Page 1: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends.

Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the

ground. You scream out his name, but there's no response. His face

turns pale and bluish, and you can't see his chest rise and fall to breathe.

You listen for a heartbeat, but you can't find a pulse at all. You quickly grab your cell phone and dial 911.


Page 2: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream


10.3.9 (B) Describe and apply strategies for emergency and long-term management of injuries.

10.3.9 (A) Analyze the role of individual responsibility for safe practices and injury prevention In the home, school and community.

Page 3: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream



TSWBAT describe cardiopulmonary resuscitation

TSWBAT outline the steps taken in an emergency

TSWBAT explain proper techniques of rescue breathing and the head-tilt chin lift

Page 4: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

Sudden cardiopulmonary arrest is the leading cause of death for all adults, male or female

Page 5: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

• Cardiopulmonary arrest simply means that your heart (cardio) and lungs (pulmonary) aren't working -- your heart isn't beating, and you aren't breathing. Many different things can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest, including:

• Stroke • Drug overdose • Heart attack • Near drowning • Choking • Blood loss • Electric shocks • Carbon monoxide poisoning

Page 6: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

In a heart attack, something like a blood clot obstructs one of your coronary arteries and cuts off blood flow to your heart

Page 7: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

Cardiopulmonary arrest is an extremely dangerous situation. Within 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen, your brain cells begin to die off rapidly. With each additional minute, the damage builds up. Most people cannot survive long in such a state

Page 8: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream


• CPR Basics• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a first-

aid technique used to keep victims of cardiopulmonary arrest alive and to prevent brain damage while more advanced medical help is on the way. CPR has two goals:

• keep blood flowing throughout the body • keep air flowing in and out of the lungs

Page 9: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream


• CPR is a simple technique that requires little or no equipment. What you do is pretty basic:

• Blow into the victim's mouth to push oxygenated air into the lungs. This allows oxygen to diffuse through the lining of the lungs into the bloodstream.

• Compress the victim's chest to artificially re-create blood circulation

Page 10: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream


5 Steps:

Page 11: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

CPR must be performed in a specific, timed sequence to accurately mimic your body's natural breathing pattern and the way your heart pumps

Page 12: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

The first thing you'll want to do is to figure out whether or not the victim is really unconscious. Just like you were trying to get them out of bed, you should call out to them, tap them, and gently shake them to try and provoke a response. You also should check to see if they are breathing. If you try and perform CPR on someone who is not in cardiopulmonary arrest, you can actually hurt them!

Page 13: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

If you can't rouse them, the very next thing to do is have someone call 911 so that professional paramedics will be on their way to the scene while you are performing CPR. This is very important, because, with the exception of choking, CPR doesn't address the underlying causes of cardiopulmonary arrest. It is only meant to buy time until the victim can get intensive medical care.

Page 14: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

• After you've called for medical assistance, you need to begin CPR. In order for CPR to work, the victim must be lying on his or her back on a flat surface. If the victim is face-down, gently roll the person toward you while making sure that you support their neck. Once the person is on their back, you can then use the American Heart Association's "ABCs of CPR" to guide you through the rest of process:

– Airway: clear obstructed airways – Breathing: perform mouth-to-mouth breathing – Circulation: start chest compressions

Page 15: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

A is for AirwayWhen you pass out, your tongue relaxes, and it can roll back in your mouth and block your windpipe. Before you can start CPR on an unconscious person, you'll probably need move their tongue out of the way. Here's how to clear a blocked airway:

Place the palm of your hand across the victim's forehead and push down gently.

With the other hand, slowly lift the chin forward and slightly up.

Move the chin up until the teeth are almost together, but the mouth is still slightly open.

Page 16: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

B is for Breathing Rescue breathing uses your lungs to force air into the

victim's lungs at regular intervals. The timing of each breath (about 1.5 to 2 seconds per breath) mimics normal breathing. However, the process is much more like blowing up a balloon than real breathing. You inhale deeply, form a tight seal with your mouth over their mouth, and exhale strongly to push air out of your mouth into theirs. Because you also pinch the victim's nostrils closed, the air has nowhere to go except down into the lungs, which expand as they fill with air.

Page 17: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

Frequent Question:

Does air exhaled from someone else's mouth really provide enough oxygen to save an unconscious person? Normally, the air you inhale contains about 20 percent oxygen by volume, and your lungs remove about 5 percent of the oxygen in each breath. The air you blow into a victim's mouth thus contains about 15 to 16 percent oxygen, which is more than enough to supply their needs.

Page 18: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

After you've given the victim two breaths, you then check to see whether or not they have a pulse and whether they are able to breathe on their own. This will determine what you do next.

Page 19: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

If the victim … you should…

Is breathing and has a pulse stop CPR, and stay with them until help arrives.

Is not breathing and has a pulse continue rescue breathing

Is not breathing and has no pulse begin chest compressions, alternating with rescue breathing.

Page 20: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

C is for Circulation If the victim's heart is not beating, all your

breathing efforts are for naught; the oxygen that you're getting into their circulation isn't going anywhere! Once again, you have to take over for a failing organ. This time you essentially become a surrogate heart to pump oxygenated blood out to the rest of the victim's body. How can you have any effect on blood flow from outside of the body? All it takes is your hands and some strength. The steps are simple:

Page 21: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

• Kneeling by the victim, place the heel of your hands one atop the other about .4 to .8 inches (1 to 2 cm) from tip of the breastbone.

• Using the weight of your body, push the victim's chest down. You should compress their chest 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 cm).

• Hold in this position for half a second, then relax for half a second

• Repeat steps two and three 29 more times. • Give the victim two rescue breaths as you did

before to deliver more oxygen to the blood. • Repeat steps 1 through 5 three more times, then

check for a pulse.

Page 22: You're playing your usual weekend pick-up basketball game with friends. Without warning, one of your teammates suddenly crumples to the ground. You scream

More specific CPR…

PROTECT YOURSELF!!!• Gloves - Gloves prevent contact with saliva

(if you have to reach in their mouth) and blood (if the victim has cuts or abrasions).

• Personal resuscitation masks - A personal resuscitation mask allows you to provide artificial respiration through a barrier that prevents contact with saliva and mucus membranes.

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