
You Must Be Born Again

Prepared by: John

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You Must Be Born Again

INTRODUCTION:The fundamental first step into Christianity is being Spiritually reborn. This is an inner

transformation that takes place when one realizes that he is a sinner separated from Holy God, in need of a Saviour: Believes that Jesus, the Son of God, has provided the way to be rescued from a life of sin, and establish an eternal relationship with God. The conditions for being born again is twofold; 1) Grace on the part of God and 2) Faith on the part of the sinner.

God has completed his part of the transaction over 2,000 years ago when He (the Son) sacrificed Himself for the sins of the entire world. Each individual must believe (have Faith) that the sacrifice of God the Son has been accepted by God the Father on our behalf.

This introduction established the necessity to believe (faith) what the Bible tells us. For the Bible is the only reliable source for receiving truth about the Christian life.ETERNAL LIFE AND ETERNAL DEATH:

Spiritual Life is being with God and spiritual death is being separated from God. Thus, eternal life would be with God forever and eternal death is being eternally separated from God. The Bible tells us that Holy God lives in a sinless place called heaven and we cannot join Him there with our sin else we would contaminate the place! The Bible also informs us that we have all sinned and fall short of the perfection of God. This scenario clearly informs us that we are all on track to be eternally separated from God in a horrible place called hell.

The most important question we need to find an answer to in this life is how to get rid of our sins if we hope to enjoy everlasting life rather than having to endure eternal suffering in hell.

When Jesus was asked what must be done to get eternal life. His answer was, "You Must Be Born-Again."

Eternal life is the same as living in the kingdom of God: Heaven. Jesus did not offer any options or suggestions. He clearly stated that one MUST be born-again.

The inquirer was a religious leader and he equated being born as a physical rather than a spiritual task. Jesus' answer

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You Must Be Born Again

puzzled him so he asked for clarification. Jesus responded that he should not be surprised at His saying.

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You Must Be Born Again

WORLDLY HINDRANCES TO BEING BORN-AGAIN:The introductory pages of the Bible inform us of a spiritual enemy (Satan) that is cleaver and

deviously tempting us with worldly things to consume our time with temporary pleasures. Unawareness that these consuming pleasures lead to destruction, there are many that take the broad road to destruction and miss the narrow road to eternal life.

Though we are physically born into the world system, we are warned to not idolize the things of this world. Worldly temptations are packaged so attractive and seemingly harmless that we must be constantly on guard to resist them.

Wanting to be accepted by others

temps us to ignore the eternal consequences of our choices so that we can participate in the temporary pleasures of this world.

The Christian has the benefit of the Holy Spirit in his spirit to guide him in making good choices and an external spiritual enemy offering enticing pleasures, which leads to eternal destruction.

Living a born-again spiritual life is radically different from living a worldly life. Church leaders must be very careful not to introduce worldly techniques to attract people to their churches. This is especially dangerous for children and Youth because they will assume that worldliness is an acceptable lifestyle if the church is practicing it.WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN-AGAIN?

Spiritual rebirth takes place when a person believes that he/she is a sinner and hopelessly separated from Holy God, and trusts (has faith) in what God (Jesus the Son) has done for them (Grace).

By way of Grace, God accepts a person's faith as a means of adoption into His spiritual family. God forgives all of the adopted child's sins and paves the way to join Him in heaven for eternity.

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You Must Be Born Again

This is the most amazing thing that can happen to anyone and it can happen to everyone for it is not God's will that any should perish but that all join Him.

Being born-again does not occur because a person is baptized or joins a church. A new person in Christ should do these steps after being born-again. Satan will work to persuade new Christians that they must attend many meetings, join a group, work at a church and be religiously moral to please God. These are all good things to do but God loves us most by practicing daily communion with Him.WHEN SHOULD BEING BORN-AGAIN START?

The best time to be born-again is as a child that

observes Godly parents communing with God on a regular basis. The most important responsibility of Christian parents is to teach their children to love Jesus. It is a tragic mistake to try to substitute toys, games, entertainment and other worldly things for parental love and discipline.

God created the home before he created His church for a reason. Children will follow in the footsteps of loving

parents. They are the most influential models that will ever come into the child's life.WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS of BEING BORN-AGAIN?

All of us start life by being born

physically. This state brings inherited traits and attributes that we get from our great-great grandparents Adam and Eve. We are selfish and inclined to be very prideful.

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You Must Be Born Again

Though gradual, the practice of prayer and study of God's Bible brings about changes in a person's world view. Being born-again results in our being "Justified" in God's view. Growing in faith and practicing the disciplines of daily prayer and Bible study results in what the Bible calls "Sanctification" or change, transformation, and our minds are renewed. We no longer focus our energies and efforts on worldly things but begin to change into a different personality.


Parents are responsible for their children. Parents must care for and nurture children in great detail. Much love and patience is required to train a child to feed himself, cloth himself, walk, talk, interact with other people properly, and how to become born-again.

Of course, training up a child in the way

that he should go spiritually will not likely happen if the parents are not born-again. Failure to become born-again has bad generational consequences. Most people will eventually become parents and they will raise their children with similar belief systems

as they practice.Children's love of Jesus cannot be delegated

to their school, the community, or the church.

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You Must Be Born Again

Unfortunately too many young parents prioritize their lives by working to earn money to purchase things that they believe will bring them fulfillment at the neglect of their children

If parents do not teach their children to love Jesus, the world system will teach them to pursue ungodly entertainment and establish ungodly habits that become very difficult to undo during the teen and early adult years.CONSEQUENCE of CHILDREN NOT BEING BORN-AGAIN

The consequence of children's failure to be born-again is not only tragic for the individual, but will result in community and national problems. Lack of Christian discipline in children and school age students has resulted in ill-equipped adults for society. Lack of job skills leads to

poverty, which affect the new generations. Disrespect for authority leads to crime and incarceration which aggravates the problem even more.

God has established the best way to enjoy family life and prepare children for fulfilling futures. Satan, on the other hand, will tempt undisciplined youth to take short

cuts in life, with destructive results for the individual and for society.

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You Must Be Born Again


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