
Year 12 Enrichment Programme2013-2014

D&T (Mr Smith)To assist the teacher in DT lessons and after school clubs.

Cookery Club (Ms Wakeham)To assist the teacher in running an after school cookery club with KS3.

Date and time TBC.

Maths (Mr Hoskins)To assist in Year 8 lessons; possibly working with a small /target group of students.

Tuesdays p5 & Fridays p1.

Welsh (Mrs Edwards)To assist the teacher in lessons; possibly working with a small/target group of students.

Any Welsh lessons.

Science Club (Dr Andrews)To assist the teacher in running the club; helping out with experiments.

Wednesdays 3pm-3:45pm E1:17.

Psychology (Miss Parkhouse)KS4 lessons Tuesday p3 & Friday p1&2:

To assist the teacher in the classroom, helping monitor files, helping out with a target group of students.

Psychology ‘Help Clinic’ Tuesday 3-4pm:To assist the teacher and help students who may

be struggling with a certain Psychological concept

Buddy Reading (Miss Cocchiara)To work as a reading coaches with Y10 pupils during TFL.

Free training will be given.The reading hours can count towards volunteering hours in the Welsh Bacc and Duke of Edinburgh.

TFL time 3 times a week (SCO)

Craft Club (Mrs Morris)To assist the teacher with a year 7 craft club.

Tuesdays 3pm - 4pm D0:03.

Reading in Humanities (Mrs Griffiths)To assist the teacher in reading in humanities in

KS3. To maybe work with a small group of students.

Wednesday WkA p4Friday WkA p5 Tuesday WkB p4 Wednesday WkB p2 & p4 Thursday WkB p1 & p2 Friday WkB p.5

Health & Social Care (Mrs Scott & Mrs Alexander)To assist the teacher(s) in lesson; possibly working with a small group of students:Tuesdays p4 & p5 Fridays p3, p4 & p5

Homework Club (Mrs Brockley)To help out in Homework Club in the Library. Working with individual students to help them with homework.

Everyday 3pm - 4pm LRC.

KS3 Netball Club (Mrs Morris) To assist the teacher in running an after school netball club.

Wednesdays 3pm - 4pm.

KS3 Homework Club (Mrs Cox)To help KS3 students with their homework.Wednesdays 3pm - 4pm.

KS3 Reading Group for Underachieving boys (Mrs Cox)To assist the teacher in reading with a small group of underachieving boys.

Date and time TBC.

KS3 Lessons (Mrs Hennah)To assist the teacher in her KS3 lessons; possibly

working with a small/target group of students.Monday WkA p5 Wednesday WkA p5Thursday WkA p5 Monday WkB p4 Tuesday WkB p5Thursday WkB p5

Debating club (Miss Stephens) To represent the school at debating events. To co-ordinate and attend house debating teams in school. To attend training to develop skills of communication and

presentation for debating events. Time TBC Miss Stephens

Rugby KS3 club (Mr Staniforth & Mr Deveny) Weekly training Support during fixtures Tuesday after school

Swimming Club (Megan Grist) Megan Grist leads on this. Extra support to help students

KS3 French homework club (Miss Allman) Anyone who has achieved a GCSE in French. Wednesday after school Supporting KS3 students Miss Allman

Eco group Jack Vaughan (deputy head boy) and Amelia Lee will lead on

this. Volunteers (one from each form) needed. Half termly meetings 1 after school meeting a month Getting involved with recycling, raising awareness of

environmental issues and working towards the green flag.

SNAG (school nutrition action group) Megan Grist (deputy head girl leads this group) Meet half termly with Mrs Ash in the food court to discuss

healthy eating options, menus, prices Raising awareness of healthy eating

KS3/KS4 history support (Ms Watkins) For students studying history this year. Support needed for students in KS3 and KS4 Dates TBA with Ms Watkins

DACW (Miss Allman) Students interested in developing resources and themes for

DACW. Delivering assemblies Dates TBC Miss Allman & Mrs Woodley

Student Consultation group (Mrs Woodley) One male and female rep from each form group needed. Meet with Mrs Brockley/Mrs Woodley Have your voice heard. Represent the feelings of your form

group. Make a difference to the running of KS5. Once a half term

English support (Ms Cocchiara) Support our GCSE English students with their revision After school club on Tuesdays  

Options Summary 1. D&T (SS)

2. Cookery Club (VW)

3. Welsh (ME) any lesson

4. Maths (Yr 8) Tues5 & Fri1 (NH)

5. Science Club Wednesday 3-3:45pm E1:17 (SA)

6. Psychology (KS4) Tuesday p3 & Friday p1&2 D1:01 (CP)

7. Psychology ‘Help Clinic’ Tuesday 3-4pm (CP)

8. Buddy Reading TFL time 3 times a week (SCO)

Options Summary 9. Craft Club (Yr7s) Tuesday 3- 4pm D0:03 (JMM)

10.Reading in Humanities Weds A4 Fri A5 Tues B4 Weds B2&4 Thurs B1&2 Fri B5 (JG)

11.KS3 Lessons (AJH)

12.KS4 Health & Social Care Tues 4&5 Fri 3/4&5 (ASC & AA)

13.Homework Club 3-4pm LRC (JBR)

14.KS3 Netball Club Wednesday 3-4pm (RM)

15.KS3 Homework Club Wednesday 3-4pm (AMC)

16.KS3 Reading Group for Underachieving boys (AMC)

Options Summary 17.Debating club

18.Rugby support

19.Swimming support

20.KS3 French support

21.Eco club

22.SNAG group

23.History support

24.DACW group

25.KS5 Student consultation group

26.English support

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