Page 1: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

To get the most out of each lesson—to learn what you want to learn—and give your brain a boost, we have created a Session Guide for each lesson. We suggest you print this out and even place it in a binder so that it is easily accessible as you watch the videos. This way, at the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive set of notes, and most importantly, have your own documentation of important insights you want to remember and actions you want to take on an ongoing basis. These personal notes can be referred to again and again as you build constructive habits over the long-term. Your Notes for Video 6.4 A

Suggestion: As you watch the video, you may want to use these note pages to capture the points you want to remember.

(3:12) David Servan-Schreiber

(0:50) Jamie Oliver (video)

Page 2: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

(18:01) Time-In: Healthy Eating Reflect on what you normally eat. What small changes can you introduce

in your diet to make it healthier? Fortifying Your Neural Connections

What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember.

(5:44) Mass Poisoning

(9:28) Return to Health

Page 3: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed one-quarter of the videos for the fourth lesson.

You’re making progress. Continue on with video 6.4 B

Page 4: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

Your Notes for Video 6.4 B Suggestion: As you watch the video, you may want to use these note pages to capture the points you want to remember.

(0:10) Glycemic Index (Jenkins, 1981)

(3:40) Consequences of High Glycemic Value

(7:17) Craig Lambert, Harvard Magazine

Page 5: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

(11:00) Quantity Matters

(12:36) “Spark” John Ratey

(16:06) Limiting Unhealthy Consumption

Page 6: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

(21:12) Time-In: Quantity and Quality What healthy eating habits can you introduce? Is it the “80% full”

approach? Is it mindful eating? Fortifying Your Neural Connections

What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember. Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed half of the videos for the fourth lesson.

You’re making progress. Continue on with video 6.4 C.

Page 7: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

Your Notes for Video 6.4 C

Before you get started with this next video, you may want to take a few minutes to review your notes from Video 6.4 B. This will help strengthen the neural connections you made as you watched.

(0:00) Introduction

(1:25) Importance of Sleep

(3:08) Sara Mednick

Page 8: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

(4:38) The Need for Sleep

(8:43) Importance of Sleep – Cognitive Functioning

(16:35) Importance of Sleep – Physical Functioning

Page 9: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

(20:10) Time-In: Sleep Do you get enough sleep? If not, what price do you pay for not

getting adequate sleep? Remember the benefits of sleep, begin to see it as an investment, and if you’re not sleeping enough, commit to getting more sleep.

Fortifying Your Neural Connections

What do you especially want to remember from this session? Take a minute to review your notes and highlight, star, or summarize below what you want to remember. Based on what you’ve learned so far, what is one small doable goal you have for yourself? Remember to make it something that matters to you. What is one small doable action you can take in the next 24 hours that will help you start on that goal? How will you reward yourself once you’ve taken that action? (e.g., mental or physical pat on the back, check it off your to-do list, tell someone you did it, take a walk, play a game, talk with a friend, anything that brings you pleasure).

Congratulations! You have already completed three-quarters of the videos for the fourth lesson.

You’re making progress. Continue on with video 6.4 D.

Page 10: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

Your Notes for Video 6.4 D

Before you get started with this next video, you may want to take a few minutes to review your notes from Video 6.4 C. This will help strengthen the neural connections you made as you watched.

(0:11) Multiphasic Sleep

(1:54) “Nature’s Dictate: Biphasic Sleep Experiment” (Aschoff, 1957)

(4:44) Importance of Naps

Page 11: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest

(5:52) Winston Churchill

(7:52) The How of Napping

(12:09) Sleep Tips

Page 12: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest


You have already completed the videos for the fourth lesson. You’re making great progress. Now it’s time for reflection.


You’ve been working hard until now. So instead of writing a reflection paper, why don’t you go to sleep? Sweet dreams! Refer to the guidelines for writing tips.

My Reflections:




(19:53) Good Night, Good Life

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The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest





















Page 14: Your Notes for Video 6.4 A - Wholebeing… · 7 The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar Module 6 Lesson


The Mind-Body Connection Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Module 6 Lesson 4: Healthy Eating and Rest













Here is the reading we’ve selected to expand and fortify your thinking for this session of the module.

Servan-Schreiber, D. The Instinct to Heal: Curing Depression, Anxiety and Stress Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy. Emmaus, Pa: Rodale Distributed to the Book trade by St. Martin’s Press, 2004. Print. Chapters 7, 9. Ackerman, J. “How to Nap. What You Need to Know to Achieve the Perfect Siesta.” The Boston Globe.15 Jun 2008; C.10. Print. Mednick, S., Nakayama, K. & Stickgold, R. “Sleep-Dependent Learning: A Nap Is as Good as a Night.” Nature Neuroscience, 6 (2003): 697–698. Web. 25 Jan. 2012.

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