  • Series

    52 x 13’ HD L & M

    Facts for your success: The world’s first and only zoo detective!

    Invites youngsters to actively join in the investigation

    Non-violent mischief-making instead of crimes


  • Meet Sherlock Yack, the World’s First and

    Only Zoo Detective!

    Who repainted the giraffe? Who tied a

    knot in the tiger’s tail? Who peed in the

    seal’s pool? So many mysteries! So many potential perpe-

    trators! It’s time to round up the zoosual suspects and call

    upon the services of Sherlock Yack! He’s hunting for the

    bad guys of every size, shape, fur or feather.

    Produced by animation specialist Mondo TV France for TF 1,

    ZDF and ZDF Enterprises, this winsome comedy detective

    series is based on the popular French “Sherlock Yack” book

    series, and targets young viewers between the ages of six and

    ten. The series invites youngsters to join in the investigation

    and find the culprit along with Sherlock Yack – or maybe

    even before him!

    Instantly recognizable in his tweed jacket, Sherlock

    Yack is a proper gentleman – always polite, and

    always ready to poke fun at himself too. He’s a keen

    and astute observer of animal behavior, always

    taking a clear and logical approach to his

    cases. And if the clues aren’t enough,

    he uses psychology to make the bad

    guys confess. The punishments always match

    the crime. Sometimes the culprit has to do community

    service, and sometimes he’s even pardoned.

    Sherlock Yack’s own “dear Watson” is Hermione, his

    lively young assistant. By observing and asking questions,

    she personifies the young viewers of the series. She’s an

    apprentice detective, and Sherlock Yack encourages her to

    think into each case and not be taken in by appearances – an

    important lesson for the audience.

    As for the animals in the zoo, it quickly emerges that they’re

    not all equal. Some of them, like the Bengal tiger, enjoy the

    status of Very Important Animals. Others, like the African

    rat-mole, lead modest lives in the shadow of their more

    spectacular fellows. That may be unfair, but ç’est la vie!

    Jealousy, revenge, greed and supersized egos go to show that

    the animals in the zoo share our very human passions. Each

    of them will someday become a victim or a suspect, a guilty

    party or an innocent bystander. But one thing is for sure:

    Sherlock Yack will not allow the law of the jungle to

    take over in the zoo!

    Sales, Merchandising and


    Erich-Dombrowski-Str. 1

    D-55127 Mainz

    [email protected]

    Phone: +49 (0) 6131 - 991 1601

    Fax: +49 (0) 6131 - 991 2601

    Producer: Eve Baron-Charlton

    Production company: Mondo TV France

    All media: special roll-out package

    for all platforms in development

    Address Contact





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