughClinical Commissioning Group (CCG), whobuy the healthcare services in the local area,to understand what is most important to thelocal community. Feedback received will beused to create a set of principles that willinform our future plans and help shape ourlocal NHS.

Local residents can give their feedback bycompleting a short survey online at

Have a BIG ConversationHELP TO SHAPE OUR NHS

1. Elijah Wood2. Sicily3. Robert Oppenheimer4. Uranus5. Queensland And

Northern TerritoryAerial Services

6. 19987. July and August8. 19979. Aretha Franklin10. Study in Scarlet11. Johannes Gutenberg12. 17

13. Ernie Wise14. Capricorn15. The Stone of Scone16. Australia17. Tchaikovsky18. Arctic Ocean19. Norway

20. Jacob Marley21. Snowy22. 198923. Roger Bannister24. A sword

Christmas Quiz Answers

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