Page 1: Yummy varieties of pancakes you must have!

Yummy Varieties Of Pancakes You Must Have!

How many forms of pancakes have you eaten? One, two, or probably three? But I can sense it

that you always knew there could be yummier ways to make it. But lazy as we are, we never

tried to innovate a lot, did we?

Since it’s Pancake Day today, here are some lazy-dude pancake recipes that you’d love to try.

Well, not all are for the lazy you though. ;) You must try them once if you love Pancakes.

1. Cinnamon Pancakes

The easiest pancake recipe. All you need to do is just make the regular pancake mix and

pour in ground cinnamon according to your taste, and make your pancakes! Yo!

2. Rum Pancakes

Remove the cinnamon and pour in some Old Monk when you pour the milk. What a

saviour! You will just cook, and the cocktail is magically done! ;)

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3. Almond and Banana Pancakes

Mix well beaten bananas and coarsely ground almonds in the pancake batter and see

how it all blends together to make the best sweet pancake. :)

4. Sweet Potato Pancakes

Boil, drain, remove skin, and mash the sweet potatoes. Prepare the pancake mix with

flour, salt, baking powder, and blend in the mixture of sweet potatoes, eggs, milk, and

butter. Cook until golden brown and crispy. Enjoy!

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5. Pancake Pizza

Replace the honey and sugar with salt and add baking soda. Throw in your topping, bake

it, and relish your pizza!

6. Caramelised Pancakes (Austria)

It’s called Kaiserschmarrn. Fry your pancake, shred it into pieces while doing this,

sprinkle sugar on it, and fry it well, which means caramelise it. Serve it with raisins

soaked in rum, or with any kind of sauce you like! Better yet if you add loads of butter

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and a few drops of lemon in your pancake batter.

7. Scallion Pancakes (China)

Just mix flour and water, knead really well, add scallions, keep kneading, roll it out, and

fry it! The crispier and browner it is, the better it will taste.

8. Okonomiyaki (Japan)

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This is the Japanese version of Pancakes, and believe me, it’s yummier than any pancake

you’ve tasted! Plus, you can skip the shrimp if you’re a vegetarian, and it’s good that

way too.

9. Cachapas (Venezuela):

Grind Corn Kernels to make a pulp, add flour for consistency. Put the lump-free, smooth

mix on to your pan, grate mozzarella on it, flip it, let it fry really well, and serve it folded

in half.

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10. Uttapam (Indian Pancake)

Make a fermented batter of black lentil and rice. Mix salt and other spices, and all

veggies that you like, mainly cabbage, tomato, onions, and the like, nicely chopped. Fry

the batter real nice in pancake form on your pan, with ghee or oil. Serve it with sambhar

and coconut chutney, or just with ketchup! Lovely!

Do you have your own recipes to add to this list? The big foodies we are, we’ll be happy to

publish them, and eat them! :)

Find the full recipe at Firefly Daily.

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