Page 1: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Year 2 MBChB

Clinical Skills Session

Ear (including Otoscopy) Nose and Throat

Authored by:

The Clinical Skills Lecturer Team

Reviewed & ratified by:

Mr Adam Donne, Consultant Paediatric Otolaryngologist, ENT and Thyroid surgery lead

Aug 2019

Page 2: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Learning objectives

To understand the anatomy and physiology of the ear, nose and throat

To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat

To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify the structures in your partner's ear

To be able to recognise common abnormalities in the ear

To be able to take a nose and throat swab from a patient without contamination

Theory and Background

Indications for Otoscopy

There are a number of reasons for performing otoscopy. These include, but are not limited to, pain (otalgia),

vertigo, foreign body, tinnitus, swelling, deafness, trauma and discharge (otorrhoea).

Anatomy of the ear

The ear is divided anatomically and clinically into the external, middle and inner ear. The external ear consists of an

outer cartilaginous and an inner bony part (see diagram below).

Use the following diagram to identify the malleus, incus, stapes, cochlea, semi-circular canals and the cochlear


By Lars Chittka; Axel Brockmann - Perception Space—The Final Frontier, A PLoS Biology Vol. 3, No. 4, e137 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030137 (Fig. 1A/Large version), vectorised by Inductiveload, CC BY 2.5,

Page 3: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify


For examinations we think; inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. With otoscopy we only carry out inspection and palpation.

There is no set order, but remember that you need to

inspect the external and inner ear and the ear canal

/ tympanic membrane and also palpate around the ear,

for areas of tenderness and for lymph nodes (especially

pre and post auricular nodes- see lymph node study guide).

Palpation can be carried out prior to using the otoscope or

at the end of inspection, as long as you remember to do it.

Inspect the size, shape and symmetry of the pinna,

comparing with the other ear.

Observe the ear and around the ear for any ulcers, lumps, scars, areas of tenderness or if the patient has hearing

aids. Remember to examine the posterior aspect of the ear, the sulcus (the grove behind the ear) and mastoid. On

inspection of the external meatus there may be evidence of discharge, which could be blood or pus indicating

possible trauma or infection. Additionally the area may be swollen or there may be notable masses present. Inspect

the ear canal, which you will be viewing through an appropriate sized speculum. You should use the largest sized

speculum that fits comfortably into the patient’s ear. Examine the canal wall and look for discharge / debris, note

any swelling or masses and if there is any wax present. Foreign bodies such as peas or Play Doh may be found in

children’s ears, whereas the tips of cotton buds may be found in adults ears.

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Page 4: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

To examine the ear with an otoscope, the patient should be positioned with their head flexed laterally away from

the examiner. The external auditory canal, is slightly S-shaped and normally restricts the examiners view of the

tympanic membrane. The pinna needs to be gently pulled upwards and backwards to straighten the canal. This

should be done with the hand not holding the otoscope. If a patient has

a painful ear or is presenting with a history of otorrhoea, then examine

the ‘good’ ear first.

The otoscope is held in the same hand as the ear being examined and should be held, horizontally, like a pen (see

image below) as this provides a secure cradle for the instrument. The curled fingers, or extended little finger should

rest against the patient’s cheek so the handle will not catch the shoulder (as it may if held vertically) additionally

this position will help protect against accidentally going too deep if the patient moves.

Inspection of the tympanic membrane

Michael Hawke MD, CC BY-SA 4.0,

By James Heilman, MD - Own work, CC BY 3.0,


Kind anonymous donation

Normal tympanic membrane of the Right Ear – you can determine which ear it is by the direction of the light reflex and lateral process of the malleus. In this case they are both pointing to the right so it is the patients’ right ear.

Page 5: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Identify the normal structures of the tympanic membrane to see if there is any significant variation in appearance.

Observe the colour and shape checking for perforations or scars. Check the ossicles (if visible) and observe for the

presence of the light reflex (cone of light), a distortion of the cone of light could be a sign of increased middle ear

pressure. Finally check to see if there is any fluid behind the tympanic membrane, sometimes made more

noticeable due to the presence of air bubbles, a fluid line or ballooning of the membrane. Change the speculum

prior to inspecting the patient’s other ear to prevent cross contamination if an ear infection is suspected.

Some inner ear abnormalities

Purulent otorrhoea

Purulent otorrhoea is an ear discharge draining from the ear. There are a number of possible causes of this

including water exposure, use of ear phones, ear plugs, hearing aids or cotton buds. It may be difficult to view the

tympanic membrane due to the discharge.

Otitis media

Is an inflammatory disease of the middle ear, acute otitis media (AOM) is a rapid onset infection where patients

commonly present with ear pain. In children this may present as distress, pulling at the ear and not sleeping. Non-

infectious clear fluid may build up in the middle ear described as otitis media with effusion (OME) (see image below

labelled OME). Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is inflammation of the middle ear with discharge.

OME bulging otitis media with effusion CSOM chronic suppurative otitis media (wet perforation)

Source: Dr P Marazzi / Science Photo Library

Page 6: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Remember to document and report your findings in the patient records.

Why not test how much you have retained, on the image below identify the malleus, incus, stapes, cochlea, semi-

circular canals and the cochlear nerve.

By B. Welleschik - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

By B. Welleschik - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Acute otitis media, myringitis bullosa inflammation

of the tympanic membrane with vesicles (blisters)


By B. Welleschik - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Perforation of the right tympanic membrane

resulting from previous severe acute otitis


By Michael Hawke MD - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


By Lars Chittka;

Axel Brockmann -


Space—The Final

Frontier, A PLoS

Biology Vol. 3, No.

4, e137



(Fig. 1A/Large


vectorised by

Inductiveload, CC

BY 2.5,




Page 7: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Nasal Examination

Indications for a nasal examination

Patients may present with pain, difficulty breathing through their nose, nose is constantly running,

constantly sneezing epistaxis (nose bleeds) noticeable growths, patient can smell an offensive odour, loss

of sense of smell etc. Visualising the external and internal structures of the nose may identify the possible

causes. Please be aware that offensive odour, discharge or blockage may arise from the sinuses. These

are spaces with the skull and facial bones that lighten the skull and improve the resonance of speech.

They are prone to inflammation and infection resulting in pain and a feeling of pressure in the affected


External Inspection


Shape - Look from the sides & above, is there any;

o Abnormal Nasal Creases

o Deviation

o Scars

o Discharge or crusting

o Redness or skin disease

o Offensive odour

Internal Inspection

Inspect the front of the nose first by tipping the nose up and inspecting without a speculum.




By Lars Chittka; Axel Brockmann - Perception Space—The Final Frontier, A PLoS Biology Vol. 3, No. 4, e137 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030137 (Fig. 1A/Large version), vectorised by Inductiveload, CC BY 2.5,

1. Frontal sinuses

2. Ethmoid sinuses (ethmoidal air cells)

3. Sphenoid sinuses

4. Maxillary sinuses

Page 8: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

You can insert a big otoscope speculum as

far as the nasal hairs go or use a

Thudichum or Kilian speculum and a light.

Don’t touch the septum; it’s very sensitive.

You should be able to identify the septum

medially and the inferior turbinates


Internal inspection should also cover;

o Mucosa: is there any swelling, redness or oedema (rhinitis)

o Septum: straight or deviated.

o Masses (or foreign bodies in a child.)

o Mouth: polyps (abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane) or tumours may hang into

the pharynx or grow through the palate.

o Polyps are grey / yellow whereas turbinates are normally pink

o Oedematous turbinates can look like polyps (e.g. in hay fever when inflamed) but polyps are not sensitive

to touch whereas turbinates are exquisitely so.


Gently palpate as appropriate;

o As stated above turbinates are sensitive to touch.


Image with kind permission: Dr A. Tomlinson, California Sinus


Page 9: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Nasal Airway Assessment

o Cover one nostril and ask the patient to sniff. This gives a reasonable idea of nasal airway and sounds wet if

there is discharge.

o Perform the cold spatula test, where by a cool piece of metal is placed under the nose to see if it mists

which represents condensation from the breath from each side of the nose. Can be recorded as diminished

misting on the right – left or bilaterally.

o Airway patency is very subjective; even flow meter readings often don’t match patient scoring.

Throat Examination

Indications for examination of the throat

Take a clear history;

o Enquire on general history

- Sore throat, patient can feel something, tickly cough, food sticking, visible lesions +/- causing pain.

o Ask about alcohol & tobacco habits.

o Ask about their dental history.

Throat Symptoms

What symptoms does the patient have?

o Sore throat / spots on tonsils (i.e. pus in crypts. Crypts serve to increase the surface area of the tonsils &

are part of the immune system.)

o Food sticking or regurgitation.

o Masses or ulcers and are these painful?

o Voice changes

o Ask about alcohol & tobacco habits.

o N.B. Dental history eg; facial swelling or glands in the neck.

Page 10: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify


o Inspect the lips. Note pallor, angular stomatitis and asymmetry

o Retract the lips with the teeth partly closed. Examine the gums (with and without any dentures) note

gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), ulcers (eroded patches of tissue), missing teeth, dental carries.

o Note the buccal mucosa of the cheeks. The Parotid duct opens behind the 2nd molar.

o Ask the patient to lift their tongue. If the tip can touch the roof of the mouth superiorly and extend beyond

the vermillion border (outer edge of lips) inferiorly there is no tongue significant tie. (Ankyloglosia.)

o Inspect the floor of the mouth to beyond the last molar; use a speculum against the cheek & one to hold

the tongue across.

o Note oral hydration, halitosis,

o Note ulcers or masses

o Use a bright light. With the tongue out: inspect the tonsils, uvula and soft palate. Ask for head up to inspect

the palate.

o Use a tongue depressor to raise the tongue edges to inspect the underside of the tongue in detail.

vermillion border

maxillary labial frenum


mucogingival line

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Page 11: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

Parotid duct opens behind the 2nd molar

o Any further examination of the larynx requires specialised equipment.

Consider neurological examination:

o Lips; VII – stroke, ear disease, parotid

o Tongue XI – motor neurone disease, malignant otitis externa

o Sensation – V, IX


Palpate associated lymph nodes. Whilst wearing gloves, clinicians may palpate any swellings noted as part

of an ENT examination.

Kind anonymous donation

By Hellerhoff - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Page 12: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify


Obtaining a swab is the process of obtaining tissue or fluids for laboratory analysis. It is a step in

investigating the nature of disease to determine diagnosis and mode of treatment. The skill must be

performed adhering to Trust guidelines to reduce any risk to the health and safety of those handling the

samples and to reduce the risk of erroneous data and/or results, predominantly caused by contamination

of the sample. Those tasked with taking any sample must be aware of the key parts used in the procedure

and ensure they are not contaminated. For example, image A (below), shows the key part of the swab

and its sealed tube with outer packaging open just before the swab is taken. Both the tube and swab are

key parts. Image B shows the tube lid removed ready to receive the used swab (this must be done in quick

succession to the sample being taken to minimise exposure of both key parts being contaminated by air

or other surfaces. Image C shows the used swab being placed in the tube and image D the tube sealed

ready to be labelled and transported to the lab.

Please see nasal swab video for guidance on how to take a swab under direct vision of an area of concern.

A. B. C. D.

Below, is a detailed explanation of how to obtain a swab of the nasopharynx, swabs of the ears or throat

and surrounding tissues that are symptomatic (inflamed or purulent) are taken directly from the area of

concern but with the same equipment and method described below.

Nasal swabs

May be collected to detect the presence of respiratory viruses/infections the sensitivity is comparable

with the nasopharyngeal aspirates for certain viruses (Heikkinen et al, 2001). A swab may be taken within

the nasal cavity under direct observation of an area of concern, in this case the swab would be applied

only to the area of concern and not advanced further than can be observed.

Equipment needed:

Hand wash, gloves, apron, the swab itself, tissues, and appropriate documentation.


Please refer to the patient safety information above which applies to all clinical examinations and


Page 13: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify

• After washing hands and putting apron and gloves on

• Offer the patient a tissue to blow their nose before hand

• Open swab outer packaging, checking expiry date

• Insert the swab on to the area of concern and gently rotated to obtain a sufficient tissue or

exudate sample.

• To avoid contamination the swab must then be placed directly back in the swab tube and its

medium without touching any other surfaces

• The swab and documentation should be completed and stored correctly for dispatch to the



All findings clearly and ensure all abnormalities reported to your supervisor. The forms and swab tube

should detail the exact area the swab was obtained from, for example: the right nare (nostril) of the

septal surface.

Page 14: Year 2 Mh linical Skills Session Ear (including Otoscopy ... · To be able to inspect the external ear, nose and throat To understand the basic use of an otoscope and be able to identify


o Angular stomatitis- inflammation at the angles of mouth, with possible cracking or scaling, causes

are multi-factorial.

o Ankyloglosia – Tongue tie

o Anosmia – loss of smell

o Leucoplakia – white patches on tongue

o Ossicles – Incus, Stapes and malleolus

o Otalgia – pain in ear

o Otorrhoea – discharge in ear

o Polyp – small growth, often benign, originating in mucous membrane

o Post nasal discharge – catarrh

o Rhinitis – Inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose.

o Rhinorrhoea – runny nose

o Septum – a partition separating both nasal cavities.

o Speculum – latin word for “mirror” a medical device inserted into a body passage to facilitate

visualisation or inspection.

o Sternutation – sneezing

o Tinnitus – ringing or buzzing in the ears

o Turbinate – shell shaped network of bones, vessels and tissue in the nasal passageway.


Dougherty and Lister (2004) The Royal Marsden Hospital of Clinical Nursing Procedures (6th ed). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Heikkinen, T. et al 92002) Nasal swab versus nasopharyngeal aspirate for isolation of respiratory viruses. Journal of

clinical Microbiology; 40; 11: 4337-4339

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