Page 1: Your Baby’s First Massage · 2014-07-16 · You can buy online here Or send a $15 Check to: Baby Massage 960 Rittenhouse Rd. Audobon, PA 19403 For more information • 484-744-1868

Your Baby’s First Massage

by Robert Toporek

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“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”

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The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek

Here’s how to proceed. Take a bottle of mineral oil into the delivery area. Then, after all that needs to be done for your baby from an obstetric point of view is completed, find a warm and somewhat quiet area, and sit down in a comfortable chair. Put your baby on your lap, unwrap him and then put some oil on your hands, rub your hands together to warm them and the oil.

Next, gently put one hand on your baby’s abdomen just above the belly button and just let it sit there for a moment, allowing yourself to become one with your baby’s rhythm.

Gently begin to move your hand up the abdomen toward the heart area, then to the shoulder. Do the same thing on the left side with your left hand. Repeat this process but this time reach around towards the shoulder and down the arm. You will be very gently stimulating blood flow into all parts of their upper body.

With more oil on your hands, put them on one of the legs, palms down. Allow yourself to feel your baby’s muscles. Then gently begin stroking down the leg, first on the thigh, then the knees, then the lower leg. Next cup the ankle and foot in your hands and then let go. Repeat the same procedure on the other leg. All the while you should be talking to your baby, reassuring him and welcoming him to the world.

Next, put a little oil on your fingertips and very gently, with your thumbs, massage the face by gently stroking and ever so lightly stretching. To finish, put one hand on your baby’s abdomen and the other under his bottom and ease him down gently.

Give him a huge hug and kiss and congratulate him out loud for finishing his first massage. He’ll start to associate the sound of your voice with what was just a loving experience.

For a newborn baby, your massage should take no more than 5-10 minutes. A great way for child to begin life is with a massage right after birth. What better way for parents to bond with their baby than to have the experience of loving contact immediately?

Your baby’s first massage

Page 3: Your Baby’s First Massage · 2014-07-16 · You can buy online here Or send a $15 Check to: Baby Massage 960 Rittenhouse Rd. Audobon, PA 19403 For more information

The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek

Common sense tells us that a regular massage program is your child’s best defense against the damages that can be caused by tension, stress, and life’s traumas. When you counteract tension right from the start, this will lead your child and family towards a healthy, balanced future.

Here are four important steps to begin a successful massage program in your family. The most common mistake of parents is to initiate a massage program with their babies, toddlers or children without first establishing a plan that is suitable to the specific needs age, attention span, developmental needs, etc. Initially, do not try out too many moves or attempt to provide a full body massage the very first time. Although some babies like this “quick-start” method, others don’t. This is typically what creates the most frustration and discouragement that drives parents to give up and conclude that their baby does not like massage, giving up on the idea altogether.

“The languages of the senses, in which all of us can be socialized, are capable of enlarging our appreciation and of deepening our understanding of each other and the world in which we live. Chief among these languages is touching. The communications we transmit through touch constitute the most powerful means of establishing human relationships, the foundation of experience.”

K.I.S.S. Keep it Short and Simple:

You can provide your child with a wonderful massage experience. You need not massage the entire body each time you massage your baby. And your technique does not have to be refined or sophisticated.

The major requirements are that you be a loving parent, that you have common sense, and that you keep it short & simple to begin.

Talk to Your Baby.

No matter how silly it seems, talk to your baby. And not just “baby talk,” speak like he understands you. By opening up lines of communication through both language and touch, you will begin to create a freedom for self-expression. This skill that will serve your children throughout their lives. The bottom line is that you can make it possible for your children to experience life with less emotional baggage simply by bolstering their ability to express themselves right from the start.

A Formula for Success

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The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek


Make massaging your baby one of the most delightful things you will ever do in your life. Your baby will not be a baby forever, enjoy these moments. Throughout this book parents discover plenty of tips to make the massage experience a very personable and enjoyable one. You can play games with your baby’s toes and fingers while introducing math and logic. You can sing or play songs introducing music. And you can tell wonderful stories; nothing grabs attention like a great story. Be excited when you massage your little ones. Talk to them during the massage, encourage giggling. Let your fun and enthusiasm be contagious.

Allow the Intimacy:

Before you begin, analyze and identify any tensions you may be holding in, let go of those tensions in whatever way works for you, stretching exercises, a brisk walk, listening to music, meditation.

Since most parents were not massaged as children they do not have a model to follow. Therefore you will be exploring uncharted emotional territory.

Massage is a great way to get to know your baby in ways that the normal hustle bustle of life does not allow. It also allows for your child to connect with you with a deeper sense of security and intimacy. It is time to get to know each other’s likes and dislikes each other’s smells and touch. This early intimacy will be a blessing you and your child can carry through life.

So allow the intimacy—allow your thoughts, feelings, hesitations and confidence to be expressed. Most importantly, allow your love to express itself. Both you and your child will profoundly appreciate those times.

• Improved motor development • Improved breathing • Less pain from gas and constipation

• Greater poise and response in social situations • Overall, a happier child • Closer bonding between parent and child

The benefits of massage are endless. Here are a few see how many you can add:

A Formula for Success

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The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek

This hands-on class runs for four consecutive afternoon or morning sessions. It is designed to teach new parents the benefits and techniques of massage and touch. This class will give tips on how to soothe and comfort, as well as how to stimulate a young infant. Class includes handouts and oil. The class is recommend-ed for all parents. Techniques learned last a lifetime. Classes are $25 per class or all four for $75. A minimum of five to ten people are required to have the class.

Learn how to reduce stress, strengthen emotional bonds, boost mental stimulation and promote overall well-being with your baby.

Baby Massage Classes

Call today 610-666-1795

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“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek

The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

$15Purchasing the Book

You can buy online here

Or send a $15 Check to:Baby Massage960 Rittenhouse Rd.Audobon, PA 19403

For more information contact TeamChildren 484-774-1868or visit


* The proceeds from the sale of this book help fund TeamChildren’s activities to

promote new possibilities for all children.

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Page 7: Your Baby’s First Massage · 2014-07-16 · You can buy online here Or send a $15 Check to: Baby Massage 960 Rittenhouse Rd. Audobon, PA 19403 For more information

The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage” is making a difference around the world. Parents universally have used minor massage techniques to treat their children’s aches and pains, physically as well as psychologically. Parents may rub an area that has received an impact to keep a bruise from swelling. Mother may rub her baby’s tender gums during teething to relieve discomfort. Dad may massage away his child’s night-time leg muscle cramps - known as “growing pains” to soothe her and help her sleep. A parent or sibling giving a big hug either in time of grief or to acknowledge an accomplishment or victory makes a difference. The soothing touch of a parent has always been extremely important to the healthy development of children.

Classes teaching massage for babies and children are springing up around the country. Many hospitals are including courses for new parents. Although these classes are instructive, you do not need formal training to give your child the gift of loving massage. This new book will teach parents who cannot attend these classes everything they need to know, plus lots more.

Author Robert Toporek is also a Certified Advanced Rolf Practitioner, he studied directly with Dr. Ida P. Rolf the last four years of her life. Robert is also a decorated Vietnam Veteran, studied massage, Gestalt therapy and

group leading at Esalen Institute in Big Sur California on a Ford Foundation Fellowship. He has led an effort worldwide to combine the benefits of touch with today’s technology to dramatically advance early childhood growth and development. He spearheaded a pilot project with ASPIRA of PA and The Institutes for the

Achievement of Human Potential to completely transform their early childhood development program. TeamChildren’®has evolved into a multifaceted effort to improve the lives of all children. Their digital initiative has distributed over 10,000 low cost refurbished computers to families, schools and organizations throughout the nation.

Above: Robert massaging a newborn.Left: Robert recieves a hug from a child patient as Dr. Ida P. Rolf watches from her chair to his left.

About the Author

Making a Difference Worldwide

Page 8: Your Baby’s First Massage · 2014-07-16 · You can buy online here Or send a $15 Check to: Baby Massage 960 Rittenhouse Rd. Audobon, PA 19403 For more information

The New Book of Baby and Child Massageby Robert Toporek • 484-744-1868

“The New Book of Baby and Child Massage”by Robert Toporek

Parents who have experienced the wonderful world of massage know the benefits. Now parents who have never had a massage are discovering this new world of touch and its benefits for their babies and children. These parents are turning to massage as a way of tuning into to themselves as well as their children.

With the help of “The New Book of Baby & Child Massage,” parents are finding that one of the biggest benefits of massage is how much fun it is. The old adage that parents know best has never been truer when it comes tomassage for babies and children.

Parents today are working harder and harder just to make ends meet. Finding healthy ways of balancing work and family ties seem harder and harder to find. Spending quality time with our babies and children is becoming more elusive but just as important.

Significant scientific evidence supports the position that the best time to begin massaging our children is at birth. The University of Miami with initial funding from the Johnson & Johnson Foundation has been researching this extraordinary phenomenon since 1972.

Studies show that premature babies who were massaged daily fared significantly better than preemies who were not massaged. Full term babies, when massaged even for short periods, have been found to sleep better, and have less colic difficulties and other aliments common to newborns than their unmassaged counterparts. Long-term effects have proven more significant in terms of positive mental and physical development.

“I know that touching was and still is and always will be the true revolution.”

– Nikki Giovanni

Above: Robert massaging his newborn son.

Making a Difference Worldwide

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Find out more!

If you enjoyed this eBook you will love Robert’s work:“The Promise of Rolfing Babies, Children and Families”

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