
You Can!?!?

Learn From A Cannabis College Online…

Cannabis College For The Medical Marijuana


What Have You Heard About A Cannabis College, What Do You


There are a couple things that comes first mind for most people, such as the original Cannabis College that is located at the center of the historic Red Light District in Amsterdam, The Netherlands that was started in 1998.

It was founded by Henk Poncin and members of a group known as “Green Prisoners Release” to focus on the benefits of cannabis, everything from industrial hemp, building materials, plastics to medicinal marijuana and global legislation is covered.

The Cannabis College is a non-profit foundation that is not actually a real college, but was founded to bring people together to discuss the medical, nutritional, industrial and recreational uses of Cannabis.

One of the most important responsibilities for the Cannabis College is activism to reform the laws and legislation, medicinal cannabis and complete legalization of the natural herb.

Currently, across the globe cannabis is being decriminalize and even completely legal for recreational and medical use so their efforts have paid off so now it’s time to focus on education.

In order to really learn what is happening in the world, it’s difficult to be able to travel to The Netherlands so it’s becoming essential to have a cannabis college online that provides a quality knowledge-base of information.

 New Dispensaries Opening


→ Need A Cannabis College Online

As more states within the United States of America and other countries legalize recreational and medical marijuana usage there is becoming more Bud-Tender job opportunities in dispensaries.

So if you’re looking to get hired at a dispensary, what sets you apart from the rest of the applicants?

There will be hundreds of new jobs created and you need to have the cannabis industry knowledge to set you apart from the rest of the crowd.

Green CulturED is a cannabis college in Colorado, but we have our education delivered through our learning management system that makes our cannabis college online so it is a valuable resource since it is accessible via the Internet.

By having a cannabis college online it is perfect for anyone looking to get involved in the industry and it is essential for them to learn to prove they have acquired the necessary knowledge to work in this position.

Cannabis colleges are located throughout the United States, but it is essential that they have high-quality education so they aren’t just a bunch of “stoners” who thought it would be “cool” to start a cannabis college in Colorado or anywhere.

Green CulturED’s faculty members worked with the government to establish the laws in Colorado for the Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division as well as for the Department of Public Health and Environment’s Medical Marijuana Registry.

In addition to having our faculty members who are Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) in the cannabis industry, we had our Instructional Designers work hand-in-hand with the SME’s to publish their knowledge in an interactive, multimedia education format online.

Green CulturED developed dynamic content (video, certificates, eBooks, and much more) for the online courses, programs and certifications to make sure that is was designed to educate and to entertain learners.

Since the cannabis industry is a completely new and emerging industry, there are many new terms, words and phrases that are becoming commonly used but still haven’t been quite accepted into mainstream language.

As this industry continues to develop it becomes indispensable to have a cannabis college online where anyone can learn these new terms, words and phrases for marijuana as they are becoming commonly used around the globe.

By having a cannabis college in Colorado that provides online education it allows everyone around the world to learn what’s happening exactly where the trend started and to have direct-access to an authoritative source of knowledge.

Colorado has been #1 in leading the worldwide-trend for medical and recreational marijuana becoming a commonplace so it is necessary to continue to expand your knowledge through cannabis colleges.

The Green CulturED cannabis college in Colorado will help anyone get started working in the industry as it continues to expand to new states and countries – opening and operating a marijuana business, learn how to become a Budtender, starting a cannabis collective, dispensary or delivery service.

Let us know what you think.

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