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You Scratch My Back...

A Juo Maya presentation

An animal is said to be altruist when its behavior benefits other individuals, sometimes at a cost of its own well-being.

IN THE WILDSebastio Salgado

Animal altruism is most obvious in kin relationships, but may also be evident among wider social groups.

In The Selfish Gene*, Richard Dawkins puts forth three strategies of reciprocal altruism: Suckers, Cheats and Grudgers.

*Chapter You scratch my back, Ill ride on yours

Lets say that a bird (B) has a parasite on the top of his head and needs another bird (A) to remove it. A pulls it off him.A is a sucker and grooms others indiscriminately.

Later, A has a parasite on his head and seeks out B in order that B may pay back his good deed. B simply turns up his nose and walks off.B is a cheat, an individual who accepts altruism from others, but never returns it.

But now, suppose there is a third strategy called Grudger. Grudgers groom strangers and individuals who have previously groomed them.However, if any individual cheats them, they remember the incident and bear a grudge: they refuse to groom that individual in the future.


A swallow is injured and the condition is fatal.She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Her mate brought her food and attended to herwith love and compassion.

He came back with food again but found her dead.He tried to move her... A rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Aware that she is dead and will never come back,he cries out.

He stood beside her, crying out.

Finally aware that she will never return,he stood beside her body with sadness and obvious sorrow.


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