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CRC Article 28: All children have the right to a good quality education.

CRC Article 29: All children have the right to be the best that they can be.

Year 1 Remote Learning Plan Week Beginning: 1.03.2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope that you and your family are safe and well.

If your child is currently learning at home, please could they undertake the learning in the table below. Please click on

the links which will take you directly to a variety of learning opportunities that link very closely to the learning of

children in school. If login and password details are needed, then you will find the details in the front of your child’s

Reading Record book.

Please note that the yellow highlighted tasks are those that are required to be sent back to school either through Class

DoJo or the school email ([email protected]).

If you require any paper, then please contact the School Office and they will provide some for you.

Year Group teachers will be in touch with you over the coming days in order to find out how your child is getting on

with their learning. They will be able to provide advice and support.

If you require any further guidance about any of the learning, please contact your child’s teacher through Class DoJo,

the Year Group designated mobile phone (the relevant numbers will be sent to you in a text) or the School Office, who

will arrange for a member of staff to contact you.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Boulton

Head Teacher

English Ongoing Learning:


Reading and Writing:


Oxford Owl (you will need to register but then you can access e-books!)

Reading, reading, and a bit more reading!

Maths Ongoing Learning:


Maths: and

Count, count and more counting!

Your child needs to be able to count forwards and

backwards from 0 – 50.

Your child needs to be able to recall number pairs that make 10.

1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5.

Your child needs to be able to recall doubles of numbers.

‘Respectful and resilient; being the best that we can be.’

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In class we look at the phase 5 video in the morning and the phase 3 video in the afternoon.

Phase 3

Monday 1st March Phase 3 ng - YouTube

Tuesday 2nd March Pahse 3 ai - YouTube

Wednesday 3rd March Phase 3 ee - YouTube

Thursday: Play phonics games – revision of sounds taught this week.

Friday: Play Phonics games – revision of tricky words phases 2 and 3.

Phase 5:

Monday 1st march Phase 5 ey - YouTube

Tuesday 2nd march phase 5 a e - YouTube

Wednesday 3rd March Phase 5 e e - YouTube

Thursday: Play Phonics games – revision of sounds taught this week.

Friday: Play Phonics games – revision of tricky words phases 3 and 4.

Phonics play

Username: jan21

Password: home

English Specific Learning:


This week’s spellings are:

car start park arm garden

You will need to be experts in reading and writing these words.

English lessons

Monday L.O. To be able to describe the villain. Lesson Monday 01 03 2021 - YouTube Task: To describe The Big Bad Wolf. Here is the link Mrs. Paramore uses in the video. You may wish to look at this link in your own time too. Tricky word video Tuesday L.O. To use ‘and’ in my sentences. Lesson link Task: To join sentences using the word ‘and’. Tricky word video

Maths Specific Learning: Counting in tens is a key skill that children should develop this year. Children should be able to count in tens from zero, forwards and backwards and should also learn to count on and back in tens from any number (e.g. 4,14,24,34). This supports their developing addition and subtraction skills, as well as their understanding of place value. Talk to your child about what they notice about the digits when they count on or back in tens. They should be able to explain that the tens digit goes up or down by one, but the ones digit stays the same. Monday: Warm-Up: Counting in 10s.

Count by 10's Count by 10 | Count to 100 | Counting Songs | Jack Hartmann - Bing video Task: LO: To use prior knowledge of the 0-10 number line to estimate the position of multiples of ten on a 0-100 number line. Watch Monday’s Maths video on Class Dojo. See attached Maths sheet – lesson 1. Challenge: See attached Maths sheet. Send me a photograph of your work.

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Wednesday L.O. To create a wanted poster. Lesson video Task: To create a wanted poster to capture The Big Bad Wolf. Tricky word video Thursday L.O. To compare similarities and differences between two similar stories. Thank you for your wanted posters Year 1. The police were able to capture The Big Bad Wolf and take him in for questioning. There is now another problem! The Big Bad Wolf has a completely different version of events. Listen to his side of the story: Task Year 1. Do you believe the Big Bad Wolf was framed? Or do you believe the three little pigs’ story? Write whether you think The Big Bad Wolf was guilty or not. Make sure you provide evidence to support your answer.

Friday L.O. To identify similar features of familiar stories. Make sure you do at least 15 minutes of Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. Listen to the story and discuss the questions at the end with an adult: Task: To compare two versions of the traditional tale, ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Tricky word video

Tuesday: Warm-Up: Counting in 10s forwards and backwards. Count by 10's Count by 10 | Count to 100 | Counting Songs | Jack Hartmann - Bing video Write multiples of 10 – remember to form your numbers correctly. Task: LO: Representing multiples of 10 on a number line. Watch Tuesday’s Maths video on Class Dojo. See attached Maths sheet – lesson 2. Challenge: See attached Maths sheet – lesson 2. Wednesday: Warm-Up: Counting in 10s forwards and backwards. Count Together by 10's | Counting Workout for Kids | Jack Hartmann Counting by 10s - Bing video Number formation. Task: LO: To compare multiples of 10. Watch Wednesday’s Maths video on Class Dojo. See attached Maths sheet – lesson 3. Challenge: See attached Maths sheet – lesson 3.

Send me a photograph of your work.

Thursday: Warm-Up: Counting in 10s backwards and forwards. Count by 10's and Exercise | Count to 100 | J ack Hartmann - Bing video Number formation Can you make your own number line 0-100? Task: LO: Adding ten to a multiple of ten gives the next multiple of ten; subtracting ten from a multiple of ten gives the previous multiple of ten. Watch Thursday’s Maths video on Class Dojo. See attached Maths sheet – lesson 4. Challenge: See attached Maths sheet – lesson 4.

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Friday: Warm-Up: Counting in 10s forwards and backwards. Count by 10's and Exercise | Count to 100 | Jack Hartmann - Bing video Task: LO: To add and subtract multiples of 10. Watch Friday’s Maths video on Class Dojo. See attached Maths sheet – lesson 5. Challenge: See attached Maths sheet – lesson 5.

Online Safety Guidance:

Computing and Online Safety: Each week (20 minutes) Typing: (mouse skills) (keyboard skills) L.O. Understanding algorithms (instructions for electronic devices) This term we will be learning how to program a toy to follow commands. We may call these toys robots. Look through the website, play the game and then have a think: ‘Do you have any toys that you need to give or put instructions in?’ Follow the Website link below

Science: L.O. What types of food do living things eat?

History: LO: To find out about the past from a range of sources.

This was a popular toy in the 1970s. Can you find your favourite toy? What is it made from? What is the same? What is different? Do you think you would like to play with this car? Why? Can you ask your parents or grandparents about their favourite toy? What was it like? How was it different to the toys you play with?

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Design Technology: LO: To explore and evaluate a range of materials. Collect the following four materials from around your house. What is the same/different about the materials? How can I find out if they would be suitable for making the picnic blanket? What does my blanket need to do? What will I need to test this out?

Music: LO: What is pitch? What is pitch? (

PSHE, Relationships and Health Education: LO: I know ways I can take care of myself on a daily basis. Watch the video: Health hero! ( Activity – Create a video to inform people of some of the ways they can take care of themselves on a daily basis. Article 6: All children have a right to have a life and be healthy. Article 19: All children have the right to be looked after and kept safe. Article 24: All children have the right to good food and clean water and to be cared for when they are poorly.

Religious Education: LO: To know how Christians celebrate Easter. Watch the video: Make a list of some of the ways that Christians celebrate Easter. Activity: Draw and write 2 ways that Christians celebrate Easter then draw and write about how you celebrate Easter. Article 13: All children have the right to have information. Article 14: All children have the right to follow their own religion.

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Physical Education: Developing strength and balance: L.O: I can catch a ball. Warm up – It is important to warm our bodies up before exercising because it can reduce our risk of injury. Warming up also helps to warm up our muscles and increase blood flow. Exercise is important as it helps us to keep healthy. The importance of being physically active - Smartkids - YouTube Play the gears game: children pretend that they are in their car: 1 - slow walking 2 – walking 3 - speed walking 4 – jogging 5 – running 6 - reverse (go backwards) How does are body feel now? For this lesson you will need a variety of balls (or objects that can be used as balls such as balloons or rolled up socks). You also need enough space to be able to throw your ball up in the air or to your partner (make sure you are in a safe space where nothing can be damaged). You are going to through your ball to a partner or up in the air and try and catch it. This skill needs you to have very good hand eye coordination. Things that you will need to think about: How will you prepare your body to catch the ball? Will you need to move your feet so that you can be in a better position? If you don’t catch the ball, which part of your body can you use to stop the ball? Ask yourself: What went well? Did you find it easy to catch the ball? Why? What could you do to challenge yourself further? For this lesson you will need a variety of balls (or objects that can be used as balls such as balloons or rolled up socks). You also need enough space to be able to throw your ball up in the air or to your partner (make sure you are in a safe space where nothing can be damaged). You are going to through your ball to a partner or up in the air and try and catch it. This skill needs you to have very good hand eye coordination. Things that you will need to think about: How will you prepare your body to catch the ball? Will you need to move your feet so that you can be in a better position? If you don’t catch the ball, which part of your body can you use to stop the ball? Ask yourself: What went well? Did you find it easy to catch the ball? Why? What could you do to challenge yourself further?

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Should we put our ocean first?

The ocean is a rich source of life and we have much to learn about it. It makes complete sense to put it first, right? But what does this mean and how can this be balanced alongside other

environmental issues humanity faces? let's dive in...

What do you think? Click on the link below to find the debate question. Discuss the question at

home. Draw or write a response that indicates your thinking and the reasons behind it. Send

your response via Dojo and you may find yours published in the Remote Learning Newsletter.

CRC Article 13 (freedom of expression) - Every child must be free to express their thoughts and


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Lesson 1

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Lesson 2

LO: To represent multiples of 10 on a number line.

Complete the sequence.

Can you find the missing numbers on the number line? Use the multiples of 10 cards to help you.

Challenge - Can you find the missing multiples of 10 on the number line?

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Lesson 3

LO: To compare multiples of 10.


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Lesson 4

LO: To add and subtract multiples of 10.

Can you complete the missing numbers?


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Lesson 5

LO: To add and subtract multiples of 10.

Can you see the pattern? Can you write the 2 calculations that would come next?


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