Page 1: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,
Page 2: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,

I’m SO stoked you decided to develop that inner wild child inside of you by picking up this dope ass program! Initially I

was going to sell it, but with everything that’s happened (or not happened) in 2020, I figured why the hell not spread some

joy around? Besides, you get back what you give out, so bring that shit on! Furthermore, when I come knockin’ letting you

know I’ve published my book in late November, you might subconsciously be like,

“Oh hell ya! I want more of KO’s shiz because that bisssssch is rad and hooked me the **** up for free- I wanna do some-

thing back, cuz life is about give & take!”.

No pressure tho!

The only thing you have to promise me is that you NEVER. GIVE. UP!

Also, you MUST stretch. Don’t be an ass and ignore it like I’ve done too many times in the past. Your safety is my number

one concern because if you’re not in healthy, ass-kicking condition, then you can’t be joining this legion of badasses who

are ready to CRUSH EVERYTHING!

Remember when you’re training for this program that this is not about how the f*** you look- this is about you training your

mindset to stop focusing on what society thinks you should look and act like, and instead recognising your own inner pow-

er and presence.

YOU are the master of your own life.

YOU are the boss.

YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU!

I believe in you.

You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey, so trust the process, and know that you are developing Konfi-

dence right now.

Konfidence: We train to the best of our ability at all times, knowing that some days will be more of a grind than others.

We train, compete, and execute with joy because we have no attachment to the outcome. We are not concerned with

winning, because we are already winners in our everyday lives. We are not worried about losing, because we are a small

percentage of people who are actually doing the damn thing, whilst the rest of the world sits back and thinks about it. We

are fully here for the experience, knowledge, and relationships we create along the way. We are neither fearful or cocky,

we are Konfident.

Enjoy the program, and of course, tell all of your frans to pick it up too so we can head straight to global domination!

Page 4: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,

One of the easiest ways to start creating new beliefs is to practice the following method. Whenever you go to attempt a

crush, pay attention to what your inner ass (or asses in a lot of cases!) is starting to say to you. Start observing it intention-

ally and continue to do so throughout the day. (Intentionally means that you set out with a purpose- you’re on a specific

mission to be alerted when this voice starts going off… Remember, YOU do life, life does NOT do you! Take yourself off

autopilot and take charge.)

Think of this as your ultimate spy mission! Some people become hyper aware of that inner bullshit chatter in a matter of

hours, some take weeks, and some have been noticing it their entire life.

Regardless of where you are with it, go ahead with this easy strategy to start punching that voice in the throat:

Name your inner critic’s voice of bullshit. It can be anything you want. This is your chance to own this ass hat!

For example, you might name the voice “Aunt Patty”

Interrupt said person by using their created name as soon as you hear it start to talk shit.

Aunt Patty Whispers, “You aren’t strong enough to…” You cut her off saying, “Thanks for stopping by Aunt Patty but you

can piss off now!”

Say the exact opposite of what said person was “trying” to get you to believe either in your head or out loud.

“I am strong, I am powerful.”

Repeat the new mantra over and over again. A belief is simply a repeated thought so get to work!

“I am strong, I am powerful. I am strong, I am powerful. I am strong, I am powerful. I am strong, I am powerful!”

What are you going to name your inner critic?

The power of visualization is a HUGE tool for success, which unfortunately was never taught to us in school! Go figure!

That is why it is up to YOU to take charge of your higher education and be responsible for empowering yourself. F**k wait-

ing for someone to come and save you, YOU got this!

Have you ever read “The Secret”?

A massive part of that book talks about the power of visualization along with how to utilise vision boards to help ‘manifest’

any desire you want. As most of us have experienced, simply just visualizing won’t get us exactly where we want to be

without practice through action.

Let me share a study with you that will help make this concept more tangible:

A visualization study conducted by Dr. Blaslotto at the University of Chicago in 1996 was arranged by getting a group of

current students who’d been randomly selected to shoot a series of free-throws (shooting a basketball from a designated

line on the court). After the percentage of made free throws were tallied, the students were then divided into three groups

and asked to perform three separate tasks over a 30 day period.

The first group was instructed not to touch a basketball for 30 days with zero practicing or playing basketball in any man-

ner. The second group was instructed to practice shooting free throws for a half hour a day for 30 days. The third group

was to report to the gym every day for 30 days and spend a half hour with their eyes closed visualising hitting every single


After the 30 days, all three groups were brought back to perform the original number of shots they’d started with.

The first group of students who didn’t practice saw zero improvement.

The second group showed a 24% improvement.

The third group showed a 23% improvement!

Imagine what the improvement rate would have been if there were a group that was practicing for 30 minutes a day, and


Page 5: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,

Have you ever been car shopping and landed on something you felt was super unique that no one else was driving?

Let’s say you found a burnt-orange Subaru WRX that you absolutely loved and now had to own. You leave the dealer-

ship to go home and think about whether you could truly afford it. You start day-dreaming about ripping around in your

new car as you mentally start calculating your finances. But what happens over the next week is that there are several

burnt-orange Subaru WRX’s on the road! It’s like everyone and their damn Mom has that freakin car!

So what the bleep is that all about?

This happens because we have switched on the “reticular activating system” in our brain, babe! This system helps us

become hyper aware of what we want to bring into our lives by drawing that energy in on a subconscious level.

So while you are on the toilet, driving to work, working out, cooking dinner, or sitting in the bath, visualize yourself crush-

ing the shit out of that watermelon!

Smell the juice as it explodes in the air.

Feel the slippery mess that splashes on your legs.

Get excited about your thighs sticking together from the ripeness bits of melon splattering on your magnificent thighs!

Imagine yourself staring every single man in the eyes as you walk down the street, knowing that you could crush their

skull if crossed.

(although I hate the word “try”)

My first TV appearance on Guiness Book of World Records Gone Wild in 2012 was a total let down. Even more disappoint-

ing, my third appearance on America’s Got Talent was in front of a live, 2,000 person theatre audience. I was so upset

when I only smashed one watermelon that I almost couldn’t let it go.

But as my brother said to me backstage,

“People don’t remember what you did, they remember how you made them feel!”.

What I said to the panel of judges and the audience was that,

“Life is about being “Konfident”. Konfidence simply means you do your best in both training and the actual event. You

then show up to have the experience without fear of failure or losing and without an attachment to winning. My goal to-

night was to inspire all the little girls around the world to be strong, and for them to know that the appearance of our legs

has nothing to do with our worth!”.

I won’t go into too much detail because I’ve dedicated an entire chapter about this in my book but please, please, PLEASE

understand and believe me when I say that the people of the world have ZERO F**KS TO GIVE about our cellulite and dim-

ples. Most people are too busy worrying about you judging THEM instead of them judging you.

Page 6: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,

In closing,

If you practice something over and over again, you will prove to yourself that you can master anything!

I’ll never forget the time I was at a network marketing event. I thought I was going to be learning about the company and

the products, but it turned out it was a train the trainer leadership event! One of the seemingly daunting tasks was to sit

with a partner over an extended lunch break (almost 3 hours long) and memorise a script which was from a scene out of

the movie Tommy Boy. The script was practically 5 pages long!

After learning about our “challenge” and being dismissed for lunch, I distinctly recall standing up and feeling the anger

and fear wash over my body. There was NO WAY in HELL I was going to be able to memorise that entire 5 page script in

that amount of time. But of course I was incorrect. After sitting with my partner for nearly three hours and reading and

acting the lines out back and forth to each other, I could recite the entire scene like I’d been doing it my entire life! It was

truly a life-changing experience for me.

(Shoutout to David TS Woods for that! You can find David on his podcast here:

Page 11: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,
Page 17: YOU are the boss....YOU are the master of your own life. YOU are the boss. YOU do life, life does NOT do YOU! I believe in you. You are exactly where you’re meant to be in your journey,

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