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Curriculum  Vitae  



LinkedIn:  [email protected]        

Skype: selesspeed        

Contact:  +  (971)  55  2063333        


YASSINE  BENALI  Mobile:  +  (971)  55  2063333  ~  E-­‐Mail:  [email protected]  

Address: Jumeirah  Village  Triangle,  Dubai  –  United  Arab  Emirates  

~  Senior  International  Business  Development  |  Business  Operations  Management  ~  Offering  over  10  years’  of  quantifiable  and  cross-­‐  cultural  international  experience  in  multifarious  accountabilities  &  industries  


ü Vision,  Strategy  &  Leadership  ü JV  &  Franchise  Development  ü Contracts  Management  ü Budgeting  ü P&L  Management  

ü Strategic  Alliances  ü Market  Research    ü New  Market  Development  ü Pre  &  Post  Sales  Operations  ü Organizational  Development  

ü Training  &  Development  ü Key  Accounts  Management  ü Sales  Promotion  /  Branding  ü Change  Management  ü Manpower  Leadership  


___________________Profit  &  Value___________________    

º Effective   and   accountable   in   high-­‐profile   executive   roles:   Overcome   complex   business   challenges   and  make   high-­‐stakes   decisions  using   experience-­‐backed   judgment,   strong   work   ethics   and   irreproachable   integrity.   Deft   in   driving   new   business   through   key  accounts  and  establishing  strategic  partnerships  to  increase  revenues.    


º Corporate   Strategy   &   Development   Specialist:   Characterized   as   a   visionary,   strategist   &   tactician.   Adept   in   conceptualizing   &  implementing  competitive  strategies  for  generating  sales,  developing  and  expanding  market  share  on  an  international  scale,  towards  the   achievement   of   revenue   &   profitability   targets.   Excellent   track   record   of   planning   and   managing   Profit   Centre   operations   to  ensure  that  revenue  and  market  share  objectives  are  met.  


º Consistent  record  of  delivering  results   in  growth,  revenue,  operational  performance,  and  profitability.  Aggressive  sales  &  marketing  tactics   with   strong   exposure   of   working   with   prominent   and   high   profile   accounts;   forged   strategic   alliances,   joint   ventures   and  powerful  franchisee`s;  built  solid  track  record  of  successful  rollout,  management  and  turnaround  of  fortunes  through  astute  planning  and  execution.  


º Consistently   deliver  Mission-­‐Critical   results:   Driven   by   a   visceral   “hard-­‐wired”   need   to   strategize   and   to   innovate.   Gifted  with   the  vision,  determination,  and  skills  needed  for  high-­‐level  revenue-­‐building  strategies  and  technics.  Have  a  fair  perspective  on  the  Business  Environment  with  understanding  of  inter-­‐relationships  between  diverse  tasks.  


º Respect  and  Leverage  Human  Capital:  Motivate,  mentor  and  lead  talented  professionals.  Live  the  culture  and  lead  by  example.  Expertise  in  building  and  motivating  large  teams  that  well  exceed  corporate  expectations.  Innovative  and  results-­‐driven  manager  focused  on  achieving  exceptional  results  in  highly  competitive  environments  that  demand  continuous  improvement.  


___________________Business  Skills___________________    

» Conceptualizing  &   implementing   competitive   strategies   for   generating   sales,   developing   and   expanding  market   share   towards   the  achievement  of  revenue  &  profitability  targets.    

» Experienced  in  developing  and  maintaining  relationship  with  clients,  sourcing  major  institutional  clients  and  enhancing  sales  turnover  with  contribution  in  productivity,  quality  and  integrity.    

» Formulating  marketing  plans  as  well  as   leading  team  members  to  execute  all  marketing  communication  or  public  relation  programs  viz.,  advertising,  marketing  campaigns,  press  releases,  ATL  activities,  etc.    

» Overseeing   complete   business   operations   in   the   assigned   region  with   accountability   of   profitability,   forecasting  monthly  &   annual  sales  targets  and  streamlining  business  verticals  to  improve  efficiency  many  folds.  

» Providing  direction,  motivation  and  training  to  the  field  sales  team,  ensuring  optimum  performance  for  all  operational  &  sales  related  issues  and  imbibing  a  sense  of  discipline  &  team  work  within  the  work  force  for  effective  and  smooth  functioning  of  operations.  


___________________Career  Record___________________    

Since  Apr’08:  Alpha  Group,  Dubai  -­‐  UAE  as    Presently  as  Group  Director  of  International  Business  Development  |  Reporting  to  CEO  


Designation  Chronology  Jun  2008  –  January  2011     Trade  development/  international  affairs  senior  manager  January  2011  onwards       Group  director  of  business  development    

Major  Roles:  + Strategizing   long   term   business   directions   to   ensure   optimum   profitability;   handling   the   entire   international   business   operation,  

conceptualizing  and  implementing  business  strategies  for  achieving  desired  targets;    

+ Participating  in  tender/bids;  delivering  presentations  to  clients;  negotiating  &  finalizing  deals,  signing  contracts  and  identifying  performance  oriented  franchisees  and  alliances.  

+ Forecasting   monthly/annual   sales   targets   &   driving   sales   initiatives   to   achieve   business   goals   in   coordination   with   the   frontline   sales  managers.  

+ Developing  &  implementing  international  sales  promotional  strategies;  ensuring  market  penetration  and  effective  brand  management  at  an  international;  level;  handling  new  product  launches  to  expand  product  portfolio  and  enhance  sales  growth.    

+ Identifying   corporate/institutional   accounts   in   Govt.,   Corporate   and   Private   sectors;   securing   profitable   business   in   selling;   maintaining  relationship  with  major  clients  to  ensure  business  retention/enhancement  by  quality  service.  

+ Developing  relations  with  key  decision  makers  in  target  organizations  for  international  level  business  development  in  pre-­‐sales  negotiation  stages.  

+ Identifying   and   developing   joint   ventures,   franchisees,   sponsorships,   channel   partners   and   lucrative   opportunity   through   mergers   and  acquisitions  ensuring  maximum  growth  visibility  and  coverage  as  a  company  in  the  market;    

+ Maintaining   relationship   and   imparting   training   to   the   network   associates;   developing   and   implementing   various   strategies   aimed   at  improving  business  relationships  at  an  international  level.  

+ Study  all  business  processes  and  generate  effective  plans  to  improve  operations  by  implementing  productive  strategies  that  includes  supply  Chain  Management,  Sales  &  Marketing,  Purchase,  Logistics  (worldwide  export/import,  warehousing  and  delivery)  departments.  

+ Understanding   customers’   business   needs   identifying   requirements   and   providing   consultancy   solutions;   developing   and   maintaining  corporate  relationships  to  secure  business  and  attain  group  objectives.    

+ Guiding  and  training  sales  managers,  executives,  associates  and  technical  support  teams  on  product  presentation,  institutional  dealing  and  customer  handling.  

+ Interfacing   with   people   at   all   levels;   maintaining   healthy   work   environment;   motivating   team  members   and   channel   partners   through  effective  incentive  plans.  

___________________Previous  Assignments___________________    

Sep’04  –  Jun’08:  ARM  group,  Dubai-­‐  UAE  Business  Development  Manager  


___________________Career  Achievements___________________    

» Played  an  outstanding  role  by  implementing  various  business  manoeuvres  that  increased  the  Net  profit  of  the  Group  in  2012-­‐2013  by  11%  with  AED  65  Million  net  profits  &  Turnover  of  AED  450  Million.  

» Excelled   in   leading   from   the   front   in   swelling   the   groups   profitability   for   over   11   Business   units   averaging   7%   yearly   for   5   years;   a  consistent  record  of  growth.    

» Significant  contribution  and  pivotal  role  in  forging  several  tie  ups  and  alliances,  some  path  breaking  ones  included:    

Ä A  3  billion  AED  Al  Salam  city  real  estate  development  JV.  

Ä Negotiating  and  finalizing  a  1  billion  AED  real  estate  development  JV  UAQ  Marina.  

Ä Clinching  JV  with  Baldi  Luxury  jewels  by  opening  flagship  stores  in  London,  Paris,  Milan,  Shanghai,  NYC,  Dubai  And  Doha  

Ä Successfully  acquired  and  managed  Commercial  and  retail  ventures  in  UK,  France,  Morocco  and  Hungary  in  industries  such  as  Luxury  goods,  IT,  F&B  and  Entertainment.  

» Acquired  exclusive   rights  of  one  of   the  TOP  yacht  builders   in   Italy   for   the  MENA   region  and  established  3  Sales  Unit   and  4  Service  centres  across  MENA.  

» Attained   exclusivity   distribution   rights   of   the  most   expensive   chocolates   in   the   world   and   finalized   contracts   for   distribution   in   7  countries  worldwide.  

___________________Academic  Credentials___________________    

2008     MBA  from  American  University  of  Sharjah,  United  Arab  Emirates  

2004     Bachelor-­‐  Business  Administration  /  international  relations  from  Complutense  University  of  Madrid,  Madrid  –  Spain  

___________________Trainings  &  Certifications___________________    

Cornell  University:  high  performance  leadership  certificate  2005  

Cornell  University:  strategic  management  certificate  2006  

___________________Personal  Vitae___________________    

Date  of  Birth:             16th  May  1982                   Driving  License:     Valid  UAE  Languages  Known:   English,  Arabic,  French  and  Spanish       Visa:           Resident  Nationality:       Moroccan  

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