
C friday 1st august

5.30 pm Opening doors at Vendôme movie theatre in Elsene

From 6 pm to 7.30 pm Film projection of « Africa Paradise »From 7.30 pm to 8 pm Debate «Is migration a crime? » chairedbyOscarKombilafromRaffiaSynergies.From 8 pm to 8.30 pm Cocktail, interviews.

A cappella songs by NJAVA duo - Lala & Monika.

Entrance fee C 3 € per person.Free for children, youth and press.

Collect of signatures supporting the memorandum to be sent to European and African authorities. Texts available in French, English and Dutch.

commemorations scheduleof the 15th Anniversary of the discovery of

Yaguine & Fodé’s message

Fonds Message de Yaguine & Fodé

platform in memory of

Yaguine & fodé - 2014

« Excellencies, members and responsible authorities of Europe, »

« we in Africa appeal to your solidarity and your kindness »

« if you see that we risk our lives and sacrifice ourselves, it is because there is too much suffering in Africa.»

« we want to study and ask you to help us study to become like you, in Africa »

commemorations of the 15th Anniversary of the

discovery of Yaguine & Fodé’s message

C Saturday 2nd august


11.30 am Meeting at the Guinean Embassy 12 am Word from the President of Union des Femmes Africaines12.20 am Word from the President of Association Djigui-Espoir12.30 am Word from H.E.M. Ambassador of Guinea12.40 am Exchanges

1 pm Departure to Brussels Airport1.30 pm Artistic animation2 pm Minute’s silence2 pm Lecture of Yaguine et Fodé’s letter2.05 pm Honour song - Ange Nawasadio2.10 pm Welcome word from the President of Cercle Yaguine & Fodé2.20 pm Poem (« To the Gods of this world »)2.25 pm Word from the President of IDAY-International2.30pm Artisticperformance-SylvieNawasadio2.45 pm Communication from the President of Fonds Message

Yaguine et Fodé3 pm Tale read by Maurice Boyikasse Buafomo3.10 pm Choir «Espérance»3.20 pm Word from the President of CAEB Association3.30 pm Choir «Espérance»3.45 pm Closing ceremony


Fonds Message de Yaguine & Fodé


Oscar Kombila Cercle de Yaguine et Fodé

0476/87 35 42 [email protected]

iday - 2014

Fonds Message de Yaguine & Fodé

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