
From Zero To WordPress publish

Michele Butcher



• WordPress Specialist at WP Security Lock

• Instructor at John A Logan College

• WordPress Evangelist for InMotion Hosting

• Lead Organizer of Southern Illinois WordPress Meetup

• Crazy woman behind Can’t Speak Geek

• Hostess of Safe WP Weekly Security Webinar

• Photographer

• Mother to the next gen WordPress user

Get ready for the ride to WordPress

The most important step is the first step

What will your website be about?

Once you have this figured out the rest is a cake walk

Now lets pick a domain name

You have lots of choices here!









































































and many many more

Plus the places to buy a domain are endless

Once you have your name picked out and what you want to do for your site, it is now time to talk hosting

Hosting is like a hard drive for you website. It is where all the files live. It is typically called a server. There re different types of hosting and

many different hosting companies.

Types of Hosting

✦ Shared✦ Cloud✦ VPS✦ Dedicated Server

Hosting Companies(There are many and some are here!)

✦ InMotion Hosting✦ SiteGround✦ GoDaddy✦ WP Engine✦ FlyWheel

Your hosting company will give you an IP address and nameservers for your domain. You will enter the

IP or the nameservers where you purchased your domain.

Example taken from

So now you have purchased your domain and your site hosting, plus you have the domain pointed in the

right direction…

Time to build you a website!!!!

First you will need to make a

database for your website.

You will got to the “MySQL

Database Wizard”.

Once there follow the directions on how to make the database. Remember to write down or copy/paste your database name, database user name, and the

passwords. You will need these later! Give the user full admin roles. If not the site will not work

Once the WordPress files are downloaded to your computer, you now need

to go into your file manager that lives in your

server’s cPanel.

Once in the file manager, upload your WordPress zip file to your server.

Your upload screen will look like this. Do not navigate off this screen until the gray box in the

bottom right states the upload is complete.

Once uploaded you will extract the zip file. Then click the reload button.

If your file manager now looks like this, you may delete the zip file.

This step is the trickiest step of them all. We must move all the files from the WordPress folder into

the .public_html folder1. Highlight all of the folders within

the WordPress folder

2. Click the move file button

3. Delete out the “wordpress”in the box

4. Click “move files”

5. Click the “Up One Level” button

6. Delete the “wordpress” folder since it is now empty

7. Click the reload button

The 5 Minute Install

1. Go to you site2. Pick you language3. Click “Let’s go”

The first time you go to your new

website, this is what you should see.

Remember when I said to keep your database information close?

We now will use it!

1. Leave localhost unless instructed by your hosting company to change.2. Change your Table Prefix to anything but wp_ but

make sure there is a “_” at the end.

Next step Sparky is to run that install!

The important information.Site name, login,

password, and email.

Remember to save your login information and use a strong password.

Uncheck the “allow search engines to index this site until you have

your site built.

Congratulations! You now have a website!

To log in to your dashboard you will use the login

Now to look around the dashboard

Posts VS Pages

Posts are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the blog home pages

or the page set for the posts.

Pages are static and are not listed by date.

Themes✦ It is the “pretty” of your site

✦ It is what gives it color and layout

✦ It is NOT the functions of your site

Favorites include getting from StudioPress, and the WordPress repository

Plugins✦ Gives your site functionality

✦ Does a specific job

✦ Thousands on the repository

Typical plugins include security, performance, and functions

Media✦ Images

✦ PDF’s

✦ Videos


✦ Gives your readers a chance to interact

✦ Can be spam if not using a spam blocker

✦ Set up a spam blocker like Akismet


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